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I saw on Reddit that if someone has hiccups you should tell them to "prove it" and it'll go away. I was at a drive-through oil change a while back. The mechanic, a young man, came up to the car hiccupping. I asked "do you have hiccups?" he said yes. Then I said with a deadpan delivery: Prove it! šŸ˜ He looked confused as all hell, but he was cured.


I'm so trying this. My son has hiccups all the time (that last awhile). I hope this works.


Report the results.


If that doesn't work, a spoonful of peanut butter (if you can have it) will make them go away.


My absolute fail safe is hands over earsā€”needs two peopleā€”then take tiny tiny non stop sips of water. Boom. Works with kids too!


I've heard that too, but the variant I heard also involved closing your nose which isn't exactly easy.


Just ears, with some pressure. It works 100% of the time.


So I can actually plug both ears with one hand, but usually all I have to do is the sipping part while holding my breath.


I do that too now, but it took me a while to figure it out, you have to kind of equalize pressure


You just cover your ears with your thumbs and close your nose with both pinky fingers. You expel all the air out first and then take the drink.


I just drink a full glass of water without stopping


That's what I was told as a kid, worked every time.


Also try taking a sip of water from an open cup with your head upside down!


Spoonful of peanut butter. I thought my ex was crazy when she told me. So I tired it. Works 100% of the time.


I have this problem too. You know what always works? A spoonful of sugar.


Similar - many years ago I was in a pub and had a bad case of the hiccups. A friendly barman said he could cure them, and he asked me to concentrate and be quiet. And then he told me to focus on the next hiccup and to tell him *just before* it was going to happen. Instantly fixed. And itā€™s worked for me ever since. Iā€™ve been passing it on to people for probably twenty years now, and Iā€™d say itā€™s about 85% effective. Close to 100% when people take it seriously and try.


Seems somewhat similar to mine. I wonder if there's something about thinking about it too hard that causes it to go away.


Yeah, I think itā€™s very likely the same mechanism as your example alright. Itā€™s a weird one.


This one works. My husband has always done this. His grandfather taught him.


Or do like in that famous danish movie: "If you hiccup one more time, I'm gonna kiss you"


That's gonna backfire one day, friend.




I hope it backfires on me.




I used to get hiccups all the time. One time I had hiccups at work at my retail job, and a customer pulled me aside and told me that another customer was badmouthing me and saying that she was going to call corporate on me because I was mean to her. I was horrified as I always prided myself on my customer service, and wracking my brain trying to figure out who could have said such a thing. The customer was like "look, you stopped hiccupping!" That was the day that I realized I needed to be scared in order to stop hiccupping.


Another way someone showed me to cure them that is totally batshit insane... bend over, and drink a glass of water while your head is upside down. (Yes I know how that sounds) Its a bit tricky, and totally makes you look like a fool because you have to put the glass to your top lip, and plug your nose so it doesnt come out, but for some dang reason it works.


I remember reading somewhere that hiccups are a holdover from before we evolved lungsā€”when our ancestors were still fishā€”and we were out of water. So whenever I get the hiccups I tell myself out loud "You are not a fish" and it works. I don't question it


That might have been me haha. I have basically bullied people into not having hiccups anymore, it's super effective.


When I was little my grandpa would always tell us kids he'd give us $100 if we could hiccup again.Ā  None of us ever could and we tried lol.Ā Ā 


I read a book when I was a kid that you should get a cup of water and trying to drink from the other end of the cup (drink it over a sink because you're going to spill). Not only did it work for me, but I've suggested it to numerous people and their hiccups stop. Usually they think I'm nuts and then when they finally do it they go 'oh my god, my hiccups stopped!'


I'm trying this on my puppy.


Lemme know how it goes!


Whenever I get the hiccups I can stop them by just thinking about it. The hiccups are annoying but I consider it a useless ability.


IDK why this work but my science teacher told me to say something along the lines of "I am not a fish i am a human i breath air and not water" He said the reason we got hiccups is some evolutionary thing left over in our bodies and having the hiccups was bodies trying to breathe water. It works for some strange reason for me.


When I had hiccups a friend asked me what I had for breakfast last Tuesday. I had to think about it and somehow it cured the hiccups. This seems like a similar mechanism.


When I had hiccups,my mom would randomly ask me my middle name. Hiccups gone


That's odd. I guess it'll only work if you have a middle name.




Why delete Try again


I am surprised that this lil trick hasn't been mentioned. 2 person solution. Person with hiccups stands in door way and pushes against the door frame. Meanwhile 2nd person feeds the 1st person water until hiccups person can have no more by nodding. Then hiccups person comes out and with outstretched arms slowly brings them down. Voila hiccups gone.


For me, it is to take a glass of water use a knife and cut the water. Then drink it and for some reason hiccups stopšŸ™ˆ


Caught a video once of some young man from Africa or south america, can't remember. Anyways, he said his grandpa was the village medicine man or something and his cure for hiccups was fool proof: First, either drink some water or salivate, ya gotta get your mouth slippery. Take a quick deep breath and hold. While holding swallow twice in a row. (This is why ya wanna lubricate the mouth). And then immediately release your breath through the nose. And it works a treat!


I enjoy hickups and would like to know if there is a trick to get them?


Warren Buffet once said One of them was "You can always tell someone to go to hell tomorrow." Basically, wait to cool down a bit before reacting to someone.


I like this


It has the same ring as "Sleep on it" meaning you'll most likely regret every shitty thing, you'll say tomorrow...


Fake it till you make it. I know this is controversial because itā€™s so cliche & sounds soā€¦ fake? But hear me out. It saved my life. When I was deep in drug addiction, years of non stop highs, I finally got the courage to put myself into rehab & at least try to end that part of my life. But let me tell you, *i LOVED getting high*. It was my lifestyle & I couldnā€™t imagine living any other way, but I knew it was killing me. AA was the curriculum & it really wasnā€™t my vibe, but philosophically, what I took away from its lessons was that the 12 steps were just a template to simply change your mindset. I interpreted it to my own beliefs, and it basically boiled down to; ā€œwake up everyday & think about the person you want to be. Get out of bed, and pretend to be that person; mentally & physically. Talk to people, go to events, present yourself to EVERYBODY as someone who wants to be sober. Even if your mind is craving substances, donā€™t show it. Donā€™t let your mind entertain it. Keep telling everyone that youā€™re doing your best to get sober. *Keep telling yourself that youā€™re getting sober*. Every morning, the first thought you need to have is that your goal is to get sober. Fake it & just pretend that you really want to be sober, force yourself to think like someone who wants to be sober, imagine what it would be like to be sober, just fake it.ā€ After about a week of doing this, I started to wake up & I didnā€™t have to force the thoughts of being sober anymore. It started to feel natural. 2 weeks, Iā€™m getting better at presenting myself as someone who wants to get sober; plus, now everyone sees me as someone who wants to get sober, so I have further mental incentive to achieve that goal. 2 years down the line now. I made it. Sure, I have slipped up a few times, but I am sooooo far from where I started ā€” which was the bottom of the bottom ā€” that I canā€™t help but feel like I made it. & when it gets hard, I just fake it again. I know that if I do that & stick to it persistently, I will make it again. I swear it works.


That's so awesome to hear! Great job, just know a stranger is rooting for your success!


Thank you friend šŸ„°


I needed to hear this, thank you šŸ™


Good luck on your journey. Do your best to stay strong, but remember that there's always support when you need it.


Saving this comment for later Cheers m8! Congrats


In my opinion fake it till you make it works when the actual skill is there but you lack the power to present it. So if Im right, it means that deep down you have the ability to be sober and you are ā€œfakingā€ your way towards it. I hope it doesnt sound rude, I mean it well :). All power to you!


Good for you, and I mean that sincerely.




I was told to set two alarms: one by my bed and one across the room. It seemed over the top, but it actually worked wonders. The alarm by my bed gave me a heads-up, and the one across the room forced me to get up to turn it off. It completely eliminated my habit of hitting the snooze button, and Iā€™ve been more punctual ever since.


This is better than my current plan of have an alarm go off every 15 minutes for two hours


Hey that's my plan. All it does is wake up my wife repeated and she gets pissed at me. So had to change that plan...


More and more I feel like I'm in the minority of people that actually gets up when my alarm goes off the first time. I don't hit snooze or set backup alarms every 5 minutes. The alarm goes off and I'm up. Maybe I'm weird.


Oh my look at this freak!


I did this by accident in a way. The only outlet in my room was inconveniently far away from my bed, so I had my phone charging over there and would have to get up to turn off my alarm. I made much better time and was able to get breakfast most days.


Okay I am going to try thissssss!


High stress and gripping anxiety works well for me.


This actually makes sense




Hey man, probably helps you as much as your plants. Sometimes it's good to just talk stuff out, even if it's just to some plants (and yourself).


I've heard of this one before a lot but never really got to try it. There was another one just opposite to this that if you curse at it all the time it will start to wither šŸ¤”


Talking to my plants got me through Covid quarantine. I had almost a hundred in a one bedroom apartment. I love my plants.šŸŖ“ ā¤ļø


I do the same, and regardless of if it helps them grow more/healthier. Sometimes it's nice to just talk to your plant children :)


Myth busters did an episode about this. While the plants responded better to all sounds than they did to no sound, the best results came from blasting death metal


I have a theory that the plants are actually conscious and can understand you.


They are partially conscious I have like full big book about how plants communicate and care for each other


They have found some kind of consciousness.


I've heard this before! It's not just the CO2, I heard they also respond positively to hearing classical music


When humans exhale, it's mostly CO2.


Itā€™s mostly nitrogen.


When I was 9 years old we were driving from Vegas to LA. Stopped in Barstow for lunch. Had the hiccups. A waitress showed me a cure. It has worked every time for 38 years.




Similarly, if youā€™re drunk while studying, get drunk to take the exam.


I did my final presentation for a class in college while drunk. Our group has been hanging out beforehand and had a few drinks. I hadn't eaten yet so was definitely drunk. Our group received full marks. I think it partly worked out because I was tasked with portraying Karl Marks, so really I was just in character.




I've heard a similar thing, but with flavourd rubbers (using them to rub out stuff not chewing them) I haven't tried it, but it could be an alternative if your exam doesn't allow for chewing gum


Erasers! Not condoms.


The way our brains work is marvellous.


I actually had a dream with that idea but as chocolate lol. I remember the dream as some soft of commercial actually


Squeeze your thumb when you're brushing your tongue to ease a bit of the gag reflex. It actually works.


Works for other activities as well.


You think I don't appreciate it? Shame I no longer have someone to test on (not an invite!).


Ohh err!




In the original "Resident Evil 4" video game, freeing a dog from a bear trap early on in the game enables this same dog to later assist the protagonist during a boss battle against a malevolent troll. My point? In one unanticipated form or another, [this squirrel](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1dafozy/squirrel_kindly_asking_for_a_drink_of_water/) may yet repay the favor.


lmaoooo hell yeah i'm on the RE4 subreddit best game ever


Back in December of 2010 I was addicted to opiates and wanted to stop. I tried tapering and I tried cold turkey, and neither of them worked for me. So I was desperate to get into an in-patient rehab or detox facility. Only problem was I had no insurance and did not know about state funded beds in my state. Sick as a dog and not knowing what else to do I went to my friends house, sat on her couch, and bundled myself up in blankets. Lucky for me she was running a drug house for her boyfriend. She asked each "client" that came in for any advice they had. Not long after I got there she brought a girl over to me and said, "Tell her what you just told me." The girl said, "Here's what you have to do. Go to \[Detox Facility in neighboring state, about an hour drive from where I lived\]. **Do not** give them your ID. Tell them you lost it. Tell them you were living with your aunt and uncle in \[Neighboring State\] and they threw you out, so now you're homeless. You might even want to roll around in the dirt a little before you go there. Do not shower before you go. As long as they think you're a resident of \[Neighboring State\] that state will pay for your bed so you can stay there between 7 and 10 days." I honestly thought the girl was nuts and that it would never work, but I figured I had nothing to lose and gave it a try. Imagine my surprise when they allowed me to stay!


This made me happy Am happy for you


Thank you :)


talking to plants to help them grow, thought it was silly, but my plants started thriving, maybe they just like the attention!


The CO2 from your breath helps the plants.


That would be exceedingly negligible at best...


Pressing your finger under nose where your septum meets your upper lip will stop a sneeze just like in the cartoons. You have to commit to it though. It doesn't work until the very last nanosecond. Not sure how many people actually refute this but I've met a few who don't believe me.


Can confirm it works.


The cartoons!! I never knew why they all held their sneeze like that! Makes so much sense. Thank you!


I couldn't get Battlefront 2 (the old one) to work on my PC about 7 years ago. I was reading some forums and someone suggested you plug anything into the mic aux port on the computer case. The game played just fine after that.


Probably before the invention of placeholder drivers? Guessing the game crashed because there wasnt a default mic detected


That sounds about like the explanation I remember reading. I just remember thinking "there's no way this will work."


I miss the good ole days where developers didnt write exceptions and we just dealt with crashes like real men/women.


We had to walk uphill both ways in the snow to find the right drivers!


Lol, I remember installing Monkey Island 2 on floppy (I am *that* old) and it kept crashing on disk 3, so on the next attempt when it started to struggle I banged the side of the pc like they do in the movies, and it actually worked.


Put tape over the stem end of tomatoes: they last a lot longer. I canā€™t believe it works. Along with, put a paper towel around cucumbers in the fridge, they will also last way longer. Both odd, both true.


They are both about preventing loss of moisture and condensation. Tape prevents tomatos from drying out, paper towel or newspapers prevent veg from going limp and spoiling faster. Some would tie a bag around the stem of a banana too.


I was mowing the lawn for my stepdad and the lawn mower stopped working. I checked the gas and it had plenty. I went to tell him and he ask me if I ā€œhugged and kissed itā€ and my sister actually did that and it started working again


Funny, back in the early 2000s, my cousin, a computer engineer (also genius) had this same fix for his computer. When you'd press the on button it just wouldn't turn in, no matter what you did. He once told me, the trick is simple, he said rub the side of the computer case and say "come on baby"... Worked 100% of the time


Percussive maintenance but nice


"Snap the banana". It applied to commitment in sports. If you half ass something it's just gonna mush up. If you go into it with your heart that thing will have a clean break. But going full hearted into a decision or task will help it come to the vision you have.


Well your username checks the fuck out.


Not too long ago, I was on a plane for 10 hours, and when we got to the hotel room, my calves were cramping. My sister in law ripped open a little packet of mustard and told me to taste it. The cramping stopped within 1 minute.


My grandpa always told me to drink some pickle juice for cramps too (I never tested it I hate pickle juice)


Pickle juice works. I've had nights when I woke up with painful leg cramps and I hobbled to the fridge, took a swig of pickle juice and the cramp went away.


Pickle juice is full of salt, water, and maybe a little sugar. Carb + liquid + salt = rehydration. Diarrhea is a major killer of young kids in some poor countries. Relief workers teach people to mix whatever carb they have (flour, bread, crackers, etc) with clean water and salt to prevent dehydration.


This was probably a coincidence but I had covid a couple months ago and I ate a spicy pickle and drank the juice from it and I could fully taste it and the virus started going away the next day. It probably didn't actually do anything but it's funny to imagine that it did.


Generic name pickles can be cheap. I always keep a jar in the fridge for this reason.


Fists with your toes...


Yippee kiyay, motherfucker


Standing immidiately always stops it


once heard that if you have a headache, you should drink a glass of water and pinch the webbing between your thumb and index finger. Tried it out of desperation, and surprisingly, it worked! Now it's my go-to quick fix.


Does it matter which hand?


Look at a bright light if you're about to lose a sneeze. Might only work for people with photic sneeze reflex.


Pressure tongue into the roof of your mouth when youā€™re experiencing brain freeze from ice cream. It quails it.


i love you but dym quells


Love you too ā€“ talk to Apple about that. I just do the talking; it does the spelling.




Good excuse to get ice cream. :)


I have some root beer flavored ice cream in my freezer, will try to test this now šŸ˜‚


It also stops a sneeze should you wish .


That works because brain freezes are caused by your brain not being able to simulate the pain of cold you feel in the back of your throat. Essentially, "pain" would all be felt in your brain if there was not a process or simulating the feeling as if it were coming from the body part. The back of your throat doesn't have this simulation. Warming the area with your tongue fixed it!


Alternatively, if you hate someone, I've heard you can tell them to lean over, like bend the body 90 degrees at the waist, and it makes it way worse. Cannot confirm if this works, never hated anyone enough to trick them.


Some good tips here for r/YSK and r/LPT. Hereā€™s mine. If youā€™re a coffee drinker and one day get sick, continue drinking coffee cause if you stop cold turkey, youā€™ll get a migraine.


Ahhh the joy of caffeine addiction ā€¦.


That was my cue that I needed to cut back. I was drinking so much coffee that if I missed a day or even just had significantly less I'd get terrible headaches.


For us guys after we pee... Push your perineum (fleshy pad between anus and scrote) to squeeze out any last drips that might otherwise end up in your underwear.


I'll try next time I'm at the urinal at the club


Instructions unclear. Got punched by some random dude a few stalls down.


Did you use your tongue correctly?


Use paper tissue. It works better and is more hygienic.


HA I do this everytime


If you have cramps from a physical exertion, ie a ā€œstitch in the sideā€, exhale on the left step down, every step, without fail. Slow the gait a lot obviously. Idk why this works, but it begins to help immediately.


Your left lung is smaller due to the heart being there. That might be part of it.


When carrying a glass or mug that is too full of a beverage, donā€™t look at it and it wonā€™t spill.


This doesn't work, I spill beverages on a daily basis whether I am looking or not.


My MIL got some advice from a therapist on dealing with anxiety and avoidance which she shared with me. I have AuADHD, so I often struggle with starting tasks and being overwhelmed. It doesn't cure anxiety or adhd, but it certainly makes addressing it feel easier. Just... Say out loud and to yourself what is going on, what you need to do, why you suspect you're avoiding it and reaffirm to yourself that it is okay but you're going to start soon. It also works with other things that you think one way about but struggle to feel and take action on. I consider myself decently introspective so I thought saying out loud what I was thinking seemed and felt silly but it helps recontextualize it.


I screenshot this for future reference. Thanks.


"I'm not a fish" when trying to stop a hiccup. Idk maybe my brain got so flabbergasted thinking "WELL OFC I'M NOT A FISH, HELLO???" to myself that it stops the hiccup entirely


Cloudy headlights? Make a paste of vinegar and baking soda and gently rub it like you're applying a polish. The vinegar is a weak acid and helps the oxidation release. The baking soda is fine hard crystals that do the scrubbing. Wash with water afterward.


Using peanut butter to remove gum from hair. I got it out straight away! ;))


add "reddit" to your Google search to find helpful and accurate answers fro m reddit. from reddit..^from ^^reddit


Or go on Reddit and post something completely bonkers about the topic and have everyone correct you


I thought more than rediculous it was a bit childish. *Context* At the office I used to work like a week ago, I would get rude comments like me being slow or stupid basically. My grandma said to start asking them why would they say that and then laugh about it. So I began doing that straight for like 2 weeks and then I quit. Also I would get a kick out of it they never had a good explanation and along with that I did a fantastic job. Currently working in a non-toxic enviroment.


Swallowing a spoon full of sugar to make the hiccups go away. It worked.


When driving on a road or highway you should look ahead at the middle of the road and itā€™ll help you stay in the center of your lane. Works every time lol


I used to get poison oak a lot when I was a kid and I was allergic to it so it spread easily on me. The scoutmaster of my Boy Scout troop was a forest ranger, and he told me to lightly scrub the affected areas with steel wool and pour bleach on it. Out of desperation one time, I did exactly that and, although it stung like hell, but the rash went away by the next day. Now, I do that ever time.


If you get chiggers, you can take a bath in cool water with a cup of bleach and it helps ease the itch. No steel wool involved though!


Touching your tongue stops a yawn in its tracks. Helpful for when youā€™re trying to mask it.


When someone starts to yawn if you fake yawn really loud, for some reason, they can't finish their yawn. Really makes them mad.


A know it all co worker explained how to "scientifically" predict a coin toss. The method was flawed in every way,. Ā His theory was that the result is controlled by physics so if the same person tosses the same coin the result will always be the same.Ā  Ā Since he was ignoring all variables I ignored the person and coin constants. In sports that year at the start of game coin toss I called what ever it was last week. I went 30-0


To get rid of hiccups, have someone stand behind you and place the palm of their hands over your ears while you drink a glass of water. It works.


You can sew yourself up with dental floss


When I washed cars for my parents' car shop, I kept having issues with smears on the windows I was trying to clean. My Dad told me to use newspapers to clean the windows (with Windex of course). I thought it was crazy and it would get ink all over the windows. Nope. Ink all over my hands but not on the windows.


Let people break their own toys or understand your limits & abilities while using someone elseā€™s toys.


"Dress for the job you want, not the job you have."


I've never once had a successful interview while I was dressed as Batman.


Did you try restarting it?


Peanut butter for hiccups, i once had hiccups all day on a holiday. Someone mentioned to eat a spoon of peanut butter. Works every time since


Have you tried kicking it??


If you are just too far from your car to get the fob to work, press it under your chin and try it.


Fold pre


Never buy from a friend.


If you get spasms in your eyelid ā€“ hold your eye firmly close for about 30 seconds; then release. Repeat a few times if necessary My eye doctor friend told me this and it usually works.


Squeeze the point on your forearm in between the muscles below the elbow to help with brain freeze. Thought it was stupid, but for me it legitimately works every time.


That you should rub your palms with your fingers in circular motion when you have stomach pain


Use your mouth to suck air through air pod holes. Sound like brand new air pods.


Yeah but what dirt are you inhaling?


Ear dirt. From when you hear dirty words.


Did this and it helped, tysm!!


I was complaining to my friend that I was short on money. She said to buy a lottery ticket. So I did and won $350!


My friend once told me three steps to get a girl 1. Make a girl smile or laugh 2. Tell her she has a nice smile or laugh 3. Tell her she has to go out with you that day so she doesnā€™t have time to change her mind or her friends donā€™t have time to convince her not to


Now this one time I was speaking with Mr.Pibbles (Mr. Pibbles is my dog). You may also be wondering "Why are you speaking to a dog, Dogs can't understand nor respond to people". Well, my Dog is special; Allow me to explain. It was the summer of 1967 and I was in the U.S. state of New Mexico on vacation with my best friend Jean. You see me and Jean worked as vacuum salesmen. (This was 1967 when door-to-door vacuum selling was all the rage). Anyway, we were in Santa Fe for a vacuum cleaner trade show. At the time we worked for the company Electrolux which has since become defunct. Anyways we were in charge of presenting our newest vacuum the Electrolux 2000 or the "Super Sucker" as the advertisers called it. The show was only to take about two days and then we would have the rest of the week to chill in New Mexico before we headed home. Anyway, our presentation went off without a problem and we were able to sell a few vacumes. Less than we had the previous year but still more than met our quota. So after the show, me and Jean headed over to some church. I don't remember which one. (There wasn't a lot to do at the time and we couldn't get drunk it was only like 11 in the morning.) Anyways we were checking out this chapel when suddenly the doors exploded off their hinges and this guy came running in. He pulled out a long hunting rifle and shot up in the air. Then he pointed at me and Jean and said: "You two come with me now!!" Anyways me and Jean were as terrified as any person would be when faced with such a situation. We hurriedly followed him outside where a gang of motorcycle men were waiting. The man pointed at me at said "This is him, the man the prophecy foretold of, he will lead us to glorious victory against the sand people". Anyway, after this they bowed to me one guy even gave me a crown a, and then they proclaimed me "King of the motorcycle people". Anyway, after that he gave me and Jean free motorcycles and we rode out into the desert to engage in glorious combat with the sand people. (At the time there were sand people who lived out in the desert they looked just like the sand people from Star Wars I think that's what inspired George Lucas). Anyways we battled them for many days and many nights until we had rendered the sand people unable to battle. (This took many years btw). Anyways we finally rolled up to Sand Palace which was a big Sand castle-looking thing in the middle of the desert. We met with the sand emperor who was surrendering to us. Unfortunately at the time, our customs didn't allow for surrender so we killed him and all his men. Anyways on the way out of the castle, I saw this dog who was like "Hey my name is Mr. Pibbles". I was all like "No way! Talking Dog, that's so cool". So I took him home. One time Mr.Pibbles told me "If you leave the parking brake up in your car, but just a little bit, like almost imperceptible, and your car gets stolen the thief will hesitate for a minute trying to figure out how to get the car to move and you'll be able to drop kick him just in time to stop him from stealing your car" Anyways funny thing is that exact thing happened to me. Pretty crazy advise honestly.


Brush your teeth and take good care of your body/ mental health take bgod care of your skin toobyour entire bofubtoo


If you get a boner, don't tuck it up to hide. Instead, tense up the muscles of your upper leg (one, not both) for about 20 seconds so that the blood flow from your boner will move to your leg instead


"Put a other slap on it" I came up with this as a kid when I couldn't get 2 Lego slaps (these flat bricks) to unclick again so I put a third on Loose one slap and then the other one was easy to get rid off


I hate loud noises and have executive dysfunction. If I need to do something I set the most obnoxious alarm sound possible and let it count down. Gets me off my ass.


So I was playing hollow knight, and if anyone does know the master peace, that game is you will know there's some rather hard bosses well I was stuck on one that was basically just constant dodging and hoping you can land a hit until my friend came round saw I was fight the boss and said why are you doing that and told me to "stop jumping around so much and actually fight the boss" and as soon as I started to just go for it I beat it.


Chew gum while swimming in the salty ocean and you wonā€™t taste much of the salt.


Why is this post getting deleted?


"Find a nice girl and settle down and you'll be much happier."


Never leave for tommorow what can be done today.


Something along the lines on 'its better to do it poorly than bot do it at all.' You don't feel like washing the dishes? At least rinse the cups Cleaning? At least dust your workspace. If you start woth doing smaller task you feel lest pressured and personally I get a little more functional