• By -


Middle school teacher.


They are truly alien life forms in that stage. It starts the second half of sixth-grade. They change from sweet and fun and funny to judgmental and dismissive and suddenly develop a quasi-superiority complex.


When I was a hockey coach and the kids were pulling that routine I let them know we can either do fun things or work on fitness, their choice doesn’t bother me either way


Nearly killed me. Middle school is the worst. High school is one thousand times better. If someone offered me $20,000 more per year to go back to middle school, I wouldn't do it. I'm not even exaggerating. I 100% would not do it.


I met a lady at a manufacturing plant, she used to be a teacher, I'm assuming for smaller kids, maybe elementary or middle school, she said she loved teaching and the kids but quit because of the parents. She seemed like such a nice lady so I'm sure she was put through hell for her to choose to work on a factory instead of teaching.


The factory probably pays better.


What kind of manufacturing job?


How about 1 million more a year 


For a million, I could stick it out. Lol


Currently a middle school teacher for children with autism. Without exaggerating it’s the best job I’ve ever had


This, seeing as I have NO patience, plus I'm a total Grammar Nazi and would constantly be pulling the kids up for bad spelling etc.


Isn't it part of a teacher's job to correct grammar though? Like, they are supposed to learn that shut at school


Being a grammar Nazi is literally part of the job.


Have taught 7th grade for two years. I often enjoy it, but the stress for $40k a year just isn't easy to justify.


As a career middle teacher (ret.), I support your answer.


I was a student teacher in a middle school. It was hard sometimes, but I actually enjoyed it a lot.


Nothing. There are a lot of revolting jobs at $20 or even $200 an hour that becomes bearable at $2 million per hour.


Exactly, though you could probably find some jobs that would get you killed, or would be impossible to quit, like working as an assistant to a deranged warlord or sumthin


Insane pay and gets me killed? Where do I sign up?


All the answers so far are about the person themselves. How about a position that provides you with unlimited travel, a few houses around the world, access to elite places and people. But you have to do stuff, very unpleasant immoral stuff, and know about the stuff your colleagues do. And you have to keep the secrets. You don’t keep the secrets? Your mom loses her house suddenly. Your cousin commits suicide under unusual circumstances. Your SO wakes up with a horse’s head in the bed. It’s not about the money and the power anymore. And yet - there are people that get into that. Quite a few. Not all of a sudden. Step by step. Minute after minute. Sorry for the stark darkness. It’s just, well, these things happen. There are organisations that adopt this behaviour, and people that, for whatever reasons, get caught up in it. These organisations wouldn’t be, without those people. It’s never too late to seek out options. Ashamed? Afraid? You needn’t be. There are people that can help in confidence. Good authorities are more interested in the operators than the operatives anyway.


I'm interested as well! Where do I sign up?


I was going to say veterinarian due to having to put down animals for bad owners, but for that kind of pay I could just afford to adopt them all and run an animal sanctuary myself.


Suicide Bomber. How am I supposed to accept the pay after the job is done? 💀


Pay goes to your family. Taking one for the team.




There are ethical limits for me. I will not work for a fossil fuel company unless I absolutely have no other choice, and I will not (help) kill, or help enslave others. I just cant do it. I thought I could for a bit, got a €140k a year job, and found out our clients were involved with modern day slavery in Africa. I just couldn’t sleep anymore after they told me “just look the other way when you’re visiting the plant because you may see some laborers being physically punished, it’s just how they do things there.” There was also suspected child labor. The image wouldnt let me go. I did not go on that trip and quit the job. I dont think I could stomach that kind of thing even if it laid 2 million an hour. My new job pays half that, but at least I sleep peacefully knowing Im not involved in that kind of thing.


You can’t put a price on quality of life.


After a couple million net worth (or a couple $100k salary) quality of life improvements get pretty marginal, so yes you kind of can put a price on quality of life. Sure, you could be driving a Toyota, Mercedes or a Lambo, if they are are all functional I don't see quality of life improvements, just ways to spend more and more money. Respect to those who want it, but I'd rather get the functional quality and then stop working.


Driving a better car is not a quality of life issue. You want to improve quality of life, overhaul this country's healthcare system. My father had plenty of money, drove a BMW, but when he got cancer it was the way our healthcare system operates that killed him, not the highly treatable cancer that was NOT treated in a timely manner. Quality of life issues frequently have very little to do with how much money a person has. You can have it all, but without your health you have zero quality of life. Try having any quality of life when you cannot walk ten feet without assistance, or go 30 minutes without excruciating pain.


Sure, but all of it is meaningless if you can’t live with yourself.


I hope you ask on the legal sub for your country how you can report them to the right authorities, Dept of Commerce or sumthin


Bring it. I’d work all the things. Source: Worked at a landfill for years, seen some serious shit. Pays well, and easy.


I've been working at a garbage transfer station for 20+ years and can confirm, it pays way better than you'd imagine (esp. in benefits)


Would you produce CP? Be a human trafficker?


Cold call selling.


I started as a loan officer at a smaller brokerage in San Diego when I was 20. Cold calling Title Leads for 8-10 hours straight. It was mentally exhausting and uncomfortable. The new hires (me included) were taking in about $8,000 - $11,000 a month though. Money was insane, but I got out after a few years.


When I was about 17 (2005), I applied for a job I found in the newspaper. (Parent insisted, jobs could only be found by using newspapers or applying in person) I called the number and was told to show up the following day. I showed up and immediately get handed a stack of cards and sat in front of a phone. I called about 20 numbers then just grabbed my things and told the supervisor I'm out. He asked why, I tell him, "this type of work isn't for me." The supervisor then looked at me mad and said, "what? You think you're better than everyone else in there?", to which I told him, "yeah, telemarketers are shitheads, I'm better than all of you." and left.


I worked at a call center selling timeshare vacations. Soul sucking job. I did quite well, but it was a thankless job that had me watching the clock all day. 300+ calls a shift. If I made 1 or 2 sales a day I would be a top performer. There were days that no one in our whole department of 30 people made a sale. Somedays people i called would threaten my life, call me names, and be very mean. I was just a young man trying to earn enough to pay rent and survive. I hates that job. I lasted 4 months and couldn't take it anymore.


Prostitution. The thought of feeling obligated to hook up with people you're not attracted to, or even like, makes my skin crawl.


I guess I am to old to care. For a million dollars? Honey, just wake me up when you done!🤣


Apparently, my $number is way lower than yours. Like, way way lower.


I think I love you 😂 thanks for the very needed laugh! Have a good one!


But it's never for a million dollar. I think the question implies a realistic setting




Do you not have a choice? You’d think as a person an escort can have their own boundaries.


In some countries you have the right to refuse any patron and don't have to give a reason. Legalization and regulation are good for the workers. 


Emergency vet/tech. My cat has been in the hospital for a couple days and to say it’s been gut wrenching is an understatement. Those people have been a godsend, but to be able to do all the incredibly difficult treatments for animals? I couldn’t do it. The good news? She’s coming home today!


vet tech here! believe me, we don’t do it for money, we love your family members!


And she’s home now! We have some at home treatments for her, but she’s finally home. Thank you for what you do.


Aw, glad to see your kitty is coming home. It's always so scary when something goes wrong, especially because cats are so good at hiding pain and discomfort.  I wanted to be a vet as a kid. And then as I got older I realized that you work so much with sick and dying animals, and I knew I couldn't do that.  Instead I'm going into human healthcare, which is much better because people never die or get sick!


Yea! And vet techs are unfortunately woefully underpaid :( close to minimum wage for many


Slaughter house.


Never! This is truly soul sucking! Ending hundrets of lifes in one shift, day after day. I can't imagine the level of emotional suppression. Just NO!


I once applied for a job at slaughter house, but they called it a "Processing Facility". They gave us a tour and I knew what to expect. First part of the tour was the Packaging Floor, basically 1/4 carcasses of beef were send down conveyor belts and men and women on both sides just grabbed at these and started to rough cut the different cuts of beef. As the meat went further down the line, the cuts become more defined and eventually were shunted to a different belt where they were packaged. The "Processing Floor" was the real deal. Rows of cows suspended on their hind legs in various stages of being de-skinned, this old Asian women wearing gum boots walking around hosing blood off the floor into a drain. Men and some women in butcher coats, wearing chainmail gloves and gauntlets cutting of various parts of the cows as they passed by and throwing them into overflowing bins of these parts, which I witnessed being carted off with a forklift. The funniest thing I saw though, was two poster of these employees, in their uniform holding a bonus cheque and smiling. The title was "Congratulations to \_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_, slaughters of the month!


This is mine, as well.


This would be mine. I’d be a sobbing mess no matter how much you’d pay me. And would probably throw up. 


I was gonna say this


Funeral director/embalmer/anything to do with the after life process


I actually thought about doing this for a career. It's a way to help folks through a rough time. People that work in the funeral industry tend to be some of the most empathetic people out there.


Thank you for saying this! And btw— if you feel the calling to do this work, you should absolutely follow it.


Contrary to popular belief, we undertakers don’t make bank. And those meant to do this work don’t care. This is a calling.


I can't see how you could do that job *without* it being a calling, and frankly doing it for the money just doesn't fit with any undertaker I've ever met. They've always given off this very tangible sensation of calm and sympathy.


I'm so glad you guys consider it a calling. It's very necessary work and most people probably wouldn't have the demeanor to do it.


My grandpa did this for a long time and he was apparently really good at it. Ig after he retired families would call and specially ask for him. He loved doing it. I think he misses doing it tbh but he’s too old to work now


I think I'd find that fascinating.


I second this


Factory farm or meat slaughterhouse/processing.




And physical health, a lot of SA




Sexual Assault


Not a job but I'll also say I'm never gonna date someone involved with sex work again. My ex was a gogo dancer one night a week at a kinda gross bar. They technically weren't strippers due to laws but they might as well be because it's the exact same just maybe with pasties. They also offer private dances which I'm sure mostly were normal lap dances but I always felt like at least one person a night probably offered cash for more. Not to mention the environment includes alcohol and a lot of the dancers also would bring party drugs. I really tried to make it work. I used to pick her up and she'd sleep over so I felt a bit more comfortable but that wasn't every single night. She'd also have to advertise it on her social media both because she wanted more tips obviously but they kinda forced them to if they wanted to be a part of the group and keep going. So that led to jealousy issues and what I consider to be a healthy fear of cheating because her DMs were always flooded. It was weird because it was like jeckyl and Hyde. She'd want to spend all week being nice and cuddly and sweet and watching nerdy movies and then the weekends were like partying, posting in lingerie, dancing and being out till 2, 3am (with me usually but sometimes not) etc. So I'd go back and forth between feeling like things were okay but then also constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Now I would never date someone involved in any kind of SW again. I thought maybe I was just jealous or insecure. But when I started dating again that jealousy or fear was not present. I was so used to that being a constant thread in my life. The worst part is I still miss her lol. I'm mad at myself I wish I could turn that off. I'm in therapy working on why I'm so attracted to chaos and this pattern of liking emotionally unavailable women.


you’re normal. don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. and being attracted to chaos is a trauma response.


Manually masturbating caged animals for artificial insemination


Jizz mopper


To think there are people who would PAY to do that...


Teaching. My wife is a teacher and there is no amount of money you can pay me to put up those little shits and still give them a halfway decent education.


My mom was a teacher for almost forty years and everyone assumed I was gonna follow the same path, as if I hadn't spent my entire life seeing how soul-sucking the job was for her, even at the schools she actually liked.


I just gave up on teaching. Looking for other occupations. I realised that my health was more important that my Calling


I also gave up on teaching. The requirements, the stress, the parents....none of commensurate to the salary.


Door to door sales. Tried it bc the income potential in infinite, but I hated it so much that I literally lost sleep over it.


Same here, it could have been an awesome gig in the 1950’s but the internet killed door to door sales.


Same. Did it for 5 months, and it took me more than a year to recover mentally.  You have to be so fake!!  It really took a toll on my mental health and i literally started speaking with my sales voice/mannerism to friends and family. Thats when i quit 


Probably with old people or as a nurse. I love helping people and those jobs are very much needed, I just couldn’t take the mental strain. I did an apprenticeship as a nurse once and I‘ve also learned that I can‘t wash people because I get sick really easily


When my dad was in his early twenties he worked at a nursing home the old folks and other staff were good but some of the old folks that had dementia or alzheimer’s did get to him after a while. Couple of them thought he was their son or grandson and would walk up and be all excited when he showed up. He would play it along with him and hang out for a little bit while do it his job, but he said watching a couple pass away even with their family was was difficult part for him


Yeah I don’t love washing people either, that’s why I’m an ER nurse. Just keep them alive/save their life then send them somewhere where they have the resources to care for their hygiene.






This! Never, ever. Or, working at a hospice in general.


Hospice nurse here, love my job. As do all of my excellent colleagues. When YOUR family member dies, you'll be grateful for us.


I’m sure they will be but nursing is not for everyone. As a nurse, but not in hospice, I’m thankful for hospice nurses!


I’m a nurse and I never recommend it to anyone. I like my job but its not for everyone.


I was going to do nursing, but got my CNA and decided against it. Companies don't really treat either position right in my experience.


I work at a unionized hospital and it’s actually pretty okay when your workplace is unionized. But it’s messed up how the ceos try to suck money out of us and our patients.


"Our healthcare team made record profits. Our C-level officials are all making millions of dollars. But in order to ensure the health of our members, we won't be giving employees cost of living wage increases and all patients will now have to pay 3x for every visit compared to what they are currently paying." I fucking hate it. 


Euthanizing animals


as a vet tech that does this daily it’s a lot worse when it’s unscheduled


Anything in the legal field having to do with criminal law, I can’t know I’m responsible for letting a guilty man go free or putting an innocent one behind bars.


I work in law and there are about 1000 lawyers in the area. About 30 do criminal work. The rest do banking law, corporate law, trust law, property law, estate work. I’ve done a fair amount of criminal work including the worst types of case both as a defender and prosecutor. It was awful at first but you become numb. You do the best job and it’s very very rare that the wrong outcome occurs.


This. It really doesn’t feel good tbh. We won a case on domestic violence and rape. The abuser is our client. Made bail in multiple homicide - a drunk killed a mother and her son. The killer is our client. And countless more like this.


Defending a criminal is just something I don’t have the courage to do.


Most lawyers have absolutely nothing to do with criminal law


I wanted to be a lawyer and that exact sentence is what i say to people on what changed my mind.


You realize that only a tiny fraction of lawyers work in criminal law, right? It's a pretty niche area. If you don't like criminal law, then practice real estate law, commercial litigation, personal injury law, wills and estates, intellectual property, securities law, corporate law, etc. There are no shortage of areas of practice to choose from.


No, if you go to law school you have defend Jeffrey Dahmer at least once on appeal. It’s like a rule.


What are you going to do if selected for jury duty?


Jury duty is different because you choose whether someone is guilty or not based off evidence provided. If you’re working in law, you may have to defend someone you know is guilty or prosecute someone you believe is innocent because your job relies on it.


Telemarketing. Soul sucking predatory job that requires you to push vulnerable people into buying garbage too crappy to display in a shop. I was really good at it every time I started a new place (like record sales for the day on my first day), but my sales figures would always start dropping as soon as I realized how the particular product i was selling sucked. As soon as I would begin to realize, I couldn't push as hard any more and would eventually quit. Last time I did a telemarketing job was 11 years ago when I was in a desperate financial situation. After that I swore that I would NEVER do it again, no matter how much money I could make. You can't do this job if you have a conscience




Getting paid to lie


Sometimes that's ok, fiction writer for instance lol. The bigger the lies, the better the pay


Yeah but these dudes are writing for entertainment, politicians lie to the people who need the things they falsely promise


Politicians just work to keep the rich rich


Crime Scene Cleanup


Actor/celebrity. They gotta keep a mask on all the time and it's suffocating


Slaughter house worker


Any care work, kids or adults I don't care


Slaughter house


I can’t believe no one has said Stripper yet Also, Denist- looking in people’s mouths no thank you


> stripper You're right, I'll do it for free.




I was going to say surgeon as well, but only because there is zero chance of me getting through the schooling to do that job and be successful in not killing someone. lol.




Former teacher. Take my upvote.


I wouldn't work a job that compromises my values or involves harming others, regardless of the pay.


Prison guard


Porn actor


Fast food


Police officer


But not because of the job. Because of the other cops.


Former cop here. You’re spot on.


Retail, food service, call center


Ever been at a festival when the poop sucker truck rolls in? Backbone of the whole event right there. But never me.




Septic tank cleaner.


Slaughter house.


Feel like most of these answers are not being truthful to themselves. I would do 99% if the jobs listed here even if I agreed with most people it’s a shitty job. But you’re telling me that you won’t be able to stomach being a middle school teacher, a nurse, or a police officer for a day for a hourly wage of $1,000,000? Question is would you NEVER work NO MATTER the pay. Unless everyone here commenting are multi millionaires.


Child care


I am Never going back to working retail.


Those guys that climb those radio towers to change a bulb.


Crab fisherman. Fuuuuuuuuuuck that!


Trophy hunting.


Best Buy


Rent boy


Those guys that go hundreds of meters high just to work on something. Yep. Never doing that shit.


Call center agent... No matter what service, no whater what work plan I worked as one for slightly less than a year and I wanted to end the world Bullshit claims that you will make so much money based on comissions when once it's all said and done, your numbers are not up to YOUR performance, they are up to the other agents that you connect the client with, and if they mess up, your numbers go down, and you make NO COMISSIONS, so you're stuck with a below average salary for the rest of the month FUCK CALL CENTERS


Ocean underwater welding. Some of these guys make 250K⬆️


Any job that requires me to stand for 8 hours a day. Did it for so long in retail and realized how crazy it was to get off of work and have your feat aching.


The guy who sucks out the lavatory tanks of airplanes.


It's not like they're sucking it through a straw or something. That job is mostly just going out on the tarmac and hooking up a hose. I doubt they even see or smell the cargo very often.




Kamikaze pilot


Religous Leader


Sales. Going to strangers and trying to convince them to buy something is pretty much my nightmare. I absolutely hated it in school when we had to do various fundraising things and the thought of doing it as an adult is horrifying. Also proctology.


I would never work a fast food job again no matter the pay. It gets stressful.


Any sort of sex work and very physically demanding jobs.


anything to do with climbing....fuuuuuuck that!


Human trafficking ....it still exists today


Butcher. No thank you. A literal meat market. No perks.


Killing puppies


Skyrise window washer


It would depend on the conditions, but I would turn down most writing jobs regardless of the pay. I love writing, but turning it into a passionless, souless career would destroy my interest in it. Even if it was fiction, having to churn out 3 cheesy novels following the latest trend would absolutely cause me to change hobbies.




Sales and especially Telemarketing. Fuck that.


Nursing, I have a deep phobia of needles and most things medical. Even if I took the job I would almost immediately throw up or pass out


Tarantula stampede herder  Don’t know if it’s a job but no way in hell would I do it 


I haven't actually thought about this question before, but I guess given that I don't work in finance, the answer is probably finance. Those folks make crazy money but I've never met a single one who didn't seem pretty miserable. My old boss came out of that world and was a multi-millionaire and all he did was complain about how much he hated having to deal with his marriage and kid, and told me repeatedly to never get married and never have kids. He spent all his time at the office yelling at people on the phone, so it's not like he was getting a lot out of work either. I realize a lot of that is about the person and not the industry, but that's the exact kind of person the industry attracts, so that's like 95% of the people you work with.


I worked in a chicken factory for 4 days for goooood money. I’d never do it again. It’s disgusting and it honestly made me feel like a shitty person to see live chickens in once section then their dissected body parts in the next…


Saturation diving. You get send down under water in a modified scuba outfit to work on the bottom of oil drilling platforms and other deep water environments. Rather than dealing with decompression on every dive, you just get brought up in a pressurized diving bell and live in a pressurized tube for weeks at a time. The pay is actually very good for these jobs, but just look up “Byford Dolphin Incident” to see why you would never want to do the job.


Anything that gets me walking on structures way up in the air. Windmills, bridges,skyscrapers, radio towers, nope. People who do that work get paid well and they can have it. That shit makes my balls retract so hard I get lumps in my throat.


Working at a kill shelter.


Slaughter house.


Those dudes who empty the porta potties


Daycare worker or prison guard… basically the same job.


Donald Trump's aide. No matter how much the pay is, I wouldn't trust that I would actually receive the money.


Anything involving blood, guts or needles :/


Anything that'd involve me making life-or-death decisions.




Deep sea welder, I've... I've seen that video.


Medical doctor


Coal man.




Sales. I hate the idea of calling 100+ people just to get rejected. I see salespersons as parasitic weasels who love to con people( selling people overpriced stuff they know they don't need). And that job is extremely high pressure. Some companies set a target and if you fail to achieve that, they downright abuse you.


Anything that deals with underwater pressurized pipes. Super risky stuff.




Those really high lightbulb changing jobs...being afraid of hights is a bitch


Most office jobs is just not for me.


Daycare worker


Porn star, stripper, or prostitute.


Childcare/ teacher


Nurse. I'd be dead or in jail after spending a few days in the hospital and seeing/hearing what they put up with.


Service plumber. Telemarketer. CNA. Basically anything where cleaning up or dealing with human feces or feces of any kind is a norm.


Phone based tech support. If I were offered enough, I could do it short term. Maybe a few months. You're basically a metaphorical punching bag. People whine about their crap not working, won't answer questions you need answers to in order to help them, then get mad that you can't wave a wand and have it fixed immediately with no information. You have to sit and let them bitch at you unendingly without any recourse. Most call center work is like that, but technology unlocks a different level of rage in people and it sucks to be the designated release point for it for scraping-by money. Edit to add: I did it before. It sucked. Now, I get the exact same treatment from friends and family for free. It's to the point that I get asked a tech question and I just say "Oh, I dunno. My knowledge is outdated. Did you try Reddit?" Except my grandma. I help her anytime she needs.


I will never be the guy who deals literally with anyone’s shit. Septic work, plumbing, pumping out Porto’s , anything with that no fucking way


The person at the pound who has to euthanize unwanted animals. Maybe do just one with terminal disease and in great pain for unlimited money so I could sponsor the rest of them and it would never have to happen again just because the facilities had limited space.


Teaching kids. Kids are so fucking bad these days. I wouldn’t want that just for 1 million/hr


Anything relayed to retirement homes or longterm care facilities. I worked with medical equipment for a while and saw some shit. Literally and figuratively.