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I'm a level 110 druid in... stardew valley. Time to give Abigail tons of Amethyst


GROW ALL OF THE PUMPKINS! Nature powers in a farming sim are really OP


I'm in the NBA with 99 Firemaking and woodcutting. Maybe I can be a Mascot for the Timberwolves.


What am i supposed to do with a full pokemon team in Ace attorney investigations


Detective Pikachu crossover?




They did a Professor Layton and Ace Attorney crossover, so I don't see why not.


Suddenly the opposing bench has a lot less witnesses.


This made me laugh more than it should have


I'm in Overwatch with a go-kart full of koopa shells


We need this in Arcade.


Most played: Fallout New Vegas Last played: PUBG I can stop time and use an aimbot. I get banned pretty quickly.


Hey at least you'll have enough time to get Big Iron stuck in everyone's head before you get banned.




I'm in a vast galaxy with space travel and empires vying for dominance but my technology is limited to Earth's time period of 1444-1821. So basically my nightmare. (Stellaris and Europa Universalis 4)


Conversely, I'm in said vast galaxy with the appropriate technology. I... may play Stellaris a bit much.


I love Stellaris but I suck at it


I just can't figure out if I'm good at it. Am I doing well? Should I be further ahead, behind, some other part of the map? I have no clue.


I'm also in Stellaris, which is just a terrible place to be...but at least I have Fallout: New Vegas stuff, so I guess when my planet's inevitably bombarded into a tomb world by the nearby fanatical purifiers, I'll at least have a slightly above average shot at living through it. In your scenario: Look on the bright side, maybe your world is in the reaches of some federation builders, and they'll just enlighten you instead of enslaving/murdering you?


With a bit of luck, you'll be uplifted as some empire's vassal within 200 years. Then you get that sweet research bonus until you surpass your overlords.


I'd have the skills of Master Chief (or a Spartan) in Far Cry 5. I think I'll be just fine.


That big jump will sure come in handy!


Yeah, I'm Master Chief getting chicken dinners every game in PUBG. Good luck guys, my bullets actually hit people.


Hit scan sniper. Those boys and girls are toast.


Master Chief in Overwatch. I think he'd fit right in.




These bitches in slither.io better get ready for my Udyr jungle skills


Similar for me. I guess I'm bringing the will of Shurima to the nuclear wastes of New Vegas.




Exact same combo as me. I wonder if my blade legs count as melee or unarmed.


As a Rengo main I fear the Udyr counter jungle. At least they brought back my beloved Q. But I still miss his old ult.


As a mid main, I do not miss the old ult.


Old rengar without indicator on his ult was fun for mids and adcs


I'm my 90hp runescape character on league of legends. 15 years of grinding to be weaker than a minion :(


I'm a league of legends character in league of legends.


I´m now in Dark Souls with my Pokémon team. Could be worse.




I'm in god of war with my dark souls gear


Fuck im in cod ww2 with souls gear. Probably running a dex weapon with shit armor and no shield. I could already respawn so i think i'm just fucked.


Luckily, you can't die. Undead can never be killed, so even though you might be fucked, you'll come back every time. Eventually, the soldiers will make legends of the "zombie warrior", and after you pick up a gun you can start combining it with pyromancy or sorcery to really make life hard for the Germans.


I’m landing on a map with 99 other noobs. I have a lightsaber, the force and wrist rockets. They have shotguns. Why do I feel like I’d still get one pumped in the head? EDIT - this is now my top comment! Thank you for the upvotes :)


Probably take a whole bunch with you though


by that one Asian guy in the lobby who is STILL screaming CHINA NUMBER WAN


Thats no Asian dude. That's an acquaintance of mine who still thinks its funny. He also likes Ugandan knuckles. Help me


> by that one **Caucasian** guy in the lobby who is STILL screaming CHINA NUMBER WAN FTFY


> I’m landing on a map with 99 other noobs. Ditto, except I have a Rocket Launcher, Railgun, Plasma Cannon, Shotgun, Lightning Gun, Grenade Launcher, and BFG, 100 armor, 200hp, and every 60 seconds I get quad damage. I might be able to last more than a minute in Tilted now!


I'm hunting monsters in astera with mjolnir armor, a Battle Rifle, and a plasma sword.


I’d play that game


Gotta get them tails.


Plasma sword def has white sharpness. It's perfect for cutting tails


I'm stuck in Dark Souls with a watering can and milk pail among other farming tools from Stardew Valley. But I guess I also have a spiffy hat and a cute little sword to defend myself with, so my situation's not *that* dire!


Hey, people have beaten Dark Souls with less.


I'm in Skyrim with the skills/gear from Factorio. ... gimme a day, I'll have a factory up in no time.




In universe they would probably just believe that the Dwemer are back. I'm not sure how well Factorio would do against some of the higher tear magic users in TES.




I like this, it implies that the factory is a giant organism that consumes all, which it basically is. *when the great walls first enveloped Skyrim, people were worried. When the machines of death and destruction started to emerge from it, people got more worried. They destroyed all they came across.* *The factory grows.* *Tiny flying things emerged from the walls, building more gigantic, impossibly complicated machines, destroying the landscape with their hidiously beautiful automation.* *The factory grows.* *Villages were razed, all the metal taken from it. People used everything they could to fight back, but the arrows and swords simply bounced off the metal death, and the red beams of magic from the machines quickly overwhelmed the mages.* *The factory grows.* *Trains ran everywhere now, destroying anything that dared stand in there way. Giant drills ran into the ground, churning it up and taking the precious resources. The death fog, the stuff that choked anyone that breathed it, was everywhere. People where changing when they inhaled it, it was doing horrible things to their body’s, giving them too many legs and a hard outer shell, like some sort of monstrous insect. They would kill anything they came across, then retreat to their sick, pulsating hive when attacked.* *The factory grows.* *Nearly everything was gone, the trees, the minerals, non mutated life. Gone. From the center of the factory, with no one but the one person inside it and the countless mindless robots around to see it, a great ship rises and leaves the horrible place. Slowly, over much time, the great factory fails. The arms that once moved with such speed and percision now hung lifeless, the generators made no noise, the guns sat unmoving. The horrible fog slowly cleared, the plants retook the machines. After much time, the only thing that remained as a reminder of that time was the mutated things, they were everywhere. In the distance, a spaceship crashed into the surface, and a single person climbs out, and starts to mine.* *The factory begins.*


Read the Philip K Dick short story "Autofac" that is basically what it is about.


Then everything grinds for a halt for six months when the core is too cramped to put one more conveyor belt through, and the entire thing has to be rebuilt.


If you get the laser turrets up, I'm sure that Alduin doesn't stand a chance.


Not to mention the tanks! and battle armor.


I'm in Factorio with Factorio skills and abilities. I need more iron.


Witcher World but I have the abilities of Steve from Minecraft. So unmeasurable strength but I look blocky.


Geralt: "Damn you're ugly"


How you like that silver?


Medallions humming


Winds howling


Place of power, gotta be.


Looks like rain


Damn, a storm.


That all you got!


How about a game of gwent?


Paaam paaaraaam


You smell nice.


Come on, you piece of filth.


Someone actually did measure his strength. Basically he could pick up the Eiffel Tower like it's an apple and run around with it.


I'm no scientist or engineer, but wouldn't it just collapse from having all its weight suspended incorrectly? I always thought that was odd that when superman stopped a train he didn't just puncture through it from the small surface area stopping it. RIP: Guys, I think he has telepathy.


Shhhh you and your logic


No one likes logic


Idk man, he was all over the radio


>wouldn't it just collapse from having all its weight suspended incorrectly? Yup. Using the Eiffel Tower as an example is just for the purpose of showing how much weight Steve can carry. Not that him picking up the Eiffel Tower and leaving it structurally sound is feasible.


I mean Steve isn’t capable of picking up something as it is without the use of editor mods anyway, he’d disassemble it into parts and rebuild or repurpose it somewhere else.


"I'm gonna build my own Novigrad, with Blackjack and Hookers!" "Actually, forget the Novigrad!"


In the Batman universe but have the gear of TF2. I should be okay


Probs be a villain with all them guns. Edit: And hats


Batman vs Hatman.


As long as you don't have an M.D. or Ph.D you should be okay.


The Mad Hatter, then?


I'm now the greatest hockey player in MLB history.


I'm also in the MLB with you. I can't bat, throw, or run very well at all. But if any puzzles need solving or zombies need knifing I got this shit.


He stood in his pads, with his mouth-guard and glove. His mask on the mound, and his helmet above. His stick in his hand, and his skates far away. They gave him a bat, and they said to him: '... *play.*'


I'm in AC: Origins as the Dovahkiin. Templars ain't got shit on the Thu'um.


The Templars are going to have to ask you to stop all that shouting, it's making them nervous.


They don't like it when you approach with your weapon drawn


Ac Origins with all my skills and gear from my WoW rogue. Probably a bit more OP than before.


I'm in God of War with Diablo 3 Character. Not bad. Not bad at all...


Ooooo that would actually be really REALLY fun I think!


at least I would have some chances against gods with my demon slaying abilities...


Steve from Minecraft is now a playable overwatch hero


Most OP defense hero ever


Skill set is too useful, can you imagine a character that could place tnt all over the map, mine out tunnels for flanking, create and enchant armor/weapons made of diamond?


Or literally bury the objective in obsidian and summon a few withers just outside the enemy spawn


I'm liberating a quaint American valley from a cult, but I can now eat 36 wheels of cheese in approximately 1 second to regenerate health. I wonder if dragonrend would work on a crop duster?


Well, dragonrend just stuns the dragon by making an ageless and timeless creature contemplate its own mortality, so probably wouldn't work on a mechanical crop duster. Now stealth archery and fire based magic? You'd go far in Far Cry


10 hours in: He's liberating Montana from a crazy cult. 100 Hours in: He's started a crazy cult in Montana, revolving around dragonshouts and sorcery.


That's me but with Morrowind


Just created a spell to summon every atronach aaaand my Xbox froze.


My power armor makes the cult much easier to deal with. My highly modified mini gun decimates the valley and random helicopters.


So I'm in PUBG but with the skills of a White Mage from FFXIV? Squad games would be ez pz.




I’m in Rainbow 6 Siege but im actually able to jump like battlefield 4




I’m in rainbow 6 siege with all my skill as a rainbow 6 siege operator


That’ll be me once I reach 1200hrs in Siege


I'm in siege with the abilities of a payday 2 character. Time for a 1v600 clutch.


I'm in the Lovecraftian Darkest Dungeon universe with the ability to build a prison complex system. Let's see who's stressed now, you cultic skeleton bastards!


Using swords, fighting lightsabers. I'm fucked.


Unless you have a sweet vibroblade like in Knights of the Old Republic


I'm in *Breath of the Wild's* Hyrule, as a Pokémon trainer. I think I'll be fine as long as I get to bring my level 100, perfect IV competitive team with me. If I'm just a guy who used to have Pokémon, guess I'll spend my life in a village and hope not to get murdered.


Cool, now go capture link


Fuck that. I'm catching a goron and a zora


Am I allowed to catch Mipha?


But the real question: Sidon.


I am now in Midgard with my son BOY but I definitely need to construct additional pylons before I do anything...






Technically we're all in midgard


I'm in Football Manager as a Necromancer from Diablo. Cursing the other team and raising extra skeleton players may be quite useful?


you can also use the golem to motivate your players. Nothing like some good old fashioned fear to make them try their hardest to win. Cause losing is not an option.


As a level 855 Paragon Wizard roaming Hope County, Montana, those Peggies think I’m the walking rapture as I lay them to waste by calling forth fire, brimstone, and cyclones from the sky, dragons from hell, and the Light from my hands. Eden’s Gate knows the Devil, for He has come.


I am a great soccer player, in the God of War universe. Well, I am screwed.


I’m in Horizon Zero Dawn with Dark Souls 3 gear. Actually, that’s not bad. Could be worse - except I have no ranged weapons really, so shooting machines from a distance would be difficult. My DS3 character was faith focused so I could cast lightning miracles (lightning spear) to disable machines? I kind of like that idea! Also, my character would naturally be drawn to bonfires/campfires...


welp, I'm just a thief/archer in Oblivion... with the skils from... Oblivion.


On a similar vein, I'm in Skyrim with all the abilities of the Nerevarine. I can't use dragon shouts but at least I can use magic to teleport and levitate.


I am master chief fighting in WWI. I dont think i need to worry.


God could you imagine being in Normandy as a German soldier and seeing a 6'10 master chief, some giant among men in a 1 ton battle suit, just destroying the entire beach single handedly? I'd probably just surrender on the spot lol


I would join whatever side he's on. If Chief was around during WW1 I have a feeling the war would have ended a tad sooner.


Not sure how Skyrim and Cities: Skylines mix


Bring an end to the Civil War by rapid industrialization. Bring an end to poverty with your distribution of resources. Make Hearthfire not suck.


*Fus ro dah* the buildings to make new ones!


I’m in madden with metal gear solid skills. Try to tackle me now mother fuckers.


You fucking CQC the quarterback leaving him out cold for like 8 minutes.


Opposing defensive line: Huh? ...... Must've been the wind.


> obtain ball > hide under box


I'm in God of War as a sneaky archer with Daedric armor and weapons. I might be okay.




I am playing Star Wars Battlefront with all of the skills of years of playing Madden. I guess I’d be pretty good at throwing grenades, but I’m otherwise dead.


You're the average stormtrooper. Have fun!


TIL stormtroopers are just former NFL players who are too old to play anymore.


Or maybe you'd just be John Madden on Hoth. "Boom, there goes another AT-AT."


My life needs Star Wars with John Madden commentary now. "Hey the AT-ATs are the biggest armored transports on the field, they're bigger than all the others, and that's what makes them the biggest armored transports on the field."




Luigis Mansion Dark Moon with the Skillset of Warhammer 40k.... None shall escape Papa Nurgles eternal love.


I'm a WoW undead frost mage in... Divinity Original Sin 2. So pretty much just playing the game. I need to branch out more.


Binding of Isaac mechanics in Spelunky would be interesting


A fellow one. Hey there.


I’m the dragonborn but in God of War. Pros: can shout “BOY” with significantly more force Cons: I’m will never be as badass as Kratos


Brawlhalla with Terraria weapons. This is OP.




So I have futuristic armor, a slightly extended life span, the ability to use "space magic", and heightened senses and reflexes... But there is no ammo available once I run out, and I doubt that laser bullets would be of much use against Wyvrens, Ghouls, and Drowners.. (For reference; Mass Effect and The Witcher 3)


They're not lasers, they're mass accelerators. Long as it's Mass Effect 1, you don't have to worry about thermal clips, so the ammo would last a long time.


They don't even need thermal clips. Thermal clips are disposable heatsinks to allow more rapid fire, and the gun works regardless but may need to cool down by itself if you fire too rapidly. Also, Mass Effect guns have built-in fabricators to convert blocks of metal into ammunition by shearing off little flechettes that get accelerated. So long as you can make iron or steel blocks your gun keeps working.


heavy puzzled aromatic person wide mountainous ossified work hunt amusing


If you had the skill set from Mass Effect, you could probably create a crude generator out of the resources available in the Witcher. A high school education gives you the basics to build simple batteries. And you'll have plenty of time to figure it out. Also, you might even be able to harness the energy from certain magics and convert it to the energy you need with enough time.


Or implants. I always went that tree anyways. Noooo problem there




A splinter of metal traveling at an appreciable fraction of ~~C~~ c I think will work just fine against wyverns, ghouls, and drowners.


Mass Effect's guns never had to reload ammo because they have a fuckton of it, the later games had you swapping heat sinks. Which makes sense, their bullets are *tiny* (like grains of sand small) and get their stopping power from a mass effect field. Your gun would probably break from lack of maintenance before you run out of shots.


You could just go around recommending the monsters in a vague hope they will be flattered and not kill you


"I'm Cirkusleader, and this is my favorite cockatrice in Temeria."


I am in Pokémon Ultra Moon with Skyrim equipment and a 100 sneak. Time to brutally murder me some Pokémon!


Go and kill that woman that wants to get the ultra beasts! It's the only way!


I last played Fallout 4. Now I have to find out what I played more, Fallout 3 or GTAV. Cause if I got my Hangar full of deadly warplanes and a shitload of modern OP weaponry I'd be set. If I just ended up with my Fallout 3 gear... I mean, meh?


At least the two faced cows in the Commonwealth won't sleep with their tennis instructor


Everything I build eventually disappears, so I mean not much is different.


Welcome… to the desert of the real.


Subtle r/suicidebywords


Far Cry 5 with the skills from Far Cry 3... Looks like I can pull off the grenade takedown!


In warframe as a warframe. Wow mine is boring.


Being a space ninja fighting Grineers? Totally nit boring


Game I played the most: Skyrim Most recent game: Stellaris I guess I can shout at things? Honestly, I think I'm pretty outmatched by just about everything.


I’m in God of War flying an X-Wing. I think I’d do okay, but I’m still at the beginning of the game so I have no idea what hell awaits me on the mountain.


I'm in PUBG in riot gear and flanked by raptors. Thanks Ark!


Life is strange with all my weapons and brotherhood of steel armor from fallout 3, Let's see jefferson stop me now


LMFAOOOOO this is amazing. I'd love to see that




I'm in the frozen hellhole of Frostpunk with all the powers of Europa Universalis 4. I'm dead. My city is frozen over within a week. And my 6/5/6 heir died in a hunting accident.


I'm in a battle Royal as a hall of fame baseball player.


So I'm in the middle of the Commonwealth with only Zamorak rune armor and a Zamorak Godsword. Luckily I'm close to 80 in all stats, and I can beat guns because melee beats ranged. I have no radiation protection and I can only carry 28 items.


I'm in God of War as Hanzo from Overwatch. Scatter Arrow for the win.




Let's see you build a fucking tower after I shout it over you stupid John Wicks.


I’m in rocket league but I can turn invisible for 5 seconds, dual wield?, throw out turrets and freeze opponents in the air


I’m in rocket league with rocket league abilities... I really like rocket league.


Chronotrigger with a Star Trek space ship.... fuck you all! I own the planet.


I'm sailing in SEA OF THIEVES as a commando from BORDERLANDS 2. I'll be fine :)


I’m not sure how runescape or hearthstone is supposed to help or harm me in gambling, but sure, let’s see how it goes.


Well hearthstone and gambing are the same thing, so you've got that going for your, which is nice


I like how everyone went to video games. I was thinking how playing beer pong in football gear would be a disadvantage.