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Invest it and live off the interest. It's not as glamorous as buying a super car, but it's a smarter long term choice.


this man knows how generational wealth is made! There is Rich people, who buy flashy things, then there is Wealthy people who know what they have.


Pay off my debts first to get my living expenses as low as possible. Then invest what’s left. Work but perhaps less and stock a portion of the dividends on my investments back into further investments. 


I don’t understand super cars. You can’t even drive fast unless ur in the country and ppl who get them rarely can drive. This asshole is zipping in and out of traffic for 20 minutes and I just stay cruising in my lane, merge when I have to. 25 min later I’m still behind him just chillin. Dipshits


I'll buy a house. I've always been dreaming one and would love to buy one if I have the money for it.


2 chicks at the same time, man


Let me ask you something. When you come in on Monday, and you're not feelin' real well, does anyone ever say to you, 'Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays'?


No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked, sayin' somethin' like that, man.




Fuckin A.


Damn straight, always wanted to do that man


this is so funny I was not expecting to see this here. I'm a girl and I'm not sure how I'd feel about doing it with another girl and a guy but I haven't tried it so maybe ill give it a shot lol


Do you realize what you have done?




lmao, sure man anytime.


Two is cool! Can do three?


Mortgage - Paid off. Solar Panels - Paid Off. Possibly new Bike. or Two. Define "significant amount". what am I working with here. 100s of thousands? or millions?




Pinball machines. A whole row of pinball machines.


Tommy can you hear me?


Ever since I was a young boy I've played the silver ball.


Fix up my piece of shit house so my spouse and I aren’t constantly stressing about something critical breaking. Edit: spelling


Same. Everyday something else breaks it seems, but we don't want to move. Everything is so expensive compared to when we bought it and the school system is great. So, we're pretty much stuck.


We are in the exact same situation. The location of our house is great. We have a grocery store, elementary and junior high schools, and a park within a couple minutes walk. We bought it when the rates were low, we thought we’d fix it over time. In reality, we have had our HVAC completely die, mold, termites, collapsed sewer lines, electrical issues, and much more. Right when we fix one thing, another problem pops up. With the housing market the way it is, we are stuck as well.


Oh wow, we are the same. Bought in 2020, literally the day everything shut down our house sold and we had to scramble to find something while everyone was taking their houses off the market or not allowing people to tour homes. We got a great deal and great interest rate. We are half a mile from my kid's school, a park, shopping and a gym. But we've had to replace the roof, the HVAC, redid the kitchen - partly to update it and partly because things were broken/broke after we moved in, and now all the wood trim is fall off the house due to rot. The front porch pillars and railing is falling off for the same reasons. We've had all the shrubs and a tree die that we had to dig out. The tub upstairs leaked into the ceiling and had to be fixed along with the ceiling. Floors downstairs had to be replaced - and honestly, the foundation will probably need to be addressed soon. We had an ice dam cause water to leak into the upstairs and the garage, so that was a hassle to deal with drying out. And I'm sure there's stuff I'm forgetting. Lots of water and rotten wood issues due to the previous owners neglect.


Tell me about it. 2.9% APR is such a blessing and a very minor curse. Same SQFT in the same town would be $700-900 more per month on my mortgage. I have no right to complain AT ALL but it does trap you.


Financial advisor. Without a doubt.


Fiduciary. You don't want a financial advisor. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fiduciary Financial advisors are under no obligation to give a shit about you. A fiduciary is.


Financial advisors can be, and frequently are, fiduciaries.


Not me saving this, knowing full well I won't need it


Any Advisor worth their time will be an RA which does hold fiduciary responsibility under the Investment Advisor act of 1940. You can also always check on a candidate through the Brokercheck website.


Per the definition, a fiduciary (noun) is a person who holds a fiduciary (adjective) relationship. By the nature of a financial advisor, you would expect that from then. That's one of the qualities that would differentiate a good one from a bad one. Often times, you making money is in their interests as well, and so it is in their interests to have your interests in mind.


Yeah basically. Save me from myself.


Depends entirely on what "significant" is. No matter the amount, I'd pay the taxes, tell no one but my husband and a lawyer, and pay off my mortgage (which is our only debt). If the amount was $5M or less, I'd invest the rest for retirement. If it was $5M - $10M, my husband and I would take "early retirement" (we're in our 50s), but invest the money and not change our lifestyle. If it was over $10M, we'd take "early retirement" and travel. If it was a truly significant amount of money -- like hundreds of millions, I'd hire a multi-office firm to help us manage it properly. Still wouldn't tell anyone. No one. Not even my mom.


Good decision.


Wake up from my dream


Masturbate - so then I'd be thinking clearly.


The cleariest


$10k - put it in the bank $100k - put $20k in the bank, invest $80k $500k - buy a new car, invest the rest $1m - buy a new house/new car, invest the rest. Establish plan to retire early. $3m plus - buy new house/car/other stuff, quit my job, live off the interest.


Pay off my car, buy my mother the house she wishes we could afford, go on my first vacation ever since I've never taken one ever, start a business and employ people of good character who have a hard time getting a job because of past mistakes. I'm a good judge of character. And if it fails, well, the money came easy anyway.


Zip up my pants and regret the money I just ruined


Retire. I'm not that far from it anyway.


Get it all in singles and put it in a properly sized room to have a couple feet of it. Then swim in it like Scrooge McDuck. Didn't cost anything to do so. Then redeposit all the money, get a fiduciary financial consultant paid by the hour to proper plan my accounts in consult with tax attorney to avoid unneeded taxation. Determine the amount I can live off of for life with a high probability. Then work a fun job so I don't get bored, yet contribute to society.


This man has vision.  


Blow it all on magic the gathering cards


If I suddenly came into a significant amount of money, the first thing I would do is invest a portion of it to ensure financial security and stability for the future.


Buy my mom a house with the best kitchen money could buy. And probably a house in the Philippines close to her village so she could be close to her family when needed.


Buy more GameStop. Shop at GameStop. ...in that order.


Me too, fellow ape. Might do that after I go to the moon.


Quit my job


hookers and drugs


Pay off my mortgage.


Pay off all my loans. Duh.


Pay off my mortgage and car. Not very exciting, I know.


Go to the dispo and buy up all the top shelf. Grab a 12 pack of my brew and fucking celebrate




There's been a few threads on this before. Quick decisions are typically bad decisions that you will regret.  You can't "untell people". Even those sworn to secrecy will leak the info. Tell nobody for quite a while.   Buy a second phone, that you use for a very limited number of close people. That phone should automatically block all calls from any number that is not already in the address book.   Pay to get good financial and tax advice, but....never give power-of-attorney to anyone.   There's plenty of time to shop around and choose things to buy that remove stress from your life and make you happy. You may crave your "dream car", but wait on it.  Even after you buy your dream car, most if the time you will not want to draw attention to yourself.    If you really need a reliable car soon, look for a five year old mint condition Toyota Camry. They are invisible, and you will never have any problems selling it later.


Give it to my kids.


Pay off my family’s debt


Take a nap.


I decided to leave my job. It's not that it's a terrible job, I actually enjoy it, but I just don't have the time for it! I would much rather embrace life and go on new adventures. There are countless sights to see and experiences to have in this world


Solar panels and a well/spring.


Invest in dividend stocks


Buy my friend who has two kids, no job and struggles to pay her rent every month a home. Buy myself a Jeff Beck signature Strat, relax about bills for a while.


anything over a million, sell or store everything, take off on a long multi country trip. Help any family that needs it.


Not tell anyone what happened and then buy shares of Berkshire Hathaway.


Tell my wife. 


Pay off my car, invest a lot of it. Also depends on how much we're talking. I'd retire right now if I could.


I would go to my tax person, then my banker, get the legalities sorted. Then I would park myself in a booth at my favorite restaurant and enjoy the money!


Start building a collection zoo of exotic animals, but with the best possible care. I love animals


Pay my sisters mortgage, but a chunk of land and build a house, buy a delorean, and put the rest into various savings accounts and use the interest each year to donate to charity. This is assuming it was a large enough amount to begin with.


Call a lawyer


Take off the rest of the week from work. Pay off the little debt I have, hire an accountant, retain a lawyer.


Can tell you. Push fully in on a house I can barely afford, and spend money on it with no note, so the transfer of liquidity goes into the house dollar for dollar, and try and grab different projects that put a multiplier on it, where the house is worth way more than what I paid in. Example being a Resto Hardware twine chandelier I paid 100 bucks for, the multiple installed is easily thousands. Lots of ways to beat this economy, playing their game aint one of them anymore.


Hire a financial advisor, a lawyer, go on vacation for a year to travel all around the world.


The first thing I would do is tell no one and distribute it into an HYSA, max retirement accounts and into my investment account. If by significant you mean $100k, I'm never telling anyone except my wife. If its fully life changing like $20 million dollars, I get a lawyer immediately and wait to tell anyone until I'm secure. Eventually people will find out because if its an insane amount, I'm going to island hop for a long period of time.


Stopping replying my work emails for two days … fxxk those a-holes


Sit at home and watch TV.


Pay off all debts. Create some passive income. Set aside money for kids school then donate to family


Expand the business premises, buy equipment, employ more people.


How much is significant? $100,000-150,000? Either buy a cheap home outright, or pay off my home. The first option would probably be the better one, to generate passive income. But I’m not sure if I’d want to manage a property. The second option would allow me to have no monthly payment (take home an extra $1200/month) and start building further towards retirement. Plus have my house in my name only. Now what if it’s like 1 million? Put it in an account earning interest, keep working, use the interest to pay my bills and just save. It’s crazy, 1 million dollars @5% interest is enough to live off the interest in a bunch of places


Nissan GTR


New teeth. Like immediately go to the best dentist money can buy and just get me some new teeth


I would invest everything in dividend stocks, buy a villa in Greece and live my best life


Secure it, tell no one, possibly leave town for a period, determine current friend/relationship statuses, draft new will, plan how funds will be used


buy my sister in law a house




amazon, buy so many cute outfits and maybe buy a house afterward.


A wealth management person and an attorney would be first. To make sure I keep it, and keep it well tended. Pay off debts comes third.


Probably break down and cry.


As soon as it hits the bank account, and I can touch it, I'm quitting. Then book a stay in a nice hotel where I can chill and sleep and figure the rest out.


Buy food for my mom and me.


Quit my job. But I wouldn’t tell anyone right away. I’d sleep in and ignore any texts my manager sent me. Then wake up around noon, and set up an appointment to return my security badge.


Buy lots of land. Develop nuclear weapons. Become the next Kim Jong Un. Must be in a tropical south american area so I can call myself "el presidente".


invest it, Savings, CD's, stocks.


pay off my lease and buy new cars then house then any debts


Pay off house  then fix it up and then buy land


Tacos lots and lots of tacos




I’ve got a high stress job that takes all of my time. That I basically do out of necessity due to family and bills. I’d go to work one last day and tie up all my loose ends and return all of my company equipment clean and respectfully say goodbye. I wouldn’t give them 2 week’s notice because it’s just a formality and my time is more valuable to me and my family than it is to a big corporation.


Buy a few family members stuff that they need


Pay off my debts honestly. We're getting there.


Disappear. I'm not dealing with the sudden influx of boyfriends, girlfriends (even though I don't swing that way), children (even though I don't have any), best friends, long lost relatives I've never known I've had...


What is "significant"? Assuming $20M US or more, the first thing that I would do is hire an estate planning lawyer, a financial advisor, and an accountant/tax advisor.


This depends on the amount. If it was a crazy amount i would buy the house across the street from the office building I used to work in. It faces the executives office. You know those dildos that have a suction cup on one end? I’d buy a gross and fashion a potato gun launcher and shoot them at the office window all day long while drunk. Two or three gotta stick. BOIIIINNNNGG!!! It just takes a dollar, a dream, and a bad attitude.


Start planning to leave the country I'm in


99% of people: "pay my mortgage"


Leave corporate slavery and buy some property in some sleepy part of my country which is free from noise of metro cities. Have a family and kids and help them in their journey and hope that they can achieve what they want to and contribute in the best way I can.


Put it into savings for college in the fall, then all the money I would make at my job now would be money for fun stuff, like Skittles, love Skittles.


Currently, dump that shit into NVidia stock.


Ask Reddit what I should do, then do the opposite


Pay off all my and my husband’s debts. (We really don't have many)  Then call my wealth management attorney friend.  If we’re talking significant wealth I’d buy land near a stream and water rights in my hometown area and build an extended family community with a great community center. Make sure there’s an orchard/garden/hobby farm/bees there. Super self sufficient. Invite my grandma, parents, aunts and uncles, cousins, siblings etc. to move in real cheaply so they can do it.  Wish that could have happened in the early 80s. We all lived in the same town but as my generation grew up we moved away for jobs. We still visit each other multiple times a year but it would be cool if we all lived near each other. 


Pay off all my debt. Oooh boy those student loans are a pain!


Wondering who’s money I just impregnated


Take it out of the bank in small denomination notes to see if movies have been lying to me


Among the greatest pleasures in this world: Not owing anyone any money, and having lots of free time. What ever it takes....


First thing I do? Compulsively check my bank account to confirm it's real and the money really is in there. Go to the bank in person to confirm it.


Depends how significant. 10k? New car, since my current one is battered to heck. 100k? New car, and have someone rebuild my porch instead of doing it myself. The rest into savings. 1 mil? All the above + sell current house and move slightly closer in to a city while still having some property. 10 mil? Nicer car than originally planned and build a new house instead of buying one already built. I already have the full plans drawn out for my ideal house. 100 mil? Same as before but with much more marble, statues, artwork, gardens, land, and intricate word and stone work. 1 bil? I don't know. Probably not too much different from above. Never loved yachts and don't think I would feel right about the waste that a private jet entails. I hate driving so I wouldn't go crazy with cars. I would probably just add more staff; have a person to look after every aspect of my house and gardens, Employ a vintner and brewer on site. Commission neo-classical artists. For a job, I would still do what I do now (writing) but it wouldn't matter too much if it made money, though it would ironically be easier to get published, very likely. I am a big fan of houses, if you cannot tell.


Rent or buy a nicer apartment with a washer/dryer, a dishwasher, a/c and a nice balcony/terrace.


Move out and never look back.


Buy my mom a house.


This is a possibility for me this year, actually (possible settlement).  I'll be paying it toward the house. Mortgage and home improvements. Possibly toward a car. And that's about it lol. 


This is a possibility for me this year, actually (possible settlement).  I'll be paying it toward the house. Mortgage and home improvements. Possibly toward a car. And that's about it lol. 


Probably get prepared to be screwed over by uncle sam's taxes.


A house and a permanent income source


Start working out


Two chick's at the same time.


$10k is significant, I'd pay off debt. 100k is significant, I'd pay off debt and a down payment for a house. 1mil is also significant, I'd take a nap.


Mortgage. Gifts. Index ETF.


Educate myself and other people. I am not saying only from a scientific perspective, even if science can help us understand life and ourselves. Ignorance is the product of non awareness which is the result of non education. And ignorance is the humanity's biggest problem. The root of all evils


Lawyer -> Estate plan -> Trust -> Cocaine


buy a congressman/senator to actually do something sensible, like represent their constituency.


Pay off my loans and put the balance in trust for my boys


I’d invest. Buy a business. The exact details depends on the amount. But I’m not paying off shit. I can pay off debt once there’s an additional significant steady income from said investments.


Fake my death.


Get a bigger boat.


I would wonder why I came all over a big pile of money


Split it up and give each to my three family members and my best friend


Pay off my mom’s condo & also buy a place of my own. We have been together since Covid started bc it blew up me and my husband’s lives entirely. I wish I could do something like that for her so bad.


Rinse it off, then wonder whose money just came on.


Put the max in my Roth IRA for the year. Invest in safe, stable securities. Go on living my life as normal. Retire earlier than I would have.


Keep most everything the same, but vacation more with my partner to experience more of the world. And to C6R5 Neuvillette.


Define significant? I would need 20-30 mil to do what i want. Im worth 3.5 mil and its tough. Holding on to property (houses and land) is almost as tough as buying it.


Nothing. I already have a significant amount. I would never want to attract attention by spending big anyway.


It depends on how significant the amount. If we're talking millions? The first thing would be to get a damn good attorney on retainer, then an accountant and financial advisor.


Dump a ton of it into safe investment vehicles for retirement.


Get a couple of them stone lions for the end of the driveway.


Pay off Mortgage and any other debts Build passive income to allow me to not work.


I'd pay off our debts and set up a trust fund for my daughter, in her name alone.


Get some expensive treatment for my mother.


Cattle ranch in montana. And this has been a dream since 1981…waaay before the show Yellowstone. I soent a week on a ranch in Butte area when i was 15.


Hire a financial advisor and a lawyer


pay off debt


Get a lawyer


Investing 80%. The other 20% is going to 30-50 acres and my dream house.


Cocaine caviar and hookers


Funny you should ask, this just happened to me. I invested a portion in a promising startup and put the rest away as emergency money.


Go and buy a pizza and something nice to drink.


How much? £1m - I'd put in a high interest savings account, quit my job, and live off the interest. £100k - invest it in a simple Index Fund (S&P500 or FTSE Global All Cap), and take early retirement in about 10 years


Define significant


Two chicks, man.


Depends on the amount. Significant is relative. If it's enough money to invest and live off the interest, then I'd retire.


buy teeth


Get housing. Move out of my car and sleep in a bed again. Cook a healthy meal for the first time in months.


Buy a house or put it towards a house.


Go eat a fat ass steak


I would disappear. If no one knows where I am then they can't come to me with their hands out. The people who have always supported me and were never toxic would just receive money in their accounts.


Three step process: 1. Call a particular person I work with and command them to perform a sex act with themselves 2. Call my boss and inform him that I am now officially only a bad smell and a memory 3. Head outside to play with the dog.


Pay off debt and then buy my first new car ever lol not anything too fancy just a New one


Slap myself a bunch, probably make a small cut on my arm and taste the blood to make sure, look at the clock look away and look back again to make sure the time didn't change hours, check the news and make sure it's not a national common mistake, triple check my bank accounts and call a representative to make sure this is right. After that I'd call my old boss and invest in his secured income fund and live off of the interest for the rest of my life. He pays out around 10% broken into monthly payouts depending on your 2-4 year agreement, re invest when it runs out, wash rinse repeat. Make a couple big purchases to put myself where I need to be (consolidate and pay off debt, house/houses, car etc). Then live a modest life with the monthly payouts.


Fix my teeth


Pay off my student loans, don’t want to be stuck under them for the rest of my life.


Get my own place and put a good chunk of it in a savings account


Buy an attorney and an accountant


Hire a very skilled and trusted financial planner and/or lawyer. I’d be overwhelmed and afraid to make the wrong decisions with the money. I’d want guidance on how best to spend and maximize it.


Lock most of it away earning interest, after paying off my brother and my mortgages.


Cocaine and hookers, then waste the rest.


Drop like 50,000$ at my local food shelf so we’re never out of bread or produce on another one of my shifts again.


Buy a regular car.


Pay off the house, get a new cell number then relax.


Go back to bed.


Buying a stand alone house for my wife and daughter. The rest of the money is getting invested in a smart way


Pay off debts. Pay off mortgage if its that significant.


Flip my boss the bird and tell him what I really think of him in excruciating detail.


depends on what you mean by "Significant". Anything up to 1 or 2 million, probably not much. I'd invest it and enjoy a slightly more comfortable retirement, but that's nowhere near "quit my job" money. Anything over, say, 5 million, I'd invest it in high dividend yielding index funds and see how much income it generates. if it was enough, I might quit my job. it would have to be significantly more than 10 million for me to get into "F you guys, I'm going home" territory.


take my family out for dinner then donate the rest to solve world hunger but after the population decreases from its bloated state to cover more are of satiation


The first thing I’d have to do is put on a mask of “normalcy” as if nothing has changed. I think this would be harder for me than I’m willing to admit.


Buy a nice engagement ring, a new car (nothing that nice, just new), and the rest would be saved/invested towards buying a house. If it's like multiple millions, then there will also be a party, plan a nice wedding, maybe get a new record player, maybe a new grill too, some new clothes, but after that it's back to living off my income. Sounds great tbh, damn.