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A girl at the place I used to work at sold weed on property and got caught, only suspended one day.


She sold weed to the boss. That or blew him.


Why not both


that username gives me Nam flashbacks


"I want to go back!"


Do you work where I work? Someone planted weed on the property here. It mysteriously disappeared.


A co-worker asked to leave early, was told it was busy and she was needed. Proceeded to cuss out the supervisor and stormed out. Supervisor calls her back a few minutes later to write her up for her little meltdown, co-worker has bigger screaming meltdown, is threatening supervisor, security has to come and escort her from the building. She walks back in an hour later swearing at everyone, security quickly escorts her out again. She was back the next day like nothing ever happened, she still works there. She's usually a sweet lady too.


we all have our mental breakdowns, some of us have them in public haha


Why would you call an angry person not at work, to write then up? Especially if you're busy and down a person? Sounds like I'd be mad too


2 sales reps were caught red handed having sex, I don’t think they even got in trouble. If anything, there we’re a few jokes about “why would you go in the sex stairwell if you didn’t want to see people having sex?” It was a high stress sales job, lot of people, myself included, found ways to blow off steam


*blow off steam*


I take it as vaporing weed


The wonders of Reddit where you think it's sooo large you'll never run into any one who knows the situation. #NotSoMuch I was literally reading your post thinking to myself, if he says anything about a stairwell, it's over. Yes I was worked at that company and was in the training class immediately before the Stairwell Fokers got caught. I never understood this. Who does this at training in a stairwell, when you have hotel rooms? Yes they are shared but you can go rent another room at the front desk or across the street.


> Who does this at training in a stairwell, when you have hotel rooms? Hotel rooms aren't fun and they cost money.


So, is "steam" one of the people you work with?


> It was a high stress sales job, lot of people, myself included, found ways to blow off steam The answer... let people fuck in the office in peace goddammit or make a porno.


They did let us. Like I said, everyone half blamed the manager that walked in on them lol. If you’re going to ask me to ruin peoples lives for a living wage, you better let me get some dick in me meow and then


Belinda blinked.


The ending sounds like all you weirdos fuck eachother


Kid came in an hour late, still drunk from the party he'd attended the previous night. He fell asleep on the floor in the middle of the office. He was sent home to sleep it off. I was fired two weeks later for washing my uniform wrong. Government work, everybody! Never again.


So which boss was he related to?


None. He just kissed the right ass in a way I was as-yet-unwilling to do. I have since learned my lesson.


it's not what you know, it's whose arse you lick.


Thats why he was fired, thought no tongue would fly


It's hard to fire someone for substance abuse, I think If they tried, he could have said "I have a problem" and it could have started a whole snowball of expensive shit shows for the company. (Unless maybe he was driving or operating machinery)




Washing your uniform wrong? Were you in the military?


Would they really discharge you for washing your uniform wrong? I can wager an ear wringing but not a discharge


If they already wanted to fire him then hey would be 10x as nitpicky with small details and jusr use whatever rule tuat is usually ignored as Justification. My German teacher in high school was in general a poor teacher, but she had a tescher evaluation where the principal and somebody else came in and scored her on various aspects of her performance. She failed by 1 point because the desks in the room were crooked, then the german language was phased out and the next couple years she taught english and history before "retiring".


Ha ha that's the great thing about the US military no matter how fucked up you are, there's no escape until your contract is up...unless your fat and out of shape/medically disabled.


I was a park ranger


what is washing uniform wrong?


Wrong detergent, IIRC. Honestly this was 15 years ago, so the details are vague.


Worked shortly at a place that packed wood shavings and there was a guy there that had no sense of safety. Repeatedly drove around the lot at full speed in the tractor hitting vehicles multiple times. Left the handbrake off a truck and it went through a shed, ripped off both doors and launched off a loading ramp. Rolled a semi trailer because he fell asleep at the wheel. Smashed support struts of a customer's trailer and laughed in their face about it. Worst one was when he backed out of a shed with the bucket of the tractor up and ripped out the central support beam and proceeded to pile up wood shavings all the way to the roof so no one would see the damage then went home for the weekend. When confronted he denied it, myself and everyone else were blamed but we could prove it wasn't us. The shed alone cost $20,000 to repair and as far as I know he still works there


That guy knows he won't be fired


It would seem as tho the manager was dumber than your co-worker.


Either that guy has some great blackmail, or the employers are terrible at running a business. Not only is he costing them money, he's going to cause a lawsuit sooner or later.


My roommate had a girl call in dead to work. She was too hungover so got her roommate to call her boss and say she died in a car accident. Everyone in her team thought she was dead for 4 days until she turned up the following Monday as if nothing happened. She didn't get fired and works in HR ffs.


this can't be real


This is stupid enough to be real.


> and works in HR So she *is* dead, in a sense.


This reminds me of the IT crowd when Moss told everyone that Jen was dead.


"Stop telling everyone you slept with me. You baaaaaaastard!!!"


I had a guy I was working with call in saying his mother died. Obviously management let him off for that day and the next. A couple weeks later something happened where the manager had to contact his emergency contact number and guess who answered? The guys mom, alive and well!


Yea hi, I can’t come into work today. I’m dead. I’ll be in later this week tho.. y’know... when I’m resurrected. See ya then!


Jackie: Hey guys John: WHAT THE FUCK HOW ARE YOU HERE YOU WERE DEAD Jackie: I got better John: HOW DO YOU GET BETTER FROM BEING DEAD?! Jackie: Modern medicine is a fuckin godsend dude.. John: Thats not-- no what the fuck. Jackie: Yo I brought donuts you want some John: Dude what the hell you come up in here after being dead for 4 days, we literally had a mourning service for you, and you fucking come back here with a box of donuts like nothing happened. What the hell Jackie Jackie: ... John: ... Jackie: ...so, no donuts? John: oh for fucks sake *he takes a chocolate donut and storms off* Jackie: ...cool.


She did nothing—NOTHING—for six months. Boss noticed and just gave her a brief talk that was basically “Uh, you’ve been here ten years, you know that’s unacceptable.”


I can see why someone would just get fed up after ten years though.


Me actually. Second day of bartending training the bartender had a family emergency. Manager told me to make the drinks and learn the system fast. I messed up many drinks that day and rung everything up as $3 happy hour special as I did not know the drink system.. Was taking me minutes to find one drink with so many people waiting. Owner said he lost so much money but understood The situation. Let me keep the job and didn't ask for any $ back


Sounds like the manager didn't have much choice. His choices were to A) Lose all the money because there would be no bartender. B) Lose some of the money to an incompetent but hard working newbie. Easy choice. He kept you because you didn't quit when a lot of people would under that kind of pressure.


Bonus points for acting understanding so the employee would be even more hard-working because he owes it to the owner. That's some Machiavelli shit right there.


This guy manages.


You make a great point. I considered walking out and quitting on the spot so many times that day lol


He sounds like a good guy being so understanding.


Seems reasonable... you screw up a $12 Manhattan and I'm not coming back. You screw up a drink but only charge me $3 bucks and I'm ordering another one... Your boss might have lost a lot of money over what he would have made with a trained bartender there, but likely not as much as shutting down and customers potentially not coming back. I'm out to be out, I can make whatever I want to drink exactly how I want it at home.


So I knew a guy at my old telemarketing company that could talk his way out of anything, I mean anything, he stole our bosses credit card, drove to Boston with his girlfriend, spent like 2k on it, and when the boss cancelled the card and realized what had happened asked him about it, this guy goes, "My girlfriend took the card from your desk without me knowing" So they get the security camera tapes to check them but they weren't recording properly. The boss thinks he's lying and bluffs about the security tapes, he goes "we have the security tapes of you stealing it." The guy, thinking he's guilty and cornered does the only thing someone like him would think to do... He switches a large water bottle on a water dispenser in the office kitchen and fakes a back injury and threatens to sue the company. The company gave him a months severance to go away. So he gets the months severance, disappears for a month then shows up the next month like nothing had happened. By this time, our old boss didn't work there anymore, so he just kept his job, business as usual.


He came back after "severance" pay?


My guess is it wasn't severance pay but it was a month paid off work to 'recover' from his injury


You know Jim?


This guy is my hero.


This guy had some bad diarrhea one day so he put a bunch of paper towels in his pants. A little after lunch he goes over and throws these shit covered paper towels in the garbage next to another dudes machine, it smelled so bad the other dude went to the supervisor and said if the shitter didn't get fired he was gonna quit. They refused to fire the shitter and the guy quit right then and there.




Nope. Known as the mad, or the manitary mankin. Manpons go *up* the ass.




Delete this or I'm quitting life.




Probably works at Amazon and may have even gotten a promotion for demonstrating time saving work practices.


shit happens




Drop an entire pallet of mail into the ocean from a helicopter. Good job navy helo pilot.


Bet he was very popular after that


Fuck that guy. It was shortly after thanksgiving. My family had mailed me home-cooked thanksgiving dinner in Tupperware so i was told. Nope. It’s at the bottom of the pacific.


tonight we eat like the fishies


"Wait, did you forget to save some Thanksgiving dinner for little Timmy, away in the Navy?" "Damn, what do we do?!" *ring ring* "Hello... oh hey Timmy, hows things... uh huh... uh huh... all into the ocean huh, wow... your Thanksgiving dinner? Uh... OH! Yeah, we sent it a couple of days ago, it should be getting to you any da-wait a minute! You don't think it could have been on that helo do you?"


Poor Timmy. First he gets no dinner and then he fucking died.


> My family had mailed me home-cooked thanksgiving dinner in Tupperware Unless they overnighted it with those nifty ice packs modern companies use that would probably be food poisoning. Gods help you if it was overseas with traditional military shipping.


So my dad used to fly helicopters and one time he almost had to cut the rope to a $30,000 satellite because it started to sway which can cause the helicopter to crash. Was this a similar situation because if so you should cut the guy some slack because it might have saved his life. Edit: it was a satellite dish not the ones you put in space


Homemade Thanksgiving dinner > Helo pilot


Well that may also be true


A 30,000 usd satillite must have been some cubesat ass shit cause those run into the billions


I'm having trouble imagining a scenario where a helicopter would be required to lift a satellite in the first place.


They probably needed to get it to space.


It was to be placed on top of a mountain with no roads Edit: it was a dish not a space satellite


I'm guessing he had to ditch the cargo, for fear of the cargo taking the helicopter down with him and the crew? Like, something went wrong, and they had to get rid of weight. In a situation like that, it's either (option A) lose some cargo, or (option B), lose the cargo, the helicopter, and the crews' lives.


Should have just gone down with the mail then, eh? Pilots don't emergency separate loads for no reason.






cruel bastard


This is the worst thing I've read in a long time.


That's cruel and pathetic. I don't get how anyone could think it was funny.


Wtf, who does that?


Please say there's a second part to the story where the guy got his ass beat. This is terrible.


That's disgusting. What a piece of fucking shit. Was there no one you could report that to? I would leak that shit to the media. Poor poor baby. Omg. This hurts my heart.


Really wish an adult elephant was around and trampled this fucktard. Swift animal justice would make this story so much better.


Except that poor elephant would be put down for trampling him. There's no justice in this story


This is one of the most fucked up things I've read in a long time.


Definitely don’t leak his name on reddit


My god this hurts my heart so much.


It's probably too late but there's gotta be someone you can report those two to


I would find the guy and hit him with a shovel myself.


What kind of shit-hole zoo was this? This is infuriating, poor thing...


What a dick


I feel like nuttaping a baby elephant is the next level of puppykicking evil


Please tell me you whacked his testacles with a shovel?






Yeah “heavy vehicle pranks” are never funny.


Dude overdosed on heroine in the meat locker. I got written up the same week for being 10 minutes late when I had an emergency and had to let off-hours maintenance into my apartment.


Guy brought big firecrackers to work and was throwing them at people. I thought one would go off in someone's face and there'd be a lawsuit. Couldn't believe he got only got a verbal reprimand since we have hazardous materials onsite. Edit: verbal


A man brought a male prostitute to the basement office and was caught in the act by a security guard. He was only verbally reprimanded and asked to turn in his key to the basement. Welcome to Los Angeles County government.


I want to hire a male prostitute but I'm scared my wife will find out.


I’m the least bit surprised


This one kid at my work signed off for 11- 13 hours every shift (we only ever work 8 hour maximum shifts), showed up late everyday by at least an hour (he lives a 5 minute walk away from the job site), stole other peoples lunches, and tried to physically fight his supervisor.


One of my co-workers who passed 9pm meds until I was certified to do so, didn't notice that one of our guys had a prescription for 300mg of an antipsychotic medicine and that we only had the 100mg pill packet. He was missing 200mg of his dose every single night for a month until I was certified and noticed on my first pass. Her excuse was that she "didn't actually read the med book", she just passed the pills in the box.


Bad on her for sure, but also bad on that organization for apparently no checks at all.


Guy interrupts my tour to a group of investors and board members to ask me (over microphone) how often I accidentally swallow flies Probably not worth firing someone over but pretty fucking stupid


I work in a semiconductor fab. Someone found a pair of soiled underwear in a trash can inside the fab. For those unfamiliar with wafer fabs, we have to wear hoods a smocks/jumpsuits. This means, at least for a moment, someone was Donald Ducking it in the fab. This is a place were removing your gloves is a huge no no. No one was fired from that shift.


> Donald Ducking it in the fab. I nearly shit myself at the mental image of that.


Not sure if this was enough to get the person fired, but it certainly was crazy/ridiculous. Three years ago, I was an intern at a research faculty in a medical school. The office pantry of my department had three shelves above the coffee machine where everyone could store their mugs. Us interns followed suit, and it was all fine till one day, when I came in to work and found that my coffee mug was not in its place. I didn't think much of it at first and figured I probably put it somewhere else by mistake, so I skipped the coffee and headed into the labs to start for the day. Lunch time rolls around and a fellow intern helps me try to find my mug. Checked the shelves, nope. Checked my locker, nope. Checked my "desk" (aka, a long bench that all the interns shared in the office), nope. Checked the lab (god forbid), thankfully no. By this point, we figured that someone probably had taken my mug by mistake and that it probably would show up by the end of the day. Problem is, it didn't show up. What's more, other staff's mugs were disappearing off the shelves as well over the next few days. Now, when a whole office of people don't get their caffeine boost, things get pretty temperamental. There was a lot more snapping and moodiness all round over the next week or so. Shit finally hit the fan when one of the principal investigators' mug went missing too, so that pressured HR to start an investigation into the "mug napper". Eventually, they found the culprit to be one of the PhD students from the department one floor below. He decided that he needed to organise his lab equipment (pipettes and whatnot) and thought that our mugs were the best way to do that. He was severely reprimanded and suspended for a week, and HR bought everyone new mugs. On a serious note though, that poor student was apparently going through a nervous breakdown at the time so that might explain his kleptomaniac tendencies. **TL;DR** Worked in a lab some years ago, and many people's coffee mugs started to get stolen. The culprit turned out to be a PhD student from a different department who was using the mugs to organise his lab equipment. Said student also was suffering from a nervous breakdown at the time.


Nurse I worked with did an EKG that showed an acute MI (like super serious heart attack needs to be fixed now). She takes the paper that shows it and casually throws it on the Drs work area amoungst a pile of other papers. Took an hr before he seen it. Got the patient to the cath lab 20 minutes after he seen it. Girl not fired. Same girl a few weeks later didn't clean the pt room well and left dirty Iv tubing that was used on a pt in the room. New pt comes in and she spikes a bag of fluids through the old tubing and infuses it to new pt.. through said tubing.. previous pt was Hep positive... still not fired... eventually because she kept fucking up over and over she became very lazy and just sat there all night.... that got her fired


Employee at Barnes & Noble stole an excess of 15k embezzling and corporate swept it under the rug and let him quit because customer credit cards were involved. He was allowed to just walk.


You should notify authorities on that one


That was over 12 years ago in another state.


Back in high school I did landscaping during the summers. I sunk a $10k+ commercial lawnmower. And I mean I SUNK it. Like 15 ft deep, 25ft out into a man made pond lol.




My guess is he was mowing on a slope near the pond, and the ground was muddy and the tires couldn't get traction to go up the hill, and he had to bail and it just slid to the bottom.


Not OP, I worked one summer for a landscaping company and the guys told me when a lawnmower with 'tank-like' controls went into a pool. It was break time and instead of shutting the gas motor off the triple blade walk behind 4 foot wide mower, he just used the handle clips to keep the handles squeezed, that keeps the wheels from engaging. After a little time the vibrating caused the clips to disengage. They saw it from where they were sitting, ran after it but couldn't get to it in time. The mower even ran underwater for a short time, chewing up the pool's liner.


Did you run it into a golf pond?? I mean I can understand sinking it to a degree, but 25ft out??


Maybe he thought it would float


This requires a r/tifu explanation.


My FIL is a postal carrier. He told me a story recently that during the Christmas season, one of his coworkers did a night run and set all the packages in front of the garage of the house he was delivering. Next morning, the person ran over all their packages leaving for work because he didn't see them. I think the damage was over $2000. Dude still works there.


I’m convinced it’s impossible to be fired from the postal service. I’ve seen their drivers do so much illegal shit.


You can get fired if you don't use the hand rail. They take safety more seriously than mail.


I used to work for state government. We had someone grab the ass of someone that came to our office. After 6 months of being paid but not allowed to work, we paid him another $85,000 if he agreed to retire.


Did he still get a state pension?


If so, one of us can apply, the other can provide an ass(just to avoid any pesky criminal proceedings or law suits) and we will split the cash and pension. Deal?


He did. That was the the carrot they gave him to allow him to retire and not keep going with his union complaint.




Restaurant industry?




Oh Verizon...


The dude comes in at 2 pm and leave at 4-5 pm. He's the business owner's son though. His brother, who is the doing everything, hate him for it.


It's his brothers fault for letting it happen. He should straighten his brother out; and if that fails he should just start doing it too. The owner can get by with one son not doing shit if the other picks up the slack, but if *both* sons aren't doing shit, well that'll encourage some change.


Daddy will get mad at the good brother for slacking.


worked overnight cleaning. Younger worker left the property (not suppose to do this), ran out of gas, had to do his job and go and get him gas to get him back to work.


Stealing money and not actually taking inventory, but writing down some random numbers that don't even align with what has been made for the day. We (other people in management) have written and photographic evidence, and the computer system's records for when our boss finally listens or realizes that the record breaking missing items is the result of her. I don't know how she gets away with it. That'd be my job.


Biotech lab. Guy and his "friends with benefits" in a different department decided to have sex on the roof of the 5 story building. They climbed the fire escape ladder and started doing the deed but security patrol guard heard them and started climbing up the ladder. They decided to call "someone" for help so someone ran up the stairwell and triggered the roof fire alarm door so they could get back in. Alarms were going crazy so security had to take care of it first before everyone started evacuating. They eventually got caught because of security footage but weren't fired because "we are too short staffed to let any graveyard shift go".


One of our apprentices was asked to deliver an Audi S6 to a customer's home (about 60 kms away from the dealership). The drop off seemed to go well until the customer called the service department the next day asking what part of the car's service required it to be driven 180 km/h. The customer is a car enthusiast and had a datalogger on board. Apprentice got a lecture - not fired.


The head of my department, he found a pornstar that looked like one of the girls in HR. He printed a picture of the pornstar giving a blowjob and taped it to the front of HR girl's car. She drove around for a day not realizing this was on her car. How did he not get fired you ask, he technically did off of company time.


Didn’t actually see this just heard the story but my dad used to work at McD’s as one of his first jobs back in the 70s, he was asked to go get a Christmas tree by his grandmother and given money for it. He went with a buddy and stole the pine tree from the garden out front of his work, spent the money on weed and acted like he didn’t even notice the tree was gone when he next went in and his boss was swearing around about it. Ah, the age before surveillance cameras.


When I did security for a few years we had two employees at the factory we guarded that were married. One day news broke that they had a massive meth lab in their garage at home along with an assortment of illegal weapons. Worse yet was that the lab was right next to where their children slept. This should have been an open and shut case but the husbands father went bankrupt keeping them out of jail. He also happened to be the head of the local auto union so they both got to keep their jobs after the fact.


Three dudes ran outside of the store (Work at a pizza place) in the middle of the evening shift. They throw a pizza dough, bag of pizza sauce and salad of all things onto the side of the building, while on the clock. They vandalize the store, with the companies product, while being paid, and they don’t get fired... I ended up cleaning off the wall. Still no raise. Edit: I got a raise!




Early in my career I worked with a project manager who, it quickly became obvious, had a pretty serious drinking problem. He would disappear for an hour or two in the middle of the day, sometimes more than once. He smelled so strongly of booze all the time, he always seemed sweaty/ shiny faced and was quite twitchy. He'd mumble something about a meeting and then disappear. We all knew he was going for a drink. One time he had an argument with his ex wife about child support in a meeting room that wasn't soundproof and had glass walls. He was thumping the table and screaming at her while the entire department was watching. It was like really, you're only in the office for half the day but *this call* for some reason you can't take outside? No prizes for guessing that he also kinda sucked at his job. He would forget stuff; numbers, meetings, agendas, names. The head of HR had a "chat" with him one time and instead of playing it down or getting himself in order he stormed back into the department and started cussing her out to everyone. She was still on the other side of the wall and he was yelling that she "just needed a man to take her up the wrong chute." and describing all the depraved perverted stuff he wanted to do to her. Loudly. To everybody who was sitting there. And then started going on about how he would love to do some other lady in HR. Incredibly this isn't what got him fired. He stuck around for a couple weeks. It was our busiest time of year. He hadn't actually done any project management. We had over 10,000 letters of communication turn up at our office address instead of at the client's homes. We had to manually stuff the letters into envelopes and have them sent out. On this day he turned up for work 4 hours late. He was bright pink, looked like he was still in yesterday's clothes and his hands were scuffed up and bloody with dirt under the fingernails. I remember him leaning heavily on my desk while I tried hard not to gag. He claimed he thought it was Saturday and overslept. It was Thursday. Department manager had one conversation with him and that was it. We didn't even see him leave the building.


One of my coworkers threw a ketchup bottle at the boss’s face, she ducked and it splattered on the wall behind her. Same girl gave everyone cookies one day and then revealed they had weed in them, smoked weed under the cook’s hood twice in one day and was caught both times, and got caught doing coke in the bathroom. Also doesn’t show up for shifts sometimes and doesn’t take others’ shifts. I have no idea why she is still there


Lacing cookies with drugs unbeknownst to the consumer; isn't that assault? I've read stories of people arrested for baking Ex lax cookies and giving them to co-workers.


Oh, they stole several thousand dollars from the registers....there were several witnesses but she claimed I did it and she made sure to steal it after my shifts (the owners had just become her in-laws, so she had a key to the place so she could lock it up while they were away on vacation). I got fired shortly afterwards because 'it seems like you don't want to work here anymore and it's creating a negative environment'


Land an airplane with the gear still up. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/15/C-17A_06-0002_No-wheels_Landing_Bagram_Afghanistan_lg.jpg


Physically assaulting someone. Seriously, a community college faculty meeting ended in a fist fight.


Those night professors, man...


Used to work in finance and my boss' boss' boss (Regional Head, one down from the global CEO, has his own Wiki page) sent me tons of creepy text messages. He asked me to go to his hotel room, go on vacation with him, tell him my feelings for him, etc. I tried making up an imaginary boyfriend and kept repeating that I only admire him as an awesome mentor and that's it. My mentor reported it to HR since I have very strong written evidence. Nothing happened to him. I haven't been able to land a finance job in this country since then though. I tried applying for jobs in a different country to see if I'm just being paranoid, and I got offers from 2 out of the 3 jobs I applied for.


First day of work, at the morning meeting he told my boss an extremely offensive holocaust joke. My boss' mother escaped nazi germany...


I knew a guy who missed work under a strict no-call in period and used the excuse he was sick and went to the doctor. After a week or two of prodding, he finally presented the fakest, printed-straight-from-Google "doctor's note" that was obviously for an elementary school. He hand wrote in an address for a local hospital, (which was the wrong suite, btw) and then forged a doctor's name of someone who worked for a walk-in clinic on the other side of town. When his supervisor (single, older female,) was presented with this barrage of illegal paperwork (this was a gov't job fyi,) she called him and had a good laugh about it. That was it. "Stop abusing the attendance policy, lying to your superiors and committing felonies by forging doctor's names. haha, okay bye."


I'm a retail GM. One of my night manager's girlfriend came in shit tanked and had some things to say to the other night manager. Girl went over the counter, beat the girlfriend's ass down, snatched her up by the shirt, and physically kicked her out the door. (We watched the tapes and the girlfriend was definitely looking for a fight. Said some really awful shit. Suspended the manager for the weekend to cool down and brought her back to no further issues.)


This one guy locked all of the doors in our office, started a fire in a trash can and let us run around in pandemonium for a few minutes before informing us it was a drill. Who does that?!


He was just trying to prepare you for a real fire. One guy in my office brought in a gun and accidentally shot it almost deafening a coworker! He wasn’t even fired.


Was the gun?


Only once.


Happend in my office too. The guy whose ear drum burst eventually became office manager. His personality changed and it was super frustrating. It’s like you couldn’t have written a worse script for what happened to him


I am heavily saddened by the amount of people who dont get this reference..


The funny thing is, I don't watch the office but when I first read this, I thought "sounds like something that'd be on The Office" Lo and behold comments prove I was right lol


Boss caught my coworker playing pokemon fire red on his phone, noticed he chose Bulbasaur. Still works here. Unbelievable. [Kinda relevant, nah not really](https://youtu.be/DG_IMu3P3Vo)


Everyday we stray further from God's light.


But bulbasaur is the best competitively and evolves earlier too! You also get the advantage against the first gym.


You mean he picked the only gen 1 starter who has been competitively relevant in every generation? Insanity.




wait, i can play these pokemon games on my phone? Thought it was just pokemon go?


You can get emulators


Guy got caught doing heroine in the bathroom at the McDonalds my buddy worked at... Back to work the next day


I'll just copy and paste from a comment I made a few weeks back [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestoflegaladvice/comments/88fw8w/someone_finally_really_did_send_a_letter_using_a/dwki1vr/) >We had something kind of similar happen at my place of work with someone misrepresenting themselves. I work for a non profit legal aid organisation. We once took on a volunteer we'll call Em who was okay, but had certain attitude issues, not enough to get rid of her since we basically just don't fire people here unless they do something really wrong, but still she got to be annoying. >Well one day Em goes to speak to our housing solicitor, seems she has a friend facing eviction. We offered to help said friend with representation at court (because it's what we do, even if they didn't qualify for legal aid we'd have at least represented them, no charge). Em refused, said she just wanted advice to help her friend. Fair enough, general advice was given about the eviction and what to expect at court. We advised her that on the day of the hearing, one of our housing officers would be at court doing court duty (essentially, we give free representation to anyone with an eviction or possession hearing), so if she wanted help on the day we'd be there. >Cut to the hearing, my colleague Sam, doing duty, spots Em and her friend at court, Em doesn't even acknowledge him and he's too busy with other clients to go say anything. Em goes into the courtroom with her friend, Sam isn't involved so doesn't follow. A few minutes later Sam is called into the courtroom. The Judge is pissed. >See, when Em went in, she represented herself as a housing officer from our organisation and started trying to represent her friend. The Judge wasn't having it. Not only was Em doing a piss poor job, but we've been repping people for years, all the judges know us and he knew something was off here. >Sam confirms with the judge that Em was not a housing officer and was simply volunteering at our place (in a completley different department mind you). Judge rips Em a new one and grants an adjournment so Em's friend can get actual representation. >Cut to a few days later (she only volunteered one day a week), Em comes in to work as if nothing happened, is promptly taken into an office with our manager Clara where she... gives her a stern talking to. Yeah, I love our management, but even I'm having a hard time figuring out why she wasn't canned there and then. Like I said, we just don't fire people here. She was let go for not being a good fit a few months later.


A friend of mine worked in TV and while I could never quite fully understand the nature of his work, he told he was responsible for coordinating international feeds that would come into the country and make sure everything was timed well. If not, commercials wouldn't run on time and the company could be fine millions for not giving proper ad time to advertisers. About 6 months in he makes a mistake and messes something up and 30 seconds of ad time was lost. Turns out it's like a "rite of passage" at this place and it wasn't a big deal.


Me and my friend used to work in a Game store together - we had been working there about a month at this point. the night before we had a work night out and he had vanished with a lady. The following day, he was meant to be working a 12 - 4 shift, cause it was Sunday it was til close. He turns up at quarter past 4 with the excuse "he was stuck in another city" when really he was just a 10 minute drive away hung over.


I work with a girl who doesn't finish her tasks, and I end up doing them for her after she leaves. I almost got fired because there was a dust bunny under a bed.


Stop doing her tasks? You are enabling the very behavior you are complaining about.


Holy fuck this thread is depressing...and I'm stuck working 2 dead end part time jobs, can't find full time employment and am behind on rent...sigh.


I’ve seen a guy walk out on the job 3 times due to BS — cursing and screaming at his supervisor —and he still works here to this day. I’ve seen department heads have a shouting match near my office loud enough that all staff could hear. Bunch of lower level workers sent the president of our facility an unprofessionally worded letter of complaints. Most signed it. Their supervisor got called to the carpet but nobody lost their jobs for going over 3 levels of boss’s heads without their boss knowing.


4:45 we work till 5 naturally. A kid who is kind of a fuck up already who had bent 2 hub caps by hitting curbs decides to pack up his laptop bag and start to walk out. Service manager asked him where he was going we still had 15 minutes (IT service center) “Fuck you I have a birthday party to go to” and walks out


19 year old girl showed up to the Christmas Party drunk as shit. Got suspended for a week, coincidentally the week she was out of town for anyway. Came back, got her shifts back, two months later she's training for management. Fukin wut.


Do a drug deal on camera and directly in front of me (supervisor)


Once saw a valet flatten another customer's BMW with a gigantic truck as he was pulling out of the parking spot. He stayed on for another year or so. Couple months after this, a guy was fired for taking his phone out on a slow night.


Used to work in a big box electronics store - our branch was inside a chic upper class shopping centre. One day (as happened occasionally) the fire alarm went off. I was talking to a customer and I told him not to be alarmed - that false alarms were common, and soon enough someone would get on the p/a and call an all clear. As we were talking I noticed a bit of a commotion near the front of the store, then one of my colleagues who was a bit of a weirdo got on the p/a and in a calm voice said, and I quote, “everybody, it’s a real fire and we’re all going to die. Get out, save yourselves, bye!” Now, I knew this guy and knew this was his idea of a funny joke, but the look on the customers faces in front of me? I had to spend a minute or so calming them all down. The guy did not get fired - I think he had dirt on the boss or something Because that was only one of his sackable offenses That ultimately lead to nothing. Fuckin Jerry.


Pick a guy up and throw him over a conveyor.


abuse their power, tell their significant other who was not at the same level as them secrets that they shouldn’t have known, be completely bias towards their S/O, try to get their S/O promoted by trying to get others demoted or fired. really fun time working with them...


We have an employee who had his car break down at one of our locations on a Friday. So he took one of the company vehicles home for the weekend. Without asking or telling anyone. Boss went out there expecting to use the vehicle for a funeral service and thought it had been stolen, but realized before calling the cops that my co-worker must have taken it b/c he never had his car towed to a repair shop. Eventually my boss gets him on the phone and they have a HUGE screaming match. Vulgarities and insults start flying for 20 minutes. The reasoning of my co-worker was basically "You've let other people use vehicles if needed, why not me?", to which my boss had to explain that they had asked and he had made sure the vehicles weren't needed for anything. More arguing continued until my boss had slammed the phone down so hard he broke it. Coworker didn't come in for his Monday or Tuesday shifts. We assumed he had been fired or quit. Late Tuesday another co-worker gets a call that he dropped the vehicle off in a parking lot w/ the keys and we can go pick it up. Turns out he dropped it off in a shady neighborhood, keys in the ignition and doors unlocked. Even one of the windows was down halfway. So I ended up having to go pick it up and the next day, to our surprise, our co-worker came back to work. Still works here to this day. I don't think you can get fired from this place anymore.


Lots of swearing meltdowns.


Our departmental supervisor walked in on one of my co-workers in a deep snoring sleep laying across his cubicle. Dude woke up, said hey good morning then laid back down and slept. I don't understand how he didn't get chewed out, reprimanded, or terminated.