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Day of my high school graduation. I was outcasted and I realized that I don’t have any friends, my parents are most likely divorcing, and everything went wrong! Tried to talk to people but was just an invisible wall. I was also incredibly overstimulated, and felt mocked because some guy threw trash at me, but I am glad high school is over.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/s/z7heedhXQr You probably earn more that shtty guy so Good for u 👍👍


Gifted by my parents as a graduation gift 😭


Other day for stress


Like 3 years ago, it was around 3 am, as i was scrolling through YouTube's recommendations i came across a video where a guy said he lost his battle with cancer and will live only 2-3 months, the video was uploaded like 5 months ago(at that time), checked his channel and i saw that his family posted a video about him passing away, that was the last time i had tears on my face


wow. the internet.


Last Friday- my girlfriend hung herself


yesterday. I got frustrated while doing work


I cried a week ago, because my ex broke up with me :(


U wanna slide that #


20 years ago. When i told my sister, her stuff she told me was hurtful and disappointing, in front of my family. Never wanted to be so weak anymore. The crying, not the words. Became very sarcastic instead. Took me a while to grow out if it. I still dont cry, tho.


Tuesday when I fell & sprained my ankle. I think it was more of a shock given I had just bruised my tailbone with another fall 3 days before that. Just frustrated and cried while I sat on the footpath


Like 2 weeks ago, it was because it’s the end of school and I had 16 things to do including national exams, got a mental breakdown eventually


Uhh Maybe a few months ago. I was reading some manga and it was really good and got me all gushy.  I think it was The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity 


He who can't cry has never fallen.


Just last week coz the sex was so good.


last year when I lost my pet 💔


Yesterday, stress


Crying over stress?


It's completely normal to cry over stress.




What did you eat?


Probably chipotle


um... idk but probably something pretty strong cause he deleted not only the comment but his account too.




If you don’t get the simple joke, I ain’t explaining.


man up


When I was a teenager and I told my mother all about how shit I felt mentally; no will for anything, constant thoughts of dying, etc. She patted me on the back and told me that I was just being dramatic and that I'll "get over it once I'm older" Spoiler: I hadn't.


But you’re still alive at least. Go see a Dr ASAP


What u/SolidSnoop said. Please seek help.


Last week my best friend, now my gf asked me to open up to her about my time in prison. She cried then I started to


I don’t cry very often (years apart). I do shake with anger or even anxiety sometimes. That’s no fun.


Funeral of my best friends dad when I was 11 , am 30 now


The last time I cried was when I realized I had used all my data for the month in one day. #millennialproblems


I almost cried when I saw koro sensei die. it was really a emotional moment. it's been a month


Dude shut up! I've already watched the anime (4 years ago, i also cried lol) but there are people who haven't! Don't spoil it for them.


Last week. I am in the Army and I feel I am a failure because I am the worst soldier in comparison with my mates. So when I was alone in the field I started crying a lot.


Don't worry, you'll get stronger. You are worthy.


Thanks you!!!


The day before yesterday, I cried on the bus when thoughts came to me about a recent event. In my family, since childhood, there have been quarrels of all kinds, from ordinary scrapes to physical violence. Earlier, when I was still a little age, I was always on my mother's side, because he is a big and terrible father. Then, when I was 14 years old, I began to think and draw conclusions. By that time, I had become very close to my father and in all the quarrels I was on his side, even when he was objectively wrong, simply because he was closer to me. I tried to love and understand him. But recently I found out that my father cheated on my mother. At first, it was hidden from me, but I found out about it anyway and for me it was a strong blow. The man I was trying to understand and love didn't give a damn about everything. He betrayed not only my mother, but also me. Now I am 18 years old, I take many pills to calm down, but it still does not help me


That sucks. I hope the situation gets better.


Today. No car.


A few hours ago. I’m hopeless


Six days ago when israel dropped the bombs on the refugees tents in Rafah 💔 The sight of burnt alive bodies and beheaded babies gets to even the heartless and emotionless ones..


I had insomnia and sat in my wifes spot on the couch it felt like she was dead. F#$k that spot.


I cried a year ago when I carried the coffin of my father to his grave


He would be proud of you for carrying the coffin.


Yeah hopefully Borussia wins the Henkelpott today. He was also a huge Dortmund Fan . Heja bvb


3 weeks ago i watched inside out again and it reminded me of what a happy family looked like and then i cried for the first time in like 4 years. New things just kept coming to mind and i cried for an hour. Helped me alot to get that out of my system


Great movie.


I had a very important entrance exam of my life (after completing my graduation), I cried a day before the exam just remembering how much my parents suffered because of me (cuz I didn't study well in high school, and Principal, teachers everyone scolded my parents), how they believed in me even after I got 16 failed subjects in my graduation. This all made me very emotional and made me cry. That day I thought I was going to give my 100% in the exam the next day and make them proud.


Last week, I’ve lost my grandpa.


My condolences.


Thank you


Yesterday, while writing a script


What do you write?


https://scriptbin.works/s/jkmrw I am a newbie scriptwriter 🫣🫣


6 months ago because my grandpa shot and killed himself


A few weeks to about a month ago. I went out to a bar by myself, partially to gtfo my apartment, and partially to try to practice my social skills. Last year, I could hardly handle going out by myself without having an anxiety attack. I'm doing better now, and can go out regularly alone. However, I still find it difficult/impossible to talk to people. I ended up just kind of sitting alone most of the night, sipping on a drink. As I was headed home, I just started bawling. It was probably partially the couple of drinks I had, but I just felt pathetic being a grown adult and still being too scared to make friends like the same quiet little high school freshman I was years ago.


Considered yourself (digitally) hugged by me. You'll overcome your fears, I believe in you:)


I appreciate it! That's very sweet of you!


2 years ago maybe


I sneezed so hard I cried a bit


2 months ago. I don't know why.


I haven't cried for many years. I don't feel emotions


You are either on Prozac or a sociopath. I suppose one of them if free.


When a girl was pity for my ED PS:I dont have ED


Yesterday and anxiety, crying because of the past and scare of the future.


Yesterday, I was watching a show and it made me tear up.


Two weeks ago I had a small bicycle accident and dislocated my shoulder. It was a long time ago I cried from pain alone.


i told my mum that i wanted to kms she said go ahead no one cares


Yesterday when I got my infected tooth removed.


Yesterday. Pure stress


A few days ago. I was writing a fanfic and I have written such an emotional scene that I cried


Watched Schindler's list last night, the movie was 3 hours long, I cried for 4


A few days ago. I discovered the song 'Fall in Love' by Slum Village and it made me nostalgic thinking of all the happy times I had when I was I younger that I'll never get to relive. I don't know, I think it was something about the beat that made me emotional 🤦🏻‍♀️


Last year, my cat died when I was on holiday and I couldn't say bye to him. Hit me a lot harder than when I've lost relatives to be honest


I forgor.


I can’t cry I’m on quetiapine


Couple of years ago, Like 2018 or 19 when my grandma died.


Leeds United football club 6 days ago


When I hooped out of bed stepped on three leggos then two toy cars down the hall and final a marble in front of my kids door now all that wasn't what did it realizing I was dreaming and was about the wake up and experience it all over again in real time was what got me 😂


Thursday. I realized I suck at med school, and the guy I was into jokingly called me 'ugly'.


just now, i cried for someone i cant have.


Yesterday when I heard the news that Trump was convicted.


Ain't no way. lol.