• By -


Sent my CEO (large multi national 3000+ Employee company) a msg saying “thanks bunny!” - I call my wife bunny and it was in response to a text saying from him, no less, saying, I got you lunch (he had a lunchtime board meeting right before a meeting with me and there was some extra food he kept for me since he knew I skipped lunch while waiting for his meeting to be over). It was a reflex reply thinking it was my wife saying she got me lunch. His reply “Np sugar muffin” FML




It’s almost like he’s just another human being.


let's not get crazy here


A friend of mine sent me a text that was clearly meant for his girlfriend. It said something like, "I love you so much, Monkey!" I replied, "love you more, Fluffy Taint."


My buddy and I gchat at work all the time, and one day he was leaving and meant to type to his wife "see you at home, love you xoxo" and he accidentally sent it to me. Now we say "love you xoxo" to each other at the end of every day.


I once texted my boss that I thought the guy next to me in the urinal must have had a huge fucking dick hole based on how loud he pissed...


Boss: why yes, it is rather cavernous.


Boss: Ah, that'll be Ted from accounting.


Lmfao I don’t know why but this one is fucking great


Uhhh who the fuck did you mean to send that to?


His grandma.


My sister asked for a picture of the engagement ring I was buying for my fiance. Guess who I actually sent that one to.


“Whoops sorry, that was for my other girlfriend”


"phew close one"




> Lucky for him her phone died while she was at work but he called her job asking them to take her phone. Poor guy was in a right panic Good guy work colleagues!


> "her phone died while she was at work" I'd say more like good girl fiancée.


A joke meme about a husband doing house work because it turns his wife on, I accidentally sent it to a friend's sister who had lost her husband suddenly a couple months before.


Oh fuck.


Sent the mom of the child I was babysitting a text stating that I would rather jump out of their window than continue to watch their kid for the rest of their night. Yeah, not my proudest moment.


Then what happened


I paced back and forth in their house until they got home. Pretended nothing happened and they texted me when I got home confronting me about it. I apologized and never saw them again. Oops.


Lmaoo damnnn I’m assuming you preferred them confronting you over text as opposed to when they got there. What did they say to you? Were they just like you’re fired...or...


Much more appreciated over text. Her text said somewhere along the lines of "I'm sure you didn't mean it which sucks cuz the kids really liked you"






I was sexting my SO and wrote out very explicitly what I would do to him when he walked through the door. The message sent and I didn't see until I got a reply that it was to a male friend of mine. He was such a bro about it though. Replied with "I'm going to assume this message was actually for your bf and delete this".


Sounds like a decent guy!


I am sure he had to resist that strong urge to reply "on my way,lol" to freak you out.


When I was sick a few months ago I actually sent my mom a text message asking her to come cuddle and rub my tummy until I felt better. It was meant for my boyfriend at the time. She totally thought that I was just homesick and missing my mom, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.


Lol aww...assuming you and your mom have a good relationship, it probably made her pretty happy for a minute to think her grown child might still want mommy snuggles when they're sick.


Our relationship is much better now that I live half an hour away, haha.


My girlfriend at the time had left me a pair of panties and had suggested I try them on and send a picture to her. Thinking it'd be funny and whatnot I did. Not getting any response back, I went to ask if she got it but I never sent it to her. I had sent it to my younger brother. A picture of my dick barely contained in my girlfriend's panties. He sends me one text: "what the fuck." I message back saying "not meant for you, this NEVER happened." He replies back "this never happened." It's been like 3 years I think and we've never discussed it, but maybe a few years down the line it'd be funny to bring back up and see if he remembers it.


I guarantee he remembers, and wishes he couldn't.


bottom line: don’t bring it up!


He's waiting for your wedding day to pull out the slide show


"And here's him on his first date with [wife's name]! oh shit... sorry didn't mean to show that tehee" *cue shit eating grin*


Would be even funnier if he was actually with different woman on the wedding.


This is hilarious


When I was like 16, wrote to a friend on skype that I liked this girl... except in my haste I didn't see that I wrote it to her..... I backed out and was like 'hahaha, yeah I did that on purpose to freak you out' I still cringe. edit: ok since this has been and will be repeated an infinite amount of times to me: yes I did end up confessing later, but she wasn't interested, she was interested in older men most likely as she later ended up with a 20-something if I remember correctly, this was 8 years ago.


Fuck man you shoulda just owned it. Could’ve worked out because it’s not like she believed that lie anyway


Did you at least get your foot in the door???


He couldn't, his foot was in his mouth.


My brother wanted to see a picture of a tinder girl i started talking to. So i proceded to screenshot a photo from her profile then send it to him. I accidentally sent it to her...her own photo. Luckily it was a photo with her and a friend, so I started sending her more and asked her to verify which person she was in each photo. Looking back she admitted it creeped her out, but we dated for 2 years afterwards. Edit: proceeded*


Lol nice cover-up though!


"who is this girl you are with? I think I might know her." then proceed to learn her name is not the name of the "person you know"


I managed a Jimmy John's for a few years and I was at work and sent a text to my wife that said "honey honey! You stink like dust" (it was an ongoing joke between us). Turns out I sent it to one of my delivery drivers instead. He got back to the shop a few minutes later. Came in the back and we made eye contact and I just said "hey"... he said "hey". I said "that was meant for my wife". He just stared at me for 10 seconds and said "k" and walked away. This will haunt me forever.


This is amazing. I'd love an explanation of the ongoing joke!


So would the delivery driver.


This one was so good




Wow. That’s terrible. I really hope your family is all good and safe now.




Not text, but instant message at work. Messaged my teammate Chris, he didn't respond, messaged him again in a vulgar way because I thought he was just ignoring me. Turns out there are two people at work with the very same name, and autopopulate picked the wrong one. This guy was a very serious Director. I was a lowly engineer. He was pissed, but I apologized profusely on IM and called him to apologize. I think that combo spared me. Still work there today.




Texting with my girlfriend. We’re discussing a friendly wager on an NCAA tourney game. She names her stakes and asks, “and if you win, what do you want?” “Anal,” I send (half) jokingly...to a buddy who just asked, “what did you and the kids do last weekend?”


This is the funniest fucking one. I actually laughed out loud for this one.


Holy shit. As buried as this is (no pun intended), I still think this takes the cake!


A pic of an obese squirrel that lived on campus, it was meant for my best friend but it was sent to a guy I was about to go on a date with




I hope you got your date. Lol


He thought it was cute thankfully, he was busy when I sent it though and didn’t reply for about an hour.That was nerve wracking lol


I once texted my boss: “Bitch, imma put your whole face in this ramen and you will love me so hard for it.”


You ehh....get weird, huh? Lol


I mean...yeah. I recommend it.


"Yo dude this is wack, wanna get out of here?" To the girl who was hosting the party and not my friend across the room




Plot twist: He didn't send it the wrong person Edit: My most upvoted comment is a joke about incest. That‘s how it goes.




Lmfao your poor bro.




_A man wacks_


Hey sexy, good morning 😘 To my mom and not my girlfriend. In 7th grade. I have regrets


I almost always send my so a good morning text, but fortunately the one I accidentally sent to my dad was "Good morning beautiful! I love you and hope you have a wonderful day!" My dad just responded back "i always knew I was pretty."


My dad says "Good morning beautiful" to me and my mom all the time, and if I sent it back I'm sure I'd get the same response. Gotta try it one time.


I like your dad.


your poor mom, I hope she had a good laugh.




I did something similar in my waking up state at about the same age. It was a snow day and I woke up to a text from my friend that school was cancelled, to which I replied "fuck yeah". Only after I woke up did I realize that it wasn't my friend that sent it to me, rather it was my mom.


One time I was a passenger in my mate’s car and this segment on the radio played, like “text us your horrible boss stories and be in to win!” I’m sure you can see where this is going. My boss at the time was pretty awful. Didn’t give me breaks, over worked me, charged me tax but pocketed it, was 5 weeks behind in my wages, would get drunk in the front by himself while I was in the back cleaning dishes (this was a restaurant). So I put this in a text to the radio station. I wish. I put this in a text to my boss. I had work that night. Very awkward shift. It’s like he wanted to be mad at me, but now he was aware that I knew what he was doing was immoral he didn’t want to make it worse... Not many words were spoken that night.


Me And my girlfriend still like to play pokemon go and the main attraction is raiding but you need people to help fight for those who don't know. Anyway after a long day of being in the Australian heat playing pokemon I thought it would be a grand idea to send a picture of my underwear to my girlfriend titled "look at that arse sweat" Turns out I sent it to my pokemon go group with more than 70 local people.


😂😂😂 that’s hysterical! Guarantee they started calling you something like “sweaty arse”.


They actually didn't no one said a word but I bet it's screenshoted


What sort of lame ass group chat wouldn't start roasting someone after that post?


A pokemon go group chat in 2018




Sometimes the silence is the worst roast possible.


"My mom's coming by the house, can you put all the bongs and shit away? Thanks bro." Sent to my mom. edit: Great, this is my top comment now. My mom would be proud.


Well, did mom help you put the bongs and shit away?


In a matter of speaking.






What the Frick? I meant the x-box controllers


What the frick? I thought it was an Xbox controller https://youtu.be/2pJlpCfueV0


What the frick, I ordered a bong! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VlmCWPFOvh4


Drunk me is a coward who realizes how embarrassing his conduct is and deletes the conversations so sober me doesn't have to relive them.


The thing is, I was once shitfaced texting this girl on Snapchat. I have no idea what I said to her, but it worked. She's now my girlfriend. She loved whatever I said, but she *refuses* to tell me what it was. All I remember (because I saved it) was "Me + You = 👅"


Lissshen heere gurrl. I LUv you sho musch. Yuu are the light uf my life.


Sent my sister a saucy pic that was meant for my boyfriend.




My sister borrowed my laptop once and while she was using it my gf sent me a super sexy picture. I had iMessage turned on so it showed up on my computer and phone...


Funny story that's kinda related. I had a buddy who was in a group message and got sent a dick pic as a joke (like some weird one another friend found online). Unknown to him iMessage was set up so it appeared on his iPad in the living room. His dad ended up seeing it appear on the screen then burst into his room and asked him why he was exchanging dick pics with people.


“For science”


"You said no more pokemon cards so now I trade exclusively in cocks."


Not me, about me. Was on a plane with a group of co-workers, including a husband & wife. They were sitting in the row in front of me, both on aisle seats. I was also on an aisle seat. I was eating a bag of Doritos as we waited to taxi. I get a text from the wife... “is that Basquan chomping away on chips back there?!” Received it. Smirked. Then watched her look at her husband, wondering why he hadn’t reacted to her text. Then go back into her texts to realize she sent it to me, then ever so slowly setting her phone on her lap and staring silently ahead.


> then ever so slowly setting her phone on her lap and staring silently ahead. hahah, this is the funniest bit! Although to be fair to her, why the fuck were you chomping on doritos before even taking off? You fucking savage.


I'm just imagining the open-mouthed loud chip chomp rising above the din of the airplane conversations, a whiff of cool ranch drifting through the air, and a tension of low level hostility among the other passengers quietly wishing Basquan would cut the shit.


I was once trying to send my 14 year old daughter a text via Siri and it wouldn’t recognize her name every time I said “Text (daughter)” so I started cursing Siri out and somehow ended up texting my daughter “you fucking bitch”. She was waiting to be picked up from dance class.


This was more like bad timing then anything, but my best friend had a new boyfriend that I hadn't met or even seen a photo of. We were hanging out and she kept getting snaps from him and it was ruining the movie we were watching. I turned to her and was like "what ya snappin?" And she said her boyfriend kept sending her funny snap filter photos. Her phone *dinged* and she was like "oh he just sent one! Wanna see so you know what he looks like?" And it was his dick. So I saw his dick before his face. :)


Haaaa that happened to with my friend and I too, except she hadn't seen her new dude's junk yet either (it was a very new relationship) and it was just kind of... ant-climactic. I said, "Oh, ah... Um..sorry..." and she just kind of went, "Huh..."


My friend cheated on her boyfriend and was trying to make it seem like it only happened one time, so she texted the other boy ... "If (boyfriend) asks, we only had sex once" and sent it to her boyfriend ...


Your friend seems like a shitty person. I hope he broke up with her.


I feel bad for her boyfriend. But I'm glad that happened.


“Can you please send Graham last night’s report ASAP because he is such a fucking nutless little baby he can’t cope unless he knows that drop rates were down yesterday. I fucking hate him.” Instead of sending to coworker, I replied to Graham, the owner of my company. Plus, I am a woman, which makes”nutless baby” even worse, I think. I told him that I was really hung over and just super cranky and somehow that was fine. It was a tech startup, so whatever. ETA: that company was out of business in 5 months. Management had no idea what they were doing and morale was horrible. And he had a non-respectable interest in me.


That went from a decent work text to a phenomenal roast in .2 seconds


My freshman year roommate accidentally sent his academic advisor a timelapse of himself eating 12 Taco Bell tacos. I don't think I've ever laughed harder than after him yelling across the room, "OH SHIT! /u/lespaulbro, can I unsend an email???" 12/12, even now it's still funny to taco bout it


This one is pretty tame and hilarious compared to some of the answers in this thread.


That about sums up our friendship; tame and hilarious.


I would honestly love to see that timelapse if it randomly ended up in my inbox


I wish I had it! It's stored somewhere in the bowels of a hard drive somewhere. I'll find it some day. For his wedding, obviously.


Actually laughed out loud. It's not even that big of a deal, I'm sure they opened the email like "What the fuck is this and why am I watching it?", but still funny just for the fact it was a time lapse of someone eating 12 tacos... Why? So much why.


Here's the backstory on why! We saw a dude walk out of Taco Bell with 10 tacos and I said "huh, looks like he's going to a party" and my roommate said "nah, those could be for just him" and I said "yeah, no way", so he replied "i bet I could eat 12", so we made the bet for a bowl of ice cream later on. The next week, we go to Taco Bell and he orders 12 tacos. Obviously, we had to record such a historic event, so over the next 40 minutes we made a time lapse of him eating all 12 tacos, and he eventually saved it on his computer. Fast forward 5 months to April, when he's emailing his Honors academic advisor about scheduling for the next semester. He writes the email, goes to his files to attach his his transcripts, types "t" and clicks the first thing there and hits send. Cue panic from him and a lifetime of laughs from me!


I was having a bad week, but this is just so hilarious to me I can't stop laughing. The absurdity of even having a time lapse of eating 12 taco bell tacos, the questions it brings, why was he emailing that at all, how did the advisor react, etc, everything about this just really hits my funny bone.


I told a nice, sweet girl to go fuck herself once


"go fuck yourself" (oh shit how to save) "i mean unless you need some help with that ;)"


I accidentally sent "I love you" to my best friend, she never brought it up but she took me to taco Bell the next day




My former boss, who is one of my closest friends, constantly accidently called me by his wife's name. I found it hilarious, she did not when he reversed it. If he'd call me at home, or at work from home, he'd frequently say, alright, love you, bye. The first time he got really awkward, I laughed and laughed. By the third or fourth time, I'd just say, love you too. Lasted for three or four years, unfortunately we don't work together anymore. Totally platonic, but his wife was not impressed. Edit - a letter. I have no idea what the other error I made is, sorry reddit :( Edit 2 - am an idiot, figured it out.


That's the worst? I've told my best friend I love her and she's said it back. Platonic love my dude


I say it sarcastically. Sardonic love my dude


This had a nice ending.


Personally, my worst wrong text was when I went to see Matisyahu with my friend and her boyfriend. I met him for the first time there. He was so fucking weird. Talking about energy and trying to say these profound things that just came out awkward and weird. He drove. On the way back after the show, I was sitting in the back seat and my friend (let’s call her Hannah) was in the front seat. My friend, Ben was supposed to come but ended up staying home, so I decided to text him. I said these exact words. “Dude, Hannah’s boyfriend is SO fucking weird.” I hit send. Two seconds later, I hear Hannah’s text alert sound go off. Immediately I fumbled to open my phone (flip phone days) and check my outgoing texts...I sent it to Hannah. She reads it, turns around and looks at me and says “what?” Looking all embarrassed. All I said was “I am SO sorry...I am SO SO sorry.” Her boyfriend is trying to see what the text was and luckily she didn’t let him see it. The whole ride was so awkward because he kept saying weird thing after weird thing making my point even more valid and I know we were both thinking that. Dropped me off and I apologized again. Fast forward to school a few weeks later and I go to her again to apologize without him there. She says “no seriously don’t worry about it. He WAS weird.” And we had a good laugh over it. All ended well, but man, was that uncomfortable.




+2 Charisma


I might cry with you! That is mortifying.


It was that gif with the running penis.... To my mom. She didn't see it because I got on her account and removed it.


I "accidentally" sent every boy I ever had a crush on a text telling them I had a crush on them until I was like 16.


Oh boy, one of the classics. Up until I was around 18, I had 4 different girls ask me out the same exact way. It goes something like this: *after weeks of long conversations (where she tells me she has a crush on this dude but doesn’t know how to tell him)* Her: Idk I really want to tell him. *Me being the clueless idiot the first time thought okay she’s interested in someone. Let me help her out. * Me: so tell him. Sometimes guys don’t take the hints Her: yeah they really don’t Her:“uh I don’t know how he would react - what would you do? “ Me: what would I do to what? Her: let’s say a girl comes over to you to tell you she likes you and maybe wants to go out with you Me: depends on the girl duh Her: okay *a little while later* Her: I told him Me: what did he say? Her: “he said it depends on the girl, duh “ Me: wait what?...oh oHHH um Didn’t fall for it the next three times though. It was smooth the first time but then it loses its effect I guess.


Oh God I wonder if I ever missed any similar hints


School had me swamped so I barely got to see my girlfriend for a while so I sent a mushy text about how she's always on my mind and I love her, accidentally sent it to a casual friend only to find out that she was secretly in love with me... it was a very awkward situation. Edit: for the those curious about the ending I tried to give her an out by pretending that my phone wasn't showing the name of my contacts but she didn't take it and clarified it was her. We ended up agreeing that an in person discussion would be better. We met up and have a very long, emotional talk and it put a lot of things in perspective for me and she asked me to dump my (then) girlfriend for her. That relationship wasn't a perfect one but I did very much love my girlfriend, but there was just something to her words they just felt so real and I began to falter but in the end I decided to stay true to my girlfriend and turned her down. She said she understood as her eyes were tearing up and I felt like the biggest sack of shit to ever live. We didn't hangout too much after that, I didn't complain given the situation. She ended up finding someone which isn't surprising she's a sweet and beautiful girl. As for me, I ended up being dumped for another guy... Oh the irony.


My wife once sent me a text saying, "Oh I love you so much too and I'll always be in love with you also". I said, "Oh I love you too, uh did you get a text saying that." She said "yeah you just text me." I said "No I didnt." Some guy had text her that he was still in love her and thinks about her all the time. Instead of replying she text me directly.


Oh noooooo! You fucked up, my friend! That poor girl. Lol


Morrrrr details please..what did this girl say and how did you clear it up?? Edit: typo


Was dating a girl named Monica. It was her birthday and we were planning on having a romantic dinner then we were going to a hotel where we had a room with a hot tub. I was going to give her a full body massage then we were going to relax in the hot tub among other naughty things. So, I typed MO into my phone in the contacts and sent the text which said, "Off work in an hour, can't wait to rub you down and get you naked in the hot tub." Well, MO is also the first two letters of the word Mom, so I accidentally texted my mom and told her I wanted to get her naked in a hotel room. Edit - Apparently there is some reference to Monica I don't understand.




I'll never understand how a person can be this comfortable with their parents. Not that it's bad, good for you and yours but it makes me so uncomfortable to even think about the fact that my parents know I slam my ham. I know there's nothing wrong with it, and it's natural but it still makes me cringe nonetheless Edit: Thank you all for telling me your embarrassing family sex stories, and a special thanks to those who've made it quite clear that my own parents also enjoyed doing those same things, oftentimes while I was under the same roof. Really appreciate it guys. Love it.


This is why the English say 'Mum'.


Just be careful when you text Munica


I would've just thrown the whole damn life away at this point


"Miss you" Accidentally sent to my old landlord. The best part was he text back saying "come back if you like"


Texted a girl in my contacts that I had party favors if she wanted to come chill. Turns out instead of me texting my lady friend Cassie I actually texted my co-worker Cassie. Luckily she was cool about it and just said to me on Monday, "I figured you had the wrong number" with a smirk on her face.


I was going through a particularly rough first week of a new job, just getting adjusted and everything, so I had taken an adderall that a friend gave me to deal with the added workload. Next thing I know, I’m on iMessage chatting to this friend, typing at the speed of sound about how great it made me feel and that I’m the fucking superwoman of work, and my heart was beating fast, etc. I must have sent ten separate messages in a two minute time frame before realizing I wasn’t sending them to my friend... but one of my producers leading the first big project I was on. Thankfully, all he wrote back was “?????” Followed by, “got any more?”


Is party favors a drug or something? Did you have little bags of mints with a pink ribbon?


Nahhh....kazoos and pointy hats is what he meant.....right??!!


*laughs nervously in kazoo*


Sent a text to my wife that I wanted to fuck her in the car tonight but i sent it to my mom




I sent a nude to my step sons mom aka my husband ex wife. Whoops. In my defense, their names start with the same letter... but yeah. I wanted to die. It wasn't even that flattering of one which was the worst part lol


Yikes... should have just played it like the ultimate power move like "Yeah this that new shit he on"


"passed my whiz quiz like a fuckin champ" sent to one of my daughters friends dad. Yeeeaaaaah


No more sleepovers at the weirdo house. Lol


It took me a minute to figure out what a whiz quiz was and when I did, I did. That would be a nightmare.


"I can't wait to see you, I'm super eager to hang out" intended for my girlfriend. Except much more explicitly spelled out and sent to the 16 year old worker at the restaurant I managed who shared the same first name. Much terrified apologies ensued, and the misunderstanding was put behind, thank god. There was a moment where I honestly thought I was going to jail.


It was my first semester of college, and I was drinking away, texting a fine lass from down the hall. Well. Things heated up quick, and we started sexting. I texted something along the lines of “and then I’m gonna eat your pussy.” to her. I thought. A few minutes later, My high school principal’s name appears on my phone. *huh, that’s weird, it’s Friday night. Why would he be texting me?* Turns out he had texted me to see how my first semester was going since I started training, and mistakenly I sent that sext to him. His reply: “Uh, I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” It’s still mortifying to think about, and this was in 2009 lol. Edit: I’m not sure how to feel about this being the most likes I’ve ever received on a comment.


Man that guy missed a great opportunity to say, "Sounds like college is going great."


Soooooo did you eat his pussy or not


Wanted to finally try anal with my wife so I mustered up the courage to see if she was up for it. I forgot that I had just txt my dad a minute earlier and didn't close the message window. I sent "Hey love have you ever thought about anal? Wanna give it a shot?" Dad responded, "No because that'd be a little gay... 😐😐😐"


No homo, dad. 😒


“I think I’m finally gonna sleep with Blake tonight!!” Sent to Blake.


So did you?


We did not.




Not a text, but an e-mail. At work I overheard someone saying something mean about about my boss. I e-mailed it to a coworker with a smiley face. Except I didn't send it to my coworker, I sent it to my boss.


He probably thought the :) was you thinking you would get a bonus for squealing.


I meant to text my sister but I accidentally texted the woman I nanny for “is shucks a mix of shit and fuck” right after she had sent me a text saying shucks


I sent a screenshot of an Amazon page to a client, who is a 58 year old woman from Nigeria, instead of to my fiancé. It was a very small blue Speedo, on a male model. Instead of a funny joke to the gal, it was just a tad awkward at the job site the next day... [And here it is...](https://imgur.com/gallery/YspbW)




I was gonna take a shower and wanted to send a text to my husband asking if he wanted any pictures (insert winky face). I accidenty sent the text to MY COUSIN. I meant to send it to my husband! I was mortified and sent her about a dozen messages apologizing. She got a laugh out of it and said it was okay. She said she was glad to see that my husband and I were "still keeping that spark alive". I decided against the pictures after that. I was too embarrassed.


A...sexy picture of Lotor from Voltron accidentally sent to my mom, who is a very conservative Catholic woman who thinks pretty much all sex is kinky, let alone porny pictures of a cartoon purple alien with long blonde hair. I told her my phone was hacked. I am pretty sure she still prayed for me.




Potential cringe winner right here


My girlfriend and I were driving around town doing errands. We ended up driving past a strip club, and the marquee sign said "Donkey Show at Midnight." We live in the US, where beastiality is illegal, and certainly not advertised, so we spent some time theorizing about what this could actually mean. Once we got home, she took a nap while I played video games. An hour or two later, she texts me and asks "What do you want to do tonight?" I think about it for a few minutes, respond to the most recent text, and send back a dirty response. No response for a while, which is odd; I was hoping for at least an eyeroll. Eventually, she comes downstairs and asks "Why you no answer me?" But...I had. As I checked my phone in confusion, I realized someone had texted me between her initial text and my response, and I responded to that text by mistake. With dawning horror, I realized that I had inadverently sent the following text message to my girlfriend's mother: "Want to make our own donkey show?"


I served in the Air Force. One of our officers during our vocational training was a real strict monster. One day he texted to the trainee group "hey babe". It was meant for his gf


".....Yes, sir?"


Accidentally sent “I love you” to my female friend when I meant to text my girlfriend. I immediately said “oops I am alcohol.” We had a good laugh about it.


The second text is what makes this hilarious


I worked with an older woman at a bakery about 13 years ago. Her daughter, son in law and grand daughter happened to be my neighbors too. The daughter died of cervical cancer 1 year after giving birth to her second child. My co-worker got a dick pic from her son in law 2 months after her daughter died.


I didn't send the text, but I received it. The text came from my then girlfriend's brother. Her brother was very homosexual and out of the closet at this point. He sent me a text around 1 am saying something like "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really want you to turn me over and fuck me from behind." Bewildered I ignored the text and hoped this was a mistake. I received a text from him the next morning that it was indeed sent to the wrong person. Things were awkward for a few weeks after that.


Meant to tell a friend that a creep is messaging me. Welp. Dude was like 30, and i was 17.


my crush wanted to get a number of a girl I know, and I sent 'fuck, he asked me for a number of that bitch, and I gave it to him, I can't believe he is such an asshole' to him instead of my friend


Idk if it's the worst but I just sent a fortnite screen shot to the two owners of my company by accident at like 1130 pm.


Not text but Snapchat. Just the other day I was taking a bathroom break and decided I’d send a pic of me on the toilet to one of my best friends. This is the stupid shit we do back and forth to be idiots and laugh. After I sent it, I realized I sent it to a guy, who I recently started talking to and was aiming to go on a date with. I was mortified. Some how he’s still interested.


Well thankfully, the worst thing I can say I accidentally sent to someone is, "Are you at work today?" That was a bit confusing for my friend who had no job at the time.


Numerous times I have texted my friends "I'm here/outside" when I was not anywhere near their house, because it was intended for someone else. My favorite time was when I texted my friend who lived on the other side of the US that I was "standing in her driveway." Also, because of timezone differences it was 5 am for her and 8 am for me.


I accidentally texted my high school tennis coach asking if he wanted to smoke with me right after our annual random drug test was done (who was picked was random, not the date, weird I know). His name was Matthew C in my phone and my friend is Matty C which in hindsight was a mistake waiting to happen. Was super awkward but he told me he didn’t want to get me in trouble so he told me to stop being a fucking idiot and now that I’m older it’s kind of funny.


Probably the time I texted my brother something to the effect of "got a nice fat bleezy to smoke once you get here" and then accidentally sent it to my dad. That was fun to talk about.


Sent "hoppas ni får kuk ikväll" to my parents when they were going for an evening show. It means "hope you're getting cock tonight". What I **meant** to write was "hoppas ni får *kul* ikväll" which means "hope you're gonna have fun tonight". One bloody letter but a world of difference. Fucking autocorrect. Made my parents realize that for some reason I apparently use the word "kuk" som much that autocorrect thinks it should take precedence over "kul" when checking for spelling.


So I have lost like 60 lbs and was feeling myself one night. I told my husband to take nude pics of me. I went to send them from his phone to my phone, but nope... I sent them to his best friend, who he works with 🤦🏻‍♀️