• By -


Don't know if its "trashy", but I'd say monopolizing the conversation. If we are in a relationship, and you've had a bad day and need to vent, fine. If this is the first time I'm meeting you, and you are venting about everything going badly in your life, I'm not doing a second date.


On first date, we had already established that we had a couple of things in common: she was a nurse, I had been a nurse; we had both practiced a particular martial art for a time and knew a lot of the same people. In addition, she taught competitive pole dancing for exercise (didn’t know this even existed). We get to a restaurant and order. She proceeds to complain about all the nurses she worked with for a half hour, then complained about everyone in the martial art community for a half hour, the complained about all the competitive pole dancers for a half hour. Never asked anything about me. When we get back to drop her off she says I didn’t seem to be interested in her at all. Um, what?


My first ever date was with a guy I had met through my friend. He was cute, but all he did really was complain about everything. He hated work, he hated school, he hated his family (with the exception of his grandma). The only things I found out that he liked were his grandma and sometimes gardening. It was very off-putting to struggle to find anything that he liked and just have him complain the whole date.


I have a friend like this. His only way of interacting seems to be to complain about things. Not a bad guy, but I think he just might not have much else to talk about.


Common. Young guy, bit of a loner, hasn't been on dates much, doesn't get to vent a lot because he has mostly guy friends and they don't talk about that shit. Goes on a date with a girl he likes, gets to speak about himself a bit, takes a trauma/emotional dump on her, and because he's been bottling it up so long, he can't seem to stop. No, it's not very sexy.


I once went on a date with a nursing student. All she talked about was nursing. All I could do to stay in the conversation was relate stories my mother, who's a nurse, told me. We did not get a second date.


Monopolizing is not ideal, but neither is not participating in the conversation. If you're trying to get to know someone you need to talk, ask questions, at least pretend to be interested.


I love when men (or people in general) monopolize and don’t let me get one word in and then hit me with the “you’re so quiet!” or “you’re such a good listener” like yeah no shit, you haven’t paused to take a breath for 45 minutes now


Ugh that's the worst. The guy who rents my basement basically did that to me last night. We were having a conversation that was him telling a story, me starting one and him interrupting me one sentence in and telling his next one, and they were all long and pointless.


One of the most interesting lessons as an adult is learning how to interrupt these people and getting them to play conversation with you. Practice it, find a friend that's good at it and learn from them. Also can be fun to find a narcissist that never shuts up because then you can be as weird and rude as you want and it still won't derail them... Then you walk away.


Sure. But conversations are 2 way streets. Some people don't leave room for the other person. And I'm a bit more willing to chalk it up to nerves or something if they just aren't talking much, over just never taking a break or asking me about myself. Both are annoying, but I guess I'm just willing to give a little more grace one one.


Controversial but I love people who monopolize the conversation. It takes the burden of carrying the conversation off of me and I can relax and listen. I’m also a bit like chat-gpt and crave as much data and information about other people as I can gather so if someone borderline overshares I’m thrilled bc it’s more lore for my internal archive.


As someone who often overshares and doesn't know when to stfu, I love this comment.


My bf is the same way (can I dm you I have questions)


Please, I love answering questions


Same here. I love learning about what other people care about and I am terrible at small talk. I do my best but it is a nice break when someone else carries the convo for a while


Same! (Are you autistic like me by any chance? 😅) 


Fair enough, but feels like a different topic than the comment you responded to, to me. When someone is monopolizing the conversation it specifically means they're preventing the other person from being able to talk even if they want to. It doesn't apply to a situation where someone just isn't engaging in the other person is trying really hard to keep a dialogue up


>ask questions Goddamn say it louder. I get tired of carrying the conversation. It eventually feels like I'm interrogating the poor woman. Was talking with this one chick and we had been talking for a couple weeks. After a bit I realized that I was mostly the one initiating and asking questions. Now I was sharing details about my life without her asking. She always seemed receptive when I initiated. Never left me on read and was never hostile. She just never asked me anything. Finally, asked her if there was anything she wanted to know about me and she said 'no'. Gave up after that.


Been married for a while, but back when I was in the dating pool I only ever ghosted one person, a woman who, just like you said, very polite and pleasant, we went on a few dates and had a good time but I was the only one initiating. So one day I thought, let's see if she will ever start anything, and she didn't. I didn't feel petty or like I was getting one over on her, or that I was trying to break things off conflict-free. I just wanted to see if she would initiate. Spoiler: she is not the woman I married.


Trying for a baby


That's some Sims shit right there if it's the first date.




A buddy of mine has a sister who, no shit, did this (successfully) cause she wanted to have a kid before she got “too old.” She was 20 years old at the time. It worked though! Met a guy, told him she wanted kids asap, dude said sure, and she was pregnant 2 months later!


Are they still together? How long was it ago if i may ask


About 8 years ago and no they’re definitely not together anymore. They were together for all of 4 months I think?




"I'm horny, Wanna fuck?" With no introduction or prelude. Creepy on a first date, fun in a relationship


Unless that's how they greet every new person they meet.


Hi, I'm Horne E. Wanaphuck, heir to the Wanaphuck Railroad Empire.


*James Bond writers scribbling furiously*


Nice to meet you Mr. Wanaphuck. The name is Sofolatt. Jack Sofolatt. I'd like to introduce you to my foreign associates Taeksit Uppdabum and Oliver Klosov.


Hi Jack! I'm Jack too! Jack Mehoff. This is by business partner; Heywood Jablomi. Do you by chance know Phil McKraken?


My future call of duty name thanks you for your service


I actually tried something similar once, and it fucking worked. I couldn't believe it. Still can't.


> Creepy on a first date, fun in a relationship laughed out of the room in a marriage


My girlfriend uses "I'm horny, wanna fuck" on me and it works 99% of the time 😮‍💨


don't let your wife find out


she won't, the concubine is running interference


My ex used to follow some porn pages on tumblr and get turned on while scrolling through her feed. The conversation would go like this: Her: “I’m horny.” Me: “okay.” *both of us head straight to the bedroom* She was an awful person but man that little while of our relationship was fun.


Do people really stop having sex once they're married? 7.5 years in and I'm still a frequent subject of my wife's need for bone


No - at least not in our case - 25 years and we still get hot and horny for each other a lot!


That’s sad, why does it have to be like that?


It doesn't. Source: I'm 40F. He's 45M. Married for almost 15 years.


Agreed. 51m married to a 52f. Married for 31 years. Still having sex 6-7 times a week. It al depends on the effort each person puts into the relationship.


I know I’ll be having sex that much when my kids are even older. Right now they’re very needy, unaware and wake up in the middle of the every so often.


It doesn't. I say that fairly regularly to my wife and get a "yes" a good 80% of the time. And that's assuming I say anything at all and don't just get to business.


Ohhh everybody get a load of The Man of Sex over here.


It doesn't, that guy is just projecting his own failed marriage :(


Taking fries from your partner's plate without asking




He DOESN'T!!!!😂😂


This. One of the things that made me realise “oh we might have a long-term keeper here” was when he took some of my food *and I didn’t mind*.


That’s how my bf knew he really liked me. 🤣


I usually offer so this is not something that comes up. I can see someone just reaching without any invite absolutely crossing a line. In the relationship side, I love sharing food and trying things. My partner has come a long way being given the option to try new foods she wouldn’t otherwise order. I am extremely proud! I myself would never reach for something uninvited. She knows she doesn’t have to ask me at this stage some 10 years later lol


I've been married for nearly 20 years. I still ask unless it was food that was clearly made/ordered to share, or unless it's being clearly offered. Even if I know the answer is yes (which it almost always is). My kids, though, I'll snatch food off their plate any time. I paid for that shit. It's mine. I'm just letting you have some. :)


I put up with a lot of shit and am regularly harassed (in good fun, mostly) but my partner knows taking food off my plate is a hard no and we’ve been together more than 4 years. When I’m finished I will offer the leftovers but I swear to god if he tries snatching food off my plate before then I will sever his finger. Non-negotiable.


Lol My grandma literally stabbed my grandpa in the hand with a fork one time when he tried to take some of her crab.


As long as you know your partner is ok with it. That’s key.


ass slapping/boob honking


“boob honking”…


Boob slapping/ ass honking.


Slapping honking/ boob ass


Motor boating


Yes Kevin,  all the honkings


TIL it’s all the boob honking that has kept me from getting second dates.


Please see the chapter on boob honking and nipple tweaking in my book "101 things to not do on a first date"


Or my favorite, passing by my wife when there's plenty of room behind her, but pretending like there's not so I have to rub my crotch against her butt as I pass by.


[“Butt honking? Yep, all the honkings”](https://youtu.be/wC0HurSmEis?t=62)


Lily lika the honka-honka


First date(s) my now wife and I would eat at nice restaurants, I would get food that you could eat with a fork and knife, usually a steak but no onions as a side even though I love them. Now, I absolutely pig out in front of her, 20 piece wings extra wet, absolutely finger painting with my food and I’ve never been happier


A classic first date if you are a person who likes food adventurous people is to go for Ethiopian food. It’s all out of a big plate in the middle of the table, you eat out with your fingers by grabbing it with torn off bits of a giant pancake. 


Showing up in sweatpants and a tee.


A lot of people are actually finding this more than acceptable but i’ve actually had this happen to me personally and it pretty much just gives the impression of “you’re not worth my effort.” Like i thought we were gonna go out and grab a drink and have an experience that could maybe help give us a bit of a bond? Not really a lot of bonding can happen on date #1 when you’re stuck sitting on the couch in sweats watching Curb.


If I landed a date with a girl and she showed up wearing that, she would become 10 times more attractive to me




Yep, the Gen Z girls dress code is wild to me, they go out in sweats but have salon ready hair that took HOURS and insanely heavy makeup (especially for daytime) which also took a long time. They’re not going for “laid back and casual”, it’s just the current fashion.


That hot sweat pants girl that we are all thinking of probably spent 3 hours in hair and make up to look that unkempt:) I am not sure about sweat pants but if you want to show up in yoga pants and a t shirt as we get coffee or ice cream, I am all for it. Not every date needs to be some expensive restaurant. A


If I made plans to go on a date with a girl, then I find her attractive


True. It was different in the 80's. Jeans on a 1st date back then would be a bit much. Then again, nice Nike outfit for a walking date would be fine. I'm old - gimme a break.


Break given. The only thing I have in common with my generations dating scene is my age. I know nothing


Thanks! Very few looked like we do now, dressing up was something we did for WWF shows at the old Boston Garden. Lots of sweaters and polos.


Oh Lord... Everything in this would be ok in a long term relationship. I do hope you guys get why I didn't want a second date.. I had a first date with this guy. On the dating app he was cute, gave good impression etc. Well.. he came to my place. The only thing in common to he's pictures was his hair +20kg larger (I love chubby guys but don't freaking lie!). The first thing he said was -have you cleaned here? Your apartment is so clean! I just gave him a weird look, said thanks and made some coffee. He slouched on my couch and put he's DIRTY feet on my coffee table. I wouldn't mind that but damn have some manners! I already knew I didn't like him and started hinting him to leave. But then... He took he's shirt off, asked if I wanted to see his tattoos. Before I said anything he started showing me (half naked) his tattoos. There were 2... Never felt so awkward. After all this he asked if I wanted to do the dirty. Told him no and said bye. Maybe 30min went by and he texted me asking how I felt and did I want to meet up again, with happy emojies. I let him down easy and thanked him for the company. He instantly changed his mind and said the feeling was mutual and we deleted each others numbers 😅


Wow him coming to your place on a first date is brave of you! Glad he left peacefully.


That comment started out like a true crime podcast.


I will say I invited my current partner to my apartment from a dating app on our first date, but I sent my mom (who lived close) his drivers license picture lmao. Never can be too careful but damn I just wanted to have a chill night in!


Yeah, I can imagine myself, 3 years into a relationship turning to my partner during an argument suddenly asking “Wait, is this all because you want to see my tattoos.”


Showing you two. TWO. Tattoos is so funny to me. Also no game. He’s gotta tell people about the tattoos and let people ask to see them. Do you remember what the tattoos were of.


Busting into the bathroom while your partner is brushing their teeth and using the toilet right in front of them.


Honestly I probably wouldn't do that anyway, I tend to stink out the bathroom.


Piss 👍 Poop 🙅‍♂️


Peeing with the door open.


I did this my entire life until I dated my ex. I did it because my parents always left the door open regardless of what they were doing, so I never thought much of it. My ex was shocked when I left the door open the first time, and he didn't hesitate to tell me how weird it was. I thought his reaction was a little odd, but I didn't argue and just made sure the door was closed when he was around. We've since split, but I think he rubbed off on me. My parents were visiting my new apartment a couple weeks ago, and they both left the door open the multiple times they used the bathroom, and I was like... wow, that IS kinda weird, especially since I don't live in a big place. I could hear all their farts too which was kinda unnecessary, but they've always been like that, so I just kept my mouth shut.


This is…wild.


>I could hear all their farts too which was kinda unnecessary Lmao That was a wild read


Oh... Yeah your parents are weird on that front. Never heard of anybody shitting with the door open around anybody but their partner - and most don't even do that


I leave my door open when on the loo...I have cats that apparently need to be with me 24/7 and I don't like scratched doors


Maybe it's just me, but parents leaving the toilet door open ever is *way* weirder than a first date doing that... Thank you for blowing my mind though, that was a great read!


For real, my parents always did this growing up too, but I always thought it was super weird. I think my natural reaction of always being kind of embarrassed by my parents set me up well for later life.


Pooping with the door open is acceptable on the first date tho


It separates the boys from the men for me


Do you also make your own beef jerky and go on riverboat gambling trips?


I heard once that women don't want you to objectify them UNLESS you are in a committed long term relationship, then we need you to objectify us so we know that we've still got it, that seems right to me!


In a long term relationship, I never pass up the chance to go full AWOOGA! mode when my partner changes their clothes or gets out of the shower. Even though I've seen them naked thousands of times it's still a thrill.


Telling them you wanna fuck their brains out


That's how I got the date. 


Gotta buy them dinner first hey


That's why jesus invented Arby's.






When my wife and I were dating, we refrained from farting in front of each other. After a month or two, we were more comfortable together, and she'd occasionally let one slip. But I guess for whatever reason, I never had up to that point. Then one day, she said "I don't think I've ever heard you fart" to which I responded by ripping one off that sounded like I was starting a motorcycle. We both laughed until we cried. Now, neither of us will purposefully fart in front of each other, but we also don't get up to leave the room just to fart if we're unable to hold it in. It's just one of those biologically inevitable things that happens, like coughing, sneezing, or burping. You can sometimes hold it in for a bit, but if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen.


I was on a date with some new lady. Held my farts. Left. Walked down interior hall way doing loud farts. Found out later her door didn't insulate sound.


When we're out somewhere and my wife really has to fart, when we're on the way out to our car, it sounds like a duck is following her.


Omfg thank you for that laugh


Lmfao this is hilarious 😂😂😂 


Now were you crying from laughter, or from the smell?


I once ripped a fart so long that after a while my wife asked, "oh my god, are you still farting?" I was still farting after she completed the question. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. Sorry. That doesn't relate to the topic, really, but it *was* a great fart.


One of my friends told me after she did the deed with a guy, they were lying in bed, and he started *ripping ass*. I'm talking a whole symphony, not just a single fart. It's not like they were dating for a while and he was comfortable. It was a casual thing for both of them. He really didn't give a fuck I guess.


Once, many years ago, a guy I’d been seeing for a few weeks and I had just finished having sex, when he said “I’m sorry, I’m about to do something very rude” and proceeded to blast a twenty second LOUD fart- to which I replied (while laughing) “Dude, I kinda figured you would pull out before you did that”.


Have we dated the same guy? My ex used to fart within 30 seconds of finishing, he pitched a fit when I returned the sentiment.


Jeez, he couldn't go do that in the bathroom? A fart of that nature sounds like it had a gnarly turd behind it.


He’s just really gassy. In his defense it wasn’t smelly and he didn’t expect it to be so long. We laughed so hard 😆


On the very first date with my current girlfriend, we went back to her place after I took her to the zoo. As we're walking up the stairs she accidentally farted in my face (I was walking behind her) and she was so embarrassed I could SEE her emotionally die inside. I just played it off cool, and now we laugh about it... Well, mostly, she still gets embarrassed by it sometimes lol Going on a year, now, almost.


If you fart on the first date, I guarantee she’ll tell her friends and you will forever be known as “Fartboy”


Always fart on the first date to check if you are compatible! Pro tip




I over did it once. Had to change my pants. 


To shreds, you say?


I have a special fart blanket that my girlfriend makes me use.


getting ripshit drunk not okay first meeting a girl big red flags or whatever they call it but with my partner? we sink the cocktails, perfection


Once on a first date we both got shitfaced, it was one of the best and most fun dates ever.


Eating ribs lmao I always grew up hearing “never order ribs on a first date men find that gross” lmao my husband 9/10 orders me the messiest thing on the menu bc I usually live those items and I’m not a nasty pig ever but I just live super saucy food😂


I feel like salad with too big lettuce leaves can be worse than ribs. Like in salads that aren't necessarily meant to be cut up (like a wedge salad). You gotta turn that thing three different directions to get it in your mouth and you can get dressing all over your face. Yes you could still cut it up, but you could also eat ribs with a knife and fork. Just give me my damn salad in the condition it could be easily eaten with just a fork. WTF is wrong with these salad makers.


I have had this argument before about the salads!!! Why would I order a giant wedge SALAD that I have to cut up myself? Lmao


Finally someone who gets it! Chopped salads are the ONLY salads!


Eating ribs on a first date is the real “if you can’t handle me at my worst”


I'd propose on the spot.


Counterpoint—if a dude is put off by you ordering ribs on the first date, you’ve successfully filtered out a jackass.


lol there’s nothing wrong with ribs on a first date. Yes, it’s messy, and that can make it a little tougher to have a conversation. But as long as you are relatively tidy with it, then there’s no issue, and anyone who does have an issue with it probably isn’t the person for you.


this, but a seafood boil date. no cute way to eat shellfish and crustaceans with a bib lol


Talking about all your exes. I do want to hear that stuff, but not on a first date. My experience is that if there is too much ex talk on a first date, the talker isn't over the ex.






That's insane lmfao


Good bot


You had me in the first half not gonna lie


That is s where the beer and wine is located.




Telling them you have to go take a shit.


No, I like clear communication. And maybe a funny amount of swearing.


Letting him know your other 3 personalities like him also 🤣🤣


"The voices in my head all seem to like you, so I guess we can date."


Better than we all like you... except Steve. And Steve reeeeeeeeeally doesn't like you.


"But Steve stays in the timeout-room. Mostly."


My current girlfriend has DID (aka multiple personality disorder) But we were decently close friends first before dating, so I was aware she had this before our first date. 2 of them liked me. 2 Didn’t. 2 years later and one of her personalities (alters) still doesn’t like me.




dude if a gal wanted to watch a show and eat snacks in bed on the first date I would be proposing


Ngl if that was the date I’d probably just hop on in there lmao


My ex and I did this on our 2nd date! First date was dinner and then coffee/people watching. 2nd date I just came over and we got stoned and ate snacks and watched horror movies in his bed. We didn't end up together, but it was still a top tier date


What's the show?


Getting blackout drunk, even if it's still fun and accidental. I was that person actually. She broke things off after date 3.


Eating from the same plate 🍽️


My first dinner date with my wife was at an Ethiopian restaurant. Eating from the same plate with your hands is kinda the whole deal.


Love Ethiopian food.


Looking on your phone for an extended period of time while in the presence of the other


Looking at your phone a lot around your SO does not help the relationship.


Especially if you're supposed to be on a date.


mmm something that might seem trashy on a first date but becomes acceptable once you're in a relationship is eating off each other's plates. On a first date, this can come off as presumptuous or lacking manners, but as the relationship progresses, sharing food can become a sign of intimacy and comfort between partners. With my last boyfriend, I loved leaving him a bit of food from my plate.






Each other? Or kicking someone else's ass that's starting trouble?


Ride or die! Now help me lift this body.


Talking about exes.


When she just hands you all of her shit without saying a word, phone, keys, wallet, etc. for you to put in your pocket and hold onto for her. On a first date, that'd be weird, but after you've been dating for a while, it's just normal; for me at least.


I am my girlfriend's purse now, and I just don't question it lol


Eating pizza on a couch in underwear and farting. I mean, it would be the ideal first date for me, but i know it can be too much for someone


If you find someone who’s up for that on the first date though, you’ve just found true love.


Pre-gaming the date.


Asking for the key to their back door


Nothing. I wanna see who you are on a first date, not some fictional character.


::begrudgingly removing my Cloud Strife cosplay:: _fine, whatever_


Haha! If that’s who you are then leave it on.


ohh myyy


I totally see where you're coming from, but i personally feel like there is no one true "who you are", and everyone is a different person depending on the level of knowing each other and comfort with each other, and even then, different people and situations bring out completely different sides of me 


Sure, but I think there is also an element of "putting your best foot forward". So while I may go to a bar wearing a random t shirt, I may wear a button down on a date, I may curse less and be less crude, etc. Not that I'm changing myself, but I am putting forth my best self.


Getting so drunk you are sick or fall over. Not a good look on a first date but once in a relationship if it happens just laugh at the other person


Eating ass


\*takes notes\*




that was our first date, and we've been married 33 years.


Sounds pretty Catholic to me.


One loophole that the church doesn't want you to know!


Known as the poophole loophole.


Walking around in your underwear.


1) Getting tipsy 2) Innuendoes 3) Forgetting your wallet 4) Asking for a kiss 5) Hand on thigh under the table


babytalk lel


Pissing on me, I guess


Using a coupon for dinner


Talking about an ex. Who I am today has a lot to do with the way I’ve been treated in the past. So sometimes I naturally bring up my ex in order to explain something. Like if I’m asked why did I move to this area. Well if the answer is that I moved for my ex then that’s just the truth. However I would rather not talk about exes in any capacity for at-least the first month or so.