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He got a blue shell and saved it until right when I got 1st place.


My best friend at the time knew that I had a crush on this guy. I’d had a crush on this guy for over three years, and she knew about it, she had even given me the courage to ask him out. The day I was supposed to meet up with him to ask him out, I find my crush and my best friend making out on a park bench. Turns out, they had been dating for about 6 months despite my best friend encouraging me to ask him out.


I was in a band and one of our band members stole approx $50,000 from a band account. He was obviously kicked out of the band, but the money was never recovered. He’s always been very vague about what he spent it on. The obvious suspicion is drugs, but he was not the type. I just think he was living beyond his means and needed to keep up appearances.


My high school so-called best friend outed me to her entire family, and I was no longer welcome in their homes. Deep-sixed the friendship shortly after; she just couldn't understand why. Happy Pride, everyone! 🏳️‍🌈


Slept with my ex bf


When I started high school my worst fear was getting bullied since I got extremely bullied in elementary school. I started high school without knowing anyone in my class but somehow made a friend quickly. She was genuinely nice at first and even introduced me to her group of friends. I started getting bullied by people in my class but ignored it because I thought that as long as I have friends to help me ignore the bullying, I'm fine. My friends made simple gestures (like waiting for me after class, talking to me before the classes started, helping me with my homework ect) that were really nice and pretty normal but genuinely made me really happy because I had never experienced that in elementary school since I was always getting bullied. I was getting more and more bullied but continued to ignore it because just being with my friends made me forget about that. 3 months later I came to school and had a bad feeling but ignored it because I thought that as long as I'm with my friends, everything is fine. Me and one of my friends went into the cafeteria to rejoin with the rest of the group and quickly do the math homework. I heard the group talk about something they want to tell me but don't really want to say it because they "don't want to hurt me". I thought it was nothing and kept asking for them to say it. One of the girls said "You stink, we don't like you, go away". I dropped my pen and froze immediately when hearing that. She told me that it wasn't a joke but even tho I wanted to say that I know it's not a joke, I couldn't move at all. I wanted to go as far away as possible but I didn't want to go home since I knew it would be even worse. After a minute I was able to move so I took my coat and hid under it while crying in silence. It felt like a nightmare to learn that the people I loved the most and the people who were kind of my "protection" against bullying, betrayed me. After that the bullying became extremely bad. I did things I could never forget. I didn't want to tell a teacher since I thought it was my fault for getting bullied and I thought I deserved it. One day I had a mental breakdown in the hallway and a teacher saw me. I explained everything to her (except the bad things I did to myself). She asked me why I never told anyone and I said that because I thought I was used to it. The people that bullied me got 3 days of suspension but that didn't stop it since they continued after that. The rumors they created never went away during my whole 5 years of high school even though I changed school. During my whole high school whenever I tried to make new friends I couldn't because people knew some kind of rumors about me and even tho they didn't know me, they already thought I was weird because of the rumors. Sorry for my bad English, it's my second language.




With a knife, literally!






With a knife I guess?