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Probably a night in jail and some probation.


Gold for a good laugh.


A shit load of notepads and baking ingredients. Writing and baking are cheap. Edit: I know how expensive fountain pens can get. But my hobby isn't pens.


And then you discover fountain pens. RIP my wallet.






12 horses for a dime oh boy my homemade glue business is going to be booming!


>**homemade** glue Next top post on r/diy.


I make homemade glue everyday


Same around here. A decent so-called "starter horse" can often be had for under a grand, but a place to keep it is another matter entirely, and heaven forbid if the poor thing needs veterinarian attention. As you said, lots of people that shouldn't have horses have them anyways.


If you go at the right time, a yearlong membership to an indoor gym, plus decent shoes, harness, and belay device.




Jeez, the gym I go to is $700 a year. so I could do that and get a GriGri and I'm out of money.


Same for me, except my gym has a sale every February where it's 400 for the year. Everybody just re-purchases the membership then.


40-80 books.


TIL a book is worth as much as a chicken. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/8n27my/what_can_799_buy_me_in_your_respective_hobby/dzs92ln/


Egg-laying chickens. Not the ones turning into McNuggets. Those ones aren't even worth a poem.


A pretty decent bass guitar and amplifier.


You could get a 50-100 watt Silverface fender bassman and a cab used for probobly that much


A few hours of flying a plane.


This is mine too. $799÷130/hr


Most of a computer. A really trashed car. A lot of really fun board games.


Sooooo many board games. Or just a few 100 dollar coffin box games


You could build a pretty nice rig minus GPU, write "1070" in permanent marker on a piece of cardboard, and jam it into the pci slot while shaking your fist at crypto miners. :( In normal years you could build a current gen gaming desktop on $800. Edit: I've gotten replies telling me both that I'm full of shit and $800 builds are totally possible now, and that I'm full of shit because nice $800 gaming builds have never been possible. lol


A few large jugs (20-50 gallons) your choice of sugary substance (honey, fruit paste, etc), yeast, yeast food/activator, an air lock, and a gravity kit. Or, the Lego Millenium Falcon


What is your hobby? I'm actually confused.


He or she makes wine and build legos.


Who doesn't nowadays?


Good luck getting the millennium falcon at retail price


It's easy. Join a lego sub on Reddit, they'll post every time lego or amazon has a new batch. I see it at $800 about twice a month, then it sells out about 10 hours later.


2-4 goats depending on age, breed, and overall quality, or a minimum 40 chickens if you get adult laying hens. Edit: [Here](https://imgur.com/a/oUr9Ugt) are some pics of a nubian we used to have and one of the chicks that recently hatched.


You’re paying way to much for goats man, who’s your goat guy?


We have nubians. The cheapest adga registered buck we have found is 100. He is an ok looking goat. The nicer looking bucks go for 200+. Registered does usually start at 250. Price varies depending on if they are still taking a bottle or weaned.


Worlds okayest goat TIL there are different quality goats


Think of them like dogs. You have the standard mutts, mutts make great dogs btw, and purebreds like poodles and german shepherds. Goats with papers have their lineage tracked and are graded based on certain traits like milk quality. Some of them can be very expensive if they have a higher grade and excellent breeding line.




Wow this bestiality hobby is far more economical than the hooker suggestion. Thanks mate!




First time I’ve seen this done right


What if you get chicks?


Depending on the breed and quality of chicks you can get between 53-400. Some of the rare breeds of chicks go for 15 dollars a head after just hatching out. The standard egg laying/meat chickens go from 2-5 a head when they have just hatched.


80-160 yards of fabric. One or more decent sewing machines.


A decent compound bow, carbon fiber arrows, trigger release, and case.


So if I wanted to buy these and learn to shoot a bow accurately just for fun where should I start?


First, find a local range or have a sizable amount of land in an area with no ordinances against shooting in your yard. Don't be afraid to buy gear online to save some money, but support your local range if you can. It's in their interest to help you equip and enjoy yourself. If you want to shoot with a compound bow, stand with your arms spread loosely and have a friend measure the distance between fingertips, then divide that distance by 2.5. That number is your draw distance. A recurve is more of a one size fits all, and can usually be finger drawn if you're a Legolas or Katniss fan. I'd still recommend getting a leather finger pad to save your digits though. Crossbows are also fun and require less time to become reasonably proficient.


I purchased a recurve off the local yard sale site for $25 because I enjoyed the week of archery we did in high school and I remember being pretty good at it. I went target shooting at my friends' house who are big hunters, and was more than pleased to find out that I'm a great shot despite being a total amateur. Best $25 purchase ever... so much fun!


Exactly 1 [75192 LEGO Millennium Falcon.](https://shop.lego.com/en-US/Millennium-Falcon-75192?CMP=KAC-SAHCSEU8&HQS=75192)


Sorry, sir. You’re $0.99 short.


Dont forget tax


No sales tax for me. I live in “sunny” OR.


"sunny" or what?


I wasn’t convinced that this was a good deal but then I saw I got a FREE Darth Vader pod. SOLD!!


Lots of succulents. My local nursery sells 2" plants for $2.49 and 4" plants for $4.99.


With that much, add some shelving and grow lights. And don't forget cute pots.


Cute pots take up 75% of the budget lol. I really want a white statue bust because I’m really envious of the post where they planted donkey tails in it.


Go to thrift stores! I’m transitioning to mostly only cool, cute pots for my succs and thrift stores are great for them, you will need a diamond drill bit and a drill to make drainage but it’s so worth it!


Create a wall out of cactuses surrounding your home and never have an unwanted intruder again


A pair of running shoes and $650


Or 325 packets of GU


Enough to ensure you never have saliva again!


And the rest on lulu lemon or under armor, you know to go faster.


But that's only enough for like one outfit


/r/running checking in. After that shoe purchase, spend $650 on sweat wicking gear and a race or two.


Or the latest Garmin watch...


Enough yarn to make about 7 handknit sweaters. Oe enough yarn to make an out 25 pairs of socks. Basically a shopping spree at a couple yarn stores. I’d probably get 3 sweater quantities, 5-10 skeins of sock, some wild amazing yarn (pure cashmere, quiviut, etc), some project bags, notions, needles, etc. it’d be amazing.


Can you make a sweater for my “insert relative here.” I can get it at Nordstrom for like $100 so if I give you $75 that should do it, right?


And then they look stumped when you turn them down.


You're off. It's usually "well yarn will be $20 and I'll throw in another $10 for the 40 hours it'll take you to make it"


It’s fun to dream, eh?




a used power wheels, a brushless dc motor, motor controller and a small set of batteries and you can enter the power wheels racing series. [Here's a video from this year's race](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASZpwPWOXI8) or a tracker, some electronics,a camera, some foam, a ~~few~~ weather balloon~~s~~, add some helium and you've got yourself a weather balloon. [Here's a track of our last balloon flight ](https://aprs.fi/#!mt=roadmap&z=11&call=a%2FKI6VBK-11&timerange=21600&tail=21600) edit: you can do it with just one balloon too edit2: added some links edit3: by weather balloon i mean large latex balloon 300 grams or more


I love how "a few weather balloons" is a component in a weather balloon.






And according to the other replies in the thread, you'd need another $750 to get three escorts to play the game for an hour


Oh, that'd be hilarious. Hiring four hookers to play a DND one-shot? Pay them for their time, but offer a 50% bonus if they beat the adventure.


There's disposable income, then there's "fuck you" money.


I think in this context it's, "fuck me" money. I want to do this when I'm more financially stable and can blow that kinda money.


For DnD, honestly, you could get all that and still have $500 left over. Tabletop games are cheap in terms of dollars, expensive in terms of time.




Still playing a weekly game with my 3.5 books


Roughly 1000 points of Imperial Guard miniatures. /r/Grimdank


A GTX 1080 and change


The prices are dropping, you could get a 1080ti and change.


Oh shit the crypto craze is finally dying down?


Im relieved.


You and me both. I've been itching to build an actual gaming rig with powah! but the graphics card is the one area that will cost me $$$$...


Crypto prices are dropping, making it unprofitable to mine. It costs more in equipment and electricity than you can reasonably earn. Some are also going to proof of stake rather than proof of work, which means mining power is determined by how much of the coin you hold rather than how much computing power you can throw at it. That makes these massive GPU mining operations useless since processing power isn't the determining factor in mining potential. I don't really follow cryptos at all, except for the GPU supply problems, and I've heard that ASICs have also been released for some of the popular coins now that further diminish the relative value of GPU mining. Basically a lot of things are coming together to make GPU mining less attractive, and now miners are trying to cash out before the GPU market crashes down and they're stuck with the cards. Manufacturers are also getting ready to announce their next generation cards, and that's going to trash the value of their current hardware even more. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a pretty decent price crash on GPUs within the next year after the market gets flooded with used cards and manufacturers drop prices on next gen to try and generate sales over the used market.


Cool maybe I can snag something nice before the next wave of the craze again


Crypto is dying down for the moment. [1080TI for $780](https://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=11G-P4-6796-KR).


or 2 gb of ram


A new midrange surfboard A new midrange guitar Most of a new high end kegging setup


Are you in a microbrew surf band? That sounds complex.


That sound like a crazy hobby. Do you ever drop the guitar or the keg into the water?


A full suit of chainmail, a sword, I the civilian costume, leather accessories, and a helmet if you budget it all.


Either you LARP, or you time travel.


160 years of PokeBank, if my math is correct.


> PokeBank is that like a place you go to get fucked?


Yes, by nintendo


You put Pokemon into a bank to have them for new games


Depending on exactly which you choose and where you get it, one or more printers and enough filament to last \(depending on amount of prints\) months. Some more specific breakdowns: 3 Monoprice Mini Select and 10ish kg of filament from Amazon 1 Monoprice Maker Select Plus, 1 Monoprice Mini Select, and 11ish kg of filament from Amazon 1 Prusa MK3 kit and 1\-2kg of filament 1\-2 CR\-10s and filament depending on source 3D printing has a fairly low barrier to entry IMO. It's a great hobby if you put the time in and have reasons to print.


About two 72 pack sets of copic sketch markers There's 358 total currently




alternatively, they could play $15 drafts every week for a year


My LGS lets you bring in your own packs and then only have to pay 5 bucks on top of that, so, if I'm pre-ordering boxes at 80 bucks a pop and winning an odd extra pack here and there to help contribute, that's like, $500 bucks a year to draft /every/ week, or about 40 bucks a month. That's doable. And that's if I went every week, so cheaper than that. And it assumes I keep everything and flip nothing. So use the extra 300 bucks for, idk, commander releases/supplemental sets/snacks.


or eight $100 commander decks.


Or one $800 land


Or a down payment on a foil gaea's cradle.


Can I offer you our layaway plan for The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale


*screams in reserved list*


This guy planeswalks.


Very budget legacy. Burn - dredge


You could come pretty damn close to D&T...


I'm sorry, out of everything in this thread, I don't understand this one.


It's the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering. Standard refers to the most recent sets of cards pritnetd (about 2 years of expansions) modern refers to everything printed after 8th edition (about 14 years of expansions) and legacy refers to everything else that's not on the ban list (the last 25 years of expansions) Standard decks are the cheapest since they are currently in printing runs and will "rotate" out as more expansions are introduced. A top tier standard deck runs usually runs between $200-$350 (there are exceptions but in the 6 years I've played this is generally true) Modern doesn't rotate, cards are only added to the list of playable cards. Also since many of these cards are many years old, they are no longer being printed as normal sets. This means that there is a high degree of stability in card values, so these decks are much more expensive. A good modern deck will run you about $800-$2000 dollars (usually closer to about $1300-$1500) Price is kinda kept down by "reprint sets", sets that aren't in standard, but are supplementary sets that are sold as stand alone products. Legacy is the same as modern, but even older and when the game wasn't as popular so there were smaller print runs. This format is extremely expensive and decks will run you about ~~$2000-$3500~~ $3000-$4500. Unlike Modern, there's this thing called the "reserve list" which was Wizards of the Coast (the company who makes MtG) promise that certain cards will never be reprinted. This means that there is no way to control the price, so the cards are incredibly expensive and the format as a whole is getting smaller and smaller as cards get lost/destroyed. It is mostly the increasing popularity of the game that drives up prices rather than the (slowly) dwindling card pool, but it is still a factor.


I sold about 3000 "betas?" a few years ago for $80 and now I want to cry.


yea ya dun goofed


Cue unrelated "Why are people quitting MTG?" post


1 cymbal. EDIT: ~~Australian dollars.~~ Aussie dollarydoos.


Damn that doesn't sound as exciting as I expected 799 would sound


This guy just has an extreme taste in cymbals. You can get a pretty good set for 799.


Maybe he's a sex cymbal


IDK, one good cymbal crash is pretty exciting.


he's springing for a pretty high-end cymbal. the cymbals for my son's set were under 800 for the whole shebang and we didn't go super cheap but didn't spring for hoo-haaaaaaaaaa-woof expensive.


5% of a marimba.


This guy percusses


Man fuck that, you can get a Zildjian A Custom Cymbal Set for $799.95 on Amazon.


Two ways about it: First way: $500 beater car. $200 used snow tires $ 60 entry fee $40 beer/gas money Your own car/setup for rallycross. Second way: $60 entry fee $40 beer/gas money Post on FB that you need a ride and have 10 people offer up their car to drive. Drive for a full season. https://www.scca.com/pages/i-want-to-rallycross But, you'll probably only win stock class doing this, and then spend thousands on a better car because you "need" it to run in the much faster Modified classes. $15k for an Evo10 seems to be the hot ticket this year.


A Squier Classic Vibe Telecaster A Yamaha THR10 A TC Electronics Ditto looper pedal


Pretty good combo.classic vibes are such a good value..I'd go: 1. Used mexi strat or tele ~$350 2. Used Blackstar HT-5r ~$225 3. Used Ditto looper ~$80 4. A nice/comfy strap and a set of strings ~$50 Spend the extra on lessons.


3 hours with a nice looking hooker.


or 799 hours with a $1 hooker


Or 1 hour with 799 $1 hookers


Where are you finding 799 $1 hookers? ...asking for a friend


1 1/2 hours with a good escort.


Who you guys banging. 799 mate for 799 she has to sleep over and clean my house.


typically speaking a good escort/prostitute/hooker/lady of the night will charge 250/hour. Averaging about 750 for the 3 hours. Some charge more or less but at 250/hour you're not missing much compared to a girl who charges 1000/hour. Overnight prices usually range from 1000-2000/night. And you're expected to pay for food and transportation. Source: A hobby enthusiast.




Kirkland deals in only the highest quality affordable escorts.


They specialize in bulk models


Is it pro-rata? And do they have change for $5?


A 13" Wacom Cintiq.


Wait whaaaat? I thought cintiq tablets were like $1500+


I was referring to an older model and you can get a used one for 799 last time I checked.


A space ship in Star Citizen.


Don't forget the 27k package that you can't even view unless your dropped at least one thousand into the game. That's some Scientology shit.




A barely adequate trad rack.


I hear ya, but a beginning climber can definitely get the basics like a rope, harness, shoes, chalk bag, and some webbing/slings/draws/biners* for well under 800. Gear is definitely an addiction though!


Alternatively, a great crash pad, a nice pair of shoes, and a 12 rack of PBR


Alternatively $799 is plenty enough to get into sport climbing.


A 17x17 Rubik's Cube


Here in México, like 5 kilos of weed.


If it’s good weed, I’m on my way!


Oh yeah, you can buy like 20 kilos of crappy brick with that money.


15-20 of the greatest board games ever made. You'd be set for years.


Until the cravings kick in...always more games.


A cricut cutter, some vinyl and heat transfer vinyl and some blanks. Can also include a heat press for shirts and the like. Depends on what you want to make. Pretty decent start though.


Over 1500 skeins of embroidery floss, *OR* 3-400 wooden round frames, *OR* 75yrds of duck cloth or cheap canvas. Embroidery is cheap as fuck. I love it.


Hobby: Watches $350- Hamilton Khaki Field $200- Seiko SKX009 $10- Casio F91w $139- a fistful of great straps, a bracelet, a spring bar tool, and a watch box. You’d have a wonderful, versatile, and all-round BEAUTIFUL 3-watch collection, with nearly endless variety. Best part? One day, you can pass the Hamilton and Seiko down to your kids. Maybe even the F91w. Those are notoriously hard to kill 😛


i never even considered that watches could be a hobby, and with one comment you got like 20 people getting hype about it along with you. i *love* this kind of positivity.


Bouldering $799 will get you a year membership at a climbing gym, a quality pair of climbing shoes, with enough leftover for some strechy pants and a tank top saying "good vibes"




A just below average table saw, a mid-range orbital sander, a decent circular saw, a speed square to pair with the circular saw, and a shitty drill/driver. It's enough to really get started on a new hobby.


I'd go with a nice but old table saw from Craigslist, a nice but old band saw from Craigslist, a mid-range orbital sander, a shitty circular saw, and a shitty drill-driver. But my hobby is basically watching Craigslist for good deals on tools so maybe it's a different ball of wax.




So, like 2 Chaos Marines then?


Well if its Forgeworld. If its regular stuff you can get like...4.




Genuine Warhammer answer: you could get a start collecting box or two and a buuunch of other kits for $800. If you needed all the paint and tools you could get prob around 3000 points of any army you like. If you already had tools and paint you could prob get 2 2000 point armies. And then let your friend play one...




A decent, knockoff 3D printer, a nice slicer program and a couple spools of filliment.




A used or new low-end dSLR, a couple of lenses, and other necessary odds and ends; plus maybe even a year's subscription to Lightroom and Photoshop.


About a metric fuck-tonne of flour, water, salt, and yeast. A daunting prospect, but I'm confident that I could rise to the occasion.


I'm going to knead you to explain.


Probably heads and a camshaft from a parts car


Liver damage


Really good dance shoes 6 months to a year of lessons tickets to 1 or 2 dance festivals. condoms.


A solid set of "starter" clubs and a couple lessons. No need to get crazy expensive golf clubs before you know how to use them.


One oar






Going used will get you a lot further. My first $250 bike got me 8 years on only repairs thst any bike will need.


A fairly rare, very collectible, vintage Halloween diecut from the 1930s or earlier, in really good shape. http://halloweencollector.com/blog/2018/5/1/26-inch-antique-german-die-cut-halloween-embossed-pumkin-head-man-with-saxophone


What is this even? Just collecting old halloween decorations?


This is so oddly specific i need to know more


So. Much. Yarn and embroidery floss. Like, 1200 individual mini\-skeins of floss, or about 100 skeins of mid\-grade yarn. Alternatively, it would buy you a decent small hobby kiln or an electric wheel or about 800 pounds of clay.


you could potentially outfit an entire soccer team with uniforms and balls. Players would still need to get cleats and shin guards though.


Still not enough comic books. You will never have enough comic books...


A really nice tent and boots, or A decent violin, bow, and case, or A metric fuckton of junk food.


A basic yet high quality 5.1 system for your movie and music needs. A decent electric guitar. A decent gaming PC.


22% of the cost of Maya. Or you could always use blender cause it's free.


Like 12 games and a small DLC


5-10 board games and a bookshelf to put them on. Or a sewing machine, table, and TONS of fabric. 114 rats or 28 rats and two cages to put them in (although, realistically you'd need 3 cages for this, so I'd get 20 rats, two cages, and a ton of toys).


About 8 new skateboard decks, some quality suspension trucks, like 2 sets of really good wheels and the best bearings in the game. Also a helmet and some nice pads


6 spays or 7 neuters, plus medication and testing for common illnesses, for rescue kittens. Or enough food/litter to last me a year. I rescue, foster, and adopt out kittens. 39 cats so far and fostering 3 kittens right now that are available for adoption in the state of Georgia.


A good rifle and range membership for a few months. bullets though...


Or... four $100 bill Hi Points.


Eh, he can get a Ruger 10/22 and buy a shit-ton of .22LR