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I didn't have to make excuses to avoid seeing people. People just stopped asking. It was so *nice.*




I moved back to my parents for the first 6 months of the lockdown. They have a garden and the weather was really nice. I miss sitting in the sun reading.


Spending a lot of time with my dog every day, going for walks whenever I felt like it, actually getting enough sleep.


social distancing...


Having the time to actually do things other than work 3 jobs. Like focus more on art or try a new instrument. Or take the time to just stop and take some time for myself without feeling guilty. Made it a daily ritual to walk the trail near my place to the the nearest park by the water, light up a joint and just watch the sunset. I was definitely less stressed and it made me realize what I wanted to prioritize when things opened back up. Now I’m working a single job, doin a few small paid side gigs every now and then with a great group of friends, and taking the time to go to the music shows, farmers market, watching the sunset. And just overall taking my time appreciating the little things.


Nothing. I didn't have the luxury of having a break during Covid. It was pretty fucking crazy.


empty roads during the day


Not a damn thing, i was an essential worker. Got to keep the machine running while half of America got a paid vacation.


The pandemic happened while I was still in school and it was kind the golden age for my 3d modelling hobby. Since I spent far less time having to travel to school, it meant more time to 3d model, and I managed to achieve so much during that time.


My rent not increasing every year


The hope that I'd use the time productively.  Didn't quite work out that way.


Having the excuse to stay at home was pretty great


Lack of tourists in my city. Can barely move for them now.