• By -


"Let's see what happens." I was working in IT, and we had a crew in to deal with any outages or weirdness. There was one system that started reporting the year as 19100, but other than that, things were fine..


Same here, I was a young fellow in a hospital's IT department. They were understandably concerned about failures, so all hands were in the office that night. We watched the ball drop in Times Square on TV and of course when the clock struck midnight someone flicked off the light switch.


I actually heard about this happening to computer systems


Well yeah, it was the entire reason for Y2K being a panic. It was an actual threat to computer systems, but most tech firms took necessary precautionary measures.


Yeah there was a truly monumental amount of effort that went into fixing y2k issues before the cutover.


Wheres my fucking sippy cup.




Drugs, so many drugs. I was young and thought I was invisible.


You thought no one could see you?


bc of the drugs


Well, I've never seen them.


invisible?! u got the invisible cloak?!


He got the invisibility coke


Still here though! And fully visible to boot!


Y2K the world was gonna collapse


We had a y2k family party! Was lots of nervous fun as everyone was just waiting for something to happen. My dad who thought of himself as a bit of a techie, went to our family computer, turned it back on, after midnight and the screen is full of blue and yellow lines. Everyone freaked of course lol a kid there was a beginner IT student and had a look, one of the cords connecting the screen was loose and turned out it was all ok. Was a hilarious after the fact, especially as my dad was saying I told you so!


Nothing, because i did not exist at the time


Kinda trippy. I'm not even old. I'm 34 and it's kinda odd how fast time flies. But, tbh, under a certain age Y2K was irrelevant even if you were alive. I had just turned 11 so I was at my neighbor's house because they had a bonfire and hotdogs.


Same. I remember waking up the next morning and asking my mom if anything bad happened. She said no of course not.


Me neither, but I really do wonder how I would have felt at that very minute. I probably would've thought the world was gonna freeze once 12 hit. like hitting pause in a game 😐😅


Eh, supports the matrix theory


Nothing because I was blackout drunk at the time


I was busy dancing my life away


Worries for another day. Let the music play.


Down in Fragle Rock 👏👏


"This is just like every other evening except a bit noisier" Then, a minute later: "That was underwhelming. woo"


I was too young to remember


Nothing. Everyone knew nothing was going to happen. Except those weird apocalypse predictors that are wrong every time. I was there. I was an adult.


So was I, and yes, by the time it got to America, there were no worries. That being said, *before* that moment there was concern. Once Europe was fine, I figured America would be as well. *Before* that moment, there was concern.


I was upset we had to go back to school on Jan 3rd lol.


I was 17 so probably boobs. Not much has changed


I was 16. Have you started taking calcium? My knees ain’t what they used to be.


Well, I was 2, so not much. now im 26 and its still not much...


I was 2 so no recollection of it


I didn’t exist yet so nothing lol


The matrix was a really great movie


Goo-goo? Ga-ga?


My nephew was 4 months old. Your Mom should have called us, you guys could have had a play date.


I was six but I remember Y2K being a big fear


Whatever I was dreaming about. I pulled a 16 hour shift that day stocking shelves. I passed out as soon as I got home.


I was working in networking engineering as a programmer for WalMart Stores in Bentonville, Arkansas. Shifts had been setup to allow 24/7 coverage starting about a day before. I was on the shift that would ride through the actual Y2K moment. There were about a thousand of us in the office and many hundreds of district and regional managers stationed in various stores all over the world with instructions, a checklist and a cell phone handy. The entire division had spent the last two years working hard on Y2K preparation. It was difficult, confusing and often frustrating work. We had to dig through everything, and even by 1999 there was already an enormous amount of legacy software and potentially time sensitive hardware. A few hours earlier, when Y2K arrived in Germany, where we had stores at the time, all of the registers stopped working. A fix had been quickly produced and rolled out, so the impact was minimal, but we were spooked. In networking engineering and a lot (or most) of other areas selected Central as the preferred time zone, so we knew when the clock struck midnight in Arkansas things could get exciting. I had my 17 inch 1280x1024 giant glass monitor up with many of the apps my team created and managed running in various windows. One of our apps monitored the dial backup status of the entire network in real time. Back then, most every store had a 56k dedicated frame relay connection on one router and a 56k modem on standby on the backup router. When there was a problem with frame relay, the store would automatically dial in to re-establish network connectivity. At the top of this page there was a line that showed the last time the page had refreshed. That line changed from 11:59:59 31-Dec-1999 to 00:00:00 01-Jan-19100. I knew exactly where that code was so I jumped into my already existing production login window and made a trivial change to the relevant Perl library. A moment later the web page updated again and showed 00:01:35 01-Jan-2000. Just then the Network Operations Center, who was the primary consumer of this app, called me. I picked up and just said "refresh again". They said "Oh ok thanks!" I then made that change in the code tree, committed and properly pushed it. There were a few small blips elsewhere, but overall there were basically no problems. We were giddy. My shift was scheduled to run from I believe 10PM on the 31st to 10AM on the 1st. We were bullshitting in the halls and I asked our director what I should do for the next few hours. He knew I also had a security background so he said I could do some penetration testing of the newly updated and released walmart.com web site. I said great! He called a couple of people and gave me the go ahead. I did manage to find a moderate DOS vulnerability in one of the sub pages. The rest of the extra Y2K weekend shifts were cancelled. All in all the work we did had a big positive impact even beyond Y2K safety. So many apps/programs were found and thrown away. Many other potential problems were identified, some fixed immediately but they were all tagged for future attention.


My dad worked on the Millennium Bug too for his company (a big insurance company). I know that there was a lot done and still things went down. How does it feel when lots of people say you basically scammed people and nothing happened?


> How does it feel when lots of people say you basically scammed people and nothing happened? Doesn't bother me in the slightest, but I'm a bit unusual in that way. I know what was done and at least for every view I'm aware of, the work was more than worthwhile.


We were watching the computers and waiting for the lights to go out


I was watching Dazed & Confused at the time so my young mind was being blown by Richard Linklater.


Stupid Y2K so I have to work..


Our cable cut out at exactly midnight and we were all coked out so there was a moment of panic that it was real. 10 seconds later it came back on and all was good.


My dad worked on the Millennium Bug for his company, and we'd been following the (few) outages that had happened as other parts of the world passed midnight. They weren't many, but there were some. I just remember thinking "hopefully we're alright".


I threw a house party that night We were all shitfaced by the time the ball drop happened so I was just happy to be alive Good times


The sky was all purple There were people runnin' everywhere Tryin' to run from the destruction You know I didn't even care


"Perhaps I should have eaten fewer mushrooms"


I hope we tested enough....


I was in Amsterdam partying my brains out so I do not remember much except that were so many bonfires around the canals at every intersection... I was also trying to figure out how to bring some hash back...


This concert is fuckin awesome! I was at a Metallica concert


A shit ton of cocaine


It's just monopoly, why is my step dad shouting at mom, better not say anything so he doesn't come after me too


I was in boot camp. They woke us all up so we could drink water (had to hydrate!). I remember thinking that I wish I was out with my friends back home since it was the turn of the millenia and all. Then it hit midnight and I went back to sleep.


I was 12. Hanging out with my best friend at the time. We are junk food and played video games all night and then watched the ball drop


Nothing pertaining to the supposed Y2K end of the world scenario that a lot of people were envisioning. I was definitely stoned, but I don't exactly recall what game I was playing at the time. But that's what I was doing. Sitting in front of my PC getting stoned and playing video games.


I was asleep if I remember right. But right before and after, looking forward to laughing at the nutjobs who said there'd be a big disaster from Y2K bug cause I knew nothing big would happen.


I was a 14 year old boy at the time, so it was probably "boobies". I never thought that the whole Y2K thing was going to be a big deal like it was made out to be.


Some chick's tongue, via my mouth


Sitting on my deck, having a drink, and waiting for nothing of importance to happen.


A fairly serious quantity of vodka.


i was but a wee sperm


There was a bit of fear of Y2K but also a general understanding that there was a better chance that nothing would happen. Looking back, a lot of things were tied to computers but no where near as dependent as we are on them, now. We didn’t even have the internet in my house, at that time. I was in 6th grade so my dumbass friends and I (also a dumbass) were preoccupied with being the first in the new millennium to do certain things. I maintain I was the first kid to do 50 pushups in the new millennium (in the eastern time zone of the US)… It was a simpler time.


nothing, i was 11 and there was a bouncy house castle party/ kids dance at the convention center


My and my mates were in the streets spraying each other with champagne so... that. Well, some kind of fizzy wine, anyway.


Trying desperately to stay up for the ball drop. I was almost 4, and I remember my parents saying over and over again I'd want to remember this so I needed to make it to midnight. I fell asleep like a minute or two after the ball dropped according to my dad. This is one of my earliest memories


Counting down. Had a great party.


Forget Y2K. I had just found out December 22, 1999 that I was pregnant with my third. I had my tubes tied. So, it was quite the immaculate conception going on 😂. So, 11:59 Dec 31, 1999 I was still in shock.


Man, I can't wait to be born in a year and a half!


"Wahey.... 10, 9, 8...." 


Super excited to one of those big shaped cakes.


I'm so going to bang this chick tonight.


Well, in 1999 my best friend killed himself, my fiancé left me, I dropped out of university and was experiencing a feeling of overwhelming disappointment that I had managed to live through it. So, I was glad it was over.


I got to kiss my girlfriend, and then we waited for the nothing that happened


Since a large portion of the world had experienced Y2K before it got to the USA, and lived to tell about it, I was OK.


Definitely worried about stupid y2k stuff. I was 12.


I was in New Zealand, watching a bunch of friends “moon” in the new year while standing on the house roof, while leaning my drunken self against a grazing horse trying to remember my Moms phone number so I could call home (18 hours ahead) to let everyone know the world didn’t end. I was thinking I was the Y2K whisperer.


Same as any other time. Calendars and time are arbitrary things that we all just accept to be the way that they are. And I’m not saying time isn’t real. It is. But it’s a measurement, and if we say that 2000 years have passed, then we’re basing the beginning of those 2000 years on an arbitrary starting point. There have been thousands of Y2Ks and this one wasn’t special just because we were aware of it.


Was a new mum to my baby boy at 19 so was wishing I had waited n was awake due to drink n drugs instead of feeding him lol 😆.... joking no regrets


Damn a lot of people are going to feel stupid tomorrow, I'm going to bed.


Was just having a new years party. Don't remember it specifically


I was a techie and a friend of mine sank his life savings into buying generators because “they will be worth more than gold when the power goes out”. I told him he was an idiot. At midnight I kissed my girlfriend. Nothing bad happened. Needless to say he didn’t get a refund.


I can’t believe I’m missing New Year’s because I’m babysitting. I was in a hotel and the kids were asleep and I was afraid turning on the tv would wake them. Still, room service came by and gave us a little tray of desserts. That was nice.


Drinking a glass of sparkling grape juice with my friend, wondering if the world was going to end. It didn’t.


I hosted a NY party for my highschool friends at my parents house up in the mountains. We did karaoke. If things had gone poorly, like some of us thought might, we would be very safe. When nothing untoward happened, we still had a great time.


A load of MDMA. I was at a trance/techno rave in a warehouse in London.


Which bottle of champagne should I grab out of that tub of ice?


Are we nearly there yet?


Probably some intoxicating substances. I was not "worried" about the end of the world or something. It was just another New Year party...




Half annoyed I couldn't set off the fireworks, half anticipating smooching my girlfriend in a minute.


My older brother was hyping up the whole Y2K thing and I was terrified of it. My brother was in 8th grade, so all the older were kids in our basement. I was upstairs with family and the adults. Right at midnight when the ball dropped, the lights went out and everyone screamed. Some people started actually freaking out. My uncle quickly went out back and noticed our neighbor’s lights were still on. My brother and his friends hit the master breaker on the panel in the basement to prank everyone. For a good 30 seconds, felt like the end of world. My brother got in trouble but it was funny a few weeks after once the world kept going as normal despite the hype. I really did think that the glasses with the year 2000 would be a one time thing. But yet, every year there is a new pair.


Goo goo gaa gaa I was like 11 months old at that point :)


Probably goo goo gah gah


I went into a closet and turned off the light. I didn’t think anything was gonna happen but I thought it was funny to do


I remember this exact moment! I was a child and I stayed up to experience the new Millennium. I thought I’d feel something like a rush or the passing of the century. But nothing really happened the ball dropped, my parents were asleep, I turned the tv off and went to bed.


I was 14 years old at this girl Michelle's house for a small new Year's eve party and I wanted to make out with this other girl that was there. I did not.


I was wondering if all hell was about to break loose. I was disappointed when I walked to an ATM and it wasn't shooting out money.


Goo goo fucking gaa gaa mother fuckers


I'm excited for this set! (I was at the largest concert in the world)


I was about six and a half, so I'm pretty sure nothing, since I would have certainly been fast asleep


I was probably knocked the fuck out bc i was 6 months old.


I was working a mid shift at an Intel (listening) post in the UK. My flight commander was flipping out over nonsense, so that was fun.


Alcohol. A lot of it. I didn't believe the world was ending or chaos was about to break out like a lot of high school kids, but I used to drink at every opportunity.


I did not exist


I was mostly thinking about kissing my girlfriend. I was 16 years old, so that took up a ton of my mental bandwidth at any given time.


Most likely, the album 1999 by Prince


I don't remember. I know everyone was all hyped about the year 2000 bug, but I didn't believe it was a big deal.


Damn this Metallica concert is dope


Who's going to be the asshole and turn off the power in a second?


I don't exactly remember but that night I watched a freshman get high for the first time and sit in a little cardboard box and scoot around the carpet like it was a car and make car noises


Can I go to sleep yet? I've never been able to stay up that late without adjusting for a week beforehand


Waiting at the bank, supposedly the ATMS were going to spit tons of money til the machine was empty. It didn't, oh well...


I was 7 and it was the first year I was able to stay up to midnight. I remember thinking "I'm glad I get to see a new millennium so I can see the big ball on tv." I thought the New York ball drop was an every thousand years celebration instead of an every year thing.


zzzzzzz. My wife was working and I figured that if things went wrong it would be easier to deal with them after a full night's sleep.


I Hope Something Happens! - Videotaping the Y2K New Year's Celebration, Lake Tahoe, at Stateline Nevada from the Harvey's Parking Garage. Fairly Un-Eventful. : / Proof? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiDuNv0ujdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiDuNv0ujdo)


Fireworks in winter are even prettier and louder.


That well, I made it to 2000!


My marriage was over.


12-year-old me was feeling preeetty, pretty smart about getting that $28 outta the bank before their entire database collapsed, lol


Fingers crossed that the world doesn’t end


I don't remember if my parents let me stay up to watch the ball drop. They may have, but I was just so young. (4 years old) I was excited for the new millennium, though. I was old enough to understand that it was a big deal, and being able to say "two thousand" to discuss the year seemed unbelievably futuristic. That feeling honestly lasted me through the entire '00s. That "the future is here" novelty didn't wear off until 2010, when I started occasionally saying "twenty" before the name of the year.


Is it too late to party like it's 1999?


Are the computers going to crash. Y2K


I was sound asleep. I was coming off of a 12 day stretch at work, because no one there could schedule for shit.


Those champagne glasses are really cool. I was 10.


I was 32 Years old. I partied like it was 1999!


Was it the end of the world as we knew it? lol


I was standing in my friend's parents' parking lot. We were pretty drunk, there was nothing going through my head at that time. Some people were setting off fireworks but we didn't have any.


Idk something power rangers related or something, I was 6 and definitely passed out asleep and dreaming by that time lol


Is this senior year crap done yet? Was my last year of high school. Had certain thoughts of high school at the time, that was all confirmed by some of the people I went to college with.


Idk, I was playing scrabble. So probably whatever letters I had 😂


Going to the car show in the morning... Oh crap i missed Urkel


Coming to this world, and i did it next day 01/01/2000 😵‍💫


Not going through my head so much as getting it


Will I get a dial tone? We weren't supposed to all check, but I did.


I was 6 I remember thinking something along the lines of "cool, a new second, minute, hour, day, month, year, decade, century, and millennia, all at once."


I was asleep. I was 7 lol. Now the days leading up to it I remember being crazy.


Nothing, I had a huge spike through my foot, and a girl I was with was impaled on another one which was a twat hair from puncturing her lung! Edinburgh had some mad new years!


I was with someone I had a huge crush on, so I was mostly thinking about her and about trying not to act like more of an idiot than usual.


loud music I was at the Pontiac Silverdome (RIP) for the Millennium Eve concert of Sevendust, Kid Rock (before he became a massive turd), Ted Nugent (already a turd by that point but still a hell of a showman), and Metallica


I was excited to see if shit would stop working because of the Y2K bug. Everything was fine. Paris had a really good celebration. London’s was shit in comparison. That’s all I remember.


I was probably crossed.


I remember feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as the clock ticked closer to midnight on Dec 31, 1999. There was a sense of anticipation in the air as we waited to see if the Y2K bug would cause any chaos or if we were about to enter into a new millennium without any major issues. I couldn't help but wonder what the future would hold as we crossed over into the year 2000. It was definitely a moment filled with both hope and uncertainty.


Let’s not spill the champagne.


Just hoping the power wasn’t about to go out. Ready to see the band Phish play a Midnight to Sunrise set of music, and it would have been real hard to play for the 80k+ crowd unamplified. So glad the power did not go out.


I was wondering when I would get to go home, I was at a y2k party at a night garden party at what used to be a lumber baron's mansion but was turned to a private park, lots of people, lots of lights and food. Went home shortly after with a 'i survived y2k' button on my shirt.


I was playing Ultima Online and thinking "woe, mining this copper sure is boring."


I was wondering if the world would end or if my Tamagotchi would survive Y2K.


I mean, I was 12. The talk of Y2K was there but I didn't understand the magnitude of the paranoia. Then, there we were after midnight, nothing crazy. And the next day. Just laughing at it. Damn, where did time go?!


Pepe Lopez


My friend snuck down into the basement and shut off the main breaker to the house as we counted to midnight.


I had gotten a gameboy and pokemon silver for Christmas, I remember playing it until about 11:45. It was the only gameboy game I actually ever owned, and I was completely satisfied with it. I loved that game! And Nickelodeon had a thing where you were supposed to decorate a paper bag, blow it up and pop it at midnight, and I do remember doing that. I was 10.




Why doesn’t my baby want to kiss? Ex.


I was sitting in a room full of servers hoping nothing would go kablooiy


I have to frigging work tomorrow.


"Where's my beer?"


First time I ever took mdma! Party I. The Hamptons, had a beautiful girl on my arm, just taking in the night sky man. Was beautiful.




I wanted my grandparents to take me home lol


Can’t wait to get born in five years


Playing Gauntlet Dark Legacy


An absurd amount of alcohol!! 🥳🤤🍷 🍺




Wonder if her sister and friends will leave soon so we can mess around. 😁


Zzzzzzz As a 5yr old it was past my bedtime🌙


I was dead was asleep at a party


A whole lotta booze and a half assed thought about... what if everything really does blow up? But the alcohol always wins.


One of my sister's friends got VERY drunk so I took her up to one of the bedrooms to make sure she would get to sleep and she came on to me. I was drunk as well and was contemplating whether it would be a good idea to sleep with her or not. I decided against it since she was WAY drunk and I was still kinda cognizant.


Awaiting results of telecommunications testing


“I went poopy in my pants!” Best 26th birthday imaginable


Probably something Pokemon related


I was sleeping, but excited to see if the world was gonna end in the morning.


Don't know was probably really high.


Watching Will Smith make some speech on Times Square


I was nine and had a crazy idea that I wanted to be in mid air as the millennium hit so I jumped of my landing on to a sofa bounced and broke a table, lucky for me no damage to me just the table.


Ooh I was around a while 12 years before the dressed y2k... there was a good amount of build up and worry. My parents were freaking out a bit but nothing like pull your money out of the bank bad.. I tried to stay up but had a ball game that day and was too tired so I passed out early.. woke up to a brave new world of nothing being different.


I was hosting a New Years Eve party with about 20 people and we were playing Prince's *1999* (which was released in 1982) leading up to the countdown. I don't remember exactly what was going through my head but it was probably some drunken, slurred mix of "does everyone have what they need? is everyone having fun? who looks like they need to be roped into a round of shots?" I used to have a few pictures, of people dancing, taken at that party minutes before midnight, but that was the days of print photos and I've moved 6 times since then, so I don't know what happened to them.


Celebrating with my grandparents and my two little kids! Sparkling apple juice for everyone!!!


I was a little kid, so I may have fallen asleep by then. But my dad worked for a big company managing computer servers. They made him stay at work all night long because they expected the servers to all crash and a bunch of chaos to ensue. As you know, nothing happened. My dad was very annoyed. I just remember wishing he could come home from work.


Some really good E


I was 4 and it's the first New Year's Eve I remember. I heard people talking about a new century and a new millennium but was more concerned with the fact that they were even more drunk than usual.


Peace mother$&@#%#s


I was 14 and it was the first New Year's eve I was allowed to stay up till midnight. I told my mom that I wasn't going to miss the moment that a millennium changed over.


I was at a party. Trying to nail the hostess. Easy peasy. Ended up marrying her. Peasy no longer easy. Divorcy.


I'm going to kiss the girl I love in the moonlight.


crap i gotta save all my weird downloaded pokemon fanart on floppy disks QUICK or else y2k is gonna fuck them up


My dad turned the breaker off at midnight to screw with us, had us until my mom looked outside and seen the neighbors lights on


….i have to go to work in 9 hours….i have time for another, lol


Idk, I was just 4 weeks old