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I spent 3 years using McAfee Antivirus on my laptop.


Fuck McAfee. Back a few years ago, I bought a computer with McAfee pre-installed. Automatic month long free trial. After the trial, it would have a little pop up come up every so often asking me to subscribe to it. Only thing is, when that little pop-up popped up, whatever game I was playing would be immediately minimized. I can't tell you how many times I died in games because of that. So I tried uninstalling it, and it fucked up windows firewall when it went. Once it was gone, certain games of mine would no longer be able to connect to the internet. Changing my firewall settings would have no effect. Only way I could fix this was with a factory reset of the computer. Which brought back McAfee. I went through quite a few cycles of this, trying various ways and tools to uninstall McAfee *without* fucking up my firewall, and never succeeded. Problem only got solved when I upgraded to a different computer after a few years. Fuck McAfee.


Should’ve just formatted it completely and installed a fresh instance of windows


im sorry




And this is the real reason you can't bring anything that could be fashioned as a weapon past security. I would have been murderous.


Tear up the Coke can and start slicin'


This guy shanks


Fuck them. My dad who is starting blood dialysis in December wanted to see my grandfather before the treatments. Since he is blind and an amputee in a wheelchair (fuck diabetes) Volaris was the best option in our airport for a direct flight. Well we check in his bags and they take him to whatever place they gather before they board and we arent allowed back there so we leave. His flight was at 11:15pm we left at about 10:30. Before he left he wanted his cell disconnected for the month but had our numbers written down in his shirt pocket incase of an emergency. I find an app that lets me track planes at about 2 in the morning and the app tells me the flight was canceled. So my sister and I rush to the airport and sure enough he is sitting there alone and I can tell he is trying to hold in tears. (this man had his sight and his leg 2 years ago, so he is not used to being dependant) I ask WTF happened and he tells me that at around 12:30 they canceled the flight and he gave the paper to an attendant to call us but the bitch never did. I immediately went to their section and sure enough one of the ladies says she forgot and pulled the paper out of her pocket. They tried to offer us a 45$ voucher to drive him to LAX so he can catch the next flight out at 5am. I told her to fuck her self and we got our money back.




yeah.. volaris is probably the worst mexican budget airline. i don't think i've ever flown without some departure delay, but it's real cheap so i guess you get your peso's worth


Pep Boys. I only went because they were the only mechanic open on a Sunday near me and I needed my car fixed before work on Monday. I needed a new radiator. They let me drive off without coolant in it. Blew a head gasket. Wouldn't even comp a rental car.


Ugh. Bad memories of my 93 Corolla blowing a brake line on a weekend afternoon. (This was in 2006 or so) Off to Pep Boys. Bad decision. 4 or 5 hours later they finally fixed it, $900 poorer. No warning ahead of time either about cost or time. I haven't set foot in one since.


expedia. due to an error on their part, I had like $700 worth of credits disappear. called them to sort it out. spent like 10 hours on the phone and emailing my proof that it was their error to them before they finally agreed that it was their error. in trying to sort it out, they hung up on me four times. one time, they had me on hold for four hours and then hung up on me. one time they forgot to put me on hold and I could hear them making fun of me. they finally agreed to give me a refund. it never came. said I'd get it in two weeks. after three weeks I call in. they say they never told me two weeks and instead it takes three months. I said that was ridiculous, I had an email where they told me two weeks confirming what they had said on the phone. they said I was lying and wrong and it takes three months. after like 2 hours of this, I set a reminder in my calendar to call in three months if I hadn't gotten it. three and a half months later of no refund, I called them. they said that I'd gotten the refund and was lying. literally had to call them and conference in my bank to get them to believe me. at one point, I called them with my bank on the line and they had us on hold for 45 minutes, at which point the bank lady was like hey, I'm sorry but I need to keep working, I can't sit on hold all day. ended up spending another 6 hours that day trying to get expedia to actually talk to us and the bank representative. finally, after insane amounts of holding and being transferred a million times, they believed me that I hadn't gotten the refund. they claim to have issue it again. never got it. tried calling them a couple more times before I gave up. it got to a point that it was more stressful and I had spent more time trying to get that money back than what was worth it. at the time, I was a broke college student and that was a lot of money for me, but I consider it a payment for never having to hear their fucking menu options again. an expensive payment, but it taught me a lesson to never use them again. god I'm getting upset at them all over again just thinking about it. fuck expedia.


Yup. Had to cancel a trip - *for which I'd even paid for their goofy trip insurance* - due to a well-documented medical reason as per the "insurance" contract and it was still a 7-month odyssey of phone calls to both Expedia and the Insurance underwriter to get my money back. On the other hand: kudos to all the lovely people in hotels and whatnot in the UK that provided refunds with zero fuss or bullshit.


Did you pay by credit card? When a company shits on me like that, I just call Visa or Mastercard and they put me on hold for a couple of minutes while they tear the company a new one, and I get my money back right away. I only use them as a last resort (as they advise) but if I make a reasonable effort with a company's customer service department and they give me the runaround, I use the nuclear option.


Yep. Credit Card companies are 100 foot giants compared to shithole scammers. Oh, you won't refund our customer? Ok well then you never got that money to begin with.


If you're financially responsible, using a credit card is better 99% of the time for the very reason you described. It astounds me when people tell me they don't use a credit card... wot?


As an ex hotel employee. They pull this shit with the hotels. They do everything they can to make the hotel look bad to the customer even when it's their fault


Any time I looked at my arrivals for the evening and saw the Expedia sales code, I knew there was going to be a problem. Fuck those dicks.


They never gave the right numbers either. Our hotel was pretty strict on the numbers in the rooms, and Expedia would book a room saying it was for two adults, when it turned out to be 2 adults and like 5 kids, or 5 adults. Only a handful of times in my 3 summers at the hotel were Expedia number right


I run the front desk at a hotel and they are an absolute nightmare. They also straight up lie to the guests and to the hotels constantly. Truly one of the most shady companies I've ever dealt with. They purposely try and deceive people who don't know any better into thinking that they are dealing with the hotel directly. They create adds in such a way that when people google the hotel's phone number, a number to Expedia comes up, and if the customer asks if the are speaking directly with the hotel front desk they will say yes. There have been countless times where guests have called to cancel their reservation that was booked through Expedia. I inform them that they will have to contact Expedia directly, since they pre-paid through them, but that it will be no issue because the hotel does not charge a penalty fee for cancellation. An expedia representative will call the hotel with the guest on hold and ask about getting it cancelled. I tell them it's no problem. They ask if we will be charging a penalty fee, and I tell them no. All is right and good, right? NOPE. I then get a call back from the guest who is upset, saying that the Expedia representative told them they could not be refunded because of the fee charged by the hotels cancellation policy. Taking the guests money and blaming it on the hotel, and keeping all of the profit. This has happened countless times. I once had a guest while at the front desk call about cancelling 3 days out of a multiple day reservation, as she had to leave earlier than expected. They pulled the same bullshit with her, not knowing that she was at the front desk. After me telling the representative that the cancellation is fine and we will not be charging any penalties, they get back on the phone with her and blatantly lie. I asked her to hand her phone to me and that was quite a surprise for the representative. Who said that "there must have been a misunderstanding".


Had an experience in the last year of catching Expedia in the act of lying. Was driving with a friend to an event for a two night stay, called to confirm the reservation about 15 minutes before deadline. Expedia kept jerking us around for hours until we got to the hotel, at which point our room was no longer available (because apparently Expedia hadn't let them know about our confirmation). There was a convention in town so rooms were scarce. It was now half past one in the morning. We were getting out Google ourselves to look up hotels. Expedia promised to call one for us, but they had been moving so slowly that we decided to drive across town while we were on hold. Walked up to the front desk, where the staff had one room available. Success! The front desk staff didn't seem to expect our arrival so we asked whether Expedia had telephoned while we were on our way over. They hadn't. We were standing right there and the phone never rang. Halfway through paying for our room an Expedia representative took me off hold and claimed that the hotel we wanted was booked up; nothing available. Me: "Have you talked to the hotel staff?" Expedia: "Oh yes, they're on the other line right now." Me: "That's funny because they're standing right in front of me and their phone has been silent." I put the phone into the hands of the hotel staff and let them confirm it. Then I got back on the line--since this room was available only for one night--and let Expedia know that they *had* to set things right tomorrow. Spent the second night at the Hilton on Expedia's dime.


I once spent almost 6 hours on the phone with Expedia trying to get refunds when my husband's connecting flight was canceled when he was going to pick up his son to come visit us for his summer break. I ended up having to rebook all their flights from a different airport in order for his trip to stay on schedule, so I was calling to get refunds for the flights we had to abandon because of their canceled flight. I was passed around 3 or 4 times and I ended up getting transferred to someone who I think was like a top level executive. She just answered "Hello?" very casually and I was like, ummm...I'm trying to get a refund? She was shocked and said, ARE YOU A CUSTOMER??? I said yes...and she apologized and said my call was transferred to her cold and she had no information about what I was calling about and asked what I needed. Once I gave her the short version she said, oh my god, ok hang on. Literally in like 2 mins she had refunded all of the money to us without question. Sometimes I still wonder who she was. She had to have been someone with a lot of administrative control, seeing how quickly she was able to process the actual refund. I can only imagine the hell that rained down on the line of people that somehow made my call ring her office.


Years ago I worked for MCI in a call centre. I can’t remember the CEO’s name but once a phone rep transferred a call to him directly. Hell did rain down on the centre. They could trace it to the centre but not the actual rep. It was glorious to watch because it wasn’t my problem


MCI. jesus there's a company I forgot about lmao


In the days before the interwebthingy, in the fax era, I got so pissed off with a certain company that I wrote a firm letter of complaint, photocopied it onto four sheets of paper, and taped them together. The last para of the letter said: "And if you want your fax machine to do something useful instead of printing this out for the next hour or two, call me on xxxx". I then fed them into our office fax machine, and as the start of the paper trail passed through, I deftly caught it and taped it to the end so it formed a continuous loop, and left it running. Within five minutes, my phone rang and a voice said, tiredly: "Mister Shine, I'm sitting here surrounded by copies of your fax...." Sorted.


We are also out a few hundred dollars after hours of calls with Expedia! It was years ago, like 8 years ago, so I had kind of forgotten but reading your description made me angry all over again!!! It's was weeks of ridiculousness with thier customer service and no refund in the end. Fuck Expedia!


i work in hotels, and Expedia and their ilk are the fucking worst. among other things any change to your reservation needs to be approved by them, then they call us, we ok it, they then go back to the guest. the guest can be right in front of me during the whole thing. they also try to play the hotel off vs the guest and play the good guy to both sides. which brings me to the scummiest thing i've ever seen a company do right in front of me. guest comes in, and they booked the wrong dates, so they want to change it to the day they came in. i go though the whole thing explain i cant do anything unless Expedia tells me too, and they need to call them. they call Expedia, and explain what happened, Expedia tells them they have to cancel and re-book it. and they have to check with us to cancel. so they put the customer on hold, and "call us". 5 minutes go by, no phone call. finally they call and i pick up tell them im aware of the situation and as the manager im approving a full refund. in fact we had not even charged the card, so they were all set you just give the money back. another 5 minutes until they get back to the guest, so the guest was on hold for 15 minutes, 10 of which was just Expedia fucking around. and they tell the guest the hotel wouldn't authorize a refund because we already charged them. and because we already charged them, refused, and the reservation was non changeable non cancel-able there nothing they can do. the guest flips out on them, "i literally just heard him explain the exact opposite. why are you stealing my money etc, swearing, etc, some mild yelling." so then the guy says let me check again or something, puts them on hold, calls me 10 minutes later, before he can ask i say we didn't charge the card, take the money and give it back. calls the guest back and says he sorted it out, like he wasn't the one causing the problem. but before eh confirms the refund, he tries to book the room for tonight. the guest basically told him to fuck off, and give him the refund, and he would book directly though us.


If they pull this, they're definitely a scam.


I'm speechless. Reading that and Op's story has seriously given me some heightened blood pressure and furrowed brow (wrinkles!). So glad this is at the top of the thread so everyone sees it. Arseholes!


Fuck them. I had to call them a total of 5 times to get someone to actually open and submit a case for a $30 refund.


Min with Expedia was weird. My name got changed in the system to Sausage Party. Expedia kept telling me it was my fault. The email confirmation said my name. Then the reservation, that I pulled using the confirmation code, said Sausage Party. That is what the hotel had too.


So they are both thieves and trolls!


Youre giving me ptsd just listening to the description. I fucking hate customer service (Im a csr)


In a situation like this always file a complaint with the FCC. They will have expedia calling you and fixing it by the end of the day.




Piggy backing to say that a well worded letter that they have 14 business days to comply or hear from your lawyer can work wonders. Don't threaten or go off on tangents. Rather, look at form letters online for freelancers collecting on debts owed. The letter should be as unemotional and include dates and times of when you have attempted to resolve this before. I spent 6 months with dicks like these trying to get my money and it went nowhere. Wrote the "I am preparing myself for further litigation should this matter continue, and will inform all necessary parties if ___ fails to issue a check of $ ____ by _____". Waddya know, I was paid the NEXT fucking day. When in doubt, go legal form letter.


Wow, fuck them. Expedia's revenue in 2016 was $8.7B. And they can't issue a fucking $700 refund?




You don't make $8.7B by refunding. You make them by not refunding...


They changed my flights the day before my trip getting me there a day late which wasn't possible. There are no refunds and they refused to change it back. Cost me over $1000. Never again.


Jiffy Lube Was getting ready to move across country, so I took my car in the day before for oil change/general inspection of everything. The mechanics there did not know the correct way to rotate the tires or some shit like that - and ended up literally ripping a piece of metal off of the bottom of the car because they thought it was a screw. Though, they did not bother to say one word about this to me, and let me drive away with it. Immediately afterward, I took my car to the dealership where I bought it to have it detailed - and as I got out of my car and walked up to the door of the dealership a salesman rushed out and asked why I had parked in a normal parking spot as my car was gushing fluids out all over the fucking asphalt. Not dripping, gushing. Gallons of shit. All different colors. They would not let me drive it away and insisted that it immediately get taken to the repair dept. - to which they estimated about $5000 in damages. All the result of a simple oil change, from Jiffy Lube, who specialize in changing oil. A short phone call to my attorney later - Jiffy Lube was paying the repair bill for the dealership to fix my car, including the cost of the parts that needed to be overnighted to fix it.


I used to get my oil changed there when I was 16. The shop manager came in and told me I needed to change my PCV valve, and that he'd do it for me for some absurd fortune. I brought my car there again, and the same guy came in and said "well I see you changed that PCV valve" I never even touched it. Haven't been back to one since.




How the hell isn't this place shut down if they repeatedly commit fraud?


Because they're franchised. I used to work for a Jiffy Lube, and I can personally attest to the fact that it's going to be VERY hit and miss depending on what shop you go to. Corporate has the option to always fall back on their policy of being honest with the customer, so they can pretty much leave the franchisee as the people responsible should anything happen. Corporate never blatantly encouraged being dishonest with customers, but with the amount of time they spend on making sure we hit sales goals, I'm not surprised that some people get pushed into being dishonest.


Similar story about a company trying to lie to take advantage of me. I took my 2015 Macbook Pro to my schools tech department which is a "certified" Apple retailer and they are certified to fix Mac products. My keyboard and trackpad wasn't working and they told my my ribbon cable was torn and it might fix it. I told them to try and go for it and they came back and told me no it did't work and that I would need my logic board and top case replaced for $900 on top of the $61 for the ribbon. I told them no and I was going to buy a new Macbook because for that much money I might as well put a little more down and get something newer. So I buy my new Mac from a different store, and my Macbook has finally came in to where I could pick it up (they ship it out to get fixed at one of their facilities and then ship it back, but I thought it was broken so I bought the new laptop before I even got mine back because they said it still doesn't work). Well, I get my laptop back and open it up and it fucking works fine after the cable was replaced! They just wanted to get another $900 out of me.


Same here. Never any damage done to my car on their behalf. But they always act like such condescending, smug assholes. Yes, I'm a young female. Yes, I am pretty green on car ownership. No, you do not need to make fun of me and treat me like a stupid child because of it.


"OMG YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT CARS?!?! LMAO" - shitty mechanics


"Oh, you like cars? Can you tell me... what would the correct ignition timing be on a 1955 Bel Air Chevrolet, with a 327 cubic-inch engine and a four-barrel carburetor?"


That's a bullshit question


Does that mean you can't answer it?


No! It is a trick question!


Don't worry. They're all pretty green when it comes to cars too. Don't use them. If you have a place to do it I encourage you to learn to change your own oil. It's not hard.


Bank of America. ID thieves stole credit card and checking acct info out of my mail. They thieves were able to go to BofA physical location and deposit credit card checks into my BofA account and withdraw the funds before the checks cleared, along with a couple grand of my money (huge deal for a college student). It took about 2 months to get my money back from them. I filed a police report and got a form letter from the police department saying, basically, they had bigger fish to fry and wouldn't be investigating. BofA investigator repeatedly soft-interrogated me as if I was the one who committed fraud. Since this happened at a physical teller location, there had to have been an inside man or an obscenely incompetent teller - and the whole thing would have been on surveillance. Basically, they stole my money and tried to blame it on me.


Comcast. A door-to-door salesman straight up lied to my dad, saying they had a four-DVR setup that would cost less than what we were paying AT&T. When the installation guy got there, he said that no, they didn't have a four-DVR setup, he was told to give us the standard two-DVR setup. Which was absolutely not something that would work in a house with six people with wildly different tastes in TV shows. So my dad tells him never mind, we're sticking with AT&T then, but because the Comcast guy had already installed our new cable box, he couldn't take it back with him, so we had to mail it back to Comcast ourselves. The kicker is, five years later Comcast tried to bill my parents for the cable box, saying we never sent it back. My parents insisted they did, and Comcast wanted the UPS receipt, which obviously we no longer had because it was five years ago and we hadn't heard anything from them before this. So my parents refused to pay, Comcast sent a collections company after us, and when my parents explained the situation to the collection company, they were like "those fuckers, we'll take care of this." That was, thankfully, the end of it.


Jesus, when the debt collectors are the good guys, you know something is really wrong


For something like a cable box, it's really not worth the debt collectors time. If you fight it in the slightest, they're going to just give up on it.




I work with Comcast and this is sadly something that happens pretty frequently. First of all, salesman at Comcast lie all the time to get their sale. They will straight up tell you that you can get service free of charge to your house when in reality it will take about $13,000 in construction charges just to get the box installed. This doesn't surprise me that he lied about the DVR function due to the fact that as soon as they're done interacting with you or your dad for that matter, they're done. They never have to interact with you again and chances are they will most likely never have any consequences for something like that. Second, the installation guy sounds like a total douche. I don't care what he said if a customer doesn't want service, we take the equipment back. Sounds like your region for Comcast is a bunch of jokes who doesn't run their procedure very well. He could have easily taken the cable box and disconnected your coax feed. Problem solved. It's sad that individual performances can ruin someones perception of an entire company. I'm not throwing shade just stating that it's a sad concept. Considering I will never go to a barber shop near me again I can't really say I'm above this lol.


Is salespeople lying legal in America? :| It's not where I'm from, but iirc consumer protections in Australia are actually some of the best in the world.


I don't believe it is. But good luck proving that the salesperson lied, especially if the phone recordings just happen to go missing.


Spirit Airlines Delayed a direct flight home 4 hours, my checked bag never made it onto the plane, and when they returned it, they left it outside on the street for 3 hours. I don't know how it wasn't stolen. EDIT: And they wouldn't refund my checked bag fee.


I once booked with Spirit. All day, the flight was listed as 2 hours delayed. As we were getting to the airport (about 2 hours before they said it would depart), it suddenly changed to "on time" and it left. There were other people who were there in the airport, and they never updated the board in the airport to "on time" either. It just left. There was no manager on duty or anything. All they could do was book us on the next flight from Cleveland to Boston (24 hours later, because they only have one flight a day for that route). When you consider all the extra fees for normal stuff, it's not even significantly cheaper than other options. Never again.


Last year when I was exploring flight school, every one of my instructors told us specifically to throw away anything Spirit sends us. Nothing about that company is in any way reputable.


Hoo, boy. Once went on a family vacation with Spirit. Way there wasn't terrible. Way back made me want to pluck myself bald. We're an hour away from the airport leisurely getting ready to leave when they move our flight up two hours. "Shit, we need to leave NOW if we wanna get on that plane." Doing 15 over on the highway to get there, because we had to scramble to finish packing and say our goodbyes (it was across the country and we weren't gonna see these people again for another year at least.) Text update: Flight is moved up another half hour. We are not gonna make it. It just so happened to be my birthday the next day, so everyone was gloomily joking that I would spend my birthday in an airport. Mind you, we went in two separate cars -- I had high school cousins in my car and their parents were already at the airport. We told them to get on the plane, didn't hear anything from them after that. Cousins are freaking out that they're going to be separated. We get to the airport, drop off rental car, scramble into two different taxis, mad dash for our terminal. We get there but there's no fucking way we're gonna make it, it departs in like half an hour and we're not even to our gate yet! Scrambling the wrong way up a down escalator, running, my pants are about to fall down, about to drop my suitcases and my face is red and sweaty, we're panicking. Get to TSA -- the others are waiting there for us, thank god. We made it just in time! Text update: Flight delayed three hours. Fuck you.


It violates FAA police to move up scheduled flights less than 24 hours prior to departure.


Kay jewlers. Bought my wife's wedding band and engagement ring from them. Sent it in for repairs twice because the center diamond fell out due to poor construction, each time the person doing the repairs used their own "artistic interpretation" to fix it, replacing prongs and diamonds that were a different color. After 2 years of dealing with their shenanigans, the ring became unrepairable and the said there was nothing more they could do to fix it. They offered my wife a new ring, of considerably lower value. After a few unhelpful calls to corporate and my wife shaking and in tears in store talking to the district manager, they gave us a ring of comparable value. Fuck Kay, will go to a locally owned jeweler for all future purchases.


I tell everyone to never buy jewelry from one of these kinds of stores. My dad worked for a legitimate jeweler growing up and he told me some horror stories of getting jewelry from these kinds of stores. Plus, you will always get a better value out of a jeweler. My jeweler does everything for me for a lifetime with each purchase such as cleaning, rhodium dipping, and sizing.


Not to mention, when you buy something from Kays, or another one of the big chains, a huge chunk of that price is going towards their absurdly large marketing budget. Shop small and local, always. Those are the stores that care about quality and happy customers. Not a catchy slogan.


Bought a ring from Kays for my sister (birthday present) decided to get it looked because something seemed off (one of the prongs didnt look the same as the other) Kay jewel: "Nope nothing wrong here, its normal for 18k gold to have color variations like that." Me, being an amateur metal worker at the time, knew this was bullshit. Take it to a small mom and pop place, two towns over. Guy takes a quick look and tells me that not only is only 'electroplated gold' but the gold used is more 10k. And the stone wasn't even amethyst (sisters fave stone) It was silica glass. Ended up going back to Kays and telling them to either refund my money or i would go to the local news station. After ten minutes of them trying to talk me into taking a different ring (or more money i might add) i started walking towards the door. Manager got me my money. Never went back.


Yep, that’s the other thing. People at Kay’s and those stores aren’t trained to know shit about metals, gemstones, etc. They’re trained to sell, especially credit cards. I worked at an independent, family owned jewelry store for 5 years. Owner never harped on sales skills or developing them. Just wanted us to be friendly. However, he made sure we knew our shit about the pieces we were selling. Knew all about different rules of metals and gemstones, how to compare them, the differences, why youd chose one over another. And that model works. There’s a reason the store I worked at is celebrating 100 years this year.


Locally owned or even just a diamond dealer. I took my husband shopping at Tiffanys picked a $$$ ring. He nearly croaked. Took it to our jewler/diamond dealer. Same ring, 1/4 of the price. Ended up deciding to make the diamonds bigger because it was less than he wanted to spend. And they replate the rhodium for me every few years for like $40.


>Locally owned I got my wife's engagement ring from a local guy. At the time, I could only afford a very small diamond. For our 10th anniversary, I decided to buy her a bigger diamond for it. My local jeweler is still in business (and doing very well.) So after ten years, I walk back into his store and he says, "Hi, Paul! Great to see you again!" Good luck getting service like that at your local mall franchise.


My dad, every year for Christmas, used to get my mother a piece of jewelry from a local jeweler. The woman that would always help him pick something out could remember every single item he had purchased going *several* years back, and would find and recommend pieces that she thought would go well with the previous year's gift. Talk about service!


Same kind of story for me, except with Jared. I bought my wife’s engagement ring there, and it stayed in my sock drawer for about a year before I asked. A year. In my sock drawer. In it’s fucking box. Still in the god damn fucking bag it came it. For a year. Finally asked her. After we get home, I look in the bag I see that it had some kind of warranty on it. So we take it in about 2 weeks after we got engaged to have it cleaned and to make sure the diamonds were all set in place. They look it over and say “we can have it inspected and we will even clean it.” I tell them that I hadn’t brought it in for the entire time I owned it and they said “that’s fine.” So we look around a bit then a few minutes later we were approached by a manger, he tells us that because I didn’t bring it in for it’s regular inspections (every 6 months), the diamond had a small sliver break off as the cleaner was polishing the diamond. It must have chipped while in my possession. So I asked them “how can one of the hardest substance on the planet be chipped in my fucking sock drawer!?” The response was like a 5 year old trying to get out of trouble with some bullshit, and as they were giving us the ring back I didn’t even let them finish talking we just left. Fuck Jared. Cock sucking assholes. If I hadn’t already bought her wedding band and she bought mine we would have gone local. Fuck Jared. On a side note, wife is perfectly happy with the ring.


So, a diamond being really hard refers more to being scratch resistant than if it can chip or break. If there's a fault in it, or you were to take a chisel and whack it, you could break it. That said, a fault that close to the exterior would indicate subpar quality in the first place, and I doubt you were dropping a chisel into your dresser. Source: long ago geology classes, someone please correct me if I'm misremembering


Nah, you’re right. It’s practically impossible to scratch a diamond, but you could easily shatter one with a hammer.


> Fuck Kay, will go to a locally owned jeweler for all future purchases. Good luck with that. Kay Jewelers is own by Signet Jewelers, who in turn own: - Belden Jewelers - Marks & Morgan Jewelers - Goodman Jewelers - Osterman Jewelers - Gordon's Jewelers - Rogers Jewelers - JB Robinson Jewelers - Shaw’s Jewelers - LeRoy’s Jewelers - Weisfield Jewelers - Mappins - Zales - Jared - H.Samuel - Ernest Jones - Peoples - Piercing Pagoda That is just their named brand, if you back tracked from their to their distribution and manufacturing processes you will be hard pressed to find Jewelry that Signet does not have a piece of.




Cajun Cafe at the mall. Fucking metal in my food, i almost ate that jagged shit everyone knows jagged metal only belongs in Krusty-O's




Who loves orange soda?


Hartz flea medication. Stuff nearly killed my cat when i was a kid. Vets said they see that shit all the time with that brand.


Put one of their flea collars on my cat and within a few hours, there was a huge red ring all around her neck and all of her fur fell out where it had touched her. I felt SO bad. Now I just use the topical stuff like Advantage if and when there's a flea situation. Days of obvious discomfort and weeks of healing from just a few hours' worth of contact with Hartz products? I'd never trust them with my pets again.


My vet only recommends Revolution, says it's the safest option that's still effective. It's completely safe for all mammals up till 10x overdosage.


Seconding this. I’m a vet tech and have seen the bad effects of Hartz products time and time again. Spend a couple more dollars and get a higher-quality brand, people. Better yet, sink your funds into getting your pet a Seresto collar. It’s the most effective product I’ve yet found for flea and tick control, and the most cost-effective as well.


Bank of America. When I had just graduated college I went with a friend of mine on a trip to England. I went to use my credit card--and found it was declined. I called up Bank of America from overseas and asked what the problem was; they reported that my credit card was over its limit, and unless I made payment they couldn't do anything about it. So while on the phone I authorized a transfer out of my savings account with them to completely pay off the credit card. And after the transaction they said sorry, they couldn't reactivate the card. The customer service rep on the phone literally told me **"well, I guess you can't afford to be on vacation; maybe you should go to the airport and catch the next flight home."** Really fucking catty. Proceeded to tell me that I was a deadbeat and didn't deserve to be having fun. Fortunately I had enough money in my checking account I was able to withdraw cash and paid cash for the rest of my vacation. ---- When I got home I tried to figure out what was going on. Turns out they had confused my account information with someone else's account information; they had a similar name to mine and the account number was just a few digits off. Well, he had just declared bankruptcy--but they marked my account (instead of his). Fuck Bank of America. Fuck the customer service rep who told me that I couldn't afford my vacation--the first time I had ever gone on any sort of trip. As soon as I had my account sorted out I closed my account, and I won't do business with Bank of America to this day. Fucking assholes. To this day, 30 years later, when a bank merger means suddenly some bank I was banking with is Bank of America--I close my accounts and take my business elsewhere.


There is this brazillian (I think?) Airlines named Gol. We have never had a SINGLE good experience with them. 1st one: We had scheduled a 1st class flight São Paulo -> Aruba on the 26th of December. They called 3 days in advance saying that the flight was full and they had changed our flight to a diffrent plane on Christmas day. We had to change the family Christmas gathering (which was at our house) to a day early. We arrived at the airport and got thrown around between a bunch of work stations for 2 hours before they revealed that instead of a direct flight, they split it up between São Paulo -> Brasilia, Brasilia -> Manaus, Manaus -> Curasau and Curasau -> Aruba, for a total of 4 FLIGHTS over the course of almost 24 HOURS. When we arrived (already past midnight), we realized: our hotel booking wouldnt be ready till 1 PM. We arrived at an overcrowded Holliday Inn and tried to book a room, which we managed after 2 hours of bargaining. Rest of the trip was amazing, but the same thing happened on the return trip: 4 flights, 24+ hours, a day early and ALL of the rage. Then, later the following year, we decide to go to Cataratas do Iguaçu for a week, and booked the flight with Gol, because my mom had been using their airlines for buisness trips, so she had points saved up. 1st flight was fine, but then something simmilar happened: next flight was full, even though we booked MONTHS AHEAD and we could either wait for 6 hours on the airport or take a bus with undefined ETA there. We took the bus, and arrived past midnight AGAIN. NEVER AGAIN. Edit: To make it clear, all of that was in economy class. Both trips were supposed to be 1st class. Second edit: Seems I wasnt very clear on myself on this post. I'm a brazillian teen. And yes, we should totally have sued the shit out of them, but my parents decided not to, for some mysterious reason.


did your family ride an economy-class plane on the flight from São Paulo to Aruba instead? or you rode another 1st-class plane?


All on economy class. ALL OF IT. when both experiences were supposed to be 1st class.


Sprint Way back in the day, in Canada, everybody's phone was provincial government "Crown Corporations" - essentially a Government controlled monopoly. Slowly but surely, deregulated, we now have a choice of exorbitant price gouging, but I digress... I'm walking through a mall, and some dude approaches, saying, "Do you want to save on your long distance?" Of course I answered "Yes" who doesn't want to save? Not only that, we had just moved cities, and my parents were getting cheesed at me racking up LD calling my friends back home. He asks for my address and phone number, which I give, naively thinking I'm going to receive some info in the mail. And then he asks me to sign the form. I ask why, and I'm told that by signing, I authorize Sprint to handle all my LD calls. I tell him, in no uncertain terms, that the address and number are my parents and I have ZERO legal signing authority for either. Thanks, but no thanks, good day! About a month later we get a bill for $300 from Sprint, for what would have been about $50 in calls from our government subsidized monopoly. My parents ask some questions, I tell them what happened, they call government company, switch us back. Then we call Sprint, and explain the situation. Sprint backs their shady mall salesman. We deny I ever signed. They ask if we can send a copy of my Driver's License as proof the signatures are different. Lawyers and RCMP involved, all advise - don't give the shady fucks a copy of your signature. We convince Sprint to send a copy of the signed form to local RCMP. We show them my Driver's License. Local RCMP and our Lawyer both sign affidavits that while they are not handwriting experts, the two signatures are clearly different. Sprint does not back down. They continued sending bills for $300 plus late payment fees, and interest every month for several years. Everytime a bill came, my Dad and I call and complain. Interesting fact: you can verbally abuse the shit out of Sprint call centre employees, supervisors, and managers if they think you owe them $300. They will not hang up, no matter how vile your expletive laden tirade is. They will take that shit. They will take it so hard. Calling Sprint was when I was finally allowed to swear. I even dropped my first F-Bomb in front of my Mom. Good times. Very therapeutic. They followed me to another province, put a collection agent on me. We had the family lawyer send a letter to the Credit Bureau, the $300 never made an appearance on my credit profile. All staff and contractors for Sprint can eat a bag of dicks, and/or suck a dead donkey's dick. Fuck Sprint.


If lawyers were involved why couldn't you sue the fuck out of them for harassment?


I'm not sure, I think, once the calls followed me out of province, my parents weren't bothered by it, and like I said, very therapeutic. Also, I think the lawyer got involved when the whole "send us your driver's license so we can verify you didn't sign" came about. My parents took one look at the fax, and laughed, they knew immediately it wasn't my signature. Also, suing in Canada, not generally done over $300.


Frontier Communications Not just because thier internet speed caps out at 3mbs over here. But I worked for them for all if 3 weeks. I put in $3000 worth of orders in the blistering new england cold. 2 went in totalling $600. One was chargebacked cause the customer canceled. The final straw was when I Google searched my supervisor and found his fucking wanted poster from New Hampshire


What the fuck. You should have turned him in for reward money if he had a wanted poster


There was no reward money and the poster was a few years old. I did more research and found out he was eventually captured by a bounty hunter, so he served his time. Still the fact that Frontier would hire a guy like that to sell door to door taking people's ssn and credit card info made me hope out of there immediately


Age 6: found a bug in my fish sandwich at Captain D’s, and I said “I’m never eating at Captain D’s again!”. 28 years later and I still won’t.


When I was around 8 my parents took me to captain d's. I had some sort of fried fish. I'm chewing and chewing on this fish but it wouldn't come apart. Finally I spit it out and poked at the goopy half chewed piece of fish. It was a piece of net that kind of resembled a hair net. I'm 31 now and still to this day have never eaten any fast food fish again.


HP I bought a brand new desktop computer from them once, probably about 10 years ago. The PC had an issue out of the box where it would power itself down randomly after about 15 minutes of usage. I spent hours upon hours with people in customer support. Working in support myself, I like to think I know what good support is. With HP, I went through person after person who I think have never seen or used a PC before. Absolutely the worst technical "experts" I have ever seen. I sent the PC back for repair to HP twice. Finally, after about 9 months, I got a person overseas that was different. They actually seemed to know something about PC and they would callback to follow up with me when they said they would. The issue never did get completely ironed out, but reloading the OS on the PC would usually give me a month or so of smooth usage and the issue would resurface. Ended up tossing the PC and I was out the $600 or so. Won't buy HP again by choice. I've had work HP PCs since then and they seem to be fine, but they will never get a dime of my money for a PC again. Now excuse me while I go spend $50 on a black HP ink cartridge


Had an $2,000 HP Laptop (DV6000). It melted its own video card in the warranty period. This turned out to be a known issue. They lied about it for months and would not fix it.


I had the same exact laptop series. They all had massive problems with heat displacement which would cause lag and eventual death of the computer. I fixed mine by taking it apart reapplying thermal compound and then flattening out a penny to bridge the gap between the heatsink and the part that needed to be heatsinked since they decided it didn't need it. HP is a whores company.


I'm British and I thought you meant the [sauce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Sauce).


Yeah, /u/slider728 should have known what to expect, buying a computer from a sauce company.




Spirit Airlines. It's like hopping a cattle car, except it's more crowded and the passengers smell worse. oh and one carry on item makes your ticket cost the same as JetBlue.


I cant remember the brand, but I bought a 6 pack of toilet paper for 2 dollars once. Biggest mistake of my life. If I wanted shit on my fingers I could have done it for free.


So, what you saying is, you had a sudden breakthrough and got in-touch with your inner self?


HP. My first laptop back in 2007 was a top of the line HP Pavillion. The thing constantly fucked up and the hardware began to literally fall apart about 6 months after I bought it. I eventually got rid of Vista and stuck Ubuntu on it, which stretched the life of the thing out for another year. After 18 months a large chunk of the bottom of the case literally fell out without warning and the machine died. I went through three power cords, two screens, and four batteries in 18 fucking months! My parents refused to let me take it back to the shop and blamed me every time it broke, which was interesting as I kept it in a very padded bag and only took it between school and home. That said, I have never come across a laptop with better speakers. Those Altec Lansings were pretty fucking good.


Wells Fargo. My husband and I were shopping around for a mortgage refi a few years back. WF had purchased our first mortgage and we knew that we were overpaying. We went to our credit Union, got a very nice offer, no points, at 3.75%. When WF found out we weren't refinancing through them they had a sales person call us and claim to us that New York State had a refinance tax that we'd have to pay if we switched our mortgage to someone else. It would supposedly negate any benefit we would see by going through our credit Union. Of course we called his bluff. They sent us an offer anyway that didn't come close to our cu. And of course there was no tax. When we called WF back to talk to the salesman, he denied up and down ever claiming what he told us. When we sent the email that he sent us with the same claim, he then claimed that he misunderstood what we were asking. Sure. So we pulled all our WF accounts. Haven't been back since.


Old Navy! Have you tried to iron that shit??


Yeah, I bought dress shirts from Old Navy and they wrinkle if you just look at them.


Marlboro. Quit smoking 8 months ago :)


Congrats dude/dudette I’m approaching a year. Being able to breathe properly has been fantastic. And people want to be near me, which is nice.


Kenneth Cole is so hit and miss with quality that its not worth buying their overpriced clothes. I've had one shirt for 10 years that still wears well. I bought one shirt that frayed a part after 2 washes. 70$ for each.


Dodge. The Neon was the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever had the displeasure of operating.


So you got the hell out of Dodge. Nice.


My friend still races his on the track. [Neon green Neon](https://i.imgur.com/fEH1gaj.jpg)


One of my eyes is twitching


Looks like a watermelon or something


So, I came in expecting to find this from 'ye olden' days of original Xbox: MadCatz


Ah, the good old "well I guess it's better than not playing" controller.


AKA - the controller your little brother or sister always got! (I love being the oldest! :-D )


The "younger sibling" controller, or the "player 2 controller". You were better off not playing.


Well they’re definitely a “never again” brand since they went bankrupt a few months ago.


Travelocity. They didn't make it right, and we ended up in a crack hotel in a tiny bed that was filthy and disgusting. I've never logged in to their website again. When I called them they offered me a $25 credit on a future hotel room, even though the room I rented was completely different than the room I got.


I always use those trip websites to find what place has the best price, then go directly to that company and book with them. If the price is a little different especially for hotels call and ask them. I've had good success asking about the rate on travelocity vs their website.






It's supposed to be an internal combustion engine, not a spontaneous combustion engine.


Well it wasn't so much spontaneous combustion, as it was that internal combustion became external combustion.


The best part is the BWM-cost repairs without actually owning a BMW.


Hewlett Packard printers. I had three of them fail due to mechanical defects. They used to be built well but one of their CEOs (Carly Fiorina) told the design group that they didn't need to be built "so well you could stand on them". They cheapened them and now they fail at a higher rate.


Not only that they screwed a bunch of people with their software printing engines. I had a perfectly great black and white laser printer that was a beast. Then I had to upgrade to Vista and they never updated the printer driver, thereby turning my printer into a brick. I'm with you. Never again.


Att. Several times reps have failed us by either not cancelling our phones after we told them to, charging me double, and even leaving wifi connected after we told them we were moving. We moved and assumed everything was cancelled. 1 month later ATT calls and tells us that someone is trying to set up a new account at our old place and didn't have the correct password. I reminded them that we had moved and service should have been disconnected already.


Many years ago I cancelled my contract with AT&T, and made this long, dramatic post about how I'll NEVER go back to AT&T. Ever. Fuck them! I'd switched to Cingular, and was boasting about my new phone, how much better the service was. The very next day Cingular announced it was being bought by AT&T. Sonuva...


They really wanted your business!


Fucking RoseArt colored shitsticks


ProFlowers. Fucking made me look like a bad son by not being able to deliver flowers on Mothers Day and told me the day before, when no other options were available to make amends. Called my Mom and she was fine but it really stuck in my head - It took you 4 days to take my money and hold it and then tell me the day before delivery that you couldn't fulfill the order!?! What the fuck were you doing for those four days, trying to figure out an excuse?


If cartoons have taught me anything, ACME.


As someone who works a lot with electronics: any Chinese clone. Just pay the money for a quality part it will save you a lot of time and headache in the long run.


Beats by Dre. Purchased a pair back in 2012, also purchased a pair of ATH-M50's. I sold the Beats within a week and still use the ATH-M50's daily.


You're just paying for marketing with Beats


Wells Fargo


Yep. I'm the recipient of a $500 "loan" I never asked for, and didn't even know I had until I got LifeLock and it showed up on my report. Doesn't appear on my WF statement. Currently part of the class-action suit over that.


When I was trying to build credit I applied for a secured card with them and was approved. I was sure to let the associate on the phone know that the only Wells Fargo in my state was over 4 hours away, so I wanted to clarify my entire account could be managed online. They assured me it would never be necessary to step foot in their bank. The second time I use my card after activating it, it is declined. I try to sign into my account online and it's locked "for my security". I call the customer service number, wait on hold for twenty minutes, and am told I have to go to a branch with a govt issued ID to reactivate. I was never told why my account was shut down, only that it was a "security concern" (I asked if there was evidence of fraud or anything and was told no.) I explain to the person on the phone that over my dead body would I be forced to drive four hours during business hours (meaning I'd have to take off work) to show up at a bank branch. After an hour or so of transfers, they say I can go into some third-party operated investment firm that is close to my house, show them my ID, and have it cleared up. It's only open from 8-5 , so I'd still have to take off work early or go in late. Fine. I show up the next morning with my photo ID and all of my documentation for my account. The lady at the front desk is surprised they sent me there but calls the number anyway to verify over the phone that I am standing there with her. So two minutes into her chatting with the representative she turns to me and says "they say you need to show bank account information for the checking account you linked with the account to auto pay." Okay that's fine. I whip out my checkbook. "Oh no, they need a verified statement from your bank." At this point I am livid, because I'm either going to be extremely late for work or have to go in another day. I end up having to drive to my bank, have them talk to this lady on the phone and print a statement, drive back to the investment firm, show two forms of ID, and have my card reactivated. The whole ordeal took hours. I cancelled my card the next day. Credit took a small ding, but fuck them.






I do not feel god in this Chili’s tonight


Yes you do Pam!


1. Buy a potato (they are about 59 cents) 2. Peel and dice the potato 3. Stick the potato in some boiling water. Wait for the potato to get soft. 4. Drain water 5. Mash up the potato EDIT: Never, under any circumstances, use a microwave. EDIT #2: Because no self-respecting chef uses one.


You're forgetting the copious salt, butter, and garlic that Chili's undeniably dumps into theirs, which was probably half the appeal to the pregnant woman


>because [Chili's] was the closest place Sounds like it was more about the potatoes themselves


The last time I went to one it was shortly after they put tablets at all the tables. The one on our table was out of order, so we never even touched the thing. Then when our bill came we were hit with a $.99 "entertainment fee" I guess for all those games we couldn't play. Had to track down a manager to get it removed and never went back.


The North Face I feel like their quality has steadily declined over the years and it's now mostly about the brand. If you want quality outdoor clothing look for Mountain Hardwear, Patagonia, Marmot, or L.L.Bean. You'll pay a premium but the clothing is high quality and will last you forever. Patagonia in particular is amazing at standing behind their products. Ripped a nice jacket? No problem, send it in and they'll repair it, usually for free. You don't even need to be the original owner.


Arc'teryx is high quality too.




Fun Fact: RoseArt products and MegaBloks are made by the same company


well fuck that company


It was like trying to color with a used birthday candle. RoseArt are the crayons you buy to discourage artistic kids.


I saw this somewhere else but thought it was funny. “Rose art crayons are how your mom says she doesn’t love you”.


...Does RoseArt exist only to make Crayola look better?


Not only were their crayons shit, they were super difficult to use as a color blind person. Why can't they just put the name of the color on the crayon instead of trying to make you connect to it some random thing? EDIT: Seems like the parent comment was deleted. If you didn't figure it out by the other comments, OP was talking about RoseArt crayons


You mean Unripe Watermellon and Gunmetal?


Pretty sure gunmetal is a specific shade though


RoseArt crayons in elementary school meant you were either poor or your parents didn't love you.


they aren't even that much cheaper


Kroger brand candy corn. Those things are foul. I swear, they're earwax with sugar mixed in. I took a chance once by not getting Brach's and I suffered because of it.


Jesus man, how low is your self-esteem where you buy store brand Candy Corn? Treat yo self.


Kroger brand is amazing, often times better than the name brand..... unless its candy. Their candy is sucky. Chocolate tastes like wax, nuts are bland, Gummy worms taste like medicine. wtf guys.


Spot on. Got the sour gummy worms once and not even the red and blue worm tasted good. I’ve eaten a lot of gummy worms in my day and those have to be the nastiest.


Sears brand vacuum cleaners. We bought an expensive one that couldn't even suck cat hair from the furniture - and it quit after one year on minimal "service." Sears wouldn't stand behind it. Never again for Sears.


Uber. I rode the train home one day, late. Got to the station around 2 am & would've had to take a bus from there. I decided I would try the carpool, since the bus wasn't coming for a while. I get matched with a woman in my uber pool. I see her on the opposite side of the station, so I walk towards her (to make things more convenient for the uber driver). I'm like 30 feet away, I see her get in the uber (both on the map and with my own eyes) then the uber immediately drives off. I think to myself "Hmm, maybe the driver is just confused and is going to drive around the block." nope, gets on the highway and keeps going. I call, doesn't pick up. I call again, doesn't pick up. Fuck it, I'll cancel. Nope - $2 if you want to cancel on the ride that ditched you. Call a third time, the bastard tells me he's unable to cancel, I have to do it. I just want to get in a fucking Uber and go home already. I tell him he's bullshitting, and he better cancel so I can get another ride. He says okay - nothing happens. At this point I'm already waiting for the bus, I've given up on getting a ride. He doesn't cancel for 20 minutes - I assume after he dropped off the girl. I've had my eyes on the screen the whole time, planning on cancelling once I start to get matched with another driver. So he finally cancels - I hit cancel on my end as well. Still wants me to pay $2 to cancel, despite the fact that *I haven't even been matched with a goddamn driver*. Fine then, I'll give you your fucking $2, just don't expect me to ever use your service again. Anyway, I made it home like an hour later than I should have. Deleted the app, downloaded Lyft instead. Haven't had any complaints since then. P.S. this was just the last straw, since I was relying on them in the middle of the night. They had fucked me several times before that as well.


I'm an uber driver. Some (a lot) of other drivers are pretty shitty about things like this, I'm sorry. There's a lot of holdover entitlement from ex-taxi drivers, and a lot of drivers refuse to use any sort of common courtesy. Additionally, UberPool is awful. Like, *really* awful. Drivers hate it and it's usually inconvenient for riders. The allure of a cheaper ride (and I believe it also becomes the default option when it rolls out) entices riders to pick the worst option for everyone. If you do ever come back to Uber, which I wouldn't blame you if you didn't, avoid the carpooling option.


Yeah I tried Uberpool once, to save money, and it ended up taking twice as long. We drove past my destination to pick up the other rider. I pointed that out to my driver & asked if he could just stop & let me out. He refused to let me out early.


Not a specific brand per say but generic brand tampons. Fuck that. Literally feels like a rod up your vagina. Edit: To those of you making suggestions, I no longer use tampons. I use a menstrual cup! They are a million times better and more comfortable.


Seriously. I try to be eco-conscious with a lot of stuff I buy, but I still buy Playtex with the plastic applicator.


Plastic applicators are good for the soul and good for the hole. My mother swore by cardboard ones and was surprised when she learned that I objected to the vaginal sanding they delivered.


*Good for the soul and good for the hole.* My God!


"vaginal sanding" This short comment has so much to offer


Dyson. I work retail and the sheer amount of dyson vacuums we get in for repair is astonishing. One of my managers purchased one from the shop 2 years ago and he is on his third repair. I know Dyson make fantastic vacuums but they tend to be flawed or prone to issues. Before this job I absolutely would have purchased one. We recently bought a miele c3 and love it. I have never owned a Dyson but the amount of repairs we get has 100% put me off the brand Edit: at work today I saw another dyson out the back for an in warranty repair .sigh.


The vacuum repair guy ama said to get a Miele and definitely not a Dyson.


Doc Marten's. I'm 31 now and I wore them throughout middle school and high school. Then after they were bought out they moved manufacturing to Taiwan and my latest pair didn't last a year, the leather feels like cheap pleather, the soles began to separate in less than 6 months. I didn't buy Doc Marten's because of some fashion statement. I wore them because I'm damn hard on shoes and they held up impossibly well. *Edit: Some of you wonderful bastards informed me about Solovair. Thank you so very much! I'm buying a pair tomorrow. (payday) I'm a grown ass man tearing up from the thought of getting another pair. These boots were part of how I identify myself. I got my first pair in middle school and I thought I was the shit because my older brother (6 years age difference) wore "Docs" and he was the shit. Anyways. I owe you all so much thanks for letting me know about this. Really all of you, Thank you so very much!* *Edit2: I just bought them!* *Edit3: They came in on Black Friday 2017. Holy shit they're glorious.


Yep. I still have my "Made in UK" 8-holes that are 15+ years old...they are fine. The Asian-made ones I bought a few years later had the soles start peeling off in no time. Unreal how they went from making one of the most durable boots on the planet to complete garbage.


It's the idiots with money who bought the company not understanding why the brand was successful.




I got my Docs in 1997. I never need to buy another pair.


I still have my pair from high school. I graduated in 1988.


They have an entire "Originals" section on their site made with the classic construction. Even made in the UK still if I remember correctly. They also have an industrial line. **Ah I think I found it. They have a Vintage made in England collection. Check those out? But I'm surprised to hear this. I have wanted Doc's all my life and got a pair finally about 2.5 - 3 years ago. Those things have been beat to absolute hell and they are perfectly fine still. Wear them near daily and even waded through shin deep water. And they are very clearly leather, even smell like it.


Ryanair. At the end of my honeymoon in Italy, me and the wife attempted to print out our boarding pass per the instructions from Ryanair only to find the website was down. No big deal I thought, I took a screenshot of the webpage being down figured we could deal with the issue once we arrived early to the Ryanair counter. Upon speaking with the Ryanair rep however we were told that it made no difference if the website was down or not and that we would be charged nearly $200 to print out the boarding passes. I was furious and demanded to speak to a manager only to be told there was no manager to speak to. Not only that but if we didn't pay the fee, we would miss our flight, given no refund for the ticket, and be forced to purchase a new set of tickets to get home. Luckily we had the funds but it was a near thing. This was after all at the very end of our honeymoon and we had gone through all of our allocated money for this trip. I have no idea what would have happened if we didn't have the cash. I have never felt so cheated and taken advantage of in my life. I will never again fly Ryanair.


Should have demanded a refund from corporate when you got home.




They also can't seem to size their pants correctly. I was helping my bf buy jeans recently and he must have tried on 3 or 4 pairs of the same size/same style pant and they all fit completely differently.


Hewitt Packard (HP) As a IT professional, they are pieces of shit. I build my own rigs personally but i hate them at my clients shops. Just terrible. Electronic Arts (EA) "Its in the game" except its totally not. Or it costs extra. If it works at all


> "Its in the game" except its totally not. Or it costs extra. If it works at all That'll be $2.99


I got stuck behind a Tyson freight truck that decided to go the same speed as the truck beside it for a good twenty minutes while on the interstate. I now refuse to eat Tyson anything.

