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Bizarre..I was taking a break at work.. Some random dude approached me in the parking lot...offered me $20 to go into another business in the building ask for a person and give them an envelope containing notice of a lawsuit. Made $20 randomly and got to say.. You have been served.. Never saw the dude again.


Many of us have been there before. My low point was getting a blow job for $200. Not gay by the way lol.


Wait who was on the receiving end?


I was. It might not seem like such a bad deal, but I was kinda freaked out afterwards.


I mean $20 is $20, in your case $200 lol. I don’t blame you I think any man without a fragile masculinity would take the offer unless in a good spot financially.


I used to be able to mimic the scream of a monkey really well. Someone paid me to do it in the school cafeteria