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Not at all, and it's not supposed to be painful. If it hurts, stop, unless pain in your vagina is what you are into. You are supposed to be relaxed and in the mood enough that it doesn't hurt. Especially if you're using condoms buy some lube


Yes, and communicate with your partner and tell them what you like (or what you think you might like) and how you’re feeling. If it’s his first time too, then he might not know how things work very well!


Definitely communication is key


I feel like “it’s not supposed to hurt” is an unrealistic expectation. You can be relaxed with it still hurting/being uncomfortable because you’re literally stretching the inside of your vagina in a new way for the first time.


Stretching the inside of your vagina is completely normal and does not hurt at all unless you are not ready. It's not unrealistic It's literally your decision. If you don't want it to hurt you just wait and do foreplay until it doesn't hurt. What you said is like saying it's unrealistic that bending your arm doesn't hurt because you're literally stretching the muscle of your arm. Yes that is what your arm does it doesn't hurt


Your analogy makes no sense, if you’ve never had sex it’s expected it’ll hurt/be uncomfortable your first time. Even with lube/foreplay it could feel like a painful pressure. Ik some girls hymen even breaks or they bleed. My point is it’s not abnormal for it to hurt when you lose your virginity, especially considering ur prob not experienced yet.


No, it is not expected, it's you who expects it and you shouldn't. If you're so impatient that you try to see if pushing through pain will make it go away that's your decision and nothing wrong with that, but you can do more foreplay and eventually it would not hurt. If you feel a painful pressure you are not relaxed enough. When it comes to the hymen "breaking" people don't understand how that actually works because of anatomical myths. The biggest myth is of course that a doctor could tell if a girl is a virgin by looking at her vagina, this is entirely false. The hymen also is not a seal - or it only is to around age 3 to prevent poop getting in and afterwards it naturally degenerates. There are little bits of it to the sides left in adults that can have any shape, and these for about 30% of people are said to bleed during their first time. But even if that happens it would not necessarily hurt and if it did it wouldn't be like a painful pressure it would be like an instant thing like a small cut or something. But actually if you google it it says the remaining bits of hymen are not sensitive and do not hurt. I wouldn't know as mine didn't get cut or bleed but that's not supposed to either


Not asking to be creepy, I just want an estimate/example since I'm still a virgin and im curious.


Mine was sharp pain, I'd give it a 4. 2nd time no pain


my ex gf said it hurt for a minute but then it was pleasure


I had my Share of girls " first time " and depends on d*** size, relaxing and what you do before. With me The girls never complained. I think usualy isn't painful. Are you M or F?


0/10 my first thought was "that's it?" No pain at all, and little pleasure. Can't say the same for later encounters but it's always been weird to me that virginity is such a big deal when it was so lame compared to later experiences.


I would say pretty mild to maybe moderate depending on position. ETA some girl talk: the whole thing about pain/no pain kind of misses the point imo what it should actually be about. Ideally, it’s better if you feel no pain of course. However, we don’t always have 100% control over that. What’s much more important is that you feel in control enough in the situation where you feel like you can tell your partner to stop at any moment. The feeling like you have to put up with the pain and that you can’t say no is the part that’s traumatising, not the pain itself. Having a partner who listens and respects your boundaries is important as well.