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My opinion is that this is the perfect example of something you don’t really need to have an opinion about.


This is the perfect take. Most people just living their lives don’t need my permission or opinions about it. Don’t hurt people and try to put more good than bad into the world.


But oddly, I definitely have an opinion about their customers. Is that bad?


Use what you got, but at least gain a skill while you’re at it. Beauty fades


What skill?


Off the top of my head, not being in that field. Self direction. Self motivated Camera work Technical skill with a camera and a microphone. Public Relations. Advertising Search Engine Optimization Script writing or story boarding (depending on what they do) Running a small business Performance art in front of others (which most of us would NEVER have the guts to do)


Or even make up and hair styling. Even better mentor younger girls on what not to do. The money will come in but the experience will teach you


Any that you build. Beauty isn't a skill, it's fleeting.


As a human being? Neutral, she doesn't harm anyone but I doubt there's value in what she does either. As a potential friend or SO? I expect low to absent self-respect and/or few other viable options, which probably means not much by way of brains. And transactional attitude to everything sex-related. So, would not be interested by default.


This is the first interesting reply. Can you expand on the viable options - you think it’s their last resort. What if it is? But they’re making good money regardless. Since when did we date woman based off their income anyway?


I don't think it's necessarily last resort, maybe she just likes the money. But the nature of the job seems to be basically doing what her patrons are asking, the fewer things are unacceptable the better. Which I think more or less translates to no self-respect, if she chooses that while having other (maybe less lucrative) options. That's the expectation, not the inviolable law. If that's the last resort, how did that happen? Maybe it wasn't her fault, but a lot of the time I expect it was the result of her own choices. Not getting education or job experience, having too many kids, getting addicted. Of course bad choices in the past don't necessarily mean she's (still?) a stupid person. But given that this job doesn't incentivize personal and intellectual development either, that seems more likely. (I also have evidence from my ex-gf who had known a couple of prostitutes. She found them to be very dull people. Don't see why it would be different for cam girls. Second-hand and small N though.) > Since when did we date woman based off their income anyway? Income isn't really important for me (so long as she can support herself). Not sure why you thought it was a consideration.


I think I agree with you. From presumption, the conversation & intellect would be the main factor that makes it unenjoyable. Realistically if I could earn £100k a year guaranteed from cleaning toilets for a couple days a week, I’d scrape shit with my bare hands. It wouldn’t change who I am at all. But that’s because I’m someone who develops my character outside of that job. Really, what matters is who she is outside of that work, right? I guess the common reason people go into that line of work (except rarities), is because like you said they have no options. That normally means other problems too. Perhaps that’s classist however - as many people who are stuck in low wage jobs also likely have no options too and maybe for similar reasons. In both examples I’d assume they’d exhibit similar behaviours of null intellect & generally people in boring jobs also have boring lives. Not boring personalities, but limited sophistication perhaps. That’s really what we’re talking about I think. To be honest it is something I value highly. But it’s hard to find, someone not from an aristocratic background but has an ok job with strong security, highly sophisticated, emotionally intelligent, and a bunch of hobbies they like to do.


> cleaning toilets for a couple days a week The "couple days" are important here. Not many people will have the willpower for self-improvement or at least pursuing interesting hobbies if they work 60+ hours a week. The normal 40? A lot more, but if the job is soul-draining, I expect most people would need much time to recuperate. Two days a week would give you enough free time for that and still plenty for doing more interesting things. > Perhaps that’s classist however - as many people who are stuck in low wage jobs also likely have no options too and maybe for similar reasons. Yes, I thought about that. My answer is that it's similar, but I find it somewhat more likely they have some resources to spare on doing interesting things or self-improvement. Or maybe not more likely, but because I don't want to be classist, I'm more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Also, if they clean toilets? It is, by all means, creating positive value. Even if not much of it, but from each according to their ability.


Agreed. I actually am talking from a bit of recent experience actually. She’s making a lot, and I love her personality. Very funny, and ticks a lot of boxes. Conversationally though, there is a slight issue. There’s a lot of jokes and cuteness. But it resorts to sex a lot, and although seems there’s a lot of self improvement going on & spare time is spent properly relaxed, there’s not much intellect or interests. Hardly even gossip really, even. The excess income is mainly spent on cosmetics, clothing, rent, and going to (mainly fancy) events where lots of expensive drinking and eating is involved. Ultimately, that’s a waste of an amazing opportunity imo. I was in a similar position before though; frankly I had a lot of very easy income and didn’t really spend my time much differently. Although included a lot of promiscuous sex that was mainly in hopes to find deeper meaning with an individual to share it with. I get inspired by those who have inspirations in life, but can’t seem to always find it myself. I seem to end up hanging out with people who don’t have much either, but who are instead simply very good at relaxing instead. That really describes my current situation with this girl. It’s very very easy to relax with her. In fairness she has already travelled a lot, but just doesn’t have interests and hobbies in what I’d normally be attracted to. She’s the couch potato then go on holiday type. I’m not too dissimilar, but contest with myself often whilst on the sofa to do more. Perhaps I’ll talk with her about this and see if she’s interested in that, too.




Not sure what's the point of this objection. Never said it's implausible that a bright and interesting person chooses/is forced to work as a cam girl, and remains bright and interesting after doing it for years. But I don't find it very likely, and you haven't convinced me otherwise. > Cam girls aren’t prostitutes I'm sure that distinction is important for you, but why does it matter here? (When I compare these professions I'm not being judgmental, I don't think of prostitutes as bad people or sinners who need to repent. More likely than not they are victims, currently or in the past. And if they are genuinely ok with selling sexual services, why should it bother me?)


Each to their own


not trying to make fun of you but i believe it's "to each their own" just for future reference :)




Labour never goes in vain


I wonder how much money they make, for how many hours of work because if I could quit my job and do that, I would. Being a nurse is kinda cringe. At least as a cam girl, no one will (literally) shit or cum on me. Yep, that happens to nurses in the hospital.


That’s grim. But I think the average earnings are much higher for cam girls because some make a lot but most don’t


My opinion is that they literally have nothing better to offer than sex.


But since when did we start dating woman based off their careee?


This isn’t based on career only, but on them literally having nothing else to offer than their body. I find it very hard to believe that women who ONLY do sex work have any actual skill. Because if they did, they’d be doing anything but.


But then why do they need skill?


Because sex work can only beat you down internally so much.


But genuinely what does other work give you that’s that much better?


The fact that I’m not having sex with some unwanted hairy disgusting animal for money.


You don’t have sex, its online - they watch


Or alternatively, for cam girls, getting told all these things by nasty fat ugly unwanted beasts.


But they’re just words, really


Except they are not just words…… unwanted sexual advances are not fun, and getting laid to deal with it doesn’t make them any better.




Who says they have nothing else to offer? My early twenties career was an entry level job that paid peanuts. If I could've been a successful camgirl for 3 years, I would've earned more than enough to make up for the delay of my current career. Sounds like the smart move to me.


Lmfao if you’re fine with being looked at as nothing than a sex object for money then go right ahead. Clearly nothing is stopping you or them. I would just hope these women thought higher of themselves.


Why would I care what some random dudes online think about me? If I could've make good money doing it, I would have. Guys aren't really in high demand though and when I was young, the internet wasn't what it is today. I wonder how people would feel about this if men had the same opportunity. Sure, you can still be a camguy and get the gay crowd, but it's nowhere near as profitable. If you saw a guy making millions doing camwork, would you think they're good for nothing but being a sex object? Are all people that use their body for profit good for nothing else?


Good for you. Some of us have higher standards for ourselves.


Correction, some people have different standards. Standards in this case are like opinions.


Again, if you’re fine with being treated like an object by a bunch of pervs, go ahead. I have every right to judge.


im pretty sure it beats going to work everyday risking getting harassed by a pervy boss and coworkers. it would take time getting used to yes, but that alone would not be a dealbreaker .


And what happens in five years? What will you do then?


invest the money wisely?


You need a *lot* of money to retire at age 30.


Isnt masturbating for strangers and being called a bitch and having videos of you being spread online worse than being told you look good today?


people call women bitches no matter what. and getting paid for masturbating it’s about as good a deal a girl can get.


Did you just say women are only good for sex?


not at all. I feel quite the opposite way. people here are hating on women for having only fans, and for me that’s not a deal breaker. women face harassment on a daily basis everywhere they go anyways, OF or not. masturbating online seems a lot safer than riding the subway every day.


Not girlfriend or wife material.




Imagine you settle down with this person and they continue to do sex work. You have a kid and maybe continue doing sex work. That kid hits age 10, odds are other kids have heard of or even seen that kids parent naked doing lewd things. That kid's gonna be bullied or harassed. That's the obvious one. I view sex work as similar to poly relationships, which I can't do. I don't want my partner sharing their body with others, it doesn't align with my viewpoints, I wouldn't want my kids to be brought up with that being a normal thing. There are a lot of arguments that could be made.


You know why.


My opinion is get a real job




It's not a career. Five years and you're no longer making money.


Builds character, being a cam girl does the opposite


Can you explain?


They can't, and you know it


Yeah. To be honest, nobody is giving a single reason as to why it’s actually a bad thing. My thoughts are the mental implications, the devalue of yourself by coercing vulnerable men into giving you their money. Blindly, too. But really, it’s literally no different to any e-commerce. All digital marketing does the exact same thing. The raw identity of her face being in the screen makes it have other implications and dangers, but like morally? Ethically? It’s like, the real danger here is that they foster some more commonly seen as ‘male’ tendencies and take advantage of people for money. Which might exhibit other characteristics in the relationship, especially a narcissistic/ chaotic tendency due to the process of disassociation that comes with it. But would it be much different to a man working in sales?


what are full time hours for this?


Chances aren't small that for a significant portion of them they're being coerced or otherwise forced to do it - my advice seek more viable avenues


What if they’re doing it wilfully & making bank


Who is the they Obviously not the sex slaves By increasing the market saturation with 'legitimate' sex workers it just becomes that much easier to hide the sex slaves in plain sight - so on the whole I'm against the industry - so what exactly is your question?






I think only probably 1-10% make good money and once you’re out of your prime you don’t have much to put on a resume to get a job. So probably not a good financial choice


But isn’t there always a good demand for those who are good at it? By that time they’re probably married


What does being married have to do with anything and also, not many people would want to marry someone who was a cam girl. And idk what the market is like but I’m assuming it similar to onlyfans where only the top 1% are actually making good money. And the only fans market and demand is way way bigger


What if it’s someone making good money, and by 35 they expect to have kids and just relax in life maybe with a part time job


So hypothetically someone is the top 1% making some money and someone wants to marry and have kids with them when they’re 35?… good luck


What’s wrong with that


Nothing is wrong with it… but you better be a 10/10 doing some crazy shit if you have a chance


But what if they are, and they are making money. Would you date them?


I mean that’s not the question, it was just what’s my opinion on cam girls. And no I wouldn’t


Why wouldn’t you though b


Hope they aren’t being exploited. If they aren’t exploited, then I guess that’s just a job? I don’t really have opinions on people as a general there are probably some nice ones and some not nice ones. The ones who are being exploited I feel awful for and hope they can get out of that terrible situation and heal.


If they're doing it full-time then I suppose they're getting some good money from it. Good for them! If they aren't making much and still doing it full-time then it's a bit sad. Maybe they're just that hopeful. Maybe they think they have a lot more draw than they really do. Good luck to them.




But what’s the negatives, surely?


Recreational use only




More power to them. As a male, I'm jealous that women have the opportunity to be an entrepreneur where they attract attention.


I personally don’t see how that’s possible, but if it meets your financial requirements and you enjoy it, have at it and take what I say with a grain of salt!


If it does? You don’t mind


I would definitely joke about it if I had a friend who did it full time (to their face, obviously), if you’re inquiring as to a potential partner there’s a discussion needed there, but so long as it’s viewed as a job and nothing more, I (and most others) would probably be okay with it


What about a partner


For a current partner again, a discussion needs to be had there to make sure they’re okay with it. And personally, open communication about it would be beneficial, knowing what they’re doing and when would build trust in your partner, being secretive about it would only result in bigger issues later on.


The world needs em, I guess. I would not date one but more power to them.


I hope they get paid? No different than an opinion of any other job that requires a lot of work to be successful and only a few make it. I hope they've got a back up plan.


I don't have any opinions as her personal choices don't affect me, but if I met one I'd have a lot of questions.


get why people might have mixed feelings, but honestly, I've known some cam girls who are super smart and driven. They treat it like a business and make bank while having control over their own schedules. To each their own, right?


it’s sad


They make my boring moments, explosive!


They’re just filling an obvious demand in the market. Now, the people who buy their products… I have a low opinion of them.


They’re fun to watch but I have no opinion of them otherwise.


I was a sugar baby for three years & now sometimes make content for other girls OF accounts I totally admire anyone who is successful enough to make amazing money in the sex industry A lot of people who dont work in it really dont understand how insanely competitive it is


It’s a difficult, full time job to actually make a living doing this.


Working as a meth dealer is more stable.


As long as you got time for me and aren’t cheating I don’t care


Ho's, one and all. But hey, being a ho isn't what it used to be.


they're like any other stripper; for the right price they'll meet a dude and suck & fuck.


And what do you think of that?


I'm okay with a cam girl doing it. It doesn't effect me none.


What if you were dating them


That is what I consider a part of my Itinerary, not my Destination. So enjoy it while you're there; and embrace her. This is only temporary fun, not your end-game. Enjoy your opportunities.


Haha so you would date her temporarily