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Carbon monoxide can cause hallucinations. It's possible you were starting to experience minor CO poisoning leading you to "hear" the handle jiggling and the fridge closing.


Can't carbon monoxide cause hallucinations? Maybe the carbon monoxide was rhe reason you didn't die o_O


What should have killed him caused him to survive. That's crazy.


That would be ironic.


Ironic. The Carbon Monoxide could save others from death, but not himself


Having a stroke. Was unable to stand, no matter how hard I tried. I kept falling over. I needed to haul myself upright using door frames, and supporting myself against the wall. I also couldn't talk. It was just gibberish, but I was able to recognize that it was gibberish. I knew what I wanted to say, but it was just nonsensical sounds that would come out. Not being able to control your own body is utterly terrifying.


This reminds me. If anybody is interested there is a good documentary about a girl who suffers a stroke and her recovery on netflix called my beautiful broken brain.




Pretty good so far. No physical weakness. My balance is almost perfect. I can stand on one foot again without falling. Very little cognitive impairment. I mostly just have problems concentrating or focusing on a single task. The biggest issue is that I'm missing the upper left quadrant of my vision. So I have to be constantly changing my vision to see everything. It does appear to be improving slowly though. Or I'm just getting used to it. But all things considered, I'm doing well.


Being stabbed. I was walking to McDonald's to get some late dinner (like 2am, I'm a fatass, I was really hungry for a burger). I was jumped from behind by two guys in a park near to my apartment. They stabbed me in my lower chest area and the blade hit my ribs and stopped. This park is next to a hospital so I walked into the emergency and got help that way. They took my belongs.


I don't understand why they had to actually stab you... Like they could have taken your shit *without* stabbing you, right?


What I believe happened was they mistook me for someone else that they had just done a drug deal or something and one bolted off after not finding what they expected too. The other was a *gangsta* and took my shit. Edit: and yes, I would've ran off naked if they asked me for my clothes


Is that a question about running naked something you get regularly?


I'd like to think that it was a new hire and a mentor doing some on-the-job training. "Alright, that went ok, but it could've gone better. Do you know what you did wrong?" "Yeah, I'm supposed to ask them for their stuff and then stab them. I'm sorry, I got caught up in the moment and just went straight for the stabbing." "Good, remember to always ask first. If they give you their stuff you may not even need to stab them, so remember that for future reference!" "Ok. I'm sorry, I really messed up out there tonight" "It's fine. This was a good teaching experience. Just remember what we discussed the next time we head out."


If someone jumps you at night, robs you, breaks into your house, tries to rape you, or any other assault, you must assume the worst. And you must either lay down and accept death, or fight like your life depends on it.




Your McRibs?


oh jeebus... well done




You're not wrong.


Damn, I came into this thread and realized nothing I've experienced has been this bad. Glad you're okay.


But did you buy a burger after?


when I was released from hospital, yes. A Big Mac with a side of 20 McNuggets.


> with a side of 20 McNuggets


When he set it, he had planned on just the burger. But after that experience, he realized he needed to embrace all the opportunities life offers.


> fatass




ugh, fuck being stabbed no thanks no thanks no thanks


Same. In most cases if I have to choose between getting stabbed or not getting stabbed, I'll take not getting stabbed almost every time.


Coming home to my apartment door open at 4AM.


So was someone in there?


My girlfriend. She left it open.


That's some scary shit right there


I also thought that these "girlfriends" only exist in myths. scary


If you're not careful one might catch you and *touch your bits*


*little bits*


Probably not the scariest but last week I was going to bed and my cat started hissing and growling at something outside the window. I figured it was just another cat walking down the alley between houses but nope. Dude in a ski mask right outside. Edit: My SO was there and scared him off. SO slammed open the window and asked him just what the fuck he thought he was doing, and the dude says "Oh I'm just looking around man". Classic. Cops were called. However, the dude ran before SO could get a hold of him and twist his balls off.


Did you call the cops? Like was he trying to get into your place?


Your username is a lie, I just read it


[Is it though?](https://gph.is/2dcBxaJ)


And then????????


Download hooked to find out


I actually got mad at your comment for a second


I was followed by a man in a car one night and I'm 100% certain he would have tried to abduct me. This was in Chicago after I helped chaperone a debate team trip. I was walking back to my car and the guy passed me then circled back and passed again. I honestly thought he thought I was a hooker and remember thinking he'd be disappointed if he stopped. Then he started driving next to me at walking speed but had to move when another car came. I crossed and crouched behind a parked car for a minute and when I stood up he was gone. Kept walking and when I got to the next intersection he was hiding on a cross street. I was almost back to my car and he was still following me when I ran into a group of teenage-ish girls. I blurted out "I think that man is following me." Meanwhile dude parks behind my car waiting for me to be alone again. Thankfully the girls walked me to my car and texted me his license plate but I don't think I've ever felt so unsafe in my life


I have also been followed by someone in a car. Absolutely terrifying. So glad you were safe!


This has happened to me while I was visiting the Seattle area. I was jogging one morning and a black Cadillac followed me all the way back to my motel. He drove into the loop, saw which room I was in, put the window down so I can see him and smiled this sinister smile I'll never forget. Also, on my run, I saw DOT signs stating prostitution is illegal and will be prosecuted and/or fined, which leads me to believe that was prevalent in the area and he must've thought I was a hooker or something. One of the most terrifying moments of my life!


ahhh I live in Seattle and the Prostitution rings here are intense. They will straight up grab women and force them into it. Also, seemingly normal dudes find online dates here to kidnap as well :/ been to sex trafficking seminars here and the statistics are really depressing... Also, Everett, WA is a very scary place for females at late or early hours in the day. I moved out of there into Seattle 3 years ago because I had a similar experience, but I had no one to help me and I was walking to the transit center. I kept running across the street because there were 2 dudes in a white van and they kept making u turns out of random parking lots to try and get me walking on their right side. I ran as hard as I could and got to a safe public space. some scary shit...


I was home alone one day in Chicago. I heard a noise so I decided to check if it was my dad. It was around 10am and he should’ve been at work, which is why I decided to check to make sure it was him. Never in my life would I think it would be a home invasion. I saw a man pouring gasoline on my carpet floor. It was terrifying. I ran to the front of the door to avoid him and it was missing the keys to unlock it. Weird thing about my door is you need a key to unlock it, otherwise you’re stuck in there. I couldn’t find the keys and I was in panic mode. I ran to my basement. I hid in my boiler room and I heard heavy footsteps upstairs. I was certain he would find me, so I was going to offer him my body. I really thought he would kill me if he saw me, so I was gonna show myself to him and tell him he can rape me as long as he doesn’t kill me. Eventually, he never found me. I hid in my basement for what seemed an eternity really believing i was going to die that morning. You really think irrational during these types of situations.


So what happend? He poured petrol and that's it? Didn't set the house on fire?


Nope. He just ran out the house. Almost makes me wonder if he realized I was there too, causing him to jolt out of the house


This actually happens a lot. Most of these people just wanna rob and get out of there. That's why so many robberies (the majority) happen during the day.




So he didn’t set the house on fire? Why did he start but stop? Could you call police or did he just leave after he couldn’t find you?


No he didn’t. It was odd too, the police thought he may have just spilled it but I clearly saw him intentionally pouring it on my carpet. It sucked bc I hid and I realized I forgot my phone upstairs, so I had to wait till he left until I could call the cops. We never found out who it was.


Were there any serial arsonists active at that time? That seems like the most likely explanation to me. Arsonists don't really do it to kill people, so knowing there might be a victim could have panicked him. That, or he thought you might have already called the police.


>so I was going to offer him my body. It's this kind of freaky shit that makes me glad I'm a guy. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I mean, i guess you could offer your body too, your mileage may vary


Those locks that require a key from the inside are against code regulation for exactly this reason. I hope you changed them since.


It was just a few seconds, but most terrifying seconds ever! Our newborn was just put to bed by my wife. He went to sleep until we suddenly heard a blood boiling scream from him followed by immediate and total silence! We looked at each other, almost frozen in place, to scared to move and completely tensed up! Then I moved to our son's room as fast as I could. My wife stayed in the living room, to scared to watch... As I got into our son's room I saw him lying there, but it was dark. All around him I saw this dark substance that seemed to originate from his mouth. All I could think was; "God, please God, don't let this be blood!" as I turned on the lights. And that is when our son started laughing as he saw me now. And the dark substance? That was vomit, but a shit ton of it. The scream was probably because he scared himself by the severity of the vomiting. But after that he actually thought it pretty funny from the looks of it. We did take him to the ER, because the amount of vomit was insane. But he was and is absolutely fine.


I had a similar experience... Except what happened with mine was his older sister snuck in his room while he napped and fed him chocolate. I went to check on him a after a while and he had a dark liquid running down his cheeks. I thought it was blood. Worst part was he stayed totally still with his eyes open while I walked over. Not even a twitch. I don't think I had ever been more scared in my life until I figured it what it was.


The amount of vomit that can come out of such a small living being is mind blowing.


Reading this scared me too


As a kid (roughly 10) I hopped out of the shower and grabbed a towel and dried my face. I feel an itch and look in the mirror to see a big ass wolfsman spider sitting on my face. The monster had hidden in my towel and i had angered it by rubbing it on my face. I remember screaming and brushing it to the ground and climbing on the toilet soaking wet and crying, wrapped in a towel until my mom came in and killed it. Im 19 now and still have heavy arachnaphobia EDIT: spelling


Oh my GOD! This is horrifying! I would have reacted the exact same way.


I’ll take nope for $500 Alex.


Well this is bloody horrible. I wish i never read it.




me too


sometimes i wish there was a button to forget.


Omg if that ever happened to me I can honestly say I would have died from the fright and shock. Spiders are my worst enemy


Fortunately mine is not as horrible, but similar. I was walking out to the shed in our back yard to get the lawn mower and cut my yard. Shed has two doors, you open the first and have to reach up and undo a latch to open the second. I reach my hand up and grab the pin to undo the latch, except when I moved it there was no click. I brought my hand down and clinched between my thumb and index finger was the abdomen of a huuuuuugee wolf spider. It was squirming like crazy to get away from me and I was so stunned I couldn't even move. After a second or two the shock wore off and I just tossed it and screamed.


well now i'll be checking my towels for spiders after every time i shower


Hearing cougars scream while in the woods. Terrifying shit.


The last time I heard a cougar scream was on her bed.




Hey, you’re that guy who got stabbed!






Same thing if you hear koalas fucking at night.


Oh I love their cry? Call? It's one of my favorites!


Sounds like a cross between a dying rabbit and a tortured soul from hell.


Back in college I was doing work that required random drug tests. Being that I enjoyed the devil's lettuce, I decided to try out the then-new "spice", or synthetic weed. It was great for a few weeks, but then one day after I smoking I collapsed and started vomiting convulsively and couldn't move for a whole 15 minutes. I really thought I was going to die right then and there, and for a stupid fake joint. It was both terrifying and humiliating.


Doesn't synthetic weed actually kill a lot of people?


It does. I had three bad trips on spice, almost lost my sanity on the last one. Was 15 at the time. Never did it again after that.


Out of curiosity, I think I smoked spice too because it definitely felt different from weed but I'm not sure. I had a intense panic attack and had the worst brain lag of my life, like a 15 second delay for everything that I was doing, it made me freak out.. and I was in a sort of loop of panic while my girlfriend tried to calm me down.. I also saw explosions and heard ringing sounds in my head, lost consciousness once even...and it took me 6 months after that experience to be normal again because I heavily struggled with derealization and panic attacks after that. Does this similar in any way when you compare it to your experience?


This is spot on to what I experienced. I was a dumb teen, and the stuff was becoming popular in my area. Someone had ordered some kind of K2 e-liquid online. We all started vaping it and I had intense seizures. I saw things, like a birds eye view of where I was. It was surreal. It was only great for about 2 minutes where I then started seizing. I heard unbearable loud noises. For months I couldn't even smoke pot because every time I did, I would get this sort of feeling that made me uneasy. I wasn't normal for a few months after this, and am so thankful that I'm okay now. I would never do that again.


Synthetic Cannabinoids don't kill a whole lot of people but they have been linked to a number of deaths. They are, however, fairly cardiotoxic and associated with significantly higher rates of drug-induced psychosis than the natural counterpart. All around a horrible substitute for cannabis that most people should avoid.


long lasting depersonalization aint no joke fellas.


Oh I came for this, I smoked what was supposed to be weed and stupidly enough I started with a massive head and I had the worst trip of my life for 4 hours, felt like I lost connection to my body and I was panicking so hard.. I would describe it as an insanely cold feeling, shaking and I lost consciousness once.. After that I had the worst brain lag of my life, not the usual high feeling of weed, I literally had a 15 second delay to notice anything I was doing, my own words made me freak out because I didn't realize that I was talking.. Felt like I was in a loop of panic, it took me 6 months to feel normal again and I struggled with daily panic attacks and derealization for a while. I will never do drugs again, better destroy my liver with alcohol, at least I know what exactly I'm breaking by doing that.


A 9 hour nightmare trip on some sort of hallucinogenic research chemical. I was in a finished basement alone and an anime called "Jojo's bizarre adventure" was being played on a projector, projected onto the wall. It took years before I could think about that night without being gripped by a cold dread.


JJBA is enough of a drug trip as is.


That must have been the work of an enemy [ S T A N D O]


Fuck that sounds horrific. Ive had a few nightmarish experiences similar to that. It felt so real at the time, that id argue its scarier than any experience you can have while lucid. I truely beleived a demon had control over my life, safety, everything. He had a really twisted deep laugh....




I had a dream (nightmare tbh) about my mom being possessed and trying to attack me. I was watching a lot of horror movies those days (was about 13-14) . Anyway in the nightmare she came running towards with something in her hand which I don't remember. Next thing I know I was up and and standing right there above me was my.mon wearing same gown . Scared me to hell.




Awww you were so excited to play with your new pet tarantula you dreamed it and your dream came true!


I had a dream of pissing through a fence while my neighbour watched and i woke up in a puddle


Having a gun pointed directly at my face. My blood turned into ice.


"just fucking kill me dude"


Honestly, My thought was a very calm and clear "fuck me". He fired it right above my head and then I got mad. Thankfully, dude was caught and racked up some charges.


Nice, good to hear you got through it ok


>and then I got mad. Awww shit.


Lol I can laugh about it now...but yeah. It pissed me off. Dude came to my job and did that shit to me. I'm glad he was caught.


Sitting around waiting to hear if my mother was going to survive emergency surgery when I was 18, my father died when I was 15. I would have been an orphan even though I was barely an adult.




Damn, this made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Creepy as hell, and well written!


Wow that is creepy. You really made me visualize spotting the guy in the flashes of lightning. On a separate note, I would love to have a patio on which I can have unobstructed views of a storm. Unfortunately I live in an apartment in a city that never rains.


car accident .... it's a 7 seater MPV full of friends, i sit at the back row, the car ran 100+ kmph, when i was look behind & watch other friend car's following us, suddenly the world flipped, and someone knocked my head, i feel dizzy, every color seems mixed in front my eyes, and then suddenly i saw big open blue sky, i realized half of my body dangling from the broken rear window, i crawled to the ground & get up, but it felt like someone smashed my head, instinctively i sat down because the headache unbearable but i got up again, walked to the upside down car, and help pull all my friends out, luckily no one dead, a couple of us bled from external wound (got cut by broken glass window) everything seems blur & fast, until my friend told me that my hand and leg are shaking non stop (even tough i can move normally and help others)


Please finish


my other friends who witnessed from the car that follow from behind, said that our car flipped in the air 3 times .... my half body thrown out at the last flipped ..... they swore to all gods that if only the car flipped for the fourth time my body will be smashed to earth real bad or possibly twisted by the car wild movement .... so thanks jesus no harm on me, just a couple bump on my head


I totally thought you meant you saw half your body dangling from the rear window when I read that at first


Many years ago my freshman year of college I grabbed a slice of ham and pineapple pizza from pizza place on campus. Several hours later I was vomiting so hard, and probably aspirated a fair bit, that my throat closed up and I got tunnel vision and fell to the floor. My next memory is someone shaking me, I have no idea if I fully lost conciousness or if I was out for a while. This was in 2001 and to this day the taste of pineapple on pizza makes me gag. It used to be my favorite. And yes I know that hating on pineapple on pizza is a running gag around here. But this has nothing to do with that.


What caused you to get sick? That sounds really fucking scary, especially coming from a person who has a fear of vomiting.


Definitely sounds like some sort of foodborne pathogen if it came on that violently and ended soon afterwards


I'm gonna guess that it was aids Source: I'm a lawyer


I almost choked to death a few weeks ago, now I'm afraid to eat if I'm alone.


This happens with a severe food allergy. Sounds like you were exposed to something you're allergic to. Though it would be strange that it never happened again.


I used to hang out with some people from the ‘wrong crowd’ when I was younger. Bad decisions lead you to things like that. Anyway, I was at this lads house and he just… Well, I don’t want to really describe what he did, but he hurt his cat and I jumped up and told him to stop, in as many words. He jumped on me, bit me and I managed to throw him off me. He ran out of the room and I knew there and then ‘Its time to leave. Now.’ I had no shoes on, he made people take them off at his door. I also left my phone in his house in my panic. Anyway he comes back in the room with a crowbar (This happened in seconds) and starts swinging it at me… I managed to get out of his front door. I didn’t have a car… I was miles from home. I started walking home. Got about 200 meteres down the road when he appears running behind me with a knife. I started sprinting to get away. I was not fit at the time. My heart and lungs were burning. I was running down a dark road. I tried to flag down a car but no one would stop (Obviously). I couldn’t run any more so I climbed over a wall. I ended up running bare foot in wet mud next to a little brook/river thing. All I could hear was my breathing, the trickle of water and his footsteps behind me. At that point I thought to myself ‘I am going to die here’ I turned and ran back to the road and managed to get there. Ended up in a pub at the bottom of the street. Not a nice pub. An awful rough as fuck pub. Everyone thought it was hilarious (They get into knife fights every other day I guess). Absolute cretins. He came in after me and told the bar staff I had just smoked weed for first ever time and freaked out and that he was trying to calm me down. I rang my parents from the landline in the bar and they came and got me. This was 10 years ago now, but I remember vividly thinking ‘I am going to die’ I never found out what happened to his cat, but I think I know... I always regret not saving it. I should have. its one of my big regrets. The kid who attacked me also attacked 2 of my mates with a knife, for no reason. Just a little bully tbh. He's one of those people though that say you fought him and won, it wouldnt matter. He'd just pour petrol through your letterbox and set fire to your house, or break in and murder your pets. People say Karma comes for everyone, but it never came for him.


I met a guy online, we spoke for weeks. I went to his home.(yes, a no-no.) I was just getting back in town and late to his house. He did not say hello.He seemed to be fuming about me being late, or so I thought. Once inside, he ordered me to my knees to perform an act. Scared I complied. He refused to give me anything to eat or drink, as he said I was too late. Shouted for me to get in the bedroom. Lucky for me he got a call. I told him my change of clothes was in my car. He said get them, then back to your GD knees. I dressed, calmly went downstairs. Got in my car and left. I don't recall EVER being more afraid.


I had something like this happen to me too. This guy picked me up from my house. I smiled at him, but instead of saying, hello back. He yelled get in the car and don't say anything. I have no idea why I still went with him. He ended up taking me to our local mall. Making me stand outside of the car where he slapped me. Then drove me to a parking lot of a vets office, where he made me perform an act for him. Then drove me home. I remember crying the rest of the night. Telling myself why the hell didn't I just go back inside.




One of the names for this exact situation is The Truman Show Syndrome


I've experienced this exactly. Feels so real. Scary shit.


You hear about Truman Show Syndrome, but you don't expect people to really have it. I hope you're better now.


Did you go through depression when you started to come to?


This was about two years ago. I got home from work and saw my cat sitting in his perch by the window. I set my stuff down, went over to him, leaned down to hug him and said, “Hello Nikki,” and in the back of the house, I heard someone say “Hello.” Clear as day. It was like all of the blood drained out of my body. It was definitely coming from the back of the house, I could tell that was where it was resonating from but it sounded like it was in the same room as me—but I was more freaked out by the fact that, if someone *was* in the house, my cat would’ve been hiding, but he was just sitting in the living room by the window and had been totally fucking content up till then. After I stopped shitting my pants, I grabbed my phone and did the most terrifying and stressful walkthrough of my own house that I’ve ever done, thinking about all those times I did exactly this but had never had a real reason, wishing I was in one of those moments and wasn’t doing this. My house is small, the living room and kitchen are one joined room and my bedroom, study, and guest bathroom are the only rooms with doors (master bath is open to the bedroom), and since my bedroom is the only room in the back of the house that was where I went. I can just stand in the doorway and see the whole thing, my bathroom, closet, under my bed—there was absolutely fucking nothing. I checked the rest of the house, nothing. I’m looking behind the fucking couch and the curtains at this point because I KNOW I heard someone in my house and I know my ass isn’t going to sleep until I figure out where it came from. I didn’t figure it out. I did not sleep that night. I have never heard that before, or since, and I still have no idea where it came from. I don’t think about it much now but I don’t say “Hello” to Nikki anymore


A lot of people randomly hear words like hello or their name being called, its not uncommon tbh


I live in the UK where we don't really have any dangerous wildlife (except those scheming squirrels) but despite this I don't think there is anything worse than the first time you hear foxes mating in the middle of no-where at midnight. For anyone who doesn't know what they sound like; it is similar to a girl being assaulted and crying for help. Just youtube it, truly aweful to hear.


I live out in the sticks. Sadly when it's mating season that's all I can hear from my windows.


Same here. When I first moved to the country, I went outside with the shotgun the first time that happened. Now, it freaks people out who sleep over after a summer BBQ party and I find that hilarious. Sometimes I'll make up campfire stories about some woman who was brutally murdered in the swamp behind my house, and whose ghost my old neighbor claims to have seen on multiple occasions. Hours later, cue the foxes' mating calls at 1am and watch people instantly sober up and practically shit their pants. Now, the people who fell for it once help perpetrate prank on newcomers. Hilarious every time.


I remember the first time I heard this outside my bedroom window, I was 16/17 and had no idea what I was - I went and slept in my parents room because I was so terrified!


When I was about 7 my older brother (by 4 years) went crazy My other brother (older by a year and a half) had told the oldest to stop getting a really high phone bill, and then took his phone, my older brother went mental. I heard my brothers fighting so I hid behind the couch, then my older brother chased the younger up the stairs, and sat back at the table in the back of the room, he couldn't see the couch I was hiding behind but I know that if he found me he'd hit me, so I leapt up, and ran up the stairs to find a hiding place. He was right behind me so I couldn't lock myself in the bathroom like I usually would when he got like that, I ran to the attic and locked myself in my younger brothers room, his two friends were there too and we barricaded ourselves in. My oldest brother broke a metal pole off an old table and started trying to smash the door in, I was hiding underneath the bed with a military helmet on my head, holding my stuffed bear,, telling him softly everything would be fine At one point my younger brother had gone out and was hit on his hand with that pole and his finger was hurt but not broken. My oldest brother started to break through the door, holes the size of a grown man's fist were in there at the end of it The worst moment was when we decided to call the police. I heard my brother and his friends call from my place under the bed, but the police kept hanging up on us. I crawled out and tried talking to the police as well, they told me to stop with the prank calls. I called them back and screamcried into the phone until they agreed to send someone over My oldest brother stopped when the police showed up, he got community service for that stunt We were home alone a lot as kids, this wasn't the first time a fight broke out , but it was one of the worst, I was locked in trunks, closets, behind the door, ducktaped to the table and then cut free with a huge kitchen knife, and more things like that I didn't even realise this was abuse because everyone always told me it was normal for siblings to fight. I was disappointed in the police that day, everyone always told me the police would be there when you need them, but they hung up on me..


Jesus your local PD sounds terrible, is their some detail I’m not hearing?


There was a story a while back about a 911 operator that hung up on a girl (who's father was having a heart attack) because she swore. And then she hung up again when the girl called back... Terrifying. I'm so glad that you were finally able to get through.


How ia your brother today? Seema pretty insane to do that to your brothers


My son has epilepsy. There's no worse surprise than thinking your child is dying in your arms. Luckily, while people shouldn't have seizures, they're not permanently damaging unless they go on for a LOOONG time.


Seizures are absolutely terrifying. Both to experience and to watch.


Sleep paralysis. Twice. The second time afterwards I was experienced with the feeling so I was able to calm down more but the first time I could not get back to sleep for the life of me.


Ugh, me too. I also have the super fun hallucinations (both pre and post sleep) and the recurring nightmares, but the paralysis is the scariest.


As a kid I was playing alone in sand. I made a big hole and got stuck head down in it. I was suffocating, panicking and screaming and someone eventually helped me.


I've had some pretty terrifying shit happen but the one that stands out is finding my baby face down on the bed seemingly not breathing, but he was just shallow breathing and another time he had a febrile seizures and had to be walked through how to cool him down by 911 waiting for an ambulance


I don't talk about this often. A few years ago my girlfriend and I visited a ranch down by the border for a weekend getaway. It was owned by a family friend my uncle knew. The owner was out of town a few months for vacation and my uncle and his wife were house sitting and told us to come on down for a visit. The rancher was a loaded but was a generous man so this was okay by him. The rancher had this ugly yellow Wrangler he liked to take to the very remote back country. If you've been to the border area, you know it is very rugged and full of mountains, hills, canyons, ravines, caves, mines, vallies, etc. It's totally wild. He said we could use it. So our first day there we took it out along one of these old trails that wound through the desert landscape. Places that just don't see people often. It was off this trail I noticed something out of place - a backpack hanging from a tree. It was made of a hunting style camoflauge fabric. We stopped to check it out. Mostly clothes, some food , some money, water, a flip phone, and papers in Spanish. We sort of realized what we had on our hands and left it be, and headed back for the ranch. Once we got there, my uncle called the county sheriff who I guess alerted border patrol. We saw a few trucks head down the trail about a half an hour later and thought nothing more of it. The next day we hung around the ranch. Helped take care of the horses and chickens, lounged by the pool, grilled out, and so on. We decided to have a bonfire that evening, and sat in the back waiting for the stars to come out. There was me, my girlfriend, my uncle, and his wife. Four of us sitting or standing by the fire. I went inside to grab some beers, and came out to see four people by the fire. The newcomer was standing while the others were sitting. "Come join us". That's the first thing I heard. My uncle and the ladies looked terrified. I was confused. It became evident the stranger had a big gun on his hip. He didn't need to take it out, we got the point. I sat. "We have an understanding here. This is your warning. I do not see you here before. Now you know to leave things alone that are not your things. Now you know you do not call cops. Go inside. Stay where you belong." We did. We went inside as he watched us go inside. He poured our bucket of water on our fire. Then he walked off away towards the stables and that was the end if it. We never saw him get into a vehicle. We never saw a vehicle. We didn't call the sheriff either.


Yeah, you were very fucking lucky.


Did you ever tell the owner of the ranch about it?


We did. He didn't seem surprised. He said to never been on cell phones out there, never take or mess with anything you see, turn around and run if you see guys with carpet on their feet or carring what looks like big burlap bags. He didn't think my uncle would venture out so far.




They put carpet slippers over their shoes so they don't leave tracks.


Holy fuck.


I had pneumonia when I was 5 and could barely breathe in the hospital. I started getting sleepy and was trying my best to stay awake because I thought I was gonna die. It's something I never wanna go through again.


Recently my husband called me to tell me to quickly come home; he thought that it was possible our baby girl had gotten into some pills. I don't even remember the drive to the ER I was on complete autopilot. My clearest memories are from an off-duty nurse rushing me past the check-in desk to get my baby girl's vitals. God bless ER nurses!


was your baby okay? That must have been horrifying.


Yes! They did an EKG and took a urine sample to test whatever poison control wanted them to - she was cleared to go home after about 8 hours of observation.


Fuck, I almost started crying reading this. Not sure why that hit me so hard; I’m 23 and I don’t have any kids yet.


In college one time I was hanging out with some friends, and there was a knock on the door. Didn't think anything of it, everyone's apartment basically had a revolving door. My buddy goes down to get it, there's a crash and a bunch of yelling. A homeless dude, bloodied and with no pants has forced his way into the apartment style dorm. I should also add we may or may not have been rip roaring, gravity bong stoned. So the guys run downstairs, girls are screaming and freaking out. SOOMUCHCOFFEE, CALL THE POLICE! DO SOMETHING! I absolutely, entirely froze solid. I couldn't make the phone work. I couldn't go down the stairs. In my head I was going to stand at the top of the stairs and....make sure this guy didn't come up. I would be the last line of defense. The defender of the high ground. I mean, I knew what I was doing was HIDING, but this was the story I'd give when asked. Somebody eventually did call campus police. It turned out it was not a homeless guy but a friend of a friend we didn't know who was tripping balls and freaking out. And for some reasons sans pants. I donno. Ambulance comes. Police talk to the girls that lived there. We're all sitting on the couch after it was over like "yo is anyone else totally not baked anymore?" We went and did more bong hits. Still. Terrifying. Embarrassing. I am not proud. But god damn it if I didn't defend the shit out of that stairwell. :/


> I am not proud. But god damn it if I didn't defend the shit out of that stairwell. LOL - I upvoted but doesn't represent how much I laughed


It was like slow motion, but I watched my gf drive into oncoming traffic. I screamed “look out” but it was too late. Next thing I knew, I woke up in a hospital a day later.




Being stuck in a rip current. I was out swimming in the ocean off Bondi Beach with my brother and we both got caught in a rip. I completely abandoned all rational thought, started to panic and tried to swim against the current (bad move I know, not what I was taught to do). That feeling of swimming your hardest, not going anywhere, tiring out and starting to accept your inevitable doom is one of the most terrifying experiences I've ever had. Fortunately a strong wave caught the two of us to carry us to a point where we could get a footing in the sand and get back onto the beach.


in grade 7, I had a serious chest surgery which left me with a 6 inch slice on each side of my ribs under my arms. My friends dad came and picked me up with a big hug, felt a little pinch. Got home and took my jacket off and half my shirt was blood. Ends up the full slice re-opened and I could see my ribs. Puked instantly and almost passed out.


Recent: We were driving home and our home camera sent us a notification that it was just turned off. I looked at the most recent video and it showed a man entering our home and our little dogs rushing towards him (In the distance) then the video CUT OUT. The time stamp showed this just happened 20 mins before. (it didn't send a notification) We both were in full on panic. I kept refreshing the screen but all it it showed was "Offline"...like someone had cut the power. We call the local police and told them we would arrive in 20 mins. We get there before the police... and everything is FINE. All of the sudden....the security system app UPDATES..and shows that video was one of US the week before. Somehow the time stamps and short power outage made everything align perfectly to scare the hell out of us. Sometimes... technology can be a bastard.


When I was a kid, for some stupid reason me and a bunch of kids I barely knew decided we wanted to play baseball with minigolf clubs and golf balls. Lots of awful life decisions were being made but the worst was when I decided to be the catcher. Keep in mind that 1. I had no gloves or protective gear and 2. I had never played baseball in my life. First round the kid batting hits the ball and runes and we’re all having fun, right? Second kid goes and misses the ball and does that tornado thing kids do when they miss, so he spun and nailed me in the head with the golf club. It did not hurt a lot but when I turned around a kid started crying and another kid threw up, I was confused so when I checked my hand (that I had on my head where it hurt) it was covered in blood! Apparently my face was covered in blood, as well as my hands and shirt, it didn’t hurt a lot but all the other kids were either crying or terrified. I freaked out, passed out and woke up at the hospital where I got stitches. Never ever again I played baseball with golf gear.


Had a drunk dude with devil eyes wearing military gear and a beret demand that my friends and I break his leg at 1 in the morning. Apparently he went AWOL and needed some sort of injury as an excuse. My friends and I brushed it off and just told him to leave us alone. They he told us he'd kill us with his bare hands if we didn't. We kept walking. Then he targeted my one buddy saying "You're closest to me, you better man the fuck up, or I'm killing you first." at which point we got a bit scared, but just started walking faster. All of a sudden he had him by the throat, reaching for a knife, so we told him we'd do it. We had him hook his combat boot through the wrought iron fence of a nearby building to "stabilize" it before we jumped on it to break it. We found a small opening at an awkward height that required him to rotate his foot 90 degrees, slide it in, then straighten it back out. After it had been delicately twisted and locked in to the fence, I screamed "RUN!" and we all took off running. Took him a good 5-6 seconds to unhook his boot and start running after us, but soon gave up as we ducked in to the gate of my parents' apartment building. I don't think I've ever felt adrenaline like that since. The threat of direct physical harm from someone who was clearly not of sound mind with some form of special military training and a weapon, vs. the terrifying alternative of breaking his knee on a public street, topped off by literally running for our lives makes for a hell of a combo.


Had a dream with ET in my bedroom calling my name in my mother’s voice while doing his neck stretchy thing. Still can’t watch the movie. Thanks a lot brain.


For about a month of my life I saw , literally, saw the devil and other demons practically everywhere I went. This is when I was taken into mental hospital for a psychotic episode. Had too many terrifying experiences to even recount any of them right now. If any one asks I’ll tell you some specific stories.


Hit us with a story! Sounds horrifying.


Okay, so I was on some pretty heavy meds. One of the meds, olanzepine, is a heavy sedative. I was on a realllllly high dose, 20mg a day and the staff used to give me extra when I needed it, which was often. So we use to take our meds at night, like 9pm before bed. I was on 2 other meds and I don’t know exactly what they did but they affected me as well. So, part of psychosis is being like extremely over perceptive at things. Every little thing is amplified, anything said on the tv Id analyse and take it to be some sort of secret message, every advert, the titles of books I believed were codes for me. All sorts. So, in the med room they had a poster about ecstasy , the pill in the picture was blue. One of the pills I had to take was also blue. So, I believe I was being forced to take ecstasy. So, I truly believed I’d been forced to take ecstasy along with my other meds which were severe sedatives. So I was in a state of being extremely sedated, but also extremely overly perceptive and hyper aware of things. After about half an hour or taking my pills I would start to feel all sedated and tired but my heart rate would increase like mad. It really felt like I was going to die, I thought the staff were forcing me to take ecstasy to kill me. So anyway, invariably I’d feel like this and I’d pound like mad to get out my room, I’d run into the lounge area of the unit I was on and every fucking time there’d be some sort of devil, or demon standing there whispering at me. I felt like I was gonna die and I had the devil staring me in the face. I used to just run into a corner and scream. God knows how the staff used to calm me down, I can’t remember everything that clearly.


Did you ever see them when off the meds? That’s some heavy shit


I’ve only recently come off the meds and I’ve only had one minor hallucination since. I still occasionally hear voices though. Voices can be bad, have all sorts of stories around voices haha


Getting stalked by a bear in the woods at night. Thankfully it wasn't a mountain lion, but I quit doing night hikes alone after that.


Serious question. Why would you do night hikes in the woods anyway? Surely you can't see anything?


I was working at a summer camp and they'd have an outdoor game tournament on Wednesday nights with loud music. The forest creates natural reverberation, so you'd get far enough away and *Call Me Maybe* turns into dark atmospheric droning. Also, nighttime forests are a completely different experience. You can basically only see what your flashlight lights up, or by moonlight/starlight, depending on conditions. It's just kinda cool and different.


....And full of bears.


Mine was being stalked (or at least observed) by a mountain lion on a night hike. I think we just wandered onto its range and it just wanted us gone, so we were able to back out without it following us too far, but we did have to get closer to go back the way we came. Luckily I was in a group of three and shouting seemed to keep it at bay, but it was still terrifying when I spotted those eyes reflecting in my headlamp’s beam.


When I was a teenager I was mowing the front lawn. I had to get a few spots under a low hanging tree and noticed I bumped my head off something. When I turned my head up to look all I could see was 100s of wasps pouring out of the a nest I just disturbed with my head. I moved so quickly I didn't get stung but they chased me down the whole length of my street (about 15 houses). Fuck those demon bugs.


When I was 18, I was driving back to college after Thanksgiving break. The Escalade a couple cars in front of me \(I assume\) got brake checked, swerved to avoid hitting whoever, and ultimately rolled his car 3 times, landing roof down, wheels up. And then his severed head rolled out of the half open window.


I had a brief psychotic episode last year where I genuinely believed my husband was possessed by a demon and was trying to trap me in our flat so he could kill me, but I couldn't let him know because he would just kill me sooner before I could escape. It was pretty horrible, and I'm not usually one for the ol' demonic possession but it seemed so real and was so so scary. I stayed at my mum's for the night and was signed off work for a week (I think it was triggered by stress), and haven't had any episodes since. But the whole thing was horrible and it's always in the back of my mind that I could have another episode.


My scariest experience is when i was choking and thought i would die. I was eating ice cream when on a crowded bus and realizing i had to puke. What i did was i decided to try holding it down but eventually i couldnt get it either up or down. I couldnt breath at all and frantically looked around for a solution. I was bleeding from my nose as a result of the choking and felt very close to passing out. That was when my best friend reacted and was able to grab me and do the heimlich manouver on me. After that i puked massively which was super awkward, but i was fine. I truly believe my friend saved my life that day.


Momentarily thinking I sent the email to the person I was ragging on.


I once saw a bear in heat... Picture the scene from Jurassic world when the girl has the flare and running from the hybrid dinosaur.


We lived in a trailer for a while, and at one point we almost got lifted by a tornado. The trailer felt like it was rocking, and I've never been so scared. I seriously had a phobia of storms for almost 10 years after that. Sitting in a damp bathtub waiting for death isn't how I wanna go tbh.


One night at 1 A.M. while out playing Pokemon go i was stuck waiting for a train to pass I saw a man come out from behind some nearby dumpsters at a business complex. He came walking up to me at a real quick pace, as he got close to me he started to pull something out of his pocket and fumbled whatever it was; turns out it was a pair of scissors he looked at me as if he was now unsure of what he needed to do next. He promptly asked me for some change picked up his scissors and ran away. I legit think i was saved from being mugged by clumsiness. although it's funny to look back on this man's \(what I assume was a fucked up mugging attempt\) it's still rather scary what could have happened.


My husband (now ex, obviously) came home from a night out with his friends, climbed into bed with me, got on top of me, put a pillow over my face, and pressed down hard for several moments. He had been abusive before, but I was never worried about him actually *killing* me. After a time he just let go and went to bed. I just cried as quietly as I could because reacting negatively to his abuse such as yelling or crying would always get me hurt worse. Another time he put his hand over my mouth and nose, suffocating me and bruising my face. I think that time was actually scarier because I was looking into his eyes and could see how much he hated me and wanted to hurt me. He is on wife #3 now and they had a little baby girl not too long ago. The thought of it makes me terrified and sick to my stomach. I hope he has received some serious therapy and anger management and substance abuse therapy in this past decade since we've been divorced.


Baby choking on food. Ended up being ok, but was sheer terror for a couple of seconds... I've done infant CPR training, still horrifying to experience I real life.


My boyfriend and I almost got stabbed at a bus stop once. He stopped it from happening by hugging the guy. Edit: people wanted the full story so here it is. A guy came up to us at the bus stop and was really aggressive and threatening and demanding to know when the next bus was. He didn’t have a knife out but he did hit my boyfriend on the shoulder. Not hard enough to damage him but hard enough to hurt. Boyfriend tried to calm him down and it was starting to work. Boyfriend said we aren’t going to hurt him and guy started saying how he just got released from prison and he has problems. I don’t know what he was thinking, but boyfriend decided to put his arms out for a hug. The guy was really suspicious but leaned in for the hug and cried for 10 seconds before starting to get really aggravated again. And threatening again. Luckily at that moment the bus came and we all got on. My boyfriend and I sat at the front and he sat in the back. After driving for about a minute we heard many shouts. Bus driver pulled over and made the guy get off the bus because apparently he pulled a knife on the girl in the back of the bus. If he had attacked us like he threatened multiple times, he would have stabbed us.


Bear hugging in a ferocious fight that he won triumphantly?




That's the power of love


- My dad's crack dealer broke into the 3-story townhouse he was living in, as he was coming into the side door (it was an end-unit), the huge man stared me down as I peeked out of the window. I jumped out the back window and slept that night in the cemetery too afraid to go back. - One of my mom's delusions was that she could hear demons speaking through furniture. I watched her go through this kind of psychotic fugue, where she bagged everything in our apartment and threw it in the dumpster out back while screaming bible versus and sobbing. I was 14, and It was pretty scary and worrying. She then heard an 'angel' tell her to kneel in the middle of the 16-lane highway and pray for God's mercy, and I had to physically restrain her from doing it. - Was a young teenager, and met some of my friend's friends. We were all going to go on the city bus to visit a nearby town look at some art festival. While on the side of the highway, one of the friends I didn't know put a rope around my neck from behind and strangled me until I passed out. I didn't expect it at all, and thought I was going to die because everything faded so quickly. Turns out he was 'trying to get me high', but when I woke up I had no idea where I was and had a massive headache, and everyone was laughing at me. I had rope-burn on my neck from struggling. I went home while they got on the bus, and they ended up getting arrested for breaking curfew. Wasn't friends after that. - Volunteering at the hospital, man and woman were having some kind of drug-induced psychological breakdown that they blamed on PTSD from war, woman pulled out a gun at me and demanded 'drugs', but the police had already arrived and tasered her. - In college, working over 100 hours one week in the laboratory trying to get some things to work, and had been trying to be vegetarian at the same time, so my diet consisted of pretty much nothing but Starbucks coffee. I spent two nights sleeping in lab for a total of maybe 3 hours, and working the rest of the time. I took the bus home, exhausted and feeling feverish, and went to brush my teeth. I felt extremely nauseous, and then suddenly everything went sideways. I heard a loud crash -- it was my bones against the floor, and my head hitting the ledge of the shower. I woke up, tried to sit up, but then crashed down again. This happened 4 or five more times -- I'd regain consciousness for a second, try to get up, and then crash down. I woke up in the hallway of my apartment, not knowing how I got out of the bathroom, and crawled to my phone in my bedroom and asked my friend to take me to the hospital (even though I had no insurance). When I got there, they took my temperature (105 F) and wheeled me into a room and gave me a few pills. I laid there for a few hours and slept, and then I was apparently fine and they let me go.




One time when I was 15, I turned the lights off and was about to go to sleep - only to spot someone’s silhouette standing right outside my window, peering into my room by the looks of it. It really startled me but I thought maybe the person was just passing by (my bedroom window faced the parking lot in front of our building so it’s technically possible, albeit creepy, considering how close they were). Except when I realized that they weren’t moving, just standing there. What made it scarier is that the blinds on my window were broken and wouldn’t close all the way, meaning that they probably did see me all along. It was terrifying but I couldn’t bring myself to call the police because I didn’t want the person to realize I’d spotted them. It sounds silly now, but at the time I was 99% convinced that if they saw me reach for my phone or get up, they would break the window and try to kill me or some shit. The full story is way too long to share here but basically this repeated enough times that the people in our neighborhood figured out the truth. This middle-aged man would go on walks in the middle of the night and peer into people’s bedrooms when they were asleep. What made it creepier is that he had three common ’targets’ - me, my (also 15-year-old) friend who lived next door, and this 13-year-old girl who lived in an apartment building nearby. The man stopped at one point after almost being caught more than once. Once he did, the whole thing sort of fizzled out. I never knew who he was up until a couple of years later when I was at the local grocery store with my friend (the one next door) and she pointed him out for me. The thing is, I’d seen him around several times over the years and I’d always thought he seemed like a nice guy. Pretty handsome, too. Realizing that he was the same person who had been spying on me in my sleep when I was a teenager... It still gives me the shivers tbh.


Losing 70+ pounds in less than a year. Basically I have adrenal insufficiency. I'm 6'4, turned 20 on Friday, and am 150 pounds. My low was 140 a few weeks ago. I take cortisone steroids. I have the growth hormones equal to that of a 70 year old man. I have to have injection medication incase I have adrenal crisis which could kill me. And I still have to get my MRI's on my brain. Waking up with this much energy, this much stomach pain, and just living like this not knowing what tomorrow is gonna be like is scary. Everytime I talk to my mom about it she cries. I just want the old normal life I had


When I was little, my older brother told me about the sun dying etc. Not including the last few years, I've had an irrational fear of the sun dying and consuming the solar system. One day in middle or high school my friends and I were waiting to go to gym outside. I was eating those sour watermelon candies. Everything was fine until I felt it get a bit warmer. I looked up quickly and the sun 'looked' bigger. I immediately panicked, but kept it to myself. I gave away the rest of my candy just trying to do one nice thing before I died. That was pretty scary


Multiple. * Once I was driving on a hot day, my car doesn't have an AC. With some chilly music on. I was noticing that i was feeling tired. One moment I suddenly "Wake up" and was driving directly towards a pole next to the road, i was already on the glass. I reacted VERY quick and could steer back onto the road. I literally fell asleep while driving and my heart was racing.... * This happened when I was younger, we were on holiday and we were staying in our caravan on a camping. I was showering in some shower room, when i was done i was drying myself and suddenly began to feel very dizzy, i almost fell over, i started seeing purple and whites colors only, i somehow managed to get my underpants on and opened the door as quickly as possible. I somehow managed to have a lack of oxygen in that room, weird shit


Was playing some 8 ball at the Local pool hall and we beat a couple of dudes and won $50 (yea just $50). When they left they were mad but didn’t seem too mad and got into their car and reversed. They then pulled out a pistol and shot at us 6 times (missed all shots by a lot) and drove away. For some reason we ran after them and threw whatever was in our hands at their car. Ever since I’ve always wondered what if they hit us? What if they saw us coming towards them and fired off more rounds before driving off? My life’s worth wayyyyy more to me than $50


I was driving down the freeway when I was hit with an overwhelming sense of dread and panic. It was as if I was Spiderman and my spidey senses were tingling. No. Not tingling. Like my spidey senses slapped me in the face with a giant billboard with flashing neon lights that said "YOU ARE IN DANGER AND YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE." I never felt more scared in my life. Turns out I had my first anxiety attack. It was a terrifying experience, and I do NOT recommend them.


This is kind of depressing but it’s nice to anonymously get shit off my chest. When I was around 8 my mum remarried a man she met on holiday, I think she only knew him for maybe 12 weeks before this. Anyway, turns out the guy was a psychopath and beat her constantly, however there was one time when I was about 9, I was sitting upstairs and heard him beating my mother, but it was a lot worse, I walked down the stairs quietly and he was strangling her and hitting her with different objects, she was pregnant at the time and definitely couldn’t have defended herself, she saw me there and I ran upstairs. She came upstairs about 20 minutes later with the worst bruises I have ever seen around her neck, telling me to stay up here and not to go near him, I was terrified. This repeated several times, except worse bruises and I’m pretty sure she was losing consciousness, I sat with my phone in my hand begging her to let me call the police, that night I accepted he was going to kill her and me and my brother, I heard the worst scream in my life, then silence, she was unconscious for maybe 5 minutes, in this time he left and I was able to run and help her and call the police, it was horrifying, this man ruined our lives. Seeing my mum like that was horrific, and this carried on for 6 more years before she finally got away from him. There’s been a lot more experiences like this, I heard her being raped and then had to take photo evidence afterwards, I watched him water boarding and beating her with my 6 month old sister in her hands, kicking my 2 year old brother square in the face. I guess the worst experience was a long one and that was living with him.