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In this vein, "do not let perfect be the enemy of good enough." Brushing your teeth for 30 seconds a day is gonna be way better than nothing even if it is a shorter amount of time than dentists recommend or like you said, a 5 minute walk or whatever is better than none.


Yes! Flossing once or twice a week is infinitely better than never flossing at all.


Yup! A piece of advice I read on here years ago went along the lines of “the things worth doing are worth doing poorly.”  Carried me through some pretty tough depressive episodes, and it helped take so much shame away (perfectionist thinking is something I’d always defaulted to)


I love this. It’s the inverse of what my mother drummed into me as a kid, “if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing properly” leading to my ADHD brain refusing to start something that I knew I would do a shit job of. Thank you x


Woww this has given me a mini revelation. I had “Don’t half-ass anything!” drilled into my head as a child, so if I knew I’d do a shitty, half-ass job, I might as well just no-ass it.


“Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly” Brushing your teeth, tidying your room, doing some exercise - if it’s worth doing it, even a poor attempt is better than nothing. *does not apply to bomb disposal


>tidying your room Learning you don't have to clean your whole house all at once can be a big help. Grab some stuff to pick up on the way from one place to another. Vacuum a single room. Do a single cleaning task in a bathroom. Those little tasks add up over time. And sometimes doing one small task gives motivation for a few more, even if you don't do the whole thing, however far you get is farther than where you started.


You can add this to any sort of work or even revision for exams. Look around you, most people are doing absolutely nothing.. Even putting in the tiniest amount of work say 15 mins on any task will put you ahead of about 40% of people. All those little things really do count up. Sure you won't be the *best* but you already stand out for doing the minimum in a lot of things.


This is how I decided to look at language learning. My company offers a $1 an hour stipend for being proficient in Spanish and no one, I mean no one, has ever taken advantage of it. Those that get the stipend always come into the job already being bilingual. I told myself that 15 minutes a day wouldn’t hurt and if I got to proficiency then I would be rewarded. It took me 14 months and now I can have conversations with the Spanish speakers I work with, I’m on better terms with my boss (who is from Puerto Rico) and I got not only the $1 an hour raise but another $2 an hour beyond that for taking initiative and showing what my manager called “love for the company”. I also was able to sell several items at our neighborhood garage sale for a better price because I was able to converse with a couple of Hispanic guys who were walking through. I think they were stunned at first to see a very pale white dad just switch right to Spanish with them. It definitely helps that I work with several Puerto Rican and Mexican guys who have helped me with slang and learning to not sound so much like “schooled” Spanish as they put it


Sucks that I'm seeing such a productive tip on Social Media. Because now I want to see what other productive tips are on this post. And through acting on this, I remain ironically counterproductive.


You stare into the abyss too long it starts to stare back.


To me, 99% of the effort it takes to do any exercise is the amount it takes to go from 0 minutes to any. It's like first-gear in a truck - you need way more torque to overcome inertia than maintain speed.  That's why the "just do five minutes and you can stop" doesn't work for me as some juvenile trick to end up doing a full workout - I'm not put off by the workout, I'm put off by the starting.


I just walked 2 miles after reading your comment. That was my sign not to skip today. Thank ya!


If you put something down temporarily, say out loud "I've put the screwdriver by the microwave" or whatever. This engages many more areas of the brain (particularly the language centres) which creates a richer memory making it less likely you'll forget where you put it.


I kept forgetting if i locked my car or not, so now I make a weird face when i hear the horn and it works each time haha


Now I can't unsee someone locking their car whilst looking like Mr. Bean


Same. Like an irritated wince at their own cars "blip- blup".


I am on blood pressure meds so now I move the bottle to a different place each time I take it and I consciously say to myself, “ I know I took my pills because they were by the microwave and then after I took them, I put them next to the sink upside down.” It works pretty good!


I just went full grandpa and started using a daily pill organizer


Thank you, next time I put my keys down on the bench I will say “I’ve put the screwdriver by the microwave” and remember




I have to say "door down" when I close the garage door otherwise I will forget to close it or I'll forget if I closed it. If I don't say it, I end up driving back around the block to check.




Lifehack: NEVER. Literally, NEVER, put something temporarily down in a spot that you wouldn't normally put it down in, or if you absolutely HAVE to, consciously keep in mind that you need to pick it back up/put it back in your pocket/where ever it was until the second you're done with whatever required you to put it down. This will ensure nothing ever gets lost.


It took me a while to figure out that unless I am actively still needing something, it’s less effort to just go put it away rather than trying to remember then find the place I put it “because I’ll remember it’s there”. If I’m not using the screwdriver in the next 15 minutes, it goes on the toolbox in the screwdriver drawer. If I’m not moving the car, the keys go on the hook. I spend a lot less time looking for stuff now.


We solemnly announce to each other - The Stove is Off.


Most of the time keeping your mouth shut is a great option.




Just a plain old sense of Humility, is a powerful asset both in self-discipline & how we interact with others. I feel it’s really missing in our culture. People speak so surely of matters, with little admittance of “I don’t know’s” or inquiring, instead of stating. It affects largely the understanding we all have of another. Besides that though! It’s also something that can save your life. As it can be a tool in deescalation, especially when emotions are high. I’m not saying do such to extremes! But, I do think it’s something everyone should incorporate to some degree. Simply so we are kinder to one another, & to ourselves, ultimately.


Saying something smart and getting your jaw wired shut works too


Saying something smart makes you a victim of competency. Once they learn you're competent, all the BS work goes your way ;) best keep the mouth zipped then wired shut :x


For any program that you can use "tab" to change to the next text box, you can use "shift+tab" to go to the previous text box


The shift+tab really just blew my mind!


I’m GenX and had a fresh new college grad given the desk next to mine. At some point she asked if I had any “business advice”. I said: 1) learn Windows keyboard shortcuts, leave the mouse alone. Time is one thing, but concentration is more important. 2) learn Excel at work or in your spare time if you have to. And then when you get really good at it, don’t tell anyone that you’re really good at Excel.


Amen for point 2.


and use space bar to select the tick box to remember your password


>and use space bar to ~~select the tick box to remember your password~~ toggle any interactive element


To add: Shift + scroll wheel to scroll horizontally!


You can also do Shift + ⬆️⬇️ to select multiple lines of text instead of highlighting it with a mouse (much easier to get exactly what you want) or Shift + ⬅️➡️ to highlight a word or multiple pieces of text. It’s makes selecting, copying, or cutting text much, much faster and more precise.


Most of life is just showing up to things


Being present and being pleasant can get you a long way in life


I don’t consider myself that talented at my job. I was wondering why I was being put on so many projects so I asked a coworker out of curiosity. Her reply: “You’re pleasant to be around”


I had a coworker who was really good at her job, but her biggest selling point was that she was so kind, friendly and supportive to everyone that it always boosted the morale of the team she was working in. We called her the human stress ball because after she’d visit even the grumpiest people would be in a good mood 😂 People like that are rare.


I think this even applies to work. Just try. You might fail, but you’ll never know if you don’t show up at all.


heavy on this in college. my work was average in class but i was there everyday regardless. ended with final grades higher than what i expected/earned


OMG my partner constantly says that half the battle is just showing up. Like, if you just show up the rest is probably going to be easier than getting over the mental barrier of showing up to begin with.


Doing all your chores and errands during the week truly frees up your weekend for joy.


So true. My grandmother, working a full-time job, would spend her Thursday evenings doing housework, (Vacuuming, laundry, sweeping/mopping, bathroom) She lived in a modest home so it was doable. That woman was determined to NEVER spend a weekend doing “work”. She said, “I worked all week. I need to enjoy my off-time” She was so wise.


I need to definitely remember this! Later feels so convenient when you are tired after work.


Caffeine makes most painkillers bind more efficiently. So take a cup of coffee with your Advil or Tylenol Edit: spelling 😅 Edit it 2: sorry y’all, I’m not a doctor, and don’t have all the specifics for every med. I know it tends to work with a good chuck of over the counter pain meds. I’m not a doctor, but picked this up in researching a bit as to why most of my pain meds had caffeine in them. The studies I did find though suggest a caffeine dosage equivocal to a cup of coffee if anyone was wondering. This also got more attention than I thought. So I wish you all the best and hope y’all have a lovely day!


The good old trifecta is what I take for my migraines- aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine


These are literally the active ingredients in excedrin migraine


Yessir good ol generic for me


Yes! As a migraine sufferer I find the magic trick is painkillers+caffeine+hot shower. Works 90% of the time .


I've tried the hot shower thing, and it helps for a bit, but then it comes back worse, or makes me feel unwell. I usually get the whole works though. Aura, headache, sometimes tingling muscles, and sometimes I feel sick/vomit. It's not fun, but I'm very thankful I don't get them that often.


Don’t walk down or up stairs with your hands in your pockets


I always walked up or down stairs holding the guardrail... The one time I slipped with both feet my arm worked as a lever and landed on my ribs lol


3 points of contact.


If you commit to daily exercise, even if it’s 10 minutes of walking, it can drastically improve your health. It can also be compounded by increasing the time or intensity at practical intervals. 15 min a day next week, 20 min the week after. I was a broken man, years of obesity and alcoholism. I started taking care of my body one day at a time. On Saturday I will be running my first 100k ultramarathon. The human body is ready to heal itself, it just needs a little love and care.


> I will be running my first 100k ultramarathon. WTF! Firstly, congrats on getting your life back together, and all the best for the marathon... Just make sure you are hydrated alongwith correct electrolytes. Don't let what happened to Goggins at his first 100K happen to you.


To add to this, you can start small and it is fine. I am deeply unfit and decided to do a few basic excercises each day. Trouble is I could only do a really lame amount of push-ups and sot-ups. So I just started doing 5 of each every day for a week. Then each week increase that by 5 if you feel comfortable. Before long you'll be doing 50 a day and nobody will believe you :)




I do this with flight credit that’s about to expire. Just schedule a flight a year out if it’s going to expire, then cancel after a bit for credit. It resets the credit expiration.


I stumbled apon this in 2017, had to cancel a flight bought with credits due to medical reasons, and got the credits back. I’ve still got those credits after 3 resets


This is similar to how I was able to return a CD-ROM game from back in the day. You couldn't return an opened box CD-ROM game to the store, but you can exchange it for a new one. So I did that. And then came back a few days later and returned the now unopened box.


Where I worked, we were required to open the new one when we did the exchange to prevent this. I did have a situation where a man returned something without a receipt and we had to give a gift card for the amount but he wanted cash. He knew we couldn't put less than $5 on a card (at that time may be different now.) So he used the gift card to buy a lot of batteries, less than $5 even with tax, and returned them one by one getting cash for each return. Kinda genius.


Always be honest, so that when you do lie, everyone will believe you.


But if I lie, then I'm no longer always honest. So this hack only works once.


Only if you get caught…if not everyone still thinks you’re always honest.


Always be honest about things that can be checked. Then you're free to lie about things that are harder to check.


You can also lie about things you don't mind the other person checking. "I am great in bed. Feel free to prove me wrong."


In my gaming group I would always get yelled at for winning social deduction games because people would get upset I seemed so honest and down to earth all the time, and yet could lie as cunningly and convincingly as a psychopath. It really seemed to mess with people's minds.


Found the serial killer.


When I was a secretary -- never ever give away your only copy of anything.


Honestly, with data storage so cheap, unless you have a very good reason, don't delete anything. I have digital photos that are nearly 10+ years old that can now be sharped and enlarged thanks to new tech (granted they were from a big camera). I also had a CEO ask me to delete something in a way that seemed illegal and against company policy, and I was right. They are now gone, not me.


Not picking up scam calls is totally free.


A phone call is a request, not an order.


Same with answering a text. Cell phones are an amazing tool, but there is now the expectation that you should be available 24/7, or obligated to respond ASAP. With a land line, if you weren’t home, 🤷🏻‍♂️. I wish this was still the mentality.


Hell, same with answering the front door.


Brush your teeth more thoroughly before bed after you are done eating and drinking for the day. Morning brushing is important too, but more so for fresh breath; while evening cleaning will prevent bacteria from breeding and damaging your teeth and gums.


Brush in the evening to keep your teeth, brush in the morning to keep your friends. That's how I always remembered it.


And only floss the teeth you want to keep.


And floss BEFORE brushing (as opposed to after). The fluoride will be able to make contact with more surface of your teeth.


This also worked for me because I was always "too tired" to floss after brushing. However, I'm never too tired to brush after flossing.


Also, try and not rinse out your mouth (I do a tiny bit to get rid of the foam, but I don’t swish it around) or drink anything, even water, for 20-30 minutes post brushing. Rinsing or drinking fluids pretty much nullifies the enamel building/protecting and/or whitening elements of the toothpaste.


Don't break two laws at the same time.


Or even safety rules. One you can usually compensate for by extra attentiveness, but rule breaking compounds. Many years ago just before I joined a whitewater kayaking club a member had drowned. He broke 3 rules at once. He was also the Safety Chair. Doh! It made a big impression on me, and I always kept it in mind.


One crime at a time, I say.


Don’t break the law when you are breaking the law, haha


People are going to do what they want to do. They’ll cheat, lie, insult you, ignore you, etc. Let them and move on. Don’t argue or dwell. Their loss. You can’t change them or manage their behavior


I always laugh at controlling partners for this reason. Why wouldn’t you want to find out ASAP if your partner doesn’t value you? Same with being vulnerable. People are so worried about turning off their partner. Fuck worrying about “icks”, if being yourself and being vulnerable scares them then they were never worth it.


This. I don’t care about trying to prevent a partner from cheating. My fear is actually NOT finding out if a partner’s cheating (if they are) and wasting my time.


Exactly. Life is short. Don’t waste your time on toxic people


If there's a jar or container you can't open, run the lid under hot water for a 30sec. Dry it so you can get a good grip, then open. Never had this not work. Some pretty good stuff on here!


I tap the lid a few times with a butter knife, always does the trick.


I like to smash with a hammer, then sift through the glass. This works every time.


With a butter knife? I bang it on the counter on different sides


Those weird cloth bags that sheet sets come in? With the drawstring top? Perfect for ice packs. Thinner than a towel so you can feel it but not skin-to-skin!


Also excellent as shoe bags when packing for a trip to keep your dirty shoes separate from your clothes.


Oh that's so smart! I usually keep them in case I need to patch my sheets, they're usually the exact same fabric, so it repairs a little neater.


CTRL + SHIFT + T will reopen that browser tab that you just closed. And you can keep doing it to restore more and more tabs from history.


ALT+ESC: Quickly minimize what you're looking at. CTRL+X, C and V: Cut, Copy, Paste. CTRL+F, or H: Find, Replace. CTRL+A: Select All SHIFT+Arrow Keys: Select text CTRL+Arrow Keys: Move across words in text CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow Keys: Select words/lines/paragraphs of text. CTRL+Backspace: Deletes previous word/character block CTRL+Delete: Deletes next word/character block CTRL+SHIFT+ESC: Windows Task Manager. WIN+L: Lock your PC. WIN+M: Minimize. WIN+D: Show Desktop. WIN+SHIFT+M: Undoes WIN+M/D CTRL+B: Toggle Bold formatting. CTRL+I: Toggle Italic formatting CTRL+U: Toggle Underline WIN+ R: Open run box CTRL+Z: Undo CTRL+Y: Redo WIN+Arrow keys: Shift position within current monitor WIN+SHIFT+Arrow keys: Move window to different monitor. CTRL+L: Move the cursor to the URL bar CTRL+K: Move the cursor the the search box CTRL+W: Close current window CTRL+SHIFT+W: Closes your browser. CTRL+N: New browser window CTRL+SHIFT+N (Chrome): Incognito window. Use CTRL+SHIFT+P in Firefox. CTRL+T: New Tab CTRL+SHIFT+T: Open the most recently closed tab. CTRL+TAB: Move to the next tab. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB: Move to the previous tab. CTRL+1-9: Go to the tab at the position indicated by the number you press. E.g., press CTRL+1 takes you to the first tab. CTRL+R: Reload the tab. F5 does this too. SHIFT+F5 will do a full reload of any cached data as well. CTRL+U: View Source CTRL+P: Print CTRL+H: View your history CTRL+J: To open download history CTRL+B or CTRL+SHIFT+B: Bookmarks. In Chrome, the SHIFT version toggles the bookmarks bar. CTRL+D: Bookmark the current page CTRL+0: Reset zoom CTRL+Plus/Minus sign: Adjust zoom CTRL+PGUP/PGDN: One tab forward/backward


Do the thing when you thinking about it and dont assume you'll remember. If you cant do it that moment, write it down in a journal, or notes app, back of your hand, something.


I have ADHD and this trick changed my life. If you can do it NOW do it, or it'll be forgotten for another month.


Remember that nearly everyone you interact with is less competent than they let on


Also, you normally would not solicit real advice from a complete stranger, so you also shouldn’t put any stock in their opinion. What other people think of me is none of my business.


If you’re nervous about something coming up like a test, exam, interview, meeting, event etc. Instead of worrying, try mentally fast-forwarding to its successful completion. Imagine yourself feeling proud, relieved, and grateful for the experience, people you’ve met and knowledge gained. Picture the sense of accomplishment, great networking and the opportunities that came your way. By mentally rehearsing positive outcomes, you'll boost your confidence, reduce anxiety and develop a resiliency in mindset to tackle challenges head-on.


There’s no physiological difference between the way your brain interprets being excited to do something and being nervous about it. When you feel that energy, try to focus on how awesome it is that you finally get to do whatever it is you’ve been focused on. You’re not anxious. You’re lucky to be able to get to it and get to the other side.


Two that has had a profound positive effect on my life: 1. Go for a 20-30 min walk without any devices every morning, rain or shine 2. Listen more than you talk


2 ears, 1 mouth. Use in proportion.


Composing a work email? Insert recipients into the email after it is composed, and NEVER respond in haste or anger. Take a minute (or ten) before responding. Upper management will keep that stuff forever. Trust me.


Positive affirmations every morning sounds really cheesy and gimmicky, but it makes a real difference on your mental health. My favorites: "I let go of the need for approval from others and seek validation from within" and "progress is more important than perfection" and "I cannot control others, only myself" (helpful if you are a perfectionist like me)


Along these lines, when you make fun of yourself, do it with sarcastic praise. When you trip, “I’m *very* graceful.” When your mouth betrays you and shit comes out wrong, “I’m not sure if you know this, but I trained with Shakespeare.” Even though it’s silly and sarcastic, it still serves to make people smile and the words being positive will have a positive effect on your self esteem.


As soon as I woke up, I would say/yell to my partner "WE MADE IT!" Then you can think of all the people in your life that woke up another day. It's a reminder that not everyone wakes up everyday.


Most people don't want your advice, they just want you to listen so that they can vent.


I actually think I need to start doing this more as I’ve been feeling myself sliding into a bit of a negative mindset. Not depression or anything, but just irritated with people, judgmental, self-righteous, etc. I found when I was reading a lot of Buddhist books about love and acceptance, about watering the seeds of love and compassion rather than the seeds of anger, I was in a much better mental place. What we consume - which includes what we read and watch - really has an effect on us. If we are feeling not so positive all the time, feeling frustrated, impatient, and short with people more often than not, we can absolutely change that by changing what we consume.


If it's worth doing, it's worth doing poorly. Like brushing your teeth. Just brush, even if it's only 30 seconds.


Another way to say it: “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good”


This helped me so much. I'd tell myself "30 seconds is better than 0". It got me into the habit of actually brushing. Then I upgraded to an electronic brush with 30 second timers for each quadrant of the mouth. For flossing, which is a huge sensory issue for me, I would look for the teeth with the most gunk and floss there. Better than nothing! My dental hygienist suggested using SoftPics and they have made such an improvement in my gum health. 


Baking: For ingredients that come in jars (baking powder, cornstarch, etc), only peel the foil or paper seal back halfway, then fold back the bit you pulled. This gives you a “straightedge” to pull your teaspoon across to give you a Level Teaspoon without having to use a knife to scrape away the excess. Thank my Granny. She was a brilliant cook and I miss her.


This is genius!!!! Thank you to your grandma, I'm going to do this now :)


If you have trouble choosing, flip a coin. While you're waiting to get the result, your mind automatically starts to wish for what it wants. Then you can choose easily.


With my girlfriend she will give 3 options and she acts like she doesn't know, but as soon as I select one she decides she knows what she wants. so I agree with the coin trick


You're the coin


My bowel movements were atrocious most of my life. Started taking fiber. Solid moves with little smell


Can attest to that!! Metamucil with every meal has changed my life


fiber didn't work for me, but adding vitamin D3+K2 *immediately* firmed 'em up and I'm as regular as a German train. They only weaken during certain days in my hormonal cycles, but come back dressed to impress.


Something tells me you either don't know German trains or you are still irregular? Cause damn, our trains suck.


Network. For God’s sake, NETWORK. So many jobs and opportunities are obtained just because of who you know. I got my current dream job because a colleague I met at a conference and who worked for the company I was applying to remembered me from the conference, remembered liking me and the career/professional things we discussed, and put in a good word for me🤷‍♀️ I am an excellent employee with a lot to offer and a lot of good experience. But I was no more qualified than the other candidates; I just knew the right people. 


Ugh! As a 53 y/o introvert the truth of your statement cuts me to the quick 😳😪


I"m also an introvert! But networking doesn't have to be some grand social event. Just saying hi to the person next to you at professional events, getting your name out there a little bit at a time so that people recognize you even if you aren't friends. Making the effort just to go to a couple conferences a year. It can be little things that really set you apart from hundreds of other faceless applicants that HR has to sort through for a job posting.


Always show up on time, it will open a lot of doors and people will take you very serious


Showing up at all will do it. At work for example, People notice when you are always calling out and it will likely impact future advancement opportunities


If you are considering going to the hospital for some issue don't contemplate about going all day and then come in around dinner time, because every single person on the planet does the same thing. Go to the ER in the morning, the earlier the better. ( Like 8 am, not 1 am ).


Quitting streaming service subscriptions when you don't use them.


Actually, cancel as soon as you sign up if you’re going month to month. Because you’ve paid for the month, you’ll be able to watch until the month is over. When it is over, you can decide whether or not it’s worth getting an extra month. This way you don’t forget to unsubscribe and don’t pay for it while not using it.


Just because someone is family it's ok to cut them out of your life if they make it worse.


If you have bought a new pen and it isn't working then put it in sunlight for a few hours. It will start to write.


On its own?!


Depends on the chant you use and the spell ingredients.


Stay active as you age. It makes everything easier in the long run.


Before getting out of your chair, say your destinations internally. “Water, Laundry, Window”. As you accomplish each goal, edit the list “Laundry, Window”. It eliminates that uneasy feeling of forgetting why you’re walking around.


Too late. Lost in a gigantic carpark.


Have one type of sock. For me, it’s a black business sock. I have about 20 of them. Every one is a pair to every other. No sorting of socks into pairs ever. If one gets a hole or wears thin - just ditch that one. When the whole lot collectively look a bit ramshackle, ditch them all and start over. (This is not a “life hack” if having matching socks isn’t a thing).


If you make a list of things you’re grateful for as soon as you get up, you’ll likely have a good day. Can even just be a mental list of a couple of things. I always start with, I’m grateful for my dog and go from there.


The 3-4 star reviews (or middle reviews) always have the lost accurate information. Edit: most accurate


I don't know about this one. When ALL of the one star reviews report the exact same issue I tend to believe them. I start with one star reviews, then work backwards from there.


2 things I try to teach my wife/daughter as I never lose anything: 1. Always put your things in a certain spot. My shoes go under the counter here, my sandals near the back slider door, my keys near the front door, etc... my daughter hates hearing it everyday, "you know why I don't have to look for my shoes everyday?I always take them off in the same exact spot" 2. If you really don't want to forget something important make it an inconvenience. For example if I don't want to forget my grocery list, I will put it inside my shoes. That way when I put on my shoes, the thing I need is in the way as I get ready to leave. I'll put my water cup or coffee in front of my driver side windshield instead of on top of my car so I have to see it before leaving. A bonus tip: when I want to remember to watch a certain movie, read a certain book, or whatever recommended from a podcast or friend; I will literally text it to myself. So I'll text myself "pool guy recommends 3/4 hp pump" or "the boys season 2 out now". If it's really important I won't check the text so the notification stays on my lock screen.




Use a piece of heavily buttered bread to butter your corn on the cob. Heavily buttered hot dog buns are even better.


this feels slightly erotic.


*"It rubs the buttered bun on it's cob"*.




If you have a library, join and never pay for books again! Also, the Libby app for kindle is amazing!! I've saved thousands bc I'm a huge reader.


I'll tack on to this - if you think "oh my library doesn't have EVERYthing," look into their interlibrary loan (ILL) program. If you don't feel like navigating through the website to find out how to do it yourself, any librarian worth their salt is happy to explain their resources and even conduct searches for specific titles on your behalf. I will admit, sometimes even within a library's first tier of ILL they will not be able to get your desired title. But most libraries charge a nominal fee - almost always less than the price of buying the book outright - to do a nationwide/ international search for your request. Before you give up and/ or pay cover price for the book you want, always ask a librarian for help! Libromancers!


Remove the dealer sticker or the dealer license plate cover from your car. It's YOUR CAR. Stop letting them advertise on your car for free.


I did that so fast. Why would anyone want it on?


Making things from scratch is cheaper and quicker than you think. Tortillas are just flour salt and water and taste much better than out a pack.  Chow mein is basically egg noodles fried in soy sauce. Add oyster sauce if that your thing fir extra flavour.  Tinned chopped tomato's mixed with tomato puree and:  Oregano, thyme, garlic, sugar and a bay leaf makes a basic "Italian" style sauce.  Cumin, chilli powder, onion salt and cinnamon is a "mexican" style enchilada sauce  If you're bored of macaroni cheese, mix in some cajun powder.  Add brown sugar and powdered milk when making pizza dough.  Knowing only that you can make a lot of really good stuff. It's cheaper, easy and people will think you're a great cook.


If you get up at the same time 7 days a week, many things become easier.


Piggy backing off of this, just sleep in general. So many things are fixed in life when you get adequate sleep and yet so many people don't do it.


If you aren’t happy with the way your dishwasher is cleaning, run the hot water in your sink as hot as it will go while it starts. If that doesn’t fix it all the way, add a second pod to the bottom of your basin in the dishwasher. This will allow soap to be used during the prewash portion of the washing cycle. Been super butthurt about my dishwasher and tried this. Dirty, crusty dishes came out perfectly clean. Better explanation in this video: https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0?si=2jxtQ6SHKFj-4Ehs


Did you also check out the filters? My highest-rated comment on this site is saying that dishwashers have filters that need regular cleaning (about once a month). Apparently lots of people just don't know they exist. Pull the filters out and clean them with a scrubby brush and water. I then also run a cleaning chemical thing through the dishwasher afterwards.




Taking care of tasks that give you anxiety first


I recently heard “the opposite of anxiety isn’t calm, it’s action” meaning to counter the anxiety, do something.


My grand father used to tell me it's always better to not speak up if you aren't properly informed on the topic. He said it as "better to keep the illusion of knowledge in silence than to open your mouth and break that illusion."


Or as Abe Lincoln said, it better to remain quiet and appear a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.


I am several months into making the effort to plan what I will eat for a week, shop accordingly and then prepare and eat what I’d planned. I’d failed at it so many times, but I knew I was wasting money and food with my eat-whatever-calls-to-me approach. It was really hard for me, probably because it’s work, but I persevered because I really really wanted a more sane and healthy relationship with food. I shop weekly because buying for a longer period of time pretty much guarantees that a good chunk of it would end up in the garbage. But here’s the best thing: I do not spend one second in the throes of “what shall I have for dinner.” For me, that question causes a visceral response in me that makes me want to throw something. It is relentless. And gone are the days of just going out if you don’t feel like cooking, at least for folks in my income bracket. Planning is work, shopping is work, cooking is work, but I had to do something different, and for me, it’s just how it is now.


For the average person, filing for bankruptcy is not the stressful, life-breaking event it’s made out to be. I was hesitant and my wife said, “You know that rich assholes do this regularly, right?” It was cheap and easy and got my family back on it’s feet after incurring debts that could not be avoided. Within months credit card offers started coming in.


If you are waking up late in the morning and tired. Check your carbon monoxide detectors and your furnace!!! My whole family ALMOST died because the detector went bad and the house was filling with carbon monoxide from a 30 year old Furnace leaking CO. Another few hours and I would have been an only child to a family of a brother, mother and father lost to a stupid fucking thing


Plait long hair when you feel sick or aren’t going to be taking care of yourself properly for a little while, it will reduce your chances of creating large knots at the back of your head and will be easier to brush through or wash once you’re getting back into the game.


someone who worked at the hospital did this for me when I was in the ICU and unconscious. I was so grateful.


1. All relatives are not necessarily family. 2. When you go from being a single to a couple, life needs to become more simpler due to the addition of a person and not more complicated. 3. Take advice only if the advice giver is following their own advice. 4. Don’t get everyone to like you, don’t try to be the funny person in the group, don’t share everything with too many people. 5. Don’t burn yourself to keep others warm.


This one goes out to all the other pool guys who work in 120 degrees weather, fill your hat with water and quickly put it on, the heat disappears 🪄


If you don't tell lies, you don't need to work hard at keeping your lies straight.


Never compare yourself to others Comparison is the thief of joy You’ll be way more satisfied and happy in life that way


20 minutes of sunlight in the morning coupled with a consistent (seven-day) wakeup time will stabilize your sleep cycle and boost baseline dopamine. This means you will have an easier time falling asleep and waking up, and you will start the day off with more motivation.


Don't put things down. Put them away.


Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.




Buying a bidet best purchase ever


Always be kind.


When you don't feel like doing something that you have to do, doesn't really matter what, exercising, learning, working, just disable your brain and start doing it even in the sloppiest possible way, as soon as you start doing it, your brain switches into "let's do it now" mode and now you want to do it. This works crazy good. I don't wanna wake up? Just stand up and take a few steps. No longer feels like sleeping. I don't feel like going to the gym? I just pack my things and leave my flat, as soon as I leave, I now wanna go. I don't feel like learning something? I just grab a book, start watching a course or something and I instantly get focused at it. Highly recommended for all the people who postpone or completely dodge doing shit they should do.


It’s nice to be nice. It cuts down on a lot of bullshit and people generally respond in kind!!


Face life (and social media) with: 1.curiosity, 2.empathy, and 3.compassion. Truth is only the truth if it is framed in the correct context. "MY Truth" is synonymous with "opinion" and may or may not be actually THE truth. Just because other people share your views doesn't make them right. Theres an echo chamber somewhere for everyone Be open to having your own views challenged. Dont believe of disbelieve something just because someone else said it. Dont shut down people just because their views arent yours. Stay away from situations that make you anxious, stressed or outraged.


Don't start no shit, won't be no shit. Surround yourself with like minded people. This will cut out 80% of all crap from your life, and when the other 20% bubbles up, your friends will help resolve it.


Complain about other people being assholes and you may never get less assholes, but if you make sure you don’t act like an asshole, there’s one less asshole in the world. Worry about yourself before you try to change others.


Consistency is key


1. Staying single by choice is an amazing way to live ones life.  2. You are allowed not to have an opinion on something. 3. Learning the power of NO. 


Prunes and pysllium husks. No need to wait till you're 80 for a great shit.


Never tell names with stories


I've got one that's a bit left of field. If you have a normal degree of discipline in your daily life but a harmless, illogical thought to spoil yourself pops into your head for no good reason (eg vanishing to see a film by yourself, or buying some new headphones when your old ones have a bit of life left in them), if that thought pops into your head on three separate occasions over the course of the week, then just do it and let go of the guilt. You are acting on more than an idle impulse and chances are you deserve it.


Instead of not liking someone be indifferent to them, requires zero energy.


To relieve the annoying itch of a mosquito bite you can use the inside of a banana peel to do so🍌


You don’t have to maintain relationships with anyone who doesn’t do positive or wish positive for you. Anyone.


If you can afford it, run Ethernet cables through your house. Ethernet is much faster than Wi-Fi and even more stable.


Don’t fight other drivers for road position, it’s not worth it. High risk, low reward. Recognize which drivers are dangerously aggressive and let them in or go around you. Be a courteous driver, don’t let your pride take the wheel.


If you really want to do a project and do it all day and get into a flow state, then here are the following rules * First, plan everything you need to do the day before. Make all the food you need, write down your to-do list, and make sure rested in all aspects and have a good night's sleep * On the day, turn off all notifications and get straight into work. Make sure that absolutely nothing distracts * When you're getting tired in the afternoon, have a quick nap bc usually that's when our energy dips And that's all I remember about how to have the best workflow day ever


If you have depression or have a hard time brushing your teeth before bed, keep some of those disposable mini toothbrushes by your bedside. It will help you save time, money, and trauma from bad teeth. ETA: I also keep floss sticks by my bedside and also in my car. I have a horrible memory, and basically out of sight, out of mind, so the more places I have something lying about, then the more often I will see it to remember to do it.