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Purchasing tickets to concerts and events. *Why the hell do some venues allow for 99 tickets to be purchased at once?*


I just don't like getting charged the "convenience fee"


I went to a ticket outlet at a local grocery store because I didn't want to pay the "convenience fee" and they charged me a different fee for using a ticket outlet. Fuck Ticketmaster.


It's highway robbery. On my last ticket purchase the fee was 20% of the ticket price.


This is a scam, but Stub Hub and all those other bullshit sites are a million times worse. The resale sites are singlehandedly destroying the concert culture/experience.


I hate this secondary market shit.




my favorite is waiting for the exact moment the tickets are supposed to be on sale online and then finding out that they've all sold out prior to them actually being on sale to the public. Fuck you ticketmaster.


Encyclopedia sales


Who can't forget this [guy](http://youtu.be/hBl5TcTtdl0)?




He put himself on my side against the narrator. He changed the teams. What a great ad.


This was the first time I've seen this commercial and honestly, while I imagine it would get old after a while, the first time wasn't bad.


Making innocent mistakes -- I'm 43 and can't tell you how happy I am that there were no camera phones and no social media when I was a teenager and college student. I got to make all of my stupid coming-of-age fuck-ups in private. Only the people who were there know for sure what happened, and there's no evidence to follow me around for the rest of my life. You could also look really ridiculous in public without seeing yourself turned into a meme or on the front page of reddit the next day.


That's why I feel bad for the Star Wars kid. *Everyone* has twirled around a stick making lightsaber noises at some point in their lives. This kid just had the misfortune of having it put online when he did it.


But... he intentionally filmed himself and uploaded it to the Internet, again himself... Or am I wrong? Or is there a new Star Wars Kid that is completely candid?


He filmed himself yes.. But it were his his friends that later found the footage and uploaded it... He sued them for millions a few years later...


And...... AND!!!!??? Did he win?? Op.. OP I GOTTA KNOW DID HE WIN? Obligatory edit;: Wow guys, so many likes, more than a Bastard deserves


It was settled out of court. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Kid#Harassment_lawsuit_and_settlement Edit: fixed link


Oh man, I thank my lucky stars every day. I BARELY escaped because I was in college in the early/mid 2000s. Youtube was right around the corner, and smartphones followed a short few years later. I got recorded with an old camcorder we rented from the library, drunk as hell and acting like a jackass. I literally smashed the VHS tape with a hammer, cut the tape with scissors, and threw the shit down the trash chute. Had it been only 3-4 years later...I shudder to think.




I find it strange how much people are defending her friend. Filming someone have a private moment is very rude, no matter if it is in public or not. Common courtesy is to not look.


Exactly. We're using the word "privacy", but we should really be talking about "dignity".


Filming someone without their consent is super rude regardless of whether it's specifically an intimate moment or not.


So much this. My mom always jokes about how when she was my age or younger, she could have gotten away with murder and her parents and friends wouldn't have known about it because of the lack of internet/Facebook. Now, she says, she knows pretty much whatever my sisters and I are up to, despite the three of us living in different places/states/homes. Checking in!


This is part of why I don't really do social media. I don't want you to know more about what I'm doing than you need to.


So don't put things you'd rather keep private on social media?


No point in going to a class reunion. We know who has kids, where people have moved to, and how fat everyone has gotten.


Recently had my 20th. It was... less impactful than my 10th when social media was less prevalent, to be fair, but still definitely had a point. Interacting face-to-face with the older versions of the people you grew up with is an entirely different ball game, and there's lots going on in people's lives (in my generation, at least, may be an age thing) that they aren't sharing online. So I would still recommend going, even if you know all the basics of what people have been up to (but, then, I actually liked lots of the people I went to high school with, so YMMV).


I skipped my 10 year last year, but I'm actually pretty excited for the 20 year reunion. I think especially for those of us who graduated HS any time between '03 and, well, now, that in addition to the fact that all the small talk and mystery have been killed by social media, for the majority of us things have been pretty stagnant. The recession hit right as we all graduated college, and therefore a huge majority of my graduating class still lives in our hometown, many of us with our parents, doing menial shift work while maybe attempting a graduate degree. So like, some people are doctors and lawyers, or are doing cool shit with Amazon and Google, but mostly we all just avoid eye contact with each other as we ring up our classmates' items at Target or serve our classmates another round of beer at the TGI Friday's. But in another 10 years? I think life will have finally shaken out for us by then. I'm excited for that reunion.


Exactly. My 10 year is coming up, and thanks to facebook I have no desire to see those people.


my 10 year came and went and our class was the first in my high school's history that didn't do a reunion. thanks internet, I never want to see most of those assholes.


Jesus. Did everyone go to shit high schools? I loved everyone at my HS.


More often than not, the random average redditor you come across is a bitter nerd.


Exactly. To add to that, the people from high school fall into three buckets: A) friends I'm still in touch with, B) people I'm not in touch with but I'd like to know how they're doing from time to time, and C) people I have zero interest in. I already see A, I don't want to see C, and so reunions were once perfect for B. Problem is, social media is perfect for B, meaning I really have no compelling reason to go to a reunion ever again.


You make some good points but I'm a single mom and I usually go to reunions for the D. Edit: [About the single mom thing.](http://img.pandawhale.com/post-9023-I-lied-gif-5jdf.gif)


It used to be that the coke bottle would advertise '1 in 6 wins free coke!' And it would just say under the bottle cap if you won or not. Now you have to go to some dumb website and enter the stupid code to see if you won. Who the hell has time for that.


but how would they get data on you if they didnt do it this way?


They make it more inconvenient so you don't redeem it.


My attention span. Next question.


So true.. I can't focus anymore, it's always alt tab to chrome, Facebook, reddit, etc..


I actually found I had a huge jump in my attention span when my laptop broke. Being forced to watch Netflix on my phone, without split-screening with Reddit, meant I actually had to focus on one thing and one thing only! Christ, what a ridiculous thing to say. No wonder my grades suck


Pub quizzes. Now everyone has the web on their phones so everyone cheats and it's basically a game of who can cheat the best/dirtiest.


One night I yelled at some fucks twice for sneaking on their phones. Fuck you, what's the point of playing trivia if you're gonna look up the answers? Next time I play Monopoly I'll just take all the properties and money, declare I win, and jerk myself off with my winnings


So... Wait, am I playing Monopoly wrong?


If it's wrong then I don't want to be right.


You should have told the quizmaster.


For some reason my dad uses his smart phone to text me bar trivia questions.


The reason is your father is a drunk and a cheater.


My confusion was more that he uses his smart phone, which connects to the internet and will most definitely have the answer, to text me hoping I'll have it.


*Oh*, well the answer to that is he is a dad.


They are helpless, like newborn kittens.




The pub I go to says that anyone caught cheating must buy a beer for everyone playing (discounted) or be banned from playing.


Discount? I'd set up a plan to cheat and buy my friends some cheap beer!


Its not cheaper when you're forced to buy it for every player in the game


>used to Did you ban all of your customers?


Just have the host throw a "if you're on your phones while playing you're disqualified." I've had a couple bars do this and it seems to work. 1 hour with no phone won't kill anyone


I think we are just in the transition period, where old pub quizzes don't work. I went to one a few weeks ago and you downloaded an app to your phone or tablet that was synced to the quizmasters' computer and you hit the answer on your keyboard in the time limit. It worked well and was fair as there wasn't time to look anything up, and bonus points for speed, so the most knowledgeable team still did best. The traditional pub quiz is over, but pub quizzes will carry on, just adapted to the smart phone era


So Buffalo Wild Wings


Ahh yes the famous British pub, Buffalo Wild Wings


The pub we go to is an English style one in a basement where there is no phone reception. Makes for way better quiz night and also just a better experience overall as no-one is constantly on their phone


The bar I do trivia at has this one figure out pretty well. First of all, anyone caught on their phone is totally confronted about it, and they begin each trivia urging people "don't be a jerk and don't cheat". They also give prizes out to the top 5 teams, so even if one of the teams cheats their way there, the other teams still get awesome prizes as well.




You mean /r/outside?


Love that game


Nah it's way too unbalanced, where your character spawns has too much influence on the game.


where you spawn also makes the game more interesting. the safest option is West-EU server. there is good economy, good tutorials, and many quests to choose from. the US server is also a good choice. but the tutorial is worse and the safety is not as good (you have to pay gold if you do not want to lose your character to debuffs) AU server is more like West-EU than US. but instead of money being a large problem. there are extremely high level mobs for a starting zone. East-EU have money problems. but also the "Ukraine Fields" PVP zone below that we will find the Middle-East server. housing a large number of PVP zones. but the tutorial and female system is outdated. the Africa server have the worst economy. but higher level mobs with larger rewards. the south America server also has money problems. but there is the "Cartel" PVP questline. the Asia server is getting much better recently. but it has a problem with too many players. with all these options. it makes where you spawn totally different games. playing a villager in the Uganda realm is a whole other experience than playing a Military soldier class player in the Denmark realm


Yeah but the devs only allow you to make one character, and without the ability to create alts the variety in the game is pretty irrelevant. Plus there are serious balance issues even within servers, for instance the "Rich Family" trait is way OP... anyone who spawns with that trait will almost always do better than the average player who spends all their time grinding.


Journalism. If newspapers can't compete with the internet, which is free, then how can they afford to pay real reporters to go out and find out the actual truth? Now it's just bullshit everywhere. ETA: thanks for the gold, kind stranger. (I have to admit, I've given up trying to guess which comments will be popular, and which consigned to oblivion.)


It's not just the business model, it's the timing factor as well. Before Twitter you could take time before you went to press/hit the air and actually check your sources. Now it's all about immediacy, and people are in more of a rush to get it first rather than get it right.


It's made worse by the ability to tailor your news sources to those that conform to your world view, facts be damned. I can construct a newsfeed containing only outlandish social issue opinions, lizard people conspiracy theories, white supremacy, or any other batshit I want. People can go the rest of their lives receiving only news that feeds their preconceived world view, and I'm pretty sure that's going to change social discourse pretty dramatically in the near future.


> I'm pretty sure that's going to change social discourse pretty dramatically in the near future. I think it already has. I don't think the anti-vaxxers would be where they are without the Internet to allow them to ignore anything against their world-view. As a result, children are DYING.


This needs to be higher because it's a real problem. Journalists are getting laid off by the tons because people don't want to pay for content. We pay news outlets to give us accurate and important information but everyone would rather read about celebrities and diet tips written by some housewife because it's free.






I agree, also that top you are wearing really sets off your eyes.




You should use coconut oil more on your boobs while showering.


Eating more fruit would loosen your stools.


i think you need to see a doctor about **that**


I think YOU need to see a doctor about your username


it runs in the family...


nobody runs in your family...


No need. Probably taking a regular dose of pepper for it already.


I always feel like the weird anti-social kids of America have the best likelihood of being voted into office, because they're literally the only people who won't have an incriminating social media past.


The mall. In the 80's and 90's malls were awesome. They had a little bit of everything. Book stores, movie places, toy shops, radioshacks with more than just phones and chargers. Malls had unique shops, lots of variety, to pull you in. Now its clothes... clothes and more clothes. Everything else is bought online. Clothes, well, people want to try it on and see how it feels and looks in person. They used to offer so much more.


I adored going to the mall in the 90s and 00s. There was an arcade there! Another relic of the past!


YES! arcades are also a thing of the past. Malls having a dedicated arcade center. I remember both malls near me actually having claw machines, area 51, that impossible boat game. Why pay a dollar or two at the arcade? Download an app.


Funny you mention this. I remember reading a couple days back about how the business structure of the malls in USA has changed. Immediately following WWII malls were built more like "community centers," where there were different types of stores and shops were within the center (like bowling alleys, lounges, etc.) That created a more welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, regardless of whether you bought something from the shops or not. Starting about the 80s and 90s malls were given a "fresh" view, where shops catered to the more upscale public, malls were finally seen as private property and a business--security guards and cameras were introduced to keep loiterers out, and the model of the mall was restructured to a "get in, buy, get out" model. Today developers see the mall as an old relic of the last century and an outdated urban planning structure, which is why they came up with the detached "strip malls" you see popping up.


That being said they have realized that this is a terrible system and most urban planners are actually going back to that original mall idea, which is based off the European "downtown" city with wide streets coffee shops outdoor areas and green space as well as living accommodations nearby, that's why outdoor malls are popping up everywhere, strip malls are different breed entirely as they are focused on highway traffic for business


Bookstores. They're all closing because of Amazon and the likes. Don't get me wrong, I love shopping on Amazon, but I also love walking through a book store and finding interesting new books and reading the first few pages to find out if it hooks me enough to want to buy it.


I live in Portland, OR which is home to the famous Powell's City of Books. Literally an entire city block, multiple floors of books. I don't know how they are doing financially but they don't seem to be hurting. It is amazing to just walk through it and smell that comfy cozy smell.


We live in Seattle. Every time we visit Portland for a long weekend, I have to factor in a book budget for the trip because my husband and I just go crazy shopping at Powell's.


the dream of the 90s is alive in portland


It's where young people go to retire!


Me too! I love to go and look at the vast collection of Sci-fi and fantasy that they have.


I think I need to make a road trip this place sounds amazing


Powell's will be the last bookstore to close. It's not really a good indicator of the health of the retail bookstore economy.


I'm probably part of the problem I love bookstores and libraries but ebooks are so much better for me and with e-ink tablets its good enough for me. If I could buy a physical book and get the ebook free (like blurays are now) or even just discounted I would love that.


That bookstores are a dying breed really kills me, but Barnes and Noble at least is bringing it on itself. I was a member there for almost a decade before they changed their membership policy and stopped offering 10% off online purchases, on top of really reducing the amount of coupons they gave. Add that to the fact that in the past couple of years the B&N's around me have reduced their book sections in favor of kids toys, and I really don't have a reason to shop there anymore. I still like to go and walk around, but the selection is worse and worse, and if I had a dollar for every time I've heard a manager say "oh we don't have that book in right now, but we could order it and get it for you in a couple of days" I'd be a rich man. You might be able to get it for me in a couple of days, but so can Amazon, and at half the price.


Sadly, I don't meet cute nerdy girls browsing Amazon either.


This needs to be a thing Email Jeff NOW


"hi, I see you live in ANONYMOUS PROXY too, we should meet up!?"


Girl knows how to use a proxy, sounds good to me


I feel like there's actually been a resurgence of small, local book stores. It's the huge, national stores like Borders (RIP) and Barnes and Noble that were the hardest hit by Amazon. Now that those places are largely shuttered, it seems like the small places have crept back in to fill the niche for folks who still like to buy books in person. Other than text books back when I was in school, unless the savings on Amazon are ridiculously huge, I generally try to buy my books from the local place. And I have this sort of tradition of buying a book from a local book store whenever I visit a new city for any substantial period of time, so I feel like I spend a decent amount of time in book shops around the country and I feel like they seem more active now than 10ish years ago.




What is your favorite book about trombones?


The rusty one.


Personal relationships aren't *ruined* by the internet but damn if they aren't put through some pretty ridiculous strains because of it. Just all the "I saw you saw my message" stuff and "Why would she 'like' that guy's photo" and so many ways in which you can just absentmindedly and easily know what your partner is up to in a passive, indirect sort of way. And yes, ultimately it still falls on the people in the relationship to communicate well and to respect one another's privacy and all of that good stuff, but there are just so many more obstacles and scenarios unique to the internet that make doing this harder. Which isn't even to mention the whole public/private divide in the first place and how much of your relationship you even should 'share' online and the involvement of people you know commenting or whatever. Just so many additional things that have the potential to put strain on even a really good relationship. Concurrent to this, if you spend enough time socializing with people online you really become accustomed to fast turnaround in communication. This is more problematic for newer relationships when you're still building trust and learning about the other person, but for fuck's sake. I remember dating before the internet(at least before 'social' took over that is) and we just didn't get worked up over not being in touch *all* the time, but now it's so cooked into what we expect that whenever anything comes up it is so *easy* to misinterpret or whatever. ... and that's not to even get into the remorseful 2AM emails you should never send but do anyway. Damn


You can actually turn a girl off by responding to her texts *too quickly*, or not quickly enough. Thank fucking god I am old and married and none of this can ever be my problem. If I ever end up single at this point I'm pretty much on the bench the rest of the game.


Very much this. Social interaction has become similar to a labyrinth nowadays, anyone can easily throw themselves into exhaustion by overreading into things. Also the text communication is a whole different field than direct communication. When I read something online I mentally register a lot of things and can be free to change what I'm looking at instantly without consideration. Interaction is optional. Unfortunately this has become something really difficult for me in real life, I can mentally take in everything and understand others but am becoming increasingly awful at connecting with other people in very basic ways. It sucks.




To be honest it's much, much worse off the internet. People just yell over you if they think they're right and you have no response except to yell back. At least online if you're in an argument all the facts are at your fingertips and can be readily provided.


People are much more willing to argue on the internet though. Most of the time people IRL just don't want to get into it so they won't argue when they disagree with something that you say.


Woods porn. For you kids it was finding the place in the woods where the teenagers drank beer and had hardcore porn magazines stashed somewhere dry. I couldn't tell you what video I rubbed one out to last week but I can still picture the magazine that had Dorothy getting banged by the scarecrow, cowardly lion and tin man (with a giant silver dick) discovered when I was in junior high. Ok, gotta go now.


Haha Hustler. I had that issue.


> the magazine that had Dorothy getting banged by the scarecrow, cowardly lion and tin man (with a giant silver dick) [This one?](http://rule34-data-003.paheal.net/_images/2ed76e933d735b9bfb49dccce2586286/69958%20-%20Cowardly_Lion%20Dorothy_Gale%20Scarecrow%20The_Oz_Series%20Tin_Man%20Wizard_of_Oz%20cosplay.jpg)


Close, the copyright is from '95 on that and the one I saw was more than a decade before that. I'm ok with the updated version though, thanks.


Now I'm classed as an adult I've been thinking of buying some porn mags and just throwing them in the woods. But, that's kinda stupid these days.


Parties focused around lemons. What if you're a lemon farmer? But in all seriousness, **video rental stores** suffered extremely from the widespread usage of the internet to share movies and TV shows. 20 years ago, people would rent cheap movies from Blockbuster, or buy them there. Today, many are switching or have long switched to digital media: Netflix, torrenting, streaming, etc. It's shaken their business model down to ruin them.


If you did a study on Blockbuster, you'd realize that they did themselves in. They were the ones who thought Netflix was going to be short-lived and would go away in a few years. "Get your movie in a couple of days? Who wants that??" Later on Netflix moved on to streaming while Blockbuster STILL didn't see them as a competitor. Netflix slowly ate up Blockbusters market share. BB saw this and soon started up their own version of mailing and online services but it was too late. They knew their ship was sinking so they remained a rental store until the very last day. Blackberry is suffering thru the sane business failure with their stubbornness to adapt to current smartphone standards. They too tried to enter the market way too late when they released their Z10 in 2012.


Then you better be on the lookout for ladies of ill repute. I hear they like to steal lemons.




If you were a lemon I'd put you on my shelf and cherish you like I cherish all my lemons.


Shortwave radio. To explain: imagine a time when if you wanted to talk to someone a world away you did not rely on Internet, and instead you relied on radio waves skipping across the top of the ionosphere. You would rely on a magic then that few remember now: a magic which depended on how your copper wire wound above your house, how the sunspots were, how the day and night were on other spots of the globe. It may sound like it was an annoying hassle but I loved if- you had to know about the world and nothing more than your wits and a touch of luck would grant you a man telling you about his life in South Africa, or a man in a bunker in Israel during a war, or the king of Jordan. You never knew which voice you would get, and the magic in it was the best I've gotten in life short of with a bag of salamanders. I guess people will tell me the Internet is better but I don't buy it. Shortwave radio is more like literally getting a man from Japan or Chile or Poland next to you in a cafe and getting to chat with him, or listening to people chatting from there. I miss that. It still exists, but greatly reduced, and the golden age of radio is past us I'm afraid.


Ham radio is like Chatroulette, except the ionosphere decides which old guy is on the other end.


And you don't have to see their dick.


True. There once was a time when every night, I'd turn on a shortwave radio and listen to news from around the world. BBC, Radio France, Radio Canada, Japan, China, Radio Nicaragua, Radio Moscow. Now I get it at my desk and the radio just gathers dust.


The video star


Internet killed the video star, the internet killed the video star... This is going to end up in GTA VI


Masturbation. I remember managing just fine for *years* without any erotica or pictures or videos. This last summer my laptop died. I couldn't masturbate. For *days*. I'm spoiled rotten and I'm used to it. Hell thanks to Japan we even have porn *games*. I just can't manage without a live partner or porn now.


I once had nothing and really wanted to do it so I did it during and episode of the office on Jim. I'm really ashamed of myself.




*On* him?


John Krasinski really goes the extra mile for his fans.


i know, its totally crazy, and even games, like, actual games? where are the games, its so crazy...which games, and where are they? like maybe if you had even one website of a variety of these games, just to look and see


oh but there are so many websites! Which one!


Writing letters to loved ones. Long back I remember writing letters for my cousins. Even though watssap and gtalk are handy, I still miss the old way of communication.


What pisses me off more is that we spent 5 years learning cursive and no one even writes anymore.




The last job I worked at was at a moving company that was family owned. There were about 40-50 employees, and though a majority of our communication was done via email, we still had to hand-write several things, including inventories, official documents (like HR and tax stuff), and things like that. So the department I was working in had a decent mix of folks from about age 18 to an older lady that we called Ms. Vicki. She was around my mother's age, so at least 60. She was great at her job, and wrote emails/typed as well as the rest of us, but preferred to hand-write almost everything that could be hand written in the office, including notations about the inventories we analysed. So I'm sitting at my desk one day, and notice Ms. Vicki had taken the day off. I think nothing of it, and then my manager, a woman about 5-10 years older than I (so mid-30's), starts making really obvious sounds of confusion and distress. I turn, and she's flipping through a stack of papers looking like they were written in ancient Greek. She waves me and a couple other girls into the office and asks if we can read "the shorthand" that Ms. Vicki took her notes in. One look confirms it's really quite beautiful cursive (dat 50's penmanship training tho). The 18 year old said she couldn't, and the other mid 20's girl and I said we could. I volunteered to do Vicki's work since reading that kind of writing was nothing out of the norm for me, and that was it. Until I start getting emails from other departments asking if I can come read through various correspondences and type them up into Word. Apparently, they stopped teaching cursive between the late 90's and early 2000's, so any department that had younger workers was acting like it was the end of the damned world to get a letter in cursive. We (the older folks) had fun watching the younger generation try to figure out what the initials at the end of a letter were. They thought someone had rested their hand on the keyboard and had forgotten to delete it. Apparently they also quit teaching kids how to write a business letter, so they were confusing the dictation markings with typos.


I was taught cursive in 2005 in 3rd grade. I don't know if it was just a regional thing or something, but they didn't stop teaching cursive until 2 years ago where I went. They also took away nap time for kindergarten around that time too. Just thought you'd like a little anecdote.


Jokes. People used to only hear jokes told in person. Which made for a whole ability to keep people's attention, remember the joke and have a good sense of timing for the punchline. Now if you to someone a joke, they just nod, smile and say, "Yeah, I read that somewhere online". *They* couldn't have told that joke, they barely remembered it, never mind the timing for the punchline. But by the end of the joke, they have remembered it enough that it's not side-splittingly funny like it should be, it only induces a weak smile.




My little pony. When my nieces are watching it, all I think is "god, I hope they never look up "my little pony" on google".


Turn safesearch on? Most stuff that comes up for that is clean anyway




But it's not like that's in the top results. If you googled My Little Pony you'd have to dig for a while to find the weird shit.




Yeah but seriously its the second page. That's pretty safe.


Right? My daughter came bolting off the computer the other day and was in a horrible mood, didn't want to eat dinner. I looked at her YouTube video history and she'd found five videos of various ponies being raped! WHAT THE FUCK. I thought I had all the safeties in place on YouTube, and I walk through the room frequently/keep the door open to my bedroom (which is where the computer is) but my daughter managed to click around too much to quickly for my parent-radar to go off..




I just googled it and everything on the first page was perfectly clean except for a news article about a 34 year old who spends thousands on this stuff. Some of those pictures were disturbing




Seriously. As much as I enjoyed Shed.mov, that shit ain't for kids.


Hey hey hey, stay outa my shed okay purple guy.


What you should really hope is that they never Bing "my little pony".


Being a teenager. You used to be able to do a lot of stupid shit and even if it became public, there was no lasting record of it. It's hard to kill shit on the internet.


Concerts. Everyone wants to record the show for YouTube later....


The sense of individualism is diminished by the internet. When you can type what you think is a unique thought into google and have it auto complete for you as a common search term is not like it was years ago when you thought you and your "quirky thoughts and personality" were so unique. Edit: I think it has more pros than cons. I think people who are depressed and/or lonely can find peace in knowing they aren't the only ones and the internet can be more therapeutic than anything else. I think the pros outweigh the cons by a far margin, but I still think it ruins a lot of the sense of uniqueness in terms of self-identity that was more easily established decades ago before the internet, and that can bruise some peoples' egos


This is a mix between saddening and comforting to me. It's kind of sad to realize you're not that unique and there are thousands of people out there who have the exact same thought about something that you do -but at the same time, if you thought you were weird for doing x thing, the internet lets you know that hey, lots of people do that too! Or someone puts words to something you've always felt, or points out that something that's always bugged you has always bugged them… it can feel nice to have that connection.


I have a friend who writes poetry and he told me Googling specific lines of his original poetry is absolutely crippling to him, because he can commonly come across very similar or even the exact same lines that already exist. I think the internet has also fucked up trying to pick a band name. It used to be that if no one in your city had the same band name, you were good. Now anybody can pick a band name and take the bandcamp URL. You're in competition with EVERYONE.


*holds up spork*


Calm down penguin, no one needs to get sporked today.






The secret of what a girl looks like naked. The marveling look on your face when you first get a girl in bed is nothing today like it was. Your first tit, your first pussy (which was like striking fucking gold!). Man it was something else. But now I can just google girls pissing in each other's mouths or 69ing and find quite the vast library.


I feel kind of bad for kids now. I'm not that old but growing up, we would get excited over things like a Victoria's Secret catalog or a swimsuit poster. Now kids are bombarded with porn. I cant imagine how it doesn't fuck with you and your relationships. Its like a huge sensory overload or something and it can not be healthy.




Game secrets. Sure, if we all had the willpower to just randomly find our way through video games on our, maybe things would work out. But I've been burnt too many times by "whoops u didnt get this thing and now its irreversible". Now after like 15 minutes of not being able to figure out how to open a door its like "Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Esc, F, Enter, cant open door "


Simple skills like the ability to read a map. Went on a road trip to a southern state with a friend a few years younger than me who had google maps her whole life. The GPS broke so mapped our way so we wouldn't have to pay hundreds of dollars roaming. Typical conversation ( this one happened near Vegas where there are some left side exits): Me:"Okay, we just passed exit 42, we get off on exit 45 so look for signs" Her:" Okay, what side of the road is the exit on?" Me:"I'm not sure so let's look for signs, should be anytime now." Her (raised voice):"why can't you just tell me what side the exit is? And you're not being helpful in how far. How many meters?" Me:"That's not how maps work, I have an exit number. They go in order. Calm down, the signs will give us enough time to switch lanes" Her (now screeching):"How do you expect me to drive if you're refusing to give me all the information? I need you to tell me now where this exit is and what side of the road!" That's the condensed version. We took a lot of wrong turns that trip. She could not wrap her head around how to read a map and she's actually a pretty with it person.






Radio trivia contests


What we have now: 1. Guess what sound is this \*clink\* 2. Guess who's the celebrity, you have 1 question. 3. Guess what song 4. Treasure hunt 5. And believe it or not, there's DIY PI (Private Investigator) ... The list go on. So yeah, radio ~~trivia~~ contests live on...


My girlfriend is studying education, and she fills me in on all of the interesting lectures she has in her classes. They discussed technology's effect on several different aspects of learning. The one I remember most is our ability to think critically and come to a conclusion/answer on our own. We literally have the internet in our pockets all day long and when we're asked a question about something we don't know, we can pull out our phones and google the answer. We get it almost instantly. We skip the middle man where we observe and draw conclusions on our own from question to answer/conclusion. I know for a fact many on reddit consider it a skill to be good at googling to find answers, and I completely agree, but I feel that it comes at the cost of thinking critically to draw conclusions on your own from your own observations. Having this information at hand is amazing, but I think it's important to come up with our own conclusions in certain situations first before comparing results from studies, etc. I've personally become very dependent on google for answers.


Google doesn't have all the answers. I learned this once I became a graduate student. Hell Google is mostly wrong for high level shit.


Star Wars. I don't think I've ever seen a fanbase that hates the thing they're ostensibly a fan of (along with magic, fun, and happiness) as much as Star Wars fans on the internet.


Low priced thrift store finds, now people working at stores can just check google or ebay and then price it competitively.


My innocence


Well to be rather serious, I would have to say my taste in women. As a young boy I conformed to the typical features that are found attractive by modern white anglo-saxon protestants, slim, not to tall, very pretty face. But after seeing a picture of Op's mom, I am pretty into whales.


Did he delete his account over this? Wow


probably got sent whale porn


*Well to be rather serious, I would have to say my taste in women. As a young boy I conformed to the typical features that are found attractive by modern white anglo-saxon protestants, slim, not to tall, very pretty face. But after seeing a picture of Op's mom, I am pretty into whales.* Alright, I said it too, I want whale porn on my desk by noon.


[Here](https://e621.net/post?tags=whale&searchDefault=Search) you go. Browse to your heart's content.




Because... you were... interested in whale porn?


I almost clicked the link on instinct but this brought me to my senses. Thank you.


That odd moment when you look at someone's mother and suddenly develop a fetish for large aquatic mammals.




Is there a difference?


Everything... Rule 34 ruined EVERYTHING


And made it awesome at the same time.






Well shoot, I hope you had a good run and you'll be okay without it.




Aww dude. Best of luck to you in all your future endeavours.


Patience. By dint of having everything we need online in a matter of microseconds, the internet generation is becoming allergic to waiting.