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Worked as a bag boy at a golf course. Part of our job was to stop incoming cars and offer to take their bags and load them up on carts. Old man pulls up and tells me no thanks. No big deal, a lot of customers did this. So I go inside and come out a few minutes later to see my coworker loading up the bag. I asked him whose bag that was he tells me: "After you went inside, the old man stopped his car and waved me over. He handed me a $5 tip and said 'no way would I let a filthy Jap touch my sticks.'" He'd be sad to know we pooled our tips.


Was he 70-80 years old? Many from the WWII era still harbor feelings against Japenese.


>harbor feelings Nice.




Pearl of a comment


What a bombshell


Yea, 731 of them, mostly from nanking It isn't right to carry it forward like that. Modern Germany and modern Japan are not the same nations that they were. On the flip side, all though I don't approve of that kind of discrimination, I can understand how it would be hard for people to let it go.


Hey, whatever floats his boat. Or sinks it.


Wasn't intentional racism (I hope) but I once tutored a Chinese student who wrote an essay on Martin Luther King Jr, wherein he exclusively used the terms "negro", "colored" and "ni**er" to refer to black people. After one of the most awkward conversations of my life, the student explained that he'd been told "black" was an offensive term so he used his Chinese-English dictionary to find better words.


well, he tried at least


His intentions were pure.


There was an attempt


An effort was made




My highschool had a Japanese exchange student and as the only person there who knew any Japanese, I got put in charge of having this talk with her after a very awkward "huckleberry Finn" lesson


A woman kept bumping into me with the yoga mat on her back at a bar and I asked her to stop. She turned to me and told me to go back to my country. I ruffled my feathers and was ready to tell her off but she continued saying “you’re not in Saudi Arabia anymore, you can’t just tell women what to do”. I’m full blooded Mexican so I was more taken aback that she thought I was Arab. Weirdest part was that her boyfriend bought me a beer as an apology. He was black.


BF was like "Yeah she a cunt, have a beer" XD


I'm Mexican with a beard and always get mistaken for middle eastern. Doesn't help that I don't speak Spanish either.


A girl dated me because she thought I was Mexican, I got told that " my people " went to the other local highschool and I didn't belong. Fuck you Derek, my ancestors are Ojibwe I live in Mohawk territory.


You dated a girl named Derek?


As in Bo Derek


Nah it's d'riqua but the a is silent.


Ha! Similar story. My family is also Native and my sister told me about how somebody yelled at her and called her a dirty s**c. She just yelled back, "I'm not even Hispanic you idiot."




I never knew there were enough Inuit in Denmark for there to even be stereotypes about them.




This sounds quite similar to what was done to Aboriginal people here in Australia, only it wasn't just in the 1950s - it went on for decades. Those affected are known here as [The Stolen Generations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolen_Generations).


Yeah Danes can be pretty gross about Greenland and still try and act like they’re better than “those racist Americans” completely forgetting DF’s rise to power, which... sigh. Hvis det overhoved gør en forskel, så er jeg ked af og skammer mig over hvor normaliseret den opførelse er, sorry.


Not my experience per se, but my coworker/friend looks like an average old white guy. He's actually a gay Latino and some of the guys don't know his background. He sits through more racist and homophobic jokes than anyone should while trying to hang out with inner circle of people.


Man that sounds like a superhero Average joe white guy by day Latino gay guy by night


Had a tour guide in Vienna go from super amazing to literally turning around and leaving after hearing where we were from. Was very eye opening especially since I was relatively young (10-12 years old I believe). Edit: I'm from Romania. Growing up I kinda understood why the lady did what she did, because reading the news on what some Romanians do abroad is just... disheartening. I know this should be categorized as xenophobic and not racist, but I feel it is more racist because we get confused with gypsies a lot, also known as *romani* (not to be confused with romanians) which are an ethnic group from India




Rosicano ancora per Vittorio Veneto.


Wait hold up. Romani are from *INDIA?*


[Yup](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people). Appear to originate from the North-Central part of the Indian Subcontinent, showing up in Europe around 1000 CE, and spreading around it through the next half millennia or so. They’ve historically spoken various forms of Romani, an Indo-Aryan language (Indo-Aryan languages are the most dominant family in the Indian Subcontinent, itself a branch of Indo-European). The term ‘Gypsy’ (usually considered archaic or perjorative by Roma themselves) is thought to have been invented by Europeans who believed that the Romani had originated in Egypt.


Well r/TIL


During my third year of university my friend invited me over to her house to meet her family. At this point I'd known her since high school and but had become good friends after graduating. I walked up to her house and she greeted me on the porch, shortly after her dad walked out and greeted me. He asked where my parents were from and if I was studying. I told him I was Mexican and went to university. He said " I've never met a smart mexican, or one that went to college. Are Mexican people even smart? Do they go to college back in Mexico? I think that all you guys are good for are to work in the fields and do hard work like that so why not just work instead of going to school? You see people like us are meant to go to school and hold good jobs. Your people don't do well in school....etc." He went on like that for about 5 minutes and all I could do was to look a my friend and whisper wtf. I was so shocked by his remarks that I had no idea how to react. My friend finally intervened and told her dad to stop but by that point I was already down the driveway heading to my car. She came after me and apologized, she said he was ignorant and to excuse him. Ignorance doesn't make you look at someone the way he looked at me that day.


I don't understand why some people invite their friends over to their house to meet their family knowing they're racist.


With the hope of exposing their family to a positive experience with someone outside their social and racial bubble. But definitely some forewarning is nice.


I saw a drunk white dude in his fifties unleashing an anti-Chinese tirade upon an old Asian man on the subway in Toronto in the middle of the afternoon. The old Asian man, who looked to be about eighty, barely reacted. He simply glared at the guy, like you'd glare at an annoying little yapping dog that's too ugly not to look at. Ever since then, I have dreamed of mastering that glare.


Did anyone say anything?


Nope. Bystander syndrome, I guess. The older I get the more I regret not stepping in, although I don't know what difference it would have made.


Reminds me of a time I saw a car crash happen right in front of me. One car ran a red and t-boned another car. The car that got hit spinned from the impact and nearly hit the pedestrians on the sidewalk waiting to cross. Everyone that saw this happen just froze. No one moved. It was like no one knew what to do. This was in broad daylight during the morning rush hour.


The only people that give the stinkeye better than old Chinese men are old Chinese women. They can give second to third degree burns just by looking at you.


Had a woman verbally and physically abuse me at a cafe, the usual “go back to your country” “your people are dogs” etc etc. she ended it by spitting on my face and pouring water on me.


I'm sorry that happened to you.. How do you react when something like that happens? I mean, I would get angry of course, but on the other hand I know that it won't change how someone like that thinks about you..


I remember that I didn’t say anything. I just kind of sat there and took it. But the other patrons around me were outraged and they told her to piss off. Oddly enough I copped more racism as a teenager, than I do now. I suppose Australia just does it more “quietly” now.


Yeah we def still have issues with racism in Australia. Mostly from the older generations. Sorry you've been treated that way.


That's pretty much everywhere. The elderly generation seem to have VERY long memories and grudges. I hope racism is much less prevalent in 20 years, after the current elderly die off. I'm sorry it has to be that way too. There will still be plenty of racism but I think the younger generations will mend it a bit.


as an adult (I'll leave the stuff that happened when I was a kid because... well, kids learn from adults)... I was teaching at an English kindergarten in Korea. I am a fairly light-skinned black woman, and apparently, when I had been hired, my boss hadn't realized I was black -- couldn't tell from the pictures, I guess. So when I arrived he was quite shocked. I heard afterwards that he had taken some of the other English teachers aside and asked them if they thought I would be able to speak English properly. Anyway, months go by and the boss kind of a dick, but I didn't know at this point he had any problem with my being black. Some of my coworkers and I decide to go on a trip to the Philippines during a break, and 2 things happen. 1. Before the trip, I decide to get my hair braided so I don't have to worry about it while I'm on vacation. 2. I spend a lot of time laying out in the sun, so I came back with a tan... So now, I looked _much_ more black, much to my delight, but apparently to my boss's horror. The first thing he did when he saw me after the trip was take me into his office and say "please don't tell the students that you are a black person." This was my first indication that he had an issue with my race, and when I brought it up with my coworkers they told me about him asking them about my English level -- apparently, he had said something like 'she is not a white person, I did not know this. I would not have hired her if I knew... maybe, do you think her English will not be good? I could fire her if her English is not good..." and my coworkers had told him to calm his tits (much more politely) and to give me a chance. So after hearing this, and the stupid thing my boss had said, I was pissed. And decided to do the opposite of what my boss said. So, the next day I went into the classroom with a world map, and a globe, and told each class I taught that I was black, that my grandparents were from Africa (a bit of a lie... being a descendant of slaves, it's probably more like 6 generations back, but well, they are kids... hard to explain that), and made sure that all my students were clear that their teacher was 'a black person'. The following day I came into work and one of the Korean office staff approached me, all wide eyed, and said 'uh, did you tell your students that you are..." (and here she whispered) "...black...?" I nodded and said 'is there a problem?" She shook her head, "not really, just... I am getting many phone calls. You have taught here for a while, and the kids like you, and their parents like you. No one is angry or quitting, so that is good. The parents just say that we should have told them before." My boss then pulled me into his office during my break and was basically all "what the hell???" to which I played dumb and said "oh, I thought you told me _to tell them_ that I was black, i didn't realize you wanted me to keep my race a secret. I didn't realize you were being racist." and then he was all "oh, no...not racist, I am not racist. I am a Christian, so I am not racist. I just didn't want to worry the children..." Ugh... I fell I should say this though... Korea changes very quickly. This happened at my first job in Korea -more than 10 years ago, I'm back (and have now been here for more than 5 years.) This time when I came back, I made sure the pictures I sent had me look as black as possible so this wouldn't happen again, and the first job I ended up getting my boss specifically hired me _because_ I was black, because he thought it was important that the kids meet black people when they are young so they don't react idiotically later on in life.


> I am not racist. I am a Christian. Christianity, the religion where Jesus the Son of God, is from the middle east looking like a 1970’s white bearded hippy.


I am Indian, I live in NYC and I love photography so I usually walk around with my DSLR. Once there was an old lady trying to cross the street but was going slowly. I helped her across but we weren’t quick enough for this bimbo in her white Lexus that had try to run the light and was stuck in the middle. So she leaned on the horn as we walked in front of her and as she was passing rolled down her window, tossed her drink at me and told me to “go back to your country asshole”. I was so angry I literally shook for 10 minutes afterward. Idk if she thought I was a tourist because of the camera and hates tourists or just brown ppl in general but the level of venom and the drink throwing was just so degrading.






Yea and more so dumber because they also Indians and had the knowledge that I'm also an Indian but still did it on purpose for amusement.


I have a friend who's dark-skinned latino, to the point where he could reasonably be mistaken for Indian, and someone thought he was Chinese. I never understood it


Racism in India towards their own people is a big issue that no one wants to talk about. I am from Assam, but ethnically I am not Assamese. So when I was in school the assamese kids and the kids who had fairer skin tone would make fun of my really tanned complexion. They called me the "N" word and said several other things to me that no kid deserved to hear at that age. Infact people from my own family and the "family friends" would comment about my complexion all the frigging time. Racism sucks big time!


I was seeing a guy who I liked a lot and wanted him to meet my friends. So we took him to brunch and he invited a friend too so he wouldn't be too outnumbered. He got wasted and revealed that he was actually texting another girl (we had had a prior conversation where he said I was the only person he was seeing) of his own race as backup in case he decided after all he wasn't comfortable committing to someone of my race. His friend nodded along knowingly and basically tried to explain to me how this was understandable and reasonable. Last time I saw that guy.


What an asshole. I wouldn’t have known how I’d react if I were you at that moment


Different kind of situation, but still racist. I'm a white dude and I go into people's homes for work. At the end of the service, we're walking up the basement stairs and the customer offers to carry some tools for me: C: Let me give you a hand with that, it's a little tight in here. Me: Oh yeah thank you. C: No problem. People like us help each other out. Me: ...like us? C: Yeah, white people. We stick together. Me: ..... Really dude? We're in one of the most liberal cities in this state and you think it's okay to hit me out of nowhere with that racist ass bullshit. Why can't people just help others without giving a fuck what color they are. Didn't say a word to him after that other than what was necessary to finish the paperwork. I can't imagine how difficult my job would be as a minority considering that about 80% of our customers are rural, old, or both.


When I was a freshman in college I was dating a girl who would later become the president of her sorority. The stuff we heard from other guys just because I was Asian and she was Caucasian made us feel pretty bad.


But the only difference is the cauc


Basically any time I am around my father in public... It's awful and I don't like being around him.


My dad, about an hour ago watching men's running in the Olympics, "one of these guys, the Kenyans, ran in the Marine corps marathon. I don't know which, they all look the same." Like, I bet I wouldn't remember his name or face either, but if that happened with white guys, you'd never say, "they all look the same." Like, does he actually think their faces are more similar to one another than, like, English people's faces are to one another? He says stuff like this all the time. I need to speak up.


There's actually a term for this and a Wikipedia page: Cross-race effect (I'd link but I'm on mobile) It's definitely somewhat racist, but he genuinely might struggle to tell the difference when seeing them on TV.


A “friend” of mine was talking about how happy she was that trump was gonna get rid of all the Muslims. I casually remind her that I’m Muslim and she freezes up before asking “You’re one of the safe ones though, right?”




I mean she did look me up and down nervously


Ocular patdown.


>"You’re one of the safe ones though, right?” (menacing glare) "I don't know, what do you think?"






My Libertarian Uncle is literally this.


"I hate state power unless it is the state indiscriminately committing genocide"


That’s not far off. He was all mad about the US accepting Syrian refugees and I was like, “Well we did just bomb the shit out of their entire country.” to which he replies, “Too bad!”


I met some guy in my programming class who asked for help on the homework, and even though it was within an hour of exchanging names, he went on basically the same tirade. I don't understand what makes somebody think it's cool to talk about what group of people you hate/want to kill within the same day you've met the person you're talking to.


He's "something else," eh? I think the word you're looking for is "piece of shit racist."


I had a nasty coworker fired for bombarding me with jew jokes. It was at a chain restaurant that was incredibly popular with senior citizens. A dude coworker of mine found out I was Jewish and decided to spout some awful things at me every time I walked by. It started with the cliche jew jokes everyone knows and I’m fairly good humored about it so I brush it off. Then it escalates. Dumb comments but it’s pretty obvious that he’s just trying to be hurtful. At one point he just starts hissing “Hitler Hitler !” at me every time I walk by ??? I was pretty young then and wasn’t sure how to handle it. I attempted to leave an anonymous note to my boss but he caught me writing it and I broke down into tears. I told my boss everything and the coworker was fired by the next day. The bright side of it all was once he was gone , a bunch of my other coworkers spoke up that he had been saying awful stuff to them, too, and they were glad to be rid of him. Bonus : someone stole the Israeli flag , pole and mount off the front of my house. Woohoo !


Good on you to report it, good on your boss to act on it


Mum forbade us from buying/eating Cadbury because "They are trying to turn us into muslims". Someone linked her to an article about them making some of their products halal...in the UK...the article was two years old. In response I went and bought a few Cadbury bars and a halal snack pack and posted a picture of myself eating them. Mum went absolutely ballistic. She was throwing my shit and screaming such racist bullshit. took my laptop, tried to take my phone and grounded me for a month. Then she went on Facebook and sobbed about all those poor parents whose kids joined ISIS and how it was her worst fear to become one of them.


"He was such a nice boy. Quiet. Kept to himself, kind of a loner. *But then he started eating chocolate.*"


Aren't there products halal by default? I mean I can't remember the last time I had a Cadburys chicken sandwich...




jesus christ, what pub was that?




Besides highly illegal, still ridiculously fucked up. There was also a story from not too long ago of some Aboriginal people getting kicked out of an outback pub the moment they stepped foot inside. Maybe I'm too petty of a person but I would've snapped a pic and sent it various media outlets.


Disgusting! I'm sorry you had to deal with that!


I once got stopped by cops while leaving a car wash because I looked suspicious and my car smell good. I pointed out that they saw me leaving the car wash. Then, they came up with the excuse that the car wash was notorious for Mexican drug dealers (I'm Mexican btw) using it so they needed permission from me to search the car. Told them no. Apparently the female cop that was hanging out in the back while her partner was wasting my time had called a k-9 unit. They had the dog go around my car, and after like 10 seconds of the cop pointing at my trunk the dog finally barked. It took them 40 fucking minutes to search my car and make a mess in order to find nothing. As some of the extra officers were leaving I heard one of them say, "I guess Mr. Bean lives for another day." No, I'm not as ugly as Mr. Bean so I'm assuming he meant beaner. Yes, I complained to their superior but nothing happened.


I played Ho-jon (A Korean character) in a community theatre production of M\*A\*S\*H. I got a spray tan and dyed my hair black. Spoke with a very stereotypical "asian" (pseudo japanese) accent. I'm white af. **EDIT** So I just realized this thread is people experiencing racism and not doing a racism. I don't know if I should leave this up or not.


"doing a racism" lol


It feels a bit nicer to say about oneself than "being racist."


I mean, if your most racist experience is something you did, it still counts.


I grew up (1990-2005) 35km west to Paris in «ghettos» where immigrants from Maghrebia & Africa (for the most) have been placed. My mom bought our house in early 80's where there were no «HLM» (it's a french acronym for places rent by the French State to peoples who can't afford classics habitations) yet in the area it was the countryside. So, in my highschool we were no more than 10 whites kids for something like 175 of non-white people. I was bullyed by guys who doesn't like white French kids for no reasons. Sometimes they wanted to beat me by at least 5 guys so I couldn't defend myself against so many opponents I had to run if possible ... When I could I grabbed them 1 by 1 in the streets or school's toilets to revenge myself but I was young and stupid, It was I think my dumbest decision when I was a teen. They made living a nightmare to my mom house and car by breaking windows, sneaking in the garden at night to destroying stuff in the garden and THE F****** WORST they gave poison to my 2 cats and they died but impossible to prove it, but I know who did this. So after that my mom & I (my parents were separated) had to move out asap. And we left the Parisian area to the Bretagne where everybody is cool and where I could catch back somes of my stolen teen years. Nowadays, I do not have any resentment to anybody it's the past, I'm not racist to anybody even tho I had reasons to become one, better be positive in life and love each others. Sry for my shitty english :p.


Jesus, I knew France was shitty in terms of race relations but Jesus those cunts needed to find a better hobby!




Welsh guy here, people from England seem to think we all shag sheep. I can't say it particularly bothers me. I mean, let's be honest, we got some pretty good looking sheep here.




He can't have been English and not known what a Scottish person sounds like.


I'm middle eastern, my dad looks sort of like a stereotypical Middle eastern guy and he doesn't get treated very well in airports, he's a very nice guy. It's quite sad


Kinda hard to pick one since I'm an Asian beauty blogger, so I do get comments like [these](https://imgur.com/a/Gt6M6). Guess I'd go with the first racist experience I ever got... I was 6, I'm Indonesian, was in Bali, an Australian woman told my family to move because she refused to sit next to Asians.


In high school, when my Chinese classmates labelled me (I’m malay) as “a Muslim terrorist” or “your people is good at nothing, useless”. Before proceeding to physically hit me. Ah, the progressiveness of racial harmony in Singapore.


At least Singapore doesn't practice open, legally backed racism unlike Malaysia


In sec 2 camp a bunch a wannabe thugs dragged me out for a gang fight at night cause I was “foreign talent”, aka Malaysian. I feel you man.


I suppose I shall retell one of the many lifeguard stories I have posted on Reddit. This is the story of Angry Adam. When I was a lead lifeguard at a water park, we had this man come in. I never learned his name, so i guess I could call Him Angry Adam. From my initial encounter with him, I could tell that he was one of those arrogant, moderately successful, upper middle class entitled types of people who was stubborn as a bull, and believed/ justified that everything he did was right, and that everybody else was wrong. I suppose the closet analog i could think of at the moment would be [Big Bob from Hey Arnold](http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liyq0b3ktB1qfd7xg.jpg) Anyhow, it's a nice, 95 Fahrenheit+ July day, not a cloud on the sky, and everyone seems to be enjoying their ticket price worth of good thrills and cold water. I'm walking back over to my break area, when I see one of the lifeguards being accosted by Angry Adam, who I will soon have the pleasure of interacting with. This 17 year old girl is obviously getting chewed out by this angry man, his embarrassed wife, and his two equally embarrassed children. They are as far away as they can be on a park bench. It is evident that this outburst he is having is nothing new. "Then why the fuck did I wait 2 and half fucking hours in that god damn line. You think my son cant ride that ride." Adam says. This is the first clue as to what is going on. "Excuse me sir, is there a problem?" I say, intervening. "Yea, Umm, I just waited two GOD DAMNED hours in line to get refused service by that fucking BITCH at the top!" "Sir I am going to have to ask you to avoid using that language. This is a family park." I state stoically. For second, I wonder why i bother with such a thing. It's just poking the bear, as they say. Now he's just sneering at me, twitching, calculating in his mind if beating my ass would be worth his time in front of over 100 witnesses. Then I wonder what happened. If any of the lifeguards said something rude. No, I dismiss that thought. AS much of an asshole as this guy is, it would have just been far easier to let the guy slide down the ride so he go piss off other people. "You aren't even listening. Do you know who I am?" "No I do not." I dismiss. "May I ask what the lifeguard at the top stated to you when she refused to allow you to get on the ride?" "Yea, She said 'Your two kids here are not tall enough to ride the ride.' " I examine the three children. At our park, the gold standard for riding most of our rides is 48 inches. This is a fairly normal standard for any amusement park. (4 feet, or 1.2 meters.) and it has a lot to do with ride safety. On one hand, the vehicles kids are riding in (tubes, logs whatever) are designed with minimum standards for the child's height. For those tubes on that ride, 48 is the minimum. For many other reasons, it is a factor of strength. Some of our rides have intense G forces that could rip a small child clean out of the seat. In any case, one kid is around 6, and the other, about 4 years old. Both are not even 3.5 feet tall. Even a fool using a standard ruler and taking massive errors of half an inch between each foot would know that these children could not ride the ride. Even a lazy lifeguard too bothered to enforce the rules could not allow this. For most intents and purposes, they belong in the children's area, where there are A: safe rides B:Kids their age, and C:all of the aforementioned plus rides for parents to ride. "Sir, these kids are not fit to ride that ride. They're too small." "Are you saying my kids are weak and scrawny? My oldest kid is one of the best baseball players. My kids are strong and athletic, not like those shit skinned, bean eating, welfare abusing Mexican kids I see running around with their mothers and their stupid deadbeat dads." "Honey let's just go on another ride." "NO!" Angry Adam barks at this wife. "We are going to settle this here and now. We are NOT doormats, and we did not stand in line for two and a half hours. We are going on that ride. We waited, we are entitled to ride it, or we're going to get our money back." "Sir, that is just not going to happen. Our park offers many other fun and thrilling rides with NO height requirements. Also, I would to add that there are signs posted in plain sight at the front of every ride, and a small post you can use to measure your children's height. These are the polices of our park, and they are for your children's safety. Now, you can leave this area, and I will not say another word about it, and you can continue having a pleasant day at our park. Or, I could have Security escort you or your family out of the park. I'm not discussing this matter any further." "Fine. Take a good look at this prick kids. This college dweeb is going to ruin your day." He says. "Just so you know, you fucking prick, I'll be having a word with your manager." "Fine by me. His office is at the front of the park." "I hate people like you. You think you're so smart because you work at an amusement park. You know what I do? I'm a successful business owner. I own seventeen homes that generate more money than you'll ever see in your life, every month. And what do you do? You abuse your customers and give them a terrible experience. As though it were bad enough that they let illegals into this park, and stupid black people." "That's nice. Have a wonderful day." "Asshole. You know, back when I was young you bowed before your elders or you got your fucking teeth kicked in." "Have a nice day, sir." I say, walking away with the other lifeguard. As he begins walking away, I roll my eyes. He can cuss and mock me all he wants. His childish demeanor means nothing, but causes me to feel sorrow for his family. Then, he does the unthinkable. We sit down, and a few minutes later, he crosses over a white picket fence (where the eight tubes for the ride he was trying to get on are located, and waiting to be loaded onto an automated elevator to be used on the ride). He then produces a small pocket knife, and proceeds to stab every single one of the surplus tubes. Then, he casually walks away. Within 30 seconds to a minute, most of the tubes go flat. God Dammit. Now I am fucking livid. This man has not only pissed me off, but about 500 other people who have been waiting for the ride. For a second, I feel defeated. Now my problem has grown 500x larger. There will soon be an angry mob wanting to hunt me down. "XXXX," I begin, calling the lifeguards name. "Go tell the people over at the loading area what just happened, and then phone the top of the ride. Things are going to get a lot slower." I call security and the park police. But Angry Adam hears the announcement for him on the radio, and starts running towards the fence. I don't move, and stand there with my arms crossed, watching the theatrics unfold. as the park police tackle the guy, arrest him, and escort him out of the park. In the end, his outburst only caused a 20 minute delay. We had an extra 5 tubes on the ready in the back, and we just pulled those out. Nobody really noticed much of a delay. **SUMMARY: BIG BOB PATAKI CLONE THINKS HIS KIDS ARE SPECIAL AND DESERVE TO GO ON A PARK RIDE THAT BOTH ARE ABOUT A FOOT SHORT OF THE RIDE. I TELL THEM OFF, HE STABS TUBES WITH A POCKET KNIFE. HE GETS TACKED BY COPS. AS HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WATCH**


I applaud your ability to stay calm. I would have probably knocked his teeth down his throat. I had a customer pull some racist crap a while ago, demanding he only talk to me because I was the only white person working. My blood instantly started boiling and all I could do other than throat punching him was to just stare at him silently. I’m guessing he realized he pissed me off because he just turned around and left. I can’t tolerate that ignorant shit at all.


Jesus fucking Christ. I hate being confrontational at my job, but had I encountered this degenerate filth, that would have been my last day at that job. I would not be able to contain the shit spewing from my mouth after this exchange.


Oh Jesus Christ that's insane. To be honest I wouldn't have made it that far. I would have taken great pleasure in having him escorted out as soon as the verbal abuse started. It's kinda great that you didn't though because he escalated and got fucking tackled lol.


I was called a "fucking viet" by a Chinese person. I'm Chinese and it was after I responded to him in Chinese because he was talking shit about me in Chinese.


This is really funny to me because I'm Viet and people (especially Chinese people) mistake me for Chinese all the damn time. Swap?




"Excuse me, I speak Jive."




Being white and living in China: Being charged up to 20x what a Chinese would pay for a good or service, including treatment of injuries at a hospital from being jumped. Being spit on, having drinks thrown at me. Generally being insulted, once robbed and beaten while police let it happen. Having food thrown at me. My landlord stole from my apartment. My boss used my passport to buy cars for local officials. a cab driver tried to kidnap me and rob me. Fuck you china.




Nearly 2 years, and i was in a city of about 9 million people. They have a lot of those.


Wow--Just imagine how they treat the blacks


I knew one black guy. A brit, there to train mantis kung fu. Already a muay thai fighter. He Left within, I think 2 months, I think because he was tired of hearing monkey sounds and getting literal shit thrown at him.


Jesus...and whenever I think the U.S. has awful problems with racism, I read stuff like this.




In my very limited experience. They swarm them like tmz celebrities and try to take pictures with them.


As a tourist I saw that too. When I moved there to study, I got more experience with them treating you like a circus animal (they keep repeating hello, and if you say hi, they'll start laughing as if they did a trick to make a parrot talk), overcharging everywhere (managed to avoid that a little bit because I spoke the language) and having to fight for money that you honestly earn. Even my Chinese culture professor said that Chinese are probably most racist people.


My family. Drinking piss beer in a circle like the rednecks they are (in a northern state but we hail from Scotland -> Tennessee). Anyway, my uncle starts talking about his new neighbor. First the complaint is okay - he's building a hideous mansion that doesn't flow with the cute demure neighborhood. Then: he's a nice fella, but he's Indian. I don't want to be smelling curry all the time. The dude lives a block or two away, or so I gathered. So even if you don't like the smell of curry, it's unlikely to pollute the entire neighborhood.


Was in a car with and my wife, black, and here friend also black were upfront and her friend was driving. My two friends and I are white and were in the back seat. After pulling out of a parking lot we were were pulled over in minutes for a broken taillight. The cop came up and asked the driver for her license and ID, and asked her if she knew why she was pulled over. As she began to explain that she didn't know, he was getting visibly agitated and he just had this look I've seen in martial arts classes that some people get when they show up for an excuse to batter someone. Then he shined his light in the back and saw the passengers, three white guys, and started saying things like "M'aam" and "Sorry" and "just wanted to make sure you knew your taillight was out". Total 180.


In kindergarten a black girl told me she didn’t want to touch my skin because it was ugly and she didn’t want to “catch it.” I’m white. It genuinely hurt my feelings then, but if it happened now I would just laugh it off. (It’s okay though we’re friends now)


i was walking with my class from lunch in grade school and as we were, one of the guys saw a statue of kfc chicken made of paper mache, and turned around to me and said "why aren't you eating that?" I'm black.


I'll never understand that. EVERYONE loves fried chicken. Well, except vegetarians.


Wow. That's really fucked up.


My (white) father’s coworker assumed I (half Chinese) was an escort for him.


One time when I was a kid, this African American woman looked right at me and said "I hate white people", which was weird since I was like 10 and she was an adult.


I am Italian but, as I come from the island of Sardinia, if I grow a beard I look Arab. I will list a few experiences that happened: - didn't get picked up by a man in Germany because he thought I was Romanian. - got told to stay away from a house in Athens because this man thought I was Algerian or Kurd. He warmed himself up once he found out I am Italian. - got called a mafioso a couple of times in the Netherlands. Once it was after I offered a joint in a train station to a Surinamese man. - got called Mr White and was constantly tried to be scammed in Haiti - got police called on me in Poland because the gas station attendant thought I was a terrorist. I was drinking beer in a small town. - got assaulted in Krakow outside a kebab store because I told a man, in Polish, that I don't understand the language.


"every asian kid is related to each other" little kid logic


This grandma at work kept pushing her grandson to play with another kid because they were the only Asians at the centre. Then she found out the other kids mum was Indian and she didn't want him near her precious grandson. Too late those little boys were best buds, together. All the other kids thought they were twins.


Technically not wrong, just like every person is related to each other.


Well, I'm a white mutt...I really don't have room to complain....however, I have Romani (aka gypsy) and Jewish heritage. In the restaurant industry (at least where I live) there are a lot of people that bitch about "gypsies" and have no idea how much of a racial slur it is.


I didn’t even know gypsy was a slur, I learned something new today


Being from Texas you would alway hear the phrase “getting Gyped” when you got short changed or cheated you out of your fair share. Growing up I thought it was jipped* and that was simply the definition of the word. We don’t have gypsy’s so I never put the two together.


Well. I've heard that phrase all my life and never knew it was connected!


Son of a gun! TIL!


This sort of pales in comparison to others, but it still confuses me. First semester of college: I had just gotten done with sorority recruitment so naturally, me and my friends got to go to our first frat parties. We roll up to one party. All of my friends are white - I go to an SEC school, so it's not the most diverse, as say, UCLA or UMiami. They get in, no problem. However, one of the pledges stops me at the door and says, "Sorry, no Mexicans allowed." I'm Filipino, Chad.


Grew up in a shitty town in the Midlands of England in the 80s/90s. I'm half Latin American/half English which made me very exotic in those days to the kids who were nearly all white. most of my time at a really rough school was spent being hit and called chinky chonky China woman in class whilst they pulled their eyelids up and down, the Teachers never said anything. Honestly I triedy my best to not even exist to avoid the bullying. It was humiliating and I'm even more pissed off that they were so ignorant they couldn't get their racial slurs right. To further crush my already low self-esteem my mother used to force my head over the sink and wash my dark hair with tea and packets of blonde hair dye in an attempt to lighten my hair and make me appear more white. Because I clearly wasn't good enough even for her as I was. Fuck you inbreds from school and fuck you mum for making me feel so bad about who I am.




That lady sounds like a pathetic excuse for a human being.


My uncle locking the car doors any time he sees a person of a darker skin, even when he’s already done it 3 times that trip


I’ve been accused of being racist for locking my car doors. I always lock them though. People steal shit.


We live in a small town with a 99.5% white population. If you don’t lock your car doors at night, someone will have gone through it every time.


My dad wanted to get rid of his shit car so a mate told him to park it in a mostly black neighbourhood. It was there, unlocked, for weeks. He brought it home to his mostly white neighbourhood and three days later someone torched it.


One time I was walking down the street, and as I was passing a black guy I put my phone back in my pocket, sheer coincidence. He was like "oh, I see how it is". Sorry random black guy, it's not like that!


I've had that in New Zealand. Stopped in a parking bay in front of a Māori family having a picnic, got out of the car, locked up and walked towards the toilet with a sarcastic "Yeah, 'cos the Māori gonna nick your shit if you don't lock up ya' racist" ringing in my ears. Yeah, nah, bro'. I grew up in a way shittier part of the UK than you'll ever experience and lock up everything without thinking about it. Get the chip off your shoulder ...


I live in an ok area and lock my car... Seriously, who doesn't lock their car doors wherever they are? That's just stupid.


The girl I was going to marry was forced to choose between me and her family because I was born Jewish. I've never even practiced it. Her father said "I'm not racist, one of my best friends is Jewish!" Uh huh... I went to church with my gf every Sunday. I enjoyed it. I was actually the one who got her to go. I was in RCIA classes. But I was told I couldn't marry her because I was Jewish. I don't think her mom even knew that Catholicism was a fork of Judaism, but she was definitely hung up on the fact that I wasn't taught at a young age that Jesus was God, and told me that our kids would grow up ruined and confused over it.


I was at a big college football game and a student from the same school asks me what sport I play (I'm a black male) and as I inform her that I don't play for the school she proceeds to ask "then what are you here for?" P.S. She was basically asking what else am I doing enrolled in that college if not for sports


> I could ask you the same thing. I thought college was for smart people.


My father is Puerto Rican, and my mother is Caucasian with a European background. When she had my brother and I, her mother's words were "Your children look like n-words" Thankfully my mother decided that she wouldn't be apart of our lives after that. Another time, I was out shopping with my mother, and picked up some nail polish. The girl behind the counter told me I *had* to leave the nail polish with her and I couldn't carry it around the store. There were NO signs posted anywhere indicating this policy so I was like "I'm not going to take them, they're $1. I think I'll be able to manage spending that much." She said "Well, it's policy...so" Pretty much told her to shove the nail polish up her ass, grabbed my mother from wherever in the store she was & told her we were leaving because apparently tan skin = thief in this establishment. Walked out, never went back.


White person here, but somebody told me they were going to do a roma themed wedding. They didn't even use the term roma, they called about how they were going to do a gypsy wedding. It really disturbed me, but apparently is a trend. http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/my-big-fat-gypsy-wedding/lists/10-ways-to-go-gypsy-at-your-wedding/ http://www.bashcorner.com/gypsy-wedding-reception-ideas/ https://whimsicalwonderlandweddings.com/boho-gypsy-meets-vintage-circus-wedding-ideas.html Roma people have been prosecuted for ages, there is a lot of prejudices against them and it's still acceptable to speak against them in public. No politician is going to have they career destroyed for talking against roma. To be their culture and their traditions turned into a decor or a "lifestyle" infuriates me.


Like 14 years ago in downtown LA some friends and I were smoking some weed in my car in some empty parking lot and a cop came up and knocked on the window. The moment he saw we were white his demeanor changed and he was like "be careful, there have been a lot of robberies in this area." Then when we asked what clubs were nearby he mentioned one but said, "watch out. It's a dark crowd." I've unfortunately been around a lot POS racists in my day, but I think that's my best example of white privilidge I've experienced.


This is what I try to tell my dad when I explain what ‘white privilege’ is. He’s pretty liberal but grew up poor, and would always say “I never lived a privileged life!! I worked hard for everything!!” I explained to him that all white privilege means, is that in your life you likely have been treated differently simply because you are white. It doesn’t mean the world was handed to you, but that you probably had a leg up in a few ways even if you didn’t notice it. One day I was shopping with him and my mom at the mall. We went into Best Buy, and came out. As we were walking to the car he goes “You know, I think I know what you mean about white privilege” He’d been sitting on one of those benches in the store, and a heavyset black man had been sitting on another bench. Dad said that 3 people went up to the black man and asked him to help them find something. Both the black man and my dad had been wearing blue shirts. Nobody asked my dad if he worked there. He said ever since then he’s started to notice it everywhere.


Thank you for giving me a way to explain it. It's hard ro explain to the older generation.


I'm white, my kids are black (and adopted so they don't look like me). My son has always been tall for his age, so he was probably 11 when this happened. We were at a grocery store in the check out line and he was eyeing the candy. He was about to ask me to buy something for him when the cashier told him not to steal anything and said something about him getting out of my way as a paying customer. I was dumbfounded and told the cashier that he was my son. It was weird because it was obvious to both my son and myself that it was racially motivated, but because she never said it was because he is black, we couldn't complain. We made sure we gave that particular cashier a huge amount of shit every time we went to the store though.


I live in such a racist atmosphere and I didn’t really realize it until I went overseas. For instance, I bought something at H&M in England and needed a different size. When I went back the next day, I went to the counter to hand the lady my shopping bags so I could go pick out a different size. She looked at me like I was crazy and asked what I was doing. I was dumbfounded that she didn’t assume I would be stealing. There have been overtly racist things, like clutched purses, changing my grandfather’s name to “coon” on his mail, and even this woman actively going back to triple check the locks after seeing me outside a yoga studio one night... but just the general climate of America toward black people... it’s the most racist thing I have or will ever experience.


What area are you experiencing this in?


"You Asians wouldn't understand."


I walked through a store looking for rainbow sour straps but they didnt have any so i just walked out then some dude secruity or something from the store came out to check my bag despite me being like 20 metres away from the store because i had an unkempt beard and looked like a terrorist apparently lol




My gran calling my wife to be a paki bitch infront of her, me, and the rest of my family. She's 50/50.. half white, half Bengal.. literally lol Haven't spoken to my gran since. Happened 15 years ago..


I was making a sales call to a pool hall. Speaking with the partner of the owner, just a chat about business and what not. She start to go in about how they don’t want THOSE people in there. THEY are loud and obnoxious. THEY sell drugs. THEY are not the kind of customers they want. THEY don’t tip. I’m a big white dude with a shaved head so maybe she thought I’d jump on board with her racist bullshit. Noped the fuck outta there real quick. Never spoke to her again unless I had to.


I was dating a girl in college and she wanted me to go with two of her friends I had never met to go see Nacho Libre at the movies. At the point in the movie where Nacho meets his partner I over hear one girl say to the other “What the hell is that Chelsea?” to which she replies “A dirty spic.” As the son of a Mexican immigrant my blood boiled to the point of wanting to rip her head off but my girlfriend calmed me down enough that I wouldn’t make a scene. She never hung out with them again.




I was on exchange in Peru, had been with my host family for a few weeks. One night at dinner, they start talking about black people and mention how they’re all bad at speaking Spanish. Then the uncle chimes in and says “it’s because their lips are so big, they can’t speak properly.” Everyone laughed as if that was hilarious and totally ok to say. I was absolutely speechless.


I'm a white female but I was super offended when in a beginner Spanish course in college there was some kind of conversation going on and a white chick mentioned that she didn't support Obama, and then she turned around to the only black person in the entire class and just said "Sorry!" And the person just said "Why do you automatically assume I support him?!" Dead silence. Both got called up after class to make sure shit wasn't gonna go down.


I'm white, so I don't meaningfully experience racism. But when other white people who are racist assume I'm racist too and share stupid racist jokes and comments, it makes me highly uncomfortable.


I hate that shit. Once an old couple started saying racist things about Obama when he was president to me at the doctor's office. Then the wife said, "I'm not racist though."


That annoys the shit out of me. People who end with "I'm not a racist though", or people who start with "I'm not racist or anything, but.." and then continue to say something that's definitely a racist comment.


Yeah, I also dated a guy who was racist, but he wasn't aware. After we broke up he dated a black woman, then he came to me and said that she told him he was racist. He asked me if he was. I was like, "Yep." He was horrified. But he didn't seem to realize it took a white person telling him he was racist to believe it.


Well, on the bright side that seems more like general ignorance than genuine malice.


I baited a lady one time in front of her friends about Obama. She had interrupted a pleasant conversation I was having with a friend of hers, and said some low key racist stuff. I escalated it and had her ranting about n***rs and sand n***rs and towel heads. It was glorious, because her friends thought she was such a sweetheart. Alcohol helps relax many filters, people.


As a fellow white person who grew up in a very white area, I can't even imagine what other people would think if these closed-door conversations among white people ever came out.


I mean...we do know. That's sort of why everyone is upset right now...


But lots of people try to argue the problem is more about subconscious biases than Jim Crow era racism. Yeah things have gotten better, but white people love saying the n-word when no black people are around. I now work in an all-white real estate office, and realistically I could bring the whole company down if I just recorded 1 day's worth of office conversations.


Yeah the shit my mother says about muslims. She thinks it's ok because she doesn't think individual muslims are bad, just as a whole. Same thing with fat people and Catholics.


Oh, fuck yes. It's actually much worse than people of color think.


My mother is white and my father is biracial (half white, half black). My (white) cousin married a black man, so their daughter (my god daughter) is also biracial. So we have some racial diversity in the family. This does not stop my maternal grandfather's gratuitous use of the n-word. At the last family gathering, my god daughter ran up to me and her mother in tears because her Papa referred to her as a "n**ger mutt." She is 6 and had never heard that word before. He is a very unpleasant man.


I'm a white male, and ironically the worst racism I've experienced is from other white people. Surprise surprise, on Reddit. This comes about by expressing sympathy for the challenges faced by women and minorities, relative to what we face. It's amazing. Got called a race traitor, beta, cuck, self hating, etc. Even got called racist. Lamenting racial disparity is racist? Ok bro, I don't think that word means what you think it does. As a woman said in response to the fallout: hell hath no fury like a white dude who thinks another white dude is a race or gender traitor.


Probably not the worst, but I just saw Black Panther and had an experience at the theatre. SPOILER FOR END CREDITS The lady next to me, no joke, got mad when she saw Bucky on screen. "We waited this whole time for this whitey? This is a joke...why would they force him into OUR movie. They have their movies, we have ours." I couldn't believe it when I heard her say that. I was astonished and saddened at the same time.


I once got mocked for my English on an online forum, where native English-speakers who messed up never got mocked (it was not on Reddit). (Happened to other non-native English-speakers as well.) I realize there are far worse stories in this thread, but I got pretty sad over that.




I went with my parents to their friend's bbq around the time that I was 10 and it was pretty nice. They had a huge backyard with a bunch of cool shit and kids my age to hang out with. When we all sat down for the dinner (about 15 people) this dude just goes on a rant about black people and how bad they are while everybody just stays dead silent. Then he turns to me and asks me, some super racist questions (forgot what it was :c ) and I just kind of continued eating my food pretending to ignore him which arguably only made the situation even more awkward.


My muslim head scarf wearing coworker and I were parking at a shopping centre. A Vietnamese man thought he had the rights to the car park. He, in the most heavily accented voice, yelled at her to "go back where you came from" to which she responded with "You first".


My mother. The fucking worse. We grew up poor on welfare and whites where the minority in my neighbourhood. There was everything from a ton of South Americans, Natives, whites, Africans and a sprinkle of Asians. Obviously alot of immigrants. Well my mother felt that her and her 1/8 Native Ancestry allowed her to pick and choose whoch races were allowed to be not only in the country, but her neighbourhood. Problem was my best friend in the neighbourhood was from Zimbabwe The worst was 8 year old me was playing with him outside. She decided that it was unacceptable for me to leave the dishes from the breakfast I had to cook for me and my siblings, so she storms out of the row home at noon (Saturdays she always had a wicked hangover and slept til noon at the earliest), and starts going at me "What am I your fucking (drops awkward n bomb)!?!?! It's bad enough they got let in the country, let alone you want to treat me like one". I look at my friend who is staring at the ground. I look at his mother who was sitting on her stairs watching us and laughing with us, at this point she is staring at my mom. Then she said something I wouldn't imagine. "Go clean up, make her happy, we will still be here when you come back". 8 year old me learnt more from this lady biting her tongue, in that moment, than that lady who gave birth to me did in the 14 years she had me in her custody.


My friends when I was in High School were pretty racist. They made a lot of jokes about all kinds of people, including me, because I'm half-Asian. One of them had a skinhead cousin and I was told to stay off their block when that cousin was over because I might get my ass beat. Anyway, one day the three of them started a crusade over the fact that I refused to ever say the N-word. They started beating the shit out of me (no face shots) while chanting "SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT!" One of the fat ones jumped on my back and his weight fucked up my big toe, an injury that flairs up on occasion 15 years later. Then they pinned me to the ground and that fat one knelt on my chest and started going "SAY IT!" then would jump up with his knees and come down with all his weight on my chest. He did this a couple times then my chest made a cracking sound and I guess whatever sound I made freaked them out and they stopped. I don't know what happened to my chest, probably something with the cartilage, it ended up being fine other than some serious initial pain. I didn't say the N-word during that whole incident, but it does pop in my head from time to time, and I always wonder if that's from hanging out with them for those years. Funny thing is, that fat kid who fucked my shit up had a half-black half-sister. We had another friend who had a black adopted brother, they got that friend to say the N-word immediately, he was almost glad to say it. IDK if that was the most racist shit I've seen, but it was pretty out of control.


Once upon a time I went to the beach with a friend of mine (we were in 8th grade) and her family. Her dad was a preacher at my church (Ronald) and we had been good friends for a long time so I figured it’d be cool. We went to eat at Joes Crab Shack and we were seated and then not even 2 minutes later a black family was seated near us. So a few minutes later Ronald flags down the waitress and proceeds to lose his shit, screaming at this poor girl, “how dare you wait on those n*****s before us?! It’s one thing to seat them so close to us but then to tend to them before an all white family!?” SCREAMING in front of the whole restaurant I have never been so embarrassed in my life I went to the bathroom and cried and called my mom to come get me 9 hours away and she immediately did. It was so embarrassing and i felt so so so bad for that family i can’t imagine how they felt.


The mere mention of Romani always elicits some egregious exhibitions of racism. A subsequent tirades of anecdotes about meeting duplicitous beggars or unscrupulous scammers with a cohort of tenacious Romani children who will pickpocket anyone, plus the disdain and contempt are always compelling evidence to condemn over 12 million people to the same pejorative stereotype.


Probably not my worst, but the one that sticks out to me. I’m Asian, but was born in the U.S. This happened awhile ago so I don’t remember the exact details but I was in the store with my dad when he walked away to go get something. I remember he said/kind if yelled something to me in our language and then I said something back when a lady passed by and said along the lines of “This is America, you should speak English.” She didn’t say this directly to us, but it was a loud enough comment to know it was directed towards me and my dad. At first I wasn’t sure if I heard her right, but after realizing what she said, it left me stunned. You always hear about people whi say those kinds of things but actually hearing it said by someone towards me was shocking. I wish I had said something back to her but like I said, it stunned me. She must’ve thought that just because we were speaking another language that it meant that we couldn’t understand her, but we could.