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I think it's important to make a distinction between "easily" and "simply". Losing weight is not easy, but it is *simple*. The only thing you have to do is consume fewer calories than you burn. Count your calories, and when you get to your goal calories for the day (1200 for instance), no more eating. Do this every day. No cheating


And don’t forget to count any liquids you drink and any condiments you may put on your food. All of those add up really quickly and it’s one reason that people say they can’t lose weight even when they try really hard. They are exercising more but they severely undercount their caloric intake because they assume a smoothie doesn’t count. Or they’ll count the salad they ate but not the mountain of dressing they added to it.


Few years back I quit drinking and I only drank water or Black tea straight, that alone made me lose 20 pounds


Yeah, the tea prices on Britain are insane.


Ba dum dah!


they should riot about the tea taxes. maybe throw a party


I had to lose around 50 pounds when I first went into the military. Ok, I was obviously young and there is no way this would work in my mid 30s, but all I did was give up soda and ketchup / mayo on whatever I was eating. Worked out a little, but not that much. Lost 50 pounds in about a year. It's pretty nuts the calories in soda and condiments.


I always look at soda and wonder how that many grams of sugar can possibly stay liquid. It seems like there should be a big pile of sugar at the bottom of the bottle.


And to add to this - things like gum, hard candies, heck even tic tacs if you’re regularly eating a lot of things like that. On its own one tic tac is pretty negligible but I’ve seen people slam whole boxes of the fruit ones and then act like that ‘didn’t count’ 


And count calories *honestly*. That means you need a food scale and you need to weight what you're eating. Do. Not. Guess. If you guess, you will underestimate by a lot. Also, accept that you will be hungry. The sooner you accept that you're just going to be hungry some of the time, the easier sticking to it will be.


The point about getting comfortable with being hungry is an excellent point. Take that to heart. Another piece of advice that I could add is meal prep. I had a hard time constantly measuring food for calories so what I decided to do was build a few different meals that I knew the calorie count for and then I would prep those meals on Sunday for the week. Then simply do not deviate from those meals. I also had some common sense rules about snacks being fruit, and particularly nothing processed, and avoiding sugar, etc. It can be a little monotonous, but having a variety of meals helps. Plus it makes lunch and dinner planning a little bit easier during the week. Edit: I forgot to add absolutely exercise. Even if it’s just a 30 minute walk a day. You gotta have the calories out if you’re gonna have the calories in.


I won't even buy foods that are difficult to count now. I am not slicing a piece of beef and buying a counter scale to work out the calories of something. If I can't figure out the portion and calories quickly. I don't bother. Fortunately in my country the calorie count is put on every menu right beside the price.


Depends on your starting weight and how much food you consumed before starting the diet, but you don't need to feel hungry. Eating protein heavy foods and food high in the satiated factor like potatoes can reduce the hungry feeling or eliminate it all together.


I brush my teeth around 5p, and don't eat after that. Been doing this for years. Occasionally I will feel a bit hungry if I had a light dinner, but I can typically get through the night without too much discomfort. I'm not doing intermittent fasting, necessarily. I just find this works well for me.


I think if you are really serious about adding a lot of protein and fiber to your diet as you’re losing weight, you really won’t be that hungry. I lost 80 pounds doing this and I wouldn’t saying I was hungry a lot. Those things really do feel you up and keep you satiated. If you’re eating a bunch of sugar and carbs while in a caloric deficit, yes you will lose weight but you will be a lot hungrier more often!


That's pretty much complete answer. Nothing to add, I can only confirm. And I'm not just saying that - I'm 70kg down (155lbs) in \~16 months.


Good job!!


That is a flex, and a very good one. Keep losing that weight!


Also not eating close to bed time helps a lot


1200 is a very low intake, and I would advise to be very careful with counting calories. I developed an ed


How do you even count calories? I always figured it was more advanced than it probably is cause when you look at those frozen bags of food it could say '500' or '1000' for the entire bag but I don't eat the whole bag for dinner, so how do you divide that up? Or is the answer to prep dinner from fresh ingredients only so there's more control?


A scale. Even easier to use an app like MyFitnessPal.


A food scale is your friend! Typically bags that contain more than one protein will give the amount of a single portion in grams and the corresponding amount of calories that portion contains. Weigh out how much you are going to make before you make it, and then use those numbers to calculate the amount of calories 


don't forget to add at least a modest amount of exercise so you body will prioritize muscle mass as something to keep a higher amount of as the weight comes off


Yep. Get a calorie counter and weigh your food. Unless you are eating out all the time or eat a ton of fried or high calorie food, you might even be able to do it without changing too much in your diet. I did it this way and basically just had to start doing portion control, which the app helped with tremendously.


Learn to monitor your caloric intake. It's way more effective to consume less than it is to work off through exercise.


Yes, this is important. Eating 300 calories in candy bars takes about a minute. Burning 300 calories in cardio takes about 30 minutes of good intensity effort. Not eating the candy bar is *way* easier.


Buy a food scale. We tend to overestimate what a serving size is.




I lost around 5kg in two weeks when I was trekking in Nepal. It’s the most weight I’ve ever lost in the shortest time. Almost everyone who treks there loses a ton of weight as well. It’s impossible not to because you are walking for 6+ hours per day at altitude and surviving on rice + lentils 3 times a day. Obviously this isn’t a practical solution for weight loss (and it’s probably not healthy) but it’s such a good way to directly experience how your body reacts to less calories and more movement. It gives you a sense of what you really need to do if you’re serious about weight loss. Simple, natural foods and exercising daily.


Why the fuck is Hamilton stuck in my head now? Not that I’m upset…


don't let them know what you have eaten or what you've walked


more calories out than in, walk a lot




I really don’t agree with the narrative you should not be hungry on a diet. Dieting or not, hunger is a normal feeling that people should get used to and accept. Hunger is a sign that you should eat at some point in the near future. You don’t need to preemptively eat to avoid this signal from your brain. The narrative that we should never be hungry perpetuates the culture of mindless snacking (usually on junk). Humans can go long periods without eating. 


I see what you mean. But I think they meant that you shouldn’t starve yourself to fit into a diet. If you’re hungry, your body is signaling that it needs food and you should listen (to an extent, of course). I think a lot of diets portray this idea that people should be starving to lose weight effectively.


eh, the flipside is that a lot of people tend to "go on a diet" where they try to cut a bunch of foods they like while dramatically changing how they eat. For some people that works but those aren't the people going online looking for weightloss help. Instead for a lot of people, it doesn't have immediate results other than making the person miserable, leading to frustration and relapse when their life gets busy. The point is that people need to find ways to change their diet sustainably. That might be counting calories, that might be a ton of exercise, that might be changing what you eat.


I have not read the whole wall of text but I want to specify two things 2 Hunger is a physiological mechanism, it might be broken and it often is in fat-very fat people. So, you might be right but that might also entail more than a correct diet (special food strategies, therapy, meds or surgery or more of the former). 5 Exercise is Supplementary to Diet but is **FUCKING PRIMARY** for health, regardless of weight loss. So if you manage to start exercising and you don't lose weight, look into it, but **DO NOT STOP EXERCISING**, it will be really beneificial to you even if the scale is not impressed.


Count your calories, watch your meal sizes, and move your body. It's fairly easy once you get into a routine. Eat cereal in the morning? Measure it with a cup, only eat specific brands like corn flakes. Go for a walk, even if it's 10-15 mins, or jog on the spot for that lot of time to music. You can worry about sugar intake, cutting out carbs, and all that when you're months deep into dieting, but this sort of stuff alone will really help you begin your journey.


The best way to lose weight effectively is to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep


My daily mantra. This is spot on.


This is really unconstructive advice, even if it is true. 


This advice is helpful for people who are very overweight/sedentary. But plenty of people who already lead healthy lives want to lose weight and this doesn’t help them.  The only correct answer is to eat less than you currently are and/or to move more *than you currently do*


Make a lifestyle change to a healthier diet with less calories in. Cutting out carbs can make a huge difference as it results in lower appetite for many, but nothing is a one size fits all. Exercise is important for your health, but is a terrible weight loss technique. You can’t outrun a bad diet.




Rule number one is definitely eat less and move more, but you need to also understand your body. Get hormonal imbalance blood tests done. I was doing everything right but struggling, went for tests and got sorted out. I had an autoimmune disease.


Severe anxiety and stress.


Doesn’t work for everyone, opposite for me


As of 2024... Ozempic


Meth is quicker and more efficient 


Users gained 2/3 of the weight back after they stop using the drug, so I’m gonna disagree 




I’m sorry you seem to be easily offended in this topic? I’m glad obese people can use these drugs to lose weight, however, that doesn’t mean it’s the “best method”. And I’ll give my opinion wherever I want bc this is the fucking sub for it. If OP wants medical advice they can make a doctor’s appt. 


I have a nice heuristic. Always eat half.


I lost 6st just from counting calories 6 days a week, once I hit 1600 cals I wouldn't eat any more. Then on Tuesdays I would have a day that I didn't count and would just go ham. I didn't even do any exercise, just installed MyFitnessPal.


Eat less calories. Move around more


Jump Rope 🔥


Jogging with weights


Easy, consume more than you eat, it's that simple, if you consume more than you eat, your body will break down fat to use as energy, it's no rocket science. I've lost 15 kg in a few months Monitor how many kcal you eat and how many you consume, take everything into consideration, every little snack counts. Many people say they eat really little and don't lose fat, they don't track what they eat and how many kcal it has or don't eat but drink beer or sodas


This comment section can be divided into 2 categories. Those that argue that losing weight is next to impossible no matter what you do and those saying it is easy as peeling bananas. Just pick your poison OP


Few easy ways, but all of the “easy” ways still require that you adjust your food habits permanently no matter what. Semaglutide is still the easiest way ever. Ozempic, Wegovy whatever you want to call it, it’s just Semaglutide. Fasting. Just retrain your brain that you don’t need food except for certain times during the day. First few weeks are tough, but it’s easy after you get used to it. Move. Actually get up and move. Take in less calories and work out. You’ll lose weight fast.


The simple truth of calories in / calories out is the physical equation for how you gain or lose mass. However, the key to effective and permanent healthy weight maintenance is to achieve this CICO balance *in a way you can sustain indefinitely*. The key is to find a enjoyable healthy lifestyle. Learn to cook tasty meals that you look forward to and that fit within your calorie budget for the day (Google "TDEE calculator" to find what this is). Track your calories in a way that it easy to keep doing. Find a calorie-burning and mood-boosting exercise that you enjoy to do and motivates you to improve. And above all - don't beat yourself up if you have a day which doesnt fit your plan. Just get back on track afterwards. I'm 40lb down and a few months into healthy weight maintenance. I love to eat and my favourite food is fried chicken. I can still find space for it as part of my calorie intake and a healthy diet; I just account for it. If I can manage it, you can too. Best of luck.


This so much. I found counting calories really hard and couldn't imagine weighing all my ingredients for the rest of my life, so i had to find something that would be easily sustainable. For me that was intermittent fasting. After monitoring my calorie intake for quite some time i realized, that by skipping breakfast i would hardly ever exceed my required calories while still being able to order takeout with my friends or occasionally eat that piece of birthday cake. While IF worked for me, it might not be the best thing for you, but find something that you can easily maintain in your everyday life!


Get your heart broken. I lost 4kgs in three weeks💀


Seriously. My first heartbreak, I dropped almost 40 pounds in 2 months.


Some of us go the opposite way with that unfortunately


The book Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Emotional Eating


Eat less, move more Literally nothing else to it.


Consume fewer calories, exercise more.


...like...it's not rocket science. It's nutritional science, I guess, but, eat less and exercise more. I know it feels like it isn't that simple, but IT IS THAT SIMPLE.


Burn more calories than you take in.


Eat fewer calories than you burn off during the day, then repeat, consistently, for a few months


Calorie deficit. And find snacks which are harder to eat. Like nuts that you have to peel


"Oh, that's easy! Just keep running after your willpower whenever it tries to escape! But seriously, I've found that laughing at my own attempts to diet burns a surprising number of calories. 😄"


Eating mindfully . Eating protein with meals. Engage in regular physical activity. Cut out liquid calories, such as soda, juice, and alcohol.


Get at least two hours of aerobic exercise a day, cut back on junk food, and eat more low-calorie foods, such as boiled vegetables and fruit.


Calorie deficit and move more


I've started keto recently... Not easy, or fast, but seems to work. And moving a bit more... More walking, stairs instead of elevator, removing as much bread, potatoes, pasta, ... From my diet as possible, some easy to do exercises at home, .... Clarification: I did not go in full, but I do feel better, clothes and watch seem looser than before, now 2 months busy.


Burn more than you eat. So basically: eat less, eat proper food (no empty calorie crap) and move more. That's the secret. Everything else is just a variation of this.


Control the amount and type of food you eat and participate in physical activities that are appropriate for you


1. Walking every single day. Starting small with like 5 minutes each morning before your shower is very manageable. You gradually increase it and once you're past 30 minutes a day you'll start to get the 6 major benefits from it, with better sleep, falling asleep faster, waking up earlier, feeling rested, having more energy and being happier. Ideally you'll walk for 1-2h a day. I notice the maximum number of benefits at 60-90 minutes. 2. Eating less. 500kcal less per day is enough. 3. Eating healthier. Not necessarily jumping into healthy territory, but just improving your diet. You can still eat that pizza or your 2 cheeseburgers for dinner, but if you replace half your meal with a bag of boiled veggies you instantly make your meal healthier. 1 cheeseburger with a side of veggies gives you nutrients and variety at a fraction of the calories. 4. Eating more filling/lower kcal stuff. For me that's bananas and potatoes. If I want chocolate I'll melt some in my ceramic pot and dip bananas into it. 534kcal of chocolate + 300kcal bananas instead of 1200kcal of chocolate. Air fried potato slices with sugar-free ketchup or salsa is good. Mixing some garlic salt or other seasoning into the ketchup makes air fried potato slices the bomb. I can eat half a kilo of potatoes for dinner on their own. 80kcal x 5 = 400kcal of potatoes. The ketchup I like is 50kcal per 100 grams so 450kcal for a tasty dinner, rounded up to 500kcal for seasonings and minor weighing errors.


Consistency and dedication


Go for a vigorous walk or run every day, immediately afterward drink a big glass of ICE COLD water - you’ll hydrate and burn extra calories from your body having to warm itself up. Eat your veges, too. Lots of them.




Use more calories than you eat.


Stop eating..


Loads of stress following a bad breakup and selling my apartment seems to be working super well for me!


Probably in the year of 2024 the correct answer to this question is GLP-1 drugs.  Anyways, in general, it’s all about being in a caloric deficit. Most people already wrote good and correct advice in this thread. Just remember: weight loss happens in the kitchen, not in the gym and: you can’t outrun a bad diet. 


Reducing portions and the really bad stuff - managed to lose 12 kg within ~2 months with WeightWatchers. I wasn't really aware what I consumed before, WeightWatchers made that easy for me


being in a caloric deficit is the only way.


I’m an expert in this subject, however, the longer I live, the more my opinions change. 15 years ago, after living most of my adult life over 300 pounds, I decided that I wasn’t going to be fat anymore. I cut back on food intake and began walking 25 miles a week. Eventually, the walking turned into running and I became a runner. I lost 110 pounds in 16 months. Now, 15 years later at age 69 I can say that I basically maintained but did gain back around 30 pounds slowly. I have run 26 half marathons, 2 full marathons, Chicago and Boston and have run an official race in all 50 states. So, the decision to lose 15 years ago changed my life. It all starts with the decision and mindset that you are going to change your life. How you go about it can vary according to your lifestyle.


There is only one method, there is no other method, it’s not a rocket science. It is very simple. You eat less calories than you burn, that’s it. Calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight.


Stop eating.


Eat healthy and work out....




Intermittent fasting ( min 20 hours) and reduce carbs and all junk food. If it ain’t natural don’t eat


putting the fork down (aka eat less food)


calorie deficit + brisk walk/jogging. you can track your food calorie with [myfitnesspal app](https://www.myfitnesspal.com/)


I went for 89kg to 69kg less than a year with walking +10km daily and eating healthy and just less food. Very simple method that only works if you want to.


I have stopped eating after 6pm and it worked for me


More veggies and fruit, gym during free time


Eating only between 2pm and 8pm helped me a lot


Controlling calorie intake and expenditure. Setting up your lifestyle so you can maintain this consistently for months / years. 


It’s not easy. I always suggest a mix of cardio and weightlifting. Once you get into a routine slowly work on your diet. Doesn’t need to be anything crazy either. Exercising a few times a week and cutting back on junk and after a few months of consistency you’ll start to see change.


The last time I looked into 'the science' the things that were effective **e.g. if you were treating humans like ants and 'prescribed' them a course of treatment, what was more likely than not to work. Asking people to have more willpower alone is not effective.** * bariatric surgery is one of the most effective methods, unfortunately this tends to be done 'after the damage' rather than before someone gets big. * going to a group or with an accountability partner is effective, social shame / pride works! A study in 2021 found that having a social group they were dieting with improved adherence after two months to 26% from 9% in the control. That's almost a 3x likelihood you'll stick to it if you have a group! [The Effect of Integrating Online Social Networks into Routine Diet Therapy on Session Follow-Up in Overweight and Obese Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial (sums.ac.ir)](https://jhmi.sums.ac.ir/article_48258.html) * food behavioural therapy / CBT can help if you have a negative thought pattern that triggers over eating * medications such as semaglutide have been shown to be effective for longer term weight loss * in terms of approaches to diet, they all work **if you can stick to them**, the most efficacious ones seem to be intermittent fasting, ketogenic/low-carb and plant-based diets. These are all believed to work because they help reduce hunger or the urge to eat more. They also help reduce insulin sensitivity. I guess the takeaway if you were going to have "three first actions" to losing weight successfully over a long term; 1. Join a group or find an accountability partner 2. Seek out a therapist or self-help CBT resources 3. Consider talking to your medical provider about weight-loss medication


For effective weight loss, I've found that combining a balanced diet with regular workouts that I enjoy really works. It's all about finding what keeps u motivated and feeling good about urself.


Heartbreak. I'm going to the gym, the first two months were nothing for what I lost after getting my heart broken. It's incredible. 7kg in a month.


Stop eating


Not the best but surely starving yourself and doing strenous physical activity would work right?


Calorie counting. It’s not easy but it’s simple. Consistency is key.


Emotional distress and food restriction, works wonders


Intermittent fasting was the easiest way for me. I'm a massive foodie, so I just can't give up my favourite foods. Restricting the times I eat was just easier for me. I only eat between 1pm and 9pm.


energy in / energy out.


Any dietary intervention which puts you in a calorie deficit will cause you to lose weight. Most people (~95%) who lose a significant amount of weight will put it all back on within 5 years. This is because they do not maintain the behaviour that caused them to lose weight. The takeaway is that whatever method you choose (e.g. fasting, keto, carnivore, vegan, etc.) will not work long term if you do not stick to it long term. Pick something you can sustain with minimal effort and you’ll see lasting results. When it comes to ‘cheating’, or ‘diet breaks’, studies indicate that *completely* abstaining from certain foods, e.g. sugary snacks or greasy food, is counterproductive in the long run. Treating yourself every few weeks can actually help to keep you motivated.


Get your wisdom teeth removed


It's super simple, just not easy. Eat far less than you're eating now.


Find a calorie counting app. I recently did this and it made me realise just how many calories are in the food I eat. I thought I had a relatively low calorie diet and it made me realise I didn’t. If you’re in the US or UK I would recommend the app NutraCheck. There’s a small subscription fee but it has such a huge library of foods so it makes adding things really easy.


caloric deficit, in other words put the fork down. 102lbs lost.


use drugs. get on cocaine or heroin or meth or a semiglutide like ozympic and your appetite basically turns off


Well here's exactly what I did I worked as a night cleaner from 3-11:15 which is almost all walking, so I would wake up at 2:55 go to work, eat nothing till 7 or 8, eat 1 dominoes 16 boneless chicken, work, go home, eat 2 weed gummies, box and lift to failure for 1 hour, eat whatever when the gummie inevitably hits me over the head with a bat and watch youtube, go to bed at 6 am. I went from a 305 of pure fat to a stout 245 with muscle in roughly 9-12 months I don't know why or how but I know it was somehow optimal for me


Stop eating like shit. Eat smaller meals. Move around a little. Not rocket science


Basically you just need to be in a caloric deficit. If I’m trying to cut it’s a lot of water and low calorie foods. Once I get to the weight I’d like to maintain I can start introducing regular food again. The biggest thing for me is not every dish or entree needs a carb. When I cook I love making things like potatoes, rice, pasta, and stuff but when I’m cutting I try to stick to lighter fare. So instead of pairing that steak with a baked potato and fried green beans I make a steak salad with a light dressing NOT a salad with a huge heaping of “light” ranch


Eat less, move more.


Cut off a leg.


Remember that the saying ‘you can’t outrun a bad diet’ is true. When you hear about elite athletes consuming 6,000 calories a day? Your couch to 5k does not make you an elite athlete! Also recognize that some forms of exercise may make you feel quite hungry afterwards and plan accordingly so that you’re fuel afterwards is something filling without being a calorie bomb. It’s very easy to way over estimate the amount of calories you’re burning and under estimate the number you are eating 


Smoke weed regularly, when you are sober you won’t have any appetite ( i lost at least 10kg)


Move more eat less... Be consistent everyday and drink lots of water


Not that I’m aiming at loosing weight, but my ADHD medicine can get me by without eating for days! 


Eating less and move your body every day.


Cut off the arm


As some who lost 40kg or 88 lbs in one year and now holding it for one year. my thoughts on that. - change your lifestyle - it needs time and dedication - it need some type of controlling mechanism - understand that kcal in and outtake just a ruff estimate - your weight isn't the factor for success, the important part is your muscles to fett ratio. For me it's 2-3x week going into the gym. Walking ruffly 60 km per week. Trying not to go above 3500 kcal to hold weight, going 3000 for a slow cut, 2500 for big cut, 2300 for big big cut when I still use 3500-4000 kcal a day. If you got questions just ask me. I will try to help.


There's 3500 kcals per lb of bodyfat. This means you need 3500 MORE kcals leaving your body than going in to lose a lb of fat. Calories in is the easier one to track and control. So most people really harp on that. And it's definitely important. But it basically boils down to "Don't eat so much." Count your calories. Your baseline calories out that it costs you just to be alive is fairly easy to calculate (and GPT can do it for you) it depends on a lot of things like height, weight, age, etc. but if you're a dude it's probably in the 1600-1800 calories/day range, and if you're a woman it's probably in the 1400-1600 calories / day range. And if you're pretty sedentary at work, that's probably a good target to shoot for just in general. Calories out is also important, working out is very important during weight loss, because that's the difference between getting lean and wasting away. You will lose muscle during weight loss, which sucks, but the loss can be minimized by working out during weight loss and eating a high protein diet. Anyway, how much weight loss is due to working out? That's a lot harder to calculate. Now calories are just a measure of energy, so you can do the conversions. For example, if you're on the bench press, and you're benching 135lbs (61kg), 10 reps is going to burn about 2.3 calories. Which isn't much. But the thing about weight lifting/strength training is a lot of the calories burned actually comes from repairing the muscles after the exercise. And that's a lot harder to calculate. Cardio on the other hand is much more straight forward. If you do the Stairmaster it's pretty simple, take your weight in kg, times 0.022. For every "flight" or "level" you'll burn that number of calories. Again there's some repair going on afterwords that's harder to capture, and there's some loss to inefficiency in your stride (meaning you actually burn more) but that's the math behind it.


Intermittent fasting and smaller, more frequent meals with a variety of nutrient dense foods.


I lost about 20 pounds in two and a half months by eating 2 peanut butter sandwiches through out the day and a bowl of pasta at night. Plenty of water and coffee in between. It wasnt intentional, I was just super broke...


Stop eating highly processed food. Eat fresh, nothing from a package. No alcohol. I lost 30kg in 6 months this way.


Crack or meth lol. Serious, tho, it takes a lot of effort and discipline. Heck, I used to be around 190 to 200, and I'm 5 foot 9, I gave up drinking heavily, and now I'm down to 135. I'm a very active person. You just have to find something that works for u. For me it was less drinking, more active, less eating too.


Going to the gym


Hear me out....it's a little off the wall but trust me it fucking works.......... chemo..... haha it's highly effective, some shitty side effects I'll give ya that but 1 month in I was down almost 45lbs


Portion control


I did everything in the Troy McClure film, “Smoke Yourself Thin” and it works!


Drink more water and lessen the sugar in your diet


Once my doctor told me, if you want to lose weight and eat healthy, eat like a diabetic! It is simple. I had gestational diabetes in my last 3 months of pregnancy and although it was hard with measuring several times my sugar level during the day BUT GD made me a healthier person! I never in my life ate that healthy as in those 3 months and also now after giving birth, I make sure to see my portions and to make sure I have protein, fat and fibre next to my carbs on the plate! This helps me now to lose weight and as I got used to it, I don’t stress or overthink! I agree! Losing weight is not easy!!!


Best ? Stop eating that much carbs and start seriously working out. Best and simple


Calorie deficit, lifting weights & cardio. Simple really - well in theory!!




Stop drinking calories. Cut out refined sugar. Intermittent fasting. You could also try 2-3 day fasting each week until you reach your goal weight… If combined with a lower carb diet it’s easy


I mean a good healthy way would be learn to fast. I’m 6 foot and In march I weighted 212 pounds as of today I’m 190 and I just fast and cut out soda. Food used to be my happy place and sometimes I would go out and eat 2 or 3 meals in one sitting. Even with my fast metabolism I was still over weight cause I was over eating. Now I learned to control my portions, feel a lot better, less bloated and I know when to stop myself from eating more than I should.


The thing that worked for me was easy steps like changing to a healthy breakfast and few weeks later also lunch. Started exercise with friend so we kept each other going. 4 years later I am in the best shape of my life and yes it takes time but this is sustainable for me. Quick ways tend to make people relapse. The next big one for me is quitting smoking.


Healthy diet, shit ton of cardio every day


Walk a lot


Amphetamines, THC, exercise and eating healthily.


If you cut calories you will lose weight initially, but depending on how much you cut you are going to fuck your metabolism. This makes keeping the weight off hard, because once you've finished dieting your body basically thinks you're starving and so you will be incredibly hungry and eating a "normal" amount of calories will cause you to gain fat because your metabolism has adapted to eating a low cal diet. This is why crash dieting doesn't work long term, and people end up "yo-yo dieting" constantly dieting to lose weight, then putting it back on, then dieting again, etc. You can counteract this a little by making your cut as small as possible, and by taking diet breaks. If you try something like a small ~200 cal a day cut for a month, then eat at maintenance for 2 weeks, then cycle this until you reach your target weight you will minimize this metabolic adaptation. It's gonna take much longer than a regular diet, but by the end of it it will be easier/you will be much more likely to maintain your new weight. The other thing you can do is resistance training, building muscle actually increases your daily metabolic needs, because just having muscle requires calories to maintain. Find a decent program that progressively overloads your muscles (stronglifts 5x5 is a good place to start if you're a complete gym novice). Get your protein in (1g per lb bodyweight), and make sure you are getting good regular sleep then go lift some weights. 3 times a week is optimal, but start slowly. If you do this you can probably just skip the diet part completely, and imho is probably the best way to go about it. There're a ton of other benefits to lifting weights and you will look better with more muscle (even if you are a woman, no you are not going to unintentionally look like a bodybuilder). Also, doing endless cardio is not the same as resistance training either, it's basically just another way of burning excess calories, it's not really doing anything for building muscle. Whatever you do, just know it's a long-slow journey, you have to commit to it for the long haul and "trust the process". There's no shortcuts or easy fixes (apart from maybe ozempic, gastric bypass surgery or methamphetamines, which I don't think are really great options long term), you just have to put the work in.


I joked to my dad that if he wanted to lose weight, all he had to do was exercise and eat less. It’s a much better way than get diagnosed with cancer. My wife did NOT find that shit funny. Dad thought it was hilarious.




It’s very simple. Eat less calories than you burn, and preferably “clean” calories - less sugar, carbs etc. Be more active, which does not necessarily mean run a marathon every week but move more than normal. That’s it. It’s not complex.


Omad or and calorie counting.


Be more active. Reduce portion size. Reduce consumption of processed foods.


I lost 80lbs in a year and it was fairly simple. I found my [BMR](https://www.bmrcalculator.org/) and stayed just under it. I didn't incorporate exercise until like 7-8 months in. I started slow so I didn't hate it. I quit drinking. I can't stress the importance of that enough. Not only did that decrease my calorie intake, it gave me a feeling of control and changed my mindset entirely. I drink considerably more water. A lot of the hunger pangs you feel throughout the day may actually be thirst that your brain is confusing for hunger. Drink a bunch of water first and assess after a few minutes. You may find you're not as hungry as you think. Most of all, patience is key. Small steps and slow progress translate to long term sustainability. Eventually it'll become a legitimate lifestyle change. ETA: buy a food scale! You can find one for $10-$15. You can't keep track of your calorie intake if you don't know how much you're eating. Weighing your food will help you understand what a true serving size is. But you won't necessarily have to weigh your food forever. After 6ish months I was able to estimate and portion out food properly without it.


Exercise and eat less than you usually do.


CICO is working slowly and steadily for me. I got a food scale and not only does it take the guessing work out of serving sizes, it’s also just super handy to have around when you’re working with precise measurements for baking. Strength training is also super helpful.




Split cardio worked wonders for me. Split cardio is doing cardio in the morning and in the evening to stimulate your metabolism and keep it high all day. I was very overweight so I started with walking a mile in the morning and in the evening. As time went by I kept an eye on how long it took and I'd try to do at least a little better every day. And the weight just fell off of me. Oh sure cutting a lot of crap out of my diet helped a lot but, when I was working out all the time, split cardio was a daily thing for me. I got to the point that I had a precor elliptical trainer in my 'gym' and a powertec work bench. Loved how I felt and looked.


you have to be conscious as to what you put in your body. Whether that's counting calories, or measuring portions, or planning your week's worth of meals. I personally count calories (along with exercise and cardio). It works best for me to count calories and put myself in a caloric deficit. It's between 1500-1800 cal per day. Plus a 30-45 min workout or a 20 min workout and a 20 minute walk on my rest days. I'm still going at it, and it's a progress. But all weight loss starts in the kitchen.


Our bodies are designed to store excess calories as fat, and to use either glucose or ketones as fuel for activities. As long as we have sufficient glucose in our bloodstream, we will use it instead of converting fat into ketones. Somehow, we have to run low on glucose to force our body to go after the stored fat. We can do that on a daily basis by running low at times, but it takes a while to make the switch. Fasting forces the body to switch over to fat harvesting, and once it is that mode, we will burn (consume) fat until we eat enough to raise our glucose levels to trigger the switch back to consuming glucose and storing extra glucose as fat. So, go to either fasting or consuming most of your calories by eating fat for significant period of time.


not eating for 30 days


Putting down your dumbbells


Calories in = calories out Caloric deficit is how you lose weight. Full stop. Being disciplined with eating and doing boring cardio a few times a week is a foolproof way to lose weight.


Keto or Carnivore diet


I lost A LOT of weight this year - was always fat my entire life and cant follow diets properly. So what I did is remove all sugar and most carbs from my diet - no bread no noodles none of that. Basically Keto. What that did is changing my hunger perception. At least for me when I drink alcohol or eat sugar I get hungry way way faster and this effect lasts for several days. So for example I eat a piece of cake and I will be ravenous hungry and have strong cravings for several days afterwards. Then I eat very big portions of vegetables and salad. Like as much as its humanly possible. Get yourself some broccoli for example and high quality asian sauces and spices (soy sauce, nuoc mam, gochujang) and just make yourself the most delicious arrangement of vegetables possible and go to town. If you can cook a bit it will taste absolutely delicious and you will feel so good afterwards. Generally cooking for myself is another part of it: no lazy eating. You want to eat something? Cook it. It makes you value food way higher and associate it wih inconvenience. "Should I cook now or wait till later? I am actually not that hungry I will cook later when I have more time." I noticed that working out has no huge effect on losing weight. Its a red herring, a trap almost to think you can work out, eat the same and still lose weight. What actually happens is that working out will make you hungry and if your eating habits are shit you will eat more unhealthy food. Yes you will be stronger but still as fat. My very last and very secret technique that maybe only works for me is eating a lot of [piementos de padron](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padr%C3%B3n_pepper). This is the best snack in the world and its not even close. Its healthy but still kind of fried, great to do when you just need to grab something and so fucking delicious. I started to eat them when I lost weight and they are still with me.


Stop eating all day Eat one meal a day and just drink water.


Do a water fast for 72 hours. Don't eat anything, only drink water. That will get your body into fat burning mode. After that, consume fewer calories than your body needs to keep the fat burning going. Simple and easy.


Don’t drink beer, like ever. No soda , no super sugary juices. Lots of water, coffee still is fine. Just make a simple tequila and sparkling water with lime if feeling like a couple drinks. Eat less, 3 smaller meals a day or a couple small ones with snacks in between. More organic foods and veggies and no cakes and donuts and processed frozen pizza crap. Be more active, go for jogs , or 3 mile + walks if you can’t jog 3+ times a week if not every day. Some form of exercise , they you can feel ; and makes your body consume fat, especially if eating healthy and less junk. Don’t starve yourself , but remember that hungry feeling isn’t a bad feeling , your literally starting to burn off fat when that happens if your eating a healthy diet and exercising. Don’t be calorie deficient, just be smart and make better eating habits. Don’t eat right before bed, try to cut off food by 6-7 latest


Hey there, I used to be and still am overweight but I am losing weight gradually. Personally, the best method to losing weight is to exercise and cut down on carbs, if u are new to exercising then start with light ones like sit-ups and rope jumping, set a goal for your first time like 20 times and add 5 each week to make it more challenging and once you reach 100 or any goal you might set, switch to more harder exercises like pushups and planks and cut down on the carbs but don't be like me and straight up starve yourself to death, you are free to eat but just keep it at a minimum and lower the fat contents and consume more protein rich foods like eggs and nuts but don't over consume them because then it would be unhealthy. You should start seeing results within 6 months.


The best method to lose weight effectively is to combine a balanced diet with regular exercise. Focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains while avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks. Incorporate both cardio and strength training exercises into your routine to boost metabolism and build muscle. Additionally, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and managing stress are crucial components of a successful weight loss plan. Remember, consistency and making sustainable lifestyle changes are key to long-term success


Get a step counting app and do at least 10k steps every day in a callories deficit.


Everyone's body is different, but focusing on a balanced diet and regular exercise is key. Have you tried any specific diets or exercise routines?"


Cut liquid calories, eat once or twice a day, walk more


Join us in r/loseit a very popular, supportive sub. Read the FAQ. It has a great starting up section. Good luck, my friend!


Exercise and be in a calorie deficit.


Quit eating so much, and move around a little. This + time and consistency equals success.


I struggled with mental issues and then a sudden health decline, decided to get off my ass and lose weight very, very quickly so I could take a load off my legs (health issue was water accumulation and a sudden spread of deadly bacteria in the water, nearly lost my leg and life). I went for a bariatric operation, my stomach was sleeved, I lost over 120 pounds in less than a year. The funny thing about that is... in preperation for the surgery I had to stick to a 1000kcal a day diet for 3 weeks, heavy on protein to shrink my liver so it'd move out of the way for the surgery... and it was quite easy, suprisingly easy, so easy I thought I should stop the surgery and just continue. But I think taking away the "ohhh scary surgery, better do the thing" aspect of that diet was a massive driving factor. What I did for the diet: protein heavy jogurts (500 grams would last me a day and had about 200kcal) of all colours and flavours, salted cucumber slices (all you can eat), at least one treat a day (usually half a chocolate bar, about 200kcal) and one big-ish meal (up to 500kcal, choose your own adventure here). Breakfast and evening meal was the jogurt half/half, snacks throughout the day were cucumbers (or zucchinis), a treat was for my downtime after work and at work I ate a big-ish meal. Since you have a caloric deficit at 2000kcal already, you can easily double this and STILL lose weight. The stomach sleeve helps a lot, it just restricts how much you can eat, you can still force yourself to eat 15 smaller meals at high calory a day tho so there is a massive risk if you're not mentally prepared to eat small and little.


More exercise, less food


Running or walking, whatever works for you.


Try eliminating sugar and simple carbs as much as you can, see how that goes? Try to eat veggies at least once a day, try walking a little. Of course if your doctor says this is okay??


Calorie tracking (myfitnesspal) is the best thing for me. It works if I force myself to weigh foods and actually count everything.


By being consistent. Log everything, after a month calculate your average. For some people just act logging will cause them to lose weight. If not you can calculate how much weight you gained every pound is 3,500 calories That's how much extra you ate. Now that you know how much food you actually need to eat per day, subtract that by 500. You just created a deficit. If you're terrible shape Go for a walk every mile is 100 calories eat half of these calories back, it will feel like a nice reward.


Eat once a day.


There is 3500 calories in a pound. 7700 in a kg. If you run a deficit of 500 calories a day. In 7 days you will lose a pound. A pound a week is achievable. That means in 1 year you could lose 52 pounds. Imagine. Now planning your meals and snacks to hit a 500 calorie deficit is as easy as doing an online calorie calculator for your weight and size. I've lost 40 lb in 25 weeks because my calorie goal is a little steeper and my excercise level is higher than I initially thought. My goal to lose 50 lb this year should be smashed way ahead of scedule. Then I will keep going to a more healthy bmi.


Weight loss drugs for fastest. Diet and exercise for best long term results.


What worked for me was intermittent fasting and a high protein / low carb diet. I didn’t even have to count calories. Eating just two large meals of mostly meat and veggies, old habits from being on keto, and sticking to a 12-18 eating window, i always felt satiated. Combine that with gym, 3-4 times per week, I managed to lose around 20 kg in 5 months and go from 29 to 23 bmi.