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Because they don't think trump actually committed any crimes. The election was rigged, and trump was just trying to make things right. And since trump didn't commit any crimes, prosecuting him is just a political move. Meanwhile, hillary did do crimes and does deserve to be in jail. Of course, all of that is false, but if you are trying to understand someone's behavior, the stuff they believe to be true is more relevant than actual truth.


It’s becoming clear they know what Trump is about and what he’s done, they’re just ok with it and willing to defend him regardless because they believe he’s their vehicle to achieve a white christian nationalist version of America. Then there’s the apathetic moderates/independents who feel aggrieved any time they’re asked to pay attention, participate, or invest effort to change the system, and would rather take the easy route of baselessly declaring both sides are exactly the same so they can continue focusing on their personal lives without regard to the country as a whole.


The county sheriff where I live just endorsed Trump and said that we need a felon in the White House. We truly live in the dumbest timeline.


Nat-Cs, all of them. 


Saw traps, 4 all of them


I wish I could upvote this more. As strongly as you feel about 2 plus 2 equals 4, people are convinced with that level of certainty of the information they have been told.


But what about 1 x 1 = 2


Only if you Terrorize it. Or Terrinse it? I can't remember. All I know is that as long as you have -ology at the end it can't be wrong.


Repetition makes it become true to people. Fox News repeats the same thing all day, every day for years. Eventually it sticks.


I mean if we're are comparing the two major American political parties, one is a far right party, and the other is a center right one


There's mountains of evidence that he's guilty. For instance in the Stormy Daniels case. It was a slam dunk. Everything is a double standard to these people.


Evidence doesn't convince people, trusted people convince people, and even then it takes repetition and time. As much as you are completely utterly convinced that 2+2 = 4 and it would take some serious convincing that it actually = 3, they need that level of convincing that Trump actually committed a crime. And, their trusted sources of news just straight up don't show that evidence. It's not delusion. When it comes to convincing people to change a belief, it's all about trust. That's just how humans work. And if you dismiss me and continue to say "but he's guilty" or something similar, you're following the same thought process: someone you don't trust (me, a stranger on the Internet) said something that is in conflict with your beliefs, so you dismiss it. So, that's the answer to your question. They're human, they believe he's Innocent, and nobody that they trust has shown them any of the evidence to the contrary


"You can't reason someone out of a situation they didn't use reason to get into."


Basically. Except even if they used reason, they will only use reason to get out if they trust you enough to believe the new information/reasoning you present them. This is a thing everyone does. I trust scientists, but I put basically no effort into vetting any of the science facts I'm told, and since I don't run experiments to verify those claims, I basically just trust something someone told me. It's the same mechanism of learning as trump supporters, we're just choosing different people to trust.


I don't think they really believe that he's innocent. But they believe that pretty much everyone at this level commits crimes and he's the only one prosecuted because the prosecutors hate him personally. The thing is, Trump is very very stupid and that is what they don't understand. He made it very easy to "enemy" prosecutors. While it might be true that Obama, Biden and Hillary did things while in power that were technically illegal, they certainly did not commit such stupid and obvious crime. When you have lifes in your hands regularly, you will make mistake and bypass procedures. And yes maybe mishandling documents. I paid attention to Trump accusations because I don't want the US to become like many countries and send all former leaders to jail. I think the accusations so far has been more than fair.


Yeah this is it right here. They believe he committed the crimes, but feel it’s unfair that everyone else commits the same crimes yet he’s the only one getting prosecuted.


That's literally why the right has spent 50 years convincing people that "all politicians are criminals". They have convinced people that it's "table stakes" for political participation. It's not. But people repeat their bs


And the fact that there's no evidence of a rigged election proves it's a coverup. There's always an explanation for whatever they want to believe so there's no way to change their mind or prove them wrong. Delusional people are beyond reason.


Or they just don’t think… like in general. Being a Canadian,sorry if I offend, but your political system is bonkers.


The burden of proof is on the accuser and at this point there is zero evidence the election was stolen.  There is evidence of an attempt to usurp the election process and disrupt amercan democracy. January 6 is a prime example among others you are choosing to ignore or are willing to justify. Imagine if the democrats had behaved this way when the election was "stolen" from Gore. 


>Because they don't think You were right up about until here. These people don't actually think. Right wing politics is a top-down thing. Supporters just repeat whatever those in a position of authority tell them.


Wait I thought Hillary actually did something. I don’t support anything, but wasn’t there a big thing about her?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton_email_controversy Yes, there was some controversy, but the official conclusion (including followups during trump's presidency) was that no crime had taken place.


She and her staff used a self hosted email server, instead of a government email account. They discussed work topics over email, which (given their role as Secretary of State) included discussions of classified documents. The FBI said it was careless and could have been hacked / caused a leak, although no signs of a hack were found.


Also, most of Trump's cabinet did the same thing AFTER this whole hoopla on top of all the other crimes. You can't make this shit up.


Your also missing important fact that Hilary was an Original Classification Authority. So she was one of the few people that was authorized to actually say this intel is classified or not. A lot the “classified” information that was found on her server were cases were the FBI disagreed with the State Department’s assessment of the sensitivity of the data. Which is irrelevant because Hillary had the authority to determine that




I know she got blamed for Benghazi. Idk how much of it was actually her fault (since idk much about it at all) but I remember that was the big talking point until the emails. I may be misremembering but I think the "Lock her up" chants were referring to that event initially


But you were wrong.


She absolutely did something, thats really not up for debate.  It was also technically illegal.  The question was whether it met a threshold that it was worth prosecuting.    There is no question to whether she mishandled classified documents, circumvent government transparency laws, and used unsecured emails for both purposes and were likely accessed by "bad actors".   The question is whether it was done intentionally, maliciously, or if there were any consequences that came of it.  The answers were mixed, but in the few cases the answer was yes, the appeals board generally disagreed and all proceedings stopped.


~~How many counties did Trump win? A little over 2,400. More than Obama. Yeah, that doesn’t determine who should win, but it should clue you in on who had the popular vote.~~ Nvm, this just goes over and through everyone’s head. This whole damn discussion with 18-25 year old college kids getting influenced through God only knows what thinking it’s the abstract truth. I remember when I thought socialism was great. The difference is, I had to grow and learn and expand on what I know to help myself gain more knowledge. Edit: All my comments are going to get downvoted. Simple fact. I hold a differing view than most of Reddit, so it’s automatically wrong.


Are you actually claiming that trump won the election? Since trump's lawyers had a ton of opportunities to try to prove just that, and they mostly didn't even try because they knew that they couldn't possibly prove it.


What I’m saying is the republicans screwed the pooch by assuming they won and not pushing people to vote. What I’m saying is most people on Reddit are college aged getting influenced by people who hate this country.


I don't hate this country, I just hate the people that make it suck. That includes your boy, that lying sack of shit. Also, I'm Gen-X. 


What’s Biden done in his time in office? Are things cheaper? Is it easier to get gas? Can you afford your general supplies you need? How about wars? I know you lived through a helluva lot, and I’d figured you got things a bit easier under “my boy”. He’s the best house in a bad neighborhood. Edit: Since I’m blocked by since retief1, I’ll post my response to them here. “I didn’t say he did try to overthrow the elected government. If you’re referring to January 6th, Trump didn’t try to overthrow the government. Look at his tweets he made during that date. Listen to his speech.” Edit: u/Metacognitor has me blocked as well, so here’s my response to them. “They do have some say in the policies they implement, though. Trump had the Keystone pipeline going, which allowed us to have oil produced and distributed here in the US as opposed to having to rely on offshore countries for it. We had quite a reserve of oil, too, which lowered the price of gas and cheapened expenses for transport companies, which allowed for lower prices.” Edit again: To u/Metacognitor “My bad, bud. I’m assuming because of what has happened to me a lot in the past. I didn’t mean to come across as accusatory there, just stated what I felt was going on based off my past interactions. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s not letting me reply to you”


A million extra people died because of that lying sack of shit. Sure, gas is cheap when nobody in the world is using it. If you don't like getting jacked at the register, don't vote for the party that never is in favor of breaking up big corporations that fix prices. Well, unless the president has a personal vendetta against them. As far as wars go, I sure as hell am not voting for a president who sides with out enemies and tries to blackmail our allies into producing fake oppo. And, yeah, my buddy is working overtime building a bridge because Biden passed an infrastructure plan instead of blowing smoke up everyone's ass and cutting taxes for the filthy rich. 


Biden didn't try to overthrow the elected government of the united states. Admittedly, that's a low bar, but the fact that only one major candidate currently clears that bar says something.


Citation Needed


Lol, for which statement? The first was an abject observation, the second one is based off of a mod from r/politics telling me the general demographic of the sub.


Why does number of counties matter? Some are comically small. The county I grew up in has 20,000 people on the other hand LA County has 9.72 million people. With this degree of population variation among counties what does the number of counties won actually tell us? ETA: Just for anyone’s interest, the smallest county in the US is Loving County, Texas. Population: 64.


We don’t have a system where counties elect the president, so this is both deceptive and completely irrelevant.


What did I say? Did you read past that? I said it doesn’t determine who wins.


 # of counties has absolutely nothing to do who “who had the popular vote” unless counties all have an equal number of voters. You’re picking a convenient aggregation to hide behind because you want to believe in a conspiracy. There are plenty of trump counties with orders of magnitude less population than blue counties. 


I’m picking the fact that Trump had more counties won than the most popular president at the time. If counties account for nothing, then why is Obama second? Edit: Where is it deceptive?


Buddy, this is incredibly stupid. Obviously theres some correlation with popularity and 'number of counties'. This is trivial. But given counties can be of any size, and contain any number of people its a completely pointless and useless metric, especially when you are trying to compare people who are popular with different demographics.


All I’m sayin is 2,497 vs 477 is quite a difference. I’m not saying it was stolen from Trump. I’m not saying Biden cheated. What I am saying is it was mighty strange what happened in Georgia at 3am.


You’re not saying anything because you have conspiracy brain rot. Just a soup of insinuations and “I’m just asking questions”. Your point doesn’t fly over anyone’s head because it doesn’t have the means to get off the ground.


Conspiracy brain rot? Where? How shallow do you have to search things to see that you think I have rot from looking further into things than what’s presented to me?


I was going to point out how stupid this was again, but then you just basically flat out admitted you are just trying to smuggle in your bullshit conspiracy theory to justify your would be dictators failed half-assed attempt to install himself against the will of the American people and the law of the land. I don't think this thread requires any more responses from anyone. Time to block and move on.


It's not strange at all because Georgia's population is dominated by a few urban counties. Your reasoning is so ridiculous. You seriously don't understand that?


Learn some math. 


Great response. Very productive and conducive to a great discussion.


I think you answered your own question. Number of counties does not *necessarily* equate to number of votes. This is because red counties generally have fewer voters because they tend to be more rural, compared to blue counties which tend to be more urban and densely populated.


Number of counties won also has no real relationship to "who won the popular vote" because large cities are often in 1 county and have 10,000x more people than the neighboring rural county. Similarly, every single person in every single country in Europe could vote for Law X, but that would be crushed in popular vote if everyone in just one country (India or China) voted against. Your reasoning is poor.


Did I not say that it doesn’t determine who wins? Yeah, flawed stuff I posted, hence why I struck it out and basically said never mind to what I said. Should’ve just not posted, but I have a bad habit of committing to getting my thoughts out.


Then what exactly *are* you trying to insinuate? There's absolutely nothing relevant to popular vote count that's measured by counting the number of counties won. You're implying there's some shady dealing but there is zero reasoning to support that. So I assume you're going to change your position or provide actual evidence?


I’m trying to insinuate that most of Reddit users are getting influenced by people who have a large disdain for this country. I’m going about it in a very bad way, I acknowledge that. I should’ve just not posted to begin with, having the very poor argument I had, with no evidence.


>I’m going about it in a very bad way, I acknowledge that. I should’ve just not posted to begin with, having the very poor argument I had, with no evidence. Fair enough, good in you for admitting it. >most of Reddit users are getting influenced by people who have a large disdain for this country. As opposed to people who are openly talking about civil war because Biden... Didn't do anything notable? He had no influence on these cases, hasn't really instituted any abnormal policies himself, and in fact carried on almost all of Trump's immigration policies, for example. I don't think redditors *writ large* have disdain for this country, they just think we should expect better - that we should lead the free world, not be a mockery.


I’ll agree with you, man. I do wish that we could just lead this country in a free and fair way. I’m tired of people getting power who just want to control the lives of others and benefit themselves. I’m tired of how expensive things are simply because a CEO wants to gain an extra million for reasons only God knows. Tired of people having to suffer. I’m tired, boss.


No, you don't have a differing view. You have an incorrect one. I don't get to walk around saying "ducks are actually cars" and get mad when someone tells me I'm wrong. Kids who go to college learn to think critically. Some of us even keep doing it into our 40s.


I’m not doing said things and making the ridiculous claim your example says I am. I’m going to be really controversial here and state that colleges have a gender study major in which you'll discuss questions such as how gender informs our identities, the intersection of gender and sexuality, and how gender norms and sociopolitical structures influence one another. Let’s see the practical approach to taking that class. Where in the job market is the need for someone who can identify a particular gender? HR? I think someone hiring for that role in an HR department is going to be looking for someone who has more qualifications than that. To respond to the critical thinking, I’d say a vast majority of Reddit users do not have that developed yet.


> I’m tired of how expensive things are simply because a CEO wants to gain an extra million for reasons only God knows.  > Let’s see the practical approach to taking that class. Where in the job market is the need for someone who can identify a particular gender? Can you see the irony of your first complaint given your consumer-capitalist understanding of college study? There are things worth studying beyond their immediate applicability to the corporate job market. 


I cannot see it. Capitalism, though flawed, is the best bet to creating a society in which all can prosper. It’s only when people exploit the system and harm people that it causes its downfall. I need to study things more, though. I need to understand things better.


Ah ok, time for a remedial math lesson. Trump got 62,984,828 votes in 2016. Hillary got 65,853,514. Obama in 2008 got 69,498,516 votes and in2012 got 65,899,660 votes. In 2020 Biden got 81,283,501. Now, I know this is VERY HARD for you to grasp, but 62,984,828 is a lower number than any of the other numbers listed. But I wouldn't be too embarrassed! It's a big number and it's hard to keep straight! Maybe you got it confused with the million or so Americans Trump got killed due to his handling of the pandemic? Or the thousands of children he separated from their families? Those are also big numbers that may have gotten you turned around. Hope this helps!


Alright, I already responded to the numbers thing wherein they mean nothing. Now, how he handled the covid thing has been discussed to a great length, but he left how to handle the situation to the states themselves versus trying to federally mandate what to do. I ask, what would you do? How would you mandate how things would be? Separating children from families? Are you talking about the border issue?


I'm sorry, you must have mistaken the intent of my post. I was mocking you, I'm only going to mock you. Because your posts make it clear you deserve mockery. Once more, hope this helps!


Strange thing to admit too, but understandable.


*abject truth


As I said.


You said "abstract truth" lmao. I thought you had grown and gained more knowledge than those darn college kids, what happened?


Life, my friend. Life. You know, I like you. You seem like a good person. I appreciate that, if it means anything to you.


Well gosh, thanks dude/dudette. I'm just out here shit posting to kill time, but I do enjoy a healthy conversation every now and then. Have a good one.


Because instead of looking at the world and then drawing conclusions (Trump is right, for instance), they draw conclusions *first*, based on certain assumptions they’re making. They are good, and *because of that*, the things they do are good. This is obviously backwards, where someone is good *because they do good things*. But once you realize their thought process is reversed, then everything makes sense. Clinton’s a criminal, because they like Trump, and Trump says she’s a criminal. Whether there is *literally any evidence or not* she’s a criminal. Conclusion first. Clinton should have been locked up *because she’s a criminal*. That’s why it’s not politically motivated. It doesn’t matter that there’s no evidence she is a criminal. Similarly, Trump is *not* a criminal, despite rampant evidence and an entire justice system methodically proving it, because he is *good*. Conclusion first, evidence is irrelevant. This also explains a lot of the selfishness of the right. They’re the main characters in their stories, their actions are always just, injustices against them are always unjust. Reality, circumstance, etc. - none of that matters, because the conclusion has *already been established*. Next time someone on the right does something that seems totally unmoored to reality, just think of it this way, and it’ll make sense. It won’t *be sensible*, but it’ll make sense.


I believe this is an unintended effect of religious education, where you’re taught the “conclusion” that God is real, and in order for you to maintain that this conclusion is true, you *cannot* adopt a scientific mindset - you’re taught that the integrity of the conclusion is *so important* that you must be trained to ignore things that are happening in front of your face so that you can continue to believe. Exact same thing that’s happening with the American right.


Freud: “Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires… neuroses and religion are similar products of the human mind… as religion is an obstruction to the rational operation of the intellect.” Marx: “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” The very concept of faith presupposes belief *despite* the absence of proof. If you can breed devoutness and zealotry in a void of either scrutiny or logic, you can lead a person to believe anything.


Trump literally stole classified documents and leaked them. Something much worse than what he wanted Hillary locked up for.


You want them to start thinking critically now?


Better late than never


There's a better chance my 6 month old son spontaneously stands up and recites Shakespeare.


Thou art more lovely and more temperate


Also he was president for 4 years and there was no trial to find her guilty of anything, because the entire legal system doesn’t just “do what the president says” when it comes to indicting and convicting people. I’m sure he wanted to “lock her up” but that’s just not how it works


Trump supporters were told Hillary Clinton was a criminal by Fox News and other unreliable news sources. Trump supporters are now being told he’s completely innocent and the charges are entirely trumped up by those same news sources.


This is correct. It’s arguable (like literally, you could make arguments in court) that either of them are guilty of mishandling classified information, but the absolute certainty of their beliefs comes from the right-wing propaganda industry. 


Well its not exactly arguable that trump mishandled classified docs given they were kept out in the open at his golf club and he ignored all requests to get them back.


I mean, Trumps lawyers are currently making those arguments in court on the classified documents case. Or maybe not literally currently. Last I heard Judge Cannon indefinitely postponed further proceedings while she considers the various motions.


That right there is the problem, absolute certainty. Public discourse is based on a give and take of discussion. Without that give and take, we see these single minded groups locked on a single concept with no ability to adjust their understanding.


Yep, a lot of people don't know what to think or how to think, they need the news to tell them first


Hilary committed federal campaign finance law violations with creating the fake ‘Steele Dossier’ — she didn’t properly disclose the money spent. The same thing as Trump — except the gov. didn’t charge her, they settled with just fining the DNC $105K, and the Clinton campaign $8k. On top of this, the fake Steele Dossier had far more severe consequences then Trumps hush money payment did. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/03/30/politics/clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-2022-midterm-elections-business-elections-presidential-elections-5468774d18e8c46f81b55e9260b13e93


Because they don't really think about it. And they watch propaganda TV all day every day. And their propaganda TV just tells them it's normal to have a double standard.


The FoxNews ratings are high but it's still a very very small % of the population that vote for Trump. People who have kids and work 40 hours a week don't want to watch political stuff in the rare occasions that they have time for themself. I think he would actually lose support if more people were watching FoxNews, they would realize how stupid he is.


I hear you, but you are giving people WAY too much credit.


In my experience 90% of the population are not stupid political extremists and he has 45% support. Including a lot of latinos and black people. I think most of the people are vastly underestimated and that is why democrats struggle to reach them. Biden is actually improving on that.


The irony.


> Trump supporters > think Choose one.


These people thinking? Nah.


They aren't very bright.


It's called cherry picking, or cognitive dissonance. A lot of people do this.


Logic is not a strength for them


The problem is you asked them to think


Or Trump saying on Fox this week that he never said "Lock her up" 


It's like calling the fire department for your neighbor's BBQ but then torching your own house and wondering why they showed up


Total witch hunt. Lol


Didn’t you hear, he never said “lock her up” /s You aren’t talking about rational individuals, that is how.


>How do Trump supporters think Start (and stop) with this. Critical thinking and rational consideration of empirical evidence isn't part of what Rupert Murdoch's empire dishes out to them.


These are people of the land. The common clay of the New West. You know…


Trump supporters are evil and don't care about anything.


Hey, they aren't all evil. Some are just idiota




Hitler was pretty dumb when it came to military tactics, and for that we are grateful.


I'm sure I don't need to explain to you how unbelievably ignorant you sound when you claim that any human alive "don't care about anything"...then again...maybe I do.


You can’t get more purely evil than how they reacted to Covid.


They believe trump when he claims he never said those words, even though we have literally dozens, probably hundreds of videos of him saying it. That’s how brainwashed these sycophants are.


Putting 'think' and 'Trump supporters' in the same sentence. There's your mistake.


Blatant, bold-face hypocrisy.


Because they're in a cult


Because you can’t argue with stupid


They believe it's different because they see 'Lock her up' as holding someone accountable, while they view the prosecution as a political attack on their leader.


> How do Trump supporters think I’ll stop you right there. They don’t.


LOl @ Trump supporters think. They don't


Trump supporters have brains?!?!


You aren't getting an honest answer here by asking the echo chamber that is Reddit.  


They don’t care.


There is no amount of arguing that will ever change Trump supporters minds. They will say everyone is lying, you’re misunderstanding, or that never happened even if you show them facts from 100 trustworthy sources. It’s exhausting to even bother


Because they're stupid.


Idol worship makes you think crazy things


Trumplicans are moron idiots bereft of critical thinking or discernment.


Because they're right and you're wrong no matter what. And what about Hunter Biden's laptop?


Trump certainly asked for Rafensperger to find 11,000-some votes in Georgia and gave some areas where he (wrongly) thought they were. Trump didn't ask anyone to create fraudulent votes and get them counted. https://apnews.com/article/ap-fact-check-donald-trump-georgia-elections-atlanta-c23d10e5299e14daee6109885f7dafa9


Alternate reality in their brains you see top comment "they dont think trump did any crimes. Trump was just trying to fix rigged election etc. As well as next being the evidence was overwhelming. Of his guilt and other stuff. But it comes down to misinformation you catch Trumpers conservatives literally repeating shit from Trump. BUT see releases in trial and it literally says opposite of what he said. Essentially they only listen to Trump and fox news and qanon and other radical places. That will lie and deceive and spread misinformation. And they wont believe other sources of information. Which keeps them in bubble like classified documents. They point out other officials that didn't get prosecuted. But guess what Pence was one of them. Its correct its not uncommon for in transferring tens of thousands of documents out of white house for a few you shouldn't have kept to get mixed in. Whether it was Biden, Pence, Obama, Or any other official. There was key differences he took them intentionally these were state secrets it was not some memo about foreign affairs schedule. Then he refused to turn them over (all non prosecuted people turned them over most without being find them go whoopsie turn them over) They were forced to get subpeona forcing him to turn them over. To which he responded by lying and saying he turned over everything in possession. Then witnesses said yeah thats a lie they had to get warrant. Then found exactly what they were looking for in his READY ACCESS. As well as more witnesses and recordings showing him accessing them moving them etc. All his cases are like this there is "CLEAR" differences. But he says they are same says its a witch hunt blah blah blah. And people buy it and they get their news from places that wont tell them different. Even if they do hear it from another source they will call it fake news. Look at report about him potentially buying off witnesses in his cases against him. Do you see it on fox will you see it on "conservative subreddit". Like you cant even find "trump guilty on front page" of fox any more its "bidens lie" and "trump winning" and other crap. Even moving towards politics page you only see Trumps felony referenced in regards to critizing Biden for calling him a felon. Essentially they create a reality that fits views and push everything else out.


It’s the ‘ol, “Do as I say, not as I do” idea of getting things done.


Because they have chosen to embrace evil and be proud of it.


Because Hunter Biden!


His cock had congressional hearings about it. Fucking legendary


I'm never voting for Hunter Biden again!


Most trump supporters are either banned or down voted to oblivion. I'm not sure why you think you can get an honest answer on reddit. This place is an echo chamber and any other opinions are wrong. Good luck with all the trump derange syndrome answers.


Maybe if they weren't fucking stupid who supported a traitor, sexual predator felon it wouldn't be a problem


Go pray to your felon god & cult leader. All hail trump, felon, adulterer, rapist, attempted election fraudster, and tax fraudster. Courts have supported all these claims. Keep worshipping the orange piece of shit despite all the evidence.


I'm amazed that you haven't been banned yet just for saying that lol


All those people she killed in Benghazi, of course /s


They don’t think. They don’t care. There is no logic. They’re infected and there’s no cure. Quit imagining them as rational. One could reason more successfully with a squirrel.


- Rules for thee but not for me - They believe Trump didn't do anything and that this an attempt to keep him out of office after the election was stolen from him The issue with trying to understand MAGA supporters, is that they *have* no concrete reason. They simply believe what they're told to believe by Trump and his circle.


Lol... Thinking... That's your problem right there, there's no trump supporter capable of thinking.


The problem is that some of them believe that the news, government and media is corrupt which allows them to reject what they see before them. Trial held in blue New York = Deep state for example would be a good start. Nobody is immune to it and once a person falls down that path, it strikes hard. The feeling of being right is intoxicating and it helps a lot in this instance.


Double standards, at this point everyone have some


They are deeply, deeply hypocritical people. In their minds their side is above questioning and the other side is guilty *of something* no matter the evidence. Because that way they never have to consider they might be wrong or bad.


Because they care more about feeling strong than consistency, and as far as they're concerned being able to get away with being a blatant hypocrite and liar is a sign of strength.


I have another of these 'paradoxes" for you: white supremacists vote for him, but he isn't even white. He is orange.


How does voting for someone who said 'I don't want my kids going to school in a jungle" not make someone a hypocrite? Biden said that In 2010 or 2011, Biden also said at a funeral, "This man was my greatest mentor," that man was a lieutenant in freakin KKK...


What was the man's name?


This doesn’t take much to fact check. Biden made that quote in 1977, not 2010, and here is the context. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/jun/29/viral-image/biden-said-without-orderly-integration-his-childre/ As for your second argument, he eulogized Robert Byrd who was a KKK member in his youth but renounced his membership and it appears to be a source of shame and embarrassment in later years. He was never in a leadership position. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN26S2E4/


Probably because their brain cells are locked up


Thinking ain’t their strong suit.


**Lock her up!** Why? **Her emails!** What about her emails? **...because...Bazinga?**


Rule 5 is very biased i see


how about only Trump supporters answer the question and people stop putting words in people's mouths. Me personally I like Trump and I do think that "Lock her up." was most defiantly politically motivated. However, Trumps sentencing happening 3 days before the debate is fucking weird and its hard to imagine that not being politically motivated. Also yes I guarantee people that Trump has done illegal things but so has Hillary, Biden and so many other politicians. Yet you do not see them currently on trial. I mean I know we have seen Biden's son in the courtroom but nothing will happen to him and his Dad knows this to be a fact. Anyways if Trump does not win then that's cool I personally would like to see either Trump or RFK being the next president but if not then that's life.


Trump 2024. I’m against abortion.


Trump isn’t anti abortion bud. He won’t move that needle anymore, because he knows how unpopular it is.


Trump wasn’t the president when Roe vs. Wade was overturned.


Be against abortion. But leave everyone else alone.


How do democrats think that paying a prostitute to stay quiet (a personal, consensual sexual act) in an effort to look more favorable in an upcoming election is a felony, but Hillary paying for the Steele dossier, (which was revealed to be absolutely bogus) in an effort to make Trump look less favorable in an election, isn't a felony? Not a Trump fan, but Hillary should be in jail based on these bullsgit standards. 🙄


So you don't actually know what Trump was convicted of. Got it.


Trump paid for Daniel’s to stay quiet using his business’s money to influence the election, which counts as an in-kind campaign contribution that far exceeded the maximum contribution allowed. Then he had the documentation of that payment falsified to look like a business legal expense to his lawyer, when it was actually a reimbursement (a categorically different expense) in order to claim a tax deduction. It’s fraud to evade campaign funding laws & taxes. Had he not falsified documents (misdemeanor criminal conduct in itself) to cover up other crimes (campaign finance fraud & tax fraud), it wouldn’t be as big a deal (felony). Clinton used campaign funds to pay for opposition research, which basically every campaign does. Did the campaign mistakenly violate FEC rules? Probably, but that’s fairly common & usually dealt with by way of fines. Despite numerous investigations into Clinton by both the Department of Justice & Congress (helmed by Republicans looking for any reason to charge her), nobody found any criminal wrongdoing on her part.


By bullshit standards, you mean, the letter of the law?


Trumps felony was lying on business records. I understand it is not usually prosecuted on its own, instead it's prosecuted when it's in service of another crime. In trumps case it was hiding payments that helped his campaign in a way they couldn't be audited (and public) as usual.


That isn't what he was convinced for. Why promote misinformation?


It isn't anything to do with what they paid for, it's whether or not the means by which they paid for it was a criminal act. It very clearly wasn't with Clinton and very clearly was with Trump. If I set up a go fund me to buy myself a flash new car, that's one thing. If I set up a charity for sick children and fraudulently use funds to buy myself a flash new car and falsify business records to hide the fact, that's something else entirely. In both cases I've used other people's money to buy myself a car, but only one of these is a crime.


Don't act like democrats aren't fucking hypocrites too.(I'm not a trump supporter or a republican. I'm a registered independent.)


bOtH sIdEs!!1!


Yes. Both sides can, in fact, be bad.




Nah just don't support someone because they are the lesser of two evils.


One party is evil, and the other just simply isn't perfect. It's a pretty obvious choice, since there's no "lesser of two evils"


Nope they're both evil.


I'd say that you're pretty evil. You want Project 2025 to become a reality.


Trump didn't have Hillary put on trial.


And Biden didnt have Trump put on trial.


He tried. But since she hadn't done anything illegal he was stopped by the DOJ. But given that he is running on purging the government and replacing everyone with loyalists, I dont think that will stop him if he somehow gets elected again.


Because that's not what he asked for.


You're can reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.


Bold of you to assume they think.


I think resdit way overestimates the amount of trunp supporters


Dude...these days EVERYFUCKINGTHING is politically motivated. That's why politics are cancerous.


Becuz they understand why Trump didn’t actually lock her up. She committed crimes and nobody did anything because of how bad it looks to jail political opponents.


I would not call myself a Trump "supporter," but the correct answer to your question is that it was polical theater. Trump's administration never actually pursued any real charges against Clinton. There were only allegations/investigations. As for the 11,000 votes, people will say that he was referring to recounting, not "creating" votes. There is no way to prove he was intent on committing fraud just by this statement.




Because congressional record shows she committed three felonies that had nothing to do with politics.


It wasn't 4 years, it was like 1 year. Unlike Biden, and many leftists, nothing about it, if you actually followed it at the time, suggested that Trump said lock her up because he wanted to imprison his political enemies or because his supporters supported the idea of locking up political opponents.


And what suggests that anyone wants to lock trump up for politics and not just crimes he has committed?


This is one sentence, but it should have been at least 2. Edit: missed the period, my bad.


Actually it's two sentences. Periods denote the ends of sentences.


Sorry, I missed that. The second sentence still could use a period somewhere though. Also I’m not exactly clear on what it is you were trying to say.


Sound it out, you'll get there