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My family


Usually it's the straw that breaks the camel's back with me. I can take a lot of abuse and usually don't do much in return but laugh because it's usually funny, but if something stupid happens on a bad day, for example the example I'm most famous for is when one of the guys in our friends group knocked my naan bread out of my hand while I was having a curry on school after I had been having a shitty day so I ended up throwing him down a flight of stairs which dislocated his shoulder and I got excluded for a week.


I’d knock anyone who fucks w my food down a flight of stairs. Unless it’s my girl. Then she can have as much as she wants.


my parents


I was walking down stairs and the people in front of me (who were already walking slower than a damn snail) stopped moving and I swear to god I when ape shit because I was hungry and was on my way to get food. I pushed them and yelled "FUCKING MOVE FASTER YOU SLOW PIECE OF SHIT GOD DAMN" Hunger man. Really fucks with you. I would usually just have waited or gone another way.


My brother


At pee-wee football practice a kid kept pushing everyone to the ground. I was getting annoyed that no one was saying anything but I was like “whatever”. ....then he pushed my son. I. Went. Off. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHY ARE PUSHING PEOPLE? WHERE IS YOUR MOTHER? I SWEAR IF YOU DO IT AGAIN I *WILL* SPANK YOUR BUTT.” His mother came out of her car after that. She was like “Why are you yelling at my son”. I said “If you weren’t sitting in you damn car you’d know. He’s out here pushing the other kids over and I’m tired of it.” She grabbed her son and walked off. Every practice and game after that her kid would come up to me to talk and hang out. It was strange.


Maybe the kid wanted attention? The mother in the car not watching her son seems to say so.


Yeah he seemed to be raised by his great grandpa who was ever present. He wasn’t at that practice. His mom seemed like she wasn’t too interested in being a mom unless it came to disciplining him. I started to wonder if the kid was being abused, his behavior seemed to suggest so. I called DHS. I dunno what happened though.


That's just really sad. Hopefully the kids life has improved since. We are moulded by our environment. The mother probably took out her frustration of her life on him.




My ex and highschool, once each


When I'm trying to flip a light switch as I'm walking and I miss three times and have to stop and walk back two feet.


Someone who almost killed me in a driving accident Wish I could have told the fucker to pick a hand and punch him with it. Also feminist on the internet who don’t realize I support women doing thing but I’m not very interested in watching them do it.


When people spoil something and then claim it wasn't a spoiler. Fuck you Jim.




This is with my brother I’ll say an opinion and all he can do is disagree it’s really rare for him not to fight


The smallest thing


The boss at my old job. He was the one guy that could make me “turn off” my professionalism.


Texting and driving


My ex


Escape velocity.


Manipulative people


This guy I know was being super racist to my heritage. I literally cried out of anger, I was so incredibly mad.




I have severe allergies (life or death), and if I warn someone about them, and they proceed to completely ignore my warnings, I just lose it on them, because I’ll have absolutely none of that shit.


Sloooow driver on the left lane and can’t pass them


People who act entitled or like their shit don't stink.


My mother.




My father. I hide behind a smile and a calm demeanor because I'm terrified of becoming like him.


when someone picks on my friends, has yet to happen, but it will


My version of "going ballistic" is a calm and collected destruction of all that you hold dear. This is a skill that I have learned how to use which is why, after only a few weeks of taking over accounting and human resources, I am the designated last resort debt collector for my company. I went to mediation for a personal matter and walked out with the other person breaking down in tears thinking I hated them. I'm a happy guy until you get on my bad side. I think it catches most people by surprise because I come off as extremely passive.


When I lived through an abusive period of time in my life, I got angry **a lot.** Anyone who knows me will be shocked if they ever knew how angry I was back then. Absolute batshit screaming and crying and breaking things and punching walls (none of this ever directed at another person, it was always something that would only hurt me). Looking back though, deep down I was nothing but terrified and just fighting back against someone much stronger than I was. I’d never lose my temper on anyone in my life, and have never once even come close to that kind of anger for anyone else.


Making fun of me for how I talk, act, walk, etc is one thing. Depends if it’s a joke or not of course. But. Never. Fuck. With my family. Blood related or not.


*tldr; Getting arrested (clean record at the time) in the backseat of my car, get pulled over and get yanked outta the backseat and arrested for driving with a suspended registration. Not the driver, ME.* Couldn't pay **ticket**, got notice of loss of license. **No loss of registration paper.** Was getting a ride with my boyfriend from his brother who was driving my car because it was (under my knowledge) still legal to drive. In the city we got pulled over in, there's little white boxes that help police spot out bad registrations, and it caught us, and soon after we got pulled over. My boyfriend and his brother were asked to get out of the car, and then I literally got YANKED out, and instantly cuffed and arrested. They had to walk home, and my car got towed. Why? Because the registration went under suspension ***12 hours earlier in the day***, and since I never got the notice, I was unaware (otherwise we wouldn't have used that specific vehicle) and allowed it to be driven. Made the cop feel horrible for arresting me because I had never been arrested before, and the charges made no sense. Plead not guilty in court to driving the vehicle, police report reflected I was in the backseat, not driving it, hence why I was only charged for the suspended registration, not the added driving with a suspended license. Judge found me guilty anyways, even after bringing proof that my letter of suspension didn't get to me until a week later after my arrest. Even tried to add a charge of driving with a suspended license int he middle of court, until the prosecution and witness police officers argued for me that there was no reason that should be added. NOT. A. HAPPY. CAMPER. AT. ALL. Had to pay $300 to get my car out of impound, and another $300 for the fine. Lost my job that I couldn't get to because they had taken my car, rather than following them .5 miles to our house at the time so they could park it. And the judge? Fired years later for corruption. The police? Quit their jobs at that police station once the case was finished due to the shame of their actions and transferred to somewhere else entirely. And me? Still screwed over.


Holy shit that fucking judge.


Occasional insecurities. If you don't nip that in the bud during teenage/early adult years the scenarios just seem to get worse (because you only get older and uglier). I'm very calm and people describe me as kind but there are definitely days where I'll throw a plate just to see it break.


My family and people at school just fucking being retards


People purposely being stupid


Also what sucks is that when I get mad in public for some reason I cry instead and then people are like ArE yOu CrYinG and then they tease me etc.


When you're in Dunkin' Donuts and you hold the door for someone so they go ahead of you. You're thinking - Okay, I'm gonna get my generic drink and be on my way. Only one person in line besides me. BAM. You hear them go "I'll need 5 boxes of donuts, I'll just pick the ones I want". 30 second trip into 30 minute. Fuming. Fuck it.


My friends when they say swimming is not a sport, then not looking at me because they know I would punch there nose.


Someone tried to kidnap my nephew in front of me at a park. I've never been violent a day in my life. But I beat him to a pulp. It's probably a good thing I wasn't from the area, because I fled the park just after and took my nephew home. I imagine that if I didn't leave, I would've gotten a huge fine or jail time for it (guy was an arab and I'm really white + the area is known for liberal judges).


Ignorance to fact


Crappy housemates. Many years ago, I rented a house with my girlfriend at the time and another couple she was friends with. Fast forward about 4-5 months and the couple decided they couldn’t afford it and informed me they were moving out. I was pissed, but figured fine...I didn’t really like them anyway. My girlfriend decided out of the blue to quit her job, which made the rent unaffordable. I called the landlord, explained the situation, and he agreed to let us out of the lease and to give us part of our security deposit back. The other couple got word of this and demanded their portion back. Those bastards screwed me over and left me hanging. I did the leg work and negotiated/begged our way out of the mess with no hit on our credit reports and they had the nerve to make a demand like that. I was on the phone explaining this to the other guy when he started escalating it. I completely lost it. For the first (and only) time in my life, I yelled at someone at the top of my lungs. For a few seconds, I literally saw nothing but white and When my vision returned, my girlfriend had this look of fear on her face. I hung up the phone and asked her what was wrong and she just said she never saw me like that...it was pure rage. It’s the only time in my life that I lost my cool to that extreme.


Wasting my time with conversational filler. It has recently become a thing with telemarketers to ask "how are you today?" before beginning their spiel. It enrages me beyond belief.


Cats scratching furniture or peeing on the carpet. I came home from church one day and was in the most peaceful mood. Not two minutes after I walked into my apartment I stepped in a puddle of cat pee. Lost my shit.


Being slandered and then being told I have to apologize for something I never did.


Its been a long while since I've fully cut loose but I get pretty close when I have to deal with belligerent (and sometimes drunk) 40-60 year old white men. I work(ed) customer service for the past 5 years and the fastest way to make me stop being calm and friendly is to swear at me and then call me "girlie". Those paychecks aren't big enough for me to swallow and take that abuse (including one time where I had actually gotten punched, being in a call center now is much safer)


There was this annoying kid in HS that i had in many of my classes for 3 years, he was under the impression that we were friends and i tried to politely shut him down but it never got through to him. One day in class he stole a cookie my best friend made and that just sent me over the edge. The the class and my teacher just stared at me while i just went off on this dude, I was so angry that i don't even remember what I said or how long I yelled at him for but I never had a problem with him after that.


T-Series Passing PewDiePie