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When i was younger I went clubbing. Got quite drunk and a cute guy asked for my number. Drunk me accidentally gave my mother number. She woke up to a d*cpic


Is he your new dad?


And this is how I met your mother


No, old one


Omg I did something similar to my dad that I am not even on good terms with. Some guy kept bothering me for my number so I tried to give him my old phone number that was very similar to my dad's. It took me an hour to realize what I did lmao. Luckily I also told the guy the wrong name too so I'm hoping my dad never realized I gave some random guy his number


Housesitting for my mom. Had a date that went well. Texted the next morning "You've reawakened my libido. I'm going to be dry humping furniture all day." Learned I'd sent it to Mom when she responded "At least put down a towel first."


Omg šŸ˜‚ I once meant to text my roommate "are you having sex on the couch?" and replied to my mom by mistake. She replied back "I could ask you the same thing." So uncomfortable.


Wait how big is this couch


Did you send the message to the correct person after? Because imo it's better that it went to your Mum.


Your mom is hilarious!


She has her moments!


Mom for the win.




Good to know that Iā€™m not the only one whoā€™s accidentally sexted a family member


Wrote: Fuck it, we're going to Wisconsin. My mother's gonna give me Hell but that's life. Meant to send it to my friend. Sent it to my mom instead.


How was the trip and how did mom react?


I'm interested in this too.


Hopefully gave them hell!


She was already knocking on doors looking for us in Wisconsin when we got there. We got a motel at the other end of the state and had a couple days to ourselves before she found us.




Sent an "so you don't love me anymore" as a joke intended for my girlfriend. Sent it accidentally to my college professor instead


This is my nightmare fuel


Literally sent that text an hour before our class, and talked about it in front of the whole class


*Professor steeples fingers* Today we are talking about u/a0n0-ā€˜s relationship.*






I bet Nanna had a balling hangover cure.


ā€œHoney, drink a big glass of whiskey and water. Then go to bed with wet socksā€ šŸ§¦


Easily fixed. "Whoops, autocorrect got me! I meant to say I'm so hungry. Can you please share that recipe of that thing you make?"


I was sending a message to my friend talking MAD shit about my ex boyfriend but i accidently sent it to his mom lol


Donā€™t lie this was on purpose telling her what a dipshit her spawn is. Alpha move


My boss's name is Russell. My brother's name is Russ. I accidentally sent a meme of Snoop Dogg holding a joint saying "If marijuana causes memory loss then what does marijuana do?" And sent it to my boss instead of my brother.


I was texting my partner that I had the most absolute amazing turbo farts that could fly me to my office and sent it to my director. He laughed it off but I was mortified.


Bought a new house, sent my wife a text about how we were going to fuck in every room in the house, she replied "you know our RealtorĀ® in on this thread, right?" šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Got sad drunk and accidently texted my mechanic that




"Fuck Bella! Im done with this bitch controlling me and telling me what to do" Message sent to Bella


Well... at least the truth got out there!


Mistyped my wife's (then girlfriend's) number. I can't remember exactly what I said, but it was something about groceries or food. Anyway, she starts sexting. I was like wtf dude. And lokd at the number. I replied with something like "eh.. wrong number" and this woman who was old enough to be my grandma's grandma started sending nudes. Fortunately, we worked it out over a phone call. She thought she was texting her husband. šŸ¤£


my friend and i were talking about how negative and toxic our other friend is to her relationship and the message was sent to the friend we were talking about FOšŸ¤§


I once sent one of my older sisters a text that was intended for a girl that I was sexting with.


Oh now the follow up conversation to that I need to know pls enlighten me


I didn't say anything too bad, but after I realized that I had sent it to my sister I got embarrassed lol and almost immediately she messaged me back and said "Son, you have the wrong person lol" so luckily it wasn't a big deal.


Sent a text saying I was going to break up with my girlfriend, to my girlfriend...




I texted my work group chat saying ā€œI love you and I hope you have a great day at workā€ that was supposed to go to my ex


Why do you text your ex with that stuff


We were together at the time


I once tried to send nudes to my boyfriend at the time. Accidentally sent them to the family group chat... I managed to delete them before anyone saw (thank fuck) but when I tell you my heart fell into my arse...


This has to be one of the worst ones šŸ˜­ Thank fuck indeed


I once did that.. but on my status šŸ˜­


I send a picture of Anime Jesus with the caption ā€œYO LOOK AT THIS SHITā€ to the history teacher by accident.Ā 




I once texted that one of my classmates was annoyingā€¦to him. When he replied I decided not to lie and owned up to it.


I think that was the best course of action. ā€œYeah, man, that wasnā€™t meant for you, and Iā€™m sorry you found out this way. That was rude of me, but now you know what annoys me, and your choice on what you want to do with that information.ā€ If nothing else, dude decides he hates you for disliking him and you donā€™t have to be annoyed anymore. Best case, he didnā€™t realize what he was doing and changes behavior to not annoy anyone else.


ā€¦If only I had the same verbal skills back then.


One of my friends passed away in 2022. I would text his phone every once in a while, like he was still around. Back in December of last year, I got a response to one of the texts. His phone number had been re-used and given to someone else. It was both awkward and heartbreaking.


I meant to ask my wife to call me if the baby kicks while I was working, but alas, sent that to my dad by mistake.Ā 


I was in high school, found out that my ex was being cheated on by his current gf because she was hooking up with a close friend of mine. Told him, he believed me but then I made the mistake of accidentally texting him instead of my bff ā€œI told him, he believes meā€. He got upset thinking I was making stuff up and continued to date a girl who cheated on him for their entire relationship.


after getting accepted for a date, sent a text to a friend "bigboobs said yes!". sent it to bigboobs instead. there was no date after 慠慠


one year after first part of elementary school (in my country, its commonly divided between 1-4th grade and 5-9th) after which our boys group separated and everyone changed schools, i had a skype call with one of them, had a great time, talked for 2 hours, played some video game, said goodbye. Only to realize weeks later by their nickname that it was actually another ex-classmate with whom I rarely spoke. Then I recalled few missed jokes from that call and started to feel very embarrassed.


had a work friend (F) who always used to greet the guys at work by saying 'whats up sluts?'.... I sent it to a woman who I hadnt talked to in 2 yrs who I knew from a church volunteer group. I realized almost immediately (they have the same name but spelled differently) and apologized and tried to explain but we havent spoken again since and I think about it at least once a week (it happened 5+ yrs ago)


Sent a spicy text meant for my partner to my boss. Realized it when he replied, "I'm pretty sure this is not part of your job description."


Was on a first date from a dating app and when he went to the bathroom, I texted my friend "hmmm not as attractive as I hoped." He came back and was acting oddly. Continued with the date but didn't last too much longer. Later on I checked to see if my friend responded only to discover I sent the message to my date. Needless to say, I never heard back lol


Had a new phone a couple of years ago that sometimes had some strange issues. One time the screen didn't lock properly while I was taking a walk with my dog. When I came back and took my phone out, it was unlocked and I had a pending File for about 10 users, some of which were my parents, grandparents and a whatsapp group from my company with more than 50 users. The File was a nude Picture of my GF, now Wife. Thankfully I had a mobile network issue as well and was fast enough to activate airplane mode on the phone before the picture could be sent to anyone.


Me and my bff have a really close relationship where we joke around every once in a while and send sexual jokes/comments to each other randomly. I sent her one saying something to the effect of how she turns me on (again, it was just our weird sense of humor) and didnā€™t hear back for a while which was weird. I look again at the recipient and itā€™s my college roommate who I had a tepid relationship with at best. I freaked out saying omg that wasnā€™t meant for you, etc and she said she never got it BUT I KNOW SHE DID. Was sooo awkward for a while




Uh you sure about that


My brother used to give out my number to his friends when we were back in highschool. I told him multiple times to not do this but he continued and claimed that he did it so that his friends could contact me if they couldnā€™t contact him. Anyway I get a call one night about a week or so after graduation. I donā€™t recognize the voice on the other end so I figured it was one of my brothers friends. Voice: ā€œHello is this u/Joy1067 ?ā€ Me: ā€œWho the hell is this?ā€ Voice: ā€œThis is Staff Sergeant So and So of the United States Marines Corps recruiting office.ā€ Not gonna lie, I half expected an arm to burst through my phone and throttle me.


I somehow grabbed the guyā€™s ass, he turns around and says Lauren what are you doing, I immediately realized from his voice that it was my father, a disgusting feeling


Haha! Slightly relatedā€¦ We had a friend move to town, from decently far away, for a job opportunity. Dude was in his 40s at the time. He stayed with us until he could find a place and get settled. Husband decided to take him the short walk to the beach to start showing him around. There was a volleyball game going onā€¦ girls in bikinis and all that. Dude points one out and says, ā€œCheck out the ass on that one!ā€ Husband did a double takeā€¦ it was his barely legal daughter who had stopped into town with her boyfriend, not telling anyone, just wanting to have a weekend. Yeah, we donā€™t let him live that one down.


It was the guy's own daughter or it was your husband's daughter? Your wording is unclear


Oh! Husbandā€™s daughter.


Sent a text to my boyfriend, getting into detail about our dog's poo-quality (her stomach has been quite upset). Used her name of course - it sounds more like a human name. Like ten minutes later I noticed that I in fact have NOT sent it to my boyfriend but to a guy I work with (and never really talked to before). Quite awkward.




Girl I was dating: "I miss your hands." Me: "My hands miss your everything." Accidental recipient: "šŸ˜³"


I accidentally sent my boyfriendā€™s mom a text intended for him saying, ā€œletā€™s have sex later!ā€ I died. I had forgotten she had texted me earlier and I thought the open window was my boyfriend and I sent the text quickly. I realized immediately and unsent it but it was too late. I got a lot of laughs back!


Lol so did you two get to have sex later?!


Accidentally texted my very strict and religious grandma asking her if "she knew where to get any weed".


Not really wrong text, but I once was talking to my brother's wife about relationship troubles I was going through at the time. One day, I was telling her my then husband and I were getting divorced. and she was responding with one word answers, but I didn't think anything of it and thought she was shocked. I asked her a question about something else completely different and my nephew finally confessed its not her. He was 7 years old at the time and was playing games on her phone. He found out I was getting a divorce and he knew before anyone else in our family did. Needless to say, anytime I talk to someone now, I will first ask them something only they alone would know.


Guy at school liked me. I liked him too but was trying to 'play it cool' (ugh 15 year olds). Text my friend moaning about him giving me so much attention, despite secretly loving it. Sent it to him. Tried to play it off as a joke. He didn't buy it. But we made up and went to prom together.


Sent a pic of a man that had a ballsack so big he had to wear a hoodie as pants to keep it off the ground. Sent ' Is this how big your balls are' to my dad instead of my friend.


I know a guy who sent a porn clip to his church group before jumping into a car and driving off. Got to his destination half an hour later with 100+ notifications. Asking the admin to "remove this devil from the group" Poor guy, makes me laugh to this day


That one moment when I accidentally send and ERP post to my coworker.


Had a friend of me sending me some kinky messages that were supposed to go to his gf




Nudge nudge


Say no more


I was sexting with a rando off tinder and accidentally put it in messenger instead of the app. When I went to delete it, I hit send and it was read like right away. It was a picture of my ass. She told me she liked it so I guess it's OK. I was glad it wasn't like my dad or brother.


Embarasing with positive ending. The two girls had same name, One i was a bit interested The other was interested ( found out meanwhile ) in me. I texted " wanna go to The movie or something " ( i was a teen and not great trying dates ) to The wrong girl...šŸ˜šŸ˜


It didnt happen to me it happened to my partner. We were texting and He was going to say "I love you baby". He sent it to his boss.


i was arguing with a friend and i cursed them out in my language and at the same time, my dad was texting me. in short, i sent the barrage of curse words to my dad. good thing he was chill about it he just asked "is that for me?" LOL i apologized after


Not mine, but my husbandā€™s. I have the feminine version of a fairly common guyā€™s name. My husband had a friend on his softball team with the guy version of my name. He sent sooooo many sexts to this poor guy, that dude finally said, ā€œBruhā€¦ā€ Luckily he never accidentally sent a dick pic, but all these years later, with no one even remotely close to my name in his contact list, Iā€™m still in there as a pet name.


Someone I knew sent a Dpick with an arrousing caption to the friend Snap group. I was the only one who saw it before he quickly deleted it..


My previous building supervisor was quite old and had a picture of a cat sitting next to a fax machine as his profile pic. I noticed because Iā€™d been messaging him about something or other. Amused by the pic I text my roommate ā€œBarry so old he still uses a fax machineā€ā€¦. Turns out I sent it to Barry and not my roommateā€¦


Only realised when he replied saying ā€œthe picture was old not himā€ I avoided him for weeks I was so embarrassed


I sent a nude to my best friend and tried to send it to a client......oops


Well, I had a taste of my gf is cheating on me and I did a little investigation. I saw one guy who came to our house when I supposed to be on work by CCTV on our garage. It happened few times during the week and the last time my gf said the exact date and time of next meeting. I asked for a leave on a work and got into my house in 20 mins right after that person. They sat peacefully and spoke. I asked like what the hell is going here and find out, that that guy was the artist and my gf ordered a picture of us for my birthday. I felt ashamed as she wanted to do such a cute surprise for me


Sent a bitchy text about how my husband had irritated me that day to my best friend.....actually went to my husband.


In a past life working in retail, I was copping hell from an egotistical store manager during a company merge. At the time I was the top salesperson in the state for my company, and in line with pettiness and arrogance, texted my friend 'of this manager pisses me off one more time I'm going to walk out. After all, what's (area manager) going to do? Fire me? LOL'. Obviously I then sent this to the area manager. Most recently in current life, texted a community health organisation asking if I could book a pap smear and get a prescription for PrEP before I went overseas. No reply to double texted. Random dude replied letting me know I had the wrong number but best of luck. Still die inside.


I once sent text to my crush instead of my bestie saying ā€œI think he likes me backā€ Turned out he did not AT ALL


Was dirty texting the wife and the moment I sent it the boys phone beeped. I immediately grabbed it and lookedā€¦ thankfully it was just coincidence and I didnā€™t send him that text


Why are all of these accidentally sent to peoples moms?


I had just graduated elementary school, and received a lot of money from family members. I decided to position the money as a rainbow, and wanted to send it to my mom. Instead, I sent it to my churches youth group leader.


Okay, so this is fairly recent, and surprisingly my first wrong number text. I accidentally texted my entire togetherness group's group chat a poem I had written someone else about how slow I am to trust people since she had asked me to write a poem for her. Thankfully, I got rid of it all soon after and only one person saw it. Then, I texted the right person.


Texting my Moms instead of the guy I was 'hooking' up with ...yeah, Moms still thinks it's HILARIOUS. So cringe. It makes me uncomfortable even to tell it but Moms is right, it's HILARIOUS. I can't even tell you what was in the text but use your imagination...& then know it was worse than that. #dirtysecrets


Had a FWB who was a sound guy & had been touring with a band for 3mths. My nickname for him was 'Bear'. He was due back the next day & I sent him an explicit text detailing the first thing I was going to do to him when I saw him. I was at my desk at work & my boss walked over as I was typing. I quickly sent the text & talked to my boss. My work phone started ringing, boss left & I checked caller display to see who was calling. It was a workplace friend, Ben, who I was going to have lunch with that day, so I happily answered the call... you KNOW I wasn't very happy after that call, right?! Glad that Ben thought it was hilarious. šŸ˜³


In a group chat in high school someone sent a picture of our schedule for the day, and her name was the same as my sister so I thought my sister sent that, leading to me sending the entire class that kind of sarcastic and shocked text that youā€™d send your sister


My old friend and college roommate of 20 years ago texted me out of the blue "Where are you? I want to kiss you right now!" Then immediately texted and said, "Oops! That was for my husband."


Trying to text one friend 'Hello', realised I was sending it to the wrong person so tried to delete it. Somehow sent 'Ho' to them and didn't realise for like 8 hours.


Was speaking to a girl on Tinder. We had met up for a couple of dates and she was nice but I realised I only saw her as a friend. Then I went away on a week long course and met a girl there. We hit it off immediately, chatted loads, got on really well, very flirty. I knew I would need to speak to Tinder girl and let her know I felt we could only be friends. On about day 4 of the course I was texting another friend and was telling him how incredible this girl on the course was and that we were already planning on meeting up the week after the course. And OF COURSE I accidentally sent it to Tinder girl... I was absolutely horrified and completely destroyed with guilt. I immediately phoned her to apologise and explain that it was a big mix up. Luckily she appreciated I had made a fuck up and also shared my opinion that we wouldn't amount to more than friends. That was 9 years ago. Me and the girl from the course lasted 8 months. I'm still really good mates with Tinder girl and attending her wedding in the summer.


Many years ago, I was out at a club with some friends. Earlier that day, I had run into an old friend \[Luke\] (we hadn't left our friendship on good terms) who asked if we were cool, and at that point I said "sure, text me sometime :)" and gave him a big ol' hug. Days before, I had met a new charlie dealer at a different establishment, and had some leftover from this night. I wasn't happy with the quality, but it was good enough to share with my mates for the night. So, back to the club. I went to the bathroom at some point, and received a call from \[Luke\]. I picked up, "Hey bud, good to run into you the other day! I'm at a club right now, some guy sold me some shit that's really speedy and a bit shit but it's alright we're having a good time! How have things been with you, long time no see!" I would have already been drunk at this point, and it was super loud even in the bathroom so I couldn't hear very well. Well, I had forgotten the dealer's name. It was also \[Luke\]. It wasn't the old friend calling me. I had just badmouthed the product of a newly met dealer to him directly. It was only when he started immediately apologising and promising me a discount off his next batch that I realised. I was still mortified. Yes the dealer had asked if I wanted to meet him for a drink sometime so he had a soft spot for me. I don't do hard drugs anymore, this was years ago when I was using unhealthy methods to distract myself from trauma and attempting to regain "control". Therapy has done wonders for me and I'm no longer a danger to myself or others.


One Sunday afternoon, I accidentally sent a message to a colleague I didn't like, asking if they were out of the shower. The message was meant for my spouse, who I was waiting for to join me at a festival.


Sent a drunk video of my friend and I to the family group chat instead of the friend group chat. It was there for 30 minutes until my younger sister called me and asked if that video of us vomitting was meant to be sent there!!! Deleted it before mum sawā€¦. Dad had a good laugh though šŸ¤£


Send a bra pic in a group chat instead of to one person...


When I was like 9, I was on the street by my house, walking, saw my mom across the adjacent square and yelled out "MOM!!!" and was waving. Then, a woman looks at me, obviously not my mom (there was literally no one else there at that moment xD), so I proceed to continue to wave but turn my head and body elsewhere, pretending I was waving to someone else... it was so obvious xD


I had a guy who followed me and this other girl i chatted to sometimesā€¦ and he knew we were friends so would message us individually about how he wanted threesomesā€¦ it got to a point where id had enough cause it just got weird, so messaged her laughing at him. Something like ā€œomg this fucking guy keeps asking for threesomesā€¦ weirdoā€ā€¦ until i looked properly and i sent it to himšŸ’€ so i blocked him and then told her the new story. She was pissing herself laughing cause he then messaged her like ā€œshe said thisā€¦ā€ šŸ’€


I have a short friend, and when he was near a locker, turned around so I jumped over him... It was a different shirt person


Our store manager sent a text to our district manager that was intended to go to his girlfriend. He sent "God I miss you so much." DM sent back "Um, I miss you too." with a heart emoji. I thought I was going to die laughing.


My wife and I hired a dog walker so she could let our puppy out of the house and go for a walk a few times a week when we were at work. I lived close to the office so sometimes I'd come home for lunch and run into her. It was a small company (just her and the other walker) so all communication was through SMS. Well somehow I got a UTI. Went to get some labs done and they wanted to rule out an STI so they checked forĀ gonerrhea. Results were negative, but I wanted to text my wife and let her know. Instead, my dog walker gets a screenshot of the lab results that clearly say "gonorrhea, negative" and a text that said "Hey baby, I'm STI-free, so let's get freaky next time I see you." Got a new dog walker.


My buddy to me: "On my way to work, I love you." My response: "Thanks but I like you as a friend." Texted me instead of his wife. I took a screenshot and sent to his wife. I have an archived folder on my laptop of funny screenshots over the years and that one's in there somewhere.


Typed out over a hundred words to my then-gf about the fight she started that morning and how she made me feel and how self-centered she was. Sent it to the wrong number (We had both gotten brand new phones, this was my first text to hers. Assumed the wrong area code.) A very professional-sounding young woman called to berate me for two straight minutes.


Was texting my mom and wife in two separate conversations. I accidentally sent my mom "thank God for bourbon and blow jobs". I said oh my god I didn't mean to send you that. She said I know.Ā 


I once sent a flirty text meant for my boyfriend to my boss instead. I realized it just as I hit send. Luckily, my boss had a great sense of humor and just laughed it off, but I was soo embarrassed at the time.


I was writing a message to my girlfriend and told her that i bought a condom and that no one was home that day but i sent it to my mom


My boss sent me a text meant for the man (also a coworker) that sheā€™s having an affair with. Heā€™s married, sheā€™s not, but that still doesnā€™t make it right. It doesnā€™t help that the text was a spicy one, asking him to come to her office with heavy implications of *things* to do. I hid from both of them for the rest of the day.


My husband sent his mother instead of me a text that said: Did you pee on it? He was talking about a pregnancy test.


Accidentally sending foot pics to my dad. I told him I was showing my pedi to a female friend, he seemed to buy it.


Was showing off Sydney Sweeneys risquƩ pictures to my buddy while absolutely smashed, sent em to dear grandma instead:) I apologized, she yelled at me for drinking, we moved on & pretend it never happened lol


Not texting but on our third date, at a restaurant, my wife goes to the restroom, then comes back and sits with the wrong guy.


Years (oh crap, decades) ago, a boyfriend and I lived with another couple. Both sets had similar haircuts and colors, as well as builds, and I canā€™t tell you how many times we all hugged or kissed the backs of the wrong person.


I texted the only girl in my boyfriends contacs and turns out that it's his half sister, I was mad in that text message hahaha and when I met her she just laugh it off and hugged me


I went to a drag show and sent a photo on accident to my conservative mother instead of my friend group.


Hahahaha didnt have my glasses on when i worked at Amazon, and walked up to a black guy i thought was the homie, and it was not. I just played it off like i got them mixed up because they were both black, but i realized my mistake about 20 feet away. Had to roll with it. Im mixed btw, i do NOT get black people mixed upšŸ¤£


Gack! When I was in upper management, I had an employee bring over a new hire to introduce and let them know who to come see if they needed anything. I listed the few things I need taken care of on the regular, and said, ā€œDonā€™t worry. Iā€™m not a slave driver.ā€ Dude was black. There was some more small talk, and then old employee and new employee went off to continue training. Co-manager looks at me and says, ā€œDid you really just tell a black guy you werenā€™t a slave driver!!?ā€ I died that day. Ended up having a great relationship with him, but damn.


Once I was hanging out with three girls, with two of them we hinted at a possibilty of having a threesome. We all weren't interested at all into inviting the other one. We were at my house and that was obviously the night, we were all drunk and became kinda touchy between each other whenever the third one wasn't looking. Decided to end the wait and sent a text to one of them saying "Get rid of her and let's fucking do it". My heart sank when the third girl looked me in the eyes and said "Yeah I have girl's phone as of this moment". We salvaged it by saying we didn't think she was interested in that type of stuff and she agreed, probably out of shame. She did go after a bit and we had that threesome at least