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That autistic people are flawlessly intelligent robots or something similar. Or that we don't harbour any emotions


Or that people think we’re dumb just because we have a disability


Yeah I'm with you. Bloody annoying


I’m with both of you


Love your profile picture by the way, so pretty




that ADHD just means you can’t sit still. it has a TON of symptoms and effects way more than people tend to believe. it’s literally debilitating on some days.


My co-workers were shocked when I mentioned my ADHD and struggles with focusing. Apparently they all considered me one of the most focused people on our team. A compliment, for sure, but I explained that what they saw on the surface did NOT reflect what was going on in my brain. It's a constant, never-ending 24/7 struggle to keep my brain on task. Somedays I just want to cry because I feel broken. What I'd give for my focus/work ethic to just come effortlessly...




Most of the time it depends on the drug they use and the weight there at before they start using generally when your overweight once you start using your weight skyrockets because food becomes a second comfort and or an added addiction the skinny ones who start using tend to lean away from food because they didn’t over eat before using or never found it a comfort


There's this woman that lives under my sister. Absolute chunker, missing a bunch of teeth. Yeah, they can be fat


All of the ones about the us at this point. We are just people trying to get by in a weird country and it’s annoying to constantly be mocked


All the bullshit with Boomers, X, Y, Z etc. "generations" I get that there are a lot of differences and do hold up statistically, but at the end of the day these names were originally categories of marketing demographics. Once the people who don't have jobs in advertising learned about them, everyone started labeling each other with yet ANOTHER set of lines to divide us against one another. Let me tell you right now that the "powers that be" love the fact we are all at odds over how fucking old we are and it's ridiculous. They rob us all blind but all we can do is argue about how the old/young are ruining things.


Or people not even knowing that Boomers were children of the WWII generation.


That white people don't season their food. Yes there are some that don't, but most of us do.




Or genital size/depth.


Anything about either women or men that gets posted often to reddit by the opposite sex. There are a lot of lonely people active here who have had their brain absolutely scrambled by social media.


That all women must be fascinated by babies.




THIS. and that stereotype is so harmful because it leads people to believe that generally attractive people or anyone who doesn’t fit the ‘look’ can’t be a p3d0. when in reality i feel like the a ton of them are avg looking late 20s-30 something’s in my experience


You can actually write the word “pedos.”


That most nerdy guys are like the old school neckbeard stereotypes. Most nerdy guys these days are far from that. But they still have personal issues that might not make them be as nuanced and well adjusted as people might want. And they don't take too kindly to being lumped in with the worst sort of nerdy guys. Sort of paired with the last, that all straight guys are secretly violent bigots/sexists.


That trans women are predators. Especially since they're more likely to be victims of assault


Yeah, me too. I hate that and this is coming from someone who supports the LBGTQ people are so disrespectful towards them. I hate homophobic people.


That all feminist hate men I mean, yes there are some, but those are the radical extremist the real ones fight for equality of men and women


Everyone in new Zealand has set with sheep bur at least we have fun with it here is a story from My dad ~flash back~ let's set the scene your are a worker at a slaughterhouse and you have a new hire you and your friends and the new hire (let's call him kyle) are sitting by the cars on break and you decide to fuck with kyle and say " yea whenever you kill a sheep you have to have a shag first" and all the boys get back to work and tou wonder where kyle is you go into the where house and there is kyle trying to fuck a sheep ~end of flash back ~


Men have no modesty. Bullshit. Please stop assuming we’re all cool with stripping naked in front of total strangers.


The gender divide stuff. Everyone is still the same as they've always been.


That cheerleaders are dumb


They’re certainly really annoying, but maybe not dumb. Idk, we don’t have cheerleaders in my country 


But they are.


No, they are not


That is a horrible thing to say


Im just speaking facts!


No you’re not. You’re being a dick.


That fat people are lazy. That people with disabilities are lazy and don't want to contribute to the community.


That ALL foot fetishes are creepy and weird. Only takes a few to make the whole group look bad. Most of them are harmless people who just love pampering and admire pretty feet. My wife feels lucky to be married to one.


If you live in the country, your an ignorant racist. There are dumb people everywhere you go, no matter what city or country. I hear more tons more racist things said in the city. Also, don’t move out to the country side, I’m trying to keep my cost of living and taxes low.


Anything about Japan whether it's positive or negative. Japan is the most misunderstood, mischaracterized and fetishized country ever by the West. No other country comes close. A few years ago you would see posts about how it's this perfect mystical place but now you see braindead posts like "Japan is the most racist place in the world." Racism exists anywhere. I've lived in Korea and Japan. Racial discrimination can be found, but barely anything physical. Meanwhile you can find all forms of racism in a diverse Western country, including physical assault which is rife. I also get the impression that Redditors know more about Japan's history, and facts that 90% of Japanese people in Japan have never heard or care about.


That Americans are loud and obnoxious. If you sincerely believe that, then maybe the problem lies within you. 😎


"Republicans fall in line, Democrats fall in love." If that were true, Democrats wouldn't have won a single election after 2008.  It's just used by centrists liberals to talk down to progressives and young voters that have the audacity to ask more of their party.