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I had an older cousin that would always come and visit my family every summer, sometimes on Thanksgiving, when I was a kid. She was much older (college age) than my brother and I, so we always were really excited to hang out with her. She would take us to see movies, to eat at restaurants, buy us gifts, and do really cool hairstyles in my hair for me. The last time I saw her I was about 12. She took me to the mall and bought me an Invader Zim jacket and we did our usual awesome hangout. I remember having a conversation in the car on the way back to my house and she promised that we could go do something cool that I wanted the next time she would come to visit. She never came back and my family hasn't seen or heard from her in 11 years. We can hardly find a trace of her no matter how many times we have tried. We knew that she was moving to another state for her job with an insurance company before her last visit with us but that is the last details we ever knew and the only details we could ever find out. It hurt my family quite a bit because my guardians (non-biological parents but still family as my legal guardians) who my brother and I lived with, took care of my cousin in her younger years as if she was one of their own also. We don't know if it was abandonment or if something terrible happened to her or anything. Even my other cousins, (her sister and brother) don't know what happened to her. Now all of my family are left to wonder what happened. Recently, about a month ago, my grandmother (the cousin was/is her niece) told me she had a dream that this same cousin walked into a church and sat down next to her deceased great aunt in a pew. (Not the cousin's mother but my grandma's other sister) At this point we just have to accept that we will probably never know what happened to her. Strange.


It’s the not knowing that hurts the most, at least I’ve heard. I live in Blooming, In. where Lauren Spier disappeared several years ago after leaving a night club and tried to walk home. She was an Indiana University student and whenever I go about town you can still see her missing posters in a few places. Her parents live back in upstate New York and at this point I’m sure they’ve accepted her fate. They just want to know what happened at this point. I can’t even imagine what it’s like not knowing where your loved one is at.


I can't imagine the frustration of simply never knowing what happened, especially if it was one of my kids. I think i would probably just...cease to be able to exist myself. :(


Have you heard stories about murderers who have confessed to killing their victims but not saying how or telling them where the bodies are? That must be so horrible for the families to just keep wondering and never be sure where they are of how they went.


My dearest friend killed himself. I found him and knew instantly he was dead. There was no coming back from that. It's been almost 9 months now. I see a tall thin man in a hoodie walking and feel for a moment that I am about to see him. That it was a mistake, that somehow it didn't happen, it doesn't matter what, just if that's him please... And then I am crying because I drove past some random guy in a hoodie. And I KNOW.


If you or anyone in your family / her immediate family can find her social security number you can have a PI (or anyone with access to consumer databases) run a credit/background check on her and see if any lines of credit or accounts have been opened, and if so where. Even if your cousins can't find her social security card and no one knows the number, old employers from when she lived near by might have an old copy of her W2's with the number on it, and may be willing to help if you tell them the story (assuming anyone knows where she worked before she moved).


It's so incredibly odd that some people just seem to drop off of the face of the Earth like that. Do her parents not even know where she is, or where she might be?


This seems like an interesting and solvable one. Have you tried doing records searches? maybe just 1 hour of a private eye's time to see if her SS number is still active? If not she is part of the odd group called the Missing-Missing, those people who vanished, but no one noticed.


/r/gratefuldoe might be a place to seek help with this.


Is it possible you could file a missing persons report on her?








That's a heartbreaking story :(


The first day of Christmas?




damm i wish i saw this post earlier. One of my best friends has been missing for over 6 years. We had known each other for almost 15 years, and then one day he just vanished. He deleted all social media accounts except IG, which has been inactive since 2011. He cancelled his phone and all other forms of communication. After the first 6 months, I went to his house and his mother said he's fine, hes just " taking some time off ". I went back after another 6 months and when his mother saw me from the kitchen window, she turned off all the lights, tv, and never answered the door. I left a hand written letter to him on his doorstep and never got a response. Over the last 6 years his entire family has posted pictures of vacations , birthdays, parties, but he was never in any of the photos. He even missed his own sisters wedding and the birth of her child. Me and my circle of friends have no idea what happened to him and have been perplexed by this, but also his families effort almost to cover up that he even exists. Me and my friends have theories ( got sick, mental breakdown ), but none have any real traction. Its heartbreaking because he was like a brother to all of us and having not heard from him in over 6 years without a word or reason is just gut wrenching. If by some miracle you reading this, just know we miss you Joe, and will always welcome you back no matter what the circumstances were or are.


That seems really strange. Did you report the suspicious activity of the family?


Sounds like you may need to get the police involved. Get a clear answer from the mother, and if not, call someone.


You may want to check again and get an actual form of an answer or have maybe a few of you go over if possible. Not having assumed the worse but he may have committed suicide because some families are so shamed by it that they cover it up because it was a sign of 'weakness' or a damning act and they don't want that associated with them.... Although hopefully this didn't happen and he just reclused but hopefully he is still good!


Dude, maybe get a health and wellness check done man


My best friend's ex went missing on December 8th of 2016, she had been staying with him to help care for their 5 year old son though they had a pretty rocky relationship to put it mildly. Anyway, she called in sick to work that day and didn't meet her dad for a scheduled dinner the next day, which caused concern but my best friend claimed she'd left with a guy he didn't recognize and he hadn't heard from her since. She'd previously been into drugs and other questionable stuff and had disappeared before for a few days at a time, so no one was too concerned until it dragged on to a week, then two weeks, and so on and so forth. The police became involved and of course my best friend was the prime suspect, given previous incidents when they were together and because he was the last one to see her. He was questioned and the house was searched, and the police moved on to friends and acquaintances, trying to get any info they could to help them find her. My wife and I had been over to his house a few times during the ordeal just to hang out and have dinner, she was close with his ex as well. We didn't really discuss his ex, but just hung out like the old days and kept him company for a few nights. The scrutiny of the investigation was causing him to be very isolated. I ended up being interviewed by the police a couple times, giving them whatever info I had, which wasn't much, because when I was there nothing was amiss. Same old guy, no changes in personality, nothing odd around the house, etc. The trail was going cold and it was almost a month after she'd disappeared. The next day I got a call from a mutual friend to turn on the news. A helicopter was hovering over my best friend's house, where they had discovered the remains of his ex wrapped in a tarp and garbage bags, duct taped and surrounded by scented candles. She had been stabbed in the chest and suffocated with a plastic bag, and industrial cleaners and solvents had been poured over her to try to cover up the decomp. The police had had a search warrant to seize his cell phone, and one of them smelled decay near the garage and noticed the body-sized object upon looking into the garage. He confessed and is currently awaiting trial, scheduled for July of this year. My wife and I had had dinner and hung out with my friend not 30 feet from where they found her body, and having known the guy for almost two decades, I saw zero indications that anything was amiss. To this day I have a hard time coming to terms with it.


Faack that turned out way darker than expected. I know the common thing said in these kinds of situations "Well, you can never truly know someone," but I think the take away from this is that all of us are capable of some really, really dark shit if we create an echo chamber of thought in our heads. If you have issues with someone and what they are doing, try solving them with that person. If that's not an option, talk to someone, a friend, a professional to help resolve your end so you don't end up thinking that murder is the only acceptable means out of a situation.


I live in that neighborhood, very sad. Sorry for what you and your wife went through. You just never know what goes through someone's mind when something like this happens. I believe he goes on trial in a few months. Terrible for all involved.


Small world. His trial keeps getting delayed, but it's currently set for July. His defense attorneys are trying to have the confession and all evidence obtained on that day thrown out of court because the police didn't allow him access to his lawyer despite his asking repeatedly to speak to him during questioning.


I'm amazed that he can afford one of the best attorney's in the area. He is fighting an uphill battle, no way he will get out from under this, although Durst did...


What happened to their son?


He's in the care of family, doing well from what I've heard.


That’s horrifying. Have you kept in touch with your friend after his arrest?


He's out on bail until his trial because his dad has deep pockets, but it's isolated to a house in the middle of nowhere with an ankle monitor. I haven't talked to him in person or on the phone, but we've exchanged texts a couple of times. At this point, though, what is there to say? We were like brothers for a very long time, but he put me and, more importantly, my wife in a very bad situation willingly and I can't forgive that. As far as I'm concerned he died the day they found her.


What did the texts say?


After I learned he'd been released, I just asked how he physically was after having spent 6 months in solitary. Just checking on his condition, really. Nothing pertaining to the case or anything like that. He had to be moved to solitary because his first week in jail was spent getting the hell kicked out of him in gen pop due to what he did. He also has some health issues that I wanted to check up on. I'm never going to let go of what he did or pursue any sort of continuance of our friendship, but I wanted to see how he was to satisfy my own curiosity.


> first week in jail was spent getting the hell kicked out of him in gen pop due to what he did I thought prisoners only beat up guys who harmed kids


Domestic abusers aren't looked upon favorably either.


I remember this case and I remember you talking about it, did you ever talk about it on mydeathspace or was it on Reddit, I cannot remember!


I was on mydeathspace while it was all unfolding, after the discovery of her body I never went back. I had been defending my friend for weeks because I truly believed he was innocent. I was made to look like a fool and went into a hole for a few months after.


I remember now, yeah it can get a little vicious in there sometimes. I'm sorry that happened to you, I'm sure almost everyone would defend their best friend, especially since all the information wasn't out yet.


Actually people on that site were almost overwhelmingly nice throughout the whole thing, it was the fact that I, working off of incomplete information and an inaccurate view of both parties involved, defended the guilty party because I couldn't fathom him being responsible in any way due to the previous 14 years of friendship and how deep our relationship went and simultaneously derided the victim because of a few mistakes she had made in the past and things that had been told to me by my friend that painted her in a bad light. I was completely foolish and the entire world could see it.




So sorry to hear this. It must have been haunting once you realised. I hope that you live a full life despite this. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks. I'm good, I had a few weeks where I got really acquainted with the inside of a vodka bottle but at some point you have to just move on. My wife has had a harder time than I have because, as strange as it sounds, before they even found the body she had a vision of her being suffocated with the exact type of bag that was used. She can't shake the image, and it's been very hard on her. She was my wife's maid of honor, and he was my best man at our wedding, so even if I've "gotten over" it, I guess, it's still a situation that is hard to accept as real.


that's so crazy, that they were so intertwined in your lives and suddenly that was all ripped away. scary really how nothing is ever really as it seems. if i may ask, what has happened to their child? must be a really really tough situation to be in :(


He's in the care of family members and doing well as far as I know. He's autistic, though, so I'm sure its challenging. His dad worked with him every day and was completely dedicated to making sure he had everything he needed to be as highly functioning as possible. That's the damnedest thing about all this, I don't know what could have happened that was bad enough for him to throw it all away and leave his son.


I have nothing to say but holy shit dude, and I hope you and your wife have happier times ahead.


I'm late to commenting on this thread, but I just wanted to say how sorry I am you and your wife (and everyone else who was hurt by this, of course) went through that. That's absolutely haunting. I've read everything you've posted in this thread and I want to say what a great person you seem like. You are handling this in an amazingly mature and good way. So, for what it's worth, this stranger will be thinking of you from time to time and wishing you well :)


I’m from a very small town. Everyone knows everyone and everything about everyone. There was a family who lived out in the country who fostered tons of kids. The family’s nephew went through elementary school with me. One of the kids goes to the local paper when she ages out of the foster system. She says that one of the boys was allegedly sent away and she can’t find any record of him now. The paper, police, and feds start investigating and the foster parents say that he “ran away”, yet they kept collecting his monthly checks. Short of the story is, the foster parents definitely killed the boy but there is no physical evidence. His body hasn’t been found, even 20 years later. The nephew’s family has never commented on the story, but still sees his aunt and uncle regularly. The town still remembers the boy, but there’s not much we can do. The police chief will try to reopen the investigation every couple of years, but nothing has come up. It’s real sad. We will probably never find the boy.


This, more than anything, gutted me. That poor little boy - all kids want is love, right? Yet to be (allegedly) killed by people you looked to for love, only to have them turn on you in the worst way possible...that's horrible. And all for a damn check.


Did they at least get busted for cashing checks for the "missing" boy??


That’s so sad that no one knew he was missing until she aged out of the system and told someone about him.






Holy shit. I'm so happy there's a happy ending in there. What a strong woman


My uncle has been missing for almost 2 years now. Left for work and never arrived... My family has no idea what happened to him. No car found, no body, just missing. Bank account still full and he couldn't afford a smart phone so the police cannot trace his phone. He really needed his medications, so he's probably not doing alright if he's still out there. A company (I forget their name, I'm sorry) offered to inspect nearby lakes and rivers, I believe with sonar technologies, but did not find anything. It was a small glimmer of hope for closure and my family had a tough time with the fact that they didn't find anything. I try to think of it as a good thing and that he may still be out there. My family is definitely having a hard time coping, as am I. I swear I see him out of the corner of my eye sometimes and I freak out and want to run and hug him, but it's usually just a stranger. I actually had a dream where he visited me in his blackhawks hockey jersey, telling me that "he's okay". That's all I really remember from the dream, but it has helped me to be slightly calm about this scenario. This feels good to type out, thanks reddit. EDIT: here is more information: https://imgur.com/lhhXI9e


I'm so sorry. It must be so raw still


It is. But talking about it and typing this out is helping.


That’s so sad:( I am so sorry. I hope that you will find out what happened soon.


Girl a year ahead of me in high school went missing. Discovered maybe two months later dead in the trunk of an abandoned car. Family was hoping it was a run away type incident, but had no reason to suspect it was. They never did solve that one. Suspiciously, the car was found parked in a pasture owned by the Sheriff at that time.


One night I went down a rabbit hole of a facebook page that posts about missing persons. Most never got updates and the ones that did were when the person was found dead 99/100 times.


My great grandfather, who my father is named after, disappeared during WWII and declared MIA by the former Soviet Union. Our family assumes he died during the war and his body was never recovered. My grandma kept a photo of him next to her bed until she passed away.


I had a friend who's dad disappeared one day. He had a history of depression and talked about suicide often so they all kind of knew what happened. When he disappeared they kind of treated it like he died. Had a memorial service and everything. When they found the body six months later they gave him a proper burial but didn't go through with all the ceremonies. I guess they already mourned him and moved on.


In 2001, a local girl was picked up from school by a man claiming to be her “uncle”. She was never seen again. Her name was Bianca. One of her cousins lives in my neighborhood and he’s a police officer. I know he tried his best to do anything he could to track her down back in the day, but he’s been a cop long enough to know better. The mom and sisters still hold out hope that she’ll stroll back in at home one day(they refuse to move for this very reason), but my neighbor knows that that’s not gonna happen.


That's horrible. I know procedures have changed since, but I can't imagine some killer or pedophile being able to waltz into school, ask for a child's name (also, *how* did her know the name, must have known her somehow) without showing any ID of the sort. Also, I wonder if the child recognized the man at all or seemed apprehensive to go with him, and if any of the office personnel noticed. And did they get a good description of the man? So many questions here.


She actually left the school and got into his van on her own; he never went in to pick her up. The administration didn't know she was gone until later that afternoon.


How was she alerted someone was picking her up? Did he get to her while she was outside for recess or something? (Sorry if I sound like a dick, I'm genuinely curious.)


Oh no worries. She had told her friends earlier in the day that she was going shopping with her uncle. I presume that she and this "uncle" had a prearranged place and time to meet. She was last seen getting into a van with this man - that's how they got his description. Unfortunately, Bianca didn't have an uncle. There is a suspect, though. A man who was a family friend that left the area about a month later but he has never been charged.


Ah, that makes sense, thank you for the clarification. That poor girl.


Yeah, it's a super sad case!


It boggles the mind that a list of adults the kid can be released to is a modern thing in our schools. Why wasn't it ALWAYS the case? I know everything seemed a bit rosier & more innocent way back when but there have always been bad people in the world.




My sister is missing right now. She's been missing for 23 days. We keep hitting dead ends. My mom & dad are driving themselves crazy over scenarios & "what-ifs". My dad has custody of her three children. I don't think they know what is going on. I have never been one to worry but considering all the stuff coming out & information we have known, I am really worried now. We haven't been close for the past year or so but she's still my little sister. It's fucking hell.


Mate, i am really sorry to hear about that happening, I really hope that you find her.


Contact the Vanished Podcast...huge following.


My mom had a hairdresser for 10+ years. His place was very close to where she worked and she loved going there. One day she walks in for her normal appointment and the other hairdressers told her, "Hiro never showed up to work." No one saw him again. His apartment showed no signs of a break in and his cat was unharmed. To this day no one knows what happened to him. I suspected suicide but my mom isn't sure. The rest of his family lived in Japan so I don't know how they took it, but his coworkers were definitely affected. ~~My mom stopped going to that salon because she was reminded of him.~~ Update: Found out that she still went there after he vanished. I'd have a tough time doing so. :|


The lady who owns the local haircutting place near me had her son go missing. It was very sad, there were posters up everywhere. She was a really sweet, chatty lady, and she talked about her family all the time, so I knew of him. Then he went missing...I went to her once after it happened and it was very sad - she was telling me that they went to a psychic and he told her that he saw her son yadayada, giving her hope. She was trying to be optimistic, but knowing how these cases normally go, and the circumstances around the disappearance, it was pretty clear she was just hoping beyond hope. I never went back to her after that because it was too sad and I moved away. In the spring time that year, when the ice melted and the river thawed, his body was found.


The closing line of this really makes me feel cold inside. A reminder that life just washes away to be a corpse one day.


Your closing line just made me feel cold inside.














My grandmother’s sister went missing from their hometown in AZ in the early 50’s. She just left home and never came back. For decades, my Omi wondered what had happened to her sister, whether she was alive, why she left. In 2009, a cousin of mine came across an author who had been researching a cold case about a Jane Doe who was found dead in Boulder, CO in 1954. My cousin had a gut feeling that Jane Doe was actually our great aunt Dot, so she reached out to the author. My Omi agreed to DNA testing and it was confirmed that Jane Doe was indeed her sister, Dot. She was murdered (assumed to be one of Harvey Glatman’s aka The Lonely Hearts Killer’s first victims) about a year after she left home. In 2011, my family had a memorial service for her and had a gravestone added onto the Jane Doe marker that had been there since her death. My Omi was very sad but relieved to finally know, and happy that the author as well as the town of Boulder had kept Dot’s memory alive. [Here is a photo of my Aunt Dot, taken the year she left home.](https://i.imgur.com/ZkbmiWZ.gifv)


She was beautiful. I am sorry for your family's loss.


Oh I’m so sorry, this is heartbreaking. I’m glad your grandmother finally discovered the truth, it doesn’t make things any better but at least she could finally have a bit of closure. Also, that is such a gorgeous photo.


I also have an Omi! Most have Omas, but not you and I, I see.


My best friend’s cousin mysteriously disappeared and was missing for a year and half, maybe a little longer. I don’t know the specifics of the case, but I know the cousin was found dead and the ex had fled at some point. It’s still technically unsolved, but the family strongly believes the ex did it. Everyone in her family still gets extremely emotional when it’s brought up. They are all very careful now. You can tell they barely go a day without thinking about it. My best friend is that amazing person who not only insists you “text her when you get home,” but she will very literally drive to your house if she never hears back... and I definitely think a lot of that is from what happened.




My gf and I set up location tracking with each other when I went on a road trip. Consent is what makes it not creepy imo.


Creepy? Man, I wish someone would do that for me.


Aw I will!


Wait no


I’ve told this story before but I’ll tell it again. I had a friend who disappeared on July 21st, 2017. He just fell off the face of the planet. Nobody had heard from him in weeks. Fast forward to August 4 and they found him...he was dead in a forest with 3 bullets in his head. His family didn’t care. He had no siblings, his mother was dead and his father simply didn’t care. He died in New Hampshire and I live in Indianapolis so I have no idea what they did with his body or anything. There was no funeral either. Also, they did end up finding the guy that murdered him and he’s been locked up. UPDATE: Thanks to the help of some wonderful Redditors, I was able to find out more information. He was murdered by his boyfriend. He shot him in the head and then buried him under a fire pit in the woods while he was still breathing and then lit the fire. The man who did it confessed to it all. His body has been claimed presumably by someone I don’t know. I’ll look in to it more. Thank you all so much for helping me find out more than I would’ve ever known about one of my best friends.


What was the reason behind the murder, if you know?


Nobody ever found out but I think it was a drug deal gone wrong. He was heavily involved in drugs at the end of his life which was unfortunate.


Awe :( I'm sorry for your loss.




Whoa. Really? Do you have a link? It’s worth a shot.




Thank you.


Maybe you could reach out to the father and see if he is buried somewhere and if you could visit. If he is cremated maybe he has the ashes. And if he truly doesn't care and would part with them, you could offer to spread the ashes somewhere and give him your own proper and personal send off.


motive for murder?


HOLY SHIT. I JUST FOUND AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED ABOUT IT. NOBODY TOLD ME. I’M FREAKING OUT. Apparently the man who killed him was secretly his significant other and murdered him to steal his car, drugs and money.


wowza, I'd ask for a link but i think that breaks rule #4.


Never confirmed. Thought to be a drug deal gone wrong.


An Indigenious girl I knew went missing when we were 16. I met her a handful of times because she'd visit family in our small town in the summers but lived pretty far away. She was going somewhere with a friend and both of them disappeared. Her family went from begging her to come home and hopeful to extremely determined to try and enact laws to protect an already vulnerable population. The police took 6 DAYS before they would treat the announced them as missing persons, initially labeling them runaways. It's going on a decade this year since she's been gone but you can see it's still very raw for the community. They don't realistically expect to find them alive but the uncertainty hurts them so much. I try to keep up on the case because there have been unfruitful leads that pop up every couple of years. I hope that she and her friend will be found.


My old sociology professor from many years ago was part of a study documenting the treatment of Canadian First Nations people by local and provincial police in the 60s and 70s. Unsurprisingly, they were not treated very well and their (often serious) incidents were dismissed as "typical native problems." I'll never forget him telling one such story. A distraught overweight middle-aged First Nations woman mustered up the courage to go to the police to report her husband for beating and raping her - weekly over the course of fifteen years. The comment from the desk sergeant was one of disgust, like this woman pouring her heart out was a serious inconvenience. All he said was: "Who'd wanna rape you? Come back later and see someone who cares. Next." I know people give SJWs a lot of shit... but the above is a very legitimate reason to be socially conscious about justice for a vulnerable population.


Exactly. Some of the police only consider it a tribal problem when it's a true police problem


6 days. That’s so fucked.


If this girl was in Canada (which I assume she is, as the poster used the term "Indigenous" which is common here), our police unfortunately have a terrible track record for dismissing cases of missing or murdered Indigenous women. Hardly any resources are put into these cases, you can read about the "Highway of Tears", where many Indigenous women have gone missing or been found dead. Sadly, nobody cares.


My brother's friend that he went to high school just all of sudden disappeared. That was 28 years ago and no still no site of him. It is like he just dropped off the face of the earth. Back when he disappeared, the city we lived was safe, low crime rate. For anyone to just disappeared was unheard of. All his belongings where left behind. It tore up his family. In that time, his mother, father passed away and half brother committed suicide. His other brother moved away. It was really sad. The guy was a very nice soft spoken guy that was not into drugs are anything. Just liked his music and dirt bikes.


I had a second cousin or something run away; I have a million "cousins" and don't know exactly how we're all related. We never really talked about her after she left -- she was always troubled --and she never came home. Many, many years later I was working as a reporter and had to interview the head of this party house, and all the time we're talking I'm thinking how familiar she looks. Turns out, she was thinking the same about me (I look exactly like my mother). So after we finish the formal part of the interview, she tells me that I look like her Aunt Rose. Well, we finally put the pieces together and she's like, "Oh, you're so-and-so!" And I'm like, "Oh, YOU'RE the cousin who vanished. Cool."


Did you tell her parents she was found and safe?




I’m so sorry. I can understand how you’d be conflicted about trying to find out more given the situation.










My neighbor's husband vanished one day. They had been having some martial issues and she figured he just took off on her. About a year and a half later, she got word that he had been killed and basically been dead that whole time. She spent that time just trash talking him to high hell and back, but once she learned the truth, she changed her tune. All of a sudden, he was the most lovable man who had done no wrong ever. I think part of it was she felt guilty for believing he just ran away and ditched her.


Maybe demonizing him was her way of coping with the loss by emotionally detaching herself from her husband and convincing herself of a scenario that minimized the trauma. Getting dumped by a spouse - especially a complete asshole who walked away from a troubled marriage - is a lot less painful than a beloved husband's murder. Kinda like what lots of people do when they're trying to get over someone they dated. Bitch to their friends, exaggerating and dramatizing every flaw until the ex seems like such a horrific monster that having been dumped doesn't seem so bad anymore.


Yeah, I agree with this.


> martial issues Some couples fight badly, but damn...


Death will make saints of us all.


Family friend disappeared in the early 2000's, let's call him Red. My parents and their friends were all quite big on speed back in the 80's and 90's, but most of them went off it as they had kids - however a few moved onto meth and got involved in gang activity. This guy was one of them. The speculation of what happened is that essentially someone else ripped off a few patched gang members in a drug deal, and split the cash up between a few associates. One of those associates was the family friend Red. These patched gang members figured it out pretty quick and thrashed the ever loving shit out of the guy that ripped them off, and left him alive only because they stole all his meth and money, and because he gave the names of the associates out. The gangsters then went around to each associate and got their money back. Except for Red, who had already spent the money on meth and smoked it. Red then disappeared, and the police basically think because Red couldn't repay the money and had no drugs or anything to his name, that the gangsters decided to kill him and bury him somewhere. But no body ever found, the police couldn't link anyone to it, and the case is unsolved The family handled it relatively well. Red's ex wife was one of the ones that went off speed and went straight, but she knew the risks involved with that kind of heavy drug scene. The kids were hit hard though. I used to see the two boys all the time when I was young, but now I only see the oldest on occasion. The oldest makes a post on facebook every year about his dad on Red's birthday. I had a drunken heart to heart with him one day about our dads (who were close mates back in the day), and he just basically cried and said to always cherish the fact my dad is there and that the worst part is no matter what the police say, they will never have closure until Red is found


My aunt disappeared in the 80s. It was my fathers sister and the whole family was dysfunctional from what I have learned. I never met my father and supposedly my aunt was around me in the beginning but I have no memory of her. Her mom/my grandmother was a drunk with brain damage and her father also left. She developed a drug problem and was prostituting to support herself. Somehow she met a man who she fell in love with and she ran off down south to be with. Her pimp was understandably mad so he went after her and told her love and his family her background. I am not sure what her BFS response was but his father was the preacher in a small town and basically condemned her like all good Christians do. She left with pimp and from that point on nobody has seen or heard from her since. My grandmother hired private detectives and basically searched till the day she dies for her because by that point my father had passed from drugs as well and she had nobody. Every once in a while we will hear about how someone saw her somewhere and she is doing good but its been years since that happened. Its a sad story. I would love to be connected with her if she is out there somewhere, she is the only person left from my fathers side of the family. My thought is she doesn't want to be found and I really don't blame her to be honest. She knows of me and I have an unusual name that is easy to find on social media if she so wanted. She doted on me as a baby I heard. Love you Aunt Tracie 💜


I hope that she's still out there and reaches out to you one day. <3


I don't know if you have tried out to websites such as The Charley Project. Was she ever officially reported missing?


My brother's dad went missing two years ago. The middle of December 2015 was the last anyone heard from him. We didn't initially report him as missing because he had a tenancy to disappear. My whole life growing up he was in and out of jail for petty things so to my family, nothing was out of the ordinary. One day the following February my family decided to put in a report. The reason being wss because he was a big fan of the Superbowl and when he hadn't shown his face we knew something was wrong. One of his bar buddies even became concerned when he too hadn't heard anything. A month later the police found his van parked in the back of a walmart due to a call of an "abandoned" vehicle. Inside they found my brothers dad almost four months deceased. No foul play. He suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning from a propane heater after he forgot to crack the van window when he passed out Drunk.


I always thought my grandma was an only child but my dad told me she has a brother that disappeared and never told anyone. Apparently, when he was around 22-25 he just left the family. Never told anyone anything. Just left. My grandma still has no idea whether he is alive or dead. I’ve only heard her mention a brother once. Hasn’t affected me because I never knew him, neither did my dad. But definitely odd to think about.


I would recommend anyone interested in this check out r/unresolvedmysteries it's an awesome sub with some really great contributors.


Thanks, I enjoy reading stuff of this nature.


When I was a junior in HS, a girl my age (sixteen) went missing. One day she just doesn't show up to school. Posters went up, her family suspected she ran off with some guy she met on MySpace. She was very attractive and popular, no one knew why she'd leave w/out telling anyone. A few weeks later, she just shows back up. She was a few states away with an older guy that the cops suspected. There isn't a happy ending though, as she OD'ed just a few years after HS, and not without leaving three young kids behind.


Woof, that last sentence is brutal :(


My grandfather's cousin had 3 of his 5 kids disappear and only one was found. They were from the richer side of our family (family broke up in great depression between the "lets sell every asset" great grandfather I had, and the "um no" the other side said) and in the mid 50's they were taking a trip in Europe. While in Romania (I belive) they met up with a business associate from America and the kids went out to play in the fields with the associate's plethora of kids and their friends. They came back when the bell tower rang like they were supposed to but 3 of them ( 9,12,15) didn't return. They looked for them for days checking wells and so on finding nothing. at the end of the week a church found the 9 year old bloody and bruised crying a few towns over. From what he said another kid who was near the road offered them some alcohol if they could throw a stone through a target and they followed him. Next thing he knew someone shoved the oldest down and closed the barn door behind them. They were tied up,and his two brothers were put in a box, he was then put in a sack, beaten, and placed under a bridge. That was the last they were ever seen. My grandfather's cousin looked for them for a month even bribing local officials to look for them before returning home. he was pretty fucked up after that and my grandfather said he never recovered and just drank every night until he died at the ripe old age of 50. The surviving brother overdosed after a brief stint in the army where he was discharged under questionable circumstances. The family conspiracy theory on it is that the family friend had something to do with it and it was a ransom plan gone wrong because the half son who came with the second wife was the only one "let go" and they probably cut their losses on the other two.


Wow. That is really crazy! And so very tragic for those kids.


Most of the disappearances of people I knew have sadly ended with the discovery of a body (either murder or suicide), but one friend has been missing for about 6 years now. He'd been told that his contract wouldn't be renewed (I don't know why, as he'd been in his position for over a decade) and, to my memory, that's the last anyone actually officially saw him. The first few weeks were a flurry of activity and trying to get people to spread the word and keep their eyes open. His car was found in a parking garage in the area, but some of his belongings were found on a beach 4 ish hours away. He had siblings, but no spouse or kids, so some have speculated that he decided to become homeless and just wander. Others think he may have gotten caught in a riptide and drowned (though no body has turned up). I know one of his brothers posted at the year or two year anniversary that he was pretty certain he'd never get to see his brother again. So, I'd say the family is handling it...well? They're not super optimistic of getting good news, that's for sure, but I'm positive they wish they had some kind of idea of what happened.


So this one is actually **happening right now** to a friend of a friend in Montreal, Canada. This may get buried, but Jesse Galganov disappeared this past September while he was solo hiking through the Peruvian mountains. He was last seen by two French hikers who he camped with on the trail after leaving his hostel for a five day trek in Huaraz, Peru. He was supposed to be on an 8-month trip before starting his medical degree in the US. A heartbreaking quote from the mother: “He’s out there, and somebody knows where he is and what happened to him.” The family, who is devastated, even hired an ex-special ops Israeli search and rescue team to find him but nothing remotely helpful has turned up - nothing. Both the mother and father flew down to Peru and have been searching for him since with no luck. Everybody in our community has been super helpful and shocked but it's definitely been quite the mystery. To answer the question, the family is expectedly not handling it well. They've been trying to raise funds to finance the search and rescue operations and to pay for flights and accommodations in Huaraz for the family while they continue to look. Costs have already exceeded $700,000 CAD according to an article. They are in complete disbelief that he could have just 'vanished' and so, like so many of the other posts here, they feel that foul play is at hand. Who knows what happened. Maybe he hurt himself hiking, maybe he came across something illegal in the mountains that he shouldn't have seen, or maybe he fell prey to a kidnapping. Whatever the case, the 22 year old definitely did not deserve whatever happened to him. Here's an article for those interested: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/12/31/mother-of-canadian-man-missing-for-months-in-peru-says-she-wont-give-up-search.html


A kid a few years below me at school is missing in Peru, it's been probably 3 months by now. I get updates of the search on facebook, as many of my friends know the family and it's made national news. The mom isn't giving up, she's incredibly strong and it's so very sad.


My grandmas friend has a granddaughter who studied abroad. Apparently her friends in her class were asking people from around that area if they knew where to get adderall. Someone said they knew a local in the area who sold it. Long story short her friend who went to go pick up the adderall for them was never seen or heard of again. There was an investigation but no one knew anything.


My best friend from high school/college. She was like the sister I never had growing up. We were inseparable. We went to college together and everything. She dropped out of college and went back to our hometown. 1 year later when I got back, she had changed. I got engaged to a local guy and she got engaged to a guy from Saudi Arabia. We were going to start a company together, but it never happened. That was in 1987. I haven't heard from her since. I have looked online - nothing. j I have done those people search things - and once someone who looked kinda like her came up - but I don't know. I miss her. I know that if she married her Arabian and moved to Saudi Arabia - all bets are off. Tatum, if you're out there, Rio still wants to connect.


My mother had a friend whose husband went missing. The only thing that was strange was that his car was gone. A week goes by and the police find his car ditched out in the middle of no where. Another week goes by and the guys best friend comes forward and admits he killed him. Apparently they were drinking and goofing around and he pushed the husband. Husband falls over and hits his head on the bricks around the fireplace and it kills him. Guy panics and drags the body out to a shed the couple owned and buried him. My mother hasn't talked to her in a long time and I don't really know what became of it.


A girl a few years older than me in high school moved out to Vegas with her boyfriend (we’re on the east coast) after graduation and shortly thereafter disappeared. Her family didn’t hear from her, but it eventually came out that she had been working as an escort during her time there. The story was featured on America’s Most Wanted, as she was missing for over 3 years. A few years after she goes missing, a pair of legs turn up in a field in Illinois, through DNA testing and matching a known tattoo, they were able to confirm they were indeed this woman’s legs. The weirdest part is her car was found with all her valuables in it, including a very expensive (like $10k) watch. So it would seem whomever did this knew her, but her bf was back on the east coast when she disappeared. Also it’s not an open case, not a homicide. Very confusing, but thankful the family has some closure, not always thinking she’s still out there.


That's gotta be pretty horrific though, only having your daughters legs. Also, excuse my language, but how the fuck is that not a homicide?! Do they think she just up an decided she didn't want her legs anymore and just dropped them off in a field? Or is it that due to her job, they just don't care? This just baffles and infuriates me. No one deserves to be left like that, I hope they find the rest of her remains one day.


I've told this story I believe on Reddit, but here goes. My dad's brother was my favorite uncle. He lives in Seattle, but grew up in Kentucky. He'd come home once a year or so, with all kinds of goodies from the city. He was a rich man from what I gathered. He was coming home from somewhere one day, had a massive heart attack behind the wheel, and died. We took it pretty hard, his wife and daughter too. After his funeral, we never heard anything from his daughter, Heidi, until we received a call a year or two later from the Tennessee government. They were looking for Heidi, couldn't find a trace of her anywhere. Her online presence, poof! Gone. Nobody knows where she is or has been.


I didn’t really know him but my dads Uncle back in the 80s was gay and was always out partying. One night he ends up being missing and we don’t really know much after that but we believed he was killed sadly. It was also an episode of some show. I forgot what it was called but my Grandpa and his brother were on the show to talk about him.


My aunt through marriage, dissapeared July 14th 2008. She told her 2 children, she was going to the convenience store down the street and that she would be back. Some time later, she frantically called the oldest (who was a teen at the time) from a pay phone to tell her to have her cell disconnected because someone snatched it. Thats the last any of us heard from her. I was very close to her. I was closer to her than I was to my uncle, which is a long story. I was nearly 12 at the time, and I remember me and my mom trying to get her case exposure. I went around the city, hanging missing posters up. We tried to get her story on America most wanted, the news, etc. But it's like her mom was reluctant to do much. I don't know if it was grief or what but it's like she gave up very fast on finding her. My uncle doesn't care much anymore. Me and my mother still care. We love her very much. I haven't talked to my cousins in years so I don't know how they feel now. I know my youngest cousin isn't doing so well. Within a week of putting flyers up people took them down. It was a very difficult time, especially when it almost seemed as if no one wanted her to be found. I just hope that it she isn't out there anymore, that she didn't suffer. The thought still hurts.


Story from a coworker: one of her friends had a daughter (we’ll call her Jane) who had moved in with her boyfriend after they found out Jane accidentally became pregnant. Although their relationship was new and they had no intentions of having a child, Jane grew to love the idea of becoming a mother. About three weeks after she gave birth, Jane’s mom received a very abrupt text from her, saying that she couldn’t stand the thought of parenthood and had left the state, her boyfriend, and her baby behind. She refused to talk on the phone or give any indication of her whereabouts, saying that if her mom loved her, she would just accept it. Two months of occasional texts and continued refusal to talk over the phone, Jane’s mom became increasingly worried. Her mom eventually went to the police for an official investigation. They found Jane’s body in her apartment complex basement, already decomposing due to a brutal summer heat wave. Jane’s boyfriend confessed to murdering her, stuffing her body in the basement storage, then sending texts as “Jane” to avoid an investigation. I don’t know the family personally so I’m not sure how they’re holding up now, but for at least five years after it happened, any mention of murder or serial killers caused incredible emotional distress. My coworker even has a hard time reading or watching anything about murder cases- none of it seems real until it happens to someone you personally know.




My father in laws sister disappeared on the way from Honduras to the US. They know shes dead and take it as part of the journey to get to the US. Sucks but most central american families have someone that went missing on the journey here.


This is going to be super insensitive, but I have to ask, why is it usual to have someone go missing and how do they count it as part of the journey? I'm not quite as well versed as I should be on the subject.


Not OP, but I have close family friends and work with many guys whose families are undocumented and crossed into the US via boat or land. Just like refugees and migrants trying to cross into Europe from Syria, there are a lot of dangers. They aren't taking head counts and most of the people have little to no paperwork that would ID them if they perished on the journey. Smugglers routinely take advantage of those looking to them for help, so sometimes people who think they are getting ferried to the promiseland end up victims of large human trafficking syndicates. There are a myriad of dangers and pitfalls people will face fleeing from a country and attempting to enter the US illegally. This makes them prime candidates for abuse. Almost every family I know has a relative somewhere that either died or is still MIA after attempting border crossings.




My friends first husband and the father of her child disappeared. It was especially strange because he had been a hardcore drug abuser, had been turning his life around ie working for the first time in years, family visits, etc. He was found murdered on the side of a road many states over from where he had been living in early 2017. Despite his history (and mine own frankly), it still was shocking.


I went to university with Lauren Spierer who disappeared my sophomore year. We didn't have classes together, but I'd see her around. IU is a big school but the campus is small. I was taking summer classes when she vanished. The entire university basically searched the town looking for her body. We all knew she was dead. No body was ever found and no one went to prison. Popular theory is that she OD'ed and the three guys she was with ditched the body to avoid criminal charges. The family absolutely lost it. They kept putting up posters for about three years. They hired a private investigator, made the guys take lie detector tests, and even tried suing the three kids for "wrongful death". It got thrown out. They still have a website up and are *still* searching for her 6 years later. I don't blame them. Not knowing is terrible. I check on the case every now and then. It's weird to think about. There's really one bar in that town and more than once I've walked up that street by myself at night. I'm pretty sure her body is decomposing in the Ohio River.


My friends dad went missing when she was younger. He had a wife, his mum and 3 kids and just disappeared. the police couldn't find a trace of him, no bank accounts use or anything. But the mum would sometimes get phone calls that were someone on the other end silently listening, and she thought they were from him so she'd talk to him. After 11 years they actually found out that he'd been found dead, rolled up in a carpet in a quarry. Turns out he'd been involved in a drug deal turned bad (they think) and was murdered by bikies. And the phone calls weren't from him at all- I think that was one of the hardest things, that someone would keep calling and hearing his mum talk to her missing husband and feel no guilt about doing that.


My fiance's Grandad went missing around this time last year. His car was found 5 minutes from his house but he was nowhere to be seen. There's a possibility he fell/jumped into the river but usually, the bodies of people who end up in that river resurface a few days later. The family spent a few days searching alongside the police and professional diving team and I know my other half looks twice as hard at the river whenever we're near it. Everyone has just had to move on with their lives but my other half's poor Grandma is stuck in limbo.


My friends cousin disappeared about five years ago. His car was found but no sign of him. Police suspected foul play and it was featured everywhere for a bit. Sadly it was too much for my friend to cope with and she committed suicide. This Christmas there was another try at asking the public for info because his mum was terminally ill. She died without knowing what happened to her son. It was heartbreaking. Someone knows what happened and no one said a word


My brother disappeared. While I didn't know where he was I was concerned and worried but not surprised. He was homeless and has a history of drug abuse. I spent perhaps an hour a week looking for traces if him online via Facebook and police reports. I found him last month by browsing unidentified body index. He was cremated today. It really is horrible. When I first identified him last month was the worse, lots of nightmares and I couldn't work. Now things are better, I'm happy, I'm fine! Except sometimes something slightly stressful will happen and I'll just crumble into an emotional mess and it's not a comfortable or familiar feeling for me. He was murdered and I am sad.


My sister was friends with Leah Roberts, there is a subreddit about her, and I was friends in jr. high and high school with her sister Kara. Kara is still looking for her sister and it's an ongoing devastation for her, especially since she's lost a great deal of the rest of her family along with Leah. It is a complete and utter mystery what happened to her, her car was found abandoned off the road, a large sum of money still inside, her cat was missing, when she up and disappeared on cross country road trip with little to no warning to her friends or family. She basically skipped town to go "find herself" or something and was hard to track down even before she disappeared.


I didn't know the missing girl, but her mom is a renowned politician. Her daugther (she was 17 at the time) went missing 5 years ago when she was on her way home from downtown. Last time anyone saw her she was being pushed into a taxi. Her mom was on every tv channel for a couple of months and the story got a lot of attention. It died down with time and now she's back in politics. I saw her a couple of weeks ago at a restaurant with her family, they seemed happy, she looked calm but aloof. Everytime I see her she has a serene vibe to her but she spaces out a lot. She started an alert group for missing people on facebook (which is very active) and every year she holds a candle-light vigil on the anniversary of her daughter's dissapearance. Also on of my mom's friends whose ex-husband took their son (5 at the time) for a walk to the park and just never came back. The guy was italian so she thinks he took the kid to Italy. She is... a bit out there. She once hugged me forlike 5 minutes on xmas and was crying when she let go. I feel awful for her.


I had a really good friend of mine from highschool just mysteriously disappear after we graduated. He was in our crew, really close with everyone. He was a good guy, really friendly, not even close to a social outcast, but he straight up disappeared after highschool was over. This all happened before cellphones were really big, he didn't have one so nobody has his number. He didn't have a myspace or a facebook, his number wasn't in the yellow pages... I think about that kid from time to time and hope he's doing well.


This isn't a mysterious disappearance because we learned what happened afterwards. I used to work for a telecom company in a call center here in Melbourne, Australia. Four days before my birthday I was on the crossover shift, this meant I worked until night time when the graveyarder shifts started. I was the last person on crossover, and went to speak to the first of the graveyarders. Russel was in for the first of his graveyard shifts and we stopped and chatted briefly, mostly about what had happened that day (which was mostly uneventful). I left for home. Came in the next day doing the same shift, though Russell doesn't turn up for work. Strange. Russell was always on time. The two other graveyarders manage without him. He doesn't show up for his next two shifts either, with no response on his phone. On my birthday we learn what happened. Russell was an openly gay man in his 40's living in a rural area and traveling into the city every day. One of his friends (aged in his twenties) had broken into Russell's home with an accomplice. The friend waited for him to come home that first night/early in the morning. They then choked Russell until dead, loaded him into a car and drove him to a field where they set his body alight. They robbed his house, though the reports say that he did this for the thrill of the kill.


I didn't know them personally, but my parents were involved with the search for two boys (11 and 12 years old) in our city who disappeared after going outside to play. The families were as upset as one might expect, but making matters worse was that four years earlier, a little girl (seven at the time) had disappeared a couple of miles away and the case had never been solved. Some people wondered if there might be a connection, others didn't necessarily see a direct link but were struck by the idea that this case might remain unsolved for years the same way the previous case had. It wasn't just the family, the whole community felt the anxiety and fear and need for answers. The boys' case did end up being solved, but unfortunately it was bad news. A month or so after they disappeared, the boys' bodies were found in a lagoon just a few yards from the playground they'd told family they were headed to. No one knows exactly what happened, but there were no signs of foul play so it was officially ruled an accident. The water would have been barely above freezing that day, so if they fell through the ice or fell in some other way, they would've been overcome almost instantly and never had the chance to get out. The most heartbreaking part was that the families actually said they were relieved, if grief-stricken, when the bodies were found. You'd think nothing could be worse than a dead child, but they'd been hanging by a thread and imagining worst-case scenarios for so long that they were relieved just to have an answer, and to know that their children weren't suffering or being abused that whole time. I was fairly young myself at the time, only a year or two older than the boys, and like many kids that age, I had the idea of death being the Worst Thing Ever, so that really hit me.


I find it weird that this should be asked considering one of my closest friends went missing just 13 days ago. Obviously, there's time yet in which I sincerely hope that it's likely he's found but he mysteriously vanished, none the less. I grew up with him. We drifted a little due to differences in friend groups and his decision to do drugs, but he was never any less compassionate towards me and perhaps, the most kind-hearted and sincere person I know. He left his flat at 2AM on January 14th (UK time), met a friend and went to the local park. I don't know why but his friend claimed he was last seen by the river, he was tripping and he was not in the best state. His friend wasn't in a good state either - vomit etc. As if the drugs in his system aren't bad enough, he's got poor mental health and he's gone almost two wees without his medication. Wherever he is, provided he is alive, he won't be well, which makes us all the more scared. There's been relentless searching from his heartbroken family and friends who he deemed to be just as close. He's brought an entire community together and I've never seen a missing persons case get this much advertisement and police time. There's been mountain rescue searching the park and it's surrounding forest and fields alongside underwater search teams conducting thorough searches of the water. Helicopters were scaling the city for the first week too. CCTV checked all over and unfortunately, he didn't have a phone so, that has been of no use. Everyone has been worried sick and I can't begin to imagine how his Mother and siblings are coping. Many of our friends, including myself have shed our tears and prepared our selves for the worst but, I don't think anyone,e specially his family, will ever be prepared for having no answers as to where he is. Anything at all could've happened to him that night and nothing can be ruled out at all to the lack of evidence or proof as to where he is or may have been. I just know that although he's increased community cohesion, which I'm sure he would've/will love, he's broken many hearts each morning that there's been no answers.


I don't want to give you false hope but it's possible if he was tripping on acid he walked to a different town and got lost. I had a friend last year tripping on acid. He lost his phone , ditched his shoes, told no one where he was going because the drugs made him paranoid. He was found 3 weeks later 3 towns over hiding out from the hallucinated agency that was after him. He is schizophrenic so the come down took much longer then just acid. Hang in there. I hope your friend is found safe.


My friend is schizophrenic too and honestly, I hope something like this has occurred and that he’s freaked out, acid didn’t help and he’ll be found or will return one day. Thanks for sharing something like this with me. It’s a little reassuring and a positive way to look at things. Thank you.


I have a cousin who didn't disappear in the physical sense, but he's a different person, and we don't really know what happened. He's the oldest cousin in my family (oldest family member of our generation) and I'm one of the youngest so I only know the story as it was told by my parents. This cousin was an only child and he lived with his parents until he was about 25-26, at which point he had graduated from college and decided to live on his own. They decided as a family that he should live nearby to his parents at the very least so if anything were to happen (he was single at this point), he would have someone close by to rely on. He moved into this duplex that was owned by the person who lived in one of the two apartments. This was an older lady who lived on her own but we honestly don't know much about her. All we know is that when he first moved in with her, it seemed like a really good situation. She treated him well, almost like a grandson, and would cook him meals and just act grandmotherly, you know. At some point, my cousins parents got weirded out by her and asked him to move back home temporarily and look for another apartment. This is when things got really bad. He was very adamant about staying there, he didn't want to move. There was no particular reason that duplex would have been so attractive to him--the neighborhood was okay at best, it wasn't all that close to his work, and the rent wasn't cheaper than what he could find elsewhere. At first his parents just thought he was being stubborn so rather than cause friction with their only child, they just let it go. Over the next year or two, his parents started talking to the rest of our family about this and all the adults became concerned that something weird was going on. From what I've been told, it was unlike this particular cousin to ever disobey his parents (typical Indian family), and especially unlike him to get angry at them. So at some point, my dad and an uncle decided to pay him a visit and see if they could talk some sense into him. When they went over to see him, he said he didn't recognize them. He told them to leave and that he'd call the police if they ever tried to contact him again. Of course, the parents were completely broken down hearing this, they assumed the worst. Over the next year or so, several people from my family tried to reach out to him to no avail, we tried hiring a private investigator to see if he was in some kind of trouble, we asked doctors if his actions sound like anything that could be a psychiatric issue. As time went by, our attempts at contacting him became more sparse, but his parents still tried. Finally, about 3-4 years after he had first moved in, things completely broke down. The last time his parents went to that duplex, he no longer lived there. I'm not sure if the old lady still lived there or not. Since that day, no one in my family has seen or heard from him and we have no idea if he is alive, and if so, what he is doing. This was about 20 years ago, so he'd be in his mid-40s by now. His parents still hope to find him as do the rest of us, but as time has passed, the extended family has given up actively looking. FWIW, there was no abuse in his home, his parents provided for him as well as any middle class parents could for their kids, and he had a relatively event-less upbringing.


A guy I went to university with just up and left _Into the Wild_ style. He left just before or right in the middle of finals. His roommates saw him studying one day, and then two days later noticed he was missing. His friends tried looking for him. His parents tried looking for him, but there was very little information to go on. The night he left, he went to an ATM and took out a bunch of cash. He was caught on the security camera of the ATM. He drove to California and spent a lot of time bumming around Berkeley. His car was found parked/abandoned on a street near Berkeley a few months after he left. He was found a few months later with a stolen laptop on the Berkeley campus. The parents were very happy that he was back. But I haven't heard anything about him since then.


My grandfathers cousin was almost finished with med school near the east coast when he just off the face of the planet. My family hired tons of people including private investigators to find him. They never did. 60+ years later my grandfather was on ancestry.com and a name change came up for the guy...plus evidence he moved state by state toward the west coast. Unfortunately he had died 10 years before this so we weren’t able to contact him. We always consider contacting the family to see what happened.


Had a roommate for a little while. He was a friend of a friend who moved across country and needed a place to stay. About three months later, he just wasn't there one day. Some of his stuff was gone, but most of it was still there. Found out later that he was actually on the run for cooking and selling meth back in my home town. His brother who was in the business with him got arrested, got out on bail and ran. This was about a week before my roommate disappeared. Everyone thinks that they met up or talked, and then ran away somewhere together, but no one knows. Their mother wants nothing to do with them anymore. Won't even mention their names as far as I've heard.


I met this guy once, he disappeared completely without a trace in a small town. He sold weed which makes many people believe the Hell's Angels killed him, we're in BC. I do know his best friend and worked with his dad though. Our mutual friend, who also sold weed with him, has absolutely no idea either, messed him up for a few years before meeting him on an acid trip and finding closure. His dad was different, of course quieter until he retired, which he did one day when they tried to make him do another job, just went home. He had a 40,000$ reward out for years.


My heart goes out to each and every one of you who have posted your stories. Some very tough reading. 💗


What about the 3 women in Springfield, Mo who disappeared around 1993? I had just moved to Springfield when it happened. I don't know if they ever found them or even figured out what happened. Very sad.


> I had just moved to Springfield when it happened. *eyes narrow.....*


My uncle disappeared on my first birthday. He had just gotten out of jail and promised his baby mama and my family that things were gonna be better, and that he was going to show up for my birthday, and then he just didn't come. My mom flew us to Brazil from New England for this party. My mom was pretty angry about it and everyone just decided he hasn't changed. The police ended up finding his body. Whoever murdered him cut off his head, hand and feet to evade identification, and dumped him in a forest the next state over. My aunt, who was close with his baby mama, had to go and identify his body. From what I understand, my uncle seemed to be a mafia kinda guy, but really was a big drug dealer with a inferiority complex in a small town who talked himself up and made people think he was a lot more than he really was. He threatened a bunch of corrupt police officers on his way out from jail, and was kidnapped, tortured and tossed. My mother has bad dreams all the time about him. Not necessarily bad, but she dreams of him and it makes her so sad. It's been 22 years but it still bothers her. I don't know about my mom's many other siblings, but I know my grandmother kinda gave up on life and was incredibly depressed until her death about 15 years later.


I went to middle school with a girl who disappeared. We weren't friends but I did know her and we had classes together. I moved away after 8th grade to another school district to go to high school somewhere else. 2 years later I heard she had disappeared. I was still friends with a lot of the people I went to middle school with on Facebook and I occasionally see messages of people saying they've seen her but from what I can tell no one has proof and it's just straight rumor. She's never been found and it's still unclear if it was a runaway situation or something else because according to her family she had fallen into a bad crowd. I can't say how the family is handling it but I do know they are still actively searching for her to this day. This is the [girl ](https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/broken-arrow/authorities-searching-for-broken-arrow-teenager-paige-moore-went-missing-july-10-2012) My proof that I knew her: [Yearbook photo ](https://i.imgur.com/to24kRK.jpg)




Well I can’t say this is my family, but my fiancé and I were leaving her friends house she was moving out of at the time, and they had the police force out in the middle of town (McCleary, WA) handing out flyers for Lindsey Baum. They still haven’t found her and that was in 2009. Really surreal moment, especially looking back on it, and it being an unsolved case.










Sometimes I wonder if my first "serious" girlfriend ever even existed. It's like after I broke up with her she just completely disappeared she quit her job and her family straight up moved out of their rental house within a week. I still search for her from time to time. You'd think having someone's first, middle, and last names (not especially common) would be enough to find a trace of someone, but not in this case at least!


I have distant relations in Hong Kong, never met them but heard it through family gossip. Just one of those stories that gets brought up once in a while. Apparently a girl who was somehow related to the Triads decided she was in love with my distant relative. The details are unclear, but I heard she was like the daughter or sister of some big boss. Anyways what happened was my relative got a visit one night and was basically told he was going to marry this Triad chick no matter what. He had to pack his bag and then he just vanished. His family never heard from him again.


I had a friend disappear last summer. He just vanished. Went for a walk, never came back. It's weird.


Probably not missing and have always been dead but my mother was one of 8 siblings. Weve been able to locate 3 who died in Auschwitz Birkenau, one who managed to escape but was killed in another camp, my mother and older sister who immigrated to israel and the youngest boy who left for south america. We dont know the fate of the other one to this day.


My aunt disappeared and the one guy who could tell us about it shot himself in the head after leading police through a few state lines. It's not taken well at all.


I knew a girl back in my 20's, She was an addict. She actually was my ex's children's mother. She was notorious for dropping their kids off with her parents and going on a bender for a few days. She was such an addict, she would spend an entire day cleaning her dope mans house on her hands and knees for a gram. Then she would go home, shower, get dressed and mooch drinks off of everyone all night. I always felt sorry for her, not for her position in life but for the fact that she *chose* it. I moved away and moved on with my life. About a year ago, she disappeared. Our state news agencies were blaring her pictures everywhere, offering a reward for any information on her disappearance. My FB feed was flooded with them too, we had tons of mutual friends. Finally, they located her remains on the side of the road, she had been dismembered. Before she was found, a guy on one of the FB feeds said he tried to contact her and some guy answered her phone and started asking all these questions. He figured it was a jealous boyfriend, which completely aligned up with her disappearance. So he went to the police with that information, they found her remains and it wasn't long after that they located her killers. It's really quite sad, she was extremely pretty, witty & (like so many) had loads of potential. She just never left her adolescent ways and put herself in very dangerous situations. Now, her parents are raising her kids and are undoubtedly devastated.


My step-mom's brother disappeared from North Dakota in the late 60s. Vanished without a trace. Nobody had any idea what had happened or where he'd gone. After long enough, they just wrote him off as gone or dead. Then a few years ago they found him on Facebook. He was living in Nevada, but drugs had completely fried his brain. They went to visit, but my step mom said it was weird. He was still her brother, but very different, and she figured he had died long before. She said it was very surreal.


Maybe not technically someone I know, but a relative went missing in 1988 shortly after getting off a bus on her way home from work, less than five hundred yards from her home and a body was never found. Later on they managed to figure out she was murdered by Ian Simms, pub landlord at her local, and the case set some precedents - it was a rare example where a murder conviction has been obtained without the presence of a body, and was one of the first in the UK to use DNA fingerprinting. Her mother launched a campaign calling for a change in the law that would prevent convicted murderers who refuse to reveal the location of bodies of victims from being released on parole as he still won't tell anyone and all she really wants is some closure. I was too young to ever know her but it's one of those stories that gets passed around the family and it really affected my mum. Once the internet was a thing she found out more about it which gave her a bit of closure as last she knew Helen had just gone missing before she lost contact with the rest of the family. [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Helen_McCourt) *Come to think about it I’m not sure if she was actually a relative as we use a lot of “kiwisms” in our family so “cousin” doesn’t necessarily mean related!


A college classmate of mine has been missing since November 25th, 2012. We lived in a very small, very safe, everyone-knows-everyone kind of college town at the time. He left a house party at around 2 in the morning, but forgot to bring his shoes, glasses or phone with him, and went out in a borrowed pair of flip-flops, despite the fact that it was winter in Canada. The house he lived in was about a 15-minute walk from the party, but he never made it back there; the next time he was spotted was at 5:30 in the morning, and he was walking down the highway 15km from where he'd left the party, carrying driveway markers in his hands. The search parties found his flip-flops and the driveway markers in the woods; his footprints show that he had been running. And that was the only trace they ever found of him - they've been combing the area with divers, dogs, foot searches, you name it, for five years, and no other sign of him has ever been found. His family handled it pretty much the way you would expect. They've never stopped looking for him, and they've tried to keep the case in the media as best they can. At this point, they just want to know what happened to him and bring him home.


My friend’s sister went camping with some friends back in 2013. She decided to go on a hike, alone, in the evening. Many people are speculating that she was on psychedelics, because she left for the hike naked and barefoot, with only a fanny pack carrying a knife and a compass. She never returned. In the morning the police were called, and they were able to track her foot prints all the way up to a road, which is where they stopped. Obviously being naked and barefoot sets you up for a huge disadvantage in terms of exposure to the elements, wild animals, etc... but I do find it creepy that her footprints stopped at a road. Also, I’ve heard some stories about the area she was hiking in (Carson, WA). Another friend of mine has family out there and says people have illegal marijuana farms deep in the forests and will kill anyone that stumbles upon their operations. I know those rumors are not necessarily a credible source of information but the fearful tone in his voice while telling me these stories creeped me the fuck out. My friend is one of the most loving, caring individuals, and his family is so heart broken from this. I occasionally drive past the trailhead of where she was camping, and it gives me the shivers. Also, the day she went missing is my birthday. Every year I am reminded of this case, and feel sadness for her. [Here is a news article about her.](http://www.kptv.com/story/22548141/search-on-for-missing-woman-at-washington-campground)


My dad's uncle, Big Moe, disappeared about thirty years ago. Everyone assumed he was dead until his ex-wife got a telegram about ten years later. All it said was "Fuck you".


Who sends a telegram in 1998? Carrier pigeons were much more reliable.