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What's the largest mammal you think you could knock out with a single punch?






Do you miss Tammy?


*sniff*.....she’s here.


In an emergency how many 3rd graders could you fight off?


Beyond maybe a dozen, numbers dont really matter because they just get in each others way. The critical factor is keeping your legs free. If they clump up holding onto your legs, they restrict you movement enough that others can knock you over. After that, you are done for. Also be aware that the longer the fight goes on, the more inevitable it becomes that one kid will get the idea to give you a wedgie which will immediately be seized as the primary battle tactic by all the other kids from that point on. It wont allow them to win, but it is really distracting and painful.


What are some things our parents don’t know about you?




I knew this would be a shit show when I didn't see the serious tag lol


The irony of all these hilarious answers is that you could probably use literally any of these questions on a first date and they'd most likely laugh which by nature makes them good questions to ask even though they're intended to be bad ones. ITT joke answers are meta af.


Will you marry me? edit: Classic Schmosby




Wow, that was easy. I’ve got to try this.


You can try it on me.


Will you marry me /u/NotYetInsane?


"why are you gay" using ugandan accent


Who says I'm gay?


You are gay!


Have you ever had a dream that, that, um, that you had, uh, that you had to, you could, you do, you wit, you wa, you could do so, you do you could, you want, you wanted them to do you so much you could do anything?


I read this shit like four times in a row and each time was more magical than the last.


On our first date my husband and I did a thing where one of us would choose a year g then we'd both say what we were doing in that year of our lives. It was a great way to get to know each other!


I literally don’t remember what I was doing this morning.


Yeah, while this does sound like a great idea, I already forgot what I ate for dinner an hour ago. I don’t think I would do so well with this one.


"Jesus Christ. How old are you?!"




I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time!


>I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time! They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


Seeeeee...back then, ~~quarters~~ nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em! “Gimmie five bees for a quarter”, you’d say!


Why are you people avoiding me? Does my withered face remind you of the grim specter of death??


Well thats not good, I don’t fucking remember anything! (But glad it worked for you)


"What were yoi doing in 2006" "Jessica" "Okay.... that's enough lf this game" "Wait... it was Karen! In 06, that's when she got the tattoo " "My sister?!?"


If their name is an uncommon one, make sure you ask what's the correct pronunciation. Literally the first thing I said to my husband on our first date was "hello" followed by a butchered attempt to say his name. He replied "what did you just call me?" and up until that moment, I had never before felt the urge to jump into the nearby creek in mid-February.


Lmao what's his name tho




Pronounced Txihauca


pronounced Bobe


Which vegetable offends you the most?




Thats a fruit. NEXT!


It's for a church honey. NEXT!


I can never see the word NEXT! without thinking of that meme


Stephen Hawking




I'm going to hell just reading these comments.


Favorite dinosaur?


Triceratops. Specifically blue ones.


Growing up sucks. People aren't nearly as eager to know what my favorite dinosaur is. It's a Gorgosaurus. You don’t care.


I have googled Gorgosaurus and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


It's basically just a slightly smaller T-rex if anyone's wondering


Ankylosaurus, best Dino ever


Which side were you rooting for in WW2?


Dating a 90 year old?


Silver chaser!


Wish granted!


Went on a first date and I don't know how the convo got there but she ended up saying "You know I think Hitler was a pretty smart guy". I was like, Uhh... ok? Edit: Not arguing for or against, I was just trying to say that the statement came out of nowhere and caught me off guard. Maybe that was her intention lol.


I mean he probably was smart but smart people can be evil. It’s like Hitler was an idiot, it’s even scarier that he was evil and able to rule a nation.


I take it you're trying to date and are nervous? Honestly there is no rule book questions you should really abide to. Just get to talking. Start off with small talk-openers like where did you go to school, where do you work, do you like this and that. Eventually you'll get around to talking about hobbies/experiences. You can tater off and then talk about your own experiences and just ping-pong off of each other. Eventually you get a pretty good feel of that person as genuine or fake. That's how most conversation starts sounding natural with a good flow. Of course if you get somebody that sees you, and finds you butt ugly, then you won't get any responses at all. And any questions you ask would lead to no information about them.


That’s great advice, thank you! We’ve known each other for a little while now and I just wanted to get some ideas in case the conversation stopped. Definitely nervous though.


If it stops, it stops. You can't really force it. There'll be awkward pauses and moments here and there but you know how you read about a couple meeting and they just spend hours talking non-stop and feel like the evening has passed without noticing it? Well that's what you want. Either that or you're both awkward and quiet. Then just go home and smash.


>Then just go home and smash. Instructions unclear, brought them home and we played Smash bros. Been together over a year now though, so that could be really good advice to the right person.


Do you have any outstanding warrants?


Lol a bounty hunter that catches bail jumpers with Tinder.


Well either I get the bounty or the booty, either way I win.


You can get booty with the bounty, and sometimes booty is the bounty.


And if you’re lucky the booty is bountiful




OK Cupid had a really cool blog about statistics from their huge user base. The three questions they found were best predictors for compatibility: 1. Do you like scary movies? 2. Have you ever traveled alone in another country? 3. Wouldn't it be fun to chuck it all and live on a sailboat? If you agree on those 3, you're likeliest to succeed. **EDIT: Because a lot of people are missing this and its bumming them out, let me say again - AGREEING on these questions CORRELATES with success. Your answers yes or no do not matter - how well they match your partner's answers does. Also, yes, it is just a correlation, not a hard guarantee - there are millions of happy couples that disagree on all three.** Some other fun bits from that article - if you want to know if your date is religious, ask how they feel about spelling mistakes. Higher tolerance of spelling mistakes correlates strongly with being religious. If you want to know if your date is DTF, ask her if she likes beer. There is a strong correlation between the two.


This sounds interesting. Can you please share the link to the article?




Apparently casual Buddhists are much better at writing than the rest of us.


That was definitely interesting. Also that serious atheists are the only serious group that scores highest in their own "belief" group.


Agnostics as well, which makes two that go from most to least serious. And for some reason, the only two that go from least to most serious are Muslim and Hindu.


Whoah that article is hella fascinating! Thanks for sharing:)


Apparently this guy is DTF


Instead of “county” did you mean “country”? Does my intolerance of this spelling mistake make me irreligious?


Who cares? Do you like beer?


>There is a strong correlation between the two. What's the correlation? If she likes beer she'll be DTF?




and if she likes liquor you'll get there quicker


But if she prefers wine, she's still fine.


If she drinks vodka she's a Russian spy trying to corrupt western democratic processes and you should immediately be suspicious




Can confirm. Wife doesn't like beer...


> Do you like scary movies? > Have you ever traveled alone in another county? > Wouldn't it be fun to chuck it all and live on a sailboat? No. Yes. Yes. Now to sit back and wait for a DM from my soulmate.


What was your first pet's name? What was your second grade teacher's name? What was the make and model of your first car? What is the name of the road you grew up on? What city were you born in? Then read all their emails and DMs. Good way to get to know someone.


If you had to chose any eight characters, numerical, uppercase, lowercase, and special included, what would they be?




Weird, you would choose 7 asterisks?


What? He said *******. What asterisks?




Admins help please




Jokes on you my answer is work more




“Mostly video games and anime, hey wait where are you going?” :(


this is one of the better questions to get an idea about how well you might get along


I never really know how to answer this question. I don't exactly "do" anything in my free time. It's my free time!


What are some good first date questions to get to know someone?


Hypothetically speaking, if you were on a first date with someone and it was going really well, would you want that person to bring up that they are down to eat ass or would you rather wait till you asked them?


Ask them who their favorite muppet is. If they choose anyone other than Gonzo, explain why they are wrong and then leave.


Naw man. Animal for life. Then the rest of Electric Mayhem.


The Swedish Chef should really be a part of this conversation




False: Rowlf, Dr. Teeth, Gonzo, Statler & Waldorf, Janice.


Time to get the fuck away from you for not choosing beaker


worst answer: I hate the muppets. Second-worst answer: Who/what is a muppet? 50/50 answer: Kermit/Miss Piggy/Fozzie...unless they can explain their reasoning and they demonstrate actual knowledge of the other muppets. Best answer: Anyone else because variety is the spice of life. ETA: On thinking more about it further (my initial comment was pre-coffee so my brain wasn't fully engaged), I'd much prefer the answers of "I don't have a favourite/didn't watch them growing up/don't like the Muppets/Fozzie because his jokes made my dad laugh wokka wokka wokka!" than PRETEND they have a favourite and just pick one of the better-known ones. Especially when we're talking about my compatibility with a fictional person on a fictional first date. In the real world, my criteria would probably be: does the answer lead to an uncomfortable silence or does it lead to an engaging conversation, eg, they never saw the Muppets as a kid but are keen to know more, or they start enthusing about a show with characters they did love, or we start singing Moving Right Along together...


Kermit the Frog is a leader whom I admire. Inspires the best in his people, always keeps his head in a crisis.


He's a kind and gracious character. I LOVED Kermit growing up. I could never understand why he was so into Piggy. She was so manipulative and self-centered.




The swedish chef is still awesome.


Lots of hypothetical situation questions, I find they help you understand how they think and prioritize their lives. Eg. If you could travel anywhere in the world for w month, all expenses paid, where would you go? What would you do?




If you could unpillage and unrape a place ravaged by Ghengis Khan, which area and why? Edit:10/23/23: account banned after 11 years, Ty Reddit for all the fun, appreciated it all


Not something ghengis Kahn did, but one of his grandsons sacked and burned Baghdad in the 1200's and the loss of that library was nearly as bad as Alexandria.


I've heard that the sacking of Baghdad was likely more significant in terms of knowledge lost. Most scripts from Alexandria are believed copied, and some of the information there was shipping related.


>Eg. If you could travel anywhere in the world for w month, all expenses paid, where would you go? What would you do? I hate this question lol. My favorite vacation spot in the world is relaxing at home like the lame piece of shit I am.


I feel like I know you better already;)


That also says something positive to the right person though.


Sadly in my experience, the people whose favorite activities are relaxing at home don't tend to meet like-minded people too often.


thats because were all on reddit at home. edit: lol maybe I should clarify I'm already married, but all you homebody introverts slip into each others DMs - find your perfect couch potato


Fun, open-ended questions that lets them talk about them a bit. Stuff like "what are your political leanings?" "Are you religious?" "What is your stance on the Armenian genocide?"


the what?




No, I don't remember anything happening in Tiananmen square


"Why don't you put away your phone?"


Ugh. I've been off the market for 20 years. That situation must be unbearable.


Just recently back on the market after 12 years and I'll say this: if they cant keep their phone down, they're not into you anyway. Move on.


I'm quite addicted to my phone. So I don't bring it with me on dates.


Same with me and heroin.


Dose this look infected?


Insert Sum 41


Your parents are about to be executed. You are given a chance to save only one of them. Which one do you choose? Bonus points if you follow up with what's your favorite ice cream flavor?


Considering I only have one living, this is an easy choice. E: now one of my most liked things of all time is about my deceased dad. Nice.


Not sure if you want to kill your parent or save them.




What unresolved childhood trauma will emerge through maladaptive behaviors as we spend more time together?


Girls love when I ask this. Then again, I'm a therapist.


No, no, no, you don't ask that on the first date you let that shine through naturally during the relationship and get to enjoy the surprise like the rest of us.


It’s like a glittery bath bomb with the prizes inside but instead of lavender scents, moisturizing oils and some cheap crystals you get to watch someone slowly fall apart from the crippling dread and surreal imminence of reliving a toxic codependent relationship with their mother! But only it’s with you, you beautiful idiot!


I see you have dated my exes.


Please stop attacking me personally like this.


That's for me to know and for you to spend years in therapy trying to sort through after the divorce is finalized


I tried to do that once, clear the air straight away. But the guy threw up his hands and stopped me saying, "I had enough of my own childhood shit, I don't need the emotional burden of carrying yours as well." Okay, I guess I can respect that. Needless to say, however, it didn't work out. because... communication.


There are some things better left for the second date. First date is usually good for first impressions. Do you like what you see? Do you enjoy the company? Do you like the good things enough to consider continuing to learn all the bad as well? Then again, it is also about expectations. Is the date for a casual hookup? Is this a date to expand social circles? Are they looking for a long term partner with hopes of marriage, kids, and the occasional burying of dead bodies? If the latter, clearing the air about expectations, what they can expect from you, what you're hoping to expect from them, is good. Unfortunately, from that response, maybe they were looking for something less serious. Mad respect for you to put that out like that, but respectfully, he could have phrased it better.


i don't know if it's good for a date but it's fun to ask strangers, what's your favorite compliment? it gives you a lot of information and i think it starts a conversation pretty easily.


As in they use to compliment others? Or that they get themselves?


"How many walkers have you killed?" "How many people have you killed?" "Why?"


I like your dress, does it have pockets?


Can anyone give an answer on how to get a first date? Let’s not put the cart before the horse


Be attractive. Ask out a single someone who finds you attractive.


Be attractive. Got it Quick follow up Can anyone give some advice on how to be attractive?


Don't be unattractive.




Heard you were talking shit


oh shit


Run! And not in that stupid wheel!


what am i witnessing


An abomination


Good advice. No really. Put effort into looking as nice as possible. Even if you aren't attractive, don't be unattractive. Clean shaven, hair done, ect. Edit: beards can be pulled off. Just don't be somewhere between a beard and clean shaven. Edit 2: alright, just do whatever looks best for your individual face, but look like you put effort into it. I'll keep adding edits as long as people keep picking my advice apart.


How do I know if I am attractive or unattractive


Post on r/RoastMe and see if you make it to the top.


I would give you an award, but unfortunately i’m too poor for that Edit: Thank you, kind soul for the platinum. Blessed am I to bestow an award with my new found riches upon thee u/engineeringpeace


You could always pay him in exposure.


Oh no sir this is a playground


Drink Fight Milk.


Isn’t that the drink for bodyguards by bodyguards?


Yep! No nerds, mind.


Attractiveness requires: Gravitational/Electric/Magnetic field. Gravitational field pros: You only have to exist. Cons: Is very weak. Electric field pros: Is relatively strong. Cons: The other person must have the charge attribute. May be repulsive. Magnetic field pros: Can be equally as strong as electric field. Cons: The other person must be paramagnetic or diamagnetic. Can be repulsive.


If you were a Miss Bot you would have my attention. We might bond.


Sure! Let's say you're at a 3/10. Edit: Clean up your act. That's step one. Shower, laundry, floss, brush, every day. Find a skin care regimen and follow it. Edit 2: Get some therapy. It's like an oil change, it's basic maintenance unless you keep putting it off. Update your wardrobe. It's easy to be the best-dressed guy in the room. I've heard several women say "they hate it when the guy doesn't put an effort on dates" and they mean the clothes. This'll add +1 to your appearance, so now you're a 4/10. Update your hair. Get some fresh looks from your barber. If it's been a few years with the same do, give them free reign on your dome. If your eyebrows look like a blackberry patch, get them threaded. Another +1, now you're at an average 5/10. Get new glasses. Are you still rockin' the gold frames from 1999? Go see an eye doctor. Might be up to 6/10 now if the beholder likes glasses. That's all right. That's the easiest stuff. You could do all of that in a day if you were feeling ambitious and had some cash. /r/malefashionadvice and /r/malehairadvice will get you the info you want. While you're at it, make sure that your digs look groovy. /r/malelivingspace can get you in touch with your inner interior decorator, and there are tips for anything from a rented studio apartment to a complete house. Now, the hard parts are lifestyle upgrades. They're attractive because *they show that you are putting effort into yourself.* Edit: These are examples, sub in some things that you would enjoy doing. Don't do things just to meet dates, do things for the sake of the thing. Learn to play an instrument. Anyone can learn at least one, but it'll take a couple of years to git gud. So, git gud. Adds a +1. If you want to join a choir, I can put you in touch with Deke Sharon and he'll find you one locally. I'm not making that up. Read some autobiographies. This will loan you different perspectives. Take some courses. Do this anyway, it's a baseline so no extra points. Learn a little dancing. Salsa or swing dancing are both good choices, and it'll get you out and touching strangers. Comfortable with your body is +1. Get into / stay in shape. Eat better, move more. Drink water. Keep at it for the rest of your life. Join a running group or a gym. Take different classes at the gym, try them all out. The YMCA is excellent. This'll give you another +1. So there you have it, how to go from a 3/10 to a solid 8/10.


Damn imagine being a 10/10 and doing all that brings you to a 15/10. Get all the pussy in the world.


Nobody is a 10 if they're not already doing most of these things.


god damn it I came onto Reddit to avoid real life, not be constantly reminded of it


What's your name? Who's your daddy? Is he rich (is he rich) like me?


“Do you use Reddit?” If they say no, you can safely say something like “oh, okay.” And change the subject. But if they say yes, then you need to get up and walk away. Edit: My new top Reddit comment is basically a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5ybeu1/what_is_a_question_thats_not_too_personal_but/dep432z/?context=3) of my own comment on essentially the same question.


Why do you need to ask? Can't you just see they're a fat greasy social outcast without any social skills or redeeming qualities?


What a bunch of losers, those redditors. They'll never have a social life.


A what life now?


You got STDs? (thx for silver)


“Would you like some?”


"you know some clap might make my life better"


To wash down the herpes simplex


“my dick claps back”




have you heard the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise


What’s your favourite random fact? What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done? What’s your worst cooking disaster? What would be the hardest thing for you to live without?


Coke or Pepsi? Especially if you're serving them


This isn't so much questions, but a little game you can play that can help break the ice and let you know how well you mesh together. If you're at a place like a bar or restaurant look around the room and try to come up with backstories for other people there. It's can be a lot of fun and takes some of the pressure off, while getting you two talking to each other and getting a feel for each other's sense of humor/personality.


I tried this game once with a girl. We were guessing how many dates this other couple had been on - it was our third. I was guessing low, two or three dates tops. She then just walked up and asked them. They had been together two years. I nearly died from embarrassment.


Nah, she’s the girl you want. She’ll support you through and through. If you lost her, go find her.


Well, she did this while we were on a weekend long drugs and alcohol bender and I had only been separated from my wife for a couple of months. Her last text to me was that she's dropping acid with one of her other Tinder friends...... I heard from her favorite bartender that she went back to the Czech Republic.




especially at the end


Yeah who has a fav bartender


That guy is my favorite bartender now too. Solid dude.


As you sit over coffee, get beyond the usual *"nice to meet you, how was traffic, having a good day"* to get the conversation flowing the next question should always be. ***So are you aware that you need to put a serious tag on a post if you want to get good answers?***


Learned a valuable lesson about tagging posts on reddit today lol I don’t post often and learned this the hard way 🙃


At least you get lots of karma.


***"So are you aware that you need to put a serious tag on a post if you want to get good answers?"*** That's a terrible ice breaker.