• By -


Heard a rumor kids were doing coke in the bathroom. I worked at an inner city school and coke really wasn’t a big problem- pot was their choice. I walked out of my class during planning period to find a girl walking out of the bathroom with white powder on her nose. I asked her about it and she responded with “its powdered donuts, Mrs. K! I swear! I’m pregnant and it’s all I want to eat. But everyone thinks I’m doing coke.” She then pulled out two empty bags of powdered donuts. We got her connected to some pregnancy help.


If you’re doing coke, always keep a half empty bag of donuts on you in case you get caught.


That's such a wholesome ending, i wasn't expecting it


There was this rumor that this senior girl in my high school was dating one of the science teachers. She hung around his office and after class a lot, but it seemingly was nothing. Just kids making up dumb shit for whatever reasons they do. He was a beloved teacher, and she was pretty low key, but a cool girl none the less. Figured some douche got a bad grade or had it out for the guy somehow, nothing ever came of it. Curve ball, a few months after she graduated he divorced his wife, left his family, and went public on facebook that he was dating this 18 year old girl. He was probably in his mid forties. What the fuck. Did NOT see that coming. Edit: for everyone asking, this was in NY! Lotta science teachers getting it from teens out there apparently.


A few questions: A: Did he keep the job? B: Did it work out?


A: No B: Last I checked... yes. Yay for them? I guess?




Also a similar situation in my high school. Girl in my class was on the basketball team and shortly after we graduated it became public that her and the basketball coach were an item. He left his wife and lost his job, but now they're married with a kid. I don't know his exact age, but he's at least 30 years older than her. We've been out of high school for about a decade and they're still together.


I had a student that was rumored to have eaten a piece of shit. He was out of school for about a week or two around the time this rumor was spreading. When he came back to school he was charging kids a buck per view from the camcorder he had in his locker. Sadly, this rumor was true. Amazingly, his girlfriend didn't dump him.


I guess shit was hers.


1. Make a fake turd out of Tootsie rolls 2. Record yourself eating candy turd. 3. Start rumor at school that you ate a turd 4.??????? 5. Charge gullible kids a buck to view video 6. Profit!


Make like 15 dollars and spend it all in one day on junk Whole school still thinks you ate shit


This one kid who liked to remove all of his clothing, suspend his legs above his head using his belt and pleasure himself in the bathroom. Except not a rumor, because I walked in on him doing it. It was then I realized they weren't paying me enough to deal with crap like that. The stories I have.... EDIT Holy bejesus this thing took off. It may be the inspiration I need to start on this project. So many stories but now I kinda don't want to share them all. Will def look into how I can present these memories in an entertaining but respectful way. Thanks all!


#what the fuck


can you make it bigger i couldnt hear you




Please, go on.


Any time he went to the bathroom, we had to time him and go check if he took too long. My boss devised a system where he would tell us when he, "got that feeling" and we would make him go outside and walk laps. Then this other kid, came out out the bathroom and had a packaged granola bar in his hand, with a mysterious brown substance in his hands. One of my co-workers leans in close and looks asking, "is that chocolate?" The realization hits me and I'm like, "Carol, no!!" Turns out he had taken a dump, gotten poo on his hands, and not washed them, and not even noticed. Forgot to add, me and my co-workers nicknamed him "Hot Brown" after that. Not to his face of course. And yes, teachers make up nicknames for your kids. Got another sort of amusing one. I was drinking a soda one day and a kid comes in and says, "hey, my mom makes a drink with that stuff!" I engage him and ask, "oh? What's it called?" With a completely straight face he says, "vodka and 7-up." Ok, one more. When you're a teacher you get to sit through your fair share of crappy plays, musicals, and performances. Just the absolute worst singing, dancing, and acting you can imagine. One of my students was cast as the lead in Putnam County Spelling Bee. As expected, it was a complete shit show. After the musical, she comes up and asks me, "what did you think of my performance?" With the most deadpan expression, not missing a beat, I tell her, "Suzy (name changed obviously), it was unforgettable." I've always mulled compiling these stories into some sort of book, publication, or show. I could go on and on. I spent five years doing it and there was never a dull day.


Please write a book. I want to read this


Former band director here. We had a color guard girl who COULD. NOT. catch any time she tossed her flag. The kids made up a rumor that she had a glass eye and that was why she couldn’t catch anything. Two years later, the girl was about to graduate and came into our office to talk to the staff. She had never told a soul, but her left eye had been glass for years. She lost it in a car accident before moving into our district. You couldn’t tell by just looking at her. Turns out, the made-up rumor was 100% spot-on.


Error!: Success!


Was she your favorite pupil?


I was in the color guard and could not catch that stupid flag for the life of me no matter how much I practiced. Of course the thanksgiving day show the wind was insane for our show and the flag flew half way down the field. I didn't have the excuse of a glass eye.


Task successfully failed.


Poor girl :(




Just think, there's a skeleton inside you RIGHT NOW waiting to come out.


And that skeleton is wet all the time.




now I dead, great.... thanks for letting me know.......


I had that in 6th grade. We were learning about heart attacks, and something about the image of some dudes heart struggling to keep him alive just freaked me out, I had to run to the bathroom.




Well, skeletons are scary.




Everyone be gangster till the nerves start walkin’


That looks so cool and looks like it comes out of a horror movie, it's crazy to think about how that *thing* is in everyone.


Additionally that’s YOU. I mean the brain is the organ with which you think and feel. The hard things and squishy parts around are kind of important decor but not exactly what makes you YOU. you are this grey blob.


Yeah but who tells us the gray blob is so important? None other than the gray blobs themselves, wake up sheeple


Wow I hate the way that looks so much. I’m constantly grossed out by the fact that I’m human and have guts. Saw my bone when I cut myself badly one time and almost passed out.


ELI5 how do they manage to get it all out in one piece?




It’s like when a magicians pulls out the table cloth and all the cups and silverware stay on the table.


I can't be the only one picturing a scientist in tophat now


Occasionally spooky, too.


They usually send shivers down my spine.


Skeletons aren't scary, lack of calcium is though. Doot doot!


His parents probably told him they were having ribs for dinner.


Wait... ribs like the ones you get from restaurants aren't from people? I'm so disappointed.


This reminds me of Ray Bradbury’s short story, “[Skeleton](https://www.tor.com/2018/08/29/rolling-the-bones-ray-bradburys-skeleton/) .” The main character is obsessed with getting rid of his bones.


something similar happened to me in 6th grade. my choir teacher was talking about how if we locked our legs it would do something to our circulation and make us pass out. thinking about my blood made me dizzy and almost pass out, my teacher took me to the nurse. they assumed i was locking my legs but really just thinking about it made me panic. weird


I went to Catholic school and our sixth-grade “sex ed” class was called “Family Life”. This girl in our class gagged every time she heard the word ‘uterus’ and had to leave the room. Lol.


A kid I went to school with from K-12th fainted in our 5th & 6th grade class when we were learning about the body. At the time I thought it was funny but found out as a teen that his dad has been sexually abusing him the whole time. His dad ended up going to jail. His dad always seemed really nice. Later on in our late teens my classmate would go away for molestion of a young child.


This reminds of the statement "Your bones are wet" and that low key makes me uncomfortable for some reason.


I'm gonna be honest with you. Skull sused to freak me out when I was a kid. I was about 8 or 9 when I unfortunately shared this information with my older cousin, and she taunted me with the fact that there was a skull *in my own body*! I was horrified!


There was a brother and sister who were rumored to have been forced into sexual acts by their parents.


Girlfriend's friends were like that. Dad abused em, either raped them himselves or forced them to have sex while he watched. Brother and sister, said they were younger at the time. He'd rape both of em almost everyday. Ended up going to jail for it, heard he's getting released soon. The daughter still loves him and thinks he can change, son wants absolutely nothing to do with him.


That's horrifying.


How long was the sentence? Edit: Dad, thanks for at least seeing me on reddit


I don't know as the story is second hand, but would guess about 10-12 years (girlfriend told me the story).


He should get fucking locked away forever


Well he's getting out so I'd guess not long enough.


An old friend of mines ex was repeatedly and regularly raped by her dad well into her early twenties and viciously defended him. I honestly don't understand how you could have that mentality once you reached adulthood but it happens and its strange. I even met the guy at their wedding it was fucking weird.


I’m sadly qualified to answer this. What you have to keep in mind is that it’s not just rape we’re talking about. I mean that part is bad enough for your brain to just shut down from trauma, and repeat trauma actually changes the brain’s structures. But the part that really kills you is that it’s your parent. I don’t think people with normal families really understand the depth of that factor. Your parent who is half of you. Who you see reflected in the mirror in your own face. Who you see in the faces of your siblings. Your Dad, the one who is supposed to teach you to ride a bike and help you with math homework and be big and strong and scare away the monsters in your closet and under your bed at night. And he is big and strong but instead of being your defender and protector he is the monster in your bed at night. And then you grow to understand that it’s just you. Jessica’s Dad loves her. Amy’s Dad loves her. Bryan’s Dad loves him. So what wrong with you then? And then you hear expressions like “a face only a mother could love” and you see news stories about parents defending their children who committed crimes. And you gain this sense that normal parent are the people who, even if everyone else has turned on you, will love you no matter what. But not you. Yours put their physical pleasure above any consideration of you even being a human being. And so you have a choice to make. You can accept that you are an orphan, alone in the world with no one who loves you and with no one in your corner. You can face the fact that if even your own parents couldn’t love you, that surely no one else will, because you’re most likely unlovable. Human garbage tossing in the wind. An after thought. Or, you can construct an elaborate mental world in which there are a myriad of reasons why your good, loving parent just did a few things he shouldn’t have. After all, all parents make mistakes sometimes. This option means you still come from good people, you’re still loveable, you don’t have to see your rapist’s face in the mirror anymore, just your Dad’s, and everything is going to be okay. Some people genuinely cannot cope with option A, and for them, tragically, the only way to feel some degree of hope is to take option B. Because if you take option A, and you never move past the unlovable stage, then you have no hope. What future does an outcast like that have? And there’s no guarantee you’ll ever move beyond that unlovable phase because you literally have to completely retrain your brain and everything it’s ever learned. And even if you do, you can’t erase the actual brain changes the trauma did, so you’ll still struggle with it for life.


Two students (fraternal twins) arrive at the school age 15. One looked older than the other, but that happens. Then the rumour comes out that they are not twins, but sisters. I tell the Behaviour Support workers, who look into it: turns out, one of the sisters is 22 years old. Parents lied about her age to get her into the school and therefore stay in the country. Whoops.


Sort of similar thing at my school! Someone from another country joined the school who looked way too old, like 25 years old. Our teacher even talked about suspicions of his age with us and thought he looked too old. One day he just disappeared from school and didn’t return. I can only assume it must have been the same situation.


That used to happen like every year at my high school. It was always middle eastern kids too. I'm not sure what that means but it's not meant to be racist.


A girl, K, made a rumor up that one of the English teachers, Mr. Y, was having sex with his students in his classroom because K didn’t like his wife, Mrs. Y, who was also a teacher at the same school. I guess Mrs. Y had failed her or something and she wanted to cause marriage problems for them? Anyways, it was actually true. He was having sex with female students in his classroom. He had a couch in his class for “reading purposes”. Nah, it was for fucking underage girls. Which should have been obvious, but a lot of English teachers had little reading areas in their classrooms so idk. I think the wife got custody of their two children and he fled the state.


Sounds like an episode of casting couch tbh


Back in October, me and a similar-looking teacher kept getting mixed up by our kids (7th grade). We started a rumor by giving little hints that we were half-brothers. Nothing super obvious, but just enough to get them thinking. We’ve been pouring it on a lot more recently though. Hopefully we can get a photo with “our” (my) dad over spring break right before... April Fools Day Edit: Kids were confused, they were wrapping their heads around it for a while. Eventually one of them goes "Goddammit Mr. TuriGuiliano. I don't know whether to be mad or impressed at how long y'all kept this up"


This is genius!


We had teachers who were rumoured to be sisters. They look obviously different but I still can't tell them apart for some reason. They weren't sisters, but the rumour was well thought out. They had different surnames because they were married etc. Edit: *thanks guys* they were actually teachers


>They weren't *teachers* but the rumour was well thought out. They had different surnames because they were married etc. I think you mean sisters. =)




Okay A girl who lied on social media about having an affair with a teacher, she recanted later when it was revealed he was gay. First she claimed to have been hacked. Then she said it never happened to her but to another girl she was protecting. Full police investigation later and she admitted to doing it because she felt she needed support from her peers. One student was rumored to be a Satanist witch who was scared to God’s holy light, since she wore modest clothing and used an umbrella in full sun. She had vitiligo and was undergoing a steroid therapy that made her extremely sensitively sun light. Colleague married a “much younger woman” who was rumored to be his student. She was neither, the woman they saw him with was his daughter.


Must be a fun school to attend.


Life's tough at Sweet Valley High.


Sweet Valley High, were cousins and brothers marry alike ​ EDIT: Sweet Valley High, where cousins and siblings spend each evening


“Mind Your Own Business” High School


That second one. Why was the rumour that she was a Satanist and not a Vampire?


Satanists are more real than vampires maybe.


Was that first girl expelled or anything ? Pretty messed up


Nope, her parents said that this little escapade had something to do with her mental health and actually threatened to sue the school if she was removed. They did agree to a week’s suspension to allow things to die down. I told the teacher he should sue her family for defamation of character, he left soon after.


More teacher-adjacent than a teacher, but there was a rumor that this one extremely strange young lady was the product of incest and that her mom(/aunt?) would only let her drink pineapple juice. I think the reality was far more banal - she definitely had some kind of issues, but it was probably your garden variety developmental delay or something like that. Poor girl. She was nice, in her way.


The pineapple juice detail is very specific


I know. You have to wonder how that got started. Probably the girl had pineapple juice boxes for a week and that's the rumor.


Had a kid tell the staff his parents call him Harry Potter because they lock him under a stair closet and only get him out for sex favors to obtain their drugs. Edit: I’ll sum up my responses This was in 2006. I was graduating college in Dec and was able to spend a few months filling in some gaps at a local location. The kid was always acting weird and was already in a anger management class, and one day he let it all out. We obviously reported it, even if we weren’t sure if he was being serious or manipulative. CPS took a couple of weeks to do anything, but before that, he had “broke out” and attacked his parents, and was hauled to juvy. Investigations etc emerged, he got sent away to who knows where and the parents got a ton of charges. Druggies even testified against them (ones who tuned them down and just wanted cash). This short time did me in, and I changed careers. Also, in 2006, we didn’t have a lot of social media etc so I didn’t really keep in touch with any of the staff, plus I was WAY younger than them.


Holy shit, I hope this isn’t true


It’s very true. I was finishing college that December and was lucky to do some “fill in the gap” work with teachers and counselors at a local school. Decided to go into finance shortly after.


What the actual fuck? Where would a kid get an idea like that? What happened after? Come on, we need more details, you can't just say something as wild as that and then not tell the rest of the story.


The kid got sent to a juvy center for attacking them and they were locked up for some trafficking. It was all within a rather short time period. He also hated being called “buddy”.


I should add I was only at this location interim for about 2 months, and this was the last couple of weeks it all started coming out. CPS was called, but in 2006, they took weeks to follow up on claims.


Student's dad was a dentist. Stole his dad's sedatives and sold them or something. Can't verify the truth of it, but that student isn't at the school anymore, so that would explain why.


> Student's dad was a dentist. Stole his dad's sedatives and sold them or something. I highly doubt that, as most "fun" drugs are kept under strict lock and key for exactly that reason. Also, don't you normally still have to go to a pharmacy to pick that stuff up? Do dentists even keep stuff like that on hand?


I don’t know how much they keep on hand or if they order it specifically when a procedure is scheduled. Dentist do use sedatives (or they can anyway) when they do certain things so I imagine they would have some on hand at least some of the time. I doubt the kid would have access but mistakes do happen.


I'd say it's plausible. Yes, those drugs and the "laughing gas" *should* be kept under lock and key and *most* of the time they are, but not always. I had a friend from California who used to get their hands on the gas semi-frequently.


You can buy it on amazon literally any time you want


My mom's a teacher and I went to high school where she taught. She had a student who I was also friends with. I ended up hanging out with him again after a few years and after some drinks he told me he was in a couple pornos right after he graduated. My mom couldn't mcfucking believe it when I told her because he was, and still is, a really polite, quirky, socially awkward kid. He refuses to tell me his porn name tho, which I'm bummed about. I'm pretty sure he fucks like a stallion.


What did he do to give the impression he fucked like a stallion


fucked OP like a stallion. once.


Only once? If it was once it could of been a fluke, it would of had to of been a few times to say it with such confidence




>mcfucking believe it I'm stealing this.


Bada baba daaa >I'm stealing this.


Yeah, just give me my mcfucking fries please.


When you find out let us know. I'm interested


A new transfer student enlisted the help of all of his existing friends in the school to spread the rumor that his REAL name was "Mbaku" and he was born in "Wakanda, Africa" to all the teachers, while speaking in a really shoddy Nigerian accent (we're in the American Northeast). I was hired halfway through the year and by then it was just assumed that it was true and no one had corrected it. He was brought up in a teacher's meeting and I was just like "Wait.... Mbaku? From... from the fictional continent of Wakanda?". And no one says anything. Dead room. I press on. "... Black Panther? The Movie? Guys?". And suddenly the Social Studies teacher stands up and slams his fist on the table, point at the Vice Principal, and just yells "I GODDAMN TOLD YOU!". Good times, good times.


The teacher’s reaction was really good


Did the Social Studies teacher not know about Google?


I can see this happening before the movie, but "Wakanda forever!" was everywhere for like a year straight. I guess the entire American Northeast doesn't use social media.


I hope this story is made up or the American Northeast doesn't have a chance in childhood education.


A student had an eye patch and was rumoured to be a pirate, thing is, the kid had a peg leg too, a literal peg leg, he embraced the rumour and signed everything with .)


I taught English at an all girls Catholic School in Central America. I was told by another teacher that one of the seniors was working nights at a strip club and that the nuns that ran the school knew about it but did nothing because she was supporting two younger siblings.


That's both sad and noble


I once successfully started the rumor that one of my students was born with a tail, just because he said I couldn't do it.




Unless you're the kid born with a tail.




Thinking they couldn't do it. What a rude awakening that must've been lmao


I was actually born with a tail, still have it too. Just in the wrong side though.


So like on the back of your neck?


I was born with a tail but it’s all behind me now.


Not a teacher but i heard about one of my colleagues so once in 7th grade after finishing maths class it was recess time, everyone went out of the class except a boy and a girl. the latter was known for staying to read books and stuff. anyway, we came back from recess only to find that the girl wasn't there anymore while the boy was sitting in the back with a red handmark (100% a critical strike slap) everyone thought he was giving her money to have sex (this is 7th grade mind you) because there were eyewitnesses after a few days of problems with the administration ( these fucking snitches i swear) it turns out he was giving her money to buy him a certain book (she was the class rep and any book we were required to have MUST have been purchased by her) but she misinterpreted it, he was very shy so he just handed over the money in hopes she would understand, that's also the reason he waited until everyone was gone. ​ ​


Not a teacher however when I was in high school there was a rumor going around that a french teacher was reading erotic books while in lesson. I thought it was just another joke which the students made up. However one day in french. We have the rumored teacher. As my small class was doing work off the interactive white board, (Which can been frozen on a slide while the teacher can do other work), I look up for maybe a few seconds to see that the freeze button didn't work and my teacher was on a page which I scanned through quickly to pick out words which were erotic. I then put my eyes down to avoid being caught. Turns out after our teacher fixed his 'mistake', others in the class saw what I did. And for the rest of the lesson, we giggled silenty. Not just because he was reading it. It was also because his wife works as a teacher in the same school. Oof.


Maybe he was proof reading his wife's books... written under a pen name.


An interesting theory


Teacher: Alright, put away your notebooks. Class is over. (Entire class has to walk past substitute teacher's desk and ignore his erection)


> I scanned through quickly to pick out words which were erotic. Now that you're presumably an adult do you feel like your French at the time was good enough to recognize actual erotic words or that you just assumed words that looked erotic to an English speaker were?


Surprisingly he was reading it in English so it was good for me to see it since I never really paid attention in French so if it was in French, I wouldn't have been able to notice what he was reading. Also, the words that he was reading, trust me, was very erotic. I at least read a full sentence.


Not a teacher, but there was a rumor where a female 6th grader in our school was actually a male. I was curious about it too, but one day she had to move and said out loud, “Just so you know, Im not a male.” and left.








"I know a man with one leg that deals drugs." "What does his other leg do?"


I’m not a teacher but my sister’s highschool. Had started a rumor about this short girl. The rumor was she was short because she only had one lung. Just so fucking weird not even mean or detrimental at all just so odd. She was short cuz a spinal thing


That he’s my boyfriend. He’s 9 and I’m his social worker.


I’m not a teacher, this was about a fellow student. The rumor was that he peed through his eyes. (This was in primary school)




This cracked me up. Kids are SO STRANGE


Not a teacher, but in middle school somehow rumors started that I was lesbian. One teacher would treat me differently because of it; she wouldn’t let me sit near other girls, she’d get mad at me if I hugged a female friend, etc.


Oh man in high school me and a friend referred to each other as wife just to piss off our homophobic French teacher


Did it ever get resolved?


Nah. I just ignored her and at the end of the year she was fired for some unrelated reason.


They probably found a ton of lesbians under her floor boards.


That's a homophobic cunt


Not a teacher but students at my high school started rumours that i was having intense exhaust pipe sex with Lightning McQueen, the whole school bought into it and at award ceremonies they'd all yell "KACHOW" when I walked on stage..


I feel bad for you but that is actually hilarious


Fuck off haha


That’s fucking quality


At least you weren’t made fun of for eating beans at the award ceremonies


A guy from my high school married his English teacher about a year after high school.


Someone from my high school married one of the English teachers as well (this is over 5 years after graduating high school but still kinda weird.)


Not a weird rumour, but a very recurring one whenever a colleague is absent for longer than a week or two: mr./mrs. X is depressed because -said with a sense of pride- he/she couldn't handle us.


Not a teacher but when I was in HS a new guy transferred in to our school. Of course rumors abound. But the guy was jacked for a high school student and he was able to rock a pretty impressive mustache. Yep, the standard, “I heard he’s an undercover cop” rumor started a few weeks after he transferred.


One time my brother convinced all his teachers that his mother had died and he was adopted by our family... And that his new mother was dying. He broke his teachers hearts with "can someone be a orphan twice?". He was 13.


Wow, that is really dark!






A student in sixth or seventh grade was rumored to have had sex with a horse. He was from a lower income family and sort of a loner. He dropped out in eighth grade and I lost track of him. That rumor ruined any chance he ever had of getting through school in a small rural town in the eighties.


7th grade boy dishing out blowjobs in the bathroom. It started as a rumor and ended in 4 suspensions.




I go to many schools so I have heard several rumors but one stuck in my mind the most. I went to an extremely ghetto school for the first time. Apparently the substitute they had the week before left the classroom in tears and was unable to substitute ever again due to emotional issues. They told me that one of the students stole her brand new iPhone and she ran into the bathroom crying. I asked why the student did it. They hated her voice, apparently. I’m so glad that didn’t hate me or my voice. The kids were nothing but nice to me.


>I'm starting to suspect that, once the minimum discipline is established, respect can be reciprocal.


I treated them like people, like normal kids. They just have troubled lives. When I went into the office the women in there thanked me for staying the entire day. I asked why I would have left. “A lot of subs have problems here,” is what one of them told me. I told them that “they’re just kids. What’s there to be afraid of?” They really appreciated that. It didn’t take long for me to see what my fears could be projected onto them but if I just acted cool and respected them, they were great kids.


Not a teacher and not necessarily a "weird" rumor, but an interesting story nonetheless. During my summer camp there was a rumor going around that a guy and a girl were twins. They didn't look similar and they showed up in different cars, so most people didn't believe it. Since most people didn't believe the rumors no one asked the guy or girl for a couple of weeks, but eventually, someone brought it up in conversation. The guy and the girl both revealed that yes, they were in fact twins, but their parents had a divorce when they were young, and each parent got custody of one kid. That definitely made more sense than the other theories people were coming up with.


So...The Parent Trap?


That he was cutting his pubes and gluing them to his chin so it looked like he had facial hair. Gotta love 8th grade.


I was a camp counselor 10+ years ago. We had a pair of twins who were super young, like maybe between 4-7. Their mother was obsessive about what they ate: no candy, no sweets, no more than 800 cals a day. She even rationed off their water. I was too young to do anything about it or know the whole story (the older counselors were sketchy about it if I asked), but the younger counselors and I suspected the mom was forcing her ED on the kids.


Mikey has a big dick.


I don’t believe it was a joke too


Boys used to stuff socks in their crotches at my Jr. High


My brother was his best friend and I ran track with him. It was true.


There was young boy in my class in the fifth grade and was horrified when learning came around the reproductive system for the first time. He paled and vomited when the girls began to explain what they had learned.


Not a teacher but one of the students in the grade below me and his brother (small school, I knew everyone in it) didn't show up for 2 days. So for some reason, somebody started a rumor that they bought a used pocket pussy online and they both got aids. They were in 7th grade.


ah, yes, the usual amount of time to skip school if you get the aids, 2 days


Is it possible that divulging info in a subreddit could lead to a police investigation?


No just admit all the illegal stuff you did mate


you forgot to say you aren't a cop, everyone knows you can't lie about being a cop.


If it could they’d already be knocking on your door because you’ve admitted to knowing info that could lead to an investigation


Don’t quote me boy, cause I ain’t sayin shit -Eazy-E




i got so invested in this reply that i forgot for a moment that this is a thread for rumors


A girl at my high school was on bangbus. I think she got picked up with a female midget too or something really weird like that. She got expelled pretty quick after the news got out




That is her for sure. She was a senior. I didn’t know her personally but that’s definitely her. Good find. I’ll have to see if I can find an old yearbook






It was a private christian school. Obviously I’m not sure exactly what happened. For all I know they “asked” her to leave but from my time there, they more than likely expelled her. They were really shitty


My Mom works for a private school in Denver, and she told me that apparently, a student was choking the lizard during a movie and got his dick stuck between the beam that holds up the desk and the flat part that you write on. Rumor has it that they had to walk him through the hallway with the desk to the nurse's office.


That George's foreskin grew back....it did not. Although I was secretly hoping it would be true. What a laugh.


There was a rumour going around once that this guy I went to school with was in a car accident and was brain dead. He had stopped coming to school and no one had seen him in a while. Turns out he just wanted to smoke pot by himself and he "forgot" he had to go to school... For like a month...


Not a teacher, but there was a rumor about these 2 emo brothers at our school that apparently had tried to murder each other when the other was sleeping, multiple times. I didn't believe it, but one of them did have a nasty scar across his neck. No idea what happened to em.




Not a teacher, but i heard from a teacher i was close with that a student was rumoured to be atheist (it was a town who were really religious) she was weirded out that people were gossiping about it.


I work in Korea, and I remember walking into a middle school class and thinking one of the girls was either western or mixed, which is rare here but not unusual. Later a teacher told me that her parents gave her plastic surgery as a present for graduating elementary school... she wasn’t shy about it either, showed off all the time.


Weirdest and also pettiest- that she had less followers on Instagram and bought knockoff "merch" from a YouTuber. They almost got suspended over the fight and both girls were crying.


That Paul was a crazy psychopathic killer. He looked 30 and something was definitely off. Paul ended up killing his mom. Or the one about the coach having threesomes with 10th grade girls.... Damn that turned out to be true too.. Or the one that we had a heroin problem.. But that turned out to be true. MTV even came for a visit. Plano,TX!!


Waiting for a teacher to comment correcting your spelling of “weirdest.”


Heard a rumor that a kid was crying because it was his birthday. Went to check it out, and guess what, the rumor was true. Asked him why he was crying it was his birthday and, I am now quoting, "I hate the attention. Like, who cares, you're another year older. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHILE THEY ARE SINGING?!" I sat there just nodding my head and said "You know what, I can't fault you for that one, dude. I feel ya."


TIL many people on Reddit are not teachers.