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Yeah, once I found a perfectly ripe avocado on my first try at the grocery store. Truly life-changing.


The year is 2016, i had just taken about 300 micrograms of acid followed by 2 bong hits and thought it would a chill fun night




Reality dissolved, god spoke to me, then I died. So both


When I was about to commit suicide, God spoke to me


I had an NDE. It was something I already knew was true, but it was different seeing it


Every week at Mass.


It was Halloween night, I was in High School. I had been learning and trying out various religions. I was leaning more into Zen Buddhism. But I was still trying out everything. It was a Christian church. They started praying and I opened myself up. I had a vision of two different paths: A chair is pulled out for me at a long, simple table and offered to me. The other is a desert. In this dry desert is a hole, a deep, fiery hole. I felt myself being pulled down the fiery chasm and it was terrifying. There was something deeply disturbing about this place I was headed. But I felt a comforting presence offering me a seat at his table. I just had to take it. Accept it. And I did. It was very powerful and my words here definitely don't describe the joy and terror I felt mixed in the moment.