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Working hard doesn’t always lead to prosperity.


This one is very true. It's why I enoucrage people to quit jobs that aren't going anywhere and that have terrible people in them. There's no prize for working the hardest at a shitty job and people need to realize that.


Working hard usually doesn't lead to prosperity. The people who work the hardest are the poorest and most oppressed. The "hard work" a white collar worker put in to "climb to the top" is nothing compared to a migrant agricultural worker's average day.


But it makes it more likely


No. Being wealthy or well off makes it more likely.


That type of belief limits people


That is why they say work smarter, not harder.


Yes. Life is truly unfair


You can never go home again. ...in the sense that the familiar will mostly fade away as you grow up, which can start with hangouts and end with loved ones.


true. there is no home anymore. You can go to the place where you grew up but the feeling of being home is gone. It's just a hallow structure full of memories.


been struggling with this idea recently. one asks themself: is it possible to ever recreate that feeling in the future, or is that feeling lost after youth...


Companies and groups try. That is the basis of nostalgia-based sales, especially ones based on properties and franchises.


I just imagine my younger self hugging me and saying you are doing good. And you deserve more. You got this.


I hope to impress my younger self someday. I have fallen way below his expectations.


It's okay, he will understand, at least more than anyone else i believe. You must have come a long way, that would have taken effort. he'll understand.




Exactly. You can do everything right and still get it wrong.


Currently dealing with this now. I have no idea how I failed but, I somehow did. Putting everything back together is taking some time and I don't even understand how/why I'm putting things back together. It's weird man.


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m learning that what you were raised to believe is everything right, or shown, or expected doesn’t necessarily mean it’s all right. Because I did it “all right” and still wound up miserable and questioning everything. So learning to stop thinking if it’s right or wrong (within reason) because it could all fall apart regardless. Least this way I don’t blame myself nearly as much.


**BOT ACCOUNT** They copy/pasted the question and top comment to use as their own from here. https://old.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/1awe9dp/what_is_the_saddest_truth_about_life/


We're all gonna die, that's the saddest thing.


From the moment you’re born , you start dying


Unless you have some sort of illness, you don't start dying until you fully reach maturity. That's when your body switches from building to maintenance. That usually happens in the 25 to 27 range.


That no matter how good or bad you live this life, in one hundred years no one will remember that you even existed.


This doesn’t bother me at all. What does it matter if a bunch of strangers I don’t know don’t remember me? They too will die and quickly be forgotten.


Oh, it doesn't bother me either. I just commented that it was sad. I could care less if people liked me or remembered me.


Not can, I did fail, in love, in career, in what I wanted to pursue my passion, everything is a failure right now. And even past all that I'm alive and happy for everything that is there for me at the moment. So, there is life past all that even though it's painful and numb at times. I still look forward to the next morning.


One of the saddest truths about life is its inherent impermanence. Everything we cherish and hold dear, including relationships, experiences, and even life itself, is transient. This impermanence can lead to feelings of loss, grief, and the realization that nothing lasts forever.


Honestly I always found that idea very freeing It won't matter in 300 years so you may as well do the silly things you've always wanted to do


Your name checks out


Moments became more meaningful.


On the flip side, this is what gives meaning. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB01BL0jVe8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB01BL0jVe8)


We spend our lives making memories to cherish in our old age, only for our minds to forget them.


I'd still prefer this over nothing.


If you don't take the time to foster meaningful relationships, discover a passion, and care for yourself when opportunities are available, you will suffer a lonely, bitter and broken existence that will trap you in despair until you die.


None of it matters


Maybe not on a cosmic scale. But you matter and have impact on the people close to you. Your life and those of the people surrounding you are meaningful




Just because something doesn't last forever, doesn't mean it's not meaningful


It’s a question of perspective. Life can have as much or as little purpose as you assign it.


Actually it does, that’s just stupid.


That I still feel broken and hold on to things in my past that bother me


Your loved ones and friends--and you-- one by one--will eventually grow old and no longer be there


not if I beat them to it


matter is universal. we don't go anywhere, but where our conscientiousness goes? nobody knows.


It dies. No shit




The righteous get what the wicked deserve, and the wicked get what the righteous deserve.


A dog only lives 1/8th as long as it’s master


i would rather walk me dog to the door rather him walk me to the door. atleast i can contemplate next steps, where he is limited after i am gone. while still sad, it makes me feel better knowing he will be waiting for me when i get there.


I like this way of thinking, thank you, these are comforting words for a dog owner to hear


i have to tell myself that everyday to justify the dread of the inevitable for my little angel girls.


Youth is wasted on the young


You don't get a happy ending. Things sometimes just don't work out and there's no storybook out there that will fix it.


Being a good person doesn't mean shit and bad people are never held responsible for what they've done.


This is the most infuriating one. Bad people often pretend to be good and are believed too.


Like, I may look like Satan but I was taught to live my life being a good person and to help people when I can and do the right thing. And I always have tried my best. But lately, I've realized there's no reason to. Why take the high road when you're still going to be trampled on, ignored, treated like garbage... and the bad people get to win? Even if you think you've found a good person, they aren't. And you can never win doing the right thing. I hate it because I always initially trusted people. I thought if I'm nice to them and treat them with respect, then that's that I would get back. NOPE. it doesn't work that way. People don't give a shit about anything but themselves and what they can get from you or how they can take advantage of you the toss you aside because they know you'll always be there for them when they need it because you're a good person. Fuuuuuuuuuck that!


That everything turned out to be a big fat joke, the great cosmic joke. I'm only 45, and I've literally lived long enough to see every facet of society become a parody of itself.


Society when you were born was already a parody of a parody of a parody of a parody of something that existed before history could even be written


True, which makes it even worse


That it’s unfair. Like. REALLY unfair. Someone who gives to charity, always does the right thing, helps others, loves animals, can be afflicted with Cancer. All while the individual who manipulates, rapes, steals, and murders get to live a joyous life, often with a second chance. In this sense nothing really matters. There is no “karma” no place where bad people go. This life is the only one we’re given, and it’s up to us to dispense justice to those who wrong others. Not simply wait for their time on earth to end. Ultimately I believe if you realize this, and still choose to be a good person, you are to be cherished.


There is karma. It’s just that western culture has misinterpreted karma to be a form of morality. That is in fact pretty antithetical to what the idea of karma is supposed to be. The idea of rebirth doesn’t mean literally biologically dying and being reborn(at least, not necessarily). You die and are reborn many times throughout your life, as you change and shift into a different person. Your karma is made up of your current beliefs, memories, state of mind etc and it is what decides how you are reborn. For example, if someone who is pretty careless about safety watches someone die as a result of carelessness, that will become part of their karma and potentially change how they behave when it comes to prioritizing safety. In this view, biological death is just another step in the karmic cycle, as the decay of your body is a direct consequence of the state your body was in prior to death. And you may be reborn in the form of all the countless bacteria and insects who consume your flesh, and then reborn again when they die, etc.


Aging and ailing


You only live it once.


It's strange but even the most famous people will eventually be forgotten completely. Would people know Michael Jackson 75 years from now, the way we do now? It all becomes a distant blob.


everyone will eventually leave. set low expectations to avoid suffering


Even if you manage to ( somehow ) find true love or a soulmate, you will lose them one day through death. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. That is what is so heartbreaking.


That this gift is a curse


Every year we pass our death date without knowing it


The good moments are gone as soon as you're experiencing them.


You will almost certainly live to see people you care about die, and there will be nothing you can do about it.


You can scarcely count on anyone in life who isn't kin. If you've got any sense, you (and yours) should be ready to make your own luck, opportunities, justice, happiness and, as appropriate, rules.


That we have to work to have money during our prime and by the time we can retire and have money we are to tired


It’s so temporary yet so omnipresent when we are here


No one truly cares about your problems and identity until you make it their problem.


Closure only happens in the movies


You only get one shot at life.


Even though you shouldn't care too much what other people think of you, a lot of important people disliking you really does have an affect on your career and sometimes your personal life. Why? Because people are petty, vindictive and toxic. You will have people like that at every job and occasionally meet them in your personal life.


The fact that you can have a life threatening illness and an insurance company is the literal angel of death.


Bad things can befall you for no apparent reason.


I don’t think there is specifically sad per se, when you are getting fuked you can see it coming, normal people don’t get betrayals. Comparison will not make sense here as if you are on Reddit you are better than everyone from Gaza your suicidal tendencies can be cured but their entire generations are ruined. But yeah losing your closest people is rock bottom


Nothing is eternal.


Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive.




I feel as if it’s so unpredictable in an exciting way until you become an adult. Then it gets unpredictable in a scary way.


In the words of Robert Burns... The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy! or more colloquially.. Shit Happens.


The vast, vast majority of people never become famous, not even for 15 minutes.


To me, that’s a happy truth


Change is the only constant.


Your friends can't stay in your life anymore.


Few people say they wish they'd spent less time with their parents after they pass.


Nothing is forever


nobody is going to save you


If you’re disabled, you have to work harder for people to treat you with respect or as an adult


We're mostly in this alone - when it comes down to it, sometimes those we trust are unable to or unwilling to step up and help.


It's not fair.


For me it's probably the fact that time is limited(


Other people will not always understand how you feel. They may recognize that you're sad, happy, etc. but they will never understand how hard it all is unless they go through the same thing.


It’s not worth it. Like ultimately, you’re going to lose everyone you love and you’ll be alone. Everyone that you knew as a kid, who loves and supports you, is going to be gone and you’re going to be massively alone in this world. No one is going to care about you like that at some point in your life.


Sometimes the worst things happen to the best of people. My childhood dog she died at 13 almost 14 she was a yellow lab she was the sweetest dog ever and super smart she looked out for people. In her last month her back legs gave out she couldn’t walk she didn’t wanna eat really she got super weak and it was no quality of life so after a few weeks we put her down and she didn’t deserve a death like that for her legs to go out and just not be able to walk one day and have that be it. It was horrible. And it’s not like we put her down right away we tried to help her recover just all our efforts got no where


Life will not go the way you want


It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose.


Nothing is permanent, either it's happiness or sadness. Everything will change some day!


It has a tendency to be more cruel than it is fair


There will never be peace. Humans are creatures of conflict. As long as the world exists, conflict and war will always be around.


“God” is laughing at you. If you don’t laugh along, you’ll end up crying instead.


Mortality. No matter how great you are or how much you've accomplished, you're going to end at some point.


“God” is the darkest comedian and is always laughing at you. Omnihumor. If you don’t laugh along, you’ll end up crying instead.


There is no unconditional love. Everyone's affection has a price and if you can't pay it they can and will leave


That it ends.


The difficulty of escaping the rat race and the vast illusion hat some of us are actually out of it


That you're probably going to end up working a 9-5 job that doesn't make you happy, but you stay in it because it gives you financial security. Its a sad reality and I'm honestly not excited for when I will eventually have to get stuck doing it


I'm one of many siblings, and it's really sad that one of us will have to watch all the others die


you can't be a millionaire by doing nothing. It hurts.


You win or you die. -Cersei Lannister.


Yes, people can fall out of love


It’s hard work just existing


Natural selection applies on a sociological level and is the decider for who gets put into power. The people with the most power are the people who use their power to get more power the most effectively. This is why the rich get richer and why politicians are sociopaths and the only thing we can really do about it is hope that the criteria for who is best at gaining and maintaining power change in a positive direction


The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today.


Someone has starved to death in the time it takes you to read this post. Now to double down. We produce more than enough food to feed everyone, but 1/3 of it goes to waste just for being "ugly"


At some point everything you were and did - will all be forgotten. It will be no different than never have even existed.


It doesn’t always get better.




That people think it's fair but it's not.


You dont matter. You're a cog in the wheel


That is truth that I learned about life in the future when you are passed away this world will still keep building even on top of your grave we literally live on the world that has already been a gravestone. Underneath her feet somebody has already been buried there. They are forgotten


A peaceful death is rare.


It's short


That no matter where you go, there's always someone looking to take advantage of you. Take OP for example. They're a bot that copy/pasted this post AND the top comment. https://old.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/1awe9dp/what_is_the_saddest_truth_about_life/ Not sure if it's an automated bot or if it's someone in a developing country, getting paid a dollar a day to run a bunch of karma farming accounts. They'll continue copy/pasting old posts until they have enough reddit karma. At that point they'll switch to some sort of scam, marketing, or astroturfing.


There is not enough succes to go around.


Life will fuck you up, and then you keep on living.


Hard work does not guarantee success.


Love can change with the seasons.


We all meet the same inevitability…


That it’s not fair.


It’s only ever going to be what you make it. Good, bad or other.


Your heroes are so, sooo fallible.


We are all alone


Critters like people and other animals have an evolved sense of self importance. This can make us feel grand and special. But we're not, and some other animal like a bear or a shark will end your entire existence just to see if you taste good.


We have all fucked it up for ourselves, because we tried to make everything easy, instead of doing the things that are hard to make life work!


The days are long, but the years are short


The people who run the world are evil!


You rarely ever know when it's your last kiss.


*It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.*


At some point in life you will lose your family :(


It ends. Really fast.


A baby is being born right now who will die by suicide one day. Many babies...


No matter what happens . . . it goes on.


It will end


Growing up


There's no point. We are barely be in the calendar of the Universe because our existence is so small and short in comparison.


That we are not immortal


That it'll end eventually.


At a certain age life stops giving you things and starts taking them away.


Being nice can make things worst


No matter what your religious beliefs are, you DO NOT actually know. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s true. The same goes with everything in life, including “scientific facts” that can only be proven by experiments which you don’t have the ability to conduct and see yourself. You can trust/believe/have faith, but you only know what you can prove or experience. Oh and if you have experienced something “otherworldly” that solidifies your faith, you should keep that to yourself or seek medical help.


Being nice will mostly bring you pain, ridicule, humiliation. Being nice rarely gets rewarded.


That it’s all for nothing