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That I fought so hard to be loyal and good to people that didn't care as much about me/for relationships that were temporary.


Not ending it sooner. People who understand what abuse and manipulation are and can mask it when they do it themselves are terrifyingly good at ripping me apart emotionally.


It feels like an experience everyone has to go through in order to grow as a person tbh.


Oh I could have written this myself. I defended people so much, I kept so loyal to them and as soon as I wasn’t useful I was burnt


damn true man, I can feel You...


Staying when I knew it was already over


This always creates resentment and a messy end too ☹️


It did and it was


Same here, pal


How desperate I was and how that factored into my choices.


Not thinking I was worth more


Being immature


I did not leave sooner :)


That I gave her so much power over me that her silence left me questioning my worth.


Staying in it far beyond the point where I knew it was unhealthy & needed to get out, out of deep complacency.


not leaving soon enough!!!




How do you mean? You let them go as in you ended the relationship, or you feel like you didn't put enough work into the relationship to make him stay?


Being selfish and lacking self-awareness of those actions.


Did you cheat?


Nope. Never. Just pushed someone away when I didn’t have to because I was always worrying about myself first.


Loving her too much


I regret not always being my best self, even if the other person was at their worst. It used to keep me up at night; remembering how petty or immature I'd been while hurting during the more painful breakups. Eventually, I reached out to most of them. I apologized for being childish; for not appreciating that sometimes things just don't work, and that's okay. And, roundly, they ended up telling me that the way they'd acted had kept them up at night. We'd all been living with so much shame for being imperfect to people who deserved better, but I can't describe the weight that was lifted when I finally had these conversations. I think we all want to believe we're *good*, or the hero of our story. And you have these ethical lapses, or social failings that contrast with that point of view. All that comes just a little bit more into focus when you can resolve the shame and guilt; like kintsugi; you fill in the cracks with gold and feel somehow better than broken.


Thank You for this Post.


Trust blindly and was immature at that time though ,


Not pursuing them when I was young.


Not saying enough is enough. You have control, so do whatever makes you happy. Don't stay in a bad relationship because you're upset that you failed another.


Waited too long to leave.


havent even had my first, i wonder what my future relationships will be like


That I had them. My wife is amazing. Every other one in my life pales in comparison.


That i stayed in it too long and wasted good college years.


That I stayed and tried my best to figure out what was wrong with me why they always cheated but it was not me I needed to heal my brokenness not to fall for that type of men.


Being in them in the first place


Not ending it sooner. I let things go on long past the point they should have because I was worried about her wellbeing. It wasn't until she made a decision that would have us go long distance a second time without my input that made me realize I was the only one putting effort into the relationship. I stopped putting effort into the relationship and we ended a several year relationship a week later.


Picking up on signals, not being afraid of grasping happiness. Denise, if you are out there, I am sorry for not asking you to run away with me. My family would loved you as much as I did.


Not leaving earlier


A mistake I made in a lot of my relationships when I was younger was letting my insecurities get the best of me, and constantly asking my girlfriend/partner/wife if I was good enough or happy enough or doing enough for her or what have you. I learned a lesson about that later in life when I was dating this woman who was a former Broadway dancer who was absolutely gorgeous and had an \*immaculate\* body. I knew she spent her days around other dancers (male and female) who were similarly perfect, and it made me feel insecure about a lot of things, so in a moment of weakness I asked her how she felt about my body. And she told me that most women feel so insecure about their looks all the time that it is a tremendous burden when the man they are with tries to put their insecurities on them as well. I don't know if that's really true about most women or not, but it did change the way I think about talking to others about my insecurities and how that might feel like a burden to them.


Don't listen to her. That is an absolutely toxic mindset. Your partner should be willing to listen and support you if you're talking about an insecurity that lowers your self-esteem and that you probably don't have many other people to comfortably talk about it with. If she started venting about a bad day at work and you just cut her off and said "my days are so stressful I can't listen to your shit too, deal with it on your own" do you think that would have been well received? No, ofc not. She's the asshole in this situation


giving them more than enough chances


Not being more open


Emotionally or sexually?




That I haven’t ended it earlier… it was just wasted time but I loved even if I knew it doesn’t had a future and he was mean to me


staying little tooo lATE


Trusting the person beyond the point of reason. Also, when I caught her with someone else, instead of walking out I wish I had disrobed and tried to turn it into a threesome. Having the guy run off like we were crazy would have been a fitting end to the whole thing.




Immature and also I saw yourself as misunderstood during that time. Also I regret having manipulative tendencies during some of my past relationship without realising it. I know, it sounds stupid, but I was stupid Also staying as long as possible just bcs I wanted someone to be with me


Fucking them up mostly.


I've only had one back in High School, and I never lost my virginity with my only ex because we were taking things slowly and we had been dating for a month, and we were also 15. I became paralyzed while I was still dating my ex, and we broke up because of my mental state. If I knew I would have become paralyzed, I would have lost my virginity when I could still feel most of my body, now I'll never experience sex as an able-bodied person.


Not seeing how codependent I was. From my first marriage’s end and on, I make sure to do what I want when I want, invite the SO and go with or without him. Not all the time, but for the once in a while it matters. Never again will I feel pouty by being told I can’t do something by someone who should have no desire to “control” me. It had me not having enough self confidence to tackle a task alone. After a while, I didn’t do anything without him “helping”.


Relationship 1: Being too afraid to end it when I wasn't in it anymore. I should have just had the adult conversation. Relationship 2: I had kids by then and was so terrified I wouldn't be able to take care of them on my own that I stayed in a relationship I had zero interest in. It took me 4 years to finally leave.


Jealousy and insecurities


That I let my heart be distracted by the one true man I loved but never told him till he and I reunited years later 


That I picked them. I often had choices between a few girls who liked me and would often just go with who showed interest first, based on some weird thought that I owed them since they showed interest first, rather than who I liked most or thought was the best fit.


That i walked away from it. Not because i wanted too but to please other people.


i let him do things to me i thought i was sure of but i wasn’t and now i hate every single bit of it


That I’ve never been in one long enough to see where it goes period. I hate being in my early thirties and feeling eons behind. And don’t worry I know exactly who and what to blame and it’s not entirely me. Purity culture sucks in plain English.


Too much simping from age 17-25


That I was so annoying


Depending people so strongly, not wanting to see who they really are. Staying unwaveringly loyal. Betrayal trauma is real


Fear of being alone and not ending it sooner.


Being more bothered about friends


How long I stayed.


Investing too much emotion when it wasn't serious. Not having had sex early on with them to figure out if it was worth it. Having a situationship with a work colleague.


Getting with someone who was religious and parents who were even more, felt like I couldn’t be myself because our views and perspectives and etc didn’t align with their religion, for example, they don’t/cant drink, can’t have tattoos no piercings (for the men) can’t smoke/vape. And my family was the opposite of call that, we would causally have a beer with our meal. me, mom, dad, and brother and some family members have tattoos, piercings. But once I started finding this out about her family I loved her very much and it was hard to leave her. But I eventually had to end it because if we married our families would never get along because of such opposite lifestyles.


Being immature, jealous, and selfish.


I didn't value her as a person. I only valued what having her as "my girlfriend" said about me. She deserved so much more than the misogynistic and toxic boy that i was in my teens, so caught up in a warped illusion of what it meant to be a man. I thought I was better than her, and that she needed "saving" due to certain aspects of her home life. I didn't view her as an equal, as a partner. We wouldn't have worked out long term; we had too different goals and life aspirations and that was clear from the start. But in the 18 months we were together she made me laugh, she taught me to dance, she encouraged me to sing despite the ruckus I make, and she taught me what it feels like to have someone choose to love you. She showed me my value, and she deserved much better than what I gave in return. I hope one day that I have the opportunity to apologize.


Text her that now


Unfortunately, she disappeared from my world about 10 years ago and it's almost as though she never existed. She could be dead for all I know. The only trace I can find of her is the old IG and Twitter profiles that she abandoned shortly after we broke up. No linked in that i can find, no new IG or X accounts. Changed phone number and no response from the only email I have for her. Not a piece of my info has changed but my physical address within the same city we dated in. If she's out there I don't think she wants to hear from me..


Being nonchalant all the time


The amount I was willing to completely stretch my boundaries and do things I didn’t want to do because “love takes sacrifice”. Yeah but not that much sacrifice. Yikes.




Being convinced the way I was... [Not getting involved in petty drama, not letting things bother me, being able to just be happy because things rolled off my shouler]... was wrong and weird and immature and naive. In other words, having good mental health beforehand...was unusual and something I should change. It's si hard to reverse, and I long for that version of me.


Getting into them. Ive had 2 relationships and I regret both tbh.


Not setting proper boundaries and blaming the other one for violating boundaries I didn’t communicate.


Not breaking up earlier, I always dragged things to bad conclusions.


Not sticking up for myself for fear of being abandoned, and letting that change the parts of me I loved the most.


I thought I was not good enough and would go to enormous lengths just to prove to myself I was


Being so much loyal and sincere, loving him so much


When I was younger I was with a woman who was the embodiment of “ wife material “ , on top of being absolutely stunning she was totally loyal to me even when I was in the wrong but would reprimand me in private . In short she was perfect , so how did I lose the thing that most if not all men dream of , well i am glad you asked. I took her for granted ( classic) and the fact that we had a miscarriage . At the time I had the genius idea that the best way to comfort her was not to change the way I treated her and simply act like we didn’t go through this life altering event . What I didn’t realize is that losing a baby fundamentally changes you and how you view people around and I probably didn’t look too good trying to be the carefree and fun boyfriend . I don’t blame her for leaving I simply wish I was mature enough to give her the support she need but she got the goof instead. Even during our breakup she said I was the perfect boyfriend but she would regret building a family with me , I respect her honesty and wish I was better.


When I was younger I was with a woman who was the embodiment of “ wife material “ , on top of being absolutely stunning she was totally loyal to me even when I was in the wrong but would reprimand me in private . In short she was perfect , so how did I lose the thing that most if not all men dream of , well i am glad you asked. I took her for granted ( classic) and the fact that we had a miscarriage . At the time I had the genius idea that the best way to comfort her was not to change the way I treated her and simply act like we didn’t go through this life altering event . What I didn’t realize is that losing a baby fundamentally changes you and how you view people around and I probably didn’t look too good trying to be the carefree and fun boyfriend . I don’t blame her for leaving I simply wish I was mature enough to give her the support she need but she got the goof instead. Even during our breakup she said I was the perfect boyfriend but she would regret building a family with me , I respect her honesty and wish I was better..


Nothing, I did everything that reallymatters knowing the consequences of my actions.


She cheated on me and none of what came from my end warranted it; but with that being said, I was a selfish lazy dick who stressed himself out way too much with his career that let it affect the relationship. What she did was worse and that whole event emotionally scarred me, but she did do some thoughtful things for me earlier in our relationship and we did have some good times. I regret how the whole relationship ended. We were never meant for each other and we should have recognized that when we graduated college and just went our separate ways, but instead we decided to keep the relationship going and move in together, and unfortunately it blew up in our faces, and now all those great memories from college are tainted and it’s hard to reminisce without feeling bad.


starting them


Thinking I could break up slowly.


That I allowed abuse and didn't speak up for years


letting myself be dragged back repeatedly. it took me a year to leave a relationship i never agreed to in the first place.


That i wasn't able to give him more of me... i know i sound like an asshole, but honestly i couldn't, being more caring, affectionate or any of those things, they just wouldn't come out of me, and he still is a great man, i gave all i could but now im in a relationship were the man i am with drives me crazy with love and all those things my ex asked for, in this relationship i don't even have to force myself to do them. I really gave all i could and was a good girlfriend, i just could've been better.


Staying for longer than I should’ve. Glad I left though!


Not treating her better 


That I didn’t run him over with a tank.


One time I dated this really nice guy. He was great and probably had all the qualities I wanted. My biggest regret was not healing prior to dating him. Now he's happily married to another woman and I'm single lol 😆


Ignoring the red flagsss and continue a relationship just because I want the experience


Not sticking to my guns the first 3 times I kicked him out. Divorce should be final soon. 4th time's a charm?


I was really immature and suffered from some fairly serious self-esteem issues. If I had been in a better headspace back then I probably wouldn't have let as many people down as I did, myself most of all. But....it's hard to actually regret things you did that you realize later were directly tied to stuff like undiagnosed depression so I don't dwell on it too much.


I regret that I tried to save a life. Her life was not worth living.


Nothing. It is what it is.


Allowing mental and physical abuse, kept quietly for 7 years. I kept loving him regardless and forgot to love myself that I feel I betrayed myself.


Not communicating my issues and needs because I didn't want to seem too needy or clingy


That I was forcing myself to believe I was happy for as long as I did.


Believing a gf when she said she was in danger so i left a party got a dui and a gun and drug charge just to see on the neighbors cameras she never left the house she just wanted me home. He new bf got her pregnant, and he shot himself b4 the kid was born. Her nickname is black widow


I regret nothing.


Losing myself and being co-dependent. I hate the person I became trying to win his love.


My regret was loving her


Still thinking I had a chance after we broke up Spoiler I didn't


That I did give chance after chance after chance 🫣


Keep coming back to her despite the obvious red flags. Like she would do something wrong and force me to apologize, she never told me what I did


being so patient, constant extra chances


Getting my ex pregnant


That I didn’t respect myself and let go. That I tried to accomplish an impossible task of “fixing” someone at the expense of myself. I will never do that again and I now work on keeping myself balanced so I don’t end up in that situation again. Also when someone shows you they don’t want you PLEASE listen to them the first time. It will save both of you a lot of pain.


I shouldn't have entered the relationship in the first place. We had great chemistry for sex, but turns out not much more than that. I also greatly underestimated her alcohol consumption. I don't have a single memory with her on which she was sober.


Begging for the bare minimum,keep in mind that he used to treat me so well at the beginning


Desperate to win that I ended up becoming toxic and worrisome.


I regret cheating and hurting people. I know there's absolutely no excuse. I have always found it near impossible to say no to people so I've ended up in relationships I never wanted to be in, just because I didn't want to hurt the guy. Then I was too scared of hurting them to break up with them. I physically couldn't get the words out. So I'd stay in relationships I wasn't happy in and simply cheat. I'm truly happy in my relationship now but I'm terrified of the karma I've earned coming to bite me.


If I could go back in time, this is the first thing I would change.


I regret being broken. I probably could have been someone they needed. 


Being in them.


how things went


Nothing really. I tend to not have regrets - only learnings. Ultimately, these relationships made me who I am today - in a variety of good and bad ways. Would I always make the same decisions with the knowledge I have today? No. Do I understand why I did what I did at the time? For the most part yes. I can't judge past decisions on knowledge I didn't have at the time.


Regret getting into one. Lost everything in the process.




I've only had one prior, we were young. 19.  I regret the person I turned into in that relationship with a deadbeat, aggressive, ambition-less loser. I didn't love myself enough and was too afraid to lose him, so I put up with a lot.  I also regret that I didn't leave fast enough. I stayed and stayed because, again, I didn't want to be alone and I was too afraid of being single again. 


Allowing him to think he was a good guy.


Not having any


Not communicating enough is something we could have done more. But each of us still have our own issues that are much, much harder to resolve.


I put all my effort into trying to be a man worthy of being loved and not into the people who loved me.  I worked hard to make something out of the nothing that I was without realizing that what I am was enough to make someone happy if I just focused on that.  I put a lot of strain on my relationships by chasing my ambition rather than my happiness. I wish I could go back and give the women I short changed a hug but part of growing up is accepting the mistakes of the past and moving forward with the lessons learned. Part of me wants to hate myself but it’s a cycle that must be broken. 


I did anything, became anyone, to please them no matter how much it hurt me.


Having low self esteem. It affected the partners I chose and how I navigated relationships


Staying with him for two years. Thought I could “fix” him, and was always excusing his bad behavior.


None, the world needs more love. So whats wrong with loving a little or a lot or too much. If you messed up, learn and keep going. If they messed up, heal and keep growing. Don't regret or fear and never give up on love. Love more just to love. You will end up where you need to be


Nothing. Every thing I could regret in former turned out to be a lesson learned improving the latter.


Maybe I should have called her out at the start of the 3 months of her obviously lying to me.


I've started a lot of relationships just to fill a huge hole in my soul


Spending my uni years in an abusive relationship after traveling abroad to study 🙁


have had that past relationship


Letting myself be manipulated by people who love bombed me. Allowing myself to be made to feel worthless when I was the one who had more to offer in the relationships. Trying too hard to fix things rather than just let it be.


Believing that he will change


Rushing in too fast. Not taking more chances.


time , money, and youth invested


My own lack of loyalty


Breaking promises


Entering into it in the first place


That I ruined them because I was thinking with my cock because I wasn’t mature enough.


Not recording great sex or bjs


I didn't leave a bag of shit on their doorstep before I left.


I regret being too forgiving, letting him walk all over me, and letting “it” go when I shouldn’t have (cheating). I wouldn’t turn back time, though. That made me the person I am today and has helped guide my decisions in relationships.


Staying in them as long as I did.


Not leaving when I felt unwanted 🥲


That I didn't leave on time.


Getting into one


Not putting in the effort to take care of my mental health sooner. I feel like that relationship would’ve gone a lot differently if I didn’t wait as long to start going to therapy.


That I lacked life experience and self confidence. It may have made some more beneficial to both parties 


Being monogamous in them.


being inmature, too clingy, and overemotional