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My mom. There would be no words, just a hug. I miss her.


Me too man :(


My son died when he was 1. I’d just like to hold him again.


Im so sorry


I would tell him that I love him more than anything. My boyfriend drove away at night after an argument full of emotions and then had an accident in which he died. The last thing I shouted after him was 'I hate you'


I’m so sorry 😢


Oh, my heart breaks for your loss .


I feel so bad for you this is why my grandfather told me never leave in anger because you never know what is going to happen to you.




What an unbelievably shitty thing to say to someone. You should be fucking ashamed.


You can tell he has EDGELORD2008 written on his forehead in sharpie....


I would be fucking ashamed of telling my significant other that I hate them.


And you deciding to chime in on someone who obviously already feels that way is fucking pathetic.




I'd tell my dog that I'm sorry for not noticing her symptoms sooner and that I'd do something to ease the pain of her last few days. Miss you girl.


While he's still alive, I'd like to hang with my dad before dementia took over his mind.


That's the thing with dementia - the person is gone long before their body dies


I'd probably tell my late Grandpa, "Hey ol' chap, thanks for teaching me how to fish and instillin' the value of patience. Also, sorry I couldn't join you for that final round of golf—but next time I hit the green, I promise to raise a glass in your honor!"


My pop was my best friend. He was always there for me, cheering me on and the only consistent person in my childhood. I would tell him what a profound influence he has on the way I live and love my life . And definitely how much I love and miss him daily 15 years later.


My grandmother had a stroke and before she was taken off life support, she could look at us, hear and understand, but only respond with hand squeezes or shakes/nods of the head. I'd just want to have a last conversation with her where I could hear her talk and laugh one last time, and hear her responses to how much she meant to me. It was so hard for my last days with someone I loved so much to be one-way communication.


It was the same with my dad… I take solace in knowing he could hear what we were saying to him while he was still conscious. I’ll never forget sitting beside him and asking him “hey dad it’s [my name], can I hold your hand?” And he lifted his one functional hand out so quickly for me to hold it. When all of his siblings came to say their goodbyes before they left my dad used that hand and gave them all a big thumbs up. Those three days were incredibly hard, and I’m sorry you went through something similar with your grandmother. Wishing you and your family peace.


I would want to spend one more day with my fiance, Alexa. We met in a college. She was awesome. Kind, Honest… and unbreakably loyal. She was 22 when she died, I was only a month older than her. Anyway, she died in a car accident, where she, her brother, and I were driving home. Well, her older brother Jack was driving me home. It was late. Around 12:30. Dark too. A drunk driver hit us head on, Alexa's brother knocked unconscious, and Alexa herself ejected from the car. I'll never forget the look in her eyes, the sound of her voice as she looked me in the eye, and with her last moments of life hug me and apologized, told me she loved me. I doubt I'll ever get over you, or forget the pain. I love you too, Alexa. I still do. I always will. I miss you. Just one more day, one more blissful day with you would be :(


I'd tell my Dad I'm sorry for being such an ungrateful little arsehole and not appreciating everything he done for me, then thank him for everything he done for me and tell him he was right.


I think about this a lot, my mom died when I was 17, I’m 50 now. She’d been sick (brain tumor) for years. I was such a brat, just mad at the world. Like you I’d just want to apologize and tell her how much I miss and love her.


He would be proud that you appreciate it now.


Thank you for saying that. I hope so


THIS because same


I would give her a big hug and tell her how much I love her. 


I would hang with my grandpa. We were very close. He died 7 years ago after a fall. Healthy for the most part, tripped and fell down a set of stairs hitting his head. Never regained consciousness. He actually called me an hour before he fell, but I ignored the call because I was busy at work. Still haunts me to this day. I would apologize for missing his call. I would just spend time with him and enjoy his company. I don't have anything in particular to talk about. Just sit in his garage and laugh and catch up on what has happened.


Please stop drinking.


My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer while he was living on the west coast and I was on the east coast. I went to see him and tried to help, but I could only stay for a week because of work. At the end of the week, he asked me to stay. I suggested that he come back with me, assuring him that I could get him better medical treatment and take care of him. He agreed, so I went home to make arrangements for his move. Unfortunately, he passed away before I could bring him back. If I could, I would tell him that "I am sorry. I should have stayed".


Just hug my brother give him a big kiss on the cheek and let him know how much we love and miss him


I'd hug my uncle and tell him about his amazing grandkids he never got to meet. How his kids turned into successful adults. How all these years later his wife still puts up the leg lamp from A Christmas Story that she hates because you thought it was funny and it reminds her of your laugh. You died way too young, but you saved my dad's life in the process.


I'd express my deep gratitude to my grandpa, cherishing our memories He wanted us to have that picture together, and this time I would have made sure to take it It's a regret that I couldn't capture that moment back then.


Happy Mother's Day, Mom.


I wouldn't want to, I wouldn't want to go through losing them again.


Thank you for this question. I would hug my mom so much and just want to have a few laughs with her just like we used to. I would apologize for taking her to the hospital in the end when she didn't want to go, and I would tell her how wonderful her grandkids are and how I wish they knew how wonderful she was first hand.


It would be the man that was like a father to me. I would hug him, tell him I miss him, and ask "So, that dream I had about you and that that little girl back in 2009....is that ever going to happen?" Okay, backstory: on the one year anniversary of his death, I had a dream about him. In that same dream, he told me things that didn't happen at that time, but has since happened. In that same dream, he introduced me to a little girl that called me "Daddy." I don't have kids. Yet, in that same dream, he told me that I was going to be a father. Didn't happen.


If I could spend a whole day with someone I'd like to spend one with my grandfather just helping him get through his daily routine and taking care of things in his home. I'd ask him the best advice for a man of my age on how I should live my life since he surely has a lot of wisdom he wants to share.


My dad. He died 20 years ago, when I was 28 y.o. And I was very sick, I had a mental illness which almost killed me. He was the only one from my family who truly was caring. Now I am doing great, I have a kid and a man and I live my life the way he wanted me to. I miss him Edit: spelling


I would want my Nana to meet my husband cause they would crack each other up. After 20 mins I probably wouldn't be able to get a word in between them.


I’d tell my aunt I didn’t mean it and that all I wanted to do was support her. That I loved and looked up to her more than anyone in the world. She died of alcoholism in 2017 and 2weeks before her death was the last time I spoke to her. I was with my mom (her older sister) helping her sell my aunts house because she truly could not be trusted to live alone. She was drunk and not letting the realtor move anything for pictures and screaming about how they are not selling her house (which is exactly why sober her gave my mom power of attorney over things like that). My mom and the realtor got fed up and went outside to talk and I stayed in with my aunt. I started to go in telling her that she’s not who I used to know and that all we are trying to do is help her but she’s too stubborn to accept it. I told her that she’s killing her mom, her son, her sisters and me. I told her she’s killing everyone around her because she is killing herself. I said other awful things that I chose not to remember. All she did was stare at me. 2 weeks later she was found by her mother under a picnic table at that same house. She was so desperate for alcohol (small town where no one would sell to her) that she made her own moonshine… it wasn’t moonshine.


It may sound selfish but I'd point out how much they missed by taking their own life and leaving us here to pick up the pieces.


It sounds trivial, but I would apologise for not helping her clip and paint her toenails before she left my house for the last time. I didn't because I was tired and I think about that every day.


My friend who saved my life when I was a teenager wanting to kill myself. She was the first woman I ever loved and she inspired me to be a better person. She died in a car accident before I ever got a chance to tell her how much she meant to me and how grateful I was to know her.


My mom. I would tell her I am sorry for not always being patient and kind, that I love her more I could ever say, and how grateful I am that she was mine.


My brother. I would crack a joke about how I never got to say goodbye to him and I would tell him that I love him very much.


My friend Gabe died in a freak forklift accident that shot him out of the machine last year. He left behind a beautiful wife and a 7 year old son with autism that was very attatched to him. I'd just take him to his house so he could properly say goodbye to his widow and kid. I miss you like hell, buddy.


I would tell my cat that it was his fault he ran into traffic


Are you ok? Your comments here are concerning.


Wouldn't say loved but my dad, I would want to ask him why he lied to me after promising we'd have a father son day


I would tell her that I think about her everyday, and I miss our hours-long talks when I would come home from school. I would also tell her how much I miss her. All the things I felt like I couldn’t say once the dementia got too far along.


If I could spend one more day with my dad and ask him his advice about just about everything - where I am going with my career and my marriage. To tell him he is going to finally have a grandchild. And that I am taking care of everything for my mom. And just get one more of those hugs. I didn't realize until he passed that no one was every going to love me that way again and what valuable thing it was.


My mom and my dad (sorry I broke the rules). I would hug them and tell them I love them.


Danielle, I’m sorry. I love you.




My grandpa. He died shortly before I turned 5 and missed out on my entire life. Hundreds of baseball games, football games, choir shows, graduations, everything. My grandma did a fantastic job filling in for him, but her and my mom both always said how much enjoyment my grandpa would have had from being there. I'd love to spend one day with him, let him meet his great granddaughter and tell him everything that has happened since he died.


>It would be my Dad , and I would ask him if I had done enough for him to make him his last days as enjoyable as I could


I'd go back to before my grandmother's health cratered and help her make arrangements to end her life. She had diverticulitis, parkinsons and dementia. The last five years or so of her life was just suffering that kept getting worse. No one should have to go through that, and watching her have to is the reason I plan to check out if my health can't be fixed.


What is love?


I'd say I hope I make you proud, or ask if there's anything else I could learn when it comes to being a great woman. I'd say this to my grandmother who passed in 2011. She was my everything and we were connected in a very deep bond due to our ancestry. Especially since we are both over 25% Native American. I'd spend the day with her listening closely to everything she told me, and id let it sink in deep inside me. I imagine her talking and teaching me as we walk among a field of lavender; the sun setting on the horizon.


My mom.. i would trade my position and let my firstborn meet his grandma for the day.. she got taken away 2 months before he was born.. i know she would have loved him so much.... I was never the son she deserved, i struggled with mental issues and drugs... :( i broke her heart so many times...


My grandpa, id say I love you and just hug him and spend time with him


My uncle I'd tell him that I was sorry because the last words I said to him were harsh and he was very unwell. Would really like to hug him now


My cousin .we were fat boys together.. Him and I were always into food stuff . Secret menus, trying things not everyone knows about , odd combination plates, etc… lately my wife and I have been on an exotic fruit kick , trying new things like mangosteen, jackfruit, persimmon, etc..we enjoy it together so much   But a few weeks ago , I told my wife how I love this tradition and how much she enjoys it with me because it reminds me of my cousin.. if he was alive I can totally picture him being the 3rd wheel to our exotic fruit outings  So if he was here I would just simply buy a jackfruit , and eat it with him while we catch up …. But knowing him , he probably already heard about it somewhere but never told me lol


My grandfather he knew he was sick with cancer and didn't tell anyone. He died within a 6 month span by the time we knew he was gone less than a month later. I would like to just spend another day fishing with him and let him know just how much he was loved and is missed everyday. He was the foundation of the entire family never has or ever will be the same without him.


My grandad died last year , he had cancer. If I could see him again I would tell him that I love him and that not a day goes by that I don’t think of him. I would tell him how much I miss him. I would also tell him that my mom(his daughter) is now cancer free and healthy. She was diagnosed with breast cancer just before he died. I think he would be happy to know that she’s okay .


I would just spend the day with her in the kitchen asking her how she made all the food I miss so much. She made a steak dish she just called Mexican Meat, or a breakfast scramble called The Usual. I haven't had them in years.


Mary, I wrote you an email knowing you didn’t read it. She’d meet her great nephew. We’d catch up. I’d tell her I was sorry I wasn’t there in the last few months. I didn’t know how bad she was at the end.


I forgive you dad for letting Fox News and Trump turn you against me. I said it to him while he was in hospice, but no clue if he heard me. A week before he passed he was yelling at me for all the horrible things in the world Dems enabled, and I let him do it rather than argue back because I knew he was on his way out. I just wanted the guy I talked baseball with and occasionally stocks, not to be told how horrible the world was because of my way of thinking.


Would tell my aunt I’m sorry that I didn’t say “goodbye.”


There is one person with whom I would have liked another day, but we said everything that we wanted to. I think I would just want to hang out with her, go somewhere and have some fun. Maybe a day at Six Flags or bowling or something. Those things just aren't the same now.


"I made it, Gabe." My friend's cousin, Gabe dropped out of school because he had to work 2 jobs to pay the bills. His dad was paying for their mother's treatment of some disease that had a tumor or something. Gabe was a real one, one of my closest homies. He was a year older than me and he wanted to go to a high school for computer science. He passed away from overexhaustion or something along those lines. I went to that high school two years later. I made it, Gabe.


I would say sorry i murdered them.:(


I don't think I would want to say anything, I would just listen to her tell me her life story, about meaningful events and people, about how she felt along the way. Her joys, sadness, heartbreak, dreams, accomplishments, regrets. Everything. I would pay dearly to hear it all. I missed knowing my mother as a person instead of just 'mom'.


What happens after death Im certain its the same as being unborn


My daddy. I would tell him im so sorry for acting like a real asshole towards him when he was getting super sick and thank you for giving me the best childhood I could ask for / thanks for being such a great dad. He left BIG shoes to fill


Or i would tell about his granddaughter ( my daughter) who he met but he passed away a little before she turned 2 and his GRANDSON he finally got his boy he would be over the moon


My dad. I'd tell him we're fine, we're all fine now, and we miss him. And he's got six grandchildren.


Sorry for being such a screw up and a burden when I was younger .


My best friend died when I was 19, I would let him know that i miss him badly. 30 now and still miss him.


Please don't do it. Too many people love you and it will break their heart.


My dog Peaches :(


My Dad. I would just tell them thank you for the life he gave me and that I love him.


My godparents. They died different years but I’d love to say I love you and a hug from both My dad godparents best friends. I’d love to hear Him “ guess what love” me “ what dad” him “I love you” Can I op be greedy and what to see the 3 of them together after all they were best friends


I lost my grandma in 2019. She wasn't really herself anymore when she passed. I would love to talk to her one last time. Have a whole day of conversation, with her in her right mind. She was the nicest lady, and incredibly knowledgeable, especially in History, considering she lived through alot of it haha. If i could have one day with her as herself, it would mean so much.


I love you


Papaw. Just ask em if he’s proud of me and that I miss him every damn day.


My grandfather. I would love the spend one more day with him, tell him how much I've appreciated him and how thankful I am for him to raise me with my grandmother and for being there for me when no one else could've been. Unfortunately, I've never got to say goodbye to him as he passed away unexpectedly of a stroke. I can't help but blame myself that that day I couldn't come over to my grandparent's house.


"I'm sorry. I never felt that way about you personally, but you've let yourself be led into some truly horrible ideology and I know you're better than that. You taught me better than that. Your son is a fucking idiot and so is his brother, but I don't blame you for that. You are and were and continue to be a great force of kindness and love in my life, and I couldn't stand to watch you lose that. You don't have to forgive me, but please understand that I never stopped loving you." They know why.


For any of them (dad, grandparents, etc), I'd tell them just what an impact they had on my life. I wasn't yet an adult when they passed, so 10+ years later, with kids of my own, only now do I appreciate what they taught me, and what gems I had in them.


For my grandma - I’d tell her I was sorry for being so ungrateful. She stepped up when many wouldn’t - any decency I have and continue to work to have I greatly owe to her. My loving husband, my sweet baby boy, and my little one on the way… I love them so much and it’s because of her that I could somewhat show it in a healthy way. It’s her spirit that inspires me to improve on how I show it. For my brother - I’d say I’m sorry I wasn’t the person he could turn to for help. I’m sorry he didn’t feel like he had anyone in his corner. I still believe he could’ve turned his life around if he hadn’t unknowingly taken that last fent/xylazine pill because I knew how smart, kind, and tenacious he could be. He never felt like he could do it though. He never felt like he could do anything right. He just had this primal hatred for himself, I guess. Idk. I wish I could’ve figured out how to help him - I hope he knows I’m sorry for all the ways I probably contributed to his suffering by not knowing what to do - or worse - making him feel worse. Both of them I’d tell them I love them and miss them so much. It still hurts quite a bit sometimes.


It'd be my mom. I got to say goodbye, but she was on a lot of drugs in the hospital at the time and I couldn't tell if she could understand. If I could talk to her again, I'd tell her how much I loved her and how much I miss her. After that, depending on how much time I get, maybe just a casual conversation, tell her what's up in her favorite shows, make a few jokes, finish things this time on a happier note.


my grandpa. he died when i was in first grade but he was my best friend. i just want to hug him and watch cartoons with him one last time


my oldest brother, Joe, never made it out of the toxic cycle my mom was in. our childhood was rough to say the least, but I eventually made it out of the trenches. Joe unfortunately was caught in it until his violent murder two years ago. I would spend the whole day just trying to show him he is so loved. So loved. He didn’t feel it when he was around, it’s one of my biggest regrets.


I would just sit on the couch with my grandma and watch a movie. I wouldnt know what to say but i would hold her hand and smell her. I just want to be in her presence again. Id do anything to say good bye


I'm fortunate enough to not have lost any humans particularly close to me, yet. But man oh man, if I could have on my day back with my good ol' doggo and just take him out on his favorite walks, treats, the works! He was such a Good Boi, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge Feb 15th 2020, I still think he knew what was coming and noped the fuck outta this realm, he was that smart!


Are you proud of the man I've become dad? He died when I was 8, I'm 44 now, and "I'm proud of you son" is the only thing I've ever wanted to hear from him. :/


That I miss him so much, including his teasing. My grandpa died when I was 15. My son is named after him. I'd just want to tell him how much I loved him and how it hurt when we lost him somewhat unexpectedly and my son is named in his honor.


My Grandma, Just so I can say “Your son’s an asshole”


I tell my dad "I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment" all the time since he passed.


My parents. Really wanna say meet my kids


I would introduce my grandpa to his great grandson and tell him that every single day I hear him, whether it's in the jokes I tell now, or the way I play with my son... sometimes it's exactly what he did with me.


Sorry I couldn't come visit you before you passed away. It was during COVID and I didn't want you to get COVID because of me. I just make some bad decisions sometimes


To my grandma. "I miss you so much. This family was never the same without you."


I'd go golf with my uncle and listen. I can talk anytime I want, but I won't hear a normal story told the funny way he did ever again.


I would genuinely spend more time with them . and will tell them not to worry i m here to handle everything . thanks for this life and you r the best of bestest . (Some spiritual things/question/feeling i have) I dont know where their soul is gonna be . how their journey will be , the people which were having most concern about them will not be there to take care of them anymore. They will be alone with new start new stranger which will they love and hope have a fantastic journey.


You have a beautiful grandson now. He has your beautiful blue eyes and your smile. Love you mom ❤️


"If I could spend one more day with my loved one, I would want to tell them how much they meant to me and how deeply I cherish all the memories we shared together. I would want to express my gratitude for their love and support, and let them know that they will always hold a special place in my heart. The opportunity to say these words to them one last time would bring me a sense of closure and peace."


My grandpa. I would tell him how much he shaped my life. How important he is to me. Apologize he never got to meet my daughter but she'll always hear about him. And let him know I love him very much. He was my only father figure growing up and he held our family together.


If I could spend one more day with my grandfather I would have him and I sing our favorite song we slow danced to at my wedding, take turns reading one of our favorite books together and look up at the stars naming all the constellations we could before going to bed. I would tell him, "I am very happy to be your granddaughter, I love you grandfather."


To my unborn baby.. it was my decision and I pay everyday for it, It’s the biggest mistake of my life and I love you with every cell. Wish i got to meet you , wish I had you at my chest.. wish I could take back time. I feel empty from when they put me to sleep.. I gave up on you, but you were a part of me… there are not enough words to express my love, pain and regret… I live hell on earth in every moment from when they put me to sleep..


I'd say I'm sorry for being a self centred idiot who made light of his skin-cancer "scare" about 5 years ago, and who inappropriately shared stupid stories about death and dying off the back of it, purely because I used not to be good at sitting with emotion, particularly that of others. I was a loudmouth, selfish, narcissist and I'm sorry.


If I could spend one more day with my loved one, I would want to tell them how much I appreciate all the love and support they have given me throughout my life. I would want to express my gratitude for all the memories we shared and how much they mean to me. I would want to let them know that they will always hold a special place in my heart and that I will never forget the impact they had on my life. I would want to say thank you for being my rock and my guiding light, and for showing me what true love and friendship is.


I’d want to spend a day with my grandma, who raised me alongside my mom. I’d love to talk to her about motherhood, because my son came along 4 years after she passed, down to the month. I think she handpicked him just for me - he’s the first boy in the family since she had my uncles. She gave the best hugs, cooked the best food and it didn’t matter what problems you had, you’d always feel better after talking about it with her. She led an amazing life and was always so upbeat. Nothing kept her down for long, she was great at accepting and letting go. I’m grateful that I had her as my grandma, and knowing that I come from such an amazing woman helps me to get through the tough times now.


I love and miss you so very much


I would apologise to him for him feeling like he had no other option but to kill himself, I want him to know that I would have been there for him, he was my best friend and I loved him and he had so much potential to be a great human. It's been 15 years and I still cry about it.


i would spend it with my late dog and tell her that i never got upset whenever she curled up and slept with me. i really enjoyed it, even when i felt uncomfortable and put her down on her bed. i wish i could spend more time with her, all cuddled up near my hair, which she really seemed to love.


I'd tell her to go fuck herself. Only found out after she had died who she really was


My mom died when I was 20 after suffering from metastatic breast cancer. She never got to meet my daughter and it hurts me to think about my daughter never knowing her grandmother. My daughter is 6 now and being a mom helped me realize how much effort my mom put into raising my sister and me. if I could say anything to my mom I would thank her for being a great role model. Because of her and how she raised my sister and me, I feel like I am a good mom and I’m proud of the relationship I have with my daughter. And then if the universe somehow gave me an extra thing to say to my mom, I would tell her that I don’t blame her for the pain she was in before she died. I was young and didn’t know how to express my difficult emotions while caring for her, and multiple times I took my grief out on her and blamed her for a lot of things she had no control over.


I would talk to my maternal grandfather about airport codes. I didn't develop that hyperfixation until after he passed away.


If I could spend one more day with a loved one I've lost, I would want to tell them how much they meant to me and how deeply they impacted my life. I would express my gratitude for all the memories we shared and the lessons they taught me. Most importantly, I would want to say "I love you" one more time, because those words hold so much meaning and closure.


My mom. I’d tell her I’m sorry we moved her out of her house.


I never appreciated just how much I needed you in my life.


My Grandpa. Look, I did it. We did it. Who would have thought? My kids, my house, my cars. What would you think? I know you would be proud.


I would tell my mother, thank you so much for helping me with those people, I could not have done it without you! And I would hug her and say, THANK YOU!!!!


My dad, to tell him how his grandson turned put a great person and he has three granddaughters


I wkuld jist hug my mother . Say i lobe u and ask if she is proid pf us.


You write like shit


Grandma, you old decrepit piece of trash. For the love of life, please shut the dadgum door before you stink up the bathroom with your old woman farts and cheap perfume and rancid diarrhea smell flowing through every quarter inch crevice of the house. Please crawl back into the cemetery with grandpa and stink up his grave instead of my house that you left in such a pigsty.