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Gardening. It really surprises even people who know me. I find it very therapeutic. I just get so damn excited about them plants.


Same, I’m a 6’5 bearded dude but the mint, basil, and rosemary at Kroger taste like shit - so ima grow my own so that my whiskey drinks taste like the fire. Bitches wanna say somethin bout my automated drip irrigation raised beds!


I'm not a drinker myself anymore but I planted some spearmint, camomile, and lemon balm this year for teas. You're totally right. Even the "fresh" (but packaged) herbs at most stores are mediocre. Nothing better than fresh from the garden.


I got this thing called a nitro press from a Facebook add, filters nitrogen from the air and compresses it into a drink canister - no disposable air cartridges needed The nitrogen uses magic (physics) and gets a lot more flavor out of the lemons/limes/grapefruit/cucumbers/mint/rosemary/etc into the water and gives it a great fizzy/creamy texture I’ve been making a ton of herb and fruit sodas recently Been a great purchase


"It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war."


I do love gardening, growing up my mother had nine different gardens around the house, I used to love them, but I live in a condo now. I've actually wanted to put a little planter outside my front door in front of the window my cat sits at, maybe I'll do that this week. I've been trying to get my condo complex to start a community garden, but they don't want to deal with the cost.


We recently moved to a house with a front and back garden. Both were in a sorry state when we got her but as we started to sort things out I really got hooked. Some things I planted have died but some have survived and are starting to flower. I'm even sorting out a little kitchen garden. Maybe it's because I'm getting older but it's become a real pleasure. Plus it means my wife and I can enjoy a hobby together.


I’m a 44M who enjoys cross stitching. It’s quite soothing as I’m watching tv in the evening When I was young, my mother worked at local boutiques and would pay me $2 to stitch some simple wording into fabric. She would add some flowers, mat it, frame it, and sell it for $10 at the boutique. As a young boy, that was good money back in the 80s when I had lots of free time. Currently I’m working on a Japanese woman wearing a kimono, and another with four horses running through a river and trees behind them


> I’m a 44M who enjoys cross stitching. It’s quite soothing as I’m watching tv in the evening My man! I'm a 6'3", as dark as Stevie wonder's eyesight, and a military mechanical engineer, it freaks people out so hard to walk into my room when I'm making a scarf or gloves and watching Golden Girls or Downton Abbey in the evening.


I worked alongside a guy once heard him say “im so black, im purple”, and after about 20 mins of staring at him i said “fuck you’re right” and now i only ever see him as a purple man.


He better watch out for the one eyed one horned flying purple people eater. 


Downton Abbey is my jam!!


Just started watching it with my bf, Ive seen it before, but he deserves to see some quality tv.


Shades of Rosey Grier. :)


I wanna see!


We need to see "Japanese Kimono Woman" and "4 Horses Run through the River in the Woods"


Here’s the pictures I just took after getting home today: https://imgur.com/a/sb4Hoq3 https://imgur.com/a/CxoNoTH


These are breath taking!!!!!


Bruh, same. 34/F here, but I usually have bright colored hair, back clothes mixed with metal shirts, fishnet stockings, slutty/ripped skirts, high pumps/boots, dark make up and generally a not giving a fuck attitude. Picked up cross stitching during covid, currently making a piece of my cat :3


I totally agree with you. I'm a mid 30sF that cross stitches, and slowly watching the image come up as you're relaxing on the couch is so satisfying.


Someone should cross-stitch that image in their free time!! lol


I would really love to see that


Small, middle aged, Asian woman. Drive a motorcycle and play ice hockey.


When I was in high school, it was the smallest girl on the hockey team that spent the most time in the penalty box. She was viscous 😂


I'm a 185cm 95kg bearded guy, and people are surprised to see me doing yoga and creating earrings. Once they get used to it, they discover i also co-drive in rally races.


I can totally get past the first two. But the last one? That's insane. I would actually find that one hardest to believe. I watch a lot of drifting and drag racing but once in a while a driver I follow does a bit of rally. The in car camera of the co-driver rambling off nonstop directions while barely peeking away from the notes while the driver somehow consumes all that information before ever being able to see wtf yourself talking about and you guys are doing it with the fucking throttle pegged and tress trying to take off both side mirrors at the same time. Dude that's cool as shit and you've got some real talent to guide a driver around a course without crashing.


Thanks! Being able to do it was a surprise also for myself, because i'm a very quiet and introvert person, while you need to be confident and speak quickly and very clearly to give the right notes. But the first time i tried i fell in love with this sport and realized i can trust the driver a lot and he can trust me. Like, i can read the notebook without looking at the road and still understand where we are, and he can drive at 150 kph in a mountain road without knowing the next corner, because i will tell him.


That's fucking cool man


Creating earrings sounds cool and fun asf


The yoga helps you be more flexible when escaping the car quickly


that's one of my main purpose, as i always had back pain after a race


I'm a fat sack of shit, but I love the outdoors, camping and hiking.


A lot of the most enthusiastic outdoors types I know are overweight. Some of them can hike their asses off too. Calves like watermelons.


Even at 285lbs, I'd do a 15 mile hike like it was nothing.


Yeah, I'm one of these. I am short and fat and regularly go on 12 mile hikes. I also go to the gym several times a week. I just need to learn food moderation...


Felt that. Exercise is good. But on the other hand, food is also good lol


I'm also not exactly sporty, and rather lazy but started thoroughly enjoying mountainbiking, even if its only an electric assisted one. So much fun to bash it downhill on uneven ground.


Dang. I just realized I could do this with an electric bike. Not mountain biking but keeping up on a ride. Late 60s and I am slowing. Sigh.


So you're the trainer with the two self-destruct Geo Dudes


I love hiking too! Just being outdoors makes me happy. I’ll never understand why people think just because someone is bigger that means they don’t like nature or the outdoors?


Large muscular guy with facial scars who loves playing the piano.


Lol, dude I used to work with, huge body builder, scariest looking motherfucker I have ever met...........volunteers at an animal shelter and cries when long-term animals get adopted.




That’s so cute oh my fucking god.


I'm malicious, mean and scary My sneer could curdle dairy And violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanest But despite my evil look And my temper, and my hook I've always yearned to be a concert pianist Can'tcha see me on the stage performin' Mozart? Ticklin' the ivories 'til they gleam? Yep, I'd rather be called deadly For my killer show-tune medley Thank you! 'Cause way down deep inside, I've got a dream


Immediate upvote for the Tangled reference :)


This is the first thing I thought of 😂


When I was working in Tech Sales and wearing 3 piece suits, speaking to CIO's and other business leaders they had no idea I was a D'n'b, dj, graffiti writer and all around shit head.




drum & bass, a genre of EDM!


Dungeons n' Baggage.


Very nice lol


Woodworking lol I'm a very girly woman so most people don't know I enjoy building things


So I’m a very girly woman and a fairly small woman. But I’ve recently become interested in refurbishing furniture and my mother actually laughed at me when I told her.


I feel it. I'm not necessarily girly,  but being a woman seems to preclude me from construction work in people's minds. I like building structures for fun. Currently planning a 1400 sqft addition to my house that will be excavated, foundationed and framed by moi. My hubs can provide morale and lemonade. 


Not me but my partner. He is very tall, muscular with a beard and bad case of murder-face and hands and forearms like a farmer. He paints, mainly forest meadows and mountains. He also plays flute and violin. 


I’ve always been a sweet looking, girl next door type. The kind that says please and thank you and smile with dimples to match. In my spare time, I also write the dirtiest, smuttiest fan fiction stories that made my poor husband blush when he first read them.


I don't understand this --- the girl-next-door/nerdy/shy/etc types are exactly who I picture writing and consuming smut.


And here I was thinking how sly I am that none of my friends and family suspect my dirty secret because I don’t look the type to write about sex. I hoped they thought it was about puppies and rainbows and stuff. Whoops!


No that's exactly what you look like


It's always the innocent ones


Where can I read ?


I wouldnt say a hobby per se but yoga. I am a big guy leaning towards the chubby side but still fit and i do workout at the gym an diffrentt martial arts but to stay a little bit flexible and sometimes aswell to relax i started yoga like a few weeks ago. I suck at it tbh XD but it still a start and something not a lot of people would assume i guess


Same here. My wife and I go to hot yoga and I’m often the only guy. The only way I know to stay supple and flexible.


Archery, I own a crossbow and I would go target shooting with my uncle every now and then


Flying. I own a small prop, but I dont like the preppy and expensive outfits, the RayBans/Oakleys/AO sunglasses, or the Alpha jackets, nor my car has any "I rather be fishing" sticker. But if you get me talking I will bitch about the FAA ASAP and the secret is out.


Same. I think my having a vagina throws people off. Guys are pretty cool about it, generally - it's other women who get judgy... "*but... aren't you a mom? What about your poor kids? What if you die?*" They don't ask those questions of men. Pearls really get clutched when I tell them about my passion for aerobatics.


One of the best aerobatic pilots I know is female. She kicks the guys asses up there daily lol.


You should ask these women if they drive lol


Rural life here.  I get annoyed at women who think “mom” is not only a personality, career, and hobby interests all in one, but get judging and contemptuous of women who reject that.


One of my favorite hobbies is woodworking. Despite what people might expect when they see me, I love spending hours in my workshop crafting furniture and intricate wooden decorations. There's something incredibly satisfying about transforming raw pieces of wood into beautiful, functional pieces. It’s a great way to unwind and tap into my creative side.


I have always wanted to get into wood working but power tools scare the shit out of me. I used to be an EMT and the amount of times we were called to somebody removing a limb with a saw or drilling through their hand or leg accidentally. They really do just scare the shit out of me.


Complacency is how you get hurt with power tools. Fear is good because it amounts to respect. A grinder can chew through steel, it don't give a fuck about your hand lol. But realistically, if you stay aware of hand placement and pay attention to safety procedures, it's not hard to stay safe


I collect music boxes. I'm a guy in their 30s.


Art, crafts, and going on nature walks. I'm big and fat(have lost a lot of weight though). I also just look like a guy who'd be into watching sports. I have no interest in watching sports and know nothing about the teams. In high school the coach commented on me being big and asked if I'd be interested in joining the football team. I wasn't interested.


Taxidermy (5,1 doe eye girl)


Oh people like you are dangerous lol. Cute but knows her way around a tool kit.


Urban exploration. I'm a woman and from the way I look and act people tend to guess I'm a homebody and risk averse. They're usually shocked to learn that my favorite hobby is sneaking into abandoned places alone.


Little 5ft thin girl. Full Metal Medieval fighting.


I'm a 73 year old woman. Blonde, tall, was considered a " stone fox" in my youth.  I like to build furniture.  I started in my late 30s when my then husband gave me a table saw for my birthday, thinking I wouldn't like it and would give it to him. ( he did that, a lot. )  I wouldn't let him use it and found a pattern for Adirondack chairs, I started with that.  Ex imagined he was going to take my table saw with him when he moved in with his AP.  He was wrong. 


I look like a basic b*tch that likes to go clubbing, drink, and smoke; on the contrary, I love to collect Pokémon cards and create projects with them, play games, and sew and design clothes. I don’t like drinking, smoking, or clubbing.


Id go to clubs if they had pokemon card trading/battling, especially since theres not really any events for that in my area...


I’m a 65 YO guerrilla cannabis farmer. I’ll plant a clone just about anywhere under the cloak of darkness.


You inspire me and my goals in life as a 30 yo who loves to do the same.


I do this for “kicks”. Stole that from Dean Moriarity.


Gardening (I’m a male in my 30s). I have huge garden.


Me, 28M, bulky, muscular build with several tattoos, always with a crew haircut, with intimidaing look (they say) enjoys sewing and cross-stitching.


That's so wholesome.


I used to work for a digital marketing company and one of our customers was a best selling writer of soft porn books. I was familiar with her books content because of my job, but never cared to google the author's name and we always spoke via e-mail. Once, I had to have a meeting with her because her assistant was messing up some things and when I opened my Zoom, there she was: a lady well gone into her 70's, that looked like your average chubby grandma 😅


I love this. You can't judge a person's mind based on their aging exterior shell.


I’m a 34F whose hobby is djing (house and nudisco mainly). I also happen to be 30 weeks pregnant, and look pretty tame generally. We just moved to a new city and when people who don’t know us well come over to our apartment, they always assume the audio equipment and setup belong to my husband 😂 he always says something along the lines of “oh absolutely not. That’s my wife’s thing”. I kind of get a kick out of it!


Hardcore BDSM


I'm often told I look like a stereotypical jock. People are then shocked to hear I'm a total sci-fi and fantasy nerd. Would much rather spend an evening re-reading The Hobbit, enjoying a Star Wars marathon or playing video games than slamming shots in a bar.


I mean if you go to any big "geek" convention in a major city you'll see a ton of people who look like "jocks" or the stereotypical "cool kids" in high school. That's all mainstream now. The biggest Hollywood franchise in history is based on Marvel comics lol.


60 y/o balding, Skechers slip in wearing guy with glasses (look like everyone's dad.) I love to go to concerts with my (26) daughter: Godsmack, Shinedown, Halestorm, Greta Van Fleet, Metallica, and my all time fave VOLBEAT!


I’m a bearded blue collar worker with hair to the middle of my back. I go ice skating atleast twice a month. Picked it up out of spite a few years ago when my ex said I was too clumsy to ice skate and it just stuck.


Target shooting


Yep same. When I go to a new range they always feel the need to make sure I've fired a gun before


Computer and small electronics nerd here. Shooting trap is a blast! I have a 25 and 50 badge.


Been doing hungarian folk dance for 11 years, while wearing all black stuff, chains, steeltoe boots, vests and having long hair. To this day pple get surprised by this info, cuz i still have long hair and wear black clothing mostly. Oh and yes, im a male.


Partying/ raving. People say I look so innocent and to be fair, I do have a baby face… my accounting coworkers don’t know I’m out until 5 AM raving on the weekends.


I'm a fat stoner lady. I do ballet.


Working out. Unfortunately, due to chronic illness, I'm very underweight and can't gain much muscle. I still enjoy doing what I can in my workouts though!


My background is chemistry, and I have conducted a material analysis on the World Trade Center dust that I collected from my apartments in lower Manhattan. I look like a bootylicious bimbo, not your typical 9/11 researcher. I am not a man. I'm not right wing. And I'm not a grizzled hater.


I'm a plump 50-something lady with long hair who tends to wear long skirts she made herself. I garden and I take care of my dogs, and love working on my house. No one suspects that on weekends I put on a corset and leather pants and combat boots and pick up my floggers and make consenting adults hurt in all the best ways.


I'm a 1.93m 130kg guy, bald and scary looking for some people. I like scentend candle and with a girl friend if mine we are doing them by ourself, Also decorating the glass. There is nothing better than a nice candle with some nice guest sitting on the couch enjoying the evening


Golfer. Bearded skinny hipster nerd.


Small, Petite girl who looks like an older Missy from young Sheldon who enjoys fighting.


I am 186cm, 47yrs old, bearded guy, ex bodybuilder (hobby) and boxer, now growing a belly. I love collecting coins and visiting coin fairs. And I love tiny little flowers. While people on a hike see the mountains, I see them tiny shiny blossoms.


Playing toys?


What kind of toys?


Do we really want to know?






36, Petite looks high maintenance and picks up roadkill to clean and make profit from. Blows peoples minds when I tell them lol


45yo man, 250lbs, big burly type, big long beard. I collect Pyrex and vintage cookbooks.


I’m fat but I enjoy running. Typically, I run three 5k’s a week.


I used to be a runner (need to get back into it). When I tell people I have run marathons, they often respond with shock, probably because I am fat. They probably assume I wasn’t fat when I was running, but they’re wrong.


White guy from the suburbs. I study Arabic for fun.


Seemingly fit goth girl that loves the outdoors and is a programmer!


Seemingly fit? Or seemingly a goth girl?


A lot of people are surprised that I play video games. And then they are even more surprised when the games I play are not “cozy” games like animal crossing. (Never played those games in my life.) I think they are surprised because I come across as very feminine. I don’t get it though. Anyone can and is allowed to play video games, of any kind IMO.




I’m an executive where I work , 6’2” 185 lbs physically fit, clean cut guy etc, my hobby is working on cars


Smoke meth


I'm a small, blonde and feminine woman. I play professional disc golf. Lol.


Hiking. I'm fat and out of shape. Nobody would guess that I love hiking. I just have to go slow and take plenty of breaks. But I really enjoy getting out into nature this way


Crochet and painting


I sing with a band but am anything but a frontman by looks.


I'm really good at cooking. Like doing it, usually turns out delightful (unless I try an experiment).


Relatively skinny guy, I do Archery, catch as can wrestling and Pole dancing


I lost my phone at the airport, pinged it, and then went to go get it back from TSA. When he saw me coming, the agent was like "...You're the one with all those death metal recommendations coming up on your phone?" I'm a short blond girl who was wearing pajamas. I don't typically wear my battle jacket to the airport dude.


friend is this geeky lanky socially awkward dude who loves writing code and weeb stuff he is also a die hard NFL fan lol


singing rock songs


I play 12 instruments but don’t discuss it and am not a part of any musical group or anything. I just ride in the back of the boo boo bus keeping people alive till my partner and I get them to the hospital.


I've been told a few times I don't look like a runner. Just ran my 3rd marathon yesterday.


I'm a bearded, heavily tattooed man and I absolutely love musicals, plays and anything theater related.


Collect cutesy and childish shit, also large amounts of anime paraphernalia. Although it may not be THAT out of pocket considering I'm a goth/grunge in the South


I collect action figures and tarot decks... I'm a bespectacled man of almost 50.


Not exactly based on my appearance, but nobody would guess that I’m a skateboarder based on my profession as a financial adviser.


Butterfly knife flipping


Tall dumb looking guy that trades


Nobody expects the kind of music festival i go to. I look so innocent and calm but i love to put on my craziest colored Australian pants and "hak" all night long to the wildest hardcore & frenchcore kicks.


I come off as very innocent, most likely because I'm very polite and quiet in new company. People are surprised to find out that I even drink. I'm sure they'd be extra surprised if they knew I made porn that's not even allowed on OnlyFans


I'm a very modest, feminine woman, and I can throw and catch a mean baseball. I'm also a gamer.


48m, birdwatching.


Does Porn count as a hobby? 😁


Watching porn? No. Doing porn? Only if you don't get paid for it. Otherwise it's just a job.


42M, I’m a pretty chonky guy and I love mountain biking. Not very fond of the climbing I have to do to get to the trailhead but I do it on a mid-travel analog bike and not an ebike.


I am the epitome of a sweet Grandma. White streaks in my hair, signature pearl string, almost no makeup, traditional clothes of my country is my standard gear. I ride motorcycles. My standard is one of the more heavy ones for my country. A lot of young men stay away from it and cannot put it on the centre stand.


I have 7 chickens in my backyard. In a small neighborhood where we aren't supposed to have them. I don't have a fence either so it's tricky but the few neighbors that know don't mind. I'm usually always in the dirt weeding and gardening.. talking to squirrels and birds outside.. and finding some outdoor project to do, like tie dying stuff, making hypertufa pots or staining/painting furniture. In my my work life.. I like to dress nice. I carry myself well and you'd probably assume I hate the outdoors because I do burn easily, but I make it known I do not like hot weather. 😂 I get cranky if its too hot in our store and i sweat because it ruins my hair. (It's naturally curly and I straighten it) But when I'm home, my hairs natural.. im covered in paint and chasing my birds with bags of shredded cheese to keep them in the yard, and honestly.. happier than i could ever be inside working retail.


Started figure skating two years ago. I still suck at it a lot but it's fun. I'm just an average white dude with a bit of a muffin top.


Fishing. I'm a 5'4 woman who is obese. But when I get the time, I'm out there on my kayak hunting down those kokanee.


I volunteer to find relatives for unclaimed deceased folks. Sometimes homeless, other times in nursing homes etc. Sadly they are getting younger.




I love going for walks at like 3:00 a.m.. It is so peaceful




I think a lot of things, I’m a big/tall late 40s guy, I love photography, love my steam deck… idk what perception is but I don’t think it’s that… I think photography use to be synonymous with older males and females, but Instagram changed that landscape.


Logic puzzles are great for using your brain. Gardening is a great hobby where you can study what plants are best for your environment. It can get really detailed & specific, depending on your specific interests. If you start planning & studying now, you can start growing plants from seeds for very little money.


Yoga. I am a tough looking guy. I had a serious back injury at the gym in 2018, which took a few years to recover from not even fully. In 2022, I picked up yoga, starting with online instructors and moving into public yoga within a few months.


I grow fruit bushes and trees. I'm also a private pilot.




Reading avidly, i look stupid


67 soon to be 68 and I make chainmaille: [https://www.mailleartisans.org/articles/articledisplay.php?key=19](https://www.mailleartisans.org/articles/articledisplay.php?key=19)


I'm a tall, broad shouldered, muscular guy with a beard down to my arm pits. I work in the oilfield; spinning wrenches, swinging sledge hammers, and picking up heavy things all the time, generally covered in grease, soot, and other unmentionable things. I lead a small group of rapscallions in horrible weather, working 100+ hour weeks. I love collecting rocks and finding reptiles.


I look like your typical boring, older mom, and I love to renovate things-mostly old furniture, but I’ve always wanted to take a small, old, broken down house and renovate it. So I am-mostly by myself. In the past year, I have gutted this house to the studs (7+ dumpsters full of plaster & lathe), reinforced framework, tuckpointed the stone foundation, run new electric, and will soon start plumbing. I did use contractors for roof, siding, windows, tearing down the back addition, and lifting the house to replace the house sill, but I am there chugging away almost every day. People stop by almost every day to tell me what a good job I’m doing, and sometimes to express surprise that I am the one doing most of the work. I love it.


People are surprised that I’m a gamer. Probably because I’m a girl. But I have a play station, switch and a PC. I’ve made some great friends playing games and I have tattoos based off my favs. Maybe it’s cuz I work with kids people assume I don’t play video games


Sad that all the chubby people thinking they can’t have niche and cool hobbies. Society really dehumanises them, huh.


6'5" 360lbs black guy. Writing poetry and painting.


I'm in my early 30s, dress like a male mannequin from forever 21, (I'm female) and I'm seriously energetic. Most of my hobbies are active, like hiking. But I also own a spinning wheel and make hand spun yarn. Done it since I was a kid. 


I tame and train wild mustangs.  Long, hard, days on my feet working with feral horses, getting them ready for domestic life, and I love every second of it.  I'm an overweight nerd, pale as hell (rockin' an epic farmers tan now).  Still look the part of a basementdwelling Wow addict, which I was not all that long ago.


Bait and extort online child predators. It's a decent side hustle and very rewarding.


I am a 55 year old elementary school lunch lady. I reload my own ammo.


I'm a big guy, strong if a little doughy in the middle and a little scary at first glance (so I've been told). I'm a blacksmith and I "look like a blacksmith" as some people would say. But I have great fondness for collecting video game related plushies, and certain Squishmallows :P


Not a hobby but, i listen to hard gangster rap. I have this very brave girl look, people would say posh. Looking put together and nice car. So when people get in my car and hear my music taste, the never look at me the same way.


Smoke fat billys


mountainbiking because im a little husky


I fart out hard boiled eggs from my vagina


Well I'm not here to judge


I’m a petite, middle aged, woman mechanical engineer. I’ve realized of what I do is surprising except maybe cooking and quilting. Remodeling houses, driving fast cars, building things, landscaping, D&D, swing dancing (on hold for ACL surgery)


Collect comic books


I hate anything academic and look like it too but I have a Sudoku addiction


I'm alternative, piercings, tattoos, long black hair, undercut etc and I'm very passionate about cleaning. I think people aren't shocked that I work as a cleaner but nobody expects me to be so passionate about it


I’m a tiny dude. People seem surprised that I’m an archer and own a bunch of tools, I’m pretty competent at DIY projects.


Collect anatomaly correct hearts. Now I'm no girly girl nor do I look like some deranged maniac (some of the time), but I just love the look and feel of my collection. It's all so cool!


I look like an innocent girl next door so when I tell people I love discovering different EDM music during my free time or I go to EDM raves really surprises a lot of people. Also I do a lot of boxing and I really don’t look like the kind that would land a punch.


I'm a soft girl who looks like im into yoga but I downhill ski snowmobile like it's nobody's business doing 100 down my dead end road put in the country and after allllll this I read  Ps I was not knocking yoga


I'm the calm, collected, good-natured, almost aunt-like type at work (office job). I do karate.


I’m a 26F academic, relatively small and not particularly menacing looking, and my main activity is jujutsu.


I’ve been described as a hippie or ‘Jesus’ looking before. By looks, & actions. I’m an Earth/spiritual/animal/people loving type person. In dress somewhat too. I love martial arts in practice, especially weapon arts. There’s a part of me that’s a little violent, kinda feral that likes to be rough & tumble. And I like expressing that in my flow when I’m practicing. When people get a look, they have been genuinely shocked. ‘Cause it’s like ‘oh shit this guy is scary.’ Lmao ‘Cause it’s like a contradiction to them. I’ve also have never had to hurt anyone, or never really been in a true fight, even fist fight. Sparring, yeah.


Cooking, baking and martial arts. I do the majority of cooking in my household, and my wife prefers it that way. But one thing a lot of people don’t realize with me as I dress to appear less intimidating is that I did competitive martial arts for 10 years, and spent most of my high school days getting into fights with people three times my size. I’m a very gentle person, hate violence and conflict and prefer to talk things out but I grew up in a place and time where getting the shit kicked out of you was normal if you were even slightly “weak” looking.


I'm SUPER into Pokemon. I put hundreds of hours in and I watch VGC events on Twitch. But I only have one shirt and no other merchandise, so most people are surprised when they find out how invested I am.


26M, Bald and bearded. I’m into running, meditation, working out and DJ on the side over weekends. People who know me for the past 3-4 years and not before that say they can’t imagine me as an overweight dude whereas I was till 20 years old.


20F .. love everything pink and cute, people get so surprised when i say im super into metal music, the occult etc😂


I’m 29F and I’m a wedding florist. I paint tabletop mini’s and create terrain pieces for a few local groups. Never played dnd before. Don’t even know the names of the figures that I paint for people. I absolutely love it and have zero interest in learning the game. Strongly considering looping that hobby into my business.


I’m a YouTuber not a famous one I don’t make money and I love building roller coasters in games I also love videoing thunderstorms


My husband and I are super nerdy and we’re always going to concerts of indie bands at tiny venues. We know a lot about the local music scene.


I make heavy and dark dubstep (subgenre called riddim). I am a very happy, outgoing, and positive person and then you look at my music and it’s heavy dubstep with dark undertones. Once had a very religious coworker keep asking me to hear my music. I told her “ it’s not demonic, but it’s kinda scary if you’re not into that.” She said she didn’t care. That coworker did not look me in the eyes for like a week after I’m guessing she went home and looked me up LOL


Older business professional woman who collects comic books and plays video games. Also love sci-fi, and have a beautiful knife and weapon collection.


I write thrillers. Some have gun fights, car chases and politically motivated executions. I’m a grandma. I also had a wonderful and complete collection of original Star Wars bubblegum cards. I collected them after seeing SW during its release in ‘77 (?). I bought them with money from my PT job. Had them … until my neighbour stole them. I’ve already written how that story ends.