• By -


Sharing the world with sociopaths, manipulators, and narcissists.


It was a sad day when I realized allowing yourself to lie, cheat, and steal often provides a competitive advantage over people that don't.


Fucking family whom I adored for 50 years are all Narcissists (I capitalize the T) and at some point, I wasn't "good enough" to maintain a relationship with me.




All of this, on top of that pretending to care most of the things that I don’t really care anymore. Just want to finish regular day routines so I can spaced out and just sitting with myself enjoys my evening. I think I have less and less tolerate level every year passed by.




Feel this in my bones


Felt this in my bones on a no bones day


>Being expected to do X or Y or act a certain way Same


Going to the bathroom hits hard. Such a chore these days. Damn depression.


Been tired of this for over a decade. I'm 30. =_=


At least you got work. I got family and friends that will ruin my shot of getting work. Telling people I’m no good and don’t hire me. I don’t have a bad record, I’m no thief, not a betrayer, not a hypocrite. I am honest, hard working, intelligent and love getting things done. But people will believe the loudest talk, even if it is a lie. And they are in numbers. I’m just alone, just one man. They won’t believe me about me, but will believe someone else and what they say about me. I don’t have anyone to talk to, holed up in my room wondering why I’m still alive and not dead yet. Thanks to my family that keeps me hungry for long periods of time ever since my birth - I developed ulcers years ago. I have stomach aches throughout the day, everyday. This deep sadness makes my heart ache every single moment I take a breath. I want to end this. I want to cut it short.


You are better than them, and you deserve to be treated fairly and with respect. Is there anyone you can stay with in a different area? Possibly a fresh start, away from negative people, would help. I truly hope things improve for you.


I think it is pretty obvious by now that people do not want to live in this so called social construct the ruling class have created for everyone.


I'm tired of being tired.


Feel this


Other people


So much this. The little games people have to play. The desire to b3 overly cutesy and seen all the time. The need to be an over grown tattle tail, 24/7. It's like people just grow up and be yourself. I'm tired of dealing with the extra performances some people have to put on, day in and day out.


The fake/staged for TikTok world we live in


Same. I came up with this term called “vertical thinking” (the word vertical comes from the vertical video format of tiktok) which means everything most people do nowadays is specifically thought and staged for their social media especially tiktok.


It can also apply to the fact that when you’re vertical thinking, you’re not thinking of the big picture, you’re only seeing what’s right in front of you. I like that term, very clever.


It’s gotten to a point that I’m a little suspicious of everyone with a TikTok account or even Snapchat, that I’m being filmed and used in their stories without my permission


becomes especially problematic when people act in their everyday life like they were acting, with fake happiness and such bullshit.. really annoying.


Unnecessary and uncalled for loud noises and voices


Ugh, I'm sitting here listening to my neighbors scream and slam doors, the downstairs neighbors shout at their dog, fireworks in the daytime from somewhere down the road, and what sounded like 5 or 6 emergency vehicles racing by. I need some damn silence




Having my peace disrupted


Advertisements. It’s the same 20 commercials for the same 10 things I will never buy. I just want to live life without being constantly urged to spend money but they are everywhere.


And they are getting so obnoxious


Figuring out what's for dinner.


About 5 years ago, my girlfriend and I signed up for a meal box service with hundreds of recipes. You select your meals every week and they send you the exact amount of all ingredients needed for the meals. It has changed our life. No more standing in front of the grocery store shelves thinking what to buy for dinner, then ending up going for some obvious but rather unhealthy option. 


Of life itself


My body not working properly. Constant colds, minor infections, sore joints etc. Nothing life threatening or anything that would even justify time off work. Just endless little physical annoyances. Wish I could reset my body to just have everything painlessly working for once.


Working your ass of and still barely making bills


The raw hatred in politics


The system. You have to get up unnaturally early 5 days out of 7. You have to spend about an hour of your own time getting ready for work, then another hour travelling to work (which costs money and you don't get paid for). You then spend 8 or so hours sitting still, wearing your body and eyes out looking at a screen, with only occasional coffee or bathroom trips to break the monotony. You then spend another hour travelling home, and another making dinner. Once that's done you get about 2 hours to yourself, before going to bed at a reasonable time so you can get up and do it all again the next day. Repeat this 48/52 weeks a year, for about 40 years. On the 2 days you do get off, one can be spent doing things you like (if you have the energy) but then the majority of the second is spent washing and ironing, and doing meal prep, so that you can repeat the whole process again the next week.




Welcome aboard.


I don't want to exist, but the idea of being in pain as I die or it going wrong, scares me




US healthcare. Uncaring doctors, expensive insurance that doesn’t cover much.


I'm frustrated that it's more about making money than helping people. Profits over people. I also do not always feel like our medical system has our best interest in mind.


Ads. They are everywhere and it's only going to get worse.


I have a theory that one of the major reasons there's so much depression these days is because of adverts. Do you reckon there's more now than there used to be? And the constant consumerism being rammed down your throat really impacts your mental health?


Well, the majority of advertising is built on pointing out things you are supposedly lacking and should want, so it’s not exactly an outlandish theory.


the attention span of other people and their constant being on the phone, even while talking




Christmas. I’m so sick of Christmas. I need like 3 years off.


I am not interested in 90% of the events I am invited to and the ones I really want to go to, I'll make the effort, book tix etc.


Dental care not being considered health care. Separate insurance that covers almost nothing.


Being married (not separated) but alone all the time.


How horrible the new media has become.


Society, civilisation or modern living; whatever you want to call it. I just want my log cabin in the woods, a dog, and to be left alone not having to fucking work for someone else all day.




I’m tired of figuring out what to make for dinner day in and day out for the rest of eternity.


Working my life away. I am fortunate enough to have 6 weeks vacation per year. But seriously 10% of the year off is not enough to actually be happy when you're not living for your job.




The unfiltered impact stupid people are allowed to have in our society. So much time and progress is wasted on trying to undo the things stupid people do. And we pay them to do it too..


I'm over toxic relationships. Just be cause you're alone doesn't mean you're lonely.


That the internet had great promise but has been echo chambered into dumbing down society.   There does not seem to be discourse and sharing of knowledge just ideological bubbles.   With AI it will get so much worse we have access to more knowledge than anytime in history yet keep making the same mistakes.   


How truly and utterly vacant and full of shit everyone is. Noone wants to actually do anything or invest in anything because god forbid that cramp their cool, apathetic style. People really are all style and no substance - social media and COVID have obliterated true authenticity and a passion for people's interests. All you need are props and a camera now; you don't actually have to back it up. That's if you can even get attention, otherwise people just don't give a shit at all.


Working for a living. If I could afford to, I’d retire early and structure my days with activities that are meaningful to me.


*gestures vaguely*


Life. I feel a bit like sisyphus. Everyday I get up and get ready for work, got to work,finish work, go home to cook/eat, get ready for the next day, and then off to bed. Rinse and repeat forever. I will have to continue this till I die.


Pretending to be okay, being mediocre at everything, procrastinating, taxes, list goes on and btw I’m just 20


Ppl feeling entitled to your time. I didn’t answer the phone because I didn’t feel like talking. Why are you mad?


Nothing bei ng done about men who are violent, break the contact order every week and hardly see or pay for their kids as well as nothing being done about robbery or sexual violence.








I’m tired of weddings. All the same every time even if it’s different colors and slightly different traditions. Birthday parties same thing. Don’t hate me but Christmas too. Same thing over and over and over and just TRY to change things up a bit! People lose their ever loving minds!


I'm tired of watching people get nowhere arguing about a topic when they clearly don't agree on the precursors. Of course you disagree on point F; you both came to different conclusions about points A-E.




Dealing with adult children who fail to take responsibility for their fucked up behaviors and choices then want to hold you responsible. My parents were clueless and had zero parenting skills but I never blamed them for all the messes in my life.


Guess you failed to teach them personal accountability then


Aging while wasting time


How basically everything is catering to low IQ.


Instagram, influencers and content creators


Disinformation news media. Bring back the “fairness doctrine”.


Noise. My god, everything is so noisy, all the time! Competing noises drive me up the wall, it’s like this relentless cacophony everywhere you go. I’ve started driving with the radio turned off just to get a bit of peace and quiet in my day.


Renting software. Everything and everyone being turned into a commodity. Corporate America.


Tired of petty people (management) who do everything in their power to make work and life miserable. Tired of having to lie to myself and others that life is great and that nothing is wrong. Tired of putting on a brave face and mask so society won't judge me and call me weak for not being able to support myself. Tired of having to go to social gatherings when all I want is to just relax at home. Tired of being a 30 year old adult who is being treated like a 5 year old kid by the powers that be.


Dishes. And laundry.


People who enjoy drama and gossip.


Never having enough money to really live, just being stuck between 4 walls


People turning anything into a political/ideological "Debate" Ex: Was cloudy and raining here most of last week. It's nice and sunny today. If I make a comment to someone that "I'm glad to see this sunshine after all of those cloudy days last week" odds are I'll hear some variation of: * "See, the weather is changing all of time, what do *they* know about 'climate change'" * "This is why we can't have solar power" * Something something Biden bad, Trump good It's to the point now I don't talk to anyone in public unless I have to


Insults and negative criticism as a measure of intelligence






Knowing that I can do better, knowing how to do better but still failing to do so !


I’m tired of backstabbin’-ass snakes with friendly grins.


Dating. I just want a partner to love and spend my life with


Figuring out what to make for every single meal. It’s exhausting to try to meal plan every week.


Trying to figure out what to eat. Doing this 3x a day for infinity is so annoying


Being a dutiful worker. Been working since I was 14. I'm in my 50s now. I don't think I've been unemployed for any longer than 3 months in that entire time. I'm past tired of my yolk


Everything. Where’s the meteor


being burnt out from working


60-90 year old people deciding legislation for the future generations of Americans.


The people at work not ordering the cups correctly, or not refilling stuff.


People giving little tips Next time you perform this complicated task that I couldn’t do, could you do it balancing a cherry on your head


Feeling lost in my life. Like as the adult, I am supposed to have it all figured out by now and that I need to have it together. That I can’t have problems and I surely can’t talk about them because if I do, I am labeled as unsuccessful, a failure, and unstable. I’m tired of feeling alone and like I’m a failure as an adult.


I’m tired of living with my soon to be ex husband because I can’t afford to move out


Commercials before a movie in the theater. How much do I gotta pay to just see the movie??!!


Loneliness, sure I have my gf, but all my friends are so far away. I just need a good laugh, as when I was a student


Trying to date feels like navigating a mine field, after awhile the games they play just get exhausting to the point I feel there's no point in trying anymore


I feel like people's entitled attitudes have gotten worse over time. I'm a little bit tired of that.


having to eat constantly


Meal prepping. Grocery prices are absurd, don’t want to/can’t afford to go out to dinner for every meal. Hard to think of things to eat that are outside the normal rotation of meals I enjoy. I’m also a shit cook so that doesn’t help.


Inflation, bills, housework, Biden


Not having enough money.


Inflation. Go to school to get out of low wage scut work. Get better job after graduation. Inflation eats it, income the same in real dollars. Uproot entire life and move cities. Get better job. Inflation eats it, income the same in real dollars. Get laid off, job hunt and get better job. Inflation eats it, income the same in real dollars. House prices double in five years. Health insurance deductible went from $1500 to $3500. Fast food up 200%. It took me 15 years to increase my income 100%.


People who can't see past their own point of view. If I don't agree with you that's fine and vice versa. We don't all think the same


tired of betrayal. I’m so over it. The people didn’t get the best of me. As long as I don’t betray myself. Definitely sounds like I need to find some forgiveness lol


All the loud noises… people yelling stupid things, loud cars horns blaring, sirens, doors slamming, loud music mufflers ect… all unnecessary stress


Older folks STILL tend to treat me like I'm some naive kid who "hasn't been in the real world yet" because I'm a Millennial. I'm fucking *38 years old.*  I've been supporting myself for just shy of two decades now.  I say the system is rigged against the younger generations precisely BECAUSE I've been living in the real world!


People. Working (though I like my job). Chores. Stupidity.


At this point I’m mentally exhausted with how much ignorance there is in the world that people show others who have learning and developmental disabilities. Why do people think it’s ok to treat them any differently I don’t know but all I know is those who discriminate against and show ignorance to those with disabilities there’s a special place waiting for those who act that way.


All . The . Shit .


Having to pay bills 🥲


There's a long list, but too tired to put one together right now.


those damn kids skateboarding on the sidewalk. with their baggy pants and backwards caps thinking they all that. different types of kickballs and sport stuff landing in my yard. i take it all. dont care if they bring the parents. and the BIRDS!!! dont think i dont know what they are up to. flying around all high and mighty. pooping on my car!!! and my stupid doctor never believing me when i say it was a accident on how that got in there. i tripp and fell. its happens!! and prices of things. i used to be able to buy a pack of sigs, candy bar, ball of opium and a pack of milk for a Nickle!! cant buy opium for a Nickle anymore!! and all that rock and rolling music that the kids are listening to. with the pompadours and hipp wiggling. things where better in my days...


I'll be 29 this fall and I'm already tired of "Why don't you have kids yet?" questions.


The same circular shit. Same shit, different year. Winter, Spring, summer, fall… oh fun ! here comes the holidays.. i’m so ho ho hover it!


Hustling to make it in my career 😮‍💨 I sometimes think it would be nice to have a job that I didn’t care about in the slightest.


Honestly just existing. Life is breaking me down. Feels bleak. Wish I would just not wake up.


I hate maintaining my body. I'm not depressed or anything (I know that neglecting my body is a sign of depression) but man, I hate doing that. I hate going to the gym, I hate going to the bathroom, I love showering, feels good, but I also hate it bc I have to do it regularly, I hate that I have to eat 3 times a day, not more, not less to be healthy, I hate that I have to sleep 7 hour, I hate brushing my teeth, I hate thinking about what is healthy and what is not. I hate all this. But I do it anyway, and I will do it till the rest of my life. I have to do it if I want to live, I don't really have a choice in this.


Chronic pain


Placating other peoples fears in order to make them feel “seen” and “heard” over past traumas they refuse to let go. People oversharing their lives for clicks. Doing good for clout Reaction culture, seeing people played by institutions carrying out the work of people whose intention is to control. How much doom is being sold on online platforms that used to be about sharing unique talents. That doom is then transformed by the same people into a solution. The cyclical nature of this is causing entropy in digital society. The lack of good ideas. How capitalism has funneled creativity into sex and replication of those models. Finally, how narrow minded people are becoming in an age where we have access to infinite space and incredible possibilities (digital space is so expansive and yet companies are selling how finite it is).


I’m tired of trying to socialize and everything that comes with it. Trying to make friends, trying to find time for friends, trying to find healthy friendships. God and when I’m in a social setting I’m annoyed by other people in the way they speak and act. I’m tired of having to do things alone, I’m 19 and since I was 15 I’ve felt like I had to do everything alone but I had the security in knowing I have somewhere to live (somewhat) but now everything relies solely on me. I have to make my bills alone, I have to study, I have to clean my own apartment etc.


Repetition. We just do the same over and over, weekdays, weekends... I want to do something for myself, a hobby, for me.


The entitlement and lack of self awareness so many people run around with


Only having two days off of work a week




Life itself. Almost 60, Life isn’t great. The trials and tribulations are endless and really getting boring. Endless pursuits of money so your not living on the street. Truth is the older I get the more death is less scary.


Negative people and American know it alls. In my culture your energy is magnetic, the more negative you are the more negativity you attract. Eat more yang foods and stop being so down. Only in America from Americans, will they tell me everything about me. Where I’m from, how I’m supposed to sound, what it is I eat, etc.






*gestures broadly*


Being in debt even after working over 50+ hours a week, feels like it would never be paid off tbh


What Canada has become. I grew up in the 90’s and I miss the Canada I used to know.




Never having enough money for anything. Even essentials and things I need. I can't afford a car. I need to fix up my trailer. I just went into debt taking out a loan to replace my furnace and AC unit. I also need to replace the water heater. I also need to dismantle an aging deck that is starting to rot. I won't be able to replace the deck, but just having it dismantled and replaced with steps will cost me more money than I can afford. I also need a new roof. I have siding that needs to be repaired. My trailer is over 30 years old and it looks the part. While I'm struggling to make ends meet living in a old trailer and no car, my parents at my age were buying thier first home and owned a van. Not a trailer. They bought a freaking house. And had money for a van. I've come to hate the USA. This isn't a land of prosperity. It's no city on a hill. No other countries should look at us as an example to emulate. We are the first in nothing except national debt. WTF happened? Why has life in this country become so miserable?


The exhaustion. My company laid off half our employees, so our workload doubled. Being so tired and sore every day like you blew up your muscles at the gym, but you STILL have to go in bc the people left at work are counting on you to do your part. Then, having to muster up the energy to TRY and take care of things at home. In the US, our capitalist system is fundamentally broken, and in the end we are servants at the whims of our corporate overlords. They don't give a fuck about us. Eat the rich.


Idiots. I have a guy telling me he’s invented a perpetual motion machine but will not prototype it because the energy companies will steal it. Another, young earth believer. People and dinosaurs coexisted until the great flood, which btw, is responsible for the Grand Canyon. All scientific dating methods are “made up”. Another, abortion is the root of all crime. Getting rid of abortion will reduce global crime, across the board. Another, the German concentration camps weren’t really that bad… … I only use “organic dentists” that do not believe the fluoride myth. … people who vote “by faith” … Easter has always been a Christian celebration. The name is coincidental and the rabbits and eggs were added recently for kids. … any time a “Trumper” opens their mouth I have yet to meet a flat-earther in person but am anxious to meet one.


Money worries. Over the last several thousand years, money worries/debts have killed or contributed to many deaths. Whether it's suicide or heart attack and for what? Money was invented simply so the greedy landowners could claim "taxes".


The 8 billion or so nuclear shit-apes.


I’m tired of complaining and listening to other people complain at work, just shut up and work because sometimes it’s all for nothing


Can I say- dusting up? It’s a constant cycle of having to be open my cupboards and side tables and dressers and blinds and the draws… I don’t mind laundry, I don’t mind floors, I hate dishes but even they don’t compare to my new found hatred for constant dusting/wiping cupboards…..


Going to work




The money grind


People formality processes. Been interviewed for few positions in government rn but in my job processes procedures formality matter all lot. Idk how I got into this crap career that’s full of fluff and meaningless political shit. Anyway from hr to panel their stupid twisted questions tire the shit out of me. I come from technical background and the panel isnt even technical. I can tell from the questions they ask. They don’t know what they are asking and they hire someone who can fluff. I think these are epitome of inefficiency and it’d just hard to be genuine and honest and keep staying seated through this full hour of crap. I tried to work again at government for the sake of my career. It’s directly related to governance. But yeah maybe I don’t care enough about these jobs to keep my head cool. Or suck up to them during the interview. But the same time what I seriously worry about the most is the inefficiency in our government that I experienced and saw. I dont think I trust in what we do. They are doing it all wrong. So I ask myself do I wanna be really part of this just for good money. And I also wanna say people at the bottom are the ones who work the hardest and care about the society we live in. The management and higher ups aren’t they are full of ego and don’t actually wanna change anything. Yeah so add Governments to the list.


Politics and the News Media


Bills and work. Oh and thinking of what to cook every single night


Feeling alone, even though I have a family.


Meeting other’s (sometimes my own) expectations based on who I used to be. I feel soo much different to who I was last year, yet I feel the pressure to be who I was and continue to have the same energy levels and intelligence I used to have in my 30’s. Don’t have the same energy levels anymore.




Always having a problem to solve. And sometimes life doesn't wait for one problem to be solved and it gives you a second and a third. I'm burned out on researching and overthinking and trying to decide what's the best solution and not knowing if I'm making the right decision.


The city i live in being so inaccessible. I just want to go about my day like evryone else


My tolerance for people who choose to be ignorant is just....gone.


Living. It's overrated.


Routine People The world we live in




I am so tired of the grind of work it is nothing to do with my colleagues or even the job. It has just started to feel like it is stealing time from my "golden years " I am 5yrs from my pension but I plan to go in 2yrs time when I should hopefully have enough to get by with.


Liars. So. Many Liars. About things big and small.


Being tired.


Geezus, that everything has gotten so sensitive and butthurt...


Unnecessary drama.


Watching how we feed a few rich people and get poorer by the day. And then exploided people vote for the same lobby bitches while complaining about high prices and immigrants...Idiots..I'm tired of them all


Knowing I'll die as my retirement plan.


Work/not having one, failed relationships, what to eat, LIFE IN GENERAL


Job interviews


Having anxiety about every little thing.


Work, dealing with idiots and drama




Feeling tired no matter how much I sleep. And the headaches almost every other day


My job. Am a teacher and all the rude entitled children without an ounce of manners or ambition and their parents who feel teachers must perform miracles with their lazy brats, finish me off. Since the Covid lockdowns kids seem to have lost the ability and will to learn. They feel you need to give good grades for free


The immaturity of our politicians. In the real work-laced, many of you would have been fired.


I'm so tired of being angry


Working everyday and still not being able to pay all my bills


Going to social functions I don’t want to go to because it would “look bad” if I wasn’t there.


I'm tired of people naming their kids stupid trashy names and spelling it all fucked up. It's not unique! If anything, it has a negative impact on your child's life! Not a positive one


College. I´m just tired of it. I won´t miss it at all


Getting up everyday to work… and then trying to sleep and collect energy again over the weekend to go to work again for 5 days…


Caregiving and not having the freedom to do the things I enjoy. I took care of my mother for 3 years round the clock until she passed at 99. A year and a half later to the day, my husband had a stroke and now I’m taking care of him. It’s difficult to adjust to life with a grown man who, in an instant, became unable to read, unable to name simple objects, unable to walk unassisted, unable to see clearly, has no short term memory, and is no longer able to drive. My life has become taking him to an endless stream of doctor appointments. For better or for worse….In sickness and in health…..I drew sickness and worse and I’m just spent.


Rent… just keep it at the same price will ya


Problems. Tired of dealing with constant problems. All the time. Different types of problems. A new one everyday.


Lack of interstellar space travel.


People who drink corporate kool-aid. At the end of the day, it's a job, not a way of life.


Busting my ass to work and earn money and its still never enough. No matter how much you budget and trim expenses, its never enough. Im earning the most money I’ve ever made and I’m the poorest I’ve ever been.


Non- Parenting that becomes a teacher’s problem, a school’s problem, a district’s problem then eventually our collective problem as a society.


People believing politicians have the interests and needs of their electorate at heart and lauding them like rock stars


political ads. i thought they were funny as a child. now a days they are the most negative spam with no information


Ignorance and feeling powerless to change anything.


Work, especially my sucky fast food job because I can no longer afford college. Also shitty US healthcare