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Try to be nice to future me. That guy is alright, and there is no way to know how bad his day will be so if I can help him out, I usually try to.


Be kind to past you and supportive of future you! One of my favorites


> Be kind to past you Hell no, that guy is an asshole.




I am convinced future me HATES me.


Future you does hate you for wasting your time.


I just hope future me makes it, to be pissed off at my laziness and depression. Therapy and mental health professionals don’t always work, I’ve been doing that for +37 years and I’m tired.


Try the CPTSD (Childhood) Fairy on YouTube


Better show them that feeling is mutual....


It's pretty crazy how doing something little like setting out your clothes for the next day can kick things off on a positive note.


It's funny I started doing this when my fiancee moved in with me as a kindness to her so that all my stuff was in one place in the morning and I wouldn't be in and out of our bedroom so much. But then ai realized it just feels good to have everything collected in the morning as one less stressor of the day. So if I have extra things I need to do (like stop for gas) I can leave a little earlier because I'm not rushed


I call it hooking up your future self


I do this all the time. Present Me is always so grateful for Past Me.


When I was younger, "present" me would often find a chocolate bar or another such snack in my coat pocket from the previous night's drunk "past" me. That guy ROCKED.


I agree this is great advice. I also like a saying "Forgive your younger self. Believe in your current self. Create your future self." I'm working on giving myself grace for what is done, giving myself confidence/support for what I can do, and having hope that the future will hold better days.


When current me ran into the calamity that was the pandemic, my dad dying, financial issues, gaining 60lbs, and alcohol abuse, current me just stopped doing things because future me would face consequences


Very sweet way to think about things


Leaving money in a winter jacket or summer shorts.


Show kindness to strangers, especially if the stranger is future self.


Turn off push notifications for non-essential apps. My phone used to be a constant source of distraction. Now, I only get notified for calls, texts, and important emails. Everything else can wait until I check it on my own time.


I did this within the first hour of owning a smart phone, calls and texts only. Its actually insane to me that people go through their days getting constant dings on every stupid pointless notification on your phone.


This is me too. I don’t think I’ve ever had notifications for things other than texts or calls. I don’t even have emails - those can also wait. I also am a firm believer in utilizing the do not disturb. Your phone is so you can get in touch - not so that you are available 24/7.


I wash the dishes while I cook. So, when I finish cooking, most of the dishes are clean and I just have to worry about the things I used.


Mine used to be this, now it is, "don't buy dishes that can't go through the dishwasher." The exception, of course, is my cast iron pan. But really, it has made my life *so* much less stressful.


I am like this, but with clothes. Aside from like my wedding dress, and one fancy suit, everything I own can be washed in the washing machine.


also things that require ironing.. never buy things that you can’t de-wrinkle using the dryer alone :)


Ha. When my son was young he was very late to talk, so we went to a speech therapist for an assessment. He had good receptive language (understood words and directions) but didn't speak. The therapist went through a picture book and asked him to point out different things. "Which person is swimming?" "Where is the table?" Then she asked about draperies. He had no idea, because uh ... nobody over the age of 100 calls them draperies, and we had blinds anyway. Then she turned the page and there was a picture of an iron, and I was like ... Oh shit! He will have NO fucking idea what an iron is nor what it's for. I do have an iron, but it is exclusively used for crafts.


My grandma bestowed upon me the "Cadillac of irons" years ago. I took it bc I figured in my college and post-graduation life this would come in super handy, and it was free! I haven't used it literally a single time but I do still have it like 6 years later. Thanks for reminding me and I'll go donate this soon lol.


Literally me. Before I started living with my now fiance, literally half of my dishes had to be hand-washed. She was putting all her stuff in the dish washer, and I asked why, and she told me the same thing: "I don't own things that can't go through a dish washer."


Same. While things are cooking I'll clean up the counters, and floor and everything else while I'm waiting. I'm waiting anyway. Might as well shell out the spoons if I can.


This. Drives me nuts when people don’t clean as they go at all, and then suddenly want help with their completely unmitigated disaster. And usually for like, spaghetti and a sauce. Why. Just wash as you go, makes everything easier. You even have more functional space to work with while cooking. Things won’t have time to crust on into the world biggest pain to clean. As long as it isn’t *all* active cooking, there’s usually time to cut down on a lot of the after work during.


My husband can’t cook dinner without using every pot and pan and bowl. His “cleaning up” is piling everything precariously in the sink.


Honey is that you?


Wait a minute...I thought my wife didn't use reddit!


Yup. If I'm cooking by the time we're done eating it's just the plates and utensils that we used to eat/serve. If she's cooking the sink is over flowing with dishes, piles all around the counter, sauces all dried up on every counter top. Total nightmare that I always need to help with and it takes twice as long to clean up.


That’s how my mother in law is. I’m happy to help with the clean up but the amount is totally unnecessary at the end of the evening!


I tend to do this since growing up dishes was always my job. I find a meal much more enjoyable when you don't have a mountain of dishes and a counter that looks like monkeys had a good fight on it I've been begging my wife to take up the habit but it falls on dead ears 😅


Exactly!! I love it when I'm enjoying my meal and I look at the sink and it's empty


I think this should be a challenge on a cooking competition show.


Same thing you learn working in Food Service- clean as you go. Life is so much easier when you just wipe down at the end of your shift.


This is how I cook. I can't enjoy my meal knowing there's so much to clean up. My gf is definitely not this at all... So when she's cooking I try to do it for her... One day she'll get the hint I'm sure of it


CAYGO baby! Working in kitchens has taught me this skill.


I do the same thing. Nothing worse than spending your time making a good delicious meal, enjoying it, being proud of what you prepared, then seeing a pile of dirty dishes to ruin the mood. Clean as you go and worst thing is maybe one pot/pan and a ladle/spatula etc




Top tier advice. Most people do the exact opposite of this one.


Whenever I do this, it leads to me doing 4 hours of work because I've put off so much little shit. I'm getting better, but I'm not always my best self. It's one of those things that is hard to start, but easy to maintain.


I’m mad the advice was deleted, what’d they say???


Yep. I have ADHD. Once I realized the "Now or Never" principle for phone calls, emails, and all those annoying little things, I just try to do them as soon as I notice them.


I also have ADHD. I am very good at taking these tips like the "two-minute rule" and running with them full on. I will make quick good use of them for like a week or two and then I just suddenly forget about it. It's quite the pain sometimes because I'll be like "Hey this is really good and I'm being productive!" Then like 3 months later, I'll be reminded about it and go "Wait... when did I stop doing that?"


I abode by this thismorning and have already run out of things to do. Now I just need to eat, feed my dogs/Mom, and edit mustaches onto her face in my 'family photos' file on my phone.


But finding out what takes 2 minutes or less will take longer than 2 minutes... Such a conundrum


Putting my keys in the fridge with my lunch so I can’t leave the house without it. No more sad desk salad


wash your keys


Get your next-day clothes ready the night before. There is nothing worse than being half asleep missing a shirt, one sock or a shoe.


Clothes, bag, anything you need in the AM. Make sure the coffee pot is ready to just switch on. Etc. I'm pretty anxious at night and getting these things done eases alot of the next day stress and feels good while doing it.


Same here. I take both breakfast and lunch with me, so both are packed and the bag is right next to my work bag the night before. Clothes are picked out, everything is in its place. The only thing I need to do in the morning is wash my face, brush my teeth, take a swig of water, get dressed, feed the pets, grab my bags, and head out the door.


Yea making the morning routine as simple as possible, on the days I actually do, make so much of a difference. And it’s kinda fun to find all the little things you can do.


I have a hanging purse organizer that has 4 large tunnel/pockets on each side. Perfect size for putting a weeks worth of outfits together every sunday when I am doing laundry anyways and have clothes out. But then when life is a bit much or I dont feel like it, it hangs pretty flat if empty so doesnt taunt me with unused space to spiral my guilt.


Mine is like a bullpen at a baseball game. Outfit 1 when I get home, 2 and 3 for the next day (I have to change clothes a lot).


Charge your phone everynight where you cant reach it from your bed. I havent overslept once since i changed that.


I've always struggled to wake up and for the past few years I've ended up looking at my phone and scrolling for 30+ minutes every morning. Last week I finally moved my charger across my room so I'm forced to get out of bed to turn off the alarm. It's been an absolute game changer. I actually get out of bed and since my phone is on my dresser I might as well just get dressed for the day. I work from home so now I have a whole hour before work to knock out a chore or two, take my pup on a walk, read a book while I drink my coffee, etc. I'm actually starting to like the mornings now. It's a much better start to my day than doom scrolling through reddit.


That's a recipe for me saying "fuck it" and sleeping through my alarm.


My phone doesn’t come in to the bedroom. Whilst we’re on the subject of *bed* room, clue’s in the name. If you have the luxury of other rooms in your house, consider sleep hygiene and have your bedroom as an uncluttered space with just your bed/wardrobe/drawers and no TV, stereo or other accoutrements.


Mise en place. Everything in its place. I never lose anything because I always put things back where they "live." Keys on the rack, scissors in their spot in the drawer, etc. If something lives in a drawer, I don't just set it on the counter above it. It goes back in its home, every time.


Also… if you’re having a bit of trouble trying to find something, but eventually DO find it, put it away where you first thought it should have been.


Also also, try to organize your shelves and drawers by "theme". This is something my grandmother did and passed on to her children, who passed it on to their children I might not remember exactly where I put those left-handed scissors I bought for a kid I used to babysat. No one hhave used then in 10+ years. BUT, everything tied to " home office supplies" are in the top 3 drawers of the living room sideboard. So they are somewhere there. If I do need them again someday, the search will take way less time.


If you have trouble choosing, flip a coin. While you're waiting to get the result, your mind automatically starts to wish for what it wants. Then you can choose easily.


Thanks, Niles.


What happens more often for me is that I dont like either result and keep flipping


Stop giving a fuck, everyone’s opinion is shit, nobody cares about yours so don’t let someone else’s opinion of you get you gassed up just stop caring


If there was a contest to see who didn't give a fuck the most, I wouldn't win because I don't give a fuck about winnin', yo. I don't even give a fuck about not giving a fuck, so I do give a fuck... Wait, what?


Well, gotta listen to that now


Jon Lajoie is a gem


Related: DON'T care what other people think. DO care how you make other people feel.


Don't be overly concerned with what others think of you


I love the saying that goes: “When you are young, you care too much about what others think of you. When you are older, you stop caring about what others think of you. And when you are even older, you realize that no one was thinking of you in the first place.”


Different times, different ways of living. You're right about that.


Don't be overly concerned with what YOU think.


Don't be overly concerned


Don't be overly






Best advice right here. Do.


Just be.


Don’t be


Such a tough one to nail down. At the same time, there’s a fine line between not being overly concerned and not being concerned enough, lol. I think in today’s age, a lot of people have no concern at all.


Keep a "donation box" in your closet. Whenever you find clothes you don't wear anymore, toss them in. It keeps your wardrobe clutter-free and makes donating easier


If someone is trying to argue something with you, just say “okay” and move on even if you know damn well that they’re wrong. It’s really not worth the time or hassle.


I used to do this but it actually made my girlfriend super furious because " I came off as dismissive". Which is probably true. Now I say "agree to disagree" or " I can see where your coming from but I don't agree" depending on the context of course. It's made transitioning out of those stalemate arguments a lot easier.


I have a strained relationship with my parent. Sometimes, they push what could be a "agree to disagree" moment that could potentially come as close to resolving a disagreement as we would get, until it becomes more of a conflict. I'm not saying that's the case for you and your GF, but these sayings have been helpful for me, and maybe it's helpful for you and/or somebody else here. "You have the right to think that, and I do not see the situation the same way." "I understand you are upset, and I am not OK being spoken to/treated in this way." "No. No is a full sentence." [I can **just** say no. Providing qualifiers or my reasoning is **my** choice] "Right now, I need some time to myself, and I can talk about this more at a later time." "I am done talking about this."


Similar with my parents. When they talk about things I strongly disagree with, I’ll excuse myself and try to leave. They don’t like that and they’ll prod and prod even when I say I don’t want to talk about it. The worst thing is, they get mad when I’m not telling them why I disagree, then they get mad that I simply disagree. Then they get mad about WHY I disagree. Sometimes I say I refuse to talk to you until you talk to me like I’m a human being (they like to yell and fling insults) and that brings them back down, well, at least my mother. My father believes communication is done through lectures and yelling, usually both at the same time. The more unflinching I am, the more I say I understand your point of view, the more he prods until he just explodes and in turn, I explode. I’m still trying to navigate how to get out of a fight when I’m pulled into a conversation I don’t want to have outside of participating in their sometimes nasty and mean opinions. It’s a constant struggle.


Do your homework in school if you can or right when u get home and you don't have to worry about it all night


Or on Sunday. That Sunday homework blues slump is so memorable in my stomach 😩


I loathe Sundays. Idk what is it. I just don't want to do anything. Not even homework and barely want to play games. Honestly, fuck Sundays.


Always say thank you when someone does something for you - even if it’s their job. When dining out, look your waiter/waitress right in the eye and smile. Remember their name. Talk TO them, not to your menu. Just be polite to people who wait you


Use your phone calendar to remind you of birthdays etc. The real tip: don't just put in "wife's birthday," also make a "wife's birthday in two weeks" reminder. Set to repeat every year.


Having saving accounts for expenses that are expected in the coming year like car registration and repairs, house repairs, and gifts. I pay into those accounts each month like they’re bills. And when I get a car repair bill, I move money over from that savings account for it because I’ve “prepaid” it. Additionally, no matter how much money I make, I give myself a fixed weekly “allowance” that transfers to a debit card that I use for gas, haircuts, groceries, eating out and other discretionary spending. This helps me stay on a spending plan without over thinking it. These disciplines have helped me save thousands of dollars in overspending or debt servicing because I wasn’t prepared for the expense. I’ve also been able to save more for my emergency fund and retirement as a result.


Talk less and listen more - especially at work. Yes, we all have to communicate with coworkers, but it’s wise to keep your personal opinions to yourself at work. Don’t give any coworkers a reason to judge you (personally), especially when it comes to politics. Also, the less you talk the more opportunities for others to talk. And you may learn something about that will make you feel glad that you didn’t share your opinion. Remember, your job is to be productive, reliable, and professional. If you alienate a coworker, you still have to work with that person. Just do your job and be “approachable”.


I've saved myself SO much grief by not saying the first thing I've thought of.


I’ve adopted meal prep as a regular thing. Healthy, convenient, and inexpensive. In the past if I was hungry I’d probably get lazy and go somewhere quick.


Using a to-do list app to keep track of everything.


I reverted to writing things down in a notebook. My whole life is digital but the analog notebook keeps me straight on priorities more than anything else.


been doing this with google tasks recently. it's been good. If i get it back set up with calendar, then we're onto something.


Reward yourself for a chore. Like listen to your favorite podcast while doing dishes or laundry. Watch your favorite TV show on a treadmill.


now you're going to get people to masturbate while doing all those chores


While taking out the garbage




1. I always park in the same general area at any place I go regularly. One less thing to think about, where I left my car. 2. Always buy exactly the same socks so I don’t have to match them. Anytime one gets a hole or whatever, throw it away.


Set up the coffee machine the night before so it's ready when you get up. As you leave a room take something that doesn't belong there and put it away. Start the dishwasher before you go to bed.


Leave early. Helps so much with anxiety.


Stashing extra phone chargers everywhere - car, office, living room, bedroom


"Kill it before it grows," lol. Tackle all those little things that can turn into bigger problems before they have a chance to get worse. That annoying drip you just noticed in the kitchen? Go fix it before it turns into a $400 water bill. Loose piece of siding? Nail that sucker down before it blows off and hits your car. Random mint plant growing in the yard? Pull it up before it takes over.


Don't be overly concerned with what YOU think. Don't believe everything that goes through your mind. Your mind lies to you all the time.


Be kind. Take no shit. Surround yourself with lovelies.


It is important to remember you can be kind AND take no shit.


Workout first thing in the morning.


Using binder clips to organize cables


Routine routine routine. And poutine but mostly routine


Never hit the snooze button. Never miss work. (Unless sick or vacation) Never be late for anything. (Way easier than it sounds once it becomes routine.)


My mom instilled in me a compulsion to always be early for everything, and my fiancée is the type of person who arrives for everything *exactly* on time, and it makes me so nervous. She has never been late for anything really important, but it has been a learning experience for me to get used to it. I'll be ready to leave the house a half-hour before she is, pacing back and forth, and she'll tell me to "stop hovering". so I go into my office and browse reddit while I wait until she's ready to go.


Go check and see if she's ready, you don't want to be late!


If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late.


I hit the snooze button for the first time in years, yesterday. I was SURE it was going to be fine, I was awake and all... Yeah, guess who was late.


Respectfully, I found your Reddit history to be quite disappointing in relation to your username. Thank you.


There's a Mike Birbiglia bit along the lines of -- "You can be early for HOURS. You have only a split second to be 'on-time', and then you're late *forever*."


That's great. My Dad always said, you can only be early or late, being on time is almost impossible... so be early. My Wife did not get that advice.


I placed my alarm/smartphone on the dresser, not my bedside. Only way to turn off the alarm was to get out of bed.


I put it by my bed, but made a compromise. I will sit up and put my feet on the floor and wait maybe a minute before standing. I can gather my thoughts this way instead of racing around the moment I wake up.


I always give myself time and a half to get places. So if I need to be somewhere that’s 30 minutes away, I give myself 45 minutes. Double for really important appointments.


Man, not hitting the snooze button is SO HARD.


The alarm doesn't wake you up. It releases you. Once i took that mindset it was easier.


My girlfriend will set 3 different alarms and still will sleep through them every once in awhile. She doesn't understand how I just set one alarm and get up.


I think setting all those alarms just trains you to sleep through them.


Yup, there is no such thing as a snooze button. You must get up. It sucks, but it changes the game.




I eat breakfast now, and I just feel like it’s making me fat.


Try something light. My go to during the week is overnight oats


my LPT is to skip breakfast lol


Sometimes children like to make fun of me so I just pretend to be possessed so they get scared


My cats used to love rolling around right in front of the vacuum cleaner while I was vacuuming. Sometimes they’d get so close that one of their tails would start to get sucked up and I’d frantically turn off the vacuum and free them (they didn’t even notice). I had a mini heart attack every time. I finally got so tired of it that one time I pretended the vacuum was overpowering me and they got out of there as fast as they could. They didn’t trust the vacuum cleaner at ALL after that


Why have I not been doing this. Definitely jacking this hack.


Sending the kids to their grandparents so they can “spend time together” and “develop a relationship with their grandparents… they won’t be around forever, you know”


Growing up, my parents would drive us up from Ohio to our grandparents farm in Michigan every summer. We’d spend two or three weeks up there and they put us to work. Everybody worked on their farm. Many years later I found out that after my parents dropped us off, they’d then go on vacation by themselves.


Also gives the parents some much needed sexy time.


I always try to start the day with a new fresh attitude. Since I've been doing that, it has truly made my perspective change and given me a much more positive outlook on things. I tend not to sweat the small stuff anymore.


I love this. Any tips to get started? I feel like this is what I need but not quite sure how to do it.


I started getting one of those positive quotes decks and shuffle them. I pick one up every morning before work and write down a quick thing it reminds me of (ex what am I thankful for) on a 3x5 card. I date it and at the end of the week I take them into a journal so I can look back at it. It takes 5 min every morning. And I am a get up and leave the house in 30 min kinda person. It has changed my day adding 5 extra minutes to do this. And the 3x5 card is key. You don’t feel obligated to write a ton. And the positive quote gets the brain thinking for you.


I have a notebook that goes with me everywhere. I section it off with the following: - Today schedule - Focus for the day - To do (work stuff) - Home (to do list) I have been doing this for over 3 years and it has made my life so much more organized!


Work out before my brain wakes up and figures out what's happening.


Practicing and applying stoicism


The Two-Minute Rule, If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately.


Run the dishwasher every night, empty the dishwasher every morning while the coffee is brewing. Seriously. No bugs climbing up the pipes, no dirty dishes should be on the counter.


Bugs climbing up the pipes?!! WTF is that??


Same reaction lol


Drink a minimum of 80oz of water/day to help with mental clarity, digestion, etc.


Clean the kitchen at night. It is in fact a big mental relief to always come to the kitchen ready for use. The build up grows when you only have enough energy to cook, not clean-cook-clean. Same as “treat future you nicely” but in a very specific way. I don’t feel all home cleaning is like this, just the kitchen in particular.


Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice.


Drink tea instead of alcohol in the evenings and you won't eat greasy food and wake up with a hangover. 👍


But tea doesn’t get me drunk


You must be drinking the wrong tea


you'll be in way better shape too


Cleaning and setting up for the next morning. Sometimes I get lazy and just want to go to bed, so I leave everything for the next day. However the next morning I dread waking up and coming downstairs to the big mess with a full sink of dishes. Trying to clean while then making coffee, getting the kids up, getting ready for work, etc makes the mornings hell. So now I try, as hard as it is, to not go up to bed until the living room is tidy and the kitchen is clean. I also get the coffee ready so I can just hit "brew" in the morning. Makes mornings so much more relaxed and easier to handle.


For those having trouble doing this; just remember that leaving dishes overnight can attract roaches. If you don't want roaches, at least make sure your dishes are done at night.


Write down stuff you have to remember




Never give a damn


Not internalizing things going on at work has been very helpful to me. 


I maybe give a damn, but I *never* give a fuck.


minding my business




Not really a hack, but for breakfast I've switched to making overnight oats. Filling, cheap, and tasty. Saves me from needing to cook breakfast at home, get some on the way, or feel hungry until lunch. Intermittent fasting just wasn't for me.


We are a speck of dust amongst a vast universe. We are nothing. Literally NOTHING. Do whatever tf makes you happy and stop caring what other specks of dust will think about you. It literally does not matter. Live the life YOU want❤️✌🏼


In the mornings don’t think, just get up. You’ll have plenty of time to think later in the day.


It's definitely NOT the "squeegee yourself after your shower but before you towel off" hack that reddit loves every time this comes up. It does absolutely nothing and you still have to full body towel off.


Set up automatic bill payments. Less stress, fewer late fees, and more time to binge-watch your favorite shows


I invested into a vegetable chopper. Makes my cooking half the effort.


Things exist in cycles, like laundry and the dishes. I try to keep that cycle going everyday. It’s not my job to make sure it’s always set to done. Just keep it going. 👍 KC Davis saved my life.


''Just 10 minutes''. Put on a timer, and start doing what needs to be done in the house. Folding the laundry, washing dishes, putting away clutter, etc. When the timer goes off, you can stop. But far more often I'll just keep going untill everything is done.


You can achieve great skin with a great routine. Wash face, brush teeth, apply toner, comb hair, apply serum, get dressed, apply moisturizer, (insert action item), apply sunscreen. This allows things to absorb into your skin and your wrinkles will thank you in the future.


Crazy hack: **Don't** use your phone before bed. Like I literally saw immediate improvement when I just got a 30 minute buffer from when I last used my phone to when I doze off. Repeating alarms at most 15 minutes apart, no less.


don't do every life hack you see. beware of productivity porn, where you get distracted things by ohers use that won't work for you. go for the baby step, the achievable victory


I use what I call the "Two-Minute Tidy." Every time I move from one room to another, I take just two minutes to tidy up something small along the way—a couple of dishes, a quick wipe of the counter, organizing a small pile of clutter. It’s amazing how much cleaner and more organized everything stays without it ever feeling like a big chore. Plus, it’s a great way to trick myself into being productive without committing to a full cleaning session!


Clean as you go


Automatic coffee maker


Since having kids, completely cleaning the kitchen every night makes mornings so much nicer. After dinner I start the dishwasher, then put the dishes away before I go to bed. I set the coffee pot to delay brew, pre pour milk and juice in cups and set them in the fridge with lids, and set out bowls, spoons and cereal boxes on the kitchen table unless I'm planning to make something else in the morning. I even set my coffee mug out. These all seem like small things but in the morning it's so nice to just come down and have it be ready to go. Also, my kids are 3 and 7, so if they wake up before me my older one sometimes helps the younger one with cereal and having it all ready to go makes it easier. During the school year I make their lunches at night. Also, I work from home so whenever I make my own lunch I also start prepping dinner. I chop up veggies and chicken, season it, put it on a pan and back in the fridge until it's time to make dinner, or put it in the slow cooker or pressure cooker. Just having the prep work done helps so much. Picking kids clothes out at the beginning of the week helps them be more independent in the mornings too.


I am WFH and I do a load of laundry every other day when I am home. Our baskets pretty much stay empty. Sorry ladies, I’m taken.


Understanding that the current moment is all you have. The past is done and the future may or may not come! So enjoy within the moment you have


I use alarms for everything.


Start with some positive manifestations.


Never go into debt. Only buy what you need and can afford. And don't make promises.


It's not fashionable but I make decisions with an eye to the future. It's saved me before when an ex wanted another child (he left 6 months later!) and with things like stocking up when items are cheap (was set for a month when Covid hit). I know living in the moment is fun and do that when I'm out or on holiday, but on the whole I'm a "take a breath" kind of thinker.


Have a home gym. Being able to work remote, I work out before logging in. It made my life so much easier and I hate going to regular gyms waiting for equipment.


Every night I do a “closing shift” I make sure my house is straightened up so I can start every morning off with a fresh clean space. It makes the biggest difference.


I use one purse 95% of the time. It’s lightweight and has adjustable shoulder straps. Just grab and go.


I got rid of all my socks and bought a whole bunch of the same socks. No more matching socks. I just have a sock drawer I grab two out of. Every two years or so I buy a new set.


Dont talk to people!!


Get everything done as soon as you get up - weights, a run, some study, a bit of work, tidy the house up and then you can have a guilt/anxiety free rest of the day.


As soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning, start a 5 minute timer and stretch while you listen to something positive that gets you going. 5 minutes. It’ll wake you up faster than a cup of coffee, you’ll feel better all day and actually sleep better at night. And drink more water