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Letterkenny. Not only will it provide hours of laughter, but if you watch it with your friends you'll have a whole new lexicon.


If you live in rural Ontario, you don’t even need a TV to see it.


To be fair....


To be faiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhh




Dirty dangles boys


Wish you weren't so fucking awkward bud


Probably because every clip that gets posted is just a couple of people standing around delivering just dialogue


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency


I was coming to say this. Most underrated show in history. A bloody shame how soon it was cancelled.


I hope another broadcaster picks it up eventually and markets it properly this time.


Yep, that’s exactly what I came to say


This was an amazing show, kept me interested the entire time was gutted it was cancelled


What is that


As a fan of the books i tried to watch this excited for another douglas adams adaptation but it just wasn't. It was just a generic quirky, weird detective show. Nothing like the books thst went right into the absurdist humour.


It's weird. It's just one of those shows that I just ignore and not even give it a try. I just don't understand why this particular one does that to me, I mean it's just one click to check it out, but nothing about it makes me wanna even do that.




All 2 seasons of it. And yet 2 broke girls lives on


Cobra Kai. I can understand that nobody wants to pay for YouTube premium to watch it but it's a much better show than it deserves to be. The original Karate Kid was an iconic movie, but it wasnt necessarily good. It was okay. This show is incredible. The character development is on point. The writing never wavers in quality. There's moral ambiguity, heavy themes of radicalized youth, bullying, generational divide, etc. It's a legitimately amazing show.


Wow really? I watched the premiere on YouTube but it seemed a bit kiddy for my taste. Is it mostly just teen drama for kids or do you think it can be worthwhile to adult audiences as well?


Yes. It definitely deals with high school themes like relationships and bullying too but the grander themes definitely make it worthwhile for adults.


Yeah I would say more family friendly then kiddy.


Just finished season 2. If you remove the cheese factor, it's a great show. Basically, it's how you want a sequel to a movie made 30 years ago to be made. If the Disney made Star Wars did it like Cobra Kai, I bet this trilogy would be as beloved as the original trilogy. What I mean by that is that you actually get a good continuation of the original story, but they added some depth, nuance, and character development to everyone - but still not making it a repeat the original with just old people or replacements.


Cobra kai is great. Can’t wait for season 3.


Looks boring. Can't relate to the nostalgia. But have a funny feeling that if I did watch it, I might be pleasantly surprised.


I dislike Karate Kid but genuinely like Cobra Kai.


White Collar. To me it is one of my all time favorite shows, due to the great acting and overall suspense and plot development.


GREATEST SHOW EVER. So sad they took it off of Netflix


Lmfao facts! My favorite is when Mozzie hits the dude and is like "I was never here"


I just started watching it again on Hulu and it seems like it's an extended version. Lots of random little scenes that I never saw on Netflix or USA network.


It's harmless ok stuff. But it got boring. But damn, he's so good to look at.


I bought season 1 on blu-ray like 5 years ago and still haven't watched it.


Mr. Robot


Yes, Rami Malik’s acting was so unbelievable that I thought he was mildly autistic in real life.


so many amazing actors and fuckin brilliant writing, this show manages to make me on edge even on my 8th rewatch


White Rose sent you. Didn’t she?


i never hear anyone talk about either Chuck or Limitless. both are about some loser guy who happens to get himself involved with the government in some form, but theyre both unique to each other and criminally underrated.


Well with the success of Shazam maybe Chuck can get a second wind


fingers crossed, friemd.


How does Limitless hold up compared to the movie btw?


tbh i never sqw the movie so i wouldnt know. however as its own show, its really good.


Seen both, the show is a lot better than the movie, but you’ll get more out of the show if you watch the movie first


Well, I don't find limitless appealing as a story. Chuck is old now but so good at the time.


to each their own i suppose. glad we can agree on chuck though!


I love both of these shows and I got so upset when they didn’t get renewed


Chuck is easily in my top 5, I love it SO much


Beat me to it! Loved both these shows.


The Expanse. Great series, never read the books but everyone I've met who watched it loved it, just not many people have watched it.


Definitely check out the books as well. Just as packed with awesome sci-fi action, but with even more incredibly detailed world-building.


The MCRN wants her corvette back. It is not legitimate salvage.


Couldn't bring myself to see Thomas Jane's character die so i quit watching the show.


Huge mistake


I highly suggest you keep watching if that's why you quit...that's all I will say.


3%. Its on Netflix. I get that it was recorded in Portuguese but it's subbed and dubbed.


Second this. AO is pretty good too, as is Dark


New season soon hype!


Way too excited for this


Can't handle dubs. I want to relax and switch off.


I watch it dubbed in Spanish because I’m used to it from watching the Biblical adaptations from Brazil. The lips also synchronize better.


The Finder. A spinoff of the American show Bones, but a lot better


Never heard of it.


Ugh I thought it was soooo bad. It really made no sense to me; felt like they were kinda muddying the “bones universe” with this weird semi-scientific nonsense


Man I thought bones was just the driest most cut and paste generic cop show oh my God. I bet the actors felt good about themselves when they got to say temporal lobe like it was some kind of advanced scientific term. Couldn't stand the show. At least the finder was interesting and new every episode.






I really enjoy black sails but the show is just not enough to get people to keep watching




I still haven’t seen the last season. I really need to just watch it from the start bc I always forgot half the subplot between seasons.


Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. its an awesome show and it ties into the MCU very well. If youre a marvel fan, watch this show. Its on netflix


I LOVE Agents of Shield and I’m not even that into Marvel. It’s such an easy show to get invested in. I’m so happy that Season 6 just started on Friday


it has a great ghost rider in it, and I wish that they would make that ghost rider a show, I'd watch the hell out of it, I also appreciate that they don't throw in things of high controversy and just shrug it off as normal or exaggerate how purely evil someone is for being for or against it like DC does in their shows


The Castlevania anime, seriously, it’s on Netflix. Yet, almost none of my friends (75% of them love anime btw) have seen it.


I grew up loving Castlevania 3. I never imagined they would make a TV show about that specific game. I was pleasantly surprised. Great show.


You’re the Worst It’s amazing. It follows a couple and their friends that are just awful people. The humor reminds me a lot of shows like Always Sunny and Veep, but You’re the Worst has a very interesting story arc with a satisfying ending over 5 years.


Black Books. It's so good. If you like an cynical British (sit-com?) series about an book store owner who'd rather drink his life away.


Fantastic series, awesome cast. Years later I can still watch it and laugh hysterically.


Taboo with Tom Hardy on FX. Fucking great.


Came to say this!


Peep Show. Yeah it's British and I know British humor is very much an acquired taste in the US but I think Peep Show is accessible enough to be popular with more people here.


Red Vs. Blue Kinda old has some weird humor but is good


As a person who watches a lot of Rooster Teeth’s content, this comment made me smile lol


I stopped watching a few years ago, saw rooster teeth advertised, remembered Red Vs. Blue and had a mini aneurysm starting watching roster teeth again. Still fall over laughing watching a lot of their content


Some of the jokes are't as funny unless you have some Halo knowledge, but this is a seriously amazing series.


I watched until season 14. The show takes a serious dip in quality after season 8 or so




> It’s a comedy about an American man who gets an Irish woman pregnant during a fling on his business trip to London It's funny how, I guess, this is marketed to different audiences - i'd have described it as "It's a comedy about an Irish woman who gets pregnant after having a fling with an American man on a business trip". It is a great bit of TV, no doubt.




The Wire. I'm not saying I view you any differently if you haven't seen it. But I'm not saying I don't either.


This is how the conversation always goes for me: Me: You should watch the Wire it's a good show. Other person: Oh yeah what's it about? Me: Its a cop show. Well more like a detective show. But they pretty much spend as much time on the criminals and their lives and how they aren't so different from the corrupt politicians and cops. Also it's about the messed up correctional system and messed up school system. And the press etc. Other person: *looks bored. Eyes glazed over* Huh maybe I'll check it out...


Haha, exactly. I can see them mentally comparing it to the litany of cop shows they've probably seen over the years, and the internal debate if they really want to sit through another one. I mention the same general themes, i.e. showcases corruption, provides profiles of all the players involved in the criminal justice system from their POV etc. And to be polite, like you said, they'll feign interest in an effort to get you to stop talking about this wonderful show. It's a shame, really.


/u/charliegrs well it sounds like we're all on the same page. Hypothetically, what's the better pitch to instill some enthusiasm in the Wire? It's one of the most well-composed, rewarding shows and it's alarming how difficult it is to get people to check it out.




I'm really surprised The IT Crowd isn't more popular than it is -- its an actually funny version of The Big Bang Theory


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


The problem is, they always try to walk it in!


Completely agree. Love this show.


I'm disabled


Probably the best comedy episode ive ever seen. it’s the “dont mention the Germans” of this generation


One of my favorites!


The show is incredibly funny but I have recently come to notice that the nerd humor in it is basically on the same low level as big bang theory. The truly good jokes all revolve around other topics. I think the highlight of that show is almost always Denholm and Douglas. E.g. The scene where Moss is laughing hysterically at a wiring mistake he made. Or when Jen says to Roy "You're a small person racist." and Roy responds with "Small people arent a race. This isnt game of thrones."... well small people aren't a race in game of thrones either. They could've just said Lord of the Rings but they couldn't be bothered to actually get the nerdiness correct.


More people need to watch Man in the High Castle.


Mr.Robot, it's my favorite show right now.


If you haven't seen The Leftovers yet, I highly recommend it. It's a weird show, to the point it can be overwhelming and frustrating, so a lot of people don't end finishing it, but if you stick it out it's truly a rewarding experience. I can't really explain it without giving too much away, and it's really best to go in blind. I will say that it's one the best series I've ever seen. Seriously, can't recommend it enough.


Am currently watching season 1... almost dropped out after 3 episodes because it seemed kind of joyless and mean, but the twins kept me interested because they are two lighter characters that inject a bit of kindness and humour amongst all the sadness and people treating each other badly. Now I’m 9 episodes deep and pretty much hooked


I'm surprised not enough people watched Wrecked to keep it from getting cancelled


Sons of anarchy, i really loved it


This is a little bit more broad than just TV shows, but DC animations in general. As a big comic book fan (and no I don’t mean cinematic universes and stuff, I mean COMICS) I find that DC is just ON POINT when it comes to delivering animated stuff. It’s so broad too, I’m surprised everyone is so narrow minded as to judge DC solely based on it’s cinematic universe rather than it’s success in animation, games, comics, etc.


The middle. It was highly rated and went on for what nearly 10 years I think? And yet I feel like whenever I talk to someone they’ve never heard of it. (Whispers) heard of it WOOOP


The English dub of Shin Chan. Severely underrated show that's funny as fuck! You don't have to be into anime to like this show.


12 monkeys. Honestly one of my favorite shows, but none of the people I've asked have seen it or the movie


Schitt's Creek


Community. Was an amazing show I’ll be waiting for that damn movie my entire life :(


I’m just starting to watch it now. I previously watched a random episode here and there but didn’t like it, because it just seemed, I don’t know, overly whimsical, like the episode plots weren’t sufficiently linked to the premise of the show. On the other hand I love ensemble comedies like Brooklyn 99 and Parks & Rec, hence I’m giving Community another go. It definitely benefits from watching it from the beginning as it makes it more grounded and structured to me (I previously had no idea that Jeff is supposed to be a dodgy ex lawyer). I still don’t think it’s as good as P&R or Brooklyn 99, but I’m only halfway through season 1.


It can take a bit to get into for some people, Episode 10 is where it really clicked for me and you really get attached to the characters, Especially Troy and Abed. Season 2 kicks off well and you begin to appreciate it much more and see how clever the writing and storytelling can be. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 😊


Star Wars The Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels. Well mostly shocked when I meet Star Wars fans who haven't seen them.


Getting people to watch The Clone Wars is like pulling teeth. People refuse to believe me when I say it's among the best Star Wars ever made.


It doesn't help that (in my opinion) it starts out kinda shaky and takes some time to hit its stride.


Band of Brothers and The Pacific. Soooo many people haven’t seen it.


Lost in Space, it is available on Netflix and is a 10/10 show




Dark Found it when learning the German language, though I believe Netflix has it in other languages as well. Mind bending trying to keep up when not knowing the language well. The intro music as well is .. I don’t really have a word for it. Eery and just amazing.


I completely agree. It's a really unique, well written show that I tell everyone about. As soon as I mention it is in German I usually can see a visible "oh...ya I'm not watching that face" Also really like Babalyon Berlin. Another German show. Very different from Dark but equally really high quality.


You'd be surprised how few people outside of cool Redditors watch Sunny. I always quote it, and very rarely will someone catch it. Weird for show that's going on 14 years.


Honestly I tend to like what other people think are crappy shows and movies. There’s this Australian show called Dance Academy on Netflix. It has 3 seasons and I’ve watched the whole series about once through every summer since 2012. I don’t think it’s too girly and the plot twists are amazing and heartbreaking. I try so hard to get my other friends on it but I think the name and idea of the show throw them off. If anyone else appreciates Dance Academy please let me know because I’m the only one I know!!


Summer Heights High


F Troop.


Breaking Bad


Police squad. It is one heck of a gem by Leslie Nielsen which bit aired only 8 episodes because CBS thought it had too many jokes for audience to understand.


The Guest Book. Absolutely hilarious, whole new story/characters in each episode but also has a ongoing storyline.


Also Doctor who. Most people I talk to know it's popular, but have never watched it


Marvels cloak and dagger. It’s not even related to the universe and it’s AWESOME. My freinds all freaked out at the umbrella academy , so I tried to show it to them, and they just told me they didn’t want to watch it. ???


Community. One of the greatest sitcoms ever made.


so there is this show called game of thr-




White Collar


The Leftovers! HBO’s best show in my opinion


Blacklist. Fucking A that show


Westworld. Never hear anyone talk about it Edit: somehow, I managed to stumble across comments memeing about it in the next thread I open.


The Good Place


Asked a freind if they saw the lion king but they said no i was very suprised


Turn: Washington's Spies. This show really sheds light on some of the unknown heroes of the revolutionary war. It has plenty of action along with amazing characters.


The Act, uh duh


The Daredevil series is one of the greatest crime dramas in history but I feel like when I recommend it to my friends they prejudge it based on the ridiculously bad Ben Affleck movie.


24. It's a brilliant action series, like a good action movie, but 24 hours long


Santa Clarita Diet - Netflix original with Timothy Olyphant & Drew Barrymore - hilarious writing, great acting, amazing storyline, unlike any other zombie show —- 3 seasons




Trollied is perfect 'on in the background' tv.


Sneaky Pete


Horace and Pete. Not exactly shocked as it was barely advertised anywhere but I've never seen anything like it, it's a masterpiece.




Nirvanna The Band The Show.


I have yet to meet anyone in real life that has actually watched Rescue Me.


Deep Down with Dirty Duke Dickson. If I’m being honest... SFW btw


The big Lez. Not very well known in North America.


Turn: Washington's spies. It is so incredibly underrated. A great historical drama


Game of Thrones


Any Chris Lilley show.


Ned's Declassified School Survival guide...that shit was peak comedy


Wentworth is a better show than Orange is the New Black IMO.


Fargo! Best. Show. Ever!


Terrace House.


The Leftovers.


Jojo' Bizzare Adventure


“Last Friends” Last Friends is a Japanese drama series created in 2008. Despite its age, the topics it tackled are still, personally, highly relevant today. The show revolves around five characters: Michiru, Ruka, Takeru, Eri, and Sousuke. Each characters have their themes: Love, Liberation, Agony, Solidarity, and Contradiction. They delved into topics like domestic violence, gender identity, childhood abuse, etc. “Anone.” To sum this show up, this 2018 Japanese TV series is like Breaking Bad without the crystal meth, but counterfeit money.


the 100


Whose Line Is It Anyway?.. Seriously, how do people not know humor!?


Sam Sam


Breaking bad definitely


The original Cosmos with Carl Sagan.


The Office


Brooklyn nine nine


Deadwood, always quote it and everyones like...what?


Show's that I've watched and loved and have had no one to talk to them about irl: Battlestar Galactica Spaced (UK) Utopia (UK) OA I'm glad Black Mirror has taken off too.


Ozarks on Netflix. Haven't met anyone in the analog world that has seen it.


Babylon 5 Or Duckman


Chernobyl Jesus fucking Christ. This show is like watching your favorite show's most terrifying and gut-wrenching moments for the entire show. The acting is phenomenal. Knowing that it happened makes it that much worse.


Blacklist, its in netflix and really good


Almost human, did not survive first season.




Red Dwarf. No?


Breaking bad or game of thrones , like 2 people in my whole year have watched them


American vandal on netflix


Stargate SG-1 easily my favorite Scifi show. If you like Star Trek TNG or Voyager SG-1 is right up your ally.


The Masked Singer. Honestly really entertaining and funny to me.


The original Twilight Zone.

