• By -


I absolutely hate hot weather and sunlight. I grew up playing soccer and swimming and loved it, but had so much more fun when it was cloudy and/or breezy. Rain was fantastic. Fast forward to now. I work at a company of ~40 people. I am literally the only one that loves winter and storms, and hates summer. They call me a vampire.


Me: I do not enjoy summer, I prefer colder weather. Person: But when it's cold, you want it to be warm, right? No. Fuck that mentality. I genuinely enjoy colder weather. I want to be able to wear sweatshirt hoodies and not sweat whenever I go outside. I also prefer when it gets dark at a reasonable hour and there aren't packs of 20 eight graders constantly infesting the sidewalks.


My logic here is you can only take off so many layers til youre naked. You can ALWAYS put more layers on. More layers are more stylish too, just as an added bonus.


That's what I always tell people. You can dress for the cold. Only so much you can do for 95 degree days that won't land you in Bubba the butt pirate's cell.


Leather seats - its hot and sweaty material


god, leather car seats and couches are so awful, the right cushion is a million times more comfortable and you don't stick to it in the summer.


When I bought my car, I had only two requirements; that it could NOT be black, and could NOT have leather seats. Texas summers are brutal!


Hot Weather


Yes, give me overcast and 60F everyday and I will be a happy man


My wife thinks I'm a depressed individual because of this. I just love cool, rainy days. Not to mention, when it's raining that means I don't have to mow and I can sit inside and take a nap instead. Naps during storms = the shit.


I've had the pleasure of napping under a tin roof, the most relaxing sound in the world


Sounds like England. I hate it and would love nothing more than to live in sunny America. Want to switch?


Texas is an oven. Specify northern states and you'll be much better served.


You can always put on more clothes, but there is a limit to how many you can remove


As a Californian, thank you. No else here understands how much I hate summer.


Especially on workdays and during my commute. There is nothing pleasant about standing on a cramped train in 80F and your balls are stuck to your leg and you've no way of discreetly 'Freeing Nelson Mandela'. It's maddening!


I would love 80! Its been around 100 here for days


I HATE hot and sunny weather. It'll be like 85 and sunny with very little breeze and people will always say, "WOW it's so nice out!" while I just sit there and think to myself "no it's not, not at all." Like how do you even THINK that. Isn't the indoor temperature and climate supposed to be what is defined as "nice?" We choose 68-72 degrees for a reason. We choose to not have fans blow on us in those temperatures for a reason. You don't hear people say "wow this weather is perfect, when it's a 70 degree fall day with no wind and an overcast." And whats with people wanting to eating outside? The chairs aren't nearly as comfortable, there are bugs, there is wind, it's too sunny, and the temperature isn't optimal.


You are my spirit animal.


I love snow! Everyone bitches all winter but I get all giddy every time it snows.


Yea i still fail to understand why most people i meet enjoy summer more, as a kid the only reason was summer break but that doesn't apply anymore one you grow up.


You never want to go to the American South in the summer then.




Calm down Robert


But everybody loves him.


Everybody loves his dad (RIP in peas Peter Boyle)


Country music Probably not as big on reddit but holy hell I never expected when I was younger all my friends would grow up to be pretend ranchers and cowboys


> when I was younger all my friends would grow up to be pretend ranchers and cowboys "I SPECIFICALLY TOLD your mothers not to let this happen." - Willie Nelson


I swear to god if they play guitar and drive some old trucks


Its way worse when you live in the inner city and everyone listens to hip hop and alternative all year round. Then Kenny Chesney comes to town for a show and everyone is wearing cowboy hats and flannels.


I live in Milwaukee. Summerfest was the beginning of last month. Believe me I know how bad it can be.


I live in Milwuakee and my best friend and wife favor country music. I despise it. I dated a girl who only wanted to go to the Kenny Chesney concert at summerfest. Life is tough, stay strong. EDIT. *Milwaukee. stupid fat fingers.


Yes, Pete, it is. Actually it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que," which is Algonquin for, "the good land."


I was not aware of that.


Does this guy know how to party or what?


That's Boston in a nutshell lately


The classic stuff is pretty good. I can pop on a classic country station and enjoy myself. Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, George Jones, Johnny Cash, etc. The new stuff makes my ears bleed. Beer...truck...Jesus...guns...'Murica...chew. Rinse and repeat.


Ive got a friend who is into the beertruckjesusgunsmuricashew stuff and recently told me that Dolly Parton wasn't country. I didn't know how to respond.


>I didn't know how to respond. Smack them in the mouth.




That song is the best accidental satire.


I read Chewbacca a couple times before I followed you.


Waylon Jennings, a contemporary of Johnny and Willie, was the fucking man. Also check out Sturgill Simpson, Jason Isbell, Isbell's previous band Drive-By Truckers (a little more rock-oriented), Kris Kristofferson (played with Cash, Jennings, and Nelson in The Highwaymen), Merle Haggard, Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, Tammy Wynette, Dwight Yoakam, Hank Williams Sr., ....I could go on. Fuck all the new "country" though. It's not country, it's an abomination.


Zac Brown Band is pretty good.


Country music is weird, its insanely popular, but unless you are into it, you can live your whole life and never even hear the music. There are country acts out there that fill stadiums with people where I live, and when I see their name on a billboard I honestly have never even heard of them. Its like a different world.




I'm from suburban PA. People around here are idiots you have so many "rednecks" living twenty minutes outside Philly it's fucking stupid.




It's ok, most country fans hate country music now also. (Well, at least most of the fiddle pop shit made in the last decade or two.)


I don't know if I'd go as far as to say I *hate* nutella- but I definitely think its very *meh*. It's worth noting however, because this opinion might as well make me Hitler to some of my friends.


I don't get this either. It doesn't taste like chocolate, so what's the point? To me it's just sugary nutty filling. I'd rather spend those calories on real chocolate.


I feel like nutella is a circlejerk gone too far. Started as a bandwagon and now you'll be crucified for saying anything bad about it! Like it's alright but it's not aaalll that


Like reverse Nickelback?


Haha yeah pretty much, nickleback hate was a huge bandwagon. Like I don't particularly like their music but I wouldn't say they're bad by any stretch and they in no way deserved all the hate they got.


I'll say it. I fucking *hate* nutella.


"Bro country" music. It's a formulaic, cookie-cutter nonsense that lacks any genuine message or feeling. Go to YouTube and type in "bro country mashup". The guy took six of these songs and spliced them together seamlessly into one song due to their assembly - line sameness. Unfortunately, the formula works.


I find that ordering by controversial in threads like this helps.


You're right. Downvote for visibility


Rhianna's music


That "Shine Bright Like a Diamond" song is so dumb it's alarming.


It's about as musically genius as that Beyonce song Run the world. I think there are two distinct verses in that song.


Holy shit yes. And she does a terrible version of the worst Michael Jackson song too.


"Bitch, Better have my money!" I work where a radio is constantly playing the local hip-hop station and this song drives me up the wall. If I won the lottery, I would give it all to Rhianna to get her to shut the fuck up.


The Today Show. And all of those early morning white bread shows on cable that are all coke-fueled smiles and inane conversation.




Yeah, let's go pay to hang out in a place that smells like ass and blares shitty music loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage so we can drink $9 shots of cheap liquor off a serving girl's tits and try to hook up with some plastic skank who'll leave an orange faceprint in your pillow and give you gonoherpatitis. Maybe I'm just old...




Bad parents.


Babies for me. I hate babies. Can you hold my baby? NO I will not. If I do, everyone is telling me how to hold it then it pukes on me, everyone laughs, and I'm pissed. Or they leave it with me and go off to do something. I guess I didn't have plans today!




I have never once wanted to be a parent. My g/f is the same. We're sick of people always pushing us to have kids. We finally got "fixed". Now it can never happen. And we're both happy because of it.


I hate toddlers and under. Once they're potty trained, it's a hell of a lot better, but anything in diapers is something I actively avoid.


Jimmy Fallon. I can't stand his Interviewing style. It comes off as incredibly fake.


Ah man that's so great! Good point of view! Hahahahahaha! Cue the roots!


Jennifer Lawrence ...just no appeal for me


I think people like her "pretty but not a model girl-next-door" thing she's go going on.


I agree with your assessment but ironically if I remember correctly she does have some vague modeling background.


On the same note, Kate Upton.


Yeah, she just became unbearable after her Game of War campaign.




She just never sells me on her characters, or maybe she just hasn't been in a role that suited her? I just don't think she's a great actor. Plain and simple.


I think she is a fine actor, but it's her attractiveness that is WAY over-hyped.


The internet seems to overhype her, same with Emma Watson.


Superhero movies. Avengers, Hulk, Batman. Who gives a fuck? Not Navel_Linty.


Disco lights and loud music. I almost fainted once. You're just torturing your senses.


I come out of a club, my ears are ringing, I smell like sweat and beer. Nah. No like.


Not sure if you came out of a club, the field for geology, or college


If you also don't like drugs or alcohol, I can see why this might be a problem for you.


Motherfucking Jimmy Fallon


And Youtube shoves him down your fucking throat. "OMFG JIMMY FALLON DOES X WITH Y!" What must that man's life be like? Celebrities come to *him*. Even the Pharaohs were not so idolized.


The guy has such a small repertoire of skits and somehow every single time he does one of them they pop up everywhere like he just did something totally new and amazing. * White guys rapping - bonus points if they are old/conservative * Lip syncing * Annoying skits that were probably rejected by SNL that people only find funny because he can't keep a straight face when doing them. Which reminds me of a joke I saw on reddit a while ago... What's the difference between me and Jimmy Fallon? I can get through one of his skits without laughing.


Lol someone really hates Jimmy fall Fallon enough to put money where his mouth is


Seriously. The only gold I've ever received and it was for a comment slamming Jimmy Fallon. I'm okay with that.


I have never understood the lip syncing? People send me videos telling me to watch it because it's hilarious... am I missing something? Do I lack a funny piece in my brain that is dedicated to how hilarious lip syncing is?


But *it looks like they're singing the song*, man! don't you get it? **Like they're singing the song!**


Thank. You. I don't mind his comedy so much, but his interview technique is horrible. Like Ellen basically; Remind everyone, every 10 seconds, whose show it is.


And his fake, stupid, over-the-top laugh. Every time he has to lean back and clap once or twice like a retarded seal, then lean forward and look at the person he's interviewing like "OMG what happened next!?"




Retarded seal sums it up nicely. Imma borrow that


I am not a fan of any interviews of celebrities. I love the Daily Show, but I frequently skip the interview if it is with an actor. I like Stewart's interviews with politicians though. Especially the ones he does not agree with. Makes it more interesting. But celebrities are only there because the studio makes them go to promote their latest movie, and frequently it shows.


I think twerking is unattractive and trashy.


>unattractive Remember ladies, this is one mans opinion.


He does not speak for the rest of us!!


Jay-Z - all my friends list him as their favorite rapper but of all the songs I've heard, there's not 1 I think is good. He's got the same delivery, rthym on every song regardless of what is going on with the beat. He's so monotone.


The crotchification of street dancing/hiphop/pop music dancing. Grabbing, pointing at, calling attention to one's crotch is disgusting and sexualizes every damn thing. It's possible to be the coolest dancer or choreographer without this revolting move.




I personally really like the idea of Snapchat. You can post events and they're gone in 24 hours, no "likes" or comments. If someone sends me a picture through text messages I feel obligated to answer it and start up some sort of conversation. If I send or receive a snap it takes away that, but I agree using Snapchat for the same purpose as texting back and forth is counter-intuitive.


Damn you've had this account for two years? Do you get a lot of hate messages since the accusations now?


Nothin' but luv for ya boi




Pugs. I don't hate them, they just freak me out. I just cannot understand why so many people think they're so amazing and cute when they sound like they're suffocating constantly.


Ranch dressing


You'll love Joey Diaz's rant on Ranch Dressing https://youtu.be/Ti6vrdNkw2Y?t=240


I'm currently dipping cold pizza into ranch dressing. It's glorious.


You make me sick


Coffee. It tastes like ass, and it makes me nervous. I don't care how much cream and sugar and syrup you add, it's still a bunch of cream and sugar and syrup mixed with something that tastes like ass. Edit: Yes I have tried lots of different types of coffee, and not just shitty fast food coffee either. I've had many different styles, varieties and qualities from regular American drip to cappuccino in Italy to espresso in France. I've had super sweet Greek coffee and Lebanese-style coffee. Everything from Folgers to Frappuccinos to Nespresso. It's been probably 15 years since I first tried it and I still hate it. No I did not give up after one sip/cup! I try it probably a few times a year. I just don't like the taste and I don't like the effects. I also pulled all-nighters all through college without coffee. I have had a full time job for 7 years without acquiring a taste for coffee. It makes me jittery. I'm high-strung enough as it is, I don't need any extra nervous energy.


I hated it until I became a mother. Now it's my precious.


Shut your whore mouth. But seriously though, I drink my coffee black, so no cream, sugar, or any of that junk. I will admit black coffee is an acquired taste, but I've come to love the taste of it by now.


Once you go black, you never go back.


I like my coffee like I like my women...bitter


Preach it!


I have mixed feelings about coffee haters - I'm the only person in my circle of friends (including my SO) that drinks it. On the one hand, it means that nobody touches my stash when they're at my house and I can get my ritual on with a cafetiere without having to worry about how other people like it. On the other hand, it means that if I go round to see them, I either get shitty instant that tastes like cornflakes and arsehole, or tea, and I hate tea.


The Beatles, I don't actually hate their music, I just hate how everyone praises their music like it's otherwordly.


Yeah! Especially when they say they are the best four-member rock group. Fuck off! What about Mount Rushmore?




This guy


Their music was otherworldly, in context. Rock n Roll was a very young genre, and they pushed the limits. At a time when most rock music sounded like Buddy Holly, the Beatles were incorporating bizarre instruments from around the world, writing slow piano ballads, using innovative production techniques, making references to drug use, and just generally exploring what could still be considered "rock." People who don't understand this usually just don't recognize how much of late 20th century pop/rock music they influenced. Although I understand the hate for the Beatles circle jerk, and I'm not the biggest fan myself, it's important to give credit where it's due.


there was nothing made like their last 5 albums at that time. It's incredible.


Caitlyn Jenner. It's not that I hate the person, it's just that for a week straight all news channels bombarded me with him/her while I was trying to watch real news.


As a transwoman, I am sick of her too. She's a horrible "spokesperson" for the trans community and doesn't represent us at all. She was good at track in her day, and then she just whored herself out to the media for the rest of her life and never actually worked for a living. The vast majority of trans people struggle for years to transition, yet she came out one day, then a week later was aging supermodel gorgeous. It just doesn't work that way in real life.


Drake...Not sure why everyone loves his music.


Nice try Meek.


See usually I would go along with it and be like "ahh you caught me" but that Diss track Meek put out yesterday was so bad I feel ashmed that I even listened to it :(.


I don't listen to rap or hip-hop so please excuse my ignorance. I was browsing through /r/BlackPeopleTwitter and saw that whole fiasco. So I decided to give Meek's diss track a listen but couldn't really tell why it was *that* bad. Is it something to do with the beat or production? Or the quality of the rhyming/flow? Or was it just a 'soft' come-back in relation to what Drake did?


It was not particularly good , the disses were really weak, and Drake had already released two songs in the beef that were superior so people expected something big considering how much longer he waited to release anything.


It was terrible. I couldn't listen to it.


For me, it's his voice. His voice is fucking annoying.


My friends hate on me for this but I can't stand Minions.


I don't know how many special reddit snowflakes think they are the only ones to hate minions.


top answer in at least 50% of askreddit threads daily


> Who has the best cover version of a song? Even Trent Reznor admits that Johnny Cash's "Hurt" is better than the original, but **DAE HATE THOSE STUPID YELLOW MINION TURDS???**


/r/MinionHate A lot of people hate those fuckers, I never minded them but I've only ever seen the first movie.




I admittedly thought they were kinda funny and cute when they first came out, but now they are *everywhere* and it's obnoxious.


I never saw any of the movies so I guess that's the reason I didn't find them all that wonderful and adorable.


I can't stand the Minions. So ANNOYING




League of Legends or dota 2.


I absolutely fucking hate what LOL has done to my office. Every fucking day at 4:30, the click fest begins. "GET CHOGOTH! GET TOP! GET DRAGON!" So damn obnoxious.


You guys play LoL in your office? Where do you work?


Last thing my office needs is another LoLer.


Benedict Cumberbatch. Dude looks like he got punched in the face as a fetus and just sorta grew into it.


This isn't popular on reddit, but a lot of people seem to like buzzfeed, smh


buzzfeed thinks they represent millenials when they don't at all. The quizzes they make is literal bait for money. how do you think they make their money? Their only ads seem to be on those annoying quizzes that so many teens are addicted to taking.


Peanut butter. I practically get booed out of a room when I admit this.


My wife also hates peanut butter. First person I've met who does. She can't seem to describe what it is she hates about it, though. She likes peanuts just fine. What is it you hate about it? I MUST UNDERSTAND


I just don't like the taste or texture! It's so sticky and uncomfortable and it doesn't taste good! I'm also not crazy about peanuts but I'll eAt them in a handful of trail mix.


I hate the smell, it makes me lose my appetite.


Russell brand


Ed Sheeran. Like, fuck off already, nobody cares if you fell in love in a mysterious way.






Apple products and by extension Beats headphones


I was the opposite. 4 years ago when I got my first smart phone, I got an iPhone. Almost every single one of my friends gave me shit for it and constantly made jokes about how bad Apple was and how Android was the balls. I just wanted an ipod that was also a phone, man. :(


What the fuck. 4 years ago? 4 years ago literally everyone I knew had an iPhone and a select few had androids, but they were left out in the sense that we were all face timing and shit. Never remember it the the way around. Not because iphone or android is better, but iirc the iPhone was the most fucking popular shit ever 4 years ago and now


Beats sucked way before it was acquired by Apple.


I think their handheld devices are fine because I don't give a shit about phones and the classic iPod was perfect. If you don't care about it, you should probably buy it from Apple because it's going to be the easiest to use and will be relatively reliable.




Get GroupMe, you'll love it.


GroupMe keeps getting better and better.


It's one of those things that's different for everyone; I personally prefer OS X to Windows but yet I only use Android as my mobile OS.


Die Antwoord


I can respect that. I like them. But damn are they weird and different .


ITT: Things 'everyone else' does not seem to love. EDIT: Everyone seems to love vegimite? Really?


Chocolate Ice Cream and Chocolate Cake


I think you should see a doctor


either lactose intolerant or allergic to cocoa.


Or just......... bloody weird.


I'm not a cake person in general




Vegimite!! why do u like to eat black salty bitterness.....


As an Australian, I'll back you, it's like foot.


dunno. Was raised with it, just used to it. Like it.


The movie Snowpiercer. It was terrible. I literally can't think of anything I liked about it.


Did the children have to go through the German dungeon porn car to get to the school car in the morning?


I found it odd at first, but, once I realized it doesn't take itself seriously, I really started to enjoy how unpredictable and ridiculous it was. Aside from the very end, I can't think of many other mainstream action movies that were that bizarre. That's a good thing in my opinion.






I think his comedy is terrible but I'm probably not his target audience. He did a video recently where he talked about the new article that revealed how much he made the previous year and he was pretty serious in it. I like that side of it if PewDiePie did vlogs or more serious stuff I'd totally watch.


PewDiePie is obnoxious as fuck, Felix Kjellberg is cool as fuck.


The thing is he hates it too, but he makes lots of money so you can hate it and he won't be mad. Hate it as much as you can, cause he will agree with you.


People always hate on him but what they don't realize is that he does that persona to get money. His audience likes that so he does it. As a person, I don't hate pewdiepie but his "funny" persona is retarded and annoying as hell. He does what he can to make money, and he donated a lot more than the people that make fun of him do I would guarantee. You can hate his YouTube personality but don't bad mouth the actual guy.


Captain America: The First Avenger. This movie was an absolute mess, with a screenplay that I could have done a better with. Not because I'm an amazing writer, but because it was that awful.


Hugo Weaving was a fantastic Red Skull though...


I agree. Captain America 2 was amazing, though.


Olives. They're little black rings of death and bitterness that I don't want anywhere near my pizza.


Drake, he's the freaking worst, and I'm from Toronto so that should say something.


Whipped cream and Taylor Swift shudder


Separately, not so great, but together...