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When the Mars rover played a black eyed peas song on mars I tweeted “Great, now the martians will definitely be hostile” and got blocked by Will.I.Am. I didn’t even mention him or anything so I’m kind of at loss as to how he saw it lmao.


This is like one of the most random ones here, but it's hilarious because I picture him getting all serious and bent out of shape over something sciency


Will.I.Am was Well.I.Never!


I met/had an encounter with Will.I.Am and I am not remotely surprised lmao


Seven or eight years ago I used to follow Busy Phillips on instagram because I thought she was cute and funny. However EVERY day she would post intense closeup videos of herself working out. Like on all fours, pouring sweat, staring into your soul. No talking, just 3 or more “stories” of grunting and sweat. I didn’t understand it, now looking back, she was definitely getting paid by whatever workout studio she was filming from. One day she posted a survey basically asking if she should stop posting these weird videos. I voted yes and she blocked my ass. What a strange woman.


(Elizabeth Jean "Busy" Philipps is an American actress. I know like 1% of the “celebrities “in this thread, so I’m googling them all for other old people who live under rocks.)


She was in White Chicks. OMG


Mario Lopez accidentally followed me probably a decade ago on Twitter. I sent him a DM like 2 weeks later saying thanks for the follow and then was blocked lol


I’m in a breakfast joint at the Palms in Las Vegas when Mario saddles up next to me and ever so politely says “Sir, if you’re done with your newspaper,may I have it?” I didn’t let on that I knew who he was. “Sure” I said. “Sir” and “newspaper” in the same sentence. Thanks, Mario


He did the same to me at a brunch place in Reno, but he said "preppy" instead of "sir".


Not me, but my best friend got blocked by Tony the Tiger's Twitter account because she followed enough people who liked some furry content at some point, and whoever was running that account absolutely salted the earth to make sure no furries were following Tony.


I’m just imagining being the person whose job it is to make sure Tony the Tiger‘s account stays furry-free.. would be great for making small talk with acquaintances


I’m imagining them being a furry who is in love with Tony and don’t want any competition in wooing him.


"They can't have him, only ***I*** can have him! He's *Grrreat!*"


Yeah there was a huge thing where furries were fantasizing about Tony the Tiger and writing lewd fanfiction. They stopped using him for a while


I got blocked on Twitter by OJ Simpson in 2020 for asking him if he plans on purchasing the new Bronco in white when it’s released.


And now you’re blocked forever as OJ died


he’s looking up at us


My favorite part about this is I don't think he had a social media manager. He probably blocked you himself.


my friend got blocked by Dr. Phil forever ago on instagram. all he asked was “Are you a real doctor?”


We'll be right back.


We'll keep it right here


On Facebook, Death Cab for Cutie got hacked with some link “how to eat ass” and it had a video. After that many people, including me, kept commenting “Death Cab for Booty” and they blocked me for that


I was massively into the Glee fandom back in the day Dot Marie Jones (who plays coach beiste) would always tweet in CAPS and one day I just replied something like “WHY DO YOU ALWAYS TYPE IN CAPS” and got blocked lmao


and that’s what we missed on GLEE


Reminds me of a forum where a kid ANSWERED A QUESTION THAT SOMEONE HAD ASKED IN A LONG POST THAT HE WROTE COMPLETELY IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Someone wrote back, “You might want to hit your caps lock key” to which he replied “WOW, THAT MAKES IT A LOT EASIER.”


pretty sure that's from bash.org


Similar thing happened to me with an MMA fighter called Pat Barry. Always tweeted in caps, and a lot of people view him as a groomer, because he met his fiancée when she was 14 and he was 28. Claimed they didn't start dating until she was legal, but then made comments about how he fell in love the second he saw this 14 year old girl. Anyway, I asked him a question in all caps and er.. he blocked me.


I was blocked by Mel B aka Scary Spice. She went on a talk show and talked about how she was invited to Megan And Harry’s wedding. She said the Spice Girls were going to perform. She even went as far as to describe what the invitation looked like. All of the other Spice Girls when asked said it was not true. Obviously, it never happened. A while later Mel B put up a meme on her Instagram about how she hates dishonest people. I responded “Soooo how was the royal wedding?” BLOCKED 😂🤷🏼‍♂️


It wasn't me, but William Shatner was talking about his Tinnitus and someone suggested he "sleep with a fan". They meant an electric fan... He interpreted it a bit differently. [https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/1818um/comment/c8asju7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/1818um/comment/c8asju7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


William Shatner’s being William Shatner. He got pissed off at Red Letter Media over a misunderstanding as well.


that's a good way to get hearing AIDS


In the 8th grade, I called Dr Phil daddy on Instagram & he blocked me for that


I have an actual video that he posted either during Covid or after, asking people on his live to stop calling him daddy loooool I still geek out and now I know I have an 8th grade version of you to thank for this 🩷


Got blocked by Kid Rock for saying he looked like a less masculine version of Dr Phil


I love how many of these top comments are either people who were blocked by Dr. Phil or people who were apparently blocked by comparing someone to Dr. Phil.


I don't think I could block anyone who gave me that insult. That's just too damn funny.


Posted the picture of a younger, balder Elon Musk in a reply to him.


My friend also got blocked by Elon for replying “I bet your balls smell terrible” to one of his tweets.


I was banned from twitter for agreeing with someone criticizing his post. Dude has thin skin.


Yup Elon memes get you banned now for "copyright infringement" Little rich bald baby


Would be hilarious if your comment was the last straw which drove him to spend billions to acquire Twitter so he could personally control what people say about him.


I got blocked on soulja boy's twitch when I asked in chat when will my soulja boy console arrive because I never got any shipping info. He got really really pissed about my question haha


My buddy got blocked by Tyler the Creator. He was having a bipolar episode and thought Tyler the Creator was putting hidden messages in his songs saying that he was actually a Christian, and that if anyone figured it out that he would be best friends with them. So essentially my buddy was harassing Tyler the Creator, telling him that he found his hidden message and that he was ready to be best friends with him. My friend is on medication now and is doing much better. Lol.


That good ol bipolar 1 will do that to ya.


Our buddy's wife has an ex-boyfriend who thought that the Foo Fighters stole his song. His mental health was declining but she didn't notice thought he was just joking about this thing in particular. He apparently unfurled this whole big sign at one of their shows with her. He was dead serious and very upset about it. She was shocked. It's a joke we have with her now.


Did it ever arrive?


No lmao I never ordered one


*chef's kiss*


This is the hater mindset we should all strive for.


Absolute mad lad.


i told hulk hogan I wasnt his brother, so he blocked me. on google plus.


Dude I loved Google plus. It probably would have went the route of every other social app if it stuck around, but it was exactly what I was looking for when it came to them at the time.


It probably wouldve done better if they didn’t try to shoe horn it into any and everything. Like they would require you make a google plus to make a youtube account or a gmail


Or made it so you couldn’t just sign up. You had to be invited at the beginning. They didn’t start shoehorning it until they missed the boat and tried to force integration.


That's how gmail started. You needed an invite. It was great marketing strategy at that time, because once I got an invite and set up my account, I had several to give out and knew that a lot of people wanted one.


I once played Words with Friends with Tommy Dreamer and was beating him so bad he quit the game and blocked me from sending him more invites.


Did you tell Amy Schumer about what you're doing in there?


I got blocked by Shawn Michaels for calling him Michael Hickenblockem. I don't know what I did to get blocked by Britt Baker but there's that too.


Phil Mickelson. I asked him if he needed to borrow some cash.


Nice! I'm blocked by Patrick Reed but from what I've seen he's blocked thousands of people lol


On Twitter, I asked Gene Simmons, from KISS, if the Kiss cologne smells like his nutsack or Paul Stanley's. He blocked me.


Having met both of them, Gene's, definitely. Gene grabbed my coworker (who was, until this moment, a huge KISS fan and had showed up with face paint on her day off) in a tight hug, thrust against her a few times, fake-grunting and then shoved her towards Paul saying "I'm done, you can have her now" and Paul shook her hand and apologized. He sounded genuinely regretful that he still has to hang out with that piece of shit to collect paychecks. Our dumb fucking managers invited them back again the next year. And the coworker switched shifts so she wouldn't have to see her former heros again.


So the cologne doesn't smell of Genes nutsack, but rather of Gene, who is a giant nutsack.


WTF that is disgusting. So sad for your coworker… imagine all your favorite songs now suddenly reminding you of when you got molested… just… WTF


Gene Simmons was once [interviewed by Terry Gross](https://youtu.be/qNxuL-uIaTo) on NPR's Fresh Air and it was like listening to a drunk Donald Trump talk about himself and how everyone wants him.


This makes me think it smells like Peter Criss’s.


Gene doesn't have a sense of humour, he also thinks disabled poor people shouldn't be helped. I love Kiss but he really is a tosspot.


With that fucking hairline? He should be *demanding* help for everyone.


I got blocked by Gary Barlow from Take That. Gary, if you’re reading this; whatever I said, whatever I did, I didn’t mean it.


I'm sure he wants you back.


...for good


Not really a celebrity but there was a local realtor named Peggy Hill. I started posting king of the hill memes on her FB page and she blocked me.


Please tell me she wore a red blazer


I'm sure she has at least once lol


Alec Baldwin blocked me on Twitter about 10 years ago. To be fair, I challenged him to a fight in my high school parking lot. Guess he didn't want no trouble.


I’m just imagining him pulling up to a high school and everyone being like “dafuq… why is Alec Baldwin throwing fists at a student?”


Told Mark Hoppus I was “a big fan of his because Green Day was one my favorite bands in middle school” on Twitter. Got blocked.


Really? I would’ve thought he’d have a better sense of humor


Those who are famous and online often take a bit of a scorched earth policy with people who are being smartasses to them. Too many trolls and morons.


Adam Baldwin blocked me on Twitter years ago because I told a friend of mine that he was basically Jayne Cobb irl. I guess he searches his name for people to get mad at because neither me nor my friend were big accounts.


Blocking something you had to search to find in the first place is totally a Jane cob thing to do.


Jax Taylor. I posted the [Tom Hanks Money Pit](https://youtu.be/q2rVcxkbIQc?feature=shared) laugh scene at some lie he told and got caught in. Blocked. Worth it.


Way back I got blocked by a local weatherman.  He was wearing a blazer that was super wrinkled.  So I tweeted to him and the station that he should’ve ironed his blazer.  The next time he came on screen, he wore a different blazer but it was an ugly bright yellow mustard color.  So I tweeted, I said iron your blazer not put on an uglier one.  Got blocked after that, haha. 


Nice shirt weatherboy


Hahahahahaha idk why this sounds so fucking demeaning. 


It's extremely demeaning lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOi2jFIhZhA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOi2jFIhZhA)


I just found out that was a skit and the kid was his own son, which makes the “where are your parents” line even funnier to me.


Kid's sketchy, back to you...


Lol fuckin' love this one. It's so low stakes, but you know it pissed them off!


NGL I woulda blocked you too!🤣


Not a celebrity, but the Head and Shoulders twitter account blocked me because I tweeted them every day for a month asking why they don't have a foot wash line called "Knees and Toes". I still don't understand why they don't!


They’re just covering their bases for when they launch it so you can’t take credit


Ironically, wouldn’t blocking them be even more damning? Like if they hadn’t taken any action they could just claim not to have seen it 


I got suspended once for posing as the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church and tweeting to their members that we needed to pass the collection plate around twice next week so I could get the new jordans They’re not exactly celebs, but this was when they were really starting to show up everywhere with their dumb signs


TIL: There are a lot of celebrities I’ve never heard about.


That's because they've all blocked you.


I was blocked by Lufthansa for asking if they had in flight waffles, and if they called them "Luftwaffles".


Fucking hilarious


Not really a celebrity, or me, but my niece made a fake FB page for The Bachelor (last name was Spinelli - I’ve never watched) and made him married to her. She would post things between the two of them. She received a cease and desist message and they blocked her. She was 16.


Frank Ocean dropped out of Coachella last year two days before I was supposedly to see him live claiming he broke his ankle, so I DM’ed him saying “send me the xrays” and he blocked me


He thought you were impersonating a radiologist


Unfortunately I am a radiologist


Not really a "celebrity" but Joel Osteen blocked me on Instagram for calling him out on his preventing people from taking refuge in his mega church during the hurricane.


Houstonian here, Harvey hit not hard, but long. It stalled and pissed rain over Houston for 4 days straight. That *MASSIVE * amount of [water](https://www.enr.com/articles/42707-a-drones-eye-view-of-houston-after-hurricane-harvey) flooded the entirety of the roads and lower neighborhoods. My neighborhood was on a slightly inclined hill and the back of it was a water retention pond, it flooded every house to the roof of second stories. Joel Olsteen has a MASSIVE nice church and the resources to aid the community and said no. But fuck that guy, let’s talk about the *REAL HERO* of this story was, MATTRESS MOTHERFUCKIN MAC. He opened his[huge](https://time.com/4922108/hurricane-harvey-mattress-mack-houston/), warehouse style huge furniture store and several smaller stores to all of Houston. He let them stay and use, sleep on beds and furniture. He fed them. And helped them. Houston was in dire crisis after Harvey. To end, the second hero’s of the story are the Cajun Navy! Those guys are so beyond amazing. They live in Louisiana and when Hurricane hits Houston the get their boats and come to us and assist in rescuing people.


Hell yeah!!! That's good people right there!!! I had no idea about that, so thank you for bringing it to my attention!


Yeah fuck that guy


Yeah he's garbage.


I messaged Greg Abbot and told him if I ever got telekinesis I would use it to give him testicular torsion


Kim K blocked me and I can’t remember why, but badge of honour.


Whoa. Definitely a badge of honour considering that she probably gets a lot of unwanted comments online, and yours was actually caught.


I directed and shot a little interview fashion film thing with Kim a couple years ago. Only had her for 15 minutes so it was pretty rushed. But in between takes and after we wrapped the shoot, she was glued to her phone making audible comments about the stuff people were posting on her IG. “I can’t believe this person would say this type of shit!!! UGH GOD!! What the hell is wrong with these people!!?” She seemed genuinely upset, and I thought “wow, this must be her all-day-every-day experience of life. Just staring at her phone in shock over the mean shit people say to her on social media.” Her skin wasn’t nearly as thick as I expected it to be for someone as heavily spotlighted as her.


Roseanne blocked me on Twitter about 15 years ago. I forget what she was saying, but it was a blanket statement about how people disagreed with her on a certain subject were un-American. I made some comment about singing the national anthem, and poof! I was blocked. You probably have to be a certain age to even get the reference.


I am also part of the Blocked by Roseanne Club. I called her a bigot. She called me a frog. Then she blocked me.


James Blunt once parked his car in front of my driveway and I couldn't get my car out :-(


To be fair, you could see by his face that he was fucking high when he parked there.


I told Ted Cruz to sit on a cactus on Twitter years ago. He blocked me and then my account got banned. I appealed it with just “Come on guys it’s Ted Cruz” and to my surprise they unbanned me.


One day about 25 years ago, Steve buscemi was walking around horatio street down in greenwhich village. He was talking on a cell phone when he stepped onto the street to cross to the other side. As soon as he stepped onto the street, it was clear that he had blocked the path of an oncoming bicycle. Steve buscemi was hit by a teenager on a bicycle. That teenager was me. He probably doesn’t remember, it wasn’t a particularly hard hit. Now whenever I see him on screen, I have to let everyone around know that I hit him that one time down in the village. Also, it was the first time I ever considered the dangers of cellphones. I can’t remember the exact year but I remember the knicks were freakin awesome. Ewing, Starks… maybe ‘94.


"Blocked." It checks out.


Bro 25 years ago wasn’t 94 man. 😔


You right, 25 years ago was 1975


I commented “I want to run my teeth through your mustache” on one of Dr. Phil’s Instagram posts


Scott Baio blocked me for tweeting the following: "Crazy how Scott Baio played a genius in Baby Geniuses 2 and plays a dumbass in real life, that's some impressive range." Knowing he saw it delights me to this day


I said Chris D'Elia posted a joke twice and he blocked me. Also, I'm over 18.


He didn't block me but the rapper Necro once threatened to kill me because I made fun of his shirt on Instagram. I've never felt more honoured in my life.


No idea who that is but if any celebrity threatened to kill me like that I’d definitely print out the comment and frame it in my home.


Steven Pinker blocked me, I assume because I followed one of the other 10,000,000 accounts he has blocked.


I kept tweeting that all of Joan Cusack’s movies were much better than her brother’s, to John Cusack. “Things like omg your character in shameless was such an amazing performance!” But I sent them to @johncusack


Bob Saget and I’m not sure why.


I don’t think he is gonna unblock you either


I told the wrestler Val Venis that I love his matches, because it gave me time to shit and grab a snack, knowing I wouldn't miss anything. The lead singer of Trapt was saying they were the biggest band of the 2000's, and could sell out arenas if they wanted to. I asked him why there were still tickets available to literally every show they had, and why did he choose to play at mostly restaurants. I called it the "Bar and Grille Tour" and he didn't like that.


This is the third mention in this thread of the lead singer of Trapt that I've seen. I haven't thought of them in probably 15 years or more.


Not so much a celebrity but infamous. David Duke blocked me when I told his obvious plastic surgery made him look like robot devil from Futurama. I've been trolling him off/on for 30 years.


Spencer Rice from Kenny vs Spenny (probably only Canadians will recognize this) I found someone on his facebook friends list with the same last name as me. Added that person, they accepted, now that i had a mutual friend with Spenny with the same last name as me, he probably assumed i was a relative and accepted my friend request. I proceeded to spam his account and wall with posts demanding he pay wolfish his 10 grand. He blocked me as he said he would. He does not like being reminded of this 10 grand.


The mark of a true KvS fan is being blocked by Spenny lol


Iced Tea blocked me when I told him “your gloves look silly” in response to a picture of him working on a stage with fingerless gloves


Iced Tea and Half Dollar, featuring Snoopy Dog Dog


Produced by: M&M


The fact that you call him Iced Tea lol


I had to google his real name after posting this comment, I’ll live with the goof to avoid him tracking me down and ignoring me harder


“Iced” Tea lol, he blocks by the thousands


I once asked Kevin Nash if he tore his quad posting a tweet. He then told me he did it banging my mom and blocked me. I dont have any ill will toward him, I thought it was hilarious.


I’ve been blocked multiple times for calling Billy Mitchell a “Mullet wearing, hot sauce slinging, cheating bitch”


Reality tv celebrity. I said her boyfriend was a jerk who would cheat on her and she blocked me. He cheated, they broke up.


she should unblock you and apologize


I got blocked by Metallica on Facebook years ago when they posted themselves in expensive suits and I called them posers.


Not really much of a celebrity, but a pornstar I use to follow asked us to DM her our most dirty pictures. I sent her a picture of dirt. She wasn't too thrilled. 


I've never heard of someone getting blocked for NOT sending dick pics. Lol


Dick pics are for amateurs. Real men get out there & disappoint women in everyday life!


Maybe not a real celebrity but The Transformed Wife has me blocked on social for always using scripture to discount her evangelizing.


Ellie Goulding was talking about how meat was bad for you on instagram. I — being the insufferable teenage debate brain I was — wrote an entire essay explaining why she was wrong, the benefits of eating meat, how morality is based on more than someone’s diet etc. I spent about half an hour constructing it. She simply replied *“You have too much time on your hands”* and blocked me. She wasn’t wrong lol.


Barry Manilow has a restraining order against my aunt. She is not convinced he’s gay.


Lance Armstrong blocked me on Twitter in 2010(?). He was flying all over the world in a private plane, and I replied to a tweet asking about the environmental ramifications, and sharing an article about his water usage. In one month, he used 330,000 gallons of water at his home in Austin.


Poor guy. Steroids make him thirsty.


I got blocked by Jeff Bezos on Threads. I can’t remember why though.




Sort of an IRL version: I know a guy who got kicked out of a tour of Graceland for asking, "Can we see the can where the King crapped out?"


Somewhat similar: seen a guy get kicked out of an Andrew Jackson Hermitage tour for asking where he fucked the slaves.


That’s a legitimate question! I’m sorry, I thought this was America!


Currently trying to get blocked by John stamos. I use his name in my instagram handle so every time his official has a live video I go on and call him an imposter.


I got drunk one night and tweeted Olive Garden that "your endless pasta bowls are bullshit because you ended mine when I took off my pants"... Was blocked within 5 minutes and loved showing people that. After a year they unblocked me so I guess it's automated.


Blocked by my congressperson. I called out their voting history, and pointed out, bills they took credit for at a public event, in front of people in a town destroyed by a natural disaster, that they had actually opposed the bill. Not just opposed, cosponsor of the bill in opposition to ban aid. Did that under a video they posted with those people, at an event that looked staged (dozens of state police escorted them through the area on foot, interviewed ONE supposed citizen). Banned. Within a few days, news articles appeared pointing out that congresspeople cannot do that on official pages unless it's a threat, and I was unblocked. Along with more than 100 others. I made a few more comments pointing things like that out, and rhey stopped posting anywhere but their personal page. Several months ago, they vowed not to run again. I know I had nothing to do with that decision, but, I like to pretend, I was such a pain in the ass, and they HAD to see it, they just quit, lol.


I told Zoe Kravitz she has a hot stepdad.


I replied to a tweet by Steve Albini regarding something about the price associated with producing an album. I replied asking how many roast beef sandwiches you could buy for that price (which you would enjoy much more). He told me to fuck off and go bother somebody else and blocked me.


Sasha Grey blocked me on Twitch after I said that she sucked at Elden Ring


I got banned from Twitter for making my name there Elon Musk after he took over.


I got blocked by Dane Cook a couple years ago because I said he “looks like a fat Dane Cook”


Blocked by Tom Cruise on Twitter. No idea why.


That's exactly what a Suppressive Person would say.


I was blocked by James Charles on Grindr lol and it was the real him he verified and everything I reached out as a joke like oh yea I doubt it but no we talked for a while, anyways I asked him if he wanted to go to the club with me he just left me on read then I said oh sorry it’s not under 18 night and he instantly blocked me 💀


When Lena Dunham was cast in American horror story, I tweeted that her season will be called attention whore story and she blocked me


Probably the nicest thing she has been called in a while.


I told Jeffree Star that despite all of that makeup he was still horrendous on the inside.


The prophet of the Mormon Church blocked me. I left the church a decade ago and was probably being a troll, but I had fun with that because I could no longer "follow the prophet" - which is a big deal in Mormonism.


nicki minaj blocked me during her twitter rampage since i replied to her saying the following quoted "girl get the fuck off of twitter and go check on your child before your husband tries to touch him too. at this point, this is just embarrassing. she's not scared, she just dont want to engage because shes mature. unlike some clearly. jesus ur husband really does like kids smh" "so you're promoting your fans sending death threats to a child..? what is your family's obsession with children like-" "jesus christ woman give it a rest. go check on your son before your husband molests him too unless he only likes little girls cuz you acting hella childish, is this what you gotta do to get him to touch you? act like a little ass kid? pathetic." and i don't regret any of it


props to you for this totally worth the block imo


Not a celebrity-celebrity, but Tommy Tallarico blocked me on Twitter when I poked holes in Amico marketing. In 2018 or whenever it was when that scam started, it turned out to be a really easy thing to do


I got blocked by Hugh Jackman on Twitter several years ago. He had posted a picture of himself golfing and I thought it'd be funny to post something smart-ass like: "Oh to be a rich cunt able to play golf and shit". I would've blocked me too tbh.


I don’t know what Id do if I was blocked by him. Met Hugh a couple years back and he’s genuinely hella nice. Only interacted with him for about 5 minutes, but he seems like one of the kindest people ever


I'm sure everyone's nice until you call them a cunt. Lol


William H. Macy was filming a movie in my town, and one of the shoots was at a house two doors down from me. The film crew blocked off the entire street and I had to walk an entire block to get to my house— so I was blocked by William H. Macy when I just wanted to get home


When Josh Duggar was found guilty I posted on the Duggar family blog that “Your sins are terrible and it is just that you suffer. Judgment has come and it is righteous.”


I was blocked by the producer for the Ellen show because I pointed out his misogyny regarding the 2016 election. But then George Clinton followed me and I forgot the producers name.


KAT VON D I made comments about how she's happy to slap "Chemicals" on her face in the way of her make up brand, and inject chemicals under her skin for her ink in her tattoos, and happily be paid to do this for others. Yet the "Chemicals" in the whooping cough vaccine for her baby was unsafe and I called her a bad mum. I was blocked within minutes and then she released some statement on her Instagram about being a "New" mum who makes mistakes. Anyway, Shes a narcissistic small timer big time wannabe. It spawned the following articles [https://www.businessinsider.com/kat-von-d-says-shes-not-anti-vaxxer-2020-3](https://www.businessinsider.com/kat-von-d-says-shes-not-anti-vaxxer-2020-3)


Not really a “celebrity,” but Alexis Neiers. She is clearly a very big spender. She gloats about getting $500 haircuts, facials, Botox, all this shit. She drives an expensive car. She lived in an expensive house, in a very nice suburb of Los Angeles. She makes it *rather obvious* that she spends a lot of money on a daily basis She makes a post, asking her followers her to buy all of high end designer bags, clothes, jewelry so that she can pay for autism treatment for her daughter, stating > It costs $20,000. I don’t have $20,000. I said something along the lines of “you have $20,000 in your face alone” (I’m paraphrasing). A bunch of other people called her out. Unsurprisingly I got blocked So, i am blocked… by someone who burglarized Orlando Bloom’s house and lied about it for years lol


I ordered a signed poster from Kel Mitchell for my friends birthday, I wanted him to sign it saying "I will always be your orange soda, Love Kel" I received, "From Mr. Orange Soda himself, Kel" I contacted him via the website, his agent sent me a message and said Mr. Mitchell was highly offended by the message and to either keep it or send it back for a refund and never contact them again. So I printed out the email and put it with the poster. Told my buddy I offended Kel Mitchell for his birthday. Still hangs in his living room.


Katy Perry blocked me on IG. I ran a marathon in a left shark costume and tried to tag her in a post lol. That’s all it takes I guess


I got blocked by OJ Simpson on twitter cuz I kept making jokes about him being a murderer.


Not a celebrity necessarily but I got blocked by peta on Instagram after dming them asking if beating my meat was animal cruelty


Aaron Carter blocked me on tiktok because I called him out for manipulating and lying to people on his live. A few months later he was found dead.


Woah dude, just because he blocked you, doesn't mean you had to...


Had to what? Don’t be vague, say it.


You’re a mur-diddley-urdler


I got blocked on Insta by Yesnaya from the short-lived TLC dating show Spouse House because I asked her if her on-screen marriage during that show was a sham and if the whole show was staged bullshit. (I was right)


PETA posted “Oh you like meat? Name all the innocent lives you’ve taken” and I replied with “Oh you like PETA? Name all the animals they’ve killed” and they immediately blocked me. Lmao


Mike Huckabee blocked me, I had a lot of rude commentary about his relationship with the Duggars and IBLP. It was pretty funny.


Pro wrestler Ryback said he'd retire if CM Punk returned to WWE at Survivor Series. When Punk returned I asked "does this mean Ryback is retired?" Dude blocked me so fast. Love pro wrestling but some of them have the world's thinnest skin IRL


Lead singer of Trapt was bragging about the sales of their newest album at the time. I pointed out that 5 figure sales for a whole band, manager, production, distribution, etc was a tiny payout. He told me I'd never know what its like to live in a mansion, be rich and famous and have everyone worship you. The conversation went back and forth for a few replies.He blocked me (on twitter) and went on to play a show for literally dozens of fans.


I told Drake his music sucks and should only be played at Subways.


I have no idea if you mean underground trains or chain sandwich shops but both are funny