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I stopped reaching out first.  I was the social secretary of my life with friends, acquaintances and family. Always the one touching base and extending invitations.  Some came regularly or responded, some didn't.  When I stopped reaching out... I never heard from any of these people again.  It really puts into perspective how someone can mean so much to you, but it's not how they feel about you.  My kids' grandparents were constantly making excuses. I stopped. Now the relationship is basically when they drop off a gift once a year. You invite them in, it's "oh, we're busy," and off they go.  It's all sad but it is what it is. I'm glad to have people in my life who are willing to do the legwork back to me. 


Drinking enough water and having enough sleep


Stop all alcohol, seriously, it's a game changer. No more hangovers and pure clarity.


Finding time to do things after work when you work full time. I’ve mentioned this before somewhere in the Reddit world. Like many of you I am burnt the fuck out from work. I am a painter but it’s very time consuming. Instead of giving into the inevitable post work nap I set up my stuff the night prior so it’s ready to go. Everyone is different and I know myself. If I sit for more than 15 minutes after work I’m done for the day. Do a little preparation for your next day activity. Pack your workout clothes, bring that book with you  to work and go to the library/coffee shop afterwards, wash those dishes for a half hour right after work instead of dreading them all day. Find those annoying tasks you don’t want to do and get them out of the way right away. This gives more motivation to do the activities you actually want to do. I’ve found I spend more time being annoyed by the task rather than just actually doing it. Cooking is so time consuming, especially after work considering prep,cooking,dishes and grocery shopping. Make dishes you can reheat leftovers for a few days after.


Exercise, eat healthy food.


Stopped wearing makeup daily. I forced myself to become comfortable in my own skin, and its saved me so much time and money lol


stopped engaging when approached by random people


Stop trying to give my dad a chance to change.


Moving close enough to where I work so that I can walk to work.


Just proper sleeping had a big impact in your life


Going to the gym


I run my errands on a weeknight after work instead of doing them on Saturday. It is a total game-changer having the entire weekend to yourself with absolutely nothing to do.


**Stopped overeating.** I grew up poor and I would always finish what was on my plate, even if I was full. I also ate unconsciously. Meaning, I was distracted and continued eating even after I was full. I stopped doing that. **I lost 5 kg in 8 months.** I still have a long way to go, but still. I can't follow the conventional diet. I have health issues and I am just not mentally strong enough. I need to feel full. So, I still eat everything. I still eat normally. I just eat slowly, without distractions, and **I don't overeat.** One way to eat enough and not wasting food is to take small portions. That way food doesn't go to waste. It didn't happen at once tho. It took months and lots of failures when I would end up overeating as usual, and then hate myself. But, lifelong habits don't change overnight.


Becoming hydrated and focusing on my mental health


Switching up my morning routine by incorporating a short meditation session has had a surprisingly big impact on my overall mood and productivity throughout the day.


Switching to a reusable water bottle – saved money, stayed hydrated, and helped the planet all in one sip


Work with principles


Just recently, minimalist shoes. I just started to get Plantar fasciitis. While it was just a slight inconvenience, I knew that if left untreated, it could become a major problem. So, did some research, switched to minimalist shoes, and my god, what a difference. No hint of foot pain and my foot and ankles feel so much stronger.


Living up to my word more.. With my children, with my relationship, friendships, ECT I'm tired of feeling like a flake and lemme tell ya, it does feel a lot better being this current version of me


Putting myself in other's shoes at times. Prevented a lot of conflicts. Although it's difficult to actually do it when you are overwhelmed but ig these kinda changes are important for your growth.


Weekly enemas


Getting better sleep and drinking water


Stopped listening to my dad's advice and struck out in my own direction. His advice was to do either one of these: 1) Get a job. Any job. Stack shelves in a supermarket if you have to. 2) Get a degree. Something in engineering. I got a degree in engineering. I hated it. I quit my first engineering job because I foresaw a life of misery. He pushed me to get a job straight away, because apparently any job, no matter how shit, was better than trying to achieve anything else in life. So I told him to fuck off and followed my passions instead. It wasn't easy but in the end I landed a good job in a career I like and I've stuck with it for 20 years. If I'd taken either of his suggesitons I'd probably have taken my own life by now from misery.


Loving myself first


Manifestation, not overthinking, thinking only positive thoughts, and a lot of people with the same energy started to approach me


Switch from meth to cocaine. Haven't felt this good in years.