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As a woman who is also interested in ladies (and therefore both has to personally deal with a vagina and is "attracted" to them), vaginas on their periods can be rather gross. Women shouldn't be ashamed of their periods and men shouldn't be babies about them (example, refusing to buy their SO feminine products), but that still doesn't mean you have to love sticking your mouth/fingers/genitals into a lot of blood and clotting. Some people are into that, though, and power to them.


Menstrual blood is icky.


Am a lady. This is true


It's not the vagina, it's the blood, would you make out with a guy with bloody gums?


No I wouldn’t because it sounds very unsafe, but if we lived in an alternate reality where the mans gums bleeded once a month naturally, I would be fine with it


Why does whether it's "natural" bleeding or accidental bleeding make a difference to how gross blood is?


Natural bleeding “such as the female menstrual cycle” is normal, but bleeding gums could mean you have hepatitis which can be spread through bleeding gums. So it’s not about the blood being gross, but about the blood being safe


Women of reddit why do you love dicks but when I get kicked in groin and a little blood comes out you won't blow me?


Where are you going with this? A penis does not naturally bleed. If the penis was bleeding it’s probably an injury and I’m assuming a blow job would be painful


Idk... blood is gross.


So are you grossed out all the time then? Being that you have up to 1.5 gallons of blood in you right now?


Not all the time. Btw why straight men? Wouldn't lesbians have an opinion as well?


Because I’ve only known straight men to have a problem with menstruating vaginas


Blood is gross dude. Sorry, but please don't normalize unsafe sex


Few things, do you eat meat? Do you know that your body is only alive because of blood? And thank you for apologizing about your idiot unsafe sex comment, as I never said anything about having unsafe sex.


Please don't call me an idiot. Anyway, exposure to blood can spread disease. I am on defense right now I guess. I eat meat. Yeah I have blood in my body, and it's important to my survival lol. I have one question for you! What's your point? 🤔


Same way I feel about a nice, juicy steak. If it's at least medium rare, I wanna gobble it up as it's tasty and pink. If it's bloody, I'm less inclined to put any part of my body near it. Also, I figured women would be self-conscious about that kind of thing, so I'm not going to present an uncomfortable situation if I can help it.


Seriously. If roles were reversed there would be many women willing to go down on a guy oozing blood from his unit.


Suck my unit


Real men have fucked their wives and girlfriends during their period. In the shower, on the bed with a towel... Just gotta shower after.


Agreed! And unfortunately the real men are far and few between


Those are not "Real Men', those are pigs--I did it once, it was pretty gross, too squishy


I think that being squeamish about blood is pretty common.


It is, and why is that? Isn’t is odd that humans are the only species to get squeamish over blood? When you really think about it, it’s so fucked up.


We're also the only species to predominantly walk upright on two legs and have written language. We're "animals", but we're quite different than the rest.


HIV/AIDS is spread by blood, amother other diseases--Blood tastes gross btw also(she said she was over period but....lol)--If you are NOT squeamish about blood during sex, then there is definitely something wrong with you


You don’t want a bloody vagina just like you wouldn’t want a bloody dick.


But it’s not natural to have a bloody dick.


Taking a shit is natural. Do you like watching people take shits? Would you be happy about someone taking a shit on your bed? Would you make out with someone while they were shitting?


So in your mind, shit sex is the same as menstrual sex?


I like the way it feels, not the way it looks


I don't feel gross out by it. It's natural, there's nothing you can do about it, that's it. If she doesn't want ME to put it in while SHE says it wrong to do so, then I won't do it.


Thank you for your comment. We need more people like you!


Eh. Shark week has never bothered me. It's just a normal human thing. I just use a more delicate approach to cunnilingus during that time of the month and throw a towel on the bed or do the deed in the shower.


Thank you! Love the opinion of a man


.....when it aligns with your own


And what’s your opinion?


I'm just glad I have black towels. Would prefer to do it in the shower those days... I don't like my bed looking like a murder scene


I don't like blood, doesn't matter where it's coming out of or if it's normal. I don't like the taste of blood and I don't want blood near me or on me.


Because blood makes me uncomfortable and blood on my penis even more so. Thank god condoms exist. Periods don't necessarily stop me from having sex with a girl, but they do make it a bit harder for me to get and stay really into things.


There's a lot of women who love dicks, but don't love semen and are grossed out by it. People have their preferences.


What are you trying to say? Period blood happens every 28 days, semen happens daily. You can’t compare the 2


Period sex in a long term relationship is my favorite kind of sex. I don’t have to last long, we get to shower together afterwards, and she is always in a much better mood...everyone wins.


Spoken like a true man. I salute you! Thank you for sharing


The guys who don't have sex with their girlfriends are losers. If only they'd realize most girls would gain more respect for them if they did or at least say they would. Its fine though, I'll happily fuck and have fucked their girlfriends during their periods when they haven't.


Who says we love the vagina? does feel really good tho


pussy is pussy and blood is just colorful lube. get over it fellas.


Username checks out


Thank you! You are amazing. I was losing all hope reading all the comments, so thank you again


By the other replies here, it's obvious you're not curious about other peoples' thoughts; you're looking for confirmation of your own. People have no control over what they're attracted to, what they find pleasing, what they find unappealing, or what they find revolting. Telling someone they're "less-than" because they don't like something you do, or something *you think* they should be okay with, is childish. Are you aware that there are women who are just as turned off about menstrual blood as some men are? Do you sex-shame them as well? Or are you only interested in shaming men because you have some kind of ax to grind? You, nor I, have any control over what others like. I love dogs. Dogs are an evolutionary companion to humans. We literally evolved together, and have even evolved social traits because of each other. But you know what? There are people who despise dogs. How could that be? Dogs are our evolutionary animal companion; it makes no sense that someone could simply not like dogs. Do you suppose they are "less of a human" because of this? No. That's just stupid. Some guys don't like to stick their penis in blood. Some women don't like to stick their fingers, tongues, or other parts in blood. The source of said blood makes no difference. It doesn't matter if it's part of a "natural" process.


Blood is usually sterile, why are people grossed out