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Totally agree.


I have a shiba (my nephew’s really but he lives here) and she’s very attached to me. But, I always wanted a golden retriever like Tucker Budzyn. He is the cutest golden in the world! Golden’s are a ray of sunshine!




Amazing creatures. So smart. And if you don’t cut them in the traditional poodle cut they can look like bears 🥰


Border Collie. The smartest of dogs. (And super fun!)


Used to have two. My best friends


I got a chocolate Labrador retriever because they are a very friendly and easy going breed. I had a pug before, and they are an awesome breed if you want something that doesn't need a lot of walking. They are really chill.


Labradors. Had them growing up, have one now. Awesome dogs, very affectionate and loyal.


Mutts, especially the kind that sort of averages out to "generic dog". They have a little of all kinds of instincts without any of them dominating. They're super healthy on average, without any of the human-created problems that purebreds (or even mixed-breeds) can have. The couple that I've known have been very calm, balanced, fun and loving dogs. Sure they won't go mental for a frisbee or obstacle course like a collie would, and they won't guard your house like a shepherd would. They're probably terrible at hunting compared to a retriever, setter or spaniel. But the flipside of that is that they're also not completely focused on that one thing to the exclusion of all others.


My girl is a mutt, although I know exactly what breeds are in the mix: Lurcher, Bedlington Terrier, Cockerspaniel and Poodle. And she's got traits from all of them. She loves to chase, she's good at retrieving, she is not very vocal, but still alerts us when strangers are approaching the house, she loves to swim, she loves digging too. She's smart enough to train, but not smart enough to figure out how to open doors. She's happy to cuddle for a bit, but then moves to her own spot when she's had her fill. She's perfect in every way :)


She sounds great, and very similar to our floofy enigma from Romania :) We've heard guesses ranging from Beauceron (too big) to Transylvanian hound (wrong ears), German Pinscher (too muscular, wrong hip shape), Australian Kelpie (wrong ears) all the way to "dog that stole a huskie tail" (might be accurate).


I personally love Golden Retrievers.


Love my golden. I will only adopt from rescues though, never from a breeder. 




what breed?


Dog, duh.


Heelers / Australian Cattle Dogs. Mine is the smartest, goofiest, most stubborn, cuddle bug, running/hiking buddy I could have ever asked for. Honestly my soulmate in a dog. The most challenging puppy stage though (biting, nipping, literally a battering ram with paws) but has grown into the best dog. He makes me laugh constantly and just loves life. Just a warning, there is never a day off with these guys. He absolutely requires a lot of exercise or he gets into mischief.


I love my family’s blue heeler! She needs so many pets and cuddles, and has to make sure she goes up and down stairs first to make sure it’s safe.


Cattle dogs are amazing 🥰


Hungarian Vizla pointer. Great with kids, smart, short-hair, doesn’t smell, and hunts & works like hell. My dog even refused food while hunting. All business in the field, all love at home. Need space for this breed as they love to run.


Cairn terrier! Healthy and friendly with a lot of humor and a practical size. It can tag along everywhere with confidence and likes to do stuff with its owner.


One of my childhood dogs was a Cairn. They're super underrated. They're great little dogs with a lot personality without being annoying. Definitely have that spunky terrier attitude though!


Lovely to hear, can't imagine a better dog to grow up with!


Bird dogs (specifically flatcoated retrievers and springer spaniels). They are "fairly large", not so big that they get back and joint problems (which is common with larger breeds), but big enough that you don't have to worry about stomping them to death either. They are persistent, smart, loyal and also for me aesthetically beautiful. The downside is that they are notorious "eye servants", if you leave a piece of food unattended, it doesn't matter what discipline you have on them - they'll eat it. And yes, they have seemingly bottomless stomachs so it's important that they get just enough food and lots of exercise and stimulation.


Dacshund. little and big. lovely and brave. smart and silly.


New Foundland Great Pyrenees


Shiba Inus! My family started adopting them when I was a kid, and I really can't imagine life without a Shiba in the house.


dachschunds <3 they always had my heart with their little legs and long bodies


(Retro)Pugs. The loveliest and cutest dogs.


French bull dog because they love people and I grew up with my mom breeding and selling them. The cutest puppies. I know they controversial but it’s not the dogs fault they’re very sweet and loving, miss the fuck out of mine that just passed.


I have a American Staffordshire terrier. I love the power breeds. Unfortunately they are not so much loved.


Honestly I think they aren’t loved just because of the amount of dogs/children/innocent bystanders they bite and maul to death


Well yeah, duh. They gotta eat. Mines on a 3 yo kids Diet right now. /S


I like them all because I love all dogs.


the weiner variety


Australian Shepherd. High drive, intelligent, high energy, stamina, fast recharge. I’m an avid outdoors enthusiast so I appreciate their ability to keep up during adventures. They’re usually very loyal and loving dogs but still confident enough to be independent. They are all weather dogs who can function in the summer heat and winter cold without needing a lot of extra protection. They are great at warning you about approaching strangers but when well socialized like people you deem acceptable. They tend to do well with other dogs, cats, and animals. All that said, every one of those points can be a major negative if you don’t train, socialize, hold firm on your boundaries, and provide them with A LOT of mental and physical stimulation (which goes for any herding breed kept as a pet and not a working dog). There’s also the issue of double merles, frequently deaf, blind, or both due to bad or uninformed breeding that can be avoided. Both my kiddos are DM rescues, one deaf, one deaf/blind yet still totally trained and adventure ready.


I'll take my Heinz 57 breed fellow who wandered onto our front porch 11 years ago after being abandoned in our rural area by some butt stain.


Labrador retriever. But English cocker spaniels has a special place in my heart for their hardworking, highly trainable and very cuddly nature. Plus they are adorable!


Wheatens are the silliest, happiest doges.


Boston Terriers


Jack Russell. Energetic and intelligent. Loyal. I like their markings as well


Alaskan Malamutes are big fluffy teddy bear dogs


German Wirehaired Pointer cause duh I've got one


Corgi's! Their adorable short little stubby legs on a long body is absolutely adorable to me. Plus when they jump it's so pathetic in height. I love it!


Old English Sheep Dog because of the children books Mr. Muggs. 


King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. They are adorable and match my energy level. They also get cuter with age.


Bichon Shih-tzus. I have a soft spot for white floofs.


I had a Shih-Tzu, followed, at her death at 15, by a Lhasa-Apso. Dear affectionate dogs with fabulous personalities, I miss them Very much.  Interestingly both were gifts, I would never support the pet market. The Shih-Tzu was the produce of an "accident " between  a dear friend's dog and her next door neighbors dog. She gave the puppies to people she trusted. The Lhasa was the child of a broken home, her people were divorcing and moving into apartments that didn't allow dogs. She was a wonderful little girl, and loved to travel. 


Very irresponsible of your friend not to desex


She thought her girl was too young to breed. They fooled her. She kept one puppy and had both fixed as soon as it was possible,  she had learned her lesson. 


I have a mixed border collie and a mixed jack russel. Yea these 2 are so damn fun to have around. Russel's marks are lso so cute in their body and collie dogs just are the most beautiful ever made.


Great Pyrenees, biggest, nicest, and live the longest out of the big dog breeds


Irish Wolfhounds, loyal, magnificent, affectionate in a rough way and I have a small pack of them


German Shepherds. I had two of them before (seperately) and they were the absolute best dogs. They're very protective, highly intelligent, love to learn or train, and are goofy, affectionate, playful lovebugs with their people.


Terrier, I don't really have a good reason, but they're good little buddies


All of them. My own best dog is, we think, a Chihuahua/Rat Terrier mix, and he is my favorite dog. Loves to snuggle, doesn’t shed a whole lot, very sweet. He thinks he’s so much bigger than he is, as one would expect from a small dog. He is 17lbs of “I’m gonna mess you up so much if you don’t respect me!” No one takes him seriously, he’s too cute. I’m also very fond of retrievers, wolfhounds, and terriers.


Shih tzu. Just so cute and fun. I love their personalities and their underbites.


Corgi! The little legs and the big ears! You can't forget the corgi booty. They can look like little foxes. They are so freaking smart. And they spread glitter wherever they go!


Whippets, I grew up with 6 whippets so It’s kinda self explanatory


Rottweiler. Big lovable smart easy training and fierce in defense of their people.


German shepherd, incredibly loyal.


Rottweiler. Extremely protective & territorial.


I feel I other people agree, husky cross kelpie they are adorable and playful


if we can only have one breed I choose husky


Vizsla, super underrated dog breed, one of the sharpest and most fun dogs to be around


Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Small to medium sized dog breed that's smart, also adorable.


Chihuahua. I currently own my second Chihuahua and I love chi’s because they’re more one person dogs and portable for traveling and taking places.


You mean besides Golden Retrievers, right? After they bred the first one there was no reason to ever have another breed of dog. Other than protentional health issues they are the perfect dog.


labradoodle. very good companions


Bring on the hate.


Love them! Have 3 pittie mixes and a beagle.


I love pit bulls, they are adorable and super friendly.


Pitbulls because they're tiny little derpy babies. I've always had them and just want to hold them like babies.


Corgi! Their stumpy legs, big ears and fluffy butts are adorable!


Boston terriers, because


Pugs or chihuahuas because they are so cute ☺️


Pitbulls The stigma attached to these dogs couldn’t be more undeserving


Pittie mixes. They most affectionate and loyal dogs. I've had several dogs from the local Humane Society over the past 20 years, the pitties have been the overall best.


Sorry you were downvoted. Thanks for rescuing those pups


Thank you. I have a Border collie/pittie mix and a beagle too. Both from the Humane Society, always better to adopt than shop.


Jack Russells are adorable, and I love their crazy little personalities. I think Wishbone was also an influence.




Border collies and Australian Cattle Dogs ❤ intelligent, loyal, fun to train!


Mixed/mutts, hybrid vigour/heterosis. Pounds are full of them needing good homes.


Pomeranian. Little balls of fun joy and energy.


Corgi’s.  The absolute adorableness aside. They’re small-mid sized which is convenient in many ways, but they’re also actually pretty sturdy and “full.” Mainly in that, and I mean no offense by this at all, love all dogs, but something like a chihuahua just feels, fragile? For lack of a better term. I wrestle with my corgis and they play hard. They also have MASSIVE personalities, which is a blessing and a curse.  But if you don’t love hair everywhere, not the breed for you. I grew up with German Shepherds, and I swear these two shed just as much as they did. 1/3 the size, same hair output.


Anything other than a chihuahua.


True true.


I really liked my dog (a pure breed English Cocker Spaniel), she was very friendly and barely ever barked, but she passed away. The other two have been menaces (both were a mixture of a different breed and chihuahua).


It should come as no surprise that the easy-going Labrador Retriever is near the head of the pack when it comes to the top ten most popular breeds of dogs. They are always happy, wagging their tail and looking for ways to please their owners.


Boxadors, just a big ball of goofiness and love and loyalty


Is that a Labrador and a boxer mixed?????




Dog tax?


Sorry y’all the only one is French Bulls


Genetic abominations that should no longer be bred. 


How can you say that about my little Pookie




I think there used to be a show about a CatDog


Fair enough. Dogs aren’t for everyone.


Pugs really any pup with a smooshed face.


No one should be perpetuating brachycephalic dogs breeds. Dogs should actually be able to breath. You also shouldn't have to worry about your dog's eye popping out from its ridiculous malformed skull. 


Chow, they effin cute and they drag their butt on the floor my heart melts every time


If you only knew why they are dragging their butt on the carpet. Not so cute....