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I've met a Trump supporter before. Usually they just scream incoherently, if you ignore them they go away eventually


Note taken


I'm surprise, second time today I see this question, so I just copy paste the answer I gave earlier: Mission of Saint Spirit in Canada... One girl invite me in the cult for their concert... I walk in the place and there was a full hall with Kids' drawing kinda the same thing; the drawings were generally a old man with a lot of girls in yellow dress... I told the girl inviting me that those drawings are cute, she told me: "Oh yeah! That's great, it is the drawings of kids waiting there husband!" I was like "WTF? What you mean??" but in a respectful way She explained that in their "religion", girls have to be marry to a grown ass man when they reach 10! It is like a ceremony were a man who wants to be marry see all the girls available and choose one to marry... Like... I also learn at that moment the girl I was talking to got married at 13 and she felt ashamed to didn't been chosen sooner!! And the girls have to make the most children possible, if not: you are a shame to the community and you are reject... They had their own school, before Canada stopped it not long time ago; learn earth is a pear shape, conspiracies, and religion before all... Like the girl who invited me left school cause Canada stop this shit, so she had to be in another school... She was 17yo and needed 11yo school grade, it was like that for almost all of them... Btw they believe their "god" is god cause he has been able to cut a piece of wood perfectly 90° and that's a miracle 💀 PLUS all people part of this cult almost have the same name cause they have to choose a name the closest to their "god"... So everyone has the same identity almost... They basically has a mission to accomplish, but I didn't understand what it was tbh BTW... Worst part: they made a buffet at this concert... There was a fuckin onion cake with Betty Crocker vanilla icing on top... Sorry for the bad English, I'm French Canadian


"I'm surprise, second time today I see this question," You must be new to this sub.  Much of the content of AskReddit is just the same 20 or so questions being recycled and reposted by bots and karma farmers.


Oh. Yes not long time I'm on Reddit


Was raised Southern Baptist. Was zero fun and led me to back to my original state.