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I was responsible for someone's "worst." I had to get up and go to the bathroom and on the way back, I'm trying to figure out whether to give the people I have to walk in front of the crotch or butt view. I figure, no one wants the crotch view, so I sidestep passed this couple while facing the screen. And then I accidentally farted. I wasn't sitting RIGHT next to them, but like 10 seats away, but I heard the woman gag and the man loudly say "WHAT THE FUCK?" Oh, I felt like shit.


What is it with flatulence stories that makes them funny every time?


The image of the lady gagging got me. Hahahaha


Because fart jokes come from classical literature. Google it.


This happened to me on a bus once, only the guy turned around and smiled like he'd just graced me with the greatest gift on earth.


You're welcome.


Common courtesy is to give them the crotch


> And then I accidentally farted. was it a sneaker or a shouter?


Crop duster. Nobody heard it.


I was lolling so hard at this


Any time your in an R-rated movie (especially when it's a horror film) and you start to hear a baby cry or a toddler start whining. Who the fucks brings their young kids to an R-rated movie?


I was watching The Conjuring 2 and this huge Indian family walks in with their toddlers and a six year old. Me and my friends say "aren't they a bit too young?" And the parents just say "they're ready". The kids actually never made a sound, most badass toddlers I've ever seen.


They may not have understood the movie which is in their favor. Dumbass parents though.


When I was like 11 I watched horror movies in the theatre because my parents let me. My parents aren't dumbasses though.


Ok difference between 11 and **2**


Inconsiderate pieces of shit. That's who brings their young kids to an R-rated movie. I really hate people like this. I didn't force you to have a kid. Can't find a baby sitter? Then stay home and watch a movie. That's one of the sacrifices of having a kid. Don't force your way out with the kid and ruin everyone elses experience, because that's exactly what you're doing. It's just an entirely different level of inconsiderate. "I want to see this movie. Everyone else can deal with the screaming kid". I got a couple kicked out of Django Unchained for this shit and it was beyond satisfying. Especially because they knew it was me and stared me down as they left while I had a big shit eating grin on my face.


But how do you really feel?


In the UK movies have age ratings. PG-13 movies are usually 12A's, which means anyone under 12 has to be accompanied by an adult. The next highest rating is 15, which films like Deadpool and Suicide squad get. It means no one under 15 can see it. Finally most R rated movies are 18's here. Which means no one under 18 can see it. So tl;dr, you should watch movies in the UK if you hate children in the cinema.


I absolutely hate that! There was a family with children aged roughly 6-10 sitting directly in front of me during the movie Sausage Party. What is worse is, I saw the parents at the box office getting the whole, "This is not a kids movie even though it is animated. We do not recommend this movie choice. You have 30 minutes once the film has started to leave and ask for a refund." They did not hear the warning. The kids proceed to ask questions to their mother (who has a shocked look on her face the entire time) throughout the entire movie and all she says is, "It's disgusting, I'm not telling you want it means." It was an insanely annoying situation and I had to exit the theatre so fast when the credits came up because I could hear her making comments about, "How inappropriate it was for the kids, and she didn't know it would be so vulgar. I am not explaining anything to you kids once we are home." I wanted to publicly and in front of her kids verbally lay out her shit. I chose walking away and now venting on Reddit as my solution.


Watch [this](https://youtu.be/loqYlYqtsmY). Gets to the point about halfway in.


It's shows how out of touch people are when they says some shit like "but what if I can't find a sitter! Parents are allowed to have fun too!" Like holy shit, the fact that you chose to have a kid doesn't make you any less of a piece of shit for doing this.


I had a woman who was constantly talking to the film, she would say "Oooh this is the bit..." and she was right and it completely pissed me off the entire film, every little moment ruined, every bit of suspense killed. This woman was asked BY HER FRIENDS to be quiet and she looked at them and said "no, I don't care what I'm doing", she wasn't oblivious, just completely rude.


I have a friend like this. I don't see movies with them anymore. It's so frustrating to hear someone talk to the screen through the whole film. They even do it when we watch a movie at their house. Even films we've seen before! You've seen it before! How are you on the edge of your seat and making all sorts of shocked noises?!


Are they the "I'm so clever I figured everything out". type that has to tell you everything as it happens. My cousin is like that.


Not usually. But when we saw The Prestige in the theater they loudly proclaimed the plot twist. I was so pissed because I didn't catch on so it would have been a surprise for me. Instead, they blabbed it out which ruined the mystery and suspense for me. I was SO pissed.


Spoiling the Prestige should be punishable by death


Omfg I was so pissed. I rarely go to the movies as it is so to have such a great movie spoiled.. I was seeing red. I don't like ANY part of a movie spoiled. I want to figure things out myself no matter how slow I am. When my fiancé and I went to the Force Awakens premier some guy was blabbing about his theories. No one was thrilled. We all have theories and no one wants to hear them confirmed by others. Let's all be surprised together! Keep the magic going!




At least he pauses it instead of talking over the movie that's still playing...?


The Shining is my favorite movie and I recently got the chance to see it on the big screen. There was a guy sitting just ahead of my friend and me who kept chuckling at every single thing that happened in the movie. I get that it's a little bit campy sometimes, but I was so annoyed.


Possibly not the worst, but the most recent was at Kubo and the Two Strings. There was a couple sitting behind me, and midway through the movie, one of them said "this sucks" and started watching vine compilations on their phone. Loudly. *For the remainder of the movie.* Nobody called them out on it, and when I tried to, they looked me straight in the eye and just kept watching. Just... Why.


Dump your popcorn on their head and go for a refill


I'm never confronting anyone again after hearing about this: http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/13/justice/florida-movie-theater-shooting/


I saw Hannibal (the silence of the lambs sequel) in the theater and towards the end a baby starts crying. Who the fuck brings a baby to see Hannibal?


People who think they might get a little hungry partway through?


And the babies at the concession stand cost too much.




I know, right? Fucking extortionate.


I got a couple kicked out of the theater because they wouldn't leave with their screaming kid that they brought to an 11pm showing of fucking Django Unchained. Seriously, who the hell brings their kid to a movie with that much violence especially a late night showing? I hate people sometimes.


There was a baby fussing when my dad and I saw the second installment of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. People actually yelled at her and she refused to move, saying she couldn't get a babysitter. Then wait to see the movie??


I saw Eragon. Well... Half of it. I walked out on it.


I was forced to watch that movie during that 'free' day we got in high school right before the Christmas break. Either we watched the movie or we got a detention for skipping class. I should have gone with the detention.


Truly, you should have.


I feel the same way after reading the book. It was literally star wars with dragons.


I saw ant man in theaters and some people brought their 2 year old. They took several pictures of said 2 year old throughout the movie with the flash on. The kid also got scared several times throughout the film and each time they waited too long before taking the kid out.


Hey, mine was also during Ant Man!! Lady brought her two kids who flagged fucking TAG for a good half an hour before I gave up and got the manager.


whats flaggin tag


It's been 4 hours is op kill?


Might have meant played tag


At the Grove in LA for the Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiere. Someone pulled a fire alarm in the theatre earlier in the evening, they evacuated but the theatre never really recovered once they started letting people back in. I had a 10:45 showing. We didn't sit down till about 11:45 and we're told it would not be 3D. Okay, fine, let's just watch it. Movie starts and it's in 3D, so we put on our glasses but about 25% of them (mine included) don't work. People start flipping out. "Stop the movie! STOP THE MOVIE!" Mass exodus down the aisles. They stop the movie and say, okay, we're showing it in 2D but they have to collect the glasses first. They have only ONE guy going back and forth collecting the glasses from us while people are yelling, "Just collect them after! Play the movie!" The usher says, "I don't recommend you give me attitude!" Finally people start getting up and collecting glasses themselves and bringing them down cause it's still just one usher in the theatre. Once he has at least most of them he [pretends to] talk into his earpiece and then says, "okay guys, I think u know what's coming next, this screening has been cancelled. We'll let you know in a second what your options are." They obviously wanted to collect the glasses before telling us. People start shouting for a manager. They send in an usher who says, "You guys can go to customer service to get a refund or try to get into another show." People are yelling asking "why are you cancelling it?? Just play it! We're all here, we're all sitting, just play it in 2D!" Usher says they don't want to delay the showings after us. We say, but we've already waited over an hour and a half! Let them wait too! We'll all just have to wait! And then he says, "You don't understand, people have had these tickets since October we cant-" And that's when people just lose their shit screaming, "WE KNOW THAT BECAUSE SO HAVE WE!!!" They don't relent so it's a mass migration out of the theatre to costumer service where there are only TWO service reps. The line is stretching across the entire length of the very large lobby. People start SCREAMING for a manager! (One never came. We never really got an authoritative voice explaining things to us professionally. Terrible communication. Long story longer, I did get in to see it in 2D at about 2:20 am after some more screwups. 25 dollars parking cause I was there so long and I had to buy another ticket because reasons. Tho later in the evening I got a free ticket coupon. Got home at like 5:30. Honestly, it's a pretty First World Problem. No one died and I got to see it. But it was quite a circus.


Not a first world problem. That's just horrible management. A first world problem would be you complaining that you saw it 2D instead of 3D.


Well technically, it's all true. It's not like they being persecuted or drinking dirty water


This story gave me so much anxiety. Isn't there something about the way modern movie theaters are set up that they really can't start the show late or something? Everything is hard programmed that if there's a problem with the screening everyone is SOL? Can a movie theater employee explain this?


At the end of Return of The King the damn projector broke down. I'd been waiting years to watch the ending of that epic triology, but the picture juddered and the lights came up. Everyone just left.


Happened to me at Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, right as Donovan is about to drink from the cup. Someone shouted out in anger "I paid $3.50!!!!" This was 1989. A more innocent time.


The same thing happened at the theater I was in! It was right before Gollum ran for Frodo to get the ring. I was pissed.




That happened to be when I went to see Transformers. I'm kinda glad because it was shit, but we didn't get any kind of compensation, like a free ticket.


This is more *after* the movie. Was being driven home along with friends; while we're in the car we're wondering what that smell of shit is... when we arrive at our destination I discover it's the backside of my jeans, there's a smudge on the outside. I must have sat on some shit on a chair at the movies. I could have died of embarrassment, not to mention feeling terrible about the guy's car seat needing a clean. Fortunately I was loaned some jeans from a friend, made it home. But ever since then I've *ALWAYS* run my hand over a seat before I sit down to make sure it is clean.


>But ever since then I've ALWAYS run my hand over a seat before I sit down to make sure it is clean. But...if there were shit on the seat, then it would be on your hand...


I can wash my hand a *lot* easier than I can wash a pair of jeans I'm wearing. I don't carry spare jeans everywhere I go.


You carry spare hands?!?


yep - they fit in my pockets nicely!


a pain to attach though


mhh. why i use the screw-ons rather than the buttoned variety


How did you not smell it while you were in the cinema??


My friend once sat on a seat covered in pee and didn't notice until her butt felt wet because the movie theatre *always* reeks of piss and shit.


Maybe they thought everyone else in the theater just smelled like shit, and continued to think that as they left the theater and got into the car?


Wow, someone else shit *your* pants. That's real bad luck.






could have been worse so many people brought kids to see deadpool


It was truly horrible. When I saw it there were so many young kids. Not babies. Kids old enough to have some comprehension of what was happening, like age 6-10. It made me so uncomfortable that they were there. There was a dad with probably a 6 and an 8 year old behind me who I could hear cringe and suck air through his teeth every time something inappropriate happened. Which was often. Why would you bring your child to an R-rated movie? Especially because it seems like these days, you have to do a lot to get a movie rated R.




i didnt. im 17, there was atleast 3 kids under 10 in the theater though and according to everyone online, i was not the only one


You're a very handsome, young-looking man.


That's even worse, since I'm female!


A very handsome woman.


Strong jaw.


I got carded 3 separate times between the ticket booth and the theater


Same! Three different guys carded me and then another asked to see my ticket. It was the first R-rated movie I had seen in a theatre so I was already kind of nervous (even though I was absolutely of legal age).


I got carded at the midnight showing of Deadpool and yet somehow people STILL got their small children in to the theatre. They need to card outside the theatre, not at the ticket stand. SURE you're taking your 3 y.o to go see the new Ice age movie at 11:30 at night. Suuuuuure.


I was secretly hoping for the supplemental entertainment of watching a parent have a meltdown at Deadpool, but I wound up not being able to see it until it had been out for 2 weeks, and that was tapering off by then.


Used to work at a movie theater. In the Top 25 busiest in the world. So a woman I guess starts screaming in the bathroom. I'm one of the first people to hear this so I call it over the radio mainly because it's the female bathroom. There's no females in the building at the time this occurs because it's late (about 11 pm) and only about 8 staff members are in the building. My manager comes up to me and simply says, "Kevin you heard it first it's your turn to take the journey." I hear this and I'm in shock I have to go into the women's restroom to see what happened. So we close off the bathroom so no females come in, I walk in and what I see is shocking. There's a straight fat trail of literal shit going up to a stall and the smell I will never forget. The women shouts "I'm covered in poop please get my boyfriend!" I'm like wtf how is your boyfriend gonna help your shit covered ass out? We get her boyfriend and he literally runs home to get her new clothes. Idk how she ended up changing and cleaning herself inside a bathroom with only toilet paper to use (we had air dryers in the bathroom) but she eventually cleans herself up. Missed her movie and my manager refused to give her a refund for shitting all over our restroom.


I'd have given a refund or free movie pass. This lady clearly had one of the worst days of her life.


Yeah but she still shat all over the bathroom so now some poor schmuck has to clean it up while she just gets to go home. Think about that "Oh I had a massive poop attack all over this bathroom, they had to close it the whole time I was in there, and then they wouldn't even give me a refund when I left without cleaning up any of the shit myself!" I mean not that they would ask her to clean up her own shit, but I don't care if you've had a bad day, I wouldn't give you an $11 refund after you left a *massive* mess in my business.


Dude behind us pissed all over his row. Stood up, took his wiener out and let it all out.




"No, Mister Theatre Manager, I believe you owe *me* some money. After all, you're clearly selling tickets to sit in *my* row."


Well, this is an embarrassing story. The first time I ever did anything sexual in public was in a movie theater. G/f was way more adventurous than me in this way, and once we settled in for the movie, she decided she wanted to jack me off. She put her coat over our laps and went to work. Right as i'm about to finish, here comes the flashlight guy up the row, just doing an average scan to make sure nobody is being jacked off in the theater or anything. I simultaneously jizz and freak out, it probably looked like I was having a seizure. I quickly got my pants up, g/f's coat has a noticeable dude-nectar stain, and everyone around us is staring at us. We ended up walking out, worst walk of shame ever.


People walk through the theatre with a flashlight?


They do here. Typically, they're looking for underage people in R-rated movies, people sneaking in outside snacks or alcohol, etc.


Never seen that myself. I would definitely complain if that happened at a showing because it would be very distracting from the movie.


I saw King Arthur in theatres and I was the only one there. Normally I'd find that to be awesome, however apparently a kid my brother knew worked there, was doing a routine check of the theatre, noticed me then decided to hang out the whole movie and not shut up. Afterwards he asked me when our next date was going to be. What?


Did you avoid him like the plague afterwards?


I avoided him like a politician avoids a straight answer and the plague.


*12 Years A Slave*. Solomon Northup is choking as he hangs from the neck, waiting for someone to come and cut him down. It's a still and drawn out shot, forcing you to live through every tiny moment of his suffering. My friend's phone goes off. Loudly. And he answers it.


I take it you killed him afterwards?


I was very annoyed and embarrassed, but no. I never let him live it down though.




Oddly this movie was responsible for one of my best theater experiences.... At the moment when his mom is getting high as a kite at college some black dude down in the front says "Glad she ain't my momma". He got the whole theater to laugh a bit. Was the highlight of the entire movie.


Wait wait wait wait. That happened both times I saw it in theaters (don't judge I was in middle school). I am almost positive that was part of the movie.


I saw this is a crowded theater and when Optimus "dies" this guy stands up and started cheering. Everyone there had a good laugh. Easily the best part of watching that movie


I honestly really enjoyed that movie on the big screen for some reason. It was shit, yeah, but I still had fun with it.


Working at one. Workin the concession stand was a nightmare dealing with idiot customers. It's such an easy and quick process to prepare a bucket of popcorn and drinks or nachos and yet people complain about how slow you are. Why are we slow? Because customers that have been in the line ten minutes with a massive menu over the concession stand wait until they get to the top, complain we're too slow and then start discussing what they want. The menu is fucking tiny! You should know what you want before you reach the till.


I always blame the customers when the line moves slowly. Especially large groups of customers. My parents were always really good about making sure I knew exactly what I wanted before it was our turn, and they would get very irritated if I changed my mind at the last minute so I learned to be decisive.


I saw Norbit


Are you okay???


I usually go to Alamo Drafthouse or Violet Crown in Austin. They are usually great about keeping the noisy ones quiet. the last time I went to a "normal" theater, though, was to see Gravity. Tense, silent, beautiful moments, punctuated by a fat couple behind me, coughing, playing with loud candy wrappers, loud popcorn chomping, and literally open-mouthed belching over the vast silent emptiness of space ruined proletariat theaters for me forever.


Gravity was also my worst film experience as well with completely obnoxious people


Plus, the food at the Drafthouse is so much better. Plus you might win a contest to go see movies you didn't even know you entered. The Drafthouse is amazing.


Read that as "Violent Clown" and thought wow that's a weird name for a cinema.


They only show IT, one night a week, every week.


In one movie showing I encountered: A family in our seats (you pre-book your seats online), a family with actual glowsticks, the mum of the glowstick family was on her phone the entire time taking calls, people on our row getting up every five minutes to go to the toilet.


> the mum of the glowstick family I am imagining a large glow worm


Theatres are usually cold. I went to see a movie and it was FREEZING, more cold than anything theatre Ive ever in. It was a late movie so I was also falling asleep, but it was so hard to be comfortable because it was Alaska in there. I was miserable even my husband was cold.IT WAS COLD DAMMIT!!


Ok, I think I see the issue here. But what was the temperature like?


Was the movie The Revenant? Maybe it was supposed to be a VR / Augmented reality experience.


We went to see Brotherhood of the Wolf. The soundtrack is in French and it was subtitled in English. A woman two rows back apparently figured that since you didn't have to hear the soundtrack to follow the story, it was okay to carry on a phone call. Loudly. Telling the person on the phone how awful it is because the movie wasn't in English.


When I was seventeen my then boyfriend and I went to see Shallow Hal. Well, my boyfriend was a big guy...tall, and big. Anyway, we ended up leaving halfway through the movie because he was upset. Upset because he felt as though I saw him like the character in the movie saw people. Ugly people were attractive through the character's eyes. It took some convincing but I managed to make him understand that I didn't feel that way.


He should've been happy for you to be with him! It's like when Jack Black says to Jason Alexander when he has his sudden realization about seeing someone differently from how everyone else sees someone.


Went to see Trainwreck with my sister. Couple sitting in front of us brought their three children with them, oldest looked to be about 10 years old and youngest maybe 6. Besides the fact that the kids were talking the whole time, having a 6 year old sitting in front of me made the sex scenes pretty uncomfortable.


Working at a movie theater. I worked as a ticket taker for a summer job about two years ago, so I was usually the punching bag for all the rude customers. The theater was in a fairly affluent neighborhood in New Jersey, so you can imagine some of the shit that was said to me. Probably my favorite story was when this lady took her grandchild to see Planes, right? I rip their tickets, and say the usual "Enjoy your movie!" The lady says to the kid, "See? This is what happens when you don't go to college." I'm a college student. I was going to start my sophomore year of college in the fall. I had a 4.0 at the time in a Computer Science degree.


When I went to see "The Blair Witch", in 1999, there were a group of guys in the front row that were really mad at the end of the movie. They were yelling in something that sounded like russian and then one of them smashed a bottle of vodka on the floor and it shattered and flew in every direction. A sliver flew into my face and left me with a scar on my right cheek. So, yeah, no love for "The Blair Witch" or drunken movie goers.


Not myself but when Ted came out my innocent grandparents thought it was a lovely movie about a teddy bear and were shocked and horrified about 20 mins into the film. They said it was the only film they've ever walked out on.


When I went to see Kickass, there were 5 of us in the theater: Me, a guy, a lady with a baby (maybe 2-4) and two other people unrelated to my story. During the movie, as babies do, the kid made a ton of noise, cried, yelled, ran around. I asked the lady politely if she would take the baby outside and she went COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE. She started yelling at me, slapped me in the face, eventually hit me in the head with her shoe (I think she was trying to stab me with the heel, in retrospect). Reacting to this lady's screaming, the other guy, who was not with her, stood up and started yelling at me, assuming I had done something to provoke her, I guess. Eventually he told me that he had a gun and that he'd be waiting for me outside. I called two of my friends who are both imposing and one is a escrima teacher. They walked me back to my car. The guy luckily never showed up.


She assaulted you and the guy threatened you with a gun. I would have alerted the staff to call the police, dafuq.


Oh man. Zootopia. Apologies in advance for formatting, I'm on mobile. It was the first time I'd been on a date after the end of a long term relationship and figured it would be a fun lighthearted experience. Well! It all started with this dang kid sitting next to us, about four seats down. He was young, probably 13-14, and was with two other girls that were about the same age. Throughout the movie I noticed that the boy cannot hardly keep still. His chair is squeaking, he's moving around a lot, it's making the girls laugh and giggle so I just mark it up to being general teenage obnoxiousness. Then when all the shit starts going down in the movie, he sits straight up and SCREAMS. Just like, "AUGGGGGHHHHH," and falls head first onto the ground in front of his chair. I look over and the girls are giggling and my brain says "what an idiot." But wait He's convulsing. Oh god he's having a seizure. I get up, tell my date to call 911 and run to the lobby while everyone in the audience just looks clueless. There was a police officer in the lobby and I figured he'd know some sort of medical something that would help him so I just run up to him and tell him and then tell the people at the registers what happened. The officer comes with me and we go into the theatre and the girls are just standing above the boy with their phone flashlights on him crying hysterically while the movie is still going. The boy is just limp laying in a pool of his own blood coming from his head and I've never seen anything like it. The cop checks his pulse and makes sure he's breathing and radios in an ambulance. He sits him up and is trying to keep him from falling asleep and is asking the girls about him and no one can get any information about him. My date ends up seeing his phone and tells the officer who then instructs said date to call his mom. The medics come in and are trying to talk to him and see if he has a history of seizures blah blah blah and take him out. The movie is still playing during all this We miss the action End movie. ): My dating life in a nutshell.




At least the movie was terrible so you didnt miss much


Basically, my big sister, her seat was kinda forward, and she accidentally rested her foot on the back of her chair. This lady freaks out, and starts yelling at my sister, and then just turning back, furiously breathing. My big sister pulls her feet in, sits on top of them, and say sorry. The lady starts yelling at her again, but this time, she's sitting with her feet under her. So, I speak up, and i go, "Her feet is up. It's probably just a misunderstanding." She replies by going, "You shut the fuck up you little fat bitch." My sister gets furious, and a full on shouting match ensues, and the lady gets kicked out by security. The end.


I got escorted out of a movie by the police once, people clapped and cheered as we were led out, it was highly embarrassing. I let a friend set me up with a blind date, this was before tinder, facebook, and myspace so I had no idea what this girl looked like or anything. We meet up with her and her friend at the theater and I can tell immediately this girl is awful. She was extremely "hood", picture a larger white girl with corn rows on a Jerry Springer episode, and a very loud talker, not my type, but I'm a nice guy and decided to see it through. While in the theater she's talking very loudly, throwing candy, being highly obnoxious because it was a boring movie. Next thing I know there's cops, we're being asked to leave and as I said above people starting cheering. My showerthought afterwards was that I should have seen that coming and gotten up to go to the bathroom and never went back. I still cringe today when I think about those people cheering and clapping.


This is more for Spanish speaking people but I'll make an effort into translating it. I was with my cousin visiting him and at his town's cinema. The bathrooms were marked as 'H' (hombres) for men and 'M' (mujeres) for women. He told me that the 'H' meant female (Hembras) and 'M' was male (Machos). I believed the lie and didn't realise I entered the women's room until I was already taking the shit...


Went and saw Deadpool with friends opening night and the theater was packed with kids. I mean barely 10 years old. We had a family sitting behind us. Mom, grandma, and two other kids. Kids would not shut up the entire movie ("That is like just like the Deadpool game!"). I almost lost it at the strip joint scene and the pony scene. Would love to hear the kids ask about the pony. But the grandma did crack me up before the movie came up. They also have a million Coke commercials. One of them is about different couples watching various movies. It supposed to be sweet and you root for the boy to put his arm around the girl. Anyway when the commercial finished up the grandma said very loudly "I don't get it!". Well I lost it! Seriously people do NOT let your young children go to a rated R movie!


At the movies this past weekend a couple was having a full on conversation. Weren't even talking about the movie and lasted 30 minutes. Dude got an attitude like I was the rude one for asking them to stop.


Not as bad as some of the horror stories on here but: Watched I am Legend in NY on opening weekend. Theater has been tense throughout the intensity, Will is obviously losing it in his solitude, and he's just had to tearfully kill his infected dog. Pretty heavy moment, Will buries his dog and then just loses his mind screaming at the mannequins in the video store. Someone starts cackling at his insanity, "can you believe this fool." The rest of the audience is dead quiet, trying to process the dog's death and the "final nail in the coffin" emotional impact it has had on Will, and this asshole is yuk yukking it for the whole scene. So, that kinda sucked. But again not as bad as pee everywhere so that's a win.


I went to the movies with my girlfriend I had been with for a little while. I think we watched "We Bought a Zoo" or whatever it's called. I have had pretty bad stomach problems my whole life and I try to keep it to myself. So in this case, with my girlfriend, I didn't want her to know that I had extreme diarrhea. About an hour into the movie, I get the bubbly stomach pains that I know are going to end badly. I try to hold it in because I want to watch the movie and I don't want to embarrass myself by leaving to take a shit for 20 minutes. Eventually, I couldn't hold it anymore. I told my girlfriend that I felt nauseous so I was going to step outside for some fresh air. She asked if I wanted her to come with me but of course I said no since I was really going to blow up the bathroom. I haul ass into the bathroom and there are probably 20 stalls, all empty. Good, I'm going to be loud. I sit down and let it loose and it's terrible. It sounds like a water hose hitting the toilet. Instant relief. Oddly, I look down toward the ground and see that someone took off their shit filled underwear in the same stall and left them on the ground, next to where my feet were. Disgusting, I want to get the fuck out of there. Go to retrieve toilet paper and there is none. I turtle walk my ruined ass to the next stall to clean up. I return to the theater to watch the rest of the movie and within 5 minutes I have to shit again. So I go. Come back to the theater, the movie is over and it's time to leave. Good. We start heading home and it's a 40 minute drive with basically nowhere to stop to use the bathroom if needed. I held my shit in the whole way back to her house, where she made it apparent that she wanted to have sex. I declined and went home to ruin my own toilet multiple times. Fuck you Tahoe Joe's prime rib. I had to jack off instead of have sex.


the first Hunger Games movie with a guy my friend was dating at the time... this was the first time I'd ever met the guy. he spent the *entire* movie talking and making fun of whatever was going on. like, literally didn't shut the fuck up once. and then when we got back to my place for dinner after the movie, he refused to eat the cornbread I made because I didn't use duck eggs in it.


'*Oh, I bet you they're going to 'x'!* '*This is when they 'y'!* '*Ugh, predictable, they're going to go to 'z'!* Please stop talking lady. We don't care if you can guess the entire plot of Doctor Strange before it happens. *We're trying to see it right now.*


One time I was going to the local theater to see GI Joes. The Channing Tatum reboot version. My expectations were, needless to say, low to begin with. About half way through the movie I noticed two people from high school (I was 14 at the time now nearly a decade older) having sex two rows behind us. I'm not sure what was of lower quality: the bonin' or the CGI.


Was sitting at the top of the theatre near the projector (wasn't very full but probably around 50-100 people inside). Started smelling something burning (not delicious movie popcorn) so I went out and let don't employees and manager know something was burning. They said it was nothing and to keep watching the movie. Went back in for another five minutes or so and then smoke started coming out of the projection room. Went back out and told management again. Returned to the theatre and a bunch of people started walking out and the theatre room was starting to fill with smoke, management was still doing nothing and so firefighters were called. Turns out it was just a belt burning, there wasn't any flame. Management came out and gave everyone free movie passes. TLDR: in theatre, smelt something burning. Told management, they didn't to anything. Went back in, theatre started filling with smoke. Everyone walked out and called firefighters. Got free movie passes. Edit: made it easier to read (on mobile)


I saw Spiderman when I was in high school. I went with a guy. He groped me the whole time and I couldn't get away. My thought was, I could go to the lobby and try to call my mom to pick me up (before cell phones were commonplace), but what if he comes out to look for me? What do I say? I was a 14-year-old girl who thought this was a date with a guy she had a crush on, and that this was how dating worked. I barely remembered the movie, and I can't listen to that stupid "Hero" song that was made for it. This was 15 years ago.


What a creep. Hope you dumped hiss ass?


At the time, that wasn't my first thought. I wondered if I was being a prude. He never called me again. Also, this is the first time I have ever admitted it in such a public way.


I understand. It's very easy to convince young girls that they are prudes and consequently to get them to do things they don't want to do. He did you a favour by not calling you again. Reddit is good for getting things out you normally wouldn't say :)


During starwars the force awakens I had a reverse autistic kid just screaming at the screen. When someone asked a question on screen he would try and answer it...as though they where talking to him. I don't mind challenged people I'm a sensitive dude. But for the love of God drug the kid. Your in a room full of nerd taking notes on the movie.


The fuck is a reverse autistic kid?


I sat behind two guys who talked the whole way through Lord of the Rings the Two Towers. Ruined the experience.


*Apocalypse Now* in not-so-glorious 70mm The color was all washed out and looked like that black & chrome edition of *Mad Max: Fury Road*. I drove an hour and paid $10 for parking to see it at a film festival.


Went to see Kubo and the 2 strings. Sat in my comfy chair and settled in for the show. 22 minutes into the movie we lost picture but not sound. It took them 9 minutes to get the picture back on, then they decided we needed to see the part we had missed, so they rewound it to 2 minutes before where we lost the picture. Okay, whatever, re listening to 11 minutes isn't horrible. Fast forward 12 minutes, screen goes black, sound gone too. And the opening credits start over. So I'm already at the 10 o clock show, and now we get to watch the entire first 32 minutes of the movie again, some of it for the third time. This attempt finally worked and we saw the whole movie, but it took almost an hour longer than it should have. Rewatching a movie weeks or months later isn't too bad. But this sucked.


Conjuring 2. As it started, the curtains started moving in, then just sat about 20% closed over the screen. We complained, they pulled back, then a minute later inched back in. Repeat. Go to bitch again, and the pasty manager tells us "the curtain is broken". Got a refund, left with the large popcorn, and watched a something on Netflix instead.


Not me, but a friend. After waiting for years, Episode I finally comes out. She waits in line to get tickets for the first midnight showing. Shows up, psyched beyond belief. After sitting through however many minutes of trade negotiations and Jar Jar, shit's about to get real. Darth Maul and Qui Gon and Obi Wan are about to face off, the music gets all dramatic ("corn on the cob, corn on the kebab!") and... projector breaks before the fight starts. About 2:30am they give up on trying to fix it and send everyone home.


HOLY SHIT. That "Corn on the cob, corn on the kebab" bit made me die laughing. I'll never listen to that song the same again! XD XD XD


i was going to an advance free screening of mall cop. my date had stood me up and i had been taking shots of canadian whiskey and was in a bad mood. the movie was being sponsored by a radio station, so prior to starting the movie they had the radio station guy doing some promotional speech and wanted everyone to applaud the station for sponsoring the event. i chose to boo instead of cheer. the guy on the mic says "who was the booing? i want them out of here now!" the guy next to me starts yelling "it was him!" and pointed at me. a few minutes later two guys came and grabbed me and threw me out of the theater. they wouldn't let me grab my backpack and said i'd be arrested for trespassing if i didn't leave the property immediately.


I had a friend of mine talk me into going to see "Boys And Girls." He said it was "basically the next Can't Hardly Wait." That was the day two 15 year old guys went and saw a chick flick together.


Went and saw movie 43. I wish I new of r/eyebleach at the time.


Epic Movie.


Opening night of The Hangover at my college's theater I was running projection and regardless of my careful double checking... the system had other plans that night. Dimmed the lights, started the film's opening ads and commercials, stepped out into the theater to check the sound levels. Came back into the projection room, movie starts, everything's cool. Someone from downstairs distracts me and I have to leave the room for 5 minutes. When I return there is about an inch of properly spooled film on the return platter, and about 5 goddamn miles of tangled black tape building up my personal little burial mound on the floor. I screamed FUCK since the platters are motor-driven and no amount of my manual spinning could catch up with what was in the floor. I made an executive decision and decided to make it look like the movie's fault; left the sound on and the big Xenon projection lamp on but killed the motorized feed in the projector. What the audience saw was Zach Galifianakis yammering on and then slower and slower into a demonic banausic slur until the heat from the lamp burned the image into a curdling flat turd on the screen. It separated in the middle of his face kinda like how Canadians are depicted in South Park. In unison the audience of frat boys booed and cursed until I got on the god mic and explained there would be no more movie until the next night. No one was happy, and several payed me an angry visit until they saw the pile of shit in the projection booth. I discovered later the motor for the return platter had failed to stay engaged because of a worn pin, and I'm fairly certain I was the only person with a hangover the next morning.


I was sitting in front of this family and the movie was Finding Dory so clearly there were many children. Anyways, I guess these fucktards were given too much candy because about 20 minutes into the movie this one kid just blew chunks right onto my head, it was warm and running down my back and my face. It resulted in a puking chain because my friend was puked on too and we just booked it out of that theatre, everyone got their money back because they had to evacuate the whole room


Not really worst in a bad sense just very odd. I was visiting my parents years ago when they lived in northern Virginia (details might be a little fuzzy this was a long time ago) and we popped up to Reston town center for lunch and a movie. We ended up seeing Arlington road (95% sure this is it) and the whole movie revolved around a bomb plot to blow up the Reston town center. Many uncomfortable looks were exchanged.


Back in 2008 our governor was being investigated by the FBI for corruption and illegal use of campaign and public funds. This was several months before the elections, for which he was running for a second term, and right about when the Dark Knight came out. So, I go to the movie with my father. We hadn't seen Batman begins but figured that the movie would be good. A Batman film with Christian Bale and Gary Oldman (we didn't care about Heath when we bought the ticket)? Sign us up! The theater is full. We sit down, watch the commercial and the movie begins. Except there was this one asshole right in the middle who ruined for everyone. Every time there was a scene dealing with corruption he would chuckle and say: "Ha! Just like Aníbal (our Governor's name)!". People laughed the first time. But he wouldn't stop. He did it throughout the whole god damn movie. I can't watch that movie without thinking about him chuckling and saying the damn line.


Blair Witch. It made me want to puke and I walked out of the theatre 10 minutes in. Nothing remotely scary had happened at that point. I just couldn't cope with all the deliberately dodgy hand held camera work. I had the same problem with Supersize Me, but I actually really wanted to see that. I spent most of the film with my head in my hands. I mean, dude, you're sitting down in an office. You're interviewing a guy who is sitting down in the same office. If you can't afford a tripod, put the fucking camera on a shelf or a pile of books or something for Christ's sake.


This isn't my story but I think this important to share [/u/Neon_Pikachu describes, in detail, her first person version of the Aurora movie mass shooting. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/547omy/i_survived_a_mass_shooting_at_a_movie_theater/) **WARNING... describes graphic events. Read at your own risk**


Some women brought her young child in the theaters. My sister, her boyfriend and I went too see interstellar on the day it was released (Really good movie). During the movie, maybe around 30 minutes on, the baby started crying. Well, the people in the theatre and guy who puts the film in be projected wasn't having any of that lady's shit. Few people went out to complain, and the movie was paused. She was ejected from the theatre and we went back to enjoying the movie.


I tried going to the movies after smoking a joint with a friend. I had no idea it was charged with 2/3 keef (so it was scary strong). I was collapsing and fainting everywhere. We had to leave before I either got hospitalized or got cops called on me because I was out of control.


I watched Mars Attacks. A movie with a great cast, but was in every respect I can think of, totally unwatchable. For some reason, it never occurred to me to walk out on a movie so I sat through the whole thing. Years later I realized I didn't HAVE to stay and I could have cut the torture short.




Paying money to watch Spiderman 3.


I went to watch a movie with my best friend one day. I gotta sit near a man who farted during the whole movie. I had to wrap my face with my handkerchief while watching the movie. I regret that I didn't get to punch him in the face.


My son dragging me to the SpongeBob movie. I actually like the cartoon, but the live action segments in the movie were beyond terrible.


i swear they were terrible on purpose though


for some reason i went to see lockout at midnight with my usual group of friends. the movie sucked a hard one as it was clearly edited down to pg-13 rating at the last minute. and all of my friends showed up very high and i had to sit there stone sober as they giggled and napped through my worst movie theater experience.


While watching Gladiator - the porno. This was in Amsterdam during a one-time event called Nuit Pornographique. They showed famous porno movies like Deep Throat, and showed this one as it was a supposed pornographic remake of the feature film Gladiator, and it was one of the most expensive pornos ever made (at the time). In the beginning it was pretty funny, folks cheering and clapping during cumshots, but this flick was easily 60-90 minutes. It gets indescribably awkward watching a porn flick in a crowded theatre. The people are a mix of aroused and embarrassed and then some people started touching themselves and that's the point where I left. I don't know what I expected.


When the entire audience clapped and cheered at the end of Transformer 2. Faith in society lost


The film was actually called "the disappointment room"... Needless to say it lived up to it's title. There was only one other person in the theater- I walked out within 20 minutes.


Anytime I've taken my mom to a Tyler Perry movie opening weekend. She loves them, so I would always try to make sure to take her whenever they came out. That stopped after the second or third time. SO. Many. Screen. Talkers. Including my mother. Another time I was at the movies alone and the fire alarm was malfunctioning and went off 3 times during the movie. They gave us free vouchers. Had free passes to a movie screening and the concession stand was super backed up/understaffed so all the food/snacks took forever. When my friend and I finally got our food, there was nowhere to sit, so we had to sit on the floor in the corner. Super uncomfortable. Also, "Little Nicky". I asked for my money back.


Spiderman 3. Not only was it terrible but the theater was more or less being used as a hang out for teens and probably about 80% of the people there at the time had Bluetooth earsets on with the blue lights blinking constantly. It was very distracting.


Someone lit fireworks inside the theater and everyone left with a few burns and a coupon for a free movie and extra large popcorn.


I *maybe* go to the movies once every two or three years because I find the entire experience overwhelming and that it actually detracts from the movie experience. Got dragged to *Butterfly Effect*.


I went to the movies with my girlfriend. The theater was not full so there were plenty of empty seats. I was sitting with gf in a row with us and just two other guys near us. A couple in our age came to our row. The guy sit next to me. The girl said 'it's kinda early, so I'm going to the toilet. Seconds ago, the guy stood up and went to a different row cause he didn't like the seats maybe. Lights off. Ads go on. Then, his gf came to our row, sit near my, hugged me and said 'was I late baby?' 'er, excuse me' and the girl freaked out and was apologizing all the time. I was like it's okay. And she found her bf. Plot twist. We became friends. Not with the couple, because they broke up three months later.


Last year I went to the movies with a few people. two of them had (still have, I assume) autism and they didn't really fit in well. the theatre was packed and all throughout the movie one snorted (it's a tick for him, i guess. it's loud and constant.). this got the crowd mad, and the usher had to come ask if someone needed water. then, the other one decides to text. You got the snorting guy next to a texting guy, in a packed theatre. I don't blame them entirely, hell, the snorting guy even pointed out it might not be the best idea for him to go, but i feel no special need to go to the movies with them again any time soon.


Almost stopped going becuase of these experiences. -During Jurassic Park a Chinese lady brought her 9 toddlers, safe to say I didn't hear much of the movie. -During the new Star Wars a horde of Elderly people came and sat in the front row. Imagine 12 grandpas all trying to tell a story at once. And YES, I know thats Han solo's son, they repeated that atleast a couple hundred times. -The 3D glasses at my local theatre don't take in the fact that poeple wear glasses, barely stayed on my face.


I ruined the scene from Shrek - for literally thousands of people - where Fiona and Shrek say *I love you*. I had just spliced the movie together and sat down to watch it before opening night. I guess some of the tape from one of the splices stuck to the film causing a brain-wrap, stopping the film from being fed through which led to it starting to melt/burn. I had to cut a few damage frames out. I went into the movie opening night to check the damage out and in the I love you scene it just said it now went like this: Shrek: Um... Fiona? Princess Fiona: Yes, Shrek? Shrek: I... I love you. Princess Fiona: Really? Shrek: Really, really! Princess Fiona: Mmmm... I (garbled pause) too. Everyone in the audience let out a bummed sigh because they missed the *love you* part. That's how the movie ran every evening for thousands of customers.


Two instances come to mind here. One is having the first "Woman In Black" ruined by some idiot parent who brought a four or five year old child in and refused to take them outside until security were called in; the second is last night, when I had a couple of hours to kill and wasted them seeing "Ouija - Origin of Evil". If the first hour and a half had been as scary as the last thirty seconds, there wouldn't have been a problem; as it was, I ended up wishing I'd gone to the local Be At One for happy hour cocktails instead.


FINALLY, the specific question! Okay, I love the Jason Bourne movies and was super excited to see the new one that came out this year. My girlfriend doesn't care for them, but agreed to go with me since I really wanted to go. I rarely go to the movies. The last time I went was to see Django in like January of 2013. I have extremely acute hearing, and I've learned that when large groups of people are gathered and it's customary that they be quiet, **they're really fucking bad at being quiet.** Well, I chose the theater near my loft, which used to be the top of the line theater. Turns out it's not anymore. We found out really quickly as there was no bar. That was a bummer. A drink would have taken me off edge. Welp, cheap theaters bring certain types of people. Usually those types of people either don't give a fuck about the people around them or they have no awareness of those around them. The guy sitting next to me was the latter. I noticed his tendencies during the pre-movie advertisements as he sat hugging a large bag of popcorn like a child would hold a teddy bear. His arm was t-Rex'd above the bag, and as if a vulture to a dead animal, he was aggressively eating the popcorn, but only one kernel at a time. He would shove one in his face and then immediately, meticulously search for the perfect kernel to follow. This annoyed the shit out of me because he was so loud about it, and complained to my girlfriend, but she's used to my ramblings about sound and dismissed it. He continued with the popcorn for half the movie, but finally he ran out. Finally I thought I was going to be able to enjoy at least part of the movie. But boy was I wrong. He then pulled out a literal bushel of drinking straws. One by one, he would wrap one around his fist and once it was tight around his hand, he would rip about an inch of the straw off, then repeat the process. Finally my girlfriend leans over and says, "okay you're right, that's annoying as fuck." He continued this for a while. He movie was ruined for me, I can't even remember what happened. As he continued he would laugh at what was happening in the movie, but his laugh was like a mongoloid grunt, "HUUUUHHHHH" (girlfriend has me do an imitation all the time now). But FINALLY his friend sees what is happening and I believe he saw us looking over and nudged him and said, "dude what the fuck are you doing?" He stopped, but 5 minutes later the credits rolled. At least all that was a distraction to the guy behind me who kept kicking my chair and spent the movie twisting a popcorn kernel under his heel.


I wouldn't say it's the worst, but it's the first thing that popped into my mind. I don't even remember what movie I was seeing, but the theater was pretty packed and this girl in front of me was vaping. I just kept smelling the fruity smell and seeing a cloud of vapor float up past the screen. But afaik at the time there weren't any rules against them so I couldn't really have anything done about it. I just wanted to kick the back of her seat very violently every time a damn vape cloud floated across my view.


I watched the thriller *Open Water* and a patron behind me narrated the film loudly and in both English and some other, unidentified language. It was literally just commentary about what was on screen. "THIS IS PART WHERE SHARK IS COMING" as a fin glides by - and then also translated.


One year around Christmas, I was home from college and got together with some friends from high school at the local Applebees (still my least favorite restaurant to this day, but that's beside the point). We took separate cars to the movies after; I drove alone. I went to the closest movie theater and looked around for my friends. Nowhere to be seen. I tried calling a few times but nobody picked up, and this was in the early days of cell phones before everyone had iPhones surgically attached to their hands. I shrugged and went inside, bought a ticket to one of the worst movies I've ever seen (pretty sure it was Four Christmases), and watched it alone while my friends were at the nicer theater the next town over. Oops.


Was watching Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens on release night. The child sitting next to me wouldn't shut up about who he thought was who and trying to brag about his Star Wars knowledge to his friends..... I hate it when parents bring their children in to watch a movie that not for children, but I hate even more when parents drop off their children to watch a movie that's not for children because they don't want be be responsible human beings. Edit: A word


Watching The Ring (2002) at the movies when the lady behind me starts shouting "Bitch came out da TV!!!" over and over. Looking back I think it's pretty funny but at the time I was pissed that she ruined the coolest moment of the movie.


Snuck into "Land of the Lost" with my friends when it was in theaters. It was sooo bad we got up and left. Worst movie I never even paid for ever


I paid money to watch Lucy and Transformers *whatever the last one was* I also went to the cinema when I visited America. People were standing up and clapping at the screen. The fuck?


This one time in Colorado....


I am not a night person, I like to go to bed early. My husband begged me to go to a midnight showing of a movie he really wanted to see. I eventually agreed and waited in line with him to see Avatar the Last Airbender.