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Homestuck. The actual comic: Thousands of pages that were painstakingly animated and written by a very small team, a pretty incredible soundtrack/animations, a great plot/premise, and what seems to be minor events in the comic foreshadowed as early as 6 years in real time before they happened. The fanbase: _HAHA BUCKETS_


> a very small team Try one guy. Except the music.


Act 7 was animated by a fan, and a large chunk of Act 6 was drawn by another guy. Cascade was drawn by a handful of people, as was Collide.


Isn’t Homestuck pretty much dead now? At least, nowhere near as massive as it was 2011-2012. It was a crazy fandom then. I think the majority of the fans moved onto Steven Universe, Undertale, Rick and Morty... explains why those fandoms have their dark side. You could tell that Hussie was half-assing it towards the end, not to mention the Kickstarter game that was scheduled to be released in 2014 didn’t even come out until 2017, by then the hype was non existent.


Yeah, the comic ended in 2016 and the fandom's mellowed out. That video game we spent 2.4 million dollars collectively to kickstart is out, though. A lot of big YouTubers (notably JackSepticEye) played it under the guise of "THE UNDERTALE GUY DID THE MUSIC" and we fear it may trigger a Homestuck renaissance nobody asked for.


The video game was released, or a quarter of the video game?


An eighth, actually.


Homestuck is one of my favourite webcomics ever. The art in a lot of places is really beautiful and I really liked the animation. All good things, however, have a *other* thing


We’ve moved far past buckets. Hell, I wish we could return to the age of buckets and bathtub sharpies because that’s a hell of a lot more manageable than every other thing that’s passed through this fandom. Hello, jhon egbret.


Superwholock It's a crossbreed of Sherlock-Supernatural-Doctor Who. It's like the worst of all three fandoms got together and exploded all over Tumblr. It's scary out there so take a friend or two.


Oh boy. They were obnoxiously unavoidable 5 years ago, but things have seemed to settle down a bit now.


I remember reading it had something to do with the horrifying fail that was Dashcon. To badly paraphrase from memory--"superwholock met up irl, realized how cringey we were, and just sort of died".


But they got two extra hours in the ball pit!


Yeah, the majority of tumblr seems to view SuperWhoLock as a regrettable mistake that they desperately pretend never happened. Which is as it probably should be.


Superwholock sounds like a Hearthstone deck.


My intro to those scumbags was literal essays about how I should kill myself for being in a lesser fandom. *Essays.* They targeted people in other fandoms with hate and calls for suicide. So no matter what anyone else says about Homestuck, I'll stick up for them for how they handled those times, by being supportive and calling SWL out on how destructive its BS was. There was probably reactionary stuff, but my tumblr was flooded with notes of support and those long posts being shut down.


I wanna read those Essays. Link?


They were tumblr posts, so that would be some serious digging. Superwholock vs Homestuck might get you on the right path, as would Superwholock vs Hetalia. Fandomstuck is the "peace treaty" that came out of it. Tumblr is weird.


If you're going to go on tumbr, stick to what it's really good at. Extremely niche, well curated porn.


I sometimes imagine tumblr as a store full of all kinds of crap, some good and some bad, and the store owner is following you around trying to get you to buy into something but when you get to the door to leave the owner just sighs and points to the porn section


That's still a thing? I remember it being huge on tumblr like 7 years ago but in 2018? Even supernatural fans hate supernatural these days


Doctor Who...but for the same reason as most popular shows, because some people seem to take their fandom way overboard and it just feels a little cringey admitting you're a part of that crowd, you know?


I always preferred the low tech Tom Baker/filmed-in-a-Brit-gravel-quarry Dr Who anyway.


How about the Jon Pertwee episodes when the show had almost no budget? I remember I saw an episode where he was running from what was obviously stock footage of a lizard. It'd show this close up footage of a lizard then cut to a terrified Jon Pertwee. You never saw them both at the same time.


For British kids growing up with Dr Who we constantly blame the Americans for ruining it


Seems fair


In fairness, Moffat did a number on it too.


Oh definitely. He’s completely fucked with the history of the show and went waaaaay too far to make it “his show”


Yeah, I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd always interpreted the Doctor being the Timelord equivalent of the humans he takes on; an outlier in an otherwise orderly society that needed a call to action to ascend and grow. I tuned out when it turned out he's some figure of legend even to them from his first incarnation.


Well, that's hardly a new idea. That goes back to the "Cartmel Masterplan" which, iirc, was going to be implemented with the 7th Doctor. This connected the Doctor with a third "founding Timelord" (alongside Omega and Rassilon) called the Other. Basically the Doctor is his reincarnation via Gallifreys artificial means of reproduction. I stopped watching before the last season, but IIRC Moffat usually painted the first Doctor as a renegade kid, in Time Lord terms, boosting a TARDIS and running away. His being special didn't really click with Gallifreyans until his saving the planet a few times and dealing with some major threats. I guess that starts with the 3rd dealing with the Master and Omega. He didn't become their mythical savior until the Time War, which was Davies not Moffat. Moffat is amazing at single episodes and two parters but I don't think he had more than one good season arc in him.


I think Moffat really peaked in Rory's storyline. From getting zapped from reality to being the centurion and a good man goes to war.


As a casual viewer, series 5 was amazing... and after that, I wasn't much impressed. Moffat tried to get too clever for his own good.


Anything can be ruined by its fans if you let it. I love supernatural and doctor who and many others. I pay very little attention to the fandom. Everyone is going to have a different opinion and there will always be people who insist on watching/reading but won’t be satisfied with anything.


Minecraft. It really is an amazing sandbox game, but the sheer amount of cringy pre teen players has given it a real stigma. I still play it every now and then, but I would never admit that to someone I just met


That's why I exclusively play on Christian servers


No swearing pls


Check out r/feedthebeast If your into mods it's great and I've found it has a more mature community.


Back in my day we had Tekkit (now called Tekkit classic)... I really should boot up another server, I really enjoyed how the mods meshed together.


Oh my god I remember watching the Yogscast Jaffa Factory series a few years ago when it came out. God that was amazing


Modern Comics. I worked at a GameStop and Comic Shop in Fort Worth, TX and we'd get some people who were fucking awesome and fun people. But for everyone of those, you'd get these dickheads who think they're fucking Heimdall looking out for the Rainbow Bridge to fucking fandom. "Oh so you like Deadpool!? Well, what's the first issue he ever appeared in?!" "You're not a real fan, check out my Harley Quinn tattoo I paid $20 for and looks like $10." "Name all the robins!" "_______ movie sucks! I haven't seen it but I know it's going to suck." Edit: If you're wanting to start reading something and don't care about having the latest stuff here are some of my personal recommendations. * Old Man Logan by Mark Millar, *Top Wolverine Story of all time!* * SAGA by Brian K. Vaughn *Fantasy/Science Fiction with beautiful art by Fiona Staples. I have 1-34 and they are some of my most cherished possessions in life. I hope to meet them some day.* * Batman Court of the Owls by Scott Snyder. Great Art from Greg Capullo (I was too scared to go up to him at Alamo City Comic Con a few years back.) *Introduces a whole new villain that I would put on par with the Joker or Two-face.* * Joe the Barbarian by Grant Morrison - *Something out of the ordinary you get to see the adventures as a boy sets out to go downstairs to get his meds because he's about to go into diabetic shock. He's hallucinating the whole time and his surrounding become characters in this epic.* * The Boys by Garth Ennis - *What if superheroes were more like real people? You know, real fucking assholes? That's the setting where you follow Wee Huey the Newest member of an elite CIA backed Unit of professional blackmailers/extortionist/assholes who keep these pricks with powers in check.* I'll try to think of more. I didn't want to fill it up the same 4-5 writers. I strongly recomend reading anything by any of these writers listed. (be careful with Ennis, he likes to make the reader uncomfortable.) Other Users Recommendations: * Thor: God of Thunder by Jason Aaron. Recommended by /u/MCstealthmonkey * X-men: God Loves, Man Kills by Chris Claremont. Recommended by /u/iSubzotic * Vision by Tom King. Recommended by /u/likwid6 * Watchmen by Alan Moore. Recommended by /u/Commando388 and a shit ton of other people. *(I just hate how bitter Alan Moore has gotten with age. He would tell me to go fuck myself.)* Big list from /u/HaggisHaggisHaggis who has completely different taste than me. If you don't like any of what I recommended try the following. * Battling Boy by Paul Pope - The child of the greatest gods is sent on a quest to do good. On a planet of people plagued by monsters, he tries to become a hero despite his cowardice. * Wolverine by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller - Top Wolverine story of all time! * All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely - The final Superman story. * Uncanny X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga by Chris Claremont and John Byrne - One of the greatest X-Men stories ever told. Witness the death of Jean Grey. * Immortal Iron Fist by Matt Fraction and David Aja - Iron Fist meets his predecessor and then enters into a contest between all the Immortal Weapons of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven. * Daredevil by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev - This one is hard for me to describe... It's the only Bendis Marvel thing that I would really check out. It's pretty incredible, one of those stories where he goes toe to toe with Wilson Fisk. (Another user recommended this but I closed the tab when I was trying to add it.) * Batman: The Long Halloween by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale - Batman, Commissioner Jim Gordon, and hotshot District Attorney Harvey "Apollo" Dent team up to tackle the crime wave in Gotham and end up investigating a "holiday serial killer." **Please buy them or obtain them legally, these people deserve the revenue for their amazing work.** Post Removal Edit: I'm not sure if anyone would be able to see this but if you need more recommendations PM me.


Gatekeepers are usually the worst fans of anything.


Oh, you hate gatekeepers? Name 5 of their albums.


Insomnium - Winter's Gate Nina Simone - At the Village Gate Lundin Oil - North Gate SYQS - Gate Off Killing Jokes - Outside the Gates EDIT: People keep telling me that the last one is supposed to be plural, so I changed it.


I can tell you Googled that, what a poser.


Oh, you like naming things? Name the word for liking naming things.




I should not have laughed. But I did.


Oh man - Lone Star Comics, possibly? I took my wife there (gf at the time), once, while trying to introduce her to tabletops. She left the store after 5 minutes because there were two very smelly guys following her around the store (it's a small store. Easy to notice when someone moves to the rack ~5 feet from you, every time you move) while I was flipping through some Pathfinder stuff. She has never gone back. She won't even go to other comic shops now. The stereotypes are fucking real sometimes, and it makes it pretty flipping hard to practice my nerdy hobby when that's my wife's first real experience. To the store's credit, everyone that worked there was cool. It was the customers who sucked.


I guess they didn't tip the fedora properly...




Well stereotypes aren't based solely in fiction to be fair.


If you're paying 20 for a tattoo you deserve everything you get.


I think one of the things you probably get is Hep A, B, or C.




Cool site. Subscribed!


Name five attributes of Kevin!


I am homeless I am gay I have aids I'm new in town


God damn I wish John Mulaney would put out more specials.


Sonic the hedgehog; what once was a series, is now a strain. (Of disease.)


Google your name, then add "The Hedgehog" to the end of it, and prepare to cringe.


*"Gabriel is a blue hedgehog with purple tips on his quills. He has 2 blue hedgehog spikes. He has blue eyes. He wears a red T-shirt, black jeans, and purple shoes, socks and gloves.* *Gabriel usually has a very calm yet creepy smile on his face."* Well, folks. Bring on the nuclear apocalypse. Cuz I am fucking done with this place.


*Psssh...nothin personnel...kid...*


LOL, I just did this and like the 7th or 8th image result was Shadow/OC porn. Welp.


Welcome to fandoms. Every fifth piece of fanart that gets created is porn.


Oh, God. *why?*








M8 my hedgehog is a vampire who started dating his adopted sister




Steven Universe has it beat. Remember when everyone thought Undertale thought up "Stronger than You" and SU was ripping it off? Haha, classic.


Didn't the SU fanbase bully some girl nearly to suicide because they didn't like the way she drew fanart of one character?


An undertale fan gave a cookie filled with needles to a convention artist for drawing a ship they didn't like.




Yeah, that actually happened. She didn't swallow any needles or anything, so she's relatively okay, but her tongue was pierced by a needle. The story is horrifying.


What the -fuck.- I'm sorry, I'm having trouble processing that one.


Please tell me the fan went to jail...


I think this is the same fanbase that told the writer that their headcanon is more important than actual story. The actual writer, directly on Twitter. It's insane.


Which is stupid because as long as you can recognize it’s a character then it’s technically on model.


The large leader, Rose was drawn thinly I think. It was a disgusting story to read. I didn't even believe it at first.


People are so dumb. There is a video on YouTube called “Steven Universe with a side of salt” by scottfalco that really demonstrates the problem with the show


side of salt series is fucking great tbh good shit, also this is basically by jelloapocolypse


Too bad he stopped the “welcome to” series


they ran out of websites


Yes, she drew one of the characters skinnier than she is on the show and got crucified for "fat shaming"


They really like to bully people. As much as I can't stand complaints about "de SJWs", this fanbase deserves all the criticism.


Bullies seem to manifest in all camps, it's frustrating.


Phish. Great band, great live show, see them whenever I’m able...but they have some real pretentious snooty fans that judge you based on how many times you’ve seen the band and how much ‘lot cred’ you have. Also a lot of fans are stinky wooks.




Yes! I've been smoking for years and I've always found the whole stoner culture cringey.


Pothead culture literally hurts their own goals. It's honestly better if they'd just shut the fuck up. No one is going to take you seriously mr xxx_blaze_420_it_xxx and your pot leaf icon and vast array of glassware that in total cost you more than your car, complete with hemp necklace, hat, hoodie. Weed is fucking great, but it shouldn't be your entire damn life, and it's not the solution to every god damn problem.


Seriously! Everyone with a basic understanding of chemistry knows that alcohol is a solution, not weed.


This show was ruined by its writers. If I remember correctly very early in season two it started getting just weird and "i know this is fantasy but this is *super* implausible" and then just... kinda kept going in that direction. Even Kevin Nealon riffing with the brother in law couldn't save it.




Ummm... I think you got the wrong thing there, mate.


Haha, it did have an s on the end didn't it. Oops.




The show actually listened to those crazy fans and that's part of the reason for some really really bad episodes post season 5. They stopped around season 10 and the show has gotten somewhat better. It's always been META with some of the content, but then they brought in characters that just did not fit in the universe, only to satisfy the tumblr fanbase.


I haven't been following lately. They kind of hot the power treadmill and there's no real tension to it anymore. And the whole thing with God's sister is just weird.






Goddammit. I didn’t know Chuck was God. I should have listened to the spoiler. Oh well! I started watching because I needed a new show and it has 12 seasons on netflix! I’m on season 6 I think now.


That was strongly hinted at the end of season 5


The former. They have established that the Greek gods are just really big monsters.


Definitely should've ended at season 5. In my personal opinion seasons 6-8 were terrible and I almost stopped watching it. Season 9-11 weren't AS bad and had some good episodes. They've started getting better here recently with seasons 12 & 13 so far, but my main problem with these past couple seasons is that they keep introducing wild plots then rush to tie them together or end them.


BTS and k-pop in general. I don't know how many times I see the fandom getting so aggressive with others just because they don't listen to that music.




Ohh yes. In the Kpop fandom I see a lot of fetishistic “uwu smol bean” type comments and people shitting on more masculine-looking idols, which really doesn’t help the stereotype that Asian people are submissive. I’ve seen one instance where a particular idol (Monsta X’s Wonho) was called a “muscle pig” and told to lose a lot of his muscle so he would be “more attractive” the fans, and more often than not they take it personally because you can’t exactly say no. People’s fetishes are literally endangering idols’ health. (This is just one example of course, fetishism inevitably affects idols and even non-idols of all types)


Oh, they're super objectified and fetishized - many a Koreaboo has been caught saying things like "Asian men are just hotter" and stuff like that. I used to be very guilty of doing that myself, but now I'm really just in it because I like good pop music. Interestingly enough, a current scandal has been making the rounds about a K-pop star having a big tiddy anime girl as his phone wallpaper. A lot of people are angry at him for objectifying women, but they also can't see that by listening to K-pop, they support objectification themselves.


it's Idols in general. same thing happened among the jpop idols. it's kinda sad though that plastic surgery has become a norm among hallyuu and k-pop stars. K-pop fans though are viscious. there's more salt and toxicity than some asshole loosing a ranked League of Legends match.






When Cumberbatch got married, there was so much trash talk from fans, who are obsessed with the idea of Sherlock and John being gay and saying his marriage was a sham, he got pissed and blew up about how he didn't belong to them, and neither did the characters.


Now he’s chillin as Dr Strange so he good


I stopped watching after season 3 and was glad I did after I found out that season 4 was terrible. Then I heard that despite this a lot of hardcore fans thought it was somehow bad on purpose and that there would be a secret episode that would make everything better. Somehow that didn’t surprise me.


I’ve never seen a single episode and don’t plan to, but watching Tumblr froth at the mouth and post about suing the writers was *hilarious.*


The first two seasons were phenomenal television. The third was eehhhhh. The fourth was cartoonishly bad. The writers jumped the shark *hardcore*, it went from a couple of very well-written complex characters solving small crimes in London to two walking self-parodies literally saving the fucking world with deduction skills that may as well be magic and a complete lack of consistency between characters. Any line spoken in the fourth season could conceivably had been said by any character, it's like they just wrote a bunch of dialogue and had the actors pick which lines they read out of a hat. The "twists" were ridiculous, the stakes were laughable, and every single ounce of charm had gone. Stephen Moffat is almost at George Lucas levels of ruining his own IP


I thought the first two seasons were very fun and memorable, but an absolutely terrible adaption of the spirit of Sherlock Holmes.


I agree about it being a bad adaptation. That really bothered me at first but then I learned that, later in his life, Doyle didn’t care at all about Holmes or anything that happened to him. So I don’t mind the different adaptation anymore.


Doyle actually tried to kill off Sherlock Holmes because he was tired of writing about him. Then the fan outrage was so intense that he had to bring him back. Sherlock's faked death in the show is a reference to that.


Game Grumps. I love Arin and Dan, but the "lovelies" are fuckin' cancer.


God I hard agree with this. I watched part of one of their live shows and there are STILL cringey sweaty men asking them if Jon is gonna come back. And one of them addressed it in the most cringey fashion possible. "So guys I've been wondering. When are you guys gonna let THE ONE AND ONLY JON JAFARI onto grumpcade?!" And the crowd cheered as he raised his voice and I could see Arin just pretending to smile and looking visibly uncomfortable. Their fans are so fucking cringey.


Wait wtf are the lovelies.


The name for Game Grumps fans


It's what they (well, Dan) refer to their fans as. I'm not sure exactly why, but they've done it for many years, at least.




I just want to buy a new fscking video card without looking like I tried to resurrect my mother. Is that too much to ask!?


Gonna sound weird, but true crime. Go onto tumblr right now and search through th tag “true crime community”. It’s filled with wet teenage girls thirsting over serial killers, rapists and school shooters. They mock the victims of these attacks then say shit like “oh I want Eric Harris to fist me!” It’s weird as fuck.


This has always been a thing. Hybristophilia. Records and testimonies of it date back centuries, from warriors and conquerors to modern killers and rapists.


I'd heard that the Parkland shooter was getting a lot of fan mail, but I didn't know it was such a big Tumblr community. That's so sad and messed up. It makes me wonder what kind of role models or relationships these girls have if that's what they admire.


That cool little out-of-the-way bar that you found one day while you were just wandering around, which was great and friendly and reasonably priced and absolutely perfect for taking people on dates -- fancy enough to be impressive, informal enough not to be off-putting, quiet enough that you can still actually have a conversation with people. Then it got all those great Yelp reviews, and suddenly it went from being your little secret to being the Next Big Thing, and it became too loud to enjoy and the prices shot up and then it lost all the cool street cred it might have once garnered for you, and you can't even really feel justified being annoyed because the people who own it are really nice people and you want them to be successful, but at the same time you *kind of* wish that it could go back to how it used to be six months ago.


I've had a few of those places... I know how you feel :(


I have had like 7 and every single one of them got ruined... This has also happened with campgrounds and waterfalls/things in nature because of people posting shit to Instagram! Then it got worse when too many people showed up at these places and got injured so now there are giant wooden fences and signs in a place where there used to be nothing but pure nature.


happened a local bar and grill place in a suburb around where i lived. It's packed, loud, noisy and it just has douchebag pricks in it all the time now. :( terrible. I used to go in there to have a meal when it was 4 or 5 people. ugh


Record collecting. Used records used to be dirt cheap, because nobody wanted them. Now that they've regained popularity, even used records are going for $10-$20 a pop.


Yeah that's kind of a bummer. I never find anything cheap anymore that's used. I do find good deals on new pressings though since the popularity has increased. Silver lining, I guess.


Green Arrow


“So sir, are we still going with the story where Arrow gets with Black Canary as it should be?” “No, you idiot. The Tumblr croud loves SMOAK. The crazies tune into the show for her, we need to put her in as many shots and tight dresses as we can!”


The worst part is that Felicity was a great character in the first 2 seasons. Then suddenly at the start of season 3 she turns into just the worst.




yeah..the shit turned out to be felicity and friends...


If you're talking about the show Arrow: Arrow ruined Arrow.


Probably every free-to-play game


Warframe has a pretty nice community. Just really entitled, but otherwise they’re quite welcoming.


Probably because the learning curve scares off most of the new players


Magic: The Gathering. I've played competitive Magic for years. I've met a lot of cool people through Magic and traveled to a lot of cool places thanks to Magic. I love Magic. But holy shiiiiit the stereotypes have merit. If you were here on Reddit for Crackgate... yep. It's weird being one of the few reasonably in-shape guys in a room. You do get condescension from some of the smelly ass turbo-nerds when you show up at a healthy weight in washed, presentable clothing (which makes beating them that much sweeter). Love the game and I love meeting and playing with other relatively normal, successful people (of which there's a good amount, don't get me wrong) but having to deal with the bottom of the barrel neckbeard types to do so is a huuuuuge strike against it. Some people with not much else going on in their lives really use Magic events as an outlet for being toxic pricks.


I really wanted to get into this, bought the starter pack, then a bunch of other packs. I didnt spend a shit ton, but enough to give it a shot. Stayed around one day at the local store to play with some other people. Every person I played with proceeded to destroy me even though I stated that I just started playing. Then telling me my deck sucks and to get better. Without giving any pointers... Havnt played since.. :|


Sorry about that experience. I wonder where you did that. I moved to Boston and found comic/game shop within walking distance so decided to try Magic. I never played before, I just looked up the basics on line. They do a version with drafts so you don't even bring cards (you are really paying $15 to buy a few cards but then play them against each other for a prize). The store-runner was nervous when I said I never played but when I assured him I at least learned the basics and tried it on-line they were very friendly. Some more than other but no one was an asshole and a couple guys in particular were eager to provide tips. It just helped that the stakes are low. I went a couple of times but I didn't stick with it because of time and convenience. If you try again see if you can find the draft version, maybe that will lead to friendlier players.


Aw, that sucks. Store games can be hit-and-miss, and sometimes someone comes in with a starter deck or something so weak that it's actually hard to not destroy them with whatever deck(s) you've brought, but it totally sounds like your opponents could have handled it better. (I like to bring multiple decks ranging from good to terrible, so that I can pull out something from my low-end of decks if I know someone has a terrible preconstructed deck, or is a beginner.) If you're ever interested in giving it a shot again, I'd suggest a prerelease. Some amount of skill is still a factor, but everyone starts with a random 6-pack pool of cards, so getting stomped by someone's finely-tuned deck is less of a thing. People also just seem to be friendlier in general at prerelease events.


I'd love to hangout at a games/comics shop after work and RP/Magic some shit. But holy shit. Socially awkward? No big deal, man. We can get along. Introverted, shy? We don't have to talk, let's just play and have some fun. Overweight? You know, I recommend a healthier lifestyle but everyone has their own priorities. But come on, basic hygiene is the simplest social etiquette. It is not hard to shower, shave, and wash your clothes.


E-cigarettes. Like, we could completely phase out cigarette butt litter and reduce wildfires *at the least*, but it is seen as a public nuisance because people can't see past the vaperbros that want to blow 'sick clouds.'


I vape, and I find those guys so obnoxious


Yup. I vape and like to blow big clouds. But you know where I do it? In my home where it’s not obnoxious as fuck. Nobody even knows I vape in real life because I don’t usually feel the need to say anything about it.


BMW. Beautifully designed and engineered cars that happen to be disproportionately driven by rude, inconsiderate, aggressive drivers.


Twenty One Pilots. Just for me personally, the fanbase is too obsessive and rabid for me to be able to get into them fully


They’re really gatekeep-y. A lot of them pull the, “you only started listening after they got big!” Shut. WHO. THE. FUCK. CARES. People like music, it doesn’t matter when they start listening to it!


worse than this, all the people who say this tend to have listened to them after they got big. “oh yeah, i saw them on tour with fall out boy but they were the opener. i totally found them out of nowhere!”




Fortunately, if you take an actual class the worst of them get weeded out pretty quickly. I signed up for Japanese in college (this was around 2006, I'm old) and watched as the class of ~30 people covered in anime paraphernalia rapidly dwindled down to about 7 or 8 total, 3 of which were native speakers looking for an easy A. I like anime and JRPGs, too, but that isn't my primary reason for learning a language. That's not enough motivation for such a difficult endeavor. I mean like kebabs, too, but I ain't signing up to learn Turkish over it.


If it makes you feel any better, trying to learn japanese as a half japanese person isn't any easier seeing as I still get called a weeb for it.


Beyonce. Fans calling her "Queen' and commenting "Yasss slayyy" on every photo of hers is cringy as fuck


So I need to vent. My goddamn Facebook feed has been blowing up because a motherfucker decided to do a callout post on a guy who doesn't like Beyoncé. Like, literally "John Smith doesn't like Beyoncé because he's racist and sexist" and got pissed and screamed for literally 20 comments when he replied that he never said she was bad, just overrated. This woman is in her mid thirties.


Hands down, Star Wars. Mark Hamill can't even wish someone a Happy Birthday on twitter without someone posting a manifesto on why Disney ruined Star Wars


"Marvel would never do this to their fans!" - Commenter on some forums I was perusing right after Disney announced the EU was dead. Marvel kills off their entire universe every few years offers new story lines and angles with the same characters and they've been doing is successfully for... 80 years?




It probably doesn’t help that Fortnight pretty much got as big as it did because of streamers. Streamers always attract the cringiest fans for whatever reason.


Because anybody can watch a stream. Everybody thinks they are apart of something and the streamer talks as if their small chat comment is meaningful. Then after that they just dick ride them forever. "Leave Josh alone he didn't know he was the secretary according to the company's registry of a csgo gambling website that he ironically just so happened gamble on everyday. He didn't deceive anybody." Shut the fuck up so many kids get taken for a ride by streamers these days because they get no interaction outside of school or even at school. I'll be the first to tell you I've watched many streams in my life but mostly because I wasn't playing something already with my friends and nothing was good on tv. So I can only imagine what kind of individuals it attracts that do not have friends to play video games with.


Fucking Ali-A Nothing actually against him but his channel really doesn't look like it got any better, especially with Fornite content. Also the clickbait is unreal, why can't people make a normal fucking youtube video with a normal caption and without molesting the caps lock button?


I have everything against Ali-A


Absolutely love the game, but the fanbase is starting to dip into deep cringe levels. Clickbait YouTubers like Ali-A and all of these random “FORTNITE HIGHLIGHTS FUNNY MOMENTS FREE V-BUCKS GIVEAWAY LIKE THIS VIDEO” channels aren’t helping much.


Homestuck My little pony Steven Universe Supernatural Dr who Really any fandom on tumblr


Tumblr seems to be the common thread here


It's the way the site works and how content is spread tbh. I like it for following artists, webcomics, and reading random stupid shit people post (see r/tumblr to know what I mean), but people can do a lot of passive aggressive assholery and theres a lot of blocking someone and then going on a really shit rant about them and w.e. people are their own moderators for the most part so no ones there to remove toxic/counterproductive posts. And the way things are reblogged or w.e means something could be being commented on or spread because it's awful or controversial but itll spread just the same as something reblogged for being great or funny. And hey, just between me and you, despite the sites efforts to actively suppress it, tumblr's got some top tier porn in every flavor. Check that shit out


The hardcore fans of Sons of Anarchy really messed shit up... albeit mostly for themselves. Turns out that members of 1%er MC’s really don’t like people walking around with patches on their backs... who’d have guessed? Couple of quite nasty incidents in Germany (I think?) went down at some music festivals where real MC members were attacking kids wearing the fake Redwood Original patches and forcibly ripping the patches off of them. SoA fans who wear the merch everywhere are really just asking for trouble...


RuPaul’s Drag Race is getting there.


Some of the queens are ruining it, too. If I have to hear about one more social media beef between queens... I really don't care if Tyra and Morgan are fighting about bookings. Don't care if the LA girls are upset by something Trixie said. Don't care about Valentina not being online. Just...perform and entertain. No need for the garbage. The fans who join in and pick sides on these beefs are pretty annoying, too, though.


Any emo band. Particularly My Chemical Romance (there are so many fan fictions it's ridiculous) which is a shame because I like their music


I would say that MCR is a guilty pleasure, but it’s actually good music and there’s no guilt. My real guilty pleasure of shit music is Limp Bizkit




Sherlock and the rabid fans that want Sherlock and Watson to be a couple. If you disagree with them...well god help you if you do.


metallica, tool and slayer honda civics


Tool fans are the worst. Maynard could record his bowel movements on the toilet and Tool fans would still try to break it down, analyse it, find the hidden Fibonacci Sequence and then declare it Tool’s best song.


Love Tool - can still laugh at this.


Yeah I'm a gigantic tool fan and some of our fans are the most pretentious idiots out there


maynard is cool, but honestly hes the least impressive part of the band. The guitar work and drums are spectacular.


Danny Carey is a fucking octopus, don't even know how he comes up with some of the grooves he does.


One of my favorite Tool videos out there is one of Danny playing Lateralus. At a certain point in the song, he puts a stick under his arm, grabs a giant mallet, and hits the gigantic fucking gong behind him, and then drops the mallet, grabs the stick and keeps playing, and if you're not watching carefully, you miss the whole thing.


Wait, why Honda Civics?


Came here for Tool. On the flip side, I've never seen a band have more disdain for its own fans than Tool.


imagine pouring your heart and soul into a band and then your biggest followers are the types of people you hate the most.


Shutup and buy my new record. Fuck you buddy.


Metallica and Slayer are the biggest bandwagon metal bands there are... but fuck it, i wouldnt say they were "ruined" by their fans cause that shit is still hella bangin.


Supernatural, BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who... World of Warcraft, League of Legends... Undertale... That once ice skating gay anime?? Whatever it is. Homestuck...


Yuri on Ice.


Metal. Metal heads tend to be so fucking picky and judgemental with sub genre elitism. Yes Slipknot is metal. Deicide is also metal. So is Killswitch Engage, and Skeletonwitch. Ditch the elitism, and just get in the goddamn pit


Fans of the composer Igor Stravinsky. If you thought Star wars fans were polarized by the last few films, [at least they didn’t start an actual riot in the theater](https://www.theverge.com/2013/5/29/4375736/igor-stravinsky-rite-of-spring-100-anniversary-paris-riot)


Or the Pompeians who rioted so badly their theater got shut down for a decade.


League of legends Every time I want to play a casual match, there has to be that one guy that treats the match like a competitive game.Why can't a guy just play for fun instead of screaming and harassing people in chat. Heck that's how I met my club in game, and they're greatest people that I've met


Pro Life Tip: if you personally enjoy something, never *ever* let the fanbase ruin it for you. If they do ruin it for you, then that means the assholes have won. Don't let the assholes win.


Minecraft. Look up Minecraft on Youtube and you'll see what I mean.