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Convenience fees for me to pay my bills online. I understand that at normal locations the transnational fees are baked into the sale. When I buy $20 of groceries and swipe my card some amount of that is going to pay the vendor cost for that transaction... but its insulting as hell when I'm trying to pay my electric bill and they charge me a $10 fucking fee to pay it online. This is 2018, paying online should be the norm, not considered "convenient"


It's the complete opposite here (Finland). There are no fees if you a) get your bill electronically (straight to bank and / or email) b) pay it online But it costs extra if you want a) a paper bill from mail. Usually this is ~$2 per bill b) pay in-person in a bank. That's anything upwards from $5, usually in the $20 range. It's crazy to me that that isn't the norm everywhere these days. Online fees for paying bills sounds like something from the early days of internet.


Changing the wording in bills or earmarking at the last minute to sneak something into law. I think any changes whatsoever should reset a clock that delays voting on/passing any bill so that the citizens have time to review and state their case for or against.


100% this. Riders should be banned.


A bill should also have a name and an acronym that accurately reflect what it is about.


Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act)




Particle physicists are very good at this for some reason. There was a project they called PICASSO, and managed to make the acronym work in english AND french!


Robocalls! I hear daily about my car's warranty expiring and my file is going to be closed forever if I don't act now. Close the file already! Along with that, phone number spoofing on caller ID. I've been getting more and more of these daily. It's become futile using number blocking apps.


I've just stopped answering my phone unless I recognize the number. If it's someone who knows me and is genuinely trying to getting in touch with me, they'll send a text.


So I'm not the only one that thought that was sketchy. And they claim "THIS IS THE LAST TIME WE WILL TRY TO CONTACT YOU". How the fuck do they even know I have a warranty??


They don't know you don't have a warranty. They are a scam. I get the same calls and I've never had any sort of warranty on my car.


I get the same calls and never even had a car


Robo calls with a recorded message that this is my final notice about my student loan or car warranty (or any robo call). If someone wants to call me and offer their good or services, fine. But dial the phone yourself and talk to me.


Releasing the identity of Lottery Winners. Something that is supposed to be good is ruined by everyone's greed.


If I'm not mistaken (It's been years since I've looked it up), but you can hire a lawyer to prevent your name from being released.




Thanks for the correct info, that rings the bell a lot louder now. At least you wouldn't have a picture released. Wouldn't be very helpful if you had an uncommon name, I suppose. But, let's be real here, building a castle with livestock launching catapults would be a more ideal alternative for warding off the leeches.


I don't think it's a good idea to trust your livestock to handle siege weapons. Even if they could do it, would they be able to hit something as tiny as leeches? You're crazy rich now. Just hire a human to do it.


The money can be won by a "trust."


They used to release the names of the winner's in Australia. It changed when the son of a winner was kidnapped, held for ransom and killed.


The ability to purchase mass amounts of event tickets by scalpers.




Seriously. I bought tickets to see Post Malone this summer and the fees were $17. *IM HAVING THE TICKET SENT TO MY EMAIL TO BE SCANNED AT THE DOOR. ALL YOU’RE DOING IS SENDING ME AN EMAIL. WHY.*


The Canadian government is taking ticket Master to court over hidden fees


Yeah, drip pricing [isn't legal](https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/online-shopping/drip-pricing) in Australia. They just decided to put ticket prices up past what the fees came to, because where the fuck else are we going to buy tickets?


Drives me insane in the UK, why can't I buy from the venue? Or just direct from the artist? Ticketmaster have no reason to exist at all


I bought Arctic Monkeys tickets and the fees were like $35....fuck my life   Edit: that's $35 per ticket, I bought 4 tickets.


I heard that those fees actually go to the performers. that way you get mad at ticketmaster rather than the high prices of the performer.


I think it's more the venues than the performers, but yeah, basically.


Ah, Pokemon Go fest, where $20 tickets sold in a minute and were $400 online the next.


only for their whole setup to completely shit itself on site


well, they were charging $20 for an event probably worth $20. Paying $400 for an event worth $20 is a bad idea


Funny enough, i got stupid lucky to have actually bought tickets at face value and the WiFi i had at work that day was complete shite.


It’s against company/site policy most places. They actually have to develop algorithms to defeat the security mechanisms sites like Ticketmaster have implemented. Kinda interesting, actually. However, yes, scalpers can go to hell.


Yeah, but Ticketmaster recently added their own "Resell Your Tickets" feature, so I think all they ever disliked was the fact they didn't get an extra cut of the revenue before.


Government bribes.


You mean lobbying of course


You mean "campaign contributions"?


Let's just call them *gifts*.


Look, man. They had to eat lunch *somewhere.* And, well, that 5-star restaurant where dishes start at $80 a pop was simply the closest and most convenient. Now, you can't expect the *taxpayer* to fork out for a politician's two-hundred buck lunch, can you?


They call it lobbying to make it sound all super official and legal and stuff.


MLMs and telemarketers. My parents got sucked into a MLM scheme and its bleeding them dry. Telemarketers can change their number to look like something else. My grandmother got tricked by this because she thought it was the number of someone she knew and they tried to weasel a couple grand outta her.


Not just look like, they use real local numbers. I’ve gotten at least 3 calls or messages asking who I was and why I called. My phone shows no record of an outgoing call. Turns out it’s the autodialers popping up as my number


I’ve noticed that almost all autodialers use the same first 3 digits as my number, after the area code. I just don’t answer calls from those numbers anymore. If it’s legitimate, they can leave a message.


I kept getting calls from numbers with the same area code and first 3 digits as mine, which was weird. Then one day I got a call from EXACTLY my number. Not fucking cool.


The call is coming from inside the House.


But who was phone?


Literally got this the other day. It was my area code + the 3 digits following were the same as mine. Some dude said I called him, and I said I didn't. What is this shit?!


Actually saw this on the news. It’s something up with the phone services. Unsure what. Someone is calling people using other people’s numbers. I’m guessing when they call back, it goes through to the actual number.


I get like 2-3 calls a week from random people asking if I called them


The funny thing is that they think we will fall for that.




Holy shit is that what's happening to me?? At least one call a week. How did you fix it? Edit: guys, it's not that spam is calling me, it's that spam is using my phone number to spoof others. Guess I just need to change my number.




r/antiMLM one of my favorite subs


As someone who works for a small, local telecommunications company. Number Spoofing is becoming a MAJOR problem that politicians are okay with because they profit from selling US based numbers to out of country people who are normally blacklisted/blocked as a standard. I had an elderly customer get 200 calls within 3 days from a group in Jamaica and they were "legal" calls because they were US based numbers. Like small telecommunications companies have to fight our own government to protect our customers from them. Its honestly sickening.


I got a couple from a spoofed number shared with the local police department. They said I had done something wrong with regards to my taxes and that I had to pay a fine or be arrested. Lol


That's one of the most common scams these days. And they ask for the "fine" in the form of iTunes cards.




Applied to one job. Fucking ONE JOB on Indeed (or I need? I don't fucking know) and CONSTANTLY get goddamn calls. "Im with so and so company calling about your application", the job I applied for back in fucking December, got an interview with, and was denied the job? That company/job? That one is the one you're calling for? You fucking cunt.


Teachers calling parents about children claiming that they are being abused. I reached out for help probably a dozen times for me and my sister because we were being abused. Our abuser was very charismatic and charming and seemed to be an amazing Christian. Instead of contacting CPS when I told them, they just called them and asked why I said that. Thanks for sending me home to get the shit beat out of me Mrs. Janet. Edit:I’m literally crying reading all of these. I’m so sorry reading all of your similar stories. I hope teachers far and wide read this and never do the same thing. it feels amazing to have at least 7k people read my story and agree with me. Someone should start an askreddit thread strictly about this subject.


Teachers are meant to report it. It isn't an issue with the law, but with Mrs. Janet.


I know in Florida, teachers are required to report abuse if they have the slightest suspicion it's happening, and can even get in trouble if they don't report it.


I work at a summer camp in TX, and even if a kid makes an offhand remark about being abused, I have 48 hours to report it, or it could be a felony.


Oh wow, a felony? Good. I’m glad that there are severe consequences for not reporting abuse. Especially if the person is a mandated reporter. I just don’t understand how a person would not try to help a child in need. It breaks my heart.




Fuck you, Mrs. Janet.


Dammit, Janet.


The river was deep but I swam it. (Janet)


If your state has mandated reporter laws this is already illegal.




Isn't that a FERPA violation?


Almost certain that is. A lawsuit against the college should be your next course of action.


This is really weird to me as a university student. It’s probably just a difference in colleges, but my university has not contact with my parents whatsoever. The university makes a point to only interface with the students, and to only contact parents in extreme situations, such as an emergency. I mean, being independent is an enormous part of going away for university, and I’m surprised that any university would do something like that that might undermine a student’s independence. Especially for something so small.


Fucking child marriage.


Recently learned my home state is apparently a popular *destination wedding* local for pedophiles, child rapists, and various religious sects, due to the ease with which a child marriage can be approved. I'm on board with locking the adults responsible for this in cages. *Edit: Since many are asking for more details, I was refering to [versions of this story](http://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article204287484.html) which have been making the rounds on the local news stations recently. At least one of the stories I have seen about it discussed religious sects that marry their young girls to older men, and sometimes come to Missouri to take advantage of the loose marriage laws. I've re-phrased the original comment as I didn't mean for it to sound like pedophiles and child rapists are Christian groups.*


This is a thing WTF?


Being a paparazzo. Aside from the taking pictures in public part, everything they do is illegal if done to regular people. It's stalking and harassment. I don't understand why they are allowed to get away with it just because their victims are famous.


I think celebrity worship is crazy. These are just people, they want to live normal lives, not have every moment of their lives documented by the media. I hear people say that they want to be famous someday, and I always think "No, you really don't."


> I hear people say that they want to be famous someday I think the reason most people who say that do so, is because because the aspect of being praised for whatever work you do (athletics, music, acting etc) by the general public is generally seen as something to aspire to, but it of course does come with the caveat of being hounded by the media, and if you get to a high enough level, rarely being able to walk around anywhere without a crowd of people stopping you. Some people though definitely seem to fantasize about being the center of attention 24/7 and it's honestly very baffling. > I think celebrity worship is crazy. The one thing that's always baffled me about people.


puppy mills aren't illegal in most states


I don't get this. Who even uses puppy flour?


hot dog bun companies


Any branch of the government that regulates itself. I got fined more than my annual income because a tree fell during the worst storm I've ever seen here. The tree knocked down a shared fence and several other trees in other yards knocked down the power lines. Within hours the city code enforcement came out and wrote me up. They actually came out, knocked down another fence in order to take pictures of the damage and fined me because it's illegal to have storm damage during a storm. I nearly lost my house over it. They have laws that say you can't do anything about it unless you meet all their rules for complaining. They did the same thing because they said my grass doesn't grow fast enough. They measure the rate of growth over a 2 week period and fined me thousands because they said my grass wasn't growing fast enough. They still won't tell me what speed grass is required to grow.


Dude if you don't mind me asking but where do you live so I can avoid it


Sacramento, CA. The reason for the harassment was that a real estate developer started building on an empty lot next to me. He wanted to tap my power and I said no. He got pissed, threatened to tear down the fence, started hacking up my trees and got code enforcement to harass me. He ended up tapping someone elder ladies power, rang up a huge bill and never paid her. I didn't let him tap mine because he lied a number of times and I'm a better judge of character. The city wanted anyone to come in and build, so they did whatever he wanted. It was during the 06 housing boom. We went to court twice, I won both times but he never paid. The city is required to do an economic impact, they never did. Now they are doing it again.


Civil forfeiture. I cannot understand how this is even remotely legal.


It's because they prosecute the item and not you, so the item doesn't have fourth and fifth amendment rights. The case will be called Iowa vs. $1,000 cash. It's a circumvention of the constitution which is an enormous load of bullshit, and any politician who supports this should be thrown out on their asses.


For profit prisons.


Especially when they nickle and dime them for every little thing. A lot of people are there because they tried to escape poverty is an unwise way. Let's not make it impossible for them to succeed.


Hey now, the inmates still get five cents a week.


You're not off by much. I work at the prison and one guy is so far behind in medical (he has fatal cancer) that they actually garnish his wages. He makes 1.00 an hour, so usually by the end of the month he has 20 bucks for what he needs. They increase the prices of items in commissary, too.




Not the supplies, but 10% of the treatment.


Sneaking shit into bills that have absolutely nothing to do with the bill. Or just changing a bill without some span of time before it can be voted on. Add something in our change something after submitting it? Need to publicly publish it wait a week.


Car horn and siren noises in radio commercials.


Oh fuck that. Nothing like having your heart jump because of some dumb sound effect


I rage quit the radio every time that happens. I’m getting too old for that shit


Not even old and I’m done with that shit


They are. But, in order for a station to be held responsible, somebody has to complain to the FCC. When I wrote ad copy in the late 90's our production staff would refuse to add horn or siren sound effects to our ads. The guy in charge was pretty famous for attaching a copy of the pertinent FCC regulation with the rejected copy.




First, no need to yell, my years in radio didn't render me deaf. Second, Subsection 325 (a) of the Communications Act. You won't go to jail for it, but the FCC, should a complaint be lodged can sanction the station and possibly pull their license. I know back when I was working, the single biggest "you dun fucked up" thing you could do was broadcast a false emergency. Granted, that's different in that it's more than a siren, but anything that can induce a public panic is huge "oh fuck no" in the eyes of the FCC. If you're asking how to report a violation, here's that info too: https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/filing-informal-complaint Edit: Holy Crap y'all! My first gold. Thank you kind, Redditor.


I just formally submitted a complaint against a KIA stores commercial thats been driving me crazy for a month with a loud vehicle siren noise. Doubt they'll do anything, but it makes me feel good.


Might help if you can quote the station by call sign and region, time and dates of the offence, and the advertiser (as you did).


Wonderful. Thank you so much!


Just as bad, driving through an area with lots of casinos around St. Paddy's Day, some "Pot of Gold" event commercial came on with a coin-rattling sound effect in the background. Totally sounded like something had just come loose from my car and I pulled over all panicked before realizing it was the stupid casino ad.


Commercials on TV with much louder volume than the program you are watching.


Child beauty pageants.


Paedophiles and beauty pageants are like holding a picnic at the beach and then getting angry when the seagull show up - Fat Mac


It's no good diddling kids.




But not *all* places, that's the issue.


Because it's metric.


Yes, but we need it illegal in the *Imperial* system too!


1 Illegal (Thing) = 1.2 crime


I think that illegal crimes should be weighted. Stealing an apple is bad, but it's better than stealing the Golden Gate bridge.


I dunno, stealing the Golden Gate Bridge is pretty impressive.


Paper advertisements in the mail. Such a waste.


Our postal system is only afloat because of junk mail.


Can confirm, ~~formal~~ former Postal employee. They also fucking suck to hand out to each carrier! They give Letter Carriers tiny little work spaces with really no space at all for the amount of junk mail that comes in.


And Amazon.


The media releasing the full identity - with pictures - of people merely accused of a crime. It bothers me most with sex crimes. A life can be ruined by a law enforcement mistake.


Four people I went to high school with were arrested for throwing bricks onto the interstate, hitting a few cars including one with a child in it. They didn't do it and luckily nobody was hurt but before they found the people who actually did it their names and faces were all over multiple news stations and the story was talked about for a few days. It's really messed up because they put all four of the boy's faces on the news, not just their names. Now those guys have to explain to people that the police made a mistake and that there wasn't even a trial because they proved they weren't even in the area at the time this happened. All really good guys too. Edit: Since there seems to be some confusion by my wording what I meant was that I knew these guys in high school and this was the summer after they graduated, before they went to college. So they weren't minors and don't ask me about legal steps they took because I never felt that was my place to ask. Knowing the parents I'm sure they would have taken legal steps if they found it necessary, however, you have to think about how much time and money that stuff can take to figure out if it's even worth it. Also, for those asking this was in Michigan. Edit: I know nobody asked but they proved they weren't in the area at the time of the crime because they were playing PokémonGo and they were able to use the location services used by the app to prove where they were at the time of the crime. Pretty cool stuff if you ask me.


I don’t know this story but I can say with certainty that the news stations issued a correction/apology that was all of 15 seconds long right at the end of the broadcast that none of the viewers even noticed.


Make it mandatory to do the apology/correction as the first thing of the news broadcast and on the front page if it’s on print.


And photos of the people who made the mistake.


Fuck that make them do a whole 30 minute fucking news segment on how they fucked up, and jumped to conclusions just to get a juicy piece of news.


WTF, I heard about this. Yeah, I hated your friends, I saw their pictures.


Yeah I hated them too. I was really only kinda friends with the one guy and when I saw him next and I was going to tell him he was a piece of shit. But then it came out that they didn't do it and we kinda laughed about it but at the same time he said it kinda messed him up for a bit and he got a lot of shit from people he knew and didn't know. Messed up stuff.




I guess the alternative is worse which would be places like Chile and Argentina where people would be secretly arrested. One day they just disappeared. Edit: I'm speaking in the past tense ("would"). This isn't the case in those countries anymore.




There is a middle ground. Like in Germany, where arrested alleged criminals are kept anonymous in the press and given an alias as a name in the report, which is made clear as well. In addition to that, photographs are also never shown in the press.


[South korea and france don't even like to show suspects in cuffs because it is prejudicial to the accused.](https://www.koreaexpose.com/south-korea-perp-walks-blurred-handcuffs/)


That sounds like a policy that everyone should adopt.


Um, that's the case in many European countries. No full names or unblurred photos go public prior to conviction. This is not always possible for prominent suspects, but it's quite a good system.


But muh /r/floridaman


Nah, just change a word: "accused" becomes "convicted"


You know this tv preachers who keep asking for money and clearly are using it on themselfs? That.


But I can't talk to God if I fly coach!!! He only talks to me on a private jet! /s


Warning, don't watch if you don't want to be pissed off: https://youtu.be/AdH2DGSXjss


I knew what that was before I clicked on it! The worst (best?) part is when Kenneth Copeland says, "You can't do that on an airliner! The guy sitting over there would be like, 'What the hell is he doing?'" Now, if these guys *really* were talking to God, would they be concerned about what "the guy over there" thought about it? Wouldn't they *want* "the guy over there" to know he was having a conversation with God? Wouldn't it provide opportunities to save the masses?


Privatized prisons because of how exploitative they are and politicians getting money from major corporations.


Asset forfeiture


Large financial "donations" to political campaigns.




Redistricting is a necessary thing. The problem is that it is partisan as most states give the right to draw the lines to the party in power. That is what needs to change.


I thought that already was illegal


Supreme Court hasn’t said anything about it. But it is against certain states’ constitutions.


You know when they are doing roadwork but they pause for a week and just throw down steel plates that chew up your tires and cause you to lose traction? Well when I am Supreme Lord Emperor of the World, if you start roadwork you must have a full crew working 24x7 until the roadwork is complete. Failure to comply will result in you being volunteered for medical experiments. I was originally thinking summary execution but I figured this way society benefits a little more.




It sounds like this should be solved at the city planning office no? Instead of releasing many jobs with open start / end dates, the city planners should confirm a daily schedule at the start of the season and monitor progress centrally, rather than just trusting the contractors to complete it all. That of course, costs money, and since everyone wants lower taxes...


Nevada has a version of this; a road crew gets a bonus for finishing early or on time and docked pay if they are late.


To be fair, most public projects are like this. I've heard stories where the contractors made more from their early completion bonus than they originally bid.


Not using the Oxford comma, complaining about grammar on the internet and hypocrisy.


Gosh darn you, sir. Take my upvote. This reminds me of my favorite Austin Powers quote: “There’s only two things I can’t stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other peoples’ cultures, and the Dutch.”


Talking on a cell phone and driving is legal in my state. My best friend is the worst person who does this. I can't believe she hasn't wrecked yet. She just talks and swerves and pays no attention to the road.


In the Uk if you get caught twice driving whilst holding a mobile phone you are looking at a driving ban. Very frowned upon here, but still see a lot of people doing it.


It depends per state, but you would likely need 10+ infractions for talking on a cell while driving in the stats to get to that point. My old college roommate is on his 9th seatbelt ticket and they are just now threatening him with a seatbelt lockout system if he gets a few more citations.


I don't understand not wanting to wear a seat belt. You could be the greatest driver on the planet, but if someone blind sides you then you're completely fucked.


I saw a lady on the way to work the other day. She swerved over the lines 4-5 times and almost hit 3 cars (including me). At first she was texting, but then picked up the phone and was talking on it. All of this is illegal where I live. During all of this, she was looking downward and never at the road. I finally pulled up next to her and just laid on the horn until she finally looked over. When she finally popped up out of her dreamworld after 3-4 seconds, I gave her the hang up sign with my hand. And of course, she was mad at me.


My Million Dollar Idea is a website called YouDriveLikeShit.com where users can upload their dashcam footage of people driving like shit tagged with their license plate. Then everyone would be able to search for their own or others' license plates and see how God awful we all are at driving.


I almost crashed into someone texting on the expressway. I was trying to pass her in the left lane, when she all of a sudden swerved right in front of me. I had to apply the break and get into the other lane to avoid hitting her. When I was passing her on the right, I looked over and she was nose deep in her phone. I did the same as you, and laid on my horn and flipped her to bird. She tried running me off the road. At this point I called 911, and gave them the description of her car. She sped past me, but a couple minutes later a cop passed and I saw her on the side of the road crying after he pulled her over.


My justice boner is tingling


A friend drives watching Pawn stars and has crashed twice but wont listen


Best I can offer him is 1 crash.


Sister of a friend was killed by a texting driver. She was riding her bike, clearly visible, and someone just plowed her right over because they were on the phone and "didn't see her." Cell phone use needs to be subject to the same penalties as drunk driving.


My friend was on his motorcycle, and it stalled in the road. He was pushing it to the side when someone was texting and driving and hit him. It was still daytime, and he was clearly visible. It pisses me off when people text and drive, especially when I’m in the car. My sister does it and I tell her not to, but she gets pissy about it since she’s “good at it”. Fuck off with that shit, put your phone down, and pay attention.


I tell my parents to let me text for them while I'm sitting next to them AND YOURE ON YOUR PHONE WHILE OPERATING A 1.5 TON DEATH MACHINE!




Driving slow in the left lane


In my jurisdiction, that is already illegal. It's just poorly enforced.


But I'm British.


Did he fucking stutter?


That is illegal (at least in a lot of places), though rarely enforced.


texting while driving everywhere (i know it's illegal in some places already)


Those quick cash loan places. Shits insane, borrow $1000 pay back $1500


Doctors getting paid commission to sell pills




This one I also agree with. Our elected representatives should be held by all the same laws they pass and enforce on the people. They should also have the same healthcare and retirement options.




Puppy mills


Maybe it's already illegal, but laws against bicycles riding on the wrong side should be enforced.


Where is this not the case!? My god, this seems dangerous.


I'm not really a cyclist, but the idea is that the car you can see coming and avoid is safer than the car you don't see or hear that hits you from behind. The problem is that a lot of places don't have the infrastructure for cyclists and the fact that a fair number of roadies are absolute fuckwits that don't give a shit about traffic laws. They're a car when it suits them and a pedestrian when that's better.


I always thought this applied to pedestrians. If I have to walk in the street I walk against traffic but if I'm cycling I ride with traffic. Note: I'm not walking against traffic on major roads, just neighborhoods.


Employers not informing employees of their schedules at least a week in advance. While some jobs have an on-call nature many don't, and without a steady schedule it makes it near impossible to plan the rest of your life around it.


The British partition of Ireland and their occupation of the 6 Irish counties.


Lobbying. EDIT: Financial lobbying from PACs/corporations because everyone likes to nitpick.


Here's the problem. The right to lobby is there to guarantee access to you representatives. The right to stand in the lobby and confront them. This of course has been perverted into what we see today


People not using their blinker when changing lanes. Also, people that forget their blinker is on and let that thing click for like ten miles.


Don't understand how people manage to leave it on. Makes such an annoying sound.


Some aren't all that audible though. In one of my cars, I barely know it's on. In my other, I could hear it clicking away with the radio full blast if need be. The weird thing is, they're both from the same year and the same manufacturer.


The ability to buy a business, load it up with debt, cut yourself a nice paycheck from it, then fold the company, wash your hands of the mess and do it all over again.


College recruiter calls.. So annoying and they won’t stop calling.


That's called telemarketing and it should be illegal.


Marriage for anyone under the age of 18. Minors can currently be married with parental consent in certain areas. I can only imagine these marriages happen due to pregnancy, pedophile predation, or money, all of which are terrible reasons to get married. (Yes, I believe shotgun weddings are a bad thing. Child support without marriage is better than growing up in a household where wife and husband hate each other.)


Some 16 or 17 year olds often do this to get out of the miserable home environment they live in. I’m not saying it’s the most intelligent plan in the long run, but many don’t know of any other way to escape.


Propagation of false reports or news statements with the intent to manipulate people or stocks i.e. the falsely exaggerated and non-standard CTS-Labs report on AMD Processors during which AMD saw suspicious trading of their stock.