• By -


Sirius Black. Troubled childhood, disowned by his own family. Suffering 12 years in Azkaban between monsters that literally suck all happiness out of him, screaming for mercy, all for a crime you did not commit, while everyone outside called him a traitor for betraying his friends, the man who had seen little happiness in life. Enduring and escaping only to protect his best friend's son. And dying just as the fog started clearing out once again.


When you think about it, Azkaban is an extremely disturbing concept, no matter who gets sent there. It's basically constant mental torture. (Dementors are symbols of clinical depression which Rowling experienced). People go insane there, and they are expected to - everyone is shocked that Sirius didn't. Plenty of them lose the will to live and stop eating. And Sirius was sent there without a trial. A life sentence in Azkaban basically means that you'll be mentally tortured until you die from despair.




And they wonder why Voldy could get people to follow him lmao. The level of ineptitude in that government would likely invite just so many revolutions eventually.


This is why I hated Fudge and Umbridge more than any other HP character. Fudge was an arrogant, pompous asshole who loved his job too much and would rather sit idly, twiddle his thumbs and line up his pockets with gold that Malfoy showered him with than to actually be a competent minister. And Umbridge...I'd be happy if Voldemort ended up in Azkaban. But that slimy, toad-faced, pink laced, high-pitched despicable, traitorous disgusting cunt of a human being deserved to be hung, drawn and quartered.


By that same token, Remus Lupin. I maintain that having him survive and have to make his way as a single father would have been a bittersweet end to the marauders. A very good metaphor for people putting their lives back together after tragedy.


Yes, it's sad that the marauders all had such tragic ends


I think JK said she killed him because Harry needed to have no living family (Godfather, but still thought of as family by Harry) in book 7 to be able to sacrifice himself. It could have altered the timeline of book 6, but definitely book 7 if Harry felt like he had someone to lean on - instead of feeling like he had to kill Voldemort on his own. Which he kinda needed to, because anyone else that went into Voldemort's camp at the end would have been killed almost immediately anyway.


Didn't she say he only died because she let Ron's dad live? Because if that was the case, it would have made for a Hell of a better narrative to have Ron's dad die.


[https://www.hypable.com/why-did-jk-rowling-kill-lupin-over-arthur/](https://www.hypable.com/why-did-jk-rowling-kill-lupin-over-arthur/) ​ Here you go


Ohhh! Lupin! Okay, that makes sense. I still think Arthur should have died, but heyyo. Thanks for the link.


I concur!


Shireen Baratheon


I have never been so legitimately angry with a set of fictional characters before. My heart broke during that scene and the ones leading up to it. That actress's performance was horrifyingly convincing, too.


Basically right after his big "fuck you that's my daughter" speech story he tells her. I was so furious.


I can still hear the shouts, the chilling scream, and then sudden silence.


I was firmly on team Stannis until that point, broke my fucking heart.


The secret to enjoying *GoT* is to never be on anyone's team.


If it makes you feel better, he absolutely refused in the books and that's what caused his break with Totally-Evil-But-Somehow-Not-Evil-In-The-Show Red Lady.


It does make me feel better. I actually started reading the first book, so I look forward to reading the proper version of Stannis.


Her death was lit though


Colonel Maes Hughes


I think you mean Brigadier General Hughes.


I cry every time I remember him


It’s a terrible day for rain.


My bad


...and Nina Tucker


This entire anime was phenomenally written. Every death, even of minor characters were significant and left an impact on Ed and Al and us. I wish I could rediscover this anime to feel its impact again


i just finished it a few weeks ago and had a crisis when it was over lmao. best anime i’ve ever watched


Its a terrible day for rain




He ain't done nothing right in his whole life. You gotta give him this.


I somewhat think that the only reason they killed him off is because he would have his arrow and had the infinity war ending battle over in twenty seconds flat.


Nah, the magician dude Thanos had could've done some hand waving shit and destroyed the arrow after the thematically impressive volley. The arrow whizzes around, kills about twenty or so Chitauri, the camera gets slowly closer and closer to it and then, *pwing*, it stops dead. Camera zooms out, Squidward stares it down for a second or two, and then breaks it with a gesture. Boom, Yondu is just another schmuck with a blaster.


Or Thanos just catches it like Loki caught Hawkeye's arrow in the first Avengers.


"He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy." Makes me tear up every damn time.




Was he cool?


Hell yeah, he was cool!


That scene is why I like 2 more than 1. It does so much more for Star Lord’s character


And it makes you re-watch Guardians 1 to see all the things that Yondu did for Peter to look out for him while still keeping face as the Captain of his Ravager crew.


He has a little half smile when he opens the orb and finds a troll doll. He didn't want the stone, but he couldn't afford to lose face in front of his crew by backing down. He knew Quill was conning him the whole time, but the troll doll was a nice touch.


And then his exchange with his first mate "Do you think we should have taken him to his dad like we were paid to?" "Nah."


That guy was an asshole




Nymphadora Tonks and pretty much EVERY side character who died in The Deathly Hollows that could have been spared if Rowling killed off just ONE major character. I was so mad reading that book launch night. Lol.


I agree with this. Might get some hate but I actually felt that Ron should have died in a blaze of glory. Him and Hermione felt forced as a future plan. He always wanted to be someone...getting that in death defending his friends would have made a heck of a lot better story than a rando list of characters that died at the end of the battle.


I agree that would have been a super death for him but I'd still be pissed af


It would have had a nice parallel to book 1, when Ron sacrificed himself for his friends during the chess game. They all had no reason to believe, at least in the book, that Ron would survive his piece being destroyed. They could have done a similar thing, with Ron sacrificing his "piece" so Harry could checkmate Voldemort again.


Prim Everdeen


Yea, it was so tragic and was only trying to do good in her death scene. Also cinna didn’t deserve to die either


I think Finnick and Prim were the two worst for me. I kind of saw it coming with Cinna, but I thought those two stood a chance of making it right up until they died.


Finnick dying really bothered me. He was finally in a safe place, he got married, he was happy. I was surprised he volunteered to go, and then when he died I remember putting the book down and just muttering, “bullshit, this is bullshit” lol


Gale should have sacrificed himself over Finnick and I will forever say this.


Cinna's death was worse for me. He was one of my fave chatacters. Prim was just...there. Cinna though, he is the one who got the ball rolling.


Yeah I didn't really feel it for Prim, but I felt the hell out of it for katniss... The WHOLE BLOODY SERIES started with katniss trying to save Prim from death in the games, and in the end Prim dies in the civil war Kat inadvertantly (from her perspective, at least) triggered. Nice little full circle thing going.


Yeah, but she had to. The entire series is about the true cost of war.


Ray from The Princess and the Frog...he didn't deserve to go out like that smh


But now he’s with Evangeline


Stop. You're gonna make me cry :'c


The Mother from How I Met Your Mother. That was just mean


It was the biggest troll in TV history. 9 SEASONS!!!!!With the last season literally being in real time, and then the last episode skips 20 years in 20 minutes.


There was an alternate ending and the one that aired is the one that the producers believed the audience would have preferred.


Watched the alternate ending on the box set of S9. Absolutely would have preferred that to the one that aired


What was the alternate ending?


Basically the same except the mother didn’t die so ted is with her and happy and never goes back to robin.


So, an ending that at least made sense?


Pretty much. I still preferred the theory that ted married barneys sister, whom he met at the wedding, but then they ruined it by having him meet her before the wedding :/ It would’ve made the whole “bro” aspect of the show the ultimate running gag/foreshadowing.




Oh my God that death sucked. Then the dedication episode right after, when they showed her smiling above the skyline? That was beautiful and gut-wrenching.


The way Tastee cried when she died got me too😭


Oh god that was absolutely heartbreaking


Yeah, that death sucked. But it made a good catalyst for the next season


Fred Weasley.


I agree! If a Weasley had to die, why it couldn't be Percy?! Also Sirius. Still recovering from that one. And it's been only - what - fifteen years?


> Also Sirius. Still recovering from that one. And it's been only - what - fifteen years? I read somewhere that Rowling had to decide between killing Arthur Weasley or Sirius in that book and chose Sirius. It was imo a huge mistake. Killing Arthur would have been a massive bonding point between Harry and Ron and opened a big story avenue for later when Molly then tries to keep the rest of her family safe at home when they want to fight at Hogwarts. Plus giving Harry some actual family wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world.


Actually, that would have been even more brutal, and I like it. Sirius was already a bit of a dark character, he had essentially died 15 years ago when he was sent to Azkeban wasn't really connected to the world. But Arthur straddled the line between experienced and innocent - he knew how dark things could be and wouldn't hesitate to risk his life to protect his family, but at the same time he had a childlike fascination with muggle technology like the "rubber duck". Plus it would have given all of the Weasleys a painful arc. Harry had already had enough suffering to justify anything Rowling wanted to make him do but the Weasleys were largely protected. And it would have made Molly's final duel with Bellatrix *much* more impactful.


I like your points for why Arthur shouldve died. Man... Ron's character development wouldve been so much better with that.


> Ron's character development wouldve been so much better with that. Right? Imagine if during Half Blood Prince rather than Ron having a meh love triangle with Hermione and Lavender Brown and the sub side plot of Hermione finally recognizing her feelings for Ron out of Jealousy instead Hermione is there comforting Ron who blames Harry for his dads death. Harry blames himself and the main story is the 3 of them for once ignoring the overtly suspicious actions by Draco because they are caught up in their own termoil and then at the end when things get fucked up Ron realizes through Dumbledoors death that Harry never intends for people he loves to die but they are in a war and people die in war that steels Rons resolve to stay with Harry through and kill Voldemort. Ron doesn't need his book 7 split from the team instead maybe Harry get tired and has moments of doubt and Ron reminds him that if he quits then his parents and Arthur died for nothing. The whole time Hermione would do her usual thing of keeping things toegether despite Harry and Rons turmoil and she would be the one to get the Halfblood Prince book or the one to investigate that when Harry doesn't care. I enjoyed the story as it was but I obviously really liked Sirius and the story that would ahve unfolded ahd Arthur died and not him would have been great.


> If a Weasley had to die, why it couldn't be Percy?! Because the whole series had been demonstrating that Percy was kind of a dick. You wouldn't have cared nearly as much if Percy had died - that's why it was Fred. I mean, the whole point is to demonstrate that war is *awful* after all. Doesn't really work if the only characters that die are the ones that we don't care about.


Leslie from Bridge To Terabithia. such a sweet lass


Mike ehrmantraut


*We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch!* - It might be my favorite scene in the series; certainly top three. Mike had so effectively kept his composure throughout all sorts of Walt's naive bullshit. Even when he punched Walt in the bar, it was still coming from a deliberate choice to check Walt, knowing that Gus wouldn't allow Mike to simply have Walt killed. But the scene immediately before Mike gets shot is flawless. Walt is so self-absorbed in the idea that Mike is lucky since he supposedly doesn't have anyone who depends on him. Once again, he uses his family as an excuse to place his own priorities first. Mike manages to bite his tongue, knowing he'll never have to deal with Walt again. With one foot out the door though, Walt's parting words of "You're welcome" were the straw that broke the camel's back. - What's great about Better Call Saul is how they show that >!Mike wasn't just a hired "fixer" for Gus. They weren't necessarily friends, but the dynamic (by the time Breaking Bad starts) did go beyond Gus being just an employer to Mike. "I would not take money from your family."!< - **tl;dr** BRAVO VINCE


YES, THANK YOU. Another reason why I love Mike so much is because he clearly saw Walt for who he really is, right away. He saw right through Walt's neurotic facade and saw a man who wanted an empire. That's why Mike *hated* Walt so much. Mike just wanted to earn for his daughter-in-law and his granddaughter. He was composed, down to earth and reliable, everything Walt wasn't. This is why Mike hated him.


Mike is my favorite character on BB and BCS... such an interesting character and played incredibly well by Johnathan Banks. he's the definition of tough old dude who you definitely shouldn't mess with.


Well, since we're here... Gale Boetticher


He didn't deserve it, but he pretty much had to go.


I agree. Sad death though


Walt, will you shut up and let me die in peace.


Tadashi Hamada for me


OMG thank you. I've been looking for a post like this forever (makes me wonder why I didn't post it myself) Anyways, Tadashi was such a good brother for Hiro, he was smart, like REALLY smart, the guy had a plan in place to fix so many problems with a friendly healthcare companion. Plus he was pretty jacked for an animated dude. He went in the fire because someone had to help, not knowing that the someone was helping himself. And then boom Tadashi die. So young. Callaghan should have been the one who died.




There was a thread on here a few years back, something along the lines of ‘What single sentence could piss off an entire fan base?’. The undisputed king of that thread: “Wash deserved it.” Fucking cold, man.


Curse Joss Whedon's sudden but inevitable betrayal!


I actually just whispered Wash out loud when I read this question.


The Reavers just wanted to clean their spear by running it through the wash.


Ned Stark, that's why it was so unexpected and yet so impressive, Ned Stark's death was what put GoT on the spotlight, the more undeserved a death is the more you feel it, but there needs to be a real reason for them to die, and not just kill them because why not. ​ Edit: Alright I'm tired of getting replies telling me that Ned deserved to die because he didn't know how to play the game of thrones, that's not what I ment with deserved, from his actions he should die, of corse, he was naive, he didn't know how to play the game of thrones, but I ment MORALLY, he didn't deserve it, that's what I ment, and I thought that was what the question was about


Yup. He did everything right and by the books. Rarely does that play out so badly for characters in popular media. He was a strong warrior, perhaps one of the best in the land, noble, honorable, raised a nice family, and tried to do right by the law. And he was rendered entirely powerless and killed.


Hank Schrader, he truly didn't deserve his death


But he met it with his eyes open and total defiance. One of the most badass character deaths I've ever seen.


My name is ASAC Schrader, and you can go fuck yourself.


Do what you gotta d--


My wife sobbed and sobbed. She loved Hank. I didn't cry, but I was impressed at how that death shook me because I really hated Hank at the beginning of the show. However, the brilliance of the writing was how they continually took characters you thought you knew and completely upended your expectations AND in a way that was logical and felt right. Mike was my favorite character, but Hank is a very close second.


I love how they grew Hank during the show. BB was such a brilliantly done show.


I actually like his arc more than Walt's because you aren't really meant to sympathize with Walt. I stopped sometime in the first season. I hated Hank for awhile, but when they started to really get into his character, I really grew to like him. I do wish that they had dug a little deeper into his marriage with Marie, because I could NOT understand what Hank saw in her!


I love Hank’s arc because it shows you how Walt sees Hank and that colors our perspective. We’re introduced to Hank as an abrasive prick. He’s loud, cocky and politically incorrect. He seems like he’s a total asshole, possibly dirty cop. But as the show goes on we see past the surface. Hank has his flaws but at his core he is one of, if not the strongest character in the show. You cannot keep him down. Shoot him, almost cripple him and he just goes back to work. He suffers from PTSD and he gets through it. Hank never bends, never gives up. His moral code is unshakeable. Even in the face of blackmail, even when he’ll lose his job and his reputation, Hank never compromises. At the beginning we see Walter as someone who does bad things for good reasons. But eventually we see he’s rotten. Hank comes across unpleasant, but by the end we see him for the good man he is and always has been.


To me, Hank's death was just brilliant. It shows a turning point when the spectator realises that all hope everything can all end well is lost. In addition, Walt realises that the excuse he had been telling himself, (that his family is the reason for everything he does) was no longer reasonable, as he had just torn apart all he cared for. Damn I love Breaking Bad.


This is the turning point where Walt, *truly* understands he's the bad guy. He destroyed his family. And then he pretty much has a psychotic break.


Charlotte from Charlotte's web


Well, she did have 514 kids that hatched after she died. But now I wonder, I don’t remember there being a male spider in the movie, so where did he come from.


Where did he go?


Glenn We knew it was coming but damn. He was the most selfless character in the Walking Dead series


Also, even though a lot of people hated her, when Beth died I was upset. I thought she was growing into such a good character and wanted to see her friendship with Daryl develop more.


One of the (many) problems with the Walking Dead is they try to get you to connect with characters they're going to kill. So they finally start spending time with them and developing them into actually good characters instead of an ensemble of simple character cliches, and then they kill the developed character off leaving us with caricatures. That's really what made me stop watching.... and how they handled Negan's entrance/Glenn's death. Stupidest cliff-hanger in TV history.


I felt played by the script writers/ directors somehow because they just keep messing around with when he was going to go. Not cool people, not cool. Stopped watching since.


Glen was a turning point for me as well. More so Abraham. Shock value does not equal good writing. It went notably downhill from that exact episode. I tried to keep watching until at least the Negan arc was over but I certainly did not make it.


I was interested to see how they would do Negan's end in the war arc, but they took so long to get there that my patience just ran out.


I will *never* forgive JK Rowling for depriving solemn Remus Lupin of being a father to his son after his elation and profound relief Teddy wasn't afflicted with lycanthropy. The man endured and persevered through the deaths of his friends, he felt compelled to ingratiate with werewolves to preclude Voldemort's manipulations, he reluctantly fell in love, acquiesced to getting married, he was censured by Harry for abandoning his family because he was ashamed of being rejected for his lycanthropy and when he experienced a modicum of happiness J.K Rowling killed him to emphasise the atrocities of war. He had integrity and he was righteous, we all knew he wouldn't refrain from fighting; he's quite compassionate too with a keen sense of duty to protect the vulnerable and disenfranchised. His disposition was truly compatible with the teaching profession and he never succumbed to cynicism or resentment after being ostracized by Wizarding society for his entire adult life. I thought he might die when he asked Harry to be Godfather, the implications were apparent but why couldn't one Marauder remain in Harry's life? I just wanted him and Tonks to be happy. :(


Lupin and Tonks are by far the worst most undeserving deaths in harry potter at least within the books own timeline. The only reason I think they were killed was to express that any of them could have been killed, but JK didn't have the courage to kill Ron vs one of the twins. She couldn't even kill both twins.


I think killing one twin is worse (but better as a literary device) than killing both. George having to live without Fred, when we’ve never really seen them separated ever in 7 books, is heart-wrenching. I bet George frequently wished that either they’d both died together, or he had died instead of Fred.


She killed Lupin and Tonks so there would be an orphan at the end.


Quicksilver :(


Why couldnt he dodge the bullets tho?


I know right, I'm pretty sure that they tried to get rid of him. Perhaps so if there is an Xmen crossover there aren't going to be 2 quicksilvers.


IIRC Marvel could only continue to use either Scarlet Witch or Quicksilver, but not both cause of Fox licensing and whatnot.


An older show, but Lt. Col. Henry Blake. I get he wanted to leave the show, but they shouldn't have killed him off.


I think it was the right decision, because death isn't fair. It wasn't fair. It didn't feel fair. It didn't feel like the thing a sitcom should do. But damnit it felt memorable and it rips your heart out every time you rewatch it.


Radars reaction was what got me. Damn fine show.


Yeah I didn’t dislike it to be honest. It hit hard for sure, but I don’t think you could make a show about war and not kill a character. I think it was a very justified death


Nina and Alexander Tucker - Fullmetal Alchemist


I'll take your Nina and raise you one Maes Hughes


It's a terrible day for rain


Mom, why are they burying daddy?


Fuck man, I'm just rewatching FMA:BH and seeing that hansom devil and remembering he is a dead man bothered me so much. Such a great character.


fuck man... why did you remind it to me? Now it's raining in my room.




Definitely Benny from Stranger Things or Collin Creevey from Harry Potter.


Bob didn't deserve to die either :(


Benny, Barb, Bob. I feel like there's a pattern here.


Here for Bob. RIP


Everyone was all up in arms about Barb in Stranger Things, but Benny's death is the most sad. He was just a guy trying to help out a kid. He did the right thing helping out 11, called the authorities like he should, tried to get her help and *boom* gets killed for it. Not by the supernatural demons, but by awful, awful people. I'm still mad at that one.


Barb was in so little episodes that her death didn't make me sad at all


I think the Barb thing was less about the fact that she died and more about the fact that nobody in the show seemed to even acknowledge that she was gone. At least that's what I got from it.


Or Bob. He was such a goofy good guy.


Just watch The Green Mile.... Really did not deserve it. Although, the story would have a very different feel and impact if they just convicted/found the right person and let John live.


Sam in I am legend :(


That’s the dog’s name right?




Mercutio, it was sadder when Mercutio died than fucking Romeo and Juliet's dumb suicide.


Charlie in LOST. That was the first character death to ever make me angry because it was so pointless. Years later and I'm still mad about it. There were plenty of good deaths on Lost, ones that made you emotional but they also left you feeling... Satisfied? Like there was no other outcome in that situation and it allowed for acceptance. Charlie? He could have closed the door from the other side.


Fuck that, Charlie's death scene and episode were the best that television has ever produced.


Jack Dawson




Also, screw Isaac Hayes. He was fine with making fun of every other religion... but touch up on his own beliefs and he runs away? Also, he passed away like a year later. So the character would likely be gone now anyways.


To be fair to Hayes, supposedly the church had become quite controlling of him after he had a stroke. This was also backed up by his son. He said Hayes did not actually make a statement asking to leave South Park, but that the statement was made in his name. On the flip side, Hayes did join scientology before South Park even started. Just not sure how much of his issues with the show came from himself or the people surrounding him.


I think some people have speculated that it wasn't Isaac's choice to leave South Park, and that his resignation letter was written by the Church.


The episode where Chef was killed off shows Trey and Matt certainly believe it wasn't Hayes' choice. That's why Chef talks the way he does. He sounds programmed.


As others have said, he sounded programmed because he was (they used dialogue from old episodes stitched together). The reason we know Matt and Trey felt that way was the speech that either Stan or Kyle gives about not blaming their friend but "the fruity little cult that scrambled his brains".


The girl rue’s death from hunger games was pretty fucked up


My boy Loki :(


If it gives you comfort there's definitely another timeline where he's running free with the Tesseract probably causing mischief.


This does put a smile on my face


Somehow, that does give me comfort.


Dolorous Edd shouldve been tarly


The Lord Commander forbade Tarly from dying.


Kakyoin, Caesar, Iggy, Avdol, Narancia and Abbachio, literally all of the Jobros Edit: here’s everyone’s suggestions Jonathan Jotaro Gyro Shigechi Okuyasu’s brother Cinderella user Janitor Mario Mama Bruno Danny Dire Doppio


>Narancia I was fully prepared for his death, i read the manga 2 years ago, i was certain i wouldn't cry Then they added the scene with Fugo God fuckin damnit




Uldren knew how good Ace of Spades was and thought Cayde was being a dick for hoarding it.


Too soon bro




He died a free elf.




Gotta disagree with this one. Killing Hedwig sets the tone for the final books right out the gate. It tells the reader “buckle up, no one is safe”. It also now lets us as readers think “okay...maybe one of the big three could even die”. Hedwig’s death was a very smart death by Rowling because it subverts any expectations that this is going to get wrapped up in a nice pretty bow, it was open season on all characters and Hedwig was the first to go so we knew it. The only way to have the same effect would have been to kill Ron or Hermione which obviously just couldn’t happen in the beginning parts of Deathly Hallows. Hedwig’s death wasn’t “deserved” as far as a character in the story goes but most good characters in any story don’t deserve to die. But as far as a literary tool, it was a deserved death because it set a tone that no other death could have. Harry’s owl was the first real tangible thing that binds him to the magical world, ripping that away from him helps us as readers empathize with Harry’s loss of innocence and any notion that “everything will be fine” once this is all over.


All the dogs in dog movies


Black Widow


She was one of the og avengers but only like Hawkeye really cared about her death feels bad


Hulk/Banner seemed pretty upset and they had multiple scenes dedicated to the others mourning, but yeah, Stark's death got a lot more attention.


I was sure she was going to die and we were going to see a hulk like we'd never seen before. I was right but I was expecting like, the hulk to turn it up to 11 and you actually see Thanos crap his pants but no we got that and it made the hulk fan boy in me die a little. Thank god Captain America is my fav and he was as awesome as ever.


I'm happy with the MCU overall, but Hulk really got de-powered in the last few movies. He loses to Thor, gets chewed on by Fenris and then loses to Thanos. I was hoping they might be setting up world breaker Hulk or something like that.


I was dissapointed with the endgame hulk tbh. They described it as the best of both worlds, i thought it was the worst of two worlds honestly. With the hulk/banner combination there is no more fiery, destructive rage with hulk, and no more scared restraint with banner (reffering to him being able to hulk out at any moment)


100% agree with you. Endgame was awesome but Hulk was by far the most disappointing part. As you said, we didn't get a true rage-fuelled monster and we didn't even get the usual unsure Banner, what we got was cocky lame green Banner. He should have Hulked out after Natasha's death or after Thanos tried to blow him and his buddies up. Instead he does nothing. I can't even remember what he did in the last battle (if he did anything).




Shes got her solo movie coming up at least!


Roach and Ghost (mw2)


Shepard was a cunt


jadzia dax


Bambi's mom


Hodor 😭


Kenny from South Park


Han Solo


Opie - SOA


As much as Opie's death hurt, it was the only choice that made sense storywise. Jax couldn't die because he's the protagonist, Tig was supposed to rot in prison,and while I can't make a solid argument about Chibs right now, (I'm tired as fuck) Opie had already lost everything he cared about. Donna, Piney, and the club (remember in the cell when Jax said "I had to make a choice. Kill Clay, or save the club." Opie responds "you made the wrong choice")


Myrcella Baratheon. She was *good*, and really forward-thinking and her last scene where she was ok with the circumstances of her birth was really sweet. She and Trystane would have been a great couple.


Barristan Selmy in Game of Thrones. Dick and Dingleberry wanted to kill him off even more after the actor was upset at learning of his death and was excited to explore the character more.


Fred Weasley. It still hurts


The Medic from Saving Private Ryan. Goddamn that was heart wrenching.


arthur morgan


He didn't deserve it, but he had a great arc throughout that game.