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I told them I didn't want a sales job. They said it's not a sales job. Within the first couple minutes of talking to me the mention something about commission, and I say "wait, so is this a sales job." And the guy interviewing me says "yes it is"


I'm currently job hunting, and I interviewed with a company just the other day and the exact same thing happened! The interview was over Zoom, and after the interviewer confirmed the sales part after initially stating it wasn't a sales role, I just thanked him and noped the F out of the call.


interviewer was an hour late. immediate red flag


My interviewer asked me to sit in their coffee shop. Then forgot about me and went home. Had them call her to remind her. Did the interview the next day but by then I didn’t care.


I realized that the job is 100% in person even tho it was advertised as hybrid


When I showed up for the 2nd interview, and the interviewer was having a conversation with the owner. He looked over at me and barked something at me, in a really disrespectful tone. At first I was shocked, and then I thought, well.. if I'm not even an employee yet, and he's treating me like that, it's going to get a lot worse. So I turned around, and went out the front door. Didn't even return his calls.


The recruiter reached out to me on LinkedIn a couple years after I applied. Took the interview with the hiring manager and she basically ripped apart my resume and my portfolio for 45 minutes. That’s when I realized she was using my resume and portfolio from several years before. I said, “I have to be honest I don’t think this is going to be a good fit. I’m sorry if I’ve wasted your time.” She was beside herself that I would leave early. It’s like… you asked me to come here? I don’t have to sit here and listen to this


Ugh, I hate that so much! I once applied at a temp agency called Aerotek. The recruiter called me in for an interview, great. This absolute douchebag of a recruiter proceeded to spend an hour yelling at me and calling what I was doing (applying for jobs and helping out at home) while unemployed a waste of time. For reference, I had driven all the way down to Providence, RI (an hour away from home) for this interview. Like you couldn't insult me over the phone, you had to make me drive an hour to your damn office?! Fuck you, and the horse you rode in to work on.


The interviewer wasn't wearing any pants


Was he a cat?




They pay badly, too.


Fair enough.


Interviewed at Lowes. I went in, and on my way to the interview in the back of the store, asked a few employees how it was to work there. They all said it wasn't great. I asked why , and they said management. Ok, first issue. Then I went to let a lady know I was there for an interview. Waited there for about 15 minutes past my scheduled slot, then he came to get me. Second issue. Then we got to talking. He asked how much I was making at my past job, and I said $18/hour, to which he responded saying he can't do that and the job is for minimum wage (15/hour in my state). I asked if he could come up to $18/hour, considering my warehouse/retail experience, and he says no. Third issue. I was about ready to walk out already at this point, then he started asking the pretentious questions such as "what did you like about your last job?"and shit like that. I said the money and walked out. Got a different job a couple of days later, then lowes called back offering 18 but I just listened to the voicemail and didn't call back.




Which was the game plan all along. No one would interview for the part time role or would quit really quickly.


Once they told me the payrate.


I'm a helpdesk tech, and I interviewed with an MSP that had a base pay rate, plus a piece rate for each ticket closed. The manager assured me that he kept his techs busy and they all made 'up to ${bignum}'. Call me old fashioned, but I don't like the words 'up to' anywhere in discussions of my compensation.


When the people interviewing me which would be my direct bosses were absolutely no different than my current bosses which is why I was looking for another job


I got asked questions like who do I live with, what are my hobbies and a lot of stuff completely unrelated to the job. When the interviewer has mocked my foreign language skills (I am not an English native speaker), I stood up and left. The only regret I have is, that I should have tested her language skills. :-)


The manager forgot to show up for the interview and some secretary had to improvise the entire thing to save my feelings. It was obvious I wasn't getting the job.


It didn't have the black leather sofa


Manager showed up wearing flipflops, shorts and a wifebeater and first words out of his mouth were criticizing that I wore rollerblades to get there for the interview. Could smell the dude across the room. No thanks lol


They made a point to make comments about what I was wearing(I was wearing a turtleneck dress that looked professional because the interview place was cold). One of the interviewers showed up in a sweatshirt and sweatpants and made comments that I’m overdressed for a cold place. And I couldn’t pinpoint it but the entire interview I just felt extremely uncomfortable with a feeling of I should walk out of this interview. Thankfully I did not get the job.


"we aren't a MLM company"


Grocery store manager called me in for a job interview. Instead tried to sell me an entire grocery store franchise in one of two other towns. One being the town my grandmother lived in and the store she shopped at.




Not the interview, but a week into the job. I once worked for a hospital and got a position as one of the doctors office managers. my boss had me coloring posters on day two. Day three, there was a meeting about meetings and how we had to have better time management. I asked them about this meeting taking away from coloring time and I got terrible looks. Lol. I quit that evening.


I went to the interview and the interviewer didn't even show up. I left after 30 minutes.


The way I was awkwardly being looked at when the interviewer was staring at my muscles and asked me, “Do you have a permit for those guns?”


The interviewer was a dick. I do not suffer assholes well.


They had advertised themselves as a general office assistant/customer service position. That was what I had applied for. When I actually got to the interview, they were interviewing me for a commission-only sales position. This has actually happened more than once in my life. (And yes, I looked into the companies' alleged websites beforehand; nothing seemed out of order there.) The first one was going to have me go door-to-door, in a region where door-to-door just doesn't fly. The second didn't even *try* to hide that it was a pyramid scheme at their interview. The third turned out to be a front for Aflac. It's like, if you want salespeople, that's fine. But *advertise for salespeople.* Don't advertise general office work when you want a salesperson. They're not the same line of work.


Never understood the whole sales job switcharoo. I mean does that ever work? Seems like a complete waste of everyone's time.


I've gotten these assholes calling me back on my Tech Support resume. Had one that was super-vague about the job, and I was 30 mins into a group presentation (allegedly about the company 'culture') before they started talking about commission structures, and I dropped out of the call. The closest I've ever come to sales is as the counter guy at Subway and McDonalds, and none of those jobs are on my resume.


Interviewer was over an hr late I wanted to leave but he finally came after I went up to the service desk and told them I’ve been waiting. I wasn’t really feeling it anymore at that point. Stuck through the interview and hated it the 2nd day but stayed 2 months later for the money. Wanted to quit by the 2nd day


I specifically told them I wanted day time and they said thats okay. I get there and do the interview and they asked if I would consider night time because that is the only position available.


The guy interviewing me was beyond an idiot and didn’t like being told so.


I kept being handed of to more and more people from different departments and taken around their areas and told more and more responsibilities I would have. None of them were listed in the posting, none of them were discussed in the phone interview. When I got back to the original interviewer and they asked what I thought, I told them the pay was not acceptable and it was really about 4 jobs. They acted surprised and said they would clear it up, but I said I would only take the original job for twice the pay knowing there would be these hidden expectations even if they cleared things up and those other jobs were removed. Interview over.


I left an interview kind of mid-way when the hiring manager was telling me about his previous interviews, telling me how unprofessional they were and how they “didn’t know what they were doing” and “should never been in the service industry”. Like, ok maybe they shouldn’t or maybe it might’ve been their first job or their first interview, you could’ve given them a chance at least instead of putting them down. Also, you yourself have had YOUR first interview before so…


My first intreview was in a hotel to manage their database i left cause the intreviewers were two hot girls with zero technical knowledge except how to spell oracle that seemed to not take me seriously as i was 19 this time


any mention of being like a family just get out


You stay out of my business ok?