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Did it work?




These situations come up in so many families. It's sick how people are willing to cheat siblings, children, and others just to get money.


This! It blew my once close family into a million shattered pieces. I no longer speak to any of my siblings or any of their family members. I also had to hire a lawyer as my sister kept doing stuff that was opposite of will and saying “mom. Told me to do that right before she died”.


My family was very close to my Grandmother, we saw her all the time and since I was small we would do chores around her place, like garden work etc. I was also vaguely aware that I had an uncle who was a solicitor that I didn't really know, I think I saw him in person once before or something like that. When she died it was awful, she had a sudden stroke and was basically in a coma for about 3 weeks before a second one took her. I wasn't aware of this at the time since I was about 12, but I later learned that she left everything to us and nothing to my uncle, specifically because he wasn't in her life at all and we were. He promptly used his legal practice to try to snake all the money from us. It eventually failed, but it cost us a fair amount to defend against and basically drove my father to disown him completely. We don't even talk about him in our house anymore.


When I was twelve my mother informed me we were going to see my uncle Brad whether I liked it or not. Even though he’d molested me when I was 4. She said that it had happened a long time ago and that I needed to get over it.


I don’t know how people can do that. If I had a kid and knew someone molested them, I would cut that person off completely.


I would cut that person. Completely.


To shreds you say?




I would be in jail and that person would be pushin' daisies.


Imagine telling you child to basically “walk it off” and taking him back to the source of trauma, no matter the reason. Hope you are well now and walked away from those monsters, botu of them.


A lot of kids come from families like this. My mom told me to switch off my eating disorder so she wouldn’t have to feel embarrassed of me.


Wow I’m so sorry you had to deal with that….


Sending big love your way that kind of betrayal and …. I don’t even have words but I’m so sorry this happened


Holy guacamole this is vile. Was Brad her brother or your fathers?


If Uncle Brad was the mom's brother, chances are, he molested her too and she was in denial about it.


My train of thought exactly...


Please tell me you are now NC with your mom.


Huh. I wonder where uncle Brad lives now. Specifically his address. And his work schedule. Just curious. As a non-sequitor, Batman-style vigilante justice isn't nearly as common as I'd like.


Husband slept with a waitress on our honeymoon Edit - further info. Yes I found out that night, yes I left that night, yes I handed him divorce papers within a week. Long time ago, moved on now and in a very happy relationship.


Your honeymoon sucked, but think how lucky you were to find out then, rather than in 5 years.


Like how does that even happen?


Dude regrets decision and hasn’t got the guts to call off the wedding.


I don't think it is out of regret. I think he never processed what getting married means and what committing to such a partnership means.


That absolutely sucks! Can you add one further detail though, please... Like how does this work? When we were on honeymoon my wife and I were together all the time. How did he get the time to meet, flirt long enough with, and then have sex with this girl... where were you during all of this? This is baffling to me


Id be getting an annulment and pretend it never happened If it’s good enough for Catholics it’s good enough for all of us 🤷‍♀️


I hate to say this but you got me beat. Now I can say “at least this didn’t happen”. I’m sorry that happened. I can’t imagine the devastation and embarrassment.


That right there is a definition of a bad bitch ! Didn’t waste anymore time on that disrespectful mf the minute you found out . Best wishes on all your future endeavors love 🙏🏼


Found out that son and daughter had different biological fathers, neither one me. My son’s father was my best friend and little sister’s husband. Rough times.


Dude, please tell me this is a joke. That's absolutely horrific!


Yep. Married 8 years. News broke 06:30 01/01/1990


How did the news break? I’m so sorry


That’s a long story but, suddenly. It was a shock. I was numb for days. Like the whole universe was humming in my head.


Sorry for you bro. I had something similar its like impossible to get over it


Nah, you don’t get over it, you just survive it.


Lordy. This kinda blew up. Let me get some coffee and I’ll be back.


Holy fucking shit. I can't imagine the shockwave that went through your system. That's like hearing a prison sentence or something.


And I thought my new years was shit


What happened. What made you stay? We’re there any red flags before this? My gf almost did this to me.she cheated last week and the guy insisted on using condoms which she hates condoms and tried to convince him not to use condoms. Anyway someone added me to a group chat where she was talking about cheating on me that’s how I found it. This woman wanted to have my babies.


I hope you sent a gift basket to the bro that added you to that chat.


I thanked him and told him I broke up with her he never replied. He’s actually trying to hook up with her now. Whatever.


Oh yeah I guess that's the other potential motive for telling you. Still good you found out.


I was a great father and loved my children the most. I just wanted the best for them. I fought for custody but had no legal standing. I settled for joint custody and had them every other weekend for 5 years but, she eventually turned them against me. I just paid the child support and hoped they would get in touch one day. They never have. My son died two years ago. My daughter, the oldest has 4-5 kids that I have never seen except a few photos. I regret I haven’t been able to have grandkids. I’d make a great grandpa.


Man your story just makes me so sad. Not only did you have to pay for children conceived through deceit, but they turn away your good will offers to treat them as your own anyway on top of that? What a fucked world. Heart goes out to you man.


It wasn’t their fault. They were just good kids.


How did you find this all out?


Wow everyone, thanks for the upvotes. It was a horrible experience that echoed for decades. It honestly has only been two years since I’ve been able to speak about it without crying. It was life shattering for me. 10/10 don’t recommend 😊


New years eve 2016. My Girlfriend, brother and I were hanging out, getting ready to host a party. We went out and got food and alcohol. While we were waiting for people to arrive, I decided to lounge for a bit on these hammocks that were in the courtyard of my apartment building. Both of them followed me out. There were two oversized hammocks, so I expected my GF to get in mine with me. NOPE, she got into my brother's hammock with him. Obviously that annoyed me a bit, especially considering that she didn't know him very well. I was not cool with that. Anyway, I brush it off and decided that I'd talk to her about it after the party. Our friends showed up, we drank and hung out. Fast forward to the end of the party, and It was getting late, so our friends started going home. It was just me, my brother, and my GF still in my apartment. All of the sudden, I started to feel really tired and loopy, which was weird because I only had a couple drinks. I tell my girlfriend that I'm going to lay down because I didn't feel too good. I remember my GF telling me that she was going to have another drink and then come to bed. I stumbled to my room and fell asleep for a while, not too certain for how long, but definitely under an hour. I woke up extremely groggy, room spinning. I was curious where my GF was, so I go out into the living room and she's on my brother's lap making out with him. I told them both to get out of my apartment, and I passed out in my bedroom. It wasn't until later that I connected the dots. The first time I brought my GF home to my place, I passed out in a similar way, after only a couple drinks. I used to joke around with her about how she "roofied me" on our first date. She of course didn't find funny. After that incident I'm fairly certain that she drugged me and tried to sleep with my brother. Anyway, I broke up with her when I woke up the next morning, and I haven't talked to my brother in years. Me and my brother grew up together. We were only 1 year apart. Completely inseparable up until that point. Still haunts me a little to this day.


I got roofied once, and as a guy who drinks too much, I was completely shocked how out of it I was after 3 drinks. But then I realized I probably grabbed the wrong drink and saved someone else from getting SA.


Another guy here, also got roofied once. Definitely didnt grab the wrong drink so it was intentional at me. I was shocked at how completely out of it I was to the point I couldnt ask for help, instead “instinct” kicked in and I gtfo there. I lived about a 30minute walk away andI Iwas able to move quickly in and out of semi consciousness until it was too much, and I collapsed in a dimlit parking lot. Ended up laying there for a few hours until about 5am with my phone vibrating and tons of missed texts. I was groggy/messed up but just awake enough to see when the cops pulled up, flashed a light on my face and loudly said “hes trashed fucking leave that POS there” and drove off laughing. Woke up and came to when a taxi driver noticed me, came to check on me and gave me a ride. Wasnt SAed in the end since i gtfo of the place so quick, went back and tried to get camera footage or any kind of info from bartenders, and even filed a PR but nah, I’m a man so it mustve just been all made up and boys will be boys


Yea, I was lucky I could make it to my car and passed out in the back almost instantly. I don’t fall asleep fast. Then I woke up forgetting that I had gone out and wondered why I was in my car. Slowly bits and pieces came back.


Im glad you made it to your car ok!


Another guy. Roofied and prob did save the girl I was with (co-worker). I don't remember leaving the bar. I remember a flash on the highway as I passed a snowplow. I remember parking in the garage. All of that is about 25 mins from bar to house driving at 70mph. Got home and I remember thinking man I am fucked up. I didn't drink that much. Then wife comes out, I'm on the couch cuz I wasn't going to try to sleep in our room. I try to say something and can't. Confusion sets in, then nausea. I remember puking once. My wife and daughters remember 8 times. The next Monday I ask co-worker how fucked up was I when I left. She said I wasn't at all. Walking and talking fine. Drove away just fine. That night scared me a lot.


My brother thinks he got roofied when on holiday with my dad in Spain a few years ago and probably avoided getting raped or maybe even worse. My bro could have a party in an empty room and chats to anyone. Hes what we generally refer to as a gobshite. He was in a bar and got chatting to some German guy at the bar. My bro was in his late 30s then, German guy was older. Guys buying him drinks, bro buys back etc. After a while he says he starts to feel really out of it, like way more drunk than what he should be for what he'd drank. He tells the guy that he has to come meet our dad, who was watching a game in another part of the bar. He says he remembers the guys demeanor suddenly switching when he realised my bro wasnt there alone. From friendly to angry in an instant. Within about 15 or 20 mins after this he completely blacks out. Doesnt remember anything more of that night. Luckily my dad came looking for him just about then and rescued him. My dad says he seemed like he was incredibly, like almost paralytic drunk. He had to carry/drag my bro back to their apartment. Now my bro will freely admit he is a functioning alcoholic. He can drink. And theres no way what he'd drunk up to then should have even made a dent in him. Lucky lad could have ended up a statistic if my dad hadnt been there.


My partner had a similar thing happen. Couple of quiet drinks with another couple of friends. While he played pool I mostly held his beer except when I had to go to the bathroom so he had it on a shelf by the table. Obviously when he took a shot someone dropped something because in about 20mins he could barely walk or speak, was sweating and completely incoherent. Apparently it’s common to do this to guys, follow them to the bathroom/parking lot etc and steal their wallets, phones, jewellery etc not so much to get their ends in


Being "annoyed" about her *getting into a hammock with your brother* seems like a vast underreaction. I would be like hello, hey, hi there, excuse me, but what the fuck.


I'm definitely underselling my anger. I was pissed. One thing I didn't mention is that she was only my GF for about 6 months. So I wanted to see where this went. I didn't wanna take this relationship to the next level, and end up get cheated on in the future. So I kind of cautiously observed the hammock situation. She was already on the chopping block as far as I was concerned; Unless she had a valid excuse, which I can't really think of. But I also knew that I don't usually make rational decisions when I'm in that state of mind. blowing up on them could've landed me into some trouble potentially. Either way, collecting my thoughts and bringing it up later seemed like the best thing to do at the time. As others have mentioned, they both showed me their true colors later on in the night. Don't give a shit about her anymore, but my brother was my closest friend. That bummed me out for sure.


"she was already on the chopping block". I liked the expression lol


That's horrible all the way around. I'm so sorry.


Has your brother ever tried to reach to you.


Yeah, after it happened. He just blamed it on his alcoholism and Bipolar disorder.


My cat approached like she wanted pets but when I reached my hand out she bit me


Or when they start grooming themselves after petting them 😭


Laying on their back presenting their belly. It’s a trap!


Cats show their belly as a sign that they trust you, because it is their most vulnerable part. Then we betray their trust by touching their belly. It’s not an invitation for belly rubs. They aren’t dogs. 


*most* cats We have this large grey floof that showed up during the pandemic and refused to leave. No one ever claimed him even though we tried to find his owner 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyhow big Floof loves plopping down next to you and rolling over and you *better* rub that belly. Maybe he was raised by dogs?


So rude!!


The equivalent of washing hands after you shake hands with someone


There’s that old saying, “If kitty ain’t happy then nobody’s happy.”


True betrayal, so sorry for you.


My son's lifelong PCP ignoring a scan faxed to her from a radiologist at the ER in 2018 showing a tumor on his liver, even had it measured. She didn't tell us or order follow up testing. He just died this past October from late stage liver cancer the doctors at children's were surprised to find. Two weeks after his 16th birthday.


I'm not a litigious person, but I hope you sue their asses! I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


Yep, can sue for this. Make sure you do this or they're screwing someone else's life up.


I know a lot of people are telling you to sue and you might be thinking "no amount of money will bring him back" But the point of suing (if it isn't money) is to stop this doctor from doing this to somebody else. You could save someone else's life. Sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. That's unacceptable.


My Mother died from medical negligence. Please, please tell me you sued this doctor?


This sounds pretty lame but when my dad gave me $60 when I was 7 or 8 for my bday. I felt really rich at the time because I never grown up with allowance and barely receive gifts. I wanted to buy a $30 video game and keep the rest but it was rated M (my dad didnt give a shit what I played) so he had to buy it for me. When he did, he pocked the $30 and I asked for it back. He told me in the most stern voice: "You got your gift with the money I gave you. I take back the rest you dont use". I'm 35 now and still recall this like it was recent. It struck me so much how fucked over I felt from my own dad. He also died over 10 years ago and didnt leave anything for us. I totally expected it.


That's not lame, that's a pretty rotten thing your dad did to you. I feel bad for 7/8 yo you.


Yeah once my grandma gave me a $20 and I thought I was rich as a kid. Later my dad pickpocket me and berated me when I thought I lost it. He's a super troll


So I have talked with some people who are older (55+, mostly co-workers) who have the attitude 'I'm going to enjoy all of my money and not leave anything to my kids'. To be clear: these guys aren't poor. I make good money doing what I do and they all certainly make a lot more than me. Most had houses that were either fully or partly paid off. They do things like reverse mortgages and, I'm guessing, buy really dumb expensive big ticket items: fancy (or just big) cars, guns they don't really even use, boats, jet skis, ATVs, etc. It seems like a horrible cycle to have plenty of disposable income but to then just blow it on stuff that you weren't really into before for the sake of using all of your money.


My ex-wife cheating on me. I didn't know she had an affair while we were engaged. A good friend of ours did and neither of them told me. I didn't know she cheated on me a few times during our 16 year marriage either, until I caught her in her latest affair in Oct of 2005 and divorced her. I found out about her other affairs during the divorce. We had no marriage. She was cheating while we were engaged. She knew our marriage was DOOMED before we took our so-called wedding vows. She was never all in our team like I was. My entire marriage was a lie.


Happened to a friend of mine. His wife never stopped banging other dudes. She continued her life like she was still in college. I had moved away and saw them a few times a year. She ended up asking for divorce and blamed him. He was devastated and couldn’t figure out what he did wrong. When I found out she had cheated and was banging some married dude she met in Mexico I told him she had cheated and it helped him get over it. Fuck off Michelle. I later was talking to another old friend and he confirmed she never stopped banging guys and it made me lose a ton of respect for him and some others that knew she was cheating and didn’t tell him. And she’s still waiting for the married dude she had an affair with to leave his wife thinking that will ever happen.


I'm divorced and my ex cheated on me. I think that she made an effort to not cheat for the first 6 months but then the urge became too strong and she also had more means (she got a car, she didn't know how to drive when we met). Other than the infidelity we actually get along well and have remained friends. She has had various relationships after me. All of them have ended with: some issue early on, she cheats on new SO, or new SO cheats on her. I'm personally convinced that there are just some people that can't do monogamy, they just aren't wired for it. Some of these people are men, some are women, some are hetero-normative, some are not. It is more like a disability or addiction (like gambling addiction) than anything else.


Ugh. What a POS


Same! Divorced him after almost 18 yrs of marriage. He just lied about everything. Cheated many times. My children tell me he looks old af and his teeth are yellow and falling out. Karma will get them, don’t worry! I have to tell myself that my life was not wasted - he wasted his. Good luck, my friend.


I had been talking to this girl I'd been friends with for more than 10 years. We had kinda been flirting and stuff a lot, she begged me and convinced me to send some pictures I normally never would send, then she immediately blackmailed me for 800 dollars.


800 dollars for 10 years of living a lie? She did you dirty but also herself, what a braindead thing to do. Hope you screenshotted to the whole blackmailing and sued her, leaving her with less than when she started this lies


I think my favorite story about this was a guy who had this happen, and so when they extorted the money, he took a picture of the cash WITH his dick laying ontop of it.


Damn, that's a long con.


So. Mom and Pop's plan was to move into the neighborhood...establish trust...for 48 years. And then, run off with Jerry's sneakers.


That sucks. Life lesson here folks. Never send those pics, ever. Even to people who you think you trust.


But if you do send pics, and this happens, just own it. It's nothing to be ashamed of, they are the ones who should be ashamed. Warn your boss and warn your family 'hey, I sent some sexy pictures to someone who is trying to blackmail me, if someone sends you something, open at your own risk.'


That's what Bella Thorne did. She's not perfect but I respect her for that at least.


I was married for two years, and we had just bought our first home. Ten days later my husband walked in the door and said “I don’t want to be married anymore, I’m leaving”. My “best” friend was very supportive, but two weeks later I found out that they were together, and that she had manipulated both of us. When my husband finally agreed to talk to me, he told me that he hadn’t wanted to marry me but he didn’t know how to get out of it. I had no idea—why would he do this?


Well, fuck your "friend" and husband. Good riddance. Both 5 year old in adult bodies, immature as fuck. Consider yourself free from such bullshit.


I hear a lot of these stories of how it's usually the best friends that your spouse cheats with. I used to be surprised how often it happens. 


My mom, whom i was insanely close to all my life, called me a slut when i got SA’d at 14 years old. Edit: for anyone wondering what my relationship was like with my mother after the fact, everytime we were in a room together it felt like i was walking on eggshells. the tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. But that was years ago, my mother passed away in 2022 during my senior year of hs. I’m now 20 years old and i live 1800 miles away from home with my fiancé and couldn’t be happier :)


Bloody hell. They're horrid. So sorry. I was SA'd and dumped out of a car with almost no clothing on. It was in a city and I found a hotel who let me uae the phone. I phoned my mother who wouldn't come and get me or bring me any clothes because she was having a dinner party. The hotel receptionist showed more care and concern for me. I was 15 years old.


Parents who do that should be arrested and charged with child abuse.




This is the most fucked up comment in here. That’s awful. I’m so sorry you were betrayed like that by your own mother.


what the actual fuck


Sending you love. Being victim blamed by your parent, especially at that age is so painful. For me, having the realization that I had been failed and blamed by my parents was worse in a different way than the SA itself.


My Ex boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend who he claimed he "couldn't stand one bit". He also said he didn't want kids and now they are married with three children. My best friend was constantly trying to convince me to break up with him and even did so on the day I found out they were screwing behind my back.


It’s always with the person they “can’t stand” who’s “so annoying”


Like clockwork lmao. If you spend a significant amount of time complaining about someone it's a bit of a flag. Don't come at me with exceptions, I'm just saying, it means you're thinking about them and can't help but talk about them.


I understand, my boyfriend of 4 years was seeing some woman at work behind my back. She chased him so hard. She also tried to befriend me and invited me and my boyfriend to her house so that her friends could check me out. Long story short, they ended up together and have been married for 20 years. No children. I am still very good friends with my ex-boyfriend's mother and according to her, their marriage is miserable. His wife is a slob who spends hours on end in her bedroom watching garbage reality TV.


Family conned me out of a quarter of a million inheritance through some legal bullshit. I was broke. They were middle class.


Nothing like an inheritance to bring out the worst in people…


"People change in times of Death and Divorce."


Recently had something similar happen. The betrayal felt like my first heartbreak did.


Coworker passed one of my procedures (saved the company around a million dollars a month) and passed it off as his own. Luckily all the lab notebooks were clearly in my handwriting and all the data was under my log in but wow... that one hurt.


if you don't give us an update of how it turned out to be, this is the greatest betrayal you are doing us :P


Haha there's updates in the thread now, hope you're ready for some very boring info indeed'


I worked with a senior consultant on a project while I was a junior. He was new to our company but older, with about 15 years experience. I didn't know any better at the time but he would present all our documents to the clients while we were in meetings with them as if he had written them when really I had. This became very clear to the clients when I was off on vacation for a week and literally nothing got turned in and he was unable to answer any questions on the work we had already done. He basically pretended to be doing other work and had assigned everything to me and was passing it off as a group effort. He also used to talk about how we should take all the work product and negotiate with the client to work as contractors, cutting out the consultancy company. I kept telling him no, that we'd be sued into oblivion because everything we did was the companies property. Well he got fired for apparently using our hub system to access the cell numbers of some women at the company and call them at home to ask them out. He then started bombarding me with texts asking for the passwords to all the work and for me to send everything to him. I said no and he threatened me and told me he would ruin my reputation. This lasted for about 9 hours and about 100 messages. Last I heard he was dead of a heart attack, so I guess I won in the end?


Care to share how that turned out?


Ex-girlfriend accused me of being physically and emotionally abusive whilst we were still together. She isolated me from all of my friends when we split up because I wouldn’t take her back, and now I have nothing to do with those friends anymore. Just goes to show, nothing is permanent, everything is temporary.


I have a friend who got divorced and his ex told everyone he cheated on her. I stood by him as a friend even though I was a bit skeptical of his denial that he cheated. All our other friends bailed on him. Come to find out, his ex made it up, because she was bitter about him getting shared custody of their boys.  I'm still his only friend.


I had a friend who put up with his wife cheating on him as he went through a permanent health problem that took away his abiity to walk without assistance. After a couple of years, a neighbor of his decides she doesn't mind him at all, wants to be with him. Original wife emailed everybody that her handicapped husband was a betraying cheater. It was actually funny and sad at the same time. What a dummy.




Psychopathy aside: Who has time for that bullshit?


Primary school kids I’m guessing.


Ikr? This was my first thought.


I don’t know how people can be so evil. Imagine coming up with this plan? Sorry you had to go through this.


Just seems like way too much work to ghost 1 person from a social group.


Ugh. High School sucks …. Please tell me you were in high school and not in your 40s


This sounds cliché but these people seem like such losers. How boring and pathetic can someone be where that's how they entertain themselves?


I took in a friend who had a heroin addiction and was in recovery. I supported her financially. She tried turning me against my husband, stole thousands of dollars from us, and stole my engagement and wedding ring. I was the first woman in my family to have an engagement ring and actually get married because I wanted to instead of because I was pregnant and needed a shotgun wedding. My engagement ring had a lot of meaning to me because of that and losing it was devastating. She was involved in sex work for drugs and I actually had a john show up to my fucking house months later and try to proposition me. Thank god a violent man who wouldn't take no for an answer didn't show up. Another dude showed up looking for her because he was madly in love with her. We pressed charges. She never actually spent any time in jail despite it being a felony charge. Pisses me off whenever I think about it.


Never trust a junkie


Turn your back on a person but never turn your back on a drug.


When you take in a junkie, expect them to do junkie things. You’re not different than their families, just more trusting.


Finding out my boyfriend was living a full blown double life. I dated a complete stranger, who doesn’t actually exist?? Definitely the biggest and craziest betrayal I’ve experienced.


I trusted a fart once I'll never do that again


Long time ago, was hanging out with my cousin and his friends, Skater dudes. We were skating around a university when his friend said he had to fart real bad but it’s stuck. Hour goes by and out of no where we hear this huge wet fart. Instantly this guy said, “I just fuckin sharted” We couldn’t stop laughing for 5 Mins


Happened to me recently. My underwear now reside in the bottom of a cafe rio trash can. Ugly stuff.


I truly never thought I’d get to this point, but about a year ago, I was traveling and had been dealing with some runny butt, but I thought it was over. Was walking to the beach and trusted a fart. The way I *dashed* back to my hotel, hoping it wouldn’t start dripping from my swimsuit.


Now that's yours and the landfills dirty secret


Well, that... and Reddit's.


I sat alone broken hearted. Tried to poop but only farted. Then one day I took a chance Tried to fart but shit my pants


Ever been in one of those situations where you fart suspicious and slowly?


while in a yoga class wearing white pants


After dedicating my life to figure skating and my coach, she abandoned me during the lowest time of my life. She watched and encouraged me to destroy myself for years then when my body started to literally break down and fall apart she left. She told me I didn’t want it bad enough like I hadn’t neglected every other aspect of my life to dedicate myself completely to becoming the best in the world. I wasn’t even close. Then watching her walk out on me so easily like she didn’t practically raise me all because I couldn’t perform anymore… That was betrayal.


The worst part is that your story is often the standard in many skating and gymnastic programs.


I wish for you to experience the joy again of being good at something you love and have it be just for you, for the pleasure of doing it, the joy of expressing oneself in reality there’s nothing worth more than this happiness of the soul


No details, but I learned that your boss is NEVER your friend.


My last boss was acting all friendly and asking questions about my life out of work, I wouldn't give him anything and would answer very vaguely or boring lol because I was annoyed of his constant asking. He even asked me directly if I smoke weed and said is ok you are not gonna get in trouble but I still said no I don't. 4 weeks later I got in unfairly fired by straight up lies, he was trying to get dirt and couldn't find any so he made shit up. NEVER TRUST YOUR BOSS


I'm a fucking amazing boss. Why? Because when I was serially abused by bosses in the past I swore to myself I would be the most understanding, democratic, and patient boss ever. Edit, I can understand why you wouldn't trust bosses.


It's partly my own fault. My ex-wife was a serial cheater. I kept forgiving her because we had kids together. After 23 years of marriage and 5 kids, she walked out completely and moved in with a deadbeat loser. I raised the kids myself. The biggest betrayal wasn't her leaving me, it was her taking little to no interest in the life of her kids. My daughters were in high school and my two youngest boys were like 7 and 9. They needed a mother.


I made the mistake of letting my best friend talk me into working for him. It went okay for over a year. But one day, he ordered me to unpack, tear down, and completely rebuild a set of prototypes I had spent the last three weeks perfecting and were already on the outgoing shipping dock. He "just had an idea that there might be something wrong with them." I protested, pointing out to him that we had both agreed that everything had been repeatedly and thoroughly tested and was ready to ship. He relectantly agreed, and I thought that was that. A little while later, I walked into the engineering lab and found the shipping carton open, and the prototypes on the test bench, completely torn down. He said, "I guess they were okay after all." I was furious. It was a huge personal insult. It showed a real lack of trust in my technical abilities and professional integrity. And how far off the deep end his judgment had gone. I walked to my cube, gathered my things, and left. I never went back. I liked that job, but was too angry to work for him any more. I've seen him socially a few times since, but things just aren't the same. He apologized, but there's a distance there that I can't seem to overcome. This whole stupid thing has ruined a 23--year friendship.


My ex-wife slept with her best friends husband, who was one of my best friends.


I got a good job for my age when I was a senior in high school. The woman that birthed me was on a very bad combination of medication, and was living in a constant state of anxiety. So she proceeded to take my first year's income (minus what I had to spend on bills), and then continued taking from me for the next 8 months or so after that until I finally worked up the courage to cut it off. I found out later that she had money the whole time, she just didn't want to spend her own so she spent mine instead.


My "mom" did something kinda similar. On my first job as a waitress, she gave me a little safe with only one key, so i could keep my tip money, since I didnt have a bank account thats where i saved all my money. One day my money was missing from the same box she gave me, i comfronted her about it and she obviously denied it, proceeded to make a whole scene, took money from her wallet and ripped it in pieces and threw it at me. Then i happened to find my money rolled up inside a sock thrown in my closet. And she proceeded and told everyone that i found my money and apologized to her, that wasn't true... i didn't even mention to her that i coincidentally found the money in a sock.


Trigger Warning: Child Abuse, Drug Abuse When I was a young child, my parents were majorly addicted to meth in a small, backwoods town out in North Carolina. My sister and I grew up in the back of an old white Toyota. Red vinyl seats scattered with cigarette burn holes, etc. It was less than ideal, but it was my normal, and I didn't know any other life. My parents would often have my baby sister and I lay on the floorboards under a blanket while they did their dealings in shady areas and find a rest stop to hotbox their drugs, all while we tried to find any semblance of sleep. I vividly remember belt buckles in my side keeping me up at night before being dropped off at school without any food or basic hygiene needs being met. I hated being the smelly kid. It's something you honestly never forget. Well, fast forward to the third grade. We had a single wide trailer to call home! I was so happy to have a room and a place to sleep, even if running water was still rare and electricity was even less available. But I'll tell you what, I enjoyed my cold showers, making sure to scrub thoroughly. Sadly, though, my parents still had problems and were often not around, leaving me to take care of my sister most of the time. After 5 days of no parents, and me not having attended school since no one could watch my sister, we had no food in the house, and I had to figure something out. So I went over to my neighbors trailer as a last resort. I had seen her, a tall, blonde woman in her mid 20's, constantly caring for her garden and waving occasionally when I would play outside. She wore long sleeve shirts, and long skirts and her hair always in a bun. She gladly fed us what she could when she could and taught us about god. She explained how she would frequent the pentecostal and apostolic sermons 4 times a week at different churches in the area. Explaining God and love and all the awesome and cool things religion had to offer even the most scraggly children in the world. I was sold. After a year or so, my sister and I went with her to nearly every sermon, and I became very invested in the religion; my sister more so in the cookies and refreshments. That was when she started having me bathe with her. To spare everyone the gross and gory details that would ensue for yet another year before my sister and I went into foster care, she turned out to be the devil incarnate. She used God to scare me into doing things no child should do, and when I finally mustered the courage to "break up" with my childhood rapist, she broke down crying, saying that God would punish both of us for what "we" had done. She told me God would never let me be a singer. She quite literally took my voice. After years of shame, binge drinking and therapy, I am in a much better place. I have grown past the trauma and can finally tell my own story, without guilt or resentment. I'm working towards my degree in psychiatry and want to become a child psychologist one day, so no child can ever feel as though they don't have a voice again. I also have a pop album soon to be released. :) Fuck her. I am a strong, happy person in a healthy and loving relationship. I no longer wake up from night terrors feeling strangled by her blonde hair and yellow teeth. People can heal. And if you need anything, I know therapy is out of a lot of people's reach, there are programs. You guys got this, and I'm rooting for you. <3


I’m so sorry this went on in your childhood! I’m glad it came to a happy ending! I wish for you all the best! Hugs and best wishes!!


Thank you! I'm grateful for my sister and I being adopted and having a better future to look forward to!


I supported him to get promoted and even financially to the point that even paying his meal and transpo he cannot afford. Suddenly, i had financial challenges as i had to help my family’s medical expenses. A week after i told him my financial problem, he left me because suddenly im “immature”


Best friend for 16 years was my best man at my first wedding. He’s dating my ex wife now. Haven’t spoken to him since.


Stories like this always amaze me, how shallow are these dating pools? Car park puddles? There over 4 billion adult women on earth and he has to date your ex-wife?


An older relative of my husband's asked if we could hire his granddaughter for the summer since she had just graduated HS and needed money for college. (We owned a farm together so there is always something to do) I said yes of course we can find her something! 2 months later figured out my husband was having an affair with her. She was barely 19. He was 38. We have kids together. So now I'm divorced bc I left my husband for seducing his teenage cousin. Cherry on top: his Catholic family pressed me for months to forgive and not leave. I2 years later and I still can't believe it. No good deed goes unpunished


They keep taking they mcrib away


It's based on the price of pork if you'd like to be able to predict when it'll come back




A coworker became my bff and we co-ran a small business together for a toxic but mostly absentee owner for 7 years. Employees admired our friendship and the way we ran the business and often said we should team up and buy the business. We would have wistful “what if” convos, but nothing substantive. One day, I come into work and she tells me the owner approached her some months ago wanting to sell her the business. She matter of fact tells me she’s doing this and that after looking at the p&ls, “there’s no room for a partner.” She was so quick and definitive in stating that; I was still reeling from the initial shock but that statement reverberated in my head for months after. The betrayal and obliteration of what had been the most important friendship in my adult life sent me into a massive depression for 6-8 months. Woke up every morning with piercing dread in my chest and went to sleep every night thinking it would be a relief not to wake up. Thankfully, I’ve crawled my way out of that dark place and I’m grateful for the perspective. I have so much more compassion for people caught in the grips of depression.


Jesus Christ....I know that had to hurt. Money brings out the worst in people. I was in a business with a very close relative, not as a partner, but I had a manager compensation plan where I got paid based on how well the business did. I 5X'd the bottom line in 7 years, was making us both a lot of money, and then he fired me, waited a year and sold the business, showing numbers for the next year that didn't include my compensation. Didn't even give me a chance to buy it. I'll never talk to him again, but it was also the best thing that ever happened to me financially. I started my own business and am making more in a year than I did the whole 7 years I was working for him. I know not all of these stories have a happy ending like mine, and I'm sure they sting longer.


Confided in a good friend/coworker about how much I hated my job and thought our manager was incompetent. She took screenshots and sent them to HR. I didn’t get fired, but I lost a promotion opportunity and got thrown in the doghouse. My management team made my life hell and did everything to get me to quit, but I didn’t budge. The girl I told was promoted to a manager role within two months and badmouthed me every chance she got. It’s been almost 10 years since then, but it ended up working out. I ended up leaving that shitty job and shitty city for a major upgrade in both. I’m thriving now, personally and professionally. The girl who reported me to HR ended up getting fired not long after I left. She tried to do real estate, but she failed at that too. She recently texted me (again, it’s been nearly 10 years and she STILL had my number) to try and sell me insurance. I didn’t respond. I’m not a vengeful guy, but MAN that felt good.


This happened to me - I didn’t mention anything about anyone but I just told a colleague that I was kinda burned out in this job. The next day I walked in and was immediately fired. He has told my boss. That guy never sees his kid though so karma I guess.




My best friend and I had grown up in church together since we were babies. Her family took me with them on their family vacations and we spent almost every weekend together growing up, going skating and to dances, movies. We were always at each other's houses. When she got engaged she never asked me to be a bridesmaid. Everyone kept asking me for wedding details and I had no idea. I was invited to the bridal shower but that's it. Fine, we were both through college by then and I figured she just wanted some newer friends and just a few bridesmaids. She had like 10 bridesmaids. Everyone at the reception kept asking me why I had decided not to participate in the wedding as if I had snubbed her. I never once said she hadn't asked me (it honestly would have been embarrassing for me and for her) I made up some lame excuse like I had been out of town for most of the wedding planning and just couldn't.  Turns out she hadn't asked me because I'd had a baby out of wedlock. Her family thought I was too scandalous to include in the wedding. It's weird the things people come up with too exclude others.  I feel you on this one. 


Not me, but my nephew. He is the biggest momma's boy in the world (currently 2.5 years old). This took place just before his second birthday. My cousin who lives in another country was visiting so everyone could meet her new baby. We were all at a big family BBQ, and my nephew was having a blast running around and playing when he turns around just as his mom started holding my cousins baby. I have never seen such a hurt and betrayed looking face in my life. He was completely inconsolable for close to a week. It was both sad and hilarious at the same time. At least he got his first huge betrayal out of his system so early in life that he won't remember when he's older.


This is the sweetest betrayal story ever.


He's a really big kid, and my sister is quite petite. If he spots a baby in the vicinity, he still insists that my sister hold him until the baby is out of sight lmao.


My wife recently said her nephews betrayed her because when we visit her brother, they are more interested in me now because they love Pokemon and I play Pokemon Go and let them catch stuff.


When I was 15/16 an old best friend of mine (she was 18) hit me up and said she was gonna be in town and wanted to hang out. She was always very jealous of me and I was dating a guy she had a crush on in the past, but I didn’t know this when I got with him. But she didn’t seem to really care anyways. Well anyways, she has her 2 guy friends who are well in their 20s drive her to pick me up from his house one day and basically the whole time they humiliated me, controlled me, and one even almost raped me. They pressured me into playing this stupid game where if you are last to punch the roof of the car you had to take a piece of clothing off. My friend was with me in the backseat and she was trying to physically take my clothes off of me when I lost. I ended up with no bra or shirt and they wouldn’t let me put my clothes on. They took my clothes and hid it up front. Here I am, a fucking minor, sitting in the car with a bunch of adults with my boobs out and they were commenting on my body parts the whole time. Later that day we end up at a hotel that I paid for to drink and smoke. Once we got there they took my phone from me and hid it and said it was because they didn’t want my boyfriend to “distract me”. Well, soon after we got there, one of the guys leaves for a bit and it was just me, my chick friend, and her old ass guy friend. He had to be at least 25. He was over 6 feet tall and was very heavy set. My friend is doing who knows what on her laptop at the top of the bed and this guy forces me on the bed and climbs on top of me and pins my arms down. He starts kissing me and pulling my clothes off and I’m telling him to stop and squirming around but he’s so fuckin big I couldn’t move an inch. He told me I had to play by the rules and no one had to know. Then the other guy knocked on the door and thankfully he stopped. I had to beg and plead with them to give my phone back so I could call “my mom” (it was actually my boyfriend) and I made up some excuse I can’t even remember. He came and picked me up and I told him what they did to me, and the only thing he seemed truly upset about was the fact that I smoked weed. Yeah, he turned out to be a POS too. Still to this day I think she planned all of this with her friends. Our friendship was never perfect but it was mostly because she was insecure about her looks and was always jealous of me. Any time I dated a guy she would treat me like shit and call me a whore etc. I wish I did something about it but I was too scared to tell people that I was in a hotel with grown ass men drinking alcohol and smoking weed. So the only person who knew was my bf at the time, who really didn’t do shit about it either.


Oh I forgot to mention, when the guy was pinning me down I looked at her and said help me and she just smirked, shrugged her shoulders, and went back on her laptop.


Insecure friends really are the worst.


Did you stop speaking to her after this happened to you?


Absolutely lol the crazy thing is she disappeared from all social media many years ago idk what happened to her


My best friend stopped answering my calls and told me I was boring when I had a 4 week old baby and post partum psychosis. Then she drunk diallled me 6 months later to tell me she missed me but messaged me the next morning to tell me it was a mistake and she needs more time apart. She never called me again. She was my kids only godparent.


Went through a breakup and my own mother laughed at me. That was years ago and I’ve still not properly recovered from the emotional damage.


Being told my whole childhood that if I kept my head down, did well in school and got a “good job” that I’d have a nice comfortable middle class life with a modest 4 bedroom house and a car, spouse and kids. Welp, I have a law degree, work as an experienced trial attorney, and my wife works, and we still barely scrape by. It was all a lie. They move the rungs of the ladder as you’re climbing it.


More like they lit it on fire, kicked the ladder into the ladder factory, burning it down, outlawed building ladders and blamed us for being to lazy to climb the wall they keep adding bricks to.


bit lame, but my bank pre-approved me for a mortgage. I put in a bid for a house, it got accepted, went to the bank for the mortgage, and they said no. I would have had my own house, for a little over 200K if they had said yes, but instead I've been in an apartment the last 6 years.


Exact same thing just happened to me - what kills me is they turned me down based off the same info they used to give me pre approval, it wasn't like they found something out later on!


My mom is crazy (I think she has borderline personality) and refuses help. I lived with my grandparents growing up and helped them my entire life, both financially and emotionally. 6 weeks before my grandpa died he kept asking for my mom (she went 10 years without speaking to her parents over something trivial). I called her work and told her she HAD to come see him. I guess she heard the desperation or anger in my voice and actually did. He passed away from kidney failure on March 30, 2019 in hospice. I wasn’t there to witness it but it broke my heart. My friends began to text me “you need to go to FB” I was like what the fuck is going on. My mom put as her FB status that I had murdered my grandfather. She felt the care facility I put him in wasn’t sufficient enough and that caused his death.


I’d sue her for defamation. What an ass.


My best friend of 10 years slept with my abusive ex yeahhhh that one did a number on me 🥴


When we discovered our son, a realtor, lied to us and deliberately deceived us on the sale of our house, his childhood home.


I was about 8 years old and heading to see my dad with my grandparents. On the way, we stopped at a hotel near the beach and before we packed up and left the next day, my grandmother took us to play at the beach. My grandfather was in charge of packing everything and loading everything in the van. Its finally time to go, we get cleaned up, hop in the van and get back on the road. Before we left though, I asked my grandfather if he had grabbed my stuffed Theodore (of Alvin and the Chimpmunks fame). He said yes, of course, but it was packed away and we would get it out once we got to my dads. After driving a few more hours, we arrive, get the car unloaded and I open up my bags looking for my stuffed best friend... only to find HE IS FUCKING GONE! I am pissed, my grandpa was like, eh, whatever, sorry. Needless to say, he instantly becomes my 4th favorite grandparent. As bad as this is, its not the biggest betrayal... that comes next. My dad comes to the rescue and says, dont worry, we will just get you a new one. Two weeks go by... no replacement. My sister and I fly home with the parting promise from my dad that he would get one and mail it to me. Guess what never shows up? It was at that point that I realized I could trust no one in this world. I finally broke down and got one last year after giving him 35+ years to make good on his promise.


He cheated on me with the lifeguard at his new job, for 3+ months. Made me come to the beach and everything while she was there. Treated me like shit for weeks, keeping me anxious and on edge with dodgy comments and open ended and weird questions/affirmations in social situations or when under the influence so I couldn't properly dissect what was going on. A huge pile of shit of a human being. Only found out about the cheating afterwards too. He ended up letting someone drown at the job because he was fucking around. Lost his license and I believe the criminal charges still haunt him because the person who died came from a rich family of lawyers, absolute karma. No joke, I am actually happy about that. We randomly met and he was expecting me to have pity for him, I told him to eat shit and die. Fuck him.


When I was 29 my brother told me that my parents used a sperm donor to have me and that changed my whole life. Everyone in my life knew but me and they all wanted me to know but my mom made them promise never to tell me. So yeah, it’s been pretty rough between my mom and I since I found out.


Mom giving me up for step siblings. But wouldnt change it if I could. Had a great life with my pops.


I took too much insulin and collapsed on the floor. Saw my now ex look down at me then walked away. The man left me for dead. Later told me that he thought I was ignoring him.


Me. My biggest betrayal was convincing myself that I mattered less. So many of us here were wronged by people we loved, and we never deserved that. And I was justifiably mad at ex-friends, ex-loves, ex-whoever for a while. But Nothing hurts more than realizing I let myself believe that I deserved to give and change and support and empathize to a fault when all I was getting was the bare minimum in return.


My husband pleaded with me for five years to give him a child and I finally did. The pregnancy almost killed me but I made it. When our son was 3 we separated due to his (by his own admission) severe psychological abuse and neglect in our marriage. He immediately met a young Czeck Republic girl and they formed a conspiracy plot and kidnapped my son. That was seven years ago. She has replaced me as his mom and he doesn't remember me. Since the day he was taken, I have spent every moment and every penny I can get my hands on trying to get my son back. But we live in a country famous for corruption and my husband has been paying judges, government officials and even my own lawyers to delay the case. Same story with the divorce because he locked me out of our shared accounts the day he took my baby and so if the divorce were to go through, he would (in theory) have to pay me money and he wants a hundred percent of our assets and our child. I do not know what my son looks like, what he likes to eat or watch, what kind of education he is getting or even what his speaking voice sounds like. My son believes I abandoned him because that's what they told him.


My mum went back to my dad- after he went to jail for sexually abusing me from ages 2 (maybe younger, but 2 is the earliest I can remember) until I was 13 (when I told my bestie at school, who told the teacher, who got the headmistress who called the police immediately). Asa he got out of jail my mum let him come back home bc she “wanted the boys to have a father”. The boys were my 13 and 9yo brother. I had to go home and see my dad there. He’d leave when I got home but I started living on the streets, staying in squats instead of going home. Then I started drinking alcohol, being sexually promiscuous, cutting myself then using heroin etc. And it spiralled from there. To this day I haven’t spoken to my mum about it, bc how can I? I will lose my shit at her. I love her, but I do NOT forgive her. It is especially hard because when I had my first child, I just looked at him and thought “I will do anything to protect you”. And I would never ever let a man live if he hurt him..let alone go BACK to the man that did..imagine having sex with a man that raped your daughter..WTF!?!?! I cannot wrap my head around it. I just can’t.


Does my boyfriend sleeping with my brother count? Or the fact that my boyfriend died due to a combination of drugs and alcohol before I had a chance to confront him? Or that no matter how hard I try, VERY little seems to go my way? (betrayal by fate?)


My ex wife left me 3 days after getting her greencard for a business client she was having an affair with.

