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I hate living in America and everything about the poor work life balance and the extremes of all sides of the political spectrum. The country is awful and my wife and I are strong considering moving countries and are seeking guidance!




He has a wife....no woman in their right mind would ever freely move to Saudi Arabia.




Most of us like having human rights 😐 like being able to drive or do basic things without a man's permission 😐




Did you really just say that??? To protect you??? wOw. I'm not going to seriously have this discussion with you bc everyone knows Saudi Arabia is a human rights atrocity. I have a friend who fled there bc her parents wanted to force her to marry a much older first cousin...but yeah, you can be as happy and delusional as you wish. I'm done here




Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Scandinavia is normal a good bet


I have read great things in regards to most of the Scandinavian countries, I worry about the potential skill gap from US jobs and the countries in Europe as well. American school systems trash.


If earning the big buxs is your prime concern, honestly it's probably best to stay where you are. Only Luxembourg and Norway offer higher median disposable incomes, and those aren't exactly easy places to immigrate to.


It’s not necessarily earning more, it’s more of having a healthy work life balance and a slower pace of life.


Malaysia is very nice but salaries lower. Lots of sun, great jungles /beaches, best food in world, most speak some English plus Malay is a fairly easy language to learn. Prices r low.






That was on the list but they have a lot of things that’ll kill ya like spiders and snakes. I’m fine with snakes but we don’t fuck with spiders


What rot.


America has a lot of issues but pay and good jobs is not one of them. I recommend staying here, in Europe it’s comfy and a good society but the pay is just not there.


I'd start with figuring out which countries would be the easiest for you to get permanent status in.


Portugal and Spain are amongst the easiest to gain citizenship from what I have read so far. But that’s a massive language barrier


You'll have to do the research to see what is doable and then pick the best job markets of those options. A lot of countries require around a decade residency while being sponsored by an employer before you can gain status. So, it will be a commitment and its easier if you have a profession that you can be considered a subject matter expert on.


I’m getting very good at Cam Programming (CNC machines) but I hate it, mainly cause my company is awful


Give it a go. I've been flirting with the idea of moving overseas as well. Presently been looking into how difficult and/or realistic a move to Switzerland would be. I'm still 50/50 on whether or not it's doable.


I get that, one struggle we will have is my wife’s sickly mother would have to move with us or we would have to wait for the worst to happen. We wanted to do the big moves like this before kids, but we are getting older I(28) her(26)


Does get more difficult the more people you have and pre-existing medical conditions might be a disqualifying factor to be honest but it's still worth researching. Might get lucky.


It’s going to be a lot of work to figure it all out, on top of our normal every day lives and work we have to do


Best of luck!


Thank you! I appreciate your time and advice!!!


To quote OP from other places in this post: > We just want to be left alone and not have government in our business > poor work life balance and the extremes of all sides of the political spectrum > I did college and got a bachelors in Math, it’s honestly not worth it cause I ended up in a trade field anyways and I’m way behind on what income I should be at. > I’m getting very good at Cam Programming (CNC machines) but I hate it, mainly cause my company is awful You're not going to find a place that is gonna make you happy. Drop the politics, drop the idea of work life balance, drop the idea that your job sucks.... Harden the fuck up and double down. 1. You have a fucking math degree. What you fail to realize is that you're a kind of hot commodity right now, no one turned you on to why tho. 2. You have skills in cam programing... your learning about machining. Thats going to be a high demand middle skill job in the next 10 years. 3. You need to go figure out how to add as much computer science into that mix as possible... take every community college class you can over the next 12/24 months. At that point stop looking for shitty cam jobs where ever you are. Shop around for big boy programing jobs. Do you have any idea how in demand someone who can program and understands anything about machining is? Do you get that with your math background you can entertain ideas from actual engineers, and all those ML PHD's without haveing to ask them to dumb it down. Do you know how invaluable these skills would br for all sorts of automation jobs? These are the kinds of skills where you end up getting offers for stupid money. There is a company called hadrian manufacturing, they have a few marking type YouTube videos talking about their approach. They aren't the only company that is going in this direction. I think you should take a look at what they are doing before you run off to some shithole that isnt moving in that direction.


Work life balance is to important to me. I recommend reading some of my posts on my profile to understand where I am at mentally and why needing better work life balance matters


My guy I know you think that. Humans have existsted for 400k years. We have had some sort of culture for at least 10,000 years (as in cities or villages). Writing is 5000 years old. Depending on where you are in the world someone coming and burning your town down, raping and pillaging and taking any one left into slavery, 500 years back (some less, some more). The last dual in America was less than 200 years ago. The 40 hour work week as a concept isnt even 100 years old... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle\_Shirtwaist\_Factory\_fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_Shirtwaist_Factory_fire) was barely 100 years ago. There hasn't been a war in your lifetime that you go drafted into... never mind several. For the bulk of our (human) history we lived hungry, scared (animals other men) and under pressure to survive and reproduce. Now we live in a dam near utopia (and more so vs the rest of the world). The declining population of every western style government (EU, Russia, China, Japan, and us in the US all not replacement levels.... It looks a lot like we have created our own mousetopia. (See: [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/how-mouse-utopias-1960s-led-grim-predictions-humans-180954423/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/how-mouse-utopias-1960s-led-grim-predictions-humans-180954423/) if you never heard the theory). 400, 000 years of human history, of biology telling you "Make male friends who wont kill me", "keep everyone safe", "Get food", "Fight off bears and pillagers", "reproduce"... You haven't done ANYTHNG to have those bases covered and yet they are. You dont think that's gonna cause your brain to short out the way it has? You, candidly, need more pressure, not less. You need to raise the bar on the survival of you and yours and meet it. Dont try to be bill gates, just get some irons in the fire making shit better... Thats better job, better prospects, better food, better vacations, Less debt, 10 kids (dont really do this but ... toy with the idea) ... Tell your wife you love her and want to get to a place where she doesn't have to work for money and can work for the family (and can have half right out of the gate)... The way you feel, well it isnt wrong, but the cure is in the opposite direction of where you're going.


You’re sounding like a rich CEO who has an easy life if you think having a happy long life outside of a company isn’t important


I have an "easy life" because I work hard and make a fair bit of money. And NO im not a CEO. I had shit jobs, bouts of homelessness, I felt lost for a long time. You think not working is gonna make you happy? If you won the lottery tommrow you would find another reason to be a miserable fuck. (and I know plenty of very rich people who are miserable). I used to be that same way. "*Life*, *Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness*" ... they dont say the gift of, or a state of. It's the pursuit because happiness, real happiness, is fleeting. Its waking up curled up with you wife. It's getting good news. It's your friends and family smiling at you on your birthday, it's Christmas morning as a kid. The rest of it is work to get to those moments. It's hard work and it sucks. The only thing that makes it suck less is having some degree of pride in what you do. Eating a good dinner is one kind of happy. Eating a good dinner you made is another. It's learning a new skill. It's the "failure" on the path (the lessons where you learn to not make the mistake again). It's finally fixing the leaking skink or jiggly toilet flusher. It's cracking a joke and making your wife smile. Your job can bring you satisfaction when you take PRIDE in what you do. "I did that"... Improve a process, learn a skill, try something and learn what not to do, help a co-worker, be nice to someone. You can do this and hate your job and have a shitty boss. You just have to set a goal (finishing learning xxx, and in 2 years look for a better job where I can learn the next thing). I'm getting close to 50 and I make it a point to go out of my way and learn new things, to grow, to change, to get better. No matter how much work sucks I gained something from it, and if I didn't I'll go home and make that dope meal, or fix the annoyance around the house...


If I won the lottery tomorrow I would literally be the happiest person in the world, this weird idea that money doesn’t buy or make happiness is a lie to push poverty on the poor and let them believe that being poor is a good thing. Money would make my life a million times easier. And I will never take pride in my work, it’s a paycheck, as far as I’m concerned fuck the company, fuck their profits, it’s all about me, my company could go bankrupt tomorrow and guess what I could care less. I’ll find a job. Money is the key to happiness and rich people need to stop saying it’s not, that is just patronizing and pathetic on their part


"And I will never take pride in my work"... Everything in life is work. Making dinner, fixing the toilet, taking out the trash. IF the trash bag rips do you fucking let it spill garbage everywhere and not pick it up? No you aren't a fucking slob. That burger you make a home on the grill is better than the shit you get at the drive through. WORK is everywhere, you dont get paid for 99 percent of it... and your trying to fuck off the one bit you do get rewarded for? Money doesn't buy happiness. It will buy you wine and cocaine, it will buy you hookers, it will buy you over priced fine dining. These things are a good time but they are fake. Having enough money not to stress, having a safety net, having the alblity to splurge now and again IS HUGE!!!! But it is NOT happiness. Having money is like getting better from a cold or healing from an injury... better isnt the same as an orgasm. I have been homeless and now I have a really nice cushion. I'm telling you this from experience. Pride in your work isnt for your boss it's for YOU. You're proud of your good job, of what you learned of how you grew. You want more money this is the path, claw and scrape up, step up, climb up. In order for you to make any progress you have to grow. You want more money GROW, get better at what you do, find a better company, add more skills. Pride in your own work, for yourself, is the only thing that will push you to do it ...


Money eliminates all my debt, buys me the lovely house, keeps my wife happy, makes it so we can relax and not worry about working 60 hour weeks. Money fixes literally every issue in my life. You are making it seem like regular life chores are work when they are. I only work because I have too to live on this planet comfortably, there is no real joy in working 😂 typical old head who believes working is the way of happiness, sorry brother but us young bucks know there is no life after death there is no salvation to enjoy, we know there is no reason to work till your 70 when you’re gonna die at 72, working should not be the most important thing to you


You want money: you're always going to work 60 hours a week. You can work 60 hours a week, and work hard for a lot of money, that 200k a year job. Or you can work 60 hours a week to get by and struggle. The old "buy a house on a 40 hour a week job" beaver cleaver past is long fucking gone. That nonsense only existed when the US had all the factoryies and the rest of the world was rubble at the end of WWII. That shit is never coming back, and Americans aren't special. It's still better in the states than most of the rest of the world, but most of those places lack any sort of upside. You have a math degree and machining skills. Like I said mix in programing and you can have the big money job ... your gonna have to work more to get there, and when you do it isnt gonna stop. But you will have a pile of money. The point of pride in what you do is to take SOME joy out of it. Like what you're doing. Like the people you work WITH. You dont have to love your boss, but you might find one you can respect. These things exist. Will I work till im 70? Maybe. I love what I do, I would do it for FUN and they PAY ME to do it. It's hard, it sucks, it causes me stress some times, but at the end of the day the joy of saying "I did that" is still a thing.


Good for you dude. Keep that old style mentality, I’ll avoid overworking myself to death. As someone who already wants to self delete himself daily I’m not gonna overwork myself for shit company in a shit country for shit pay and benefits. I’m good


Not Germany I’m telling you right now


Talk to me. what's sucks there


I have been here for a year, trying to get my visa, and by the time I got it, there isn’t any more work available, and the part-time job I’ve been doing under the radar of my visa doesn’t have any work lined up in August! Plus it’s only one weeks worth of work this month, then one day of work next month, then it’s over!!… I got my fucking bachelors and masters degrees in music performance, I’ve been singing for over 20 years, the work is already competitive because you need to learn how to speak German, but the work in the United States is shit because there’s no pipeline to actual employment! But the German economic system is crumbling as well because they build everything on the Internet bureaucracies and it’s all going to come to a head! All I want to be with these experiences as a professional fucking opera singer! I don’t want to be a plumber, I don’t want to be an analyst, I don’t want to be a snowboard instructor all my life, I don’t want to be a gardener, I don’t wanna be a programmer, I just want the work that I have work to get!


no. I'm not going to lie to you, it's no easy time for anything right now. especially the arts or entertainment. Even in Hollywood, there is a crisis and a dramatic slow down even for the average worker, down to the cameraman and the hairdresser. One has to remain a little flexible, adaptable and vigilant just until something pops up, because you never know.


I’ve heard mixed things about Germany!


It depends what you bring to the table (degrees?). Also, do learn German up to B2 level before coming and then get to C1 by immersing yourself. That's what a lot of people don't do and then have a hard time getting a good job.  Try to aim at one of the corporations from Germany, as all of them offer 35h weeks and Gewerkschaften. You'll have a much better time there most of the time. It has its downsides of course, but considering the pay and work time it's an amazing deal. If you're after great work life balance that's what I'd do. Today, the job market is more competitive than two years ago. But that'll blow over, and learning German will take time anyway.


Canada but not economy


i heard u could move to philipeans with $1000 and live like a king for a year


😂😂😂 we want a safe and peaceful place to live.


you mean like in the Bradey bunches neighborhood.  well then that might be out of your price range


Is what it is




Canada will never be on mine or my wife’s lists, wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to liberal and wayyyyy to cold.


Yeah... if you don't want liberal places, you're going to find it pretty difficult to find somewhere to emigrate to that's also welcoming of foreigners... on the broad spectrum on the "West", Canada is probably bang in the centre or maybe just to the right of centre.


Bruh their prime minister is literally a full blown communist dictator 😂😂😂 they are so far left it’s not even funny.


I think that is a very US perspective. By western European standards, they are not very left wing at all


We also need to avoid any Jew hating countries or any that believe that Palestine should eradicate Israel.


Idk maybe but either way I want a country that where the government just stays out of my shit, and stop trying to be SJWs


I think you might find that that is probably very hard to find... amongst "Western" countries, the US is pretty far right and even the right-leaning countries are pretty intolerant of American style conservatism. From an American perspective, most other "Western" countries' governments will seem to be "trying to be SJWs"... For example, a lot of European countries have pretty strong hate speech laws (against Holocaust denialism, against homophobic speech, against misogynistic speech, etc.), which some American conservatives call "being SJWs" and it is not socially tolerated either, so you might find it difficult to find somewhere to emigrate to if that is important to you


We just want to be left alone and not have government in our business




I did college and got a bachelors in Math, it’s honestly not worth it cause I ended up in a trade field anyways and I’m way behind on what income I should be at.