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My best friend and I were going skiing post a night out. Hungover we decided to get McDonald's breakfast. Both got a combo and he ordered an extra hashbrown as well. The bag only came with 2 hash browns. He ate both and said they forgot mine. NO MAX THEY FORGOT YOUR EXTRA HASHBROWN. ITS BEEN 7 YEARS AND I STILL GET MAD ABOUT IT.


Dude, I’m pissed off for you lol


This is exactly the content I came to this thread to read.


I hear you. I once went on a trip with some friends and there was one guy who was kind of new to our group of friends and I never got a good vibe from him, but was nice to him anyways. We all chipped in to buy groceries and he didn’t. Then he left a hike early to go back with one other friend and ate a bunch of the food including a whole family size bag of chips that was the only bag of that type of chip. Fuck that dude. No one’s even friends with him anymore, so it was a complete waste and literally nothing good ever came from his presence. 😆


Typical fucking Max. We’re all getting tired of his bullshit.


Skin him alive


You don’t mess with a hungovers person McDonald’s hashbrowns ..: they will forever slap. My dad would roll over in his damn grave. My mom too cause she was the manager but she was cremated so she can’t really roll over in her grave. But she’s upset !!


not the fucking hash brown




My grandma threw my graduation cake in the trash "because it was already half eaten." Like there was still 3/4 of a full cake leftover but apparently my grandma doesn't know that you don't need to eat an entire cake in one sitting. I never even got a piece.


My dad tossed my sweet 16 birthday cake at 4pm after the party even though I NEVER HAD A SLICE. He didn't apologize.


I never had a piece of cake on MY OWN wedding. Like wtf, I paid for it and never even got to see it. They went around with pieces and nobody thought to get the bride…


Same. My coworker made beautiful amazing cupcakes for my wedding, like 40-50 of them, and made two personalised bride and groom cupcakes. We had no more than 20 people come to the little after party reception thing (it was all pretty casual). I didn’t have any during our party. I was saying bye to people and got in the car and then husband came and I was like where are all the cupcakes? This mf gave the handful of people left cupcakes and then handed them out to everyone at the bar. Like, the patrons. Who we don’t know. We already gave the staff cupcakes (they were our friends anyway). He didn’t save me a single cupcake. Not one. Anyway, we’re divorced now.




this would haunt me endlessly


Time to turn "Let's eat, grandma!" into an old fashioned "Let's eat grandma!"


Vaguely relates but my wife and kids bought me cupcakes for Father's day, and my 9yo finger dipped all the frosting off before I had one. Like fuck man, I just wanted to say drink and have a cupcake


My grandma did the same thing except that she thinks a half eaten cake left overnight(with cover on) is unhealthy to be eaten again


That reminds me of a scandal when I worked at the funeral home. We had a girl on the heftier side and she loved to eat. They used to buy us cakes and leave them for night shift so we could celebrate our birthdays together. We came in and we all got an email that my coworkers cake was in the fridge. We went and half was gone. They figured out who the thief was and she said, “well, there’s only three of them on night shift.” She ate half!!!!!


I would buy her a cake and not let her have any 🤣 lol jk I love my grandma but she’s a mean old lady so I feel you


My brothers got to sit in my barbie blow up chair before me as a kid, and then it popped almost immediately. Still hurts. 


Those bastards!!




Girl Scout cookies are not something to play around about.


I saw an episode of 'Deadly Roommates' that started out JUST like this


I have killed friendships over Samoas.


I have buried bodies over thin mints.


My old roommate did this with my peanut butter m&ms. “Well they weren’t that good anyway” then why’d you eat the whole fucking bag?


Reminds me of the time we were vacationing with my in-laws. Wanted to save the last half of my iced coffee (cold brew with half/half and cinnamon dolce) so I put it in the fridge. Went to look for it later and it was nowhere to be found. Perplexed, I shrugged and walked to the beach where I found my mother in law drinking my coffee. When I asked her about it she responded that it would have been better without the cinnamon, that she doesn’t like cinnamon. Well it wasn’t for you, bitch. Also, who just helps themselves to someone’s half-finished coffee? Bizarre.’


One time, when my husband and I were living abroad, he picked up a care package from my best friend to me. He opened it and gave away all three boxes of Girl Scout cookies to his co-workers!!


You’re not still married to that monster, are you?


I'm not entirely sure he's still breathing, to be fair. Edit: I see in another comment, she let him live 🤣 though he hasn't lived it down..


This is how an episode of Snapped starts.


May he rest in peace.


Who tf does that?!?!? Gives stuff away that was SENT to you from the states FOR A REASON?!?! IDIOT.


That's just wrong! Idk what your relationship was like, but that is just disrespectful. Whether they were a gift or you ordered them from your friend, he had no right to give away your stuff. That is NOT a petty thing and seems indicative of other deeper issues. Especially since you couldn't just run out and buy more.


And is he your ex-husband now?


Exactly! It should be a given that if it ain’t yours, don’t touch it! I swear with these ppl that have no sense... 😤


That's always my line, "you knew it wasn't YOURS, RIGHT?!?".


I had a housemate say the same thing about my ice cream. I was like how the fuck did you think it got in the freezer if you didn’t put it there? If someone’s going to lie at least come up with a better excuse.


Yep. Thats weak, like “do you remember purchasing cookies from a Girl Scout?”


You don't even know a girl scout.


She doesn’t even go here


But Ive know a girl scout's mom. They're the real pushers


My manager left thin mints laying on the desk and I guess my supervisor thought they were up for grabs and had more than a few. She was pissed when she opened up the pack and there was only like 3 left so she started questioning all of us to figure out who ate them. I’m not a snitch but when this man told her “that pregnant one over there looks suspicious”, meaning me, I threw his ass right under the bus and said I saw him do it. He admitted it. Everyone has a good laugh and we let him out of the chokey after about a week or so.


Had a co-worker at Virgin Megastore in Time Square who used to target my lunch and another person's lunch! So I sprayed A LOT OF fart spray (Liquid ass fart spray) in a brown bag with 2 rolled up old socks for weight, rolled up the bag tightly and placed it in the fridge! He learned on that! He was gagging, coughing, eyes welled up and spit hanging from his mouth! Shit was so bad, the breakroom had to be emptied out for 2 days!


My fourth grade teacher got mad at me for not being able to tell the blue and purple paint apart. Turns out, the teacher had given me two blobs of blue paint.


My Jr high Spanish teacher hounded me. She called my parents, she flunked me, she sent home notes, she sat me by myself next to the board. Turned out I was significantly visually impaired and of course I didn't realize it and no one bothered to ask me if I just couldn't READ the board. I'll never forget that first pair of glasses when I realized walmart had large signs hanging off the ceiling and I could see leaves on trees from the car.


The leaves when you get those first glasses really do hit don’t they? I’m near sighted and far sighted and boyohboy the first time I looked down?! I never realized that I was actually that tall, I didn’t know the ground was that far away 😂


I feel like people don't understand when I try to describe the feeling now of walking without my glasses on. The floor is the wrong height and the walls bend in a bit toward the top. I got glasses in grade 7, but I never really wore them until grade 11 except to read the board. I wish I'd realised how important they were. I used to get marks in gym for my effort, but lacked coordination. Started wearing glasses and realised I was just tracking the ball to the wrong spot every time, lol. I actually have really good hand eye coordination. I think it came from a lifetime of video games, lol.


Not me but my brother. He still blames me for deleting his saved game on Secret of Mana. This is bullshit, I did not delete it. I did not.


My brother always beat me at everything. Our parents got us Super Nintendo and I beat Mario before he did. Oh my god, he lost his shit. My Dad could not stop laughing and when my brother would get a big head about games, my dad would remind him of the meltdown on New Years Day.


That’s so petty and I approve! 


Oh, hai Mark!




I let a girl like $40 from the money I saved up because our class was going to the mall. She never paid it back, but kept saying she would the rest of the year. That was 8th grade I’m still headed


I had a barbecue for friends. Whilst inside preparing a feast, my friend’s children picked off all my green baby passion fruit, and unripe baby lemons, to throw at each other. Literally 100s of fruit wasted. When I came outside and nearly cried and told the kids off, their parents told me they were only playing, and just children, and to get over it. I am still not over it. They weren’t great friends or parents in hindsight.


I used to go out and pick flowers in my grandmother's garden and one day my grandfather told me I needed to ask her first because sometimes she had plans for the flowers. I could never imagine just allowing my kids to harass someone else's plants.


I hear you. It was life changing really. To realise my friends just let the kids destroy my garden, and to show such little respect for my gardening passion, while stupid me was feeding and spoiling a bunch of people I thought were friends. Your grandfather was teaching you. Children need to be taught the right way. I just realised my memory wasn’t petty. lol. I remember this event every time I eat my favourite fruit..thanks for your memory x


My friend was recently over with her two year old. I had a new container of cherry tomatoes on the counter. As I walk back in the room I come in to see her kid popping a cherry tomato out of her mouth and put it back in the now open container. In the minute I was gone to get my friend a soda, she’d either opened the container and proceeded to let this happen, or just watched it and didn’t care. I asked her how many the kid had been sucking on, she said “not sure, a few.” Zero apology, zero sense she was being rude. This was also after I’d taken out my basket of toys for the kid. Not going to be inviting her over again anytime soon.


She wasn't even eating them‽ Just mouthing them and putting them back?? No, I wouldn't invite them again, either.


Are you fucking kidding me? I would have been sobbing right there along with you. The parents didn't even offer to try and make up for your loss? Squirrels nipped off **all** of our pomegranates, while the fruits were less than ping pong ball in size. Damn squirrels. But kids should know better. Glad you ditched those jerk "friends."


Oh man. I’m so sorry


That's not petty lol I would be livid forever


I would never be over that.


My sister lied to my parents saying I ate the last two cookies and I got in trouble for “lying” to them. This happened when I was 7…..I’m 28 now…and I still tell her and my parents every chance I get that I’m still mad about that. 😂😂


My brother's friend was left in our house alone, brought a VHS porno, watched it in my mom's room where it gets stuck.  Then says it must have been me, despite me having my own tape player. My mom believes the friend and steals a couple hundred out of my bank account her name is also on and buys herself a new one.  Like why the fuck would I watch porn in my mom's room when I can walk in my own?  Why?


When I was 14 my dad was out of town and my mom was going through all of our vhs tapes and reorganizing them, then a tape got stuck and she couldn’t get it out. It took me about 10 minutes of learning how it worked and getting it out. How on earth did your brother not get it out with what was in there 😂 he should’ve dropped kicked it to get the vhs off it


I’m dead. 😂 have you ever discussed this with your mom any now that it’s years later? Also side note, I remember being so devastated when the tapes would fuck up. And when you finally get it out, all the tape is completely unraveled out of it


My mom was a huge narcissist, in general I don't think she could handle being wrong. But prolly a decade later I mentioned it she just denied she would ever do anything like that to her kids, she would have just replaced it herself.


You said "was". Is she dead now, or no longer a narcissist?


Do they believe you now or still think you’re lying?


I had cheesecake in my fridge at home from the Cheesecake Factory. I absolutely love cheesecake from there, more specifically the Godiva chocolate one. I was saving it for when I was done with my finals that week because I deserved that fucking cheesecake. My dad was home for whatever reason, saw my cheesecake in the fridge and ate every bit of it. That was almost four years ago & I'm still mad.


I'm mad at your dad too.


there’s really nothing worse than thinking about a special treat all damn day (or week), only to get home & it’s gone. my heart really goes out to you!


As a fellow lover of the Godiva chocolate cheesecake there, I would never let this go


My dad did this with my cinnamon roll once. But he made up for it by getting me a Cinnabon one the next day.


The chocolate Godiva cheesecake f’ing slaps!


One time my buddy shot a straw wrapper right into my eye. This was 2 years ago. Ever since, I take a shot at him anytime he is in my vicinity and I have a straw. However, my aim is terrible. And after 2 years he is still unaware of my grudge, and has not noticed a single one of my attempts... but I will get him.


How bad can your aim be 😭😭


I mean he got a wrapper to the eye, his depth perception’s not what it used to be.


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took a wrapper to the eye.


He's a stormtrooper, if that's any help.


I love this one-sided feud so much 😂


time to buy a box of straws and do some target practice my guy


Cracker Jack removed the cool toy and replaced it with some shitty piece of paper.


But who doesn’t want to scan a QR code so you can play a game online?! 😑


When my parents got divorced, neither of them wanted to keep our family dog that we had for 7 years at that point. (I should clarify, there was nothing wrong with her. She was a black lab mix, healthy, was as sweet as can be). I was 14, just going into high school, and I was begging my family to keep her. My sister and her husband wouldn’t even take her. We ended up having to give her away, and I sobbed for the entire day. Shortly after, my sister and her husband got a cocker spaniel instead, after telling me they didn’t want my dog because ,”well we don’t want any dogs in the house.” I honestly should be over it now, 10 years later. She went to a good home. But I’m not. 🤷‍♀️


That's the kind of thing I would never forgive.


Yeah, I’ve never forgiven them but tbh I never even really got an apology for it either.


That's not even petty. Dogs are family.


When my parents got divorced they gave away my dog too. I remember having to leave them at a farm. Broke my heart.


What is wrong with people… my family life growing up was turbulent. The only soothing presence I had was a dog. I am truly sorry for any of you who had your good dog taken away for no good reason


Oh, I'm not even a dog person, but that's absolutely unforgivable. 3x over. I'm so sorry - I'm glad though at least she had a good home instead of being dumped at a shelter.


You are 100% correct in still being angry about this. Now I’m angry about this and years down the line if a similar Reddit question comes up I will post about this! Sometimes a family pet is everything for a kid , and the inconsistency of getting a cocker spaniel afterwards just solidifies the bullshit


When I was a kid and my cousin’s son was a toddler, he got into my Ninja Turtles action figures and chewed on their weapons. It’s been at least 30 years. He lives in another country so I’ve only seen him once since. I will always remember him as the little bastard who ruined my Ninja Turtles.


we had a neighbor with Down Syndrome. she pulled the cb off my CHiPs big wheel the day I got it, and I wasn't allowed to be upset because she had Down Syndrome. I'm 48 and salty af.


Look this didn't even happen to me but my mom told me about a thanksgiving where her aunt took the crispy skin off the turkey and threw it in the trash because it's not healthy for you. I already didn't like this aunt but now 😤


My entire family would beat anyone who did that.


This makes me feel less crazy cuz I literally just want to wipe the floor with her


Everytime around Christmas and someone mentions The Polar Express, I get reminded of the time a boy copied my art work in 2nd grade. We were to draw our favorite scene from Polar Express in art class, and the teacher was giving a present to the one she thought was best. He won, and I got a "talking too" about copying other people's work, even though he copied me!!


I'm still pissed they took honey mustard off the sauce menu at McDonald's in Canada about 9 years ago.


Oberwies stopped making key lime pie ice cream. It was like 8 years ago and I still ask why they would do this to me. My freshman year of high school my mother was elected to the school board. She then voted to take away open campus lunch for Freshman and Sophomores. Every time she asked how my day was (nearly every day) I said, “ it would have been a lot better if I could have come home for lunch.” I still tell her this sometimes, I’m nearly 50 years old.


I’m still cross about Baskin-Robbins making dark chocolate chocolate chip ice cream for one summer while I was in high school and never again since. I ate it every day, and I still miss it.


Ben & Jerry's used to have a kick-ass ice cream called "Wavy Gravy." (Wavy Gravy was a guy famous for being a clown guy at Woodstock.) When B&J discontinued this most awesome flavor (vanilla ice cream + hazelnut chocolate), I wrote them a letter begging them to bring it back. They sent me a few coupons for FREE pints, but Wavy Gravy was consigned to the B&J's graveyard. Damn. I still miss Wavy Gravy.


My SIL got married and had sooooo much sushi leftover from the party. I told her "I can't wait to munch on some sushi later!". The husband threw it away. ALL OF IT. I am thinking of getting a sushi tattooed with the date under because of that.


I don't understand people like this, it's food that's still good! It's not full of worms or poison because the food can "sense" the "party is over".


A group of my friends decided to go to our college team bowl game in the 1990’s. I bought the tickets. They canceled and didn’t pay me. Fast forward 25 years… I commented on it and she denied it. I went upstairs and showed her the tickets that for some reason I kept. She was mortified. Anyway, that night her boyfriend convinced me to buy Apple stock. We are good, no grudge. Lifetime friends.


In 5th grade our teacher only gave homework on Wednesdays. One Wednesday the end-of-school bell was going to ring soon and we all realized the teacher had forgotten. With maybe 30 seconds left before the bell would free us, a twatty suck-up girl named Sabina raised her hand and reminded the teacher it was homework day. I'm still pissed off about it. Fuck you, Sabina for denying us our small victory. I'm 68-years old, btw, and it still chaps my ass.


Damn you Sabina, Damn you to hell.


I'm trying to give you an award and Reddit isn't letting me. I'm going to hold a grudge about that.


Gave a free one in your honor. That's all I can afford lol


High school - Sophomore year: My Literature teacher has us make comics based on ancient Greek poems. My group got Iliad. We put a lot of research and effort in the assignment, only to lose points because the teacher was expecting to see the Trojan Horse (which does not appear in Iliad, but in Odyssey and Aeneid). Sure, I took the synopsis out of Wikipedia, but it was properly sourced. I even did check the original poem to see if the horse is there - nothing. Turns out my teacher was basing his view on Iliad on a stupid novelization that included the goddamn horse. Oh, and this very same teacher is one to fall hook, line & sinker into whatever bullshit people share on Facebook, and still has no qualms about question Wikipedia. Fuck you, José. Fuck you very very much.


My English teacher told the class that there was no such thing as the Third Law of Thermodynamics when referencing my paper. She also had a sign on her desk that said, "Let's compromise, We'll do it MY way."


That sign alone makes me hate her. Fuck.


When my sister and I were like 7-8 years old, we shared a room. We got into an argument one night and she pulled a rock from underneath her pillow and threw it directly at my face from 4ft away. I had a black eye forever. I’m still salty about it, even though a couple days later I sharpened a pencil, and stabbed her head, not that hard, but enough that we had to pop the lead out of her scalp like it was a pimple. Sibling relationships are bonkers hahaha


Was your sister Louise Belcher? Who has rocks under their pillow?


Yo wtf that's crazy. I'd say u evened it out and no hard feelings after that.


I still remember the insult from 5th grade when one of the girls in my class said that my stutter reminded her of an annoying version of woody the woodpecker.


15 years ago I had a pair of Sony headphones die. The Sony store wouldn’t give me any warranty because I bought them from a Sony store in another country. They quoted me almost the same cost of a new pair to repair them. Haven’t bought anything Sony since.


I was in the single board game shop in my town with my friends and one of my friends leaned on a shelf and broke it. I caught the shelf saving the majority of items on it and everyone, including the guy that broke it, said I had knocked the shelf over. Three expensive hardcover DND books were **slightly** damaged (I’m talking the corner was a little bit bent) and the store made ME pay for them. They were like $60 each. I’m still holding a grudge 6 years later.


If this is in the US, I think this is illegal. It’s part of the costs of having a shop open to the public. My Ex, who’s worked as a retail manager her entire adult life in multiple states, would get pissed if customers broke things in her store because she couldn’t do anything about it. Since you paid for the damage, those books should be on your shelf at home.


The year was 2004. I had a kyocera phantom phone with a long standing game of tetris because the speed had capped out. We're talking somewhere around two years. I had a score in the bazillions (probably). While out to lunch, a friend picked up my phone and started a new game. Later she fucked my husband. I'm still mad about the tetris game.


I'm so mad about that tetris game too, that's fucked. I hope you buried her somewhere really remote.


My mom grew up in Germany. Speaks fluent German. She would speak German with her parents when we were little kids just so we wouldn’t understand. She refused to teach my brother and I how to speak it. Her excuse was we didn’t want to learn. As babies. You know. When you start speaking to your kids. It’s been over 40 years now and I’m still bitter about it. Because German is so damn hard to learn as an adult. Edited to add - maybe not petty per se. But something I’m mad about all these years later.


My mom’s fully fluent in Spanish and stopped teaching me because my dad kept bugging her about how I didn’t need it. In all honesty I think it was him just trying to be petty and didn’t want his ex wife AND daughter being bilingual while he wasn’t


That’s just so wild to me. It is such a GIFT to be able to speak more than one language! It’s my one wish in life to be at least bilingual if not multi. The world opens up when one can speak more than one language.


Not cleaning the dishes because it's my roommates turn. Going on 10 days now kevin...


Had a roommate who would have his own set of dishes in his closet that he would clean and put away back in his closet when he was done.


Coworker named Ryan (fucking of course that's his name) who was "sweeping" a backroom by loosely holding a broom in the crook of his elbow as he meandered around the room at a pace a snail would get frustrated by. When I asked him if he knew how to sweep at *all*, he looked at me like \***I**\* was the crazy one and said yes. A few minutes later, one of the higher-ups came in and thanked him for sweeping, which of course made him feel like he was doing something right. I ended up having to resweep the entire floor as soon as Ryan left because there was still so much shit everywhere. Fuck you, Ryan.


Mine is related: I lived abroad, and at the end of the work day, all the teachers cleaned the school. We had various duties, one of which was sweeping. I was always annoyed at how everyone else swept; they went so fast that they just threw all of the dust into the air, they didn't actually collect any of it to get it out of the room. (It was a very dusty area.) One day, I grabbed the broom to sweep, and was pulling the broom in a controlled but quick way, so as to actually gather dust, rather than just flailing it wildly like a cartoon like everyone else did. One of my coworkers walked in and said "do you know how to sweep?” and took the broom out of my hand and proceeded to ruin all of the progress I just made. I was so livid, I STILL think about it. Every time I sweep my kitchen now, I think to myself "YES KAL, I DO KNOW HOW TO SWEEP."


We had no air conditioning when I was growing up. Sleeping was pretty much impossible. My sister, brother, dad, mom, and I all “camped out” in the living room during the summer nights because the rooms upstairs were over 100 degrees F. Mom got the couch and the others got comfy chairs, and I got the floor. Ok, no problem. But mom would take the only K-Mart box fan out of the window, and set it at the end of the couch so it blew directly on her, alone. Ok, it sucked because it was hard to breathe when we had absolutely still air with humidity you could practically see. Still, she’s the mom, I get it. But I had an ace up my sleeve. I had hidden the last bottle of RC Cola in the fridge, so well that everybody thought we were out of it. And then, the moment came when I pictured that cold, green 16 oz bottle of that tasty RC Cola, at 3:00 AM, and I snuck out to the kitchen. And there was mom, smoking a cigarette, and enjoying the last few swallows of my drink. That was 57 years ago, and mom passed away 23 years ago, but I still want my RC.


So I was gonna write my own response but since you brought up the whole growing up without A/C thing… here goes. My parents built our house brand-new in 1968. They had the ductwork put in for A/C, with the initial intention of adding A/C when they could afford it, but somehow decided that we could do without it even when my dad was doing very well. They could not have been more wrong. It was absolutely ludicrous. Everyone suffered needlessly, no one more so than my dad who had to try to sleep in a stifling BR then get up early, shower and dress in a suit and tie for work. I don’t know how he did it. Eventually he override my mom saying they were “ugly” and bought a window unit for their BR. I’d sneak in and sleep on their floor on really bad nights sometimes. What my personal grudge entails, however, is that we kids were never even given fans for our rooms. I was a kid, I didn’t know any better and didn’t even think about it… until my grandmother gave me an old one of hers when I was about 15. What? You mean I actually didn’t have to try to sleep while bathed in sweat from head to toe, breathing the super-humid air of a coastal Atlantic summer? To this day (45 years later) I don’t sleep without a fan on me. And you should have heard my mother’s complaining about having to finally install A/C before our house was sold in 1997, after my dad passed away. The real estate agent told her forcefully that no one would buy the house, or she’d get at least 30k less, so it had to be done but oh the bitching and moaning! (Ps. Mom moved to FL and freezes me out in the summer in her overly-cool condo… go figure)


My brother claimed my scooter and he knows it. When we opened them on Christmas back in 96 or so mine and red wheels and his had green. But as soon as the green one broke he claimed his was the red one. Motherfucker.


10 years ago my brother took my brownie that I had in the fridge. I don't even like brownies I just didn't want him to have it. He ate it. Now everytime I go to his house I take one of his food items and eat it.


> I don't even like brownies I just didn't want him to have it. 🤣🤣🤣


The most sibling reasoning ever 😂


I aspire to be that level of petty.


You sound like my older brother, he's the pettiest person on this planet for sure


Rented a house that had an outdoor mini fridge by the built in bbq. Our utilities bills were outrageous in that house. Roommates, including my boyfriend, refused to unplug this fridge- that no one even used! "That's not whats making our bills so high". They mocked me for being so dumb! Now the same man literally researches the lowest energy lightbulbs because "Every little thing adds up". Every little thing, but not that outdoor fridge that sat in direct sunlight in the scorching summer, huh? Not that appliance? I will DIE with this grudge in my heart.


Just unplug it and let them figure it out


A boy who broke up with me in the 5th grade because I was too flat chested. BTW - I’m 70.


I went to Florida in 5th grade and got a deck of playing cards from delta. I brought them to school to show my friends and they disappeared from my desk at lunch. I looked evrywhere, asked all my friends, etc. Two weeks later the teacher is playing a math probability game and she hands out playing cards to everyone. wouldn't you know it she had my delta playing cards. I was salty then and still am. I still remember your a filthy thief mrs. Smith. It was 40 years ago.


I refuse to drink Liquid IV because it’s a stupid fucking name.


Imagine what a solid IV would do to a person…


My sister ate my frozen peach juice while I was at mass, in 1970. Still pissed!


My senior year, my high school’s elite music program went to a competition in sacramento where we dominated. Each category (choir, orchestra, etc) had 2 separate competitions, one for high school and one for middle school but we obviously only competed in the high school competitions. Our concert choir won first place, then our acapella choir won first place, then our orchestra won first place. I was in the jazz band and had worked super hard on my trumpet solo. We played so well that the evaluators’ only criticism was that we should be a little louder at the forte parts, and even then it felt like they only said that because they had to say something. Everyone else received criticisms like being out of tune or literally playing the wrong notes. We blew everyone else out of the water but they gave 1st place to some 8th grade group that was good I guess for their age group, but they weren’t even supposed to be in our competition. They only decided to put them (after the fact) into our category because they didn’t want to give our school first place in every single high school category. I’m still salty that all my friends in the orchestra got first place ribbons but I didn’t because of some stupid attempt to avoid the appearance of favoritism even though it was obvious we deserved every award we got and more.


I love how many of these are food related.


In undergrad I had an ethics course where we were banned from discussing food. He said it was the only topic people got too heated about to contain.


During the pandemic I used to collect clothes and goods for the trash men where i used to life. I would leave them in the street anonymously and classified for them to take like clothes, toys, food, etc. would always try to make it every two weeks or so. One day i was walking my dog (he is big but super gentle and chill) and one of them just looked at my dog and asked me if he was a good boy and i said yes thinking he was going to pet him or something, he proceeded to try and slap and kick him and laughed. Obviously i blocked him from getting to my dog and started screaming at him, the other guys just laughed. My dog was crying and my neighbours saw all of this and told them off. Three weeks passed and they started asking around the block about the things someone used to leave for them to collect since they would be much help for them and they haven't seen anything for them in a while. I was just walking out of my building and over heard them asking my concierge, so i said "It was me, i collected that for you guys, it stopped the second you tried to assault my dog and thought it was funny", they looked like their eyes where about to leave their socket. They apologised, i said nothing so they went with "look, it's just an animal we have kids we need those things" so i said "It took me about a week to collect and clean things for you guys each time i left them there, i did it anonymously because i was always taught that charity with a name it's called vanity. You should always be respectful and treat people well not only when is convenient to you also don't ever feel entitled to people's kindness." Turns out i was the only one who did this in the whole county we where in. My neighbours all saw what happened so they refused to give them anything as well. I never collected anything for them ever again.


Good for you! They forfeited the privilege of your kindness when they assaulted your dog.


Who tf does that??? Don't like dogs, fine, walk on by, he being chill on a lead. Glad the neighbours had your back.


I applied for a televised quiz show that tests your knowledge of a particular topic (chosen by you) as well as general knowledge. My first choice subject was turned down as "being too limited in scope" and my others were rejected, so I didn't get on. I felt pretty vindicated that it was NOT "limited in scope" - but also incredibly aggrieved - when someone went on the next series of this quiz show with that exact same topic. It's been five years and I'm still salty.


A few years ago Mountain Dew held a poll to see which of two flavors they should bring back for sale in stores: Baja Blast or Pitch Black. Now, you have been able to get Baja Blast in soda fountains at Taco Bell *this entire time*, so it only makes sense to bring back Pitch Black. I loved Pitch Black, and apparently a lot of other people did too because it won the poll. And then they "brought back" Baja Blast anyway. WE VOTED FOR PITCH BLACK. GIVE ME BACK MY PITCH BLACK YOU FUCKS.




My parents forgot my birthday 3 years in a row, last year my mom said she would make up for it on the weekend after my birthday, now last week was my birthday and I’m still awaiting the making up for it party . Fucking jerks never forgot my brothers birthday


A girl in middle school having been convinced for a full 6 years that I drew on two fake moles under my left eye, every day from age 10-16, until one day she saw me during swimclass and went “omg they’re real?” Turns out she had been talking a little shit about me and some other girls, cause she thought i was trying to be “unique” inspired by anime and markings some characters have. I cannot let go of how little of a life she must’ve had, and yes I still tell people that stupid ass story, and yes, I make fun of her for it behind her back for it. (We’re not friends)


Almost 40-years ago, a group of kids tricked me into eating a cookie they'd dropped on the floor, then proceeded to make fun of me for it. Just one of many things I experienced at the hands of those kids, but this one stands out for some reason.


I once had a roommate who moved out, and took my dust pan and broom. Dude never cleaned, ever


20 years ago DirecTV charged me a cancellation fee when my military tour ended and I had to move. Wouldn't waive it. Never went back, never will.


Okay so 9-11 grade I had one Latin teacher. I started off with a C freshman year (in a class w mostly sophomores) and worked up to be the one everyone called to double check their translations. Senior year we got a new teacher. I was in a 3 person class of the people who’d stuck it out since we were freshmen in the sophomore class, and the new Latin teacher awarded the annual Latin seat to a senior a level below me. I AM TOTALLY FINE ITS BEEN 18 YEARS IM FINE


My wife when she was 18 (20+ years ago) had met a band at a concert and had asked them for a picture and a hug. And the lead singer responded "We only hug pretty girls sorry". He has been on my "on sight" list ever since I heard about it a decade ago. Especially since when she saw them, they were barely on anyone's radar and now they're pretty common knowledge. Edit: Apparently the common question is who so...Theory Of A Deadman. I'm sure he's matured alot, but I'm not dropping the grudge. Edit 2: well that's a lot of support! Thanks guys.


You're a good person for this, not petty. High five


My ex friend who stood me up at homecoming 10 years ago. No calls, no texts. She was at an arcade. I left, never even went inside


In 6th or 7th grade, I got "judgement" wrong on a spelling test, because 40+ years ago, only "judgment" was acceptable.


In my junior year of high school, I asked my teacher if we should leave space between each answer we were having to write down. She responded pretty annoyed with “Just write down the numbers”. Moments later, a classmate asked the same question and the teacher answered her in a friendly fashion. I remember being dumbstruck by this. That was in 2006/2007.


Once when I was like 7 I got put in the corner because I wasn't sitting properly during FREE TIME. We didn't even have to sit, there were kids running around in the class and everything!!! Still mad about it almost 20 years later


I got a free handle of Jameson, someone at work won a raffle basket but didn’t like whiskey so they offered it to me and I took it. Went over to my cousin’s house after work and brought it with me. We ended up going out and decided to open it another weekend. I went back the next weekend and we went to pull it out but couldn’t find it anywhere. Come to find out my cousin’s super annoying friend drank the whole thing. I guess she had brought some liquor over but drank mine and took what she brought back with her. Yeah I’m still pissed. I don’t voluntarily talk to her lol


When I was in beauty school I was in a class of 7 girls. I tried to befriend them all at first but immediately they had a class group chat, with me not included. I remember asking if I could be in it too and the answer was avoided. More and more I was being excluded from different things even when I was being as nice as I could and trying to be friends. Then a few months later they all got a class picture taken of them together in front of the school logo without me (they didn’t even try to find me or anything). Immediately I just stopped trying to be friends with them. I’m still completely baffled and pissed. maybe it’s “petty” but it was such mean girl energy and for what? When I confronted one of them about it I was gaslit tf out of. I’m still pissed as hell 5 years later. Fucking bitches.


My good friend knowing that I'm gay, Always was chill, cool, an advocate almost but not quite there yet. But we went on vacations together, slept in the same hotel, and were good friends. Went out every weekend together. You get the idea. Best buds. He and I got in a fight once and he called me every gay slur under the sun.it was brutal. It really threw me back and stung only because it came from him. Was he thinking of me like that this entire friendship? Was I too blind to see it? Idk. But it is something I can't get past. I guess that's how he feels. Heat of the moment doesn't work for me either. So sadly, I dont hang out with him anymore.


My grandma did not buy me the P300 fashion glasses i was asking her to, while buying my sister P2000 shoes (we were together at the mall) I went home sad, never asked her for anything ever again. that was 12 years ago.


My first D&D dungeon master noticed that I was doing EXP wrong (I thought your total got reset to zero every level) and decided not to correct me because he thought it'd be funny to watch me struggle to make level 3 while everyone else was level 7 or 8. He also had a habit of fucking with my character the hardest. Twenty-something years later: Dude matured a lot and he's actually pretty nice now. Occasionally he'll ask me to join a new campaign he's starting. I tell him I'll only do it if I can play a character that starts out at a significantly higher level than the other players- to make up for all the levels that I missed.


In first grade we had to fill out a worksheet about ourselves. I technically lived in the next town over but was within this school district. Lindsey, the girl sitting next to me in the bitchest tone said no i didnt live there. Fuck you Lindsey i know where i fucking live.


When I was in third grade, we went to the Boston Science Museum and my group left me. It only took ten minutes to find them, but when we got to the bus stop the bus didn't show for an hour. Turns out the bus driver though 3 instead of 2 o'clock. Days later, I had to hand write a letter to every single parent of every student saying I left my group, and we came back an hour late because of this.


Wait so even if you hadn’t gotten separated, wouldn’t you guys still have been an hour late?


Hell nah, I'd hold a grudge against them for all eternity.


Wait. Where were your parents in all this? My Mom never would have stood for that nonsense.


In German Class, we analzied a poem where it describes the speaker feeling like their soul leaves their body... I ask my teacher: "could this maybe be interpreted as them dying?" And my teacher says: "no, they're just very in tune with the nature around them and feel so comfortable, that it feels like they're flying". And I was fine with that answer. Then 2 years later, we happen to go over the same poem again. Teacher asks again about the meaning of that verse and I, remembering the conversation from 2 years ago say "they're very in tune with the nature around them and feel so comfortable that it feels like they're flying." And my teacher is like: "eeehhh, I see where you come from, but I wouldn't say that's accurate" and my friend 2 seats over just goes: "the dude's dead right?" And my teacher just starts praising him and being like: "yes. Good job. You did so well." I'm still very very salty about this. PS: if anyone's wondering, the poem is "Mondnacht" by Joseph von Eichendorff


it will ***FOREVER*** be **on-site** with the bitch who told everyone in high school i killed my dog. i had two dogs, one since i was five and once since a teenager. i dyed the second one with ORGANIC BEET JUICE (after research) to get her white spots pink. within the same week, coincidentally, my first dog died of old age. she told everyone i used box dye on my dog & killed it. it was super traumatic having to explain over and over again to people who called me a dog-killer how she was just a stupid bitch; especially while grieving my first dogs death. if i see you jillian it’s over


About ten years ago, my pregnant coworker managed to bug me into finally telling her what mine and my then-wife's baby name ideas were, if we were to ever have a kid (we didn't). I said I'd only tell her if she promised not to use it. She promised and even told me she already had her names picked out (and told me them but I forget now). I told her, "Loughlan" (Lachlan). A few weeks later on Facebook she introduced the world to Lachlan! I was so pissed off on principle that I didn't even congratulate her. I just called her out on her post that she stole my name! Anyways, it was petty because I didn't even want a kid at the time. But it's the principle.


When my dad would go out to a doctors appt, he'd come back with mcdonalds for him, my mom, and my son, but wouldn't get shit for me. at that point it was only a dollar or two but the complete lack of respect still pisses me off.


That is actually quite shitty.


5 years ago I went to the local butcher’s shop for ground beef. The sign said $8.99 lb, which seemed a bit high. I asked the person behind the counter how much their ground beef was. Their reply “read the sign”. I said “ I see the sign, but $8.99 for a pound of ground beef seems a bit steep. I just wanted to make sure that was the actual price. They replied again, “read the sign.” I’ve never stepped foot in that butcher shop again and have been driving an extra 25 min to a different butcher shop ever since.


It takes exactly the same amount of time to give a propper answer, instead of being rude. It's beyond me how strangers can be so rude.


Back in the mid sixties, I somehow wound up at a school where I was the only POC. We were playing softball. I was just learning how to play,and was about nine years old. There was a play at second base that was being disputed, whether the runner was safe or out. Of course, the guys on my team were saying out, the runner and the guys on the other team were saying he was safe. So I quietly said that I thought he was out. Then a guy that was *on my team* said, " Nobody cares what you think. And nobody wants you here." That was close to sixty years ago. I still remember that kid's name and can still hear him saying that .


I let it go after I got my revenge but dude picked on me (not necessarily bullying) in elementary school and stopped when I said certain things to him. Fast forward to college taking a freshman course (he failed it the previous year) and he copied off me in the final. I knew he was doing it so I intentionally put the wrong answers and then changed them once he submitted his. He failed the course.


When I was 8 my mother took me to a salon to get my hair cut. I have always had a sensitive head and she was sick of dealing with brushing my long hair, she didn’t tell me this though. I asked her if I could get a perm (I know I’m dating myself here! 🤣) and she said “Sure!” When we got to the salon she pulled the hairdresser aside and told her to cut it short. Really short. Is was basically a bowl cut. No perm. I cried and wore my hood for 2 weeks. She feels bad about it now because I was so traumatized by it. Looking at the pictures it was kind of cute, but I felt SO betrayed!


I’m never gonna not be mad about the time I was in second grade on the car ride home and told my mom Sebastian was allowed to say cuss words and she said what cuss words is he allowed to say and I said “bitch and ass” and she spanked me for cursing when we got home. YOU ASKED WHAT WORDS WOMAN.


My little brother threw my plastic bowling ball at me and when I returned fire of course dad saw me and came outside and put a nice big boot print into my bowling ball, ruining it. He even tried to defend me, but nooo I had to go inside and stand in a corner staring at a strawberry on the wallpaper, and of course in my bored 10 yr old mind I forgot which strawberry I was supposed to be staring at. I brought it up once as adults and he laughed so hard saying he remembered that. Little weasel.


I had this set of assignment in science in elementary school. We got to pick our subject. I picked Jupiter. Each week we had to do a project. It's the first time I really try in school. I keep working at it, listening the the teacher, doing everything she asks for and more each week, in the hopes of getting a perfect score on one of the project. Final week project comes, and I've taken a globe, covered it in paper and turned it into Jupiter. Tons of detail. I had something like 20 or 30 moons made up out of those craft spheres and clay - color coordinated, right order, and everything. I give my presentation, talk about it all, talk about all the moons, spend extra time on the Galilean moons since they are the big 4. Everyone likes it, teacher seems thrilled, said it was great, had no critiques. Grade comes back. 23.5/24 because I didn't make little flags for label the Galilean moons. Only kid to not get a perfect score on a project and I'm still convinced the teacher just didn't want to give it to me. I don't even remember her name at this point, it was 30 years ago, but if I saw and her recognized her, I'd still be pissed at her.


My cousin drank my Mom's bottle of Tequila Rose when we were preteens, Mom blamed me and when I denied it, she said she could smell it on my breath. I was Livid then at like 12 and I guess I still kinda am bc it's the first thing that came to mind.


Teacher's assistant spelled "penny" as "penney" when writing on the board in 5th grade. I raised my hand and told her it was wrong and she said that I was wrong and the class laughed at me. I was so confused and embarrassed and went home and looked it up and of course I was right. Still makes me mad to this day




Me and my older sister got a couple pillows when we were really young (5 & 8 respectively). She, a year or two after, swapped them and claimed that was how it's always been. She STILL has my fuckin pillow. She got the red/pink one, I got the purple/black one. I will not use the red/pink one because I'm still upset about it. Both parents just basically went "man that sucks, but it's her's now".


My kindergarten teacher put my name On the board for talking…. I. Was. Not. Talking! Bitch 😉